From a2d9be45c1b639bb009d7b8255168910464d739b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Guohan Lu <>
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2018 21:05:19 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] simplify start_swss/stop_swss

Signed-off-by: Guohan Lu <>
 tests/         | 57 ++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 tests/ | 21 +++------------
 2 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 61fde99ebab3..57cf0efb53d8 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -128,21 +128,20 @@ def runcmd_async(self, cmd):
 class DockerVirtualSwitch(object):
     def __init__(self, name=None):
-        self.pnames = ['fpmsyncd',
-                       'intfmgrd',
-                       'intfsyncd',
-                       'neighsyncd',
-                       'orchagent',
-                       'portsyncd',
-                       'redis-server',
-                       'rsyslogd',
-                       'syncd',
-                       'teamsyncd',
-                       'vlanmgrd',
-                       'vrfmgrd',
-                       'teammgrd',
-                       'portmgrd',
-                       'zebra']
+        self.basicd = ['redis-server',
+                       'rsyslogd']
+        self.swssd = ['orchagent',
+                      'intfmgrd',
+                      'intfsyncd',
+                      'neighsyncd',
+                      'portsyncd',
+                      'vlanmgrd',
+                      'vrfmgrd',
+                      'portmgrd']
+        self.syncd = ['syncd']
+        self.rtd   = ['fpmsyncd', 'zebra']
+        self.teamd = ['teamsyncd', 'teammgrd']
+        self.alld  = self.basicd + self.swssd + self.syncd + self.rtd + self.teamd
         self.mount = "/var/run/redis-vs"
         self.redis_sock = self.mount + '/' + "redis.sock"
         self.client = docker.from_env()
@@ -236,7 +235,7 @@ def check_ready(self, timeout=30):
             # check if all processes are running
             ready = True
-            for pname in self.pnames:
+            for pname in self.alld:
                     if process_status[pname] != "RUNNING":
                         ready = False
@@ -259,6 +258,20 @@ def check_ready(self, timeout=30):
     def restart(self):
+    # start processes in SWSS
+    def start_swss(self):
+        cmd = ""
+        for pname in self.swssd:
+            cmd += "supervisorctl start {}; ".format(pname)
+        self.runcmd(['sh', '-c', cmd])
+    # stop processes in SWSS
+    def stop_swss(self):
+        cmd = ""
+        for pname in self.swssd:
+            cmd += "supervisorctl stop {}; ".format(pname)
+        self.runcmd(['sh', '-c', cmd])
     def init_asicdb_validator(self):
         self.asicdb = AsicDbValidator(self)
@@ -523,18 +536,6 @@ def setReadOnlyAttr(self, obj, attr, val):
         ntf.send("set_ro", key, fvp)
-    # start processes in SWSS
-    def start_swss(self):
-        self.runcmd(['sh', '-c', 'supervisorctl start orchagent; supervisorctl start portsyncd; supervisorctl start intfsyncd; \
-            supervisorctl start neighsyncd; supervisorctl start intfmgrd; supervisorctl start vlanmgrd; \
-            supervisorctl start buffermgrd; supervisorctl start arp_update'])
-    # stop processes in SWSS
-    def stop_swss(self):
-        self.runcmd(['sh', '-c', 'supervisorctl stop orchagent; supervisorctl stop portsyncd; supervisorctl stop intfsyncd; \
-            supervisorctl stop neighsyncd;  supervisorctl stop intfmgrd; supervisorctl stop vlanmgrd; \
-            supervisorctl stop buffermgrd; supervisorctl stop arp_update'])
 def dvs(request):
     name = request.config.getoption("--dvsname")
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 2a7d69422096..f83bfffb6707 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -4,19 +4,6 @@
 import time
 import json
-# start processes in SWSS
-def start_swss(dvs):
-    dvs.runcmd(['sh', '-c', 'supervisorctl start orchagent; supervisorctl start portsyncd; supervisorctl start intfsyncd; \
-        supervisorctl start neighsyncd; supervisorctl start intfmgrd; supervisorctl start vlanmgrd; \
-        supervisorctl start buffermgrd; supervisorctl start arp_update'])
-# stop processes in SWSS
-def stop_swss(dvs):
-    dvs.runcmd(['sh', '-c', 'supervisorctl stop orchagent; supervisorctl stop portsyncd; supervisorctl stop intfsyncd; \
-        supervisorctl stop neighsyncd;  supervisorctl stop intfmgrd; supervisorctl stop vlanmgrd; \
-        supervisorctl stop buffermgrd; supervisorctl stop arp_update'])
 # Get restore count of all processes supporting warm restart
 def swss_get_RestoreCount(state_db):
     restore_count = {}
@@ -718,8 +705,8 @@ def test_OrchagentWarmRestartReadyCheck(dvs):
     assert result == "RESTARTCHECK failed\n"
     # recover for test cases after this one.
-    stop_swss(dvs)
-    start_swss(dvs)
+    dvs.stop_swss()
+    dvs.start_swss()
 def test_swss_port_state_syncup(dvs):
@@ -764,7 +751,7 @@ def test_swss_port_state_syncup(dvs):
             assert oper_status == "down"
-    stop_swss(dvs)
+    dvs.stop_swss()
     # flap the port oper status for Ethernet0, Ethernet4 and Ethernet8
@@ -776,7 +763,7 @@ def test_swss_port_state_syncup(dvs):
     dvs.servers[1].runcmd("ip link set up dev eth0") == 0
-    start_swss(dvs)
+    dvs.start_swss()
     swss_check_RestoreCount(state_db, restore_count)