diff --git a/cfgmgr/intfmgr.cpp b/cfgmgr/intfmgr.cpp
index 34b82d3c060c..c8cb075574bc 100644
--- a/cfgmgr/intfmgr.cpp
+++ b/cfgmgr/intfmgr.cpp
@@ -707,6 +707,8 @@ void IntfMgr::doTask(Consumer &consumer)
static bool replayDone = false;
+ string table_name = consumer.getTableName();
auto it = consumer.m_toSync.begin();
while (it != consumer.m_toSync.end())
@@ -718,6 +720,16 @@ void IntfMgr::doTask(Consumer &consumer)
if (keys.size() == 1)
+ (op == SET_COMMAND))
+ {
+ //No further processing needed. Just relay to orchagent
+ m_appIntfTableProducer.set(keys[0], data);
+ m_stateIntfTable.hset(keys[0], "vrf", "");
+ it = consumer.m_toSync.erase(it);
+ continue;
+ }
if (!doIntfGeneralTask(keys, data, op))
diff --git a/cfgmgr/intfmgrd.cpp b/cfgmgr/intfmgrd.cpp
index d92aff9cebda..d6ed18526e05 100644
--- a/cfgmgr/intfmgrd.cpp
+++ b/cfgmgr/intfmgrd.cpp
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
DBConnector cfgDb("CONFIG_DB", 0);
diff --git a/cfgmgr/nbrmgr.cpp b/cfgmgr/nbrmgr.cpp
index 0b256cc3186d..fc94e771275c 100644
--- a/cfgmgr/nbrmgr.cpp
+++ b/cfgmgr/nbrmgr.cpp
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include "nbrmgr.h"
#include "exec.h"
#include "shellcmd.h"
+#include "subscriberstatetable.h"
using namespace swss;
@@ -64,6 +65,20 @@ NbrMgr::NbrMgr(DBConnector *cfgDb, DBConnector *appDb, DBConnector *stateDb, con
TableConsumable::DEFAULT_POP_BATCH_SIZE, default_orch_pri);
auto consumer = new Consumer(consumerStateTable, this, APP_NEIGH_RESOLVE_TABLE_NAME);
+ string swtype;
+ Table cfgDeviceMetaDataTable(cfgDb, CFG_DEVICE_METADATA_TABLE_NAME);
+ if(cfgDeviceMetaDataTable.hget("localhost", "switch_type", swtype))
+ {
+ //If this is voq system, let the neighbor manager subscribe to state of SYSTEM_NEIGH
+ //entries. This is used to program static neigh and static route in kernel for remote neighbors.
+ if(swtype == "voq")
+ {
+ Orch::addExecutor(new Consumer(new SubscriberStateTable(stateDb, tableName, TableConsumable::DEFAULT_POP_BATCH_SIZE, 0), this, tableName));
+ m_cfgVoqInbandInterfaceTable = unique_ptr
+ }
+ }
bool NbrMgr::isIntfStateOk(const string &alias)
@@ -294,8 +309,253 @@ void NbrMgr::doTask(Consumer &consumer)
} else if (table_name == APP_NEIGH_RESOLVE_TABLE_NAME)
- } else
+ } else if(table_name == STATE_SYSTEM_NEIGH_TABLE_NAME)
+ {
+ doStateSystemNeighTask(consumer);
+ }
+ else
SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Unknown REDIS table %s ", table_name.c_str());
+void NbrMgr::doStateSystemNeighTask(Consumer &consumer)
+ //Get the name of the device on which the neigh and route are
+ //going to be programmed.
+ string nbr_odev;
+ if(!getVoqInbandInterfaceName(nbr_odev))
+ {
+ //The inband interface is not available yet
+ return;
+ }
+ auto it = consumer.m_toSync.begin();
+ while (it != consumer.m_toSync.end())
+ {
+ KeyOpFieldsValuesTuple t = it->second;
+ string key = kfvKey(t);
+ string op = kfvOp(t);
+ size_t found = key.find_last_of(state_db_key_delimiter);
+ if (found == string::npos)
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Failed to parse key %s", key.c_str());
+ it = consumer.m_toSync.erase(it);
+ continue;
+ }
+ IpAddress ip_address(key.substr(found+1));
+ if (op == SET_COMMAND)
+ {
+ MacAddress mac_address;
+ for (auto i = kfvFieldsValues(t).begin();
+ i != kfvFieldsValues(t).end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (fvField(*i) == "neigh")
+ mac_address = MacAddress(fvValue(*i));
+ }
+ if (!isIntfStateOk(nbr_odev))
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_DEBUG("Interface %s is not ready, skipping system neigh %s'", nbr_odev.c_str(), kfvKey(t).c_str());
+ it++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!addKernelNeigh(nbr_odev, ip_address, mac_address))
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Neigh entry add on dev %s failed for '%s'", nbr_odev.c_str(), kfvKey(t).c_str());
+ it++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Neigh entry added on dev %s for '%s'", nbr_odev.c_str(), kfvKey(t).c_str());
+ }
+ if (!addKernelRoute(nbr_odev, ip_address))
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Route entry add on dev %s failed for '%s'", nbr_odev.c_str(), kfvKey(t).c_str());
+ delKernelNeigh(nbr_odev, ip_address);
+ it++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Route entry added on dev %s for '%s'", nbr_odev.c_str(), kfvKey(t).c_str());
+ }
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Added voq neighbor %s to kernel", kfvKey(t).c_str());
+ }
+ else if (op == DEL_COMMAND)
+ {
+ if (!delKernelRoute(ip_address))
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Route entry on dev %s delete failed for '%s'", nbr_odev.c_str(), kfvKey(t).c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Route entry on dev %s deleted for '%s'", nbr_odev.c_str(), kfvKey(t).c_str());
+ }
+ if (!delKernelNeigh(nbr_odev, ip_address))
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Neigh entry on dev %s delete failed for '%s'", nbr_odev.c_str(), kfvKey(t).c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Neigh entry on dev %s deleted for '%s'", nbr_odev.c_str(), kfvKey(t).c_str());
+ }
+ SWSS_LOG_DEBUG("Deleted voq neighbor %s from kernel", kfvKey(t).c_str());
+ }
+ it = consumer.m_toSync.erase(it);
+ }
+bool NbrMgr::getVoqInbandInterfaceName(string &ibif)
+ vector keys;
+ m_cfgVoqInbandInterfaceTable->getKeys(keys);
+ if (keys.empty())
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Voq Inband interface is not configured!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ //key:"alias" = inband interface name
+ vector if_keys = tokenize(keys[0], config_db_key_delimiter);
+ ibif = if_keys[0];
+ return true;
+bool NbrMgr::addKernelRoute(string odev, IpAddress ip_addr)
+ string cmd, res;
+ string ip_str = ip_addr.to_string();
+ if(ip_addr.isV4())
+ {
+ cmd = string("") + IP_CMD + " route add " + ip_str + "/32 dev " + odev;
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("IPv4 Route Add cmd: %s",cmd.c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cmd = string("") + IP_CMD + " -6 route add " + ip_str + "/128 dev " + odev;
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("IPv6 Route Add cmd: %s",cmd.c_str());
+ }
+ int32_t ret = swss::exec(cmd, res);
+ if(ret)
+ {
+ /* Just log error and return */
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Failed to add route for %s, error: %d", ip_str.c_str(), ret);
+ return false;
+ }
+ SWSS_LOG_INFO("Added route for %s on device %s", ip_str.c_str(), odev.c_str());
+ return true;
+bool NbrMgr::delKernelRoute(IpAddress ip_addr)
+ string cmd, res;
+ string ip_str = ip_addr.to_string();
+ if(ip_addr.isV4())
+ {
+ cmd = string("") + IP_CMD + " route del " + ip_str + "/32";
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("IPv4 Route Del cmd: %s",cmd.c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cmd = string("") + IP_CMD + " -6 route del " + ip_str + "/128";
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("IPv6 Route Del cmd: %s",cmd.c_str());
+ }
+ int32_t ret = swss::exec(cmd, res);
+ if(ret)
+ {
+ /* Just log error and return */
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Failed to delete route for %s, error: %d", ip_str.c_str(), ret);
+ return false;
+ }
+ SWSS_LOG_INFO("Deleted route for %s", ip_str.c_str());
+ return true;
+bool NbrMgr::addKernelNeigh(string odev, IpAddress ip_addr, MacAddress mac_addr)
+ string cmd, res;
+ string ip_str = ip_addr.to_string();
+ string mac_str = mac_addr.to_string();
+ if(ip_addr.isV4())
+ {
+ cmd = string("") + IP_CMD + " neigh add " + ip_str + " lladdr " + mac_str + " dev " + odev;
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("IPv4 Nbr Add cmd: %s",cmd.c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cmd = string("") + IP_CMD + " -6 neigh add " + ip_str + " lladdr " + mac_str + " dev " + odev;
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("IPv6 Nbr Add cmd: %s",cmd.c_str());
+ }
+ int32_t ret = swss::exec(cmd, res);
+ if(ret)
+ {
+ /* Just log error and return */
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Failed to add Nbr for %s, error: %d", ip_str.c_str(), ret);
+ return false;
+ }
+ SWSS_LOG_INFO("Added Nbr for %s on interface %s", ip_str.c_str(), odev.c_str());
+ return true;
+bool NbrMgr::delKernelNeigh(string odev, IpAddress ip_addr)
+ string cmd, res;
+ string ip_str = ip_addr.to_string();
+ if(ip_addr.isV4())
+ {
+ cmd = string("") + IP_CMD + " neigh del " + ip_str + " dev " + odev;
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("IPv4 Nbr Del cmd: %s",cmd.c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cmd = string("") + IP_CMD + " -6 neigh del " + ip_str + " dev " + odev;
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("IPv6 Nbr Del cmd: %s",cmd.c_str());
+ }
+ int32_t ret = swss::exec(cmd, res);
+ if(ret)
+ {
+ /* Just log error and return */
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Failed to delete Nbr for %s, error: %d", ip_str.c_str(), ret);
+ return false;
+ }
+ SWSS_LOG_INFO("Deleted Nbr for %s on interface %s", ip_str.c_str(), odev.c_str());
+ return true;
diff --git a/cfgmgr/nbrmgr.h b/cfgmgr/nbrmgr.h
index 3a56c4b6cc9c..d6018c18e993 100644
--- a/cfgmgr/nbrmgr.h
+++ b/cfgmgr/nbrmgr.h
@@ -29,6 +29,13 @@ class NbrMgr : public Orch
void doResolveNeighTask(Consumer &consumer);
void doSetNeighTask(Consumer &consumer);
void doTask(Consumer &consumer);
+ void doStateSystemNeighTask(Consumer &consumer);
+ bool getVoqInbandInterfaceName(string &nbr_odev);
+ bool addKernelRoute(string odev, IpAddress ip_addr);
+ bool delKernelRoute(IpAddress ip_addr);
+ bool addKernelNeigh(string odev, IpAddress ip_addr, MacAddress mac_addr);
+ bool delKernelNeigh(string odev, IpAddress ip_addr);
+ unique_ptr m_cfgVoqInbandInterfaceTable;
Table m_statePortTable, m_stateLagTable, m_stateVlanTable, m_stateIntfTable, m_stateNeighRestoreTable;
struct nl_sock *m_nl_sock;
diff --git a/orchagent/intfsorch.cpp b/orchagent/intfsorch.cpp
index c5f46d01d3fa..29c774d9a9d2 100644
--- a/orchagent/intfsorch.cpp
+++ b/orchagent/intfsorch.cpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
#include "bufferorch.h"
#include "directory.h"
#include "vnetorch.h"
+#include "subscriberstatetable.h"
extern sai_object_id_t gVirtualRouterId;
extern Directory gDirectory;
@@ -32,6 +33,8 @@ extern RouteOrch *gRouteOrch;
extern CrmOrch *gCrmOrch;
extern BufferOrch *gBufferOrch;
extern bool gIsNatSupported;
+extern NeighOrch *gNeighOrch;
+extern string gMySwitchType;
const int intfsorch_pri = 35;
@@ -51,7 +54,7 @@ static const vector rifStatIds =
-IntfsOrch::IntfsOrch(DBConnector *db, string tableName, VRFOrch *vrf_orch) :
+IntfsOrch::IntfsOrch(DBConnector *db, string tableName, VRFOrch *vrf_orch, DBConnector *chassisAppDb) :
Orch(db, tableName, intfsorch_pri), m_vrfOrch(vrf_orch)
@@ -95,6 +98,15 @@ IntfsOrch::IntfsOrch(DBConnector *db, string tableName, VRFOrch *vrf_orch) :
SWSS_LOG_WARN("RIF flex counter group plugins was not set successfully: %s", e.what());
+ if(gMySwitchType == "voq")
+ {
+ //Add subscriber to process VOQ system interface
+ Orch::addExecutor(new Consumer(new SubscriberStateTable(chassisAppDb, tableName, TableConsumable::DEFAULT_POP_BATCH_SIZE, 0), this, tableName));
+ m_tableVoqSystemInterfaceTable = unique_ptr(new Table(chassisAppDb, CHASSIS_APP_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_TABLE_NAME));
+ }
sai_object_id_t IntfsOrch::getRouterIntfsId(const string &alias)
@@ -452,6 +464,15 @@ bool IntfsOrch::setIntf(const string& alias, sai_object_id_t vrf_id, const IpPre
addIp2MeRoute(port.m_vr_id, *ip_prefix);
+ if(gMySwitchType == "voq")
+ {
+ if(gPortsOrch->isInbandPort(alias))
+ {
+ //Need to sync the inband intf neighbor for other asics
+ gNeighOrch->addInbandNeighbor(alias, ip_prefix->getIp());
+ }
+ }
if (port.m_type == Port::VLAN)
addDirectedBroadcast(port, *ip_prefix);
@@ -475,6 +496,14 @@ bool IntfsOrch::removeIntf(const string& alias, sai_object_id_t vrf_id, const Ip
removeIp2MeRoute(port.m_vr_id, *ip_prefix);
+ if(gMySwitchType == "voq")
+ {
+ if(gPortsOrch->isInbandPort(alias))
+ {
+ gNeighOrch->delInbandNeighbor(alias, ip_prefix->getIp());
+ }
+ }
if(port.m_type == Port::VLAN)
removeDirectedBroadcast(port, *ip_prefix);
@@ -519,6 +548,8 @@ void IntfsOrch::doTask(Consumer &consumer)
+ string table_name = consumer.getTableName();
auto it = consumer.m_toSync.begin();
while (it != consumer.m_toSync.end())
@@ -543,6 +574,16 @@ void IntfsOrch::doTask(Consumer &consumer)
ip_prefix_in_key = true;
+ {
+ if(!isRemoteSystemPortIntf(alias))
+ {
+ //Synced local interface. Skip
+ it = consumer.m_toSync.erase(it);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
const vector& data = kfvFieldsValues(t);
string vrf_name = "", vnet_name = "", nat_zone = "";
MacAddress mac;
@@ -551,6 +592,7 @@ void IntfsOrch::doTask(Consumer &consumer)
bool adminUp;
uint32_t nat_zone_id = 0;
string proxy_arp = "";
+ string inband_type = "";
for (auto idx : data)
@@ -630,6 +672,10 @@ void IntfsOrch::doTask(Consumer &consumer)
proxy_arp = value;
+ else if (field == "inband_type")
+ {
+ inband_type = value;
+ }
if (alias == "eth0" || alias == "docker0")
@@ -683,6 +729,16 @@ void IntfsOrch::doTask(Consumer &consumer)
+ //Voq Inband interface config processing
+ if(inband_type.size() && !ip_prefix_in_key)
+ {
+ if(!gPortsOrch->setVoqInbandIntf(alias, inband_type))
+ {
+ it++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
Port port;
if (!gPortsOrch->getPort(alias, port))
@@ -925,6 +981,7 @@ bool IntfsOrch::addRouterIntfs(sai_object_id_t vrf_id, Port &port)
case Port::PHY:
case Port::LAG:
+ case Port::SYSTEM:
@@ -944,6 +1001,7 @@ bool IntfsOrch::addRouterIntfs(sai_object_id_t vrf_id, Port &port)
case Port::PHY:
+ case Port::SYSTEM:
attr.value.oid = port.m_port_id;
@@ -1008,6 +1066,12 @@ bool IntfsOrch::addRouterIntfs(sai_object_id_t vrf_id, Port &port)
SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Create router interface %s MTU %u", port.m_alias.c_str(), port.m_mtu);
+ if(gMySwitchType == "voq")
+ {
+ // Sync the interface of local port/LAG to the SYSTEM_INTERFACE table of CHASSIS_APP_DB
+ voqSyncAddIntf(port.m_alias);
+ }
return true;
@@ -1038,6 +1102,12 @@ bool IntfsOrch::removeRouterIntfs(Port &port)
SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Remove router interface for port %s", port.m_alias.c_str());
+ if(gMySwitchType == "voq")
+ {
+ // Sync the removal of interface of local port/LAG to the SYSTEM_INTERFACE table of CHASSIS_APP_DB
+ voqSyncDelIntf(port.m_alias);
+ }
return true;
@@ -1260,6 +1330,7 @@ void IntfsOrch::doTask(SelectableTimer &timer)
case Port::PHY:
case Port::LAG:
+ case Port::SYSTEM:
case Port::VLAN:
@@ -1285,3 +1356,63 @@ void IntfsOrch::doTask(SelectableTimer &timer)
+bool IntfsOrch::isRemoteSystemPortIntf(string alias)
+ Port port;
+ if(gPortsOrch->getPort(alias, port))
+ {
+ return(port.m_system_port_info.type == SAI_SYSTEM_PORT_TYPE_REMOTE);
+ }
+ //Given alias is system port alias of the local port
+ return false;
+void IntfsOrch::voqSyncAddIntf(string &alias)
+ //Sync only local interface. Confirm for the local interface and
+ //get the system port alias for key for syncing to CHASSIS_APP_DB
+ Port port;
+ if(gPortsOrch->getPort(alias, port))
+ {
+ if(port.m_system_port_info.type == SAI_SYSTEM_PORT_TYPE_REMOTE)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ alias = port.m_system_port_info.alias;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Port does not exist for %s!", alias.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ FieldValueTuple nullFv ("NULL", "NULL");
+ vector attrs;
+ attrs.push_back(nullFv);
+ m_tableVoqSystemInterfaceTable->set(alias, attrs);
+void IntfsOrch::voqSyncDelIntf(string &alias)
+ //Sync only local interface. Confirm for the local interface and
+ //get the system port alias for key for syncing to CHASSIS_APP_DB
+ Port port;
+ if(gPortsOrch->getPort(alias, port))
+ {
+ if(port.m_system_port_info.type == SAI_SYSTEM_PORT_TYPE_REMOTE)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ alias = port.m_system_port_info.alias;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Port does not exist for %s!", alias.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ m_tableVoqSystemInterfaceTable->del(alias);
diff --git a/orchagent/intfsorch.h b/orchagent/intfsorch.h
index c5b54cc5547e..11b947ec2986 100644
--- a/orchagent/intfsorch.h
+++ b/orchagent/intfsorch.h
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ typedef map IntfsTable;
class IntfsOrch : public Orch
- IntfsOrch(DBConnector *db, string tableName, VRFOrch *vrf_orch);
+ IntfsOrch(DBConnector *db, string tableName, VRFOrch *vrf_orch, DBConnector *chassisAppDb);
sai_object_id_t getRouterIntfsId(const string&);
bool isPrefixSubnet(const IpPrefix&, const string&);
@@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ class IntfsOrch : public Orch
bool updateSyncdIntfPfx(const string &alias, const IpPrefix &ip_prefix, bool add = true);
+ bool isRemoteSystemPortIntf(string alias);
SelectableTimer* m_updateMapsTimer = nullptr;
@@ -95,6 +97,11 @@ class IntfsOrch : public Orch
bool setIntfVlanFloodType(const Port &port, sai_vlan_flood_control_type_t vlan_flood_type);
bool setIntfProxyArp(const string &alias, const string &proxy_arp);
+ unique_ptr m_tableVoqSystemInterfaceTable;
+ void voqSyncAddIntf(string &alias);
+ void voqSyncDelIntf(string &alias);
#endif /* SWSS_INTFSORCH_H */
diff --git a/orchagent/main.cpp b/orchagent/main.cpp
index 7d79e0f76fa2..d60112e94e4f 100644
--- a/orchagent/main.cpp
+++ b/orchagent/main.cpp
@@ -63,6 +63,11 @@ extern bool gIsNatSupported;
ofstream gRecordOfs;
string gRecordFile;
+string gMySwitchType = "";
+int32_t gVoqMySwitchId = -1;
+int32_t gVoqMaxCores = 0;
+uint32_t gCfgSystemPorts = 0;
void usage()
cout << "usage: orchagent [-h] [-r record_type] [-d record_location] [-b batch_size] [-m MAC] [-i INST_ID] [-s] [-z mode]" << endl;
@@ -142,6 +147,124 @@ void init_gearbox_phys(DBConnector *applDb)
delete tmpGearboxTable;
+void getCfgSwitchType(DBConnector *cfgDb, string &switch_type)
+ Table cfgDeviceMetaDataTable(cfgDb, CFG_DEVICE_METADATA_TABLE_NAME);
+ if (!cfgDeviceMetaDataTable.hget("localhost", "switch_type", switch_type))
+ {
+ //Switch type is not configured. Consider it default = "switch" (regular switch)
+ switch_type = "switch";
+ }
+ if (switch_type != "voq" && switch_type != "fabric" && switch_type != "switch")
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Invalid switch type %s configured", switch_type.c_str());
+ //If configured switch type is none of the supported, assume regular switch
+ switch_type = "switch";
+ }
+bool getSystemPortConfigList(DBConnector *cfgDb, DBConnector *appDb, vector &sysportcfglist)
+ Table cfgDeviceMetaDataTable(cfgDb, CFG_DEVICE_METADATA_TABLE_NAME);
+ Table cfgSystemPortTable(cfgDb, CFG_SYSTEM_PORT_TABLE_NAME);
+ Table appSystemPortTable(appDb, APP_SYSTEM_PORT_TABLE_NAME);
+ if (gMySwitchType != "voq")
+ {
+ //Non VOQ switch. Nothing to read
+ return true;
+ }
+ string value;
+ if (!cfgDeviceMetaDataTable.hget("localhost", "switch_id", value))
+ {
+ //VOQ switch id is not configured.
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("VOQ switch id is not configured");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (value.size())
+ gVoqMySwitchId = stoi(value);
+ if (gVoqMySwitchId < 0)
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Invalid VOQ switch id %d configured", gVoqMySwitchId);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!cfgDeviceMetaDataTable.hget("localhost", "max_cores", value))
+ {
+ //VOQ max cores is not configured.
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("VOQ max cores is not configured");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (value.size())
+ gVoqMaxCores = stoi(value);
+ if (gVoqMaxCores == 0)
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Invalid VOQ max cores %d configured", gVoqMaxCores);
+ return false;
+ }
+ vector spKeys;
+ cfgSystemPortTable.getKeys(spKeys);
+ //Retrieve system port configurations
+ vector spFv;
+ sai_system_port_config_t sysport;
+ for (auto &k : spKeys)
+ {
+ cfgSystemPortTable.get(k, spFv);
+ for (auto &fv : spFv)
+ {
+ if (fv.first == "switch_id")
+ {
+ sysport.attached_switch_id = stoi(fv.second);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (fv.first == "core_index")
+ {
+ sysport.attached_core_index = stoi(fv.second);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (fv.first == "core_port_index")
+ {
+ sysport.attached_core_port_index = stoi(fv.second);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (fv.first == "speed")
+ {
+ sysport.speed = stoi(fv.second);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (fv.first == "system_port_id")
+ {
+ sysport.port_id = stoi(fv.second);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (fv.first == "num_voq")
+ {
+ sysport.num_voq = stoi(fv.second);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ //Add to system port config list
+ sysportcfglist.push_back(sysport);
+ //Also push to APP DB
+ appSystemPortTable.set(k, spFv);
+ }
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Created System Port config list for %d system ports", (int32_t) sysportcfglist.size());
+ return true;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
@@ -269,6 +392,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
attr.value.ptr = (void *)on_switch_shutdown_request;
+ // Instantiate database connectors
+ DBConnector appl_db("APPL_DB", 0);
+ DBConnector config_db("CONFIG_DB", 0);
+ DBConnector state_db("STATE_DB", 0);
+ // Get switch_type
+ getCfgSwitchType(&config_db, gMySwitchType);
if (gMacAddress)
@@ -276,11 +407,6 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
- /* Must be last Attribute */
- attr.value.u64 = gSwitchId;
- attrs.push_back(attr);
// SAI_REDIS_SWITCH_ATTR_SYNC_MODE attribute only setBuffer and g_syncMode to true
// since it is not using ASIC_DB, we can execute it before create_switch
// when g_syncMode is set to true here, create_switch will wait the response from syncd
@@ -305,6 +431,48 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ // Get info required for VOQ system and connect to CHASSISS_APP_DB
+ shared_ptr chassis_app_db;
+ vector sysportconfiglist;
+ if ((gMySwitchType == "voq") &&
+ (getSystemPortConfigList(&config_db, &appl_db, sysportconfiglist)))
+ {
+ attr.value.u32 = SAI_SWITCH_TYPE_VOQ;
+ attrs.push_back(attr);
+ attr.value.u32 = gVoqMySwitchId;
+ attrs.push_back(attr);
+ attr.value.u32 = gVoqMaxCores;
+ attrs.push_back(attr);
+ gCfgSystemPorts = (uint32_t) sysportconfiglist.size();
+ if (gCfgSystemPorts)
+ {
+ attr.value.sysportconfiglist.count = gCfgSystemPorts;
+ attr.value.sysportconfiglist.list = sysportconfiglist.data();
+ attrs.push_back(attr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Voq switch create with 0 system ports!");
+ }
+ //Connect to CHASSIS_APP_DB in redis-server in control/supervisor card as per
+ //connection info in database_config.json
+ chassis_app_db = make_shared("CHASSIS_APP_DB", 0, true);
+ }
+ /* Must be last Attribute */
+ attr.value.u64 = gSwitchId;
+ attrs.push_back(attr);
status = sai_switch_api->create_switch(&gSwitchId, (uint32_t)attrs.size(), attrs.data());
if (status != SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
@@ -384,13 +552,10 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Created underlay router interface ID %" PRIx64, gUnderlayIfId);
/* Initialize orchestration components */
- DBConnector appl_db("APPL_DB", 0);
- DBConnector config_db("CONFIG_DB", 0);
- DBConnector state_db("STATE_DB", 0);
- auto orchDaemon = make_shared(&appl_db, &config_db, &state_db);
+ auto orchDaemon = make_shared(&appl_db, &config_db, &state_db, chassis_app_db.get());
if (!orchDaemon->init())
diff --git a/orchagent/neighorch.cpp b/orchagent/neighorch.cpp
index e2f0b7e006cc..246d044a8b37 100644
--- a/orchagent/neighorch.cpp
+++ b/orchagent/neighorch.cpp
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "routeorch.h"
#include "directory.h"
#include "muxorch.h"
+#include "subscriberstatetable.h"
extern sai_neighbor_api_t* sai_neighbor_api;
extern sai_next_hop_api_t* sai_next_hop_api;
@@ -16,10 +17,11 @@ extern CrmOrch *gCrmOrch;
extern RouteOrch *gRouteOrch;
extern FgNhgOrch *gFgNhgOrch;
extern Directory gDirectory;
+extern string gMySwitchType;
const int neighorch_pri = 30;
-NeighOrch::NeighOrch(DBConnector *appDb, string tableName, IntfsOrch *intfsOrch, FdbOrch *fdbOrch, PortsOrch *portsOrch) :
+NeighOrch::NeighOrch(DBConnector *appDb, string tableName, IntfsOrch *intfsOrch, FdbOrch *fdbOrch, PortsOrch *portsOrch, DBConnector *chassisAppDb) :
Orch(appDb, tableName, neighorch_pri),
@@ -29,6 +31,19 @@ NeighOrch::NeighOrch(DBConnector *appDb, string tableName, IntfsOrch *intfsOrch,
+ if(gMySwitchType == "voq")
+ {
+ //Add subscriber to process VOQ system neigh
+ Orch::addExecutor(new Consumer(new SubscriberStateTable(chassisAppDb, tableName, TableConsumable::DEFAULT_POP_BATCH_SIZE, 0), this, tableName));
+ m_tableVoqSystemNeighTable = unique_ptr(new Table(chassisAppDb, CHASSIS_APP_SYSTEM_NEIGH_TABLE_NAME));
+ //STATE DB connection for setting state of the remote neighbor SAI programming
+ unique_ptr stateDb;
+ stateDb = make_unique("STATE_DB", 0);
+ m_stateSystemNeighTable = unique_ptr(new Table(stateDb.get(), STATE_SYSTEM_NEIGH_TABLE_NAME));
+ }
@@ -147,6 +162,15 @@ bool NeighOrch::addNextHop(const IpAddress &ipAddress, const string &alias)
NextHopKey nexthop = { ipAddress, alias };
+ if(m_intfsOrch->isRemoteSystemPortIntf(alias))
+ {
+ //For remote system ports kernel nexthops are always on inband. Change the key
+ Port inbp;
+ gPortsOrch->getInbandPort(inbp);
+ assert(inbp.m_alias.length());
+ nexthop.alias = inbp.m_alias;
+ }
sai_object_id_t rif_id = m_intfsOrch->getRouterIntfsId(alias);
@@ -324,6 +348,16 @@ bool NeighOrch::removeNextHop(const IpAddress &ipAddress, const string &alias)
NextHopKey nexthop = { ipAddress, alias };
+ if(m_intfsOrch->isRemoteSystemPortIntf(alias))
+ {
+ //For remote system ports kernel nexthops are always on inband. Change the key
+ Port inbp;
+ gPortsOrch->getInbandPort(inbp);
+ assert(inbp.m_alias.length());
+ nexthop.alias = inbp.m_alias;
+ }
@@ -422,6 +456,13 @@ void NeighOrch::doTask(Consumer &consumer)
+ string table_name = consumer.getTableName();
+ {
+ doVoqSystemNeighTask(consumer);
+ return;
+ }
auto it = consumer.m_toSync.begin();
while (it != consumer.m_toSync.end())
@@ -446,6 +487,21 @@ void NeighOrch::doTask(Consumer &consumer)
+ if(gPortsOrch->isInbandPort(alias))
+ {
+ Port ibport;
+ gPortsOrch->getInbandPort(ibport);
+ if(ibport.m_type != Port::VLAN)
+ {
+ //For "port" type Inband, the neighbors are only remote neighbors.
+ //Hence, this is the neigh learned due to the kernel entry added on
+ //Inband interface for the remote system port neighbors. Skip
+ it = consumer.m_toSync.erase(it);
+ continue;
+ }
+ //For "vlan" type inband, may identify the remote neighbors and skip
+ }
IpAddress ip_address(key.substr(found+1));
NeighborEntry neighbor_entry = { ip_address, alias };
@@ -562,6 +618,15 @@ bool NeighOrch::addNeighbor(const NeighborEntry &neighborEntry, const MacAddress
if (!hw_config && mux_orch->isNeighborActive(ip_address, alias))
+ if (gMySwitchType == "voq")
+ {
+ if (!addVoqEncapIndex(alias, ip_address, neighbor_attrs))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
status = sai_neighbor_api->create_neighbor_entry(&neighbor_entry,
(uint32_t)neighbor_attrs.size(), neighbor_attrs.data());
if (status != SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
@@ -634,6 +699,12 @@ bool NeighOrch::addNeighbor(const NeighborEntry &neighborEntry, const MacAddress
NeighborUpdate update = { neighborEntry, macAddress, true };
notify(SUBJECT_TYPE_NEIGH_CHANGE, static_cast(&update));
+ if(gMySwitchType == "voq")
+ {
+ //Sync the neighbor to add to the CHASSIS_APP_DB
+ voqSyncAddNeigh(alias, ip_address, macAddress, neighbor_entry);
+ }
return true;
@@ -644,7 +715,17 @@ bool NeighOrch::removeNeighbor(const NeighborEntry &neighborEntry, bool disable)
sai_status_t status;
IpAddress ip_address = neighborEntry.ip_address;
string alias = neighborEntry.alias;
NextHopKey nexthop = { ip_address, alias };
+ if(m_intfsOrch->isRemoteSystemPortIntf(alias))
+ {
+ //For remote system ports kernel nexthops are always on inband. Change the key
+ Port inbp;
+ gPortsOrch->getInbandPort(inbp);
+ assert(inbp.m_alias.length());
+ nexthop.alias = inbp.m_alias;
+ }
if (m_syncdNeighbors.find(neighborEntry) == m_syncdNeighbors.end())
@@ -744,6 +825,12 @@ bool NeighOrch::removeNeighbor(const NeighborEntry &neighborEntry, bool disable)
NeighborUpdate update = { neighborEntry, MacAddress(), false };
notify(SUBJECT_TYPE_NEIGH_CHANGE, static_cast(&update));
+ if(gMySwitchType == "voq")
+ {
+ //Sync the neighbor to delete from the CHASSIS_APP_DB
+ voqSyncDelNeigh(alias, ip_address);
+ }
return true;
@@ -865,3 +952,284 @@ bool NeighOrch::removeTunnelNextHop(const NextHopKey& nh)
return true;
+void NeighOrch::doVoqSystemNeighTask(Consumer &consumer)
+ //Local inband port as the outgoing interface of the static neighbor and static route
+ Port ibif;
+ if(!gPortsOrch->getInbandPort(ibif))
+ {
+ //Inband port is not ready yet.
+ return;
+ }
+ auto it = consumer.m_toSync.begin();
+ while (it != consumer.m_toSync.end())
+ {
+ KeyOpFieldsValuesTuple t = it->second;
+ string key = kfvKey(t);
+ string op = kfvOp(t);
+ size_t found = key.find_last_of(consumer.getConsumerTable()->getTableNameSeparator().c_str());
+ if (found == string::npos)
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Failed to parse key %s", key.c_str());
+ it = consumer.m_toSync.erase(it);
+ continue;
+ }
+ string alias = key.substr(0, found);
+ if(!gIntfsOrch->isRemoteSystemPortIntf(alias))
+ {
+ //Synced local neighbor. Skip
+ it = consumer.m_toSync.erase(it);
+ continue;
+ }
+ IpAddress ip_address(key.substr(found+1));
+ NeighborEntry neighbor_entry = { ip_address, alias };
+ string state_key = alias + state_db_key_delimiter + ip_address.to_string();
+ if (op == SET_COMMAND)
+ {
+ Port p;
+ if (!gPortsOrch->getPort(alias, p))
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_INFO("Port %s doesn't exist", alias.c_str());
+ it++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!p.m_rif_id)
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_INFO("Router interface doesn't exist on %s", alias.c_str());
+ it++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ MacAddress mac_address;
+ uint32_t encap_index = 0;
+ for (auto i = kfvFieldsValues(t).begin();
+ i != kfvFieldsValues(t).end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (fvField(*i) == "neigh")
+ mac_address = MacAddress(fvValue(*i));
+ if(fvField(*i) == "encap_index")
+ {
+ encap_index = (uint32_t)stoul(fvValue(*i));
+ }
+ }
+ if(!encap_index)
+ {
+ //Encap index is not available yet. Since this is remote neighbor, we need to wait till
+ //Encap index is made available either by dynamic syncing or by static config
+ it++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (m_syncdNeighbors.find(neighbor_entry) == m_syncdNeighbors.end() ||
+ m_syncdNeighbors[neighbor_entry].mac != mac_address)
+ {
+ //Add neigh to SAI
+ if (addNeighbor(neighbor_entry, mac_address))
+ {
+ //neigh successfully added to SAI. Set STATE DB to signal kernel programming by neighbor manager
+ //If the inband interface type is not VLAN, same MAC can be used for the inband interface for
+ //kernel programming.
+ if(ibif.m_type != Port::VLAN)
+ {
+ mac_address = gMacAddress;
+ }
+ vector fvVector;
+ FieldValueTuple mac("neigh", mac_address.to_string());
+ fvVector.push_back(mac);
+ m_stateSystemNeighTable->set(state_key, fvVector);
+ it = consumer.m_toSync.erase(it);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Failed to add voq neighbor %s to SAI", kfvKey(t).c_str());
+ it++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* Duplicate entry */
+ SWSS_LOG_INFO("System neighbor %s already exists", kfvKey(t).c_str());
+ it = consumer.m_toSync.erase(it);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (op == DEL_COMMAND)
+ {
+ if (m_syncdNeighbors.find(neighbor_entry) != m_syncdNeighbors.end())
+ {
+ //Remove neigh from SAI
+ if (removeNeighbor(neighbor_entry))
+ {
+ //neigh successfully deleted from SAI. Set STATE DB to signal to remove entries from kernel
+ m_stateSystemNeighTable->del(state_key);
+ it = consumer.m_toSync.erase(it);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Failed to remove voq neighbor %s from SAI", kfvKey(t).c_str());
+ it++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ /* Cannot locate the neighbor */
+ it = consumer.m_toSync.erase(it);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Unknown operation type %s", op.c_str());
+ it = consumer.m_toSync.erase(it);
+ }
+ }
+bool NeighOrch::addInbandNeighbor(string alias, IpAddress ip_address)
+ //For "port" type inband, the inband reachability info syncing can be done through static
+ //configureation or CHASSIS_APP_DB sync (this function)
+ //For "vlan" type inband, the inband reachability info syncinng can be ARP learning of other
+ //asics inband or static configuration or through CHASSIS_APP_DB sync (this function)
+ //May implement inband rechability info syncing through CHASSIS_APP_DB sync here
+ return true;
+bool NeighOrch::delInbandNeighbor(string alias, IpAddress ip_address)
+ //Remove inband rechability info sync
+ return true;
+bool NeighOrch::getSystemPortNeighEncapIndex(string &alias, IpAddress &ip, uint32_t &encap_index)
+ string value;
+ string key = alias + m_tableVoqSystemNeighTable->getTableNameSeparator().c_str() + ip.to_string();
+ if(m_tableVoqSystemNeighTable->hget(key, "encap_index", value))
+ {
+ encap_index = (uint32_t) stoul(value);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool NeighOrch::addVoqEncapIndex(string &alias, IpAddress &ip, vector &neighbor_attrs)
+ sai_attribute_t attr;
+ uint32_t encap_index = 0;
+ if(gIntfsOrch->isRemoteSystemPortIntf(alias))
+ {
+ if(getSystemPortNeighEncapIndex(alias, ip, encap_index))
+ {
+ attr.value.u32 = encap_index;
+ neighbor_attrs.push_back(attr);
+ attr.value.booldata = true;
+ neighbor_attrs.push_back(attr);
+ attr.value.booldata = false;
+ neighbor_attrs.push_back(attr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //Encap index not available and the interface is remote. Return false to re-try
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("System port neigh encap index not available for %s|%s!", alias.c_str(), ip.to_string().c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void NeighOrch::voqSyncAddNeigh(string &alias, IpAddress &ip_address, const MacAddress &mac, sai_neighbor_entry_t &neighbor_entry)
+ sai_attribute_t attr;
+ sai_status_t status;
+ //Sync only local neigh. Confirm for the local neigh and
+ //get the system port alias for key for syncing to CHASSIS_APP_DB
+ Port port;
+ if(gPortsOrch->getPort(alias, port))
+ {
+ if(port.m_system_port_info.type == SAI_SYSTEM_PORT_TYPE_REMOTE)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ alias = port.m_system_port_info.alias;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Port does not exist for %s!", alias.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ status = sai_neighbor_api->get_neighbor_entry_attribute(&neighbor_entry, 1, &attr);
+ if (status != SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Failed to get neighbor attribute for %s on %s, rv:%d", ip_address.to_string().c_str(), alias.c_str(), status);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!attr.value.u32)
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Invalid neighbor encap_index for %s on %s", ip_address.to_string().c_str(), alias.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ vector attrs;
+ FieldValueTuple eiFv ("encap_index", to_string(attr.value.u32));
+ attrs.push_back(eiFv);
+ FieldValueTuple macFv ("neigh", mac.to_string());
+ attrs.push_back(macFv);
+ string key = alias + m_tableVoqSystemNeighTable->getTableNameSeparator().c_str() + ip_address.to_string();
+ m_tableVoqSystemNeighTable->set(key, attrs);
+void NeighOrch::voqSyncDelNeigh(string &alias, IpAddress &ip_address)
+ //Sync only local neigh. Confirm for the local neigh and
+ //get the system port alias for key for syncing to CHASSIS_APP_DB
+ Port port;
+ if(gPortsOrch->getPort(alias, port))
+ {
+ if(port.m_system_port_info.type == SAI_SYSTEM_PORT_TYPE_REMOTE)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ alias = port.m_system_port_info.alias;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Port does not exist for %s!", alias.c_str());
+ return;
+ }
+ string key = alias + m_tableVoqSystemNeighTable->getTableNameSeparator().c_str() + ip_address.to_string();
+ m_tableVoqSystemNeighTable->del(key);
diff --git a/orchagent/neighorch.h b/orchagent/neighorch.h
index bd199efde550..20b6f3913cb6 100644
--- a/orchagent/neighorch.h
+++ b/orchagent/neighorch.h
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ struct NeighborUpdate
class NeighOrch : public Orch, public Subject, public Observer
- NeighOrch(DBConnector *db, string tableName, IntfsOrch *intfsOrch, FdbOrch *fdbOrch, PortsOrch *portsOrch);
+ NeighOrch(DBConnector *db, string tableName, IntfsOrch *intfsOrch, FdbOrch *fdbOrch, PortsOrch *portsOrch, DBConnector *chassisAppDb);
bool hasNextHop(const NextHopKey&);
@@ -70,6 +70,9 @@ class NeighOrch : public Orch, public Subject, public Observer
bool removeOverlayNextHop(const NextHopKey &);
void update(SubjectType, void *);
+ bool addInbandNeighbor(string alias, IpAddress ip_address);
+ bool delInbandNeighbor(string alias, IpAddress ip_address);
PortsOrch *m_portsOrch;
IntfsOrch *m_intfsOrch;
@@ -92,6 +95,14 @@ class NeighOrch : public Orch, public Subject, public Observer
bool resolveNeighborEntry(const NeighborEntry &, const MacAddress &);
void doTask(Consumer &consumer);
+ void doVoqSystemNeighTask(Consumer &consumer);
+ unique_ptr m_tableVoqSystemNeighTable;
+ unique_ptr m_stateSystemNeighTable;
+ bool getSystemPortNeighEncapIndex(string &alias, IpAddress &ip, uint32_t &encap_index);
+ bool addVoqEncapIndex(string &alias, IpAddress &ip, vector &neighbor_attrs);
+ void voqSyncAddNeigh(string &alias, IpAddress &ip_address, const MacAddress &mac, sai_neighbor_entry_t &neighbor_entry);
+ void voqSyncDelNeigh(string &alias, IpAddress &ip_address);
#endif /* SWSS_NEIGHORCH_H */
diff --git a/orchagent/orch.cpp b/orchagent/orch.cpp
index b29f95f563b5..f1b0089ad706 100644
--- a/orchagent/orch.cpp
+++ b/orchagent/orch.cpp
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ bool Orch::parseIndexRange(const string &input, sai_uint32_t &range_low, sai_uin
void Orch::addConsumer(DBConnector *db, string tableName, int pri)
- if (db->getDbName() == "CONFIG_DB" || db->getDbName() == "STATE_DB")
+ if (db->getDbId() == CONFIG_DB || db->getDbId() == STATE_DB || db->getDbId() == CHASSIS_APP_DB)
addExecutor(new Consumer(new SubscriberStateTable(db, tableName, TableConsumable::DEFAULT_POP_BATCH_SIZE, pri), this, tableName));
diff --git a/orchagent/orchdaemon.cpp b/orchagent/orchdaemon.cpp
index 641c304e9129..5e55a8c2d596 100644
--- a/orchagent/orchdaemon.cpp
+++ b/orchagent/orchdaemon.cpp
@@ -41,10 +41,11 @@ NatOrch *gNatOrch;
bool gIsNatSupported = false;
-OrchDaemon::OrchDaemon(DBConnector *applDb, DBConnector *configDb, DBConnector *stateDb) :
+OrchDaemon::OrchDaemon(DBConnector *applDb, DBConnector *configDb, DBConnector *stateDb, DBConnector *chassisAppDb) :
- m_stateDb(stateDb)
+ m_stateDb(stateDb),
+ m_chassisAppDb(chassisAppDb)
@@ -131,8 +132,8 @@ bool OrchDaemon::init()
ChassisOrch* chassis_frontend_orch = new ChassisOrch(m_configDb, m_applDb, chassis_frontend_tables, vnet_rt_orch);
- gIntfsOrch = new IntfsOrch(m_applDb, APP_INTF_TABLE_NAME, vrf_orch);
- gNeighOrch = new NeighOrch(m_applDb, APP_NEIGH_TABLE_NAME, gIntfsOrch, gFdbOrch, gPortsOrch);
+ gIntfsOrch = new IntfsOrch(m_applDb, APP_INTF_TABLE_NAME, vrf_orch, m_chassisAppDb);
+ gNeighOrch = new NeighOrch(m_applDb, APP_NEIGH_TABLE_NAME, gIntfsOrch, gFdbOrch, gPortsOrch, m_chassisAppDb);
const int fgnhgorch_pri = 15;
diff --git a/orchagent/orchdaemon.h b/orchagent/orchdaemon.h
index 1215958a901a..b48ffc30a6de 100644
--- a/orchagent/orchdaemon.h
+++ b/orchagent/orchdaemon.h
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ using namespace swss;
class OrchDaemon
- OrchDaemon(DBConnector *, DBConnector *, DBConnector *);
+ OrchDaemon(DBConnector *, DBConnector *, DBConnector *, DBConnector *);
bool init();
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ class OrchDaemon
DBConnector *m_applDb;
DBConnector *m_configDb;
DBConnector *m_stateDb;
+ DBConnector *m_chassisAppDb;
std::vector m_orchList;
Select *m_select;
diff --git a/orchagent/port.h b/orchagent/port.h
index fb0b8b6434e2..baf8e3046ec4 100644
--- a/orchagent/port.h
+++ b/orchagent/port.h
@@ -38,6 +38,19 @@ struct VlanInfo
sai_vlan_id_t vlan_id = 0;
+struct SystemPortInfo
+ std::string alias = "";
+ sai_system_port_type_t type;
+ sai_object_id_t local_port_oid = 0;
+ uint32_t port_id = 0;
+ uint32_t switch_id = 0;
+ uint32_t core_index = 0;
+ uint32_t core_port_index = 0;
+ uint32_t speed = 400000;
+ uint32_t num_voq = 8;
class Port
@@ -50,6 +63,7 @@ class Port
} ;
@@ -124,6 +138,10 @@ class Port
std::unordered_set m_ingress_acl_tables_uset;
std::unordered_set m_egress_acl_tables_uset;
+ sai_object_id_t m_system_port_oid = 0;
+ SystemPortInfo m_system_port_info;
diff --git a/orchagent/portsorch.cpp b/orchagent/portsorch.cpp
index 5dd76f70b903..104aeb57f448 100755
--- a/orchagent/portsorch.cpp
+++ b/orchagent/portsorch.cpp
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ extern CrmOrch *gCrmOrch;
extern BufferOrch *gBufferOrch;
extern FdbOrch *gFdbOrch;
extern Directory gDirectory;
+extern sai_system_port_api_t *sai_system_port_api;
#define VLAN_PREFIX "Vlan"
@@ -393,6 +394,9 @@ PortsOrch::PortsOrch(DBConnector *db, vector &tableNames)
m_default1QBridge = attrs[0].value.oid;
m_defaultVlan = attrs[1].value.oid;
+ /* Get System ports */
+ getSystemPorts();
@@ -406,7 +410,7 @@ PortsOrch::PortsOrch(DBConnector *db, vector &tableNames)
void PortsOrch::removeDefaultVlanMembers()
/* Get VLAN members in default VLAN */
- vector vlan_member_list(m_portCount);
+ vector vlan_member_list(m_portCount + m_systemPortCount);
sai_attribute_t attr;
@@ -437,10 +441,10 @@ void PortsOrch::removeDefaultVlanMembers()
void PortsOrch::removeDefaultBridgePorts()
/* Get bridge ports in default 1Q bridge
- * By default, there will be m_portCount number of SAI_BRIDGE_PORT_TYPE_PORT
+ * By default, there will be (m_portCount + m_systemPortCount) number of SAI_BRIDGE_PORT_TYPE_PORT
* ports and one SAI_BRIDGE_PORT_TYPE_1Q_ROUTER port. The former type of
* ports will be removed. */
- vector bridge_port_list(m_portCount + 1);
+ vector bridge_port_list(m_portCount + m_systemPortCount + 1);
sai_attribute_t attr;
@@ -577,6 +581,7 @@ bool PortsOrch::getPort(sai_object_id_t id, Port &port)
switch (portIter.second.m_type)
case Port::PHY:
+ case Port::SYSTEM:
if(portIter.second.m_port_id == id)
port = portIter.second;
@@ -2084,6 +2089,7 @@ void PortsOrch::doPortTask(Consumer &consumer)
if (!m_initDone)
+ addSystemPorts();
m_initDone = true;
SWSS_LOG_INFO("Get PortInitDone notification from portsyncd.");
@@ -4686,3 +4692,258 @@ bool PortsOrch::initGearboxPort(Port &port)
return true;
+bool PortsOrch::getSystemPorts()
+ sai_status_t status;
+ sai_attribute_t attr;
+ uint32_t i;
+ m_systemPortCount = 0;
+ status = sai_switch_api->get_switch_attribute(gSwitchId, 1, &attr);
+ if (status != SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Failed to get number of system ports, rv:%d", status);
+ return false;
+ }
+ m_systemPortCount = attr.value.u32;
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Got %d system ports", m_systemPortCount);
+ if(m_systemPortCount)
+ {
+ /* Make tuple and system port oid map */
+ vector system_port_list;
+ system_port_list.resize(m_systemPortCount);
+ attr.value.objlist.count = (uint32_t)system_port_list.size();
+ attr.value.objlist.list = system_port_list.data();
+ status = sai_switch_api->get_switch_attribute(gSwitchId, 1, &attr);
+ if (status != SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Failed to get system port list, rv:%d", status);
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint32_t spcnt = attr.value.objlist.count;
+ for(i = 0; i < spcnt; i++)
+ {
+ status = sai_system_port_api->get_system_port_attribute(system_port_list[i], 1, &attr);
+ if (status != SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Failed to get system port config info spid:%" PRIx64, system_port_list[i]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("SystemPort(0x%" PRIx64 ") - port_id:%u, switch_id:%u, core:%u, core_port:%u, speed:%u, voqs:%u",
+ system_port_list[i],
+ attr.value.sysportconfig.port_id,
+ attr.value.sysportconfig.attached_switch_id,
+ attr.value.sysportconfig.attached_core_index,
+ attr.value.sysportconfig.attached_core_port_index,
+ attr.value.sysportconfig.speed,
+ attr.value.sysportconfig.num_voq);
+ tuple sp_key(attr.value.sysportconfig.attached_switch_id,
+ attr.value.sysportconfig.attached_core_index,
+ attr.value.sysportconfig.attached_core_port_index);
+ m_systemPortOidMap[sp_key] = system_port_list[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool PortsOrch::addSystemPorts()
+ vector keys;
+ vector spFv;
+ DBConnector appDb(APPL_DB, DBConnector::DEFAULT_UNIXSOCKET, 0);
+ Table appSystemPortTable(&appDb, APP_SYSTEM_PORT_TABLE_NAME);
+ //Retrieve system port configurations from APP DB
+ appSystemPortTable.getKeys(keys);
+ for ( auto &alias : keys )
+ {
+ appSystemPortTable.get(alias, spFv);
+ int32_t system_port_id = -1;
+ int32_t switch_id = -1;
+ int32_t core_index = -1;
+ int32_t core_port_index = -1;
+ for ( auto &fv : spFv )
+ {
+ if(fv.first == "switch_id")
+ {
+ switch_id = stoi(fv.second);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(fv.first == "core_index")
+ {
+ core_index = stoi(fv.second);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(fv.first == "core_port_index")
+ {
+ core_port_index = stoi(fv.second);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(fv.first == "system_port_id")
+ {
+ system_port_id = stoi(fv.second);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(system_port_id < 0 || switch_id < 0 || core_index < 0 || core_port_index < 0)
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Invalid or Missing field values for %s! system_port id:%d, switch_id:%d, core_index:%d, core_port_index:%d",
+ alias.c_str(), system_port_id, switch_id, core_index, core_port_index);
+ continue;
+ }
+ tuple sp_key(switch_id, core_index, core_port_index);
+ if(m_systemPortOidMap.find(sp_key) != m_systemPortOidMap.end())
+ {
+ sai_attribute_t attr;
+ vector attrs;
+ sai_object_id_t system_port_oid;
+ sai_status_t status;
+ //Retrive system port config info and enable
+ system_port_oid = m_systemPortOidMap[sp_key];
+ attrs.push_back(attr);
+ attrs.push_back(attr);
+ status = sai_system_port_api->get_system_port_attribute(system_port_oid, static_cast(attrs.size()), attrs.data());
+ if (status != SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Failed to get system port config info spid:%" PRIx64, system_port_oid);
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Create or update system port and add to the port list.
+ Port port(alias, Port::SYSTEM);
+ port.m_port_id = system_port_oid;
+ port.m_admin_state_up = true;
+ port.m_oper_status = SAI_PORT_OPER_STATUS_UP;
+ port.m_speed = attrs[1].value.sysportconfig.speed;
+ if (attrs[0].value.s32 == SAI_SYSTEM_PORT_TYPE_LOCAL)
+ {
+ //Get the local port oid
+ status = sai_system_port_api->get_system_port_attribute(system_port_oid, 1, &attr);
+ if (status != SAI_STATUS_SUCCESS)
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("Failed to get local port oid of local system port spid:%" PRIx64, system_port_oid);
+ continue;
+ }
+ //System port for local port. Update the system port info in the existing physical port
+ if(!getPort(attr.value.oid, port))
+ {
+ //This is system port for non-front panel local port (CPU or OLP or RCY (Inband)). Not an error
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Add port for non-front panel local system port 0x%" PRIx64 "; core: %d, core port: %d",
+ system_port_oid, core_index, core_port_index);
+ }
+ port.m_system_port_info.local_port_oid = attr.value.oid;
+ }
+ port.m_system_port_oid = system_port_oid;
+ port.m_system_port_info.alias = alias;
+ port.m_system_port_info.type = (sai_system_port_type_t) attrs[0].value.s32;
+ port.m_system_port_info.port_id = attrs[1].value.sysportconfig.port_id;
+ port.m_system_port_info.switch_id = attrs[1].value.sysportconfig.attached_switch_id;
+ port.m_system_port_info.core_index = attrs[1].value.sysportconfig.attached_core_index;
+ port.m_system_port_info.core_port_index = attrs[1].value.sysportconfig.attached_core_port_index;
+ port.m_system_port_info.speed = attrs[1].value.sysportconfig.speed;
+ port.m_system_port_info.num_voq = attrs[1].value.sysportconfig.num_voq;
+ setPort(port.m_alias, port);
+ if(m_port_ref_count.find(port.m_alias) == m_port_ref_count.end())
+ {
+ m_port_ref_count[port.m_alias] = 0;
+ }
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Added system port %" PRIx64 " for %s", system_port_oid, alias.c_str());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //System port does not exist in the switch
+ //This can not happen since all the system ports are supposed to be created during switch creation itself
+ SWSS_LOG_ERROR("System port %s does not exist in switch. Port not added!", alias.c_str());
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool PortsOrch::getInbandPort(Port &port)
+ if (m_portList.find(m_inbandPortName) == m_portList.end())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ port = m_portList[m_inbandPortName];
+ return true;
+ }
+bool PortsOrch::isInbandPort(const string &alias)
+ return (m_inbandPortName == alias);
+bool PortsOrch::setVoqInbandIntf(string &alias, string &type)
+ if(m_inbandPortName == alias)
+ {
+ //Inband interface already exists with this name
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Interface %s is already configured as inband!", alias.c_str());
+ return true;
+ }
+ Port port;
+ if(type == "port")
+ {
+ if (!getPort(alias, port))
+ {
+ SWSS_LOG_NOTICE("Port configured for inband intf %s is not ready!", alias.c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for existence of host interface. If does not exist, may create
+ // host if for the inband here
+ // May do the processing for other inband type like type=vlan here
+ //Store the name of the local inband port
+ m_inbandPortName = alias;
+ return true;
diff --git a/orchagent/portsorch.h b/orchagent/portsorch.h
index dfd5ab875d08..ecf65c4f8e90 100755
--- a/orchagent/portsorch.h
+++ b/orchagent/portsorch.h
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ class PortsOrch : public Orch, public Subject
bool getPortByBridgePortId(sai_object_id_t bridge_port_id, Port &port);
void setPort(string alias, Port port);
void getCpuPort(Port &port);
+ bool getInbandPort(Port &port);
bool getVlanByVlanId(sai_vlan_id_t vlan_id, Port &vlan);
bool setHostIntfsOperStatus(const Port& port, bool up) const;
@@ -138,6 +139,10 @@ class PortsOrch : public Orch, public Subject
bool removeVlanMember(Port &vlan, Port &port);
bool isVlanMember(Port &vlan, Port &port);
+ string m_inbandPortName = "";
+ bool isInbandPort(const string &alias);
+ bool setVoqInbandIntf(string &alias, string &type);
unique_ptr m_counterTable;
unique_ptr m_counterLagTable;
@@ -285,6 +290,12 @@ class PortsOrch : public Orch, public Subject
void initGearbox();
bool initGearboxPort(Port &port);
+ //map key is tuple of
+ map, sai_object_id_t> m_systemPortOidMap;
+ sai_uint32_t m_systemPortCount;
+ bool getSystemPorts();
+ bool addSystemPorts();
#endif /* SWSS_PORTSORCH_H */
diff --git a/orchagent/saihelper.cpp b/orchagent/saihelper.cpp
index d047852488fe..15c753b2f030 100644
--- a/orchagent/saihelper.cpp
+++ b/orchagent/saihelper.cpp
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ sai_dtel_api_t* sai_dtel_api;
sai_samplepacket_api_t* sai_samplepacket_api;
sai_debug_counter_api_t* sai_debug_counter_api;
sai_nat_api_t* sai_nat_api;
+sai_system_port_api_t* sai_system_port_api;
extern sai_object_id_t gSwitchId;
extern bool gSairedisRecord;
@@ -177,6 +178,7 @@ void initSaiApi()
sai_api_query(SAI_API_SAMPLEPACKET, (void **)&sai_samplepacket_api);
sai_api_query(SAI_API_DEBUG_COUNTER, (void **)&sai_debug_counter_api);
sai_api_query(SAI_API_NAT, (void **)&sai_nat_api);
+ sai_api_query(SAI_API_SYSTEM_PORT, (void **)&sai_system_port_api);
@@ -205,6 +207,7 @@ void initSaiApi()
sai_log_set((sai_api_t)SAI_API_NAT, SAI_LOG_LEVEL_NOTICE);
void initSaiRedis(const string &record_location)
diff --git a/tests/mock_tests/aclorch_ut.cpp b/tests/mock_tests/aclorch_ut.cpp
index d1fe4915a05b..f3ca17c8654a 100644
--- a/tests/mock_tests/aclorch_ut.cpp
+++ b/tests/mock_tests/aclorch_ut.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ extern sai_vlan_api_t *sai_vlan_api;
extern sai_bridge_api_t *sai_bridge_api;
extern sai_route_api_t *sai_route_api;
extern sai_next_hop_group_api_t* sai_next_hop_group_api;
+extern string gMySwitchType;
namespace aclorch_test
@@ -182,6 +183,7 @@ namespace aclorch_test
shared_ptr m_app_db;
shared_ptr m_config_db;
shared_ptr m_state_db;
+ shared_ptr m_chassis_app_db;
@@ -189,6 +191,8 @@ namespace aclorch_test
m_app_db = make_shared("APPL_DB", 0);
m_config_db = make_shared("CONFIG_DB", 0);
m_state_db = make_shared("STATE_DB", 0);
+ if(gMySwitchType == "voq")
+ m_chassis_app_db = make_shared("CHASSIS_APP_DB", 0);
static map gProfileMap;
@@ -319,7 +323,7 @@ namespace aclorch_test
gVrfOrch = new VRFOrch(m_app_db.get(), APP_VRF_TABLE_NAME, m_state_db.get(), STATE_VRF_OBJECT_TABLE_NAME);
ASSERT_EQ(gIntfsOrch, nullptr);
- gIntfsOrch = new IntfsOrch(m_app_db.get(), APP_INTF_TABLE_NAME, gVrfOrch);
+ gIntfsOrch = new IntfsOrch(m_app_db.get(), APP_INTF_TABLE_NAME, gVrfOrch, m_chassis_app_db.get());
TableConnector applDbFdb(m_app_db.get(), APP_FDB_TABLE_NAME);
TableConnector stateDbFdb(m_state_db.get(), STATE_FDB_TABLE_NAME);
@@ -333,7 +337,7 @@ namespace aclorch_test
gFdbOrch = new FdbOrch(m_app_db.get(), app_fdb_tables, stateDbFdb, gPortsOrch);
ASSERT_EQ(gNeighOrch, nullptr);
- gNeighOrch = new NeighOrch(m_app_db.get(), APP_NEIGH_TABLE_NAME, gIntfsOrch, gFdbOrch, gPortsOrch);
+ gNeighOrch = new NeighOrch(m_app_db.get(), APP_NEIGH_TABLE_NAME, gIntfsOrch, gFdbOrch, gPortsOrch, m_chassis_app_db.get());
ASSERT_EQ(gFgNhgOrch, nullptr);
const int fgnhgorch_pri = 15;
diff --git a/tests/mock_tests/database_config.json b/tests/mock_tests/database_config.json
index b86ae11bba98..1b6343d20e7c 100644
--- a/tests/mock_tests/database_config.json
+++ b/tests/mock_tests/database_config.json
@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
"hostname" : "",
"port" : 6379,
"unix_socket_path" : "/var/run/redis/redis.sock"
+ },
+ "redis_chassis":{
+ "hostname" : "",
+ "port" : 6380,
+ "unix_socket_path" : "/var/run/redis/redis_chassis.sock"
@@ -51,6 +56,11 @@
"id" : 7,
"separator": "|",
"instance" : "redis"
+ },
+ "id" : 12,
+ "separator": "|",
+ "instance" : "redis_chassis"
"VERSION" : "1.0"
diff --git a/tests/mock_tests/mock_orchagent_main.cpp b/tests/mock_tests/mock_orchagent_main.cpp
index 15004b756eff..fb1ccc082cbf 100644
--- a/tests/mock_tests/mock_orchagent_main.cpp
+++ b/tests/mock_tests/mock_orchagent_main.cpp
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ bool gLogRotate = false;
bool gSaiRedisLogRotate = false;
ofstream gRecordOfs;
string gRecordFile;
+string gMySwitchType = "voq";
VRFOrch *gVrfOrch;
diff --git a/tests/test_virtual_chassis.py b/tests/test_virtual_chassis.py
index ed27e45f7814..4bdbc6d39776 100644
--- a/tests/test_virtual_chassis.py
+++ b/tests/test_virtual_chassis.py
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
import pytest
+from swsscommon import swsscommon
+from dvslib.dvs_database import DVSDatabase
+import ast
class TestVirtualChassis(object):
def test_connectivity(self, vct):
@@ -8,7 +11,7 @@ def test_connectivity(self, vct):
nbrs = vct.get_topo_neigh()
for name in dvss.keys():
dv = dvss[name]
- #ping all vs's inband address
+ # ping all vs's inband address
for ctn in vct.inbands.keys():
ip = vct.inbands[ctn]["inband_address"]
ip = ip.split("/")[0]
@@ -24,3 +27,205 @@ def test_connectivity(self, vct):
_, out = dv.runcmd(['sh', "-c", "ping -c 5 -W 0 -q %s" % ip])
assert '5 received' in out
+ def test_voq_switch(self, vct):
+ """Test VOQ switch objects configuration.
+ This test validates configuration of switch creation objects required for
+ VOQ switches. The switch_type, max_cores and switch_id attributes configuration
+ are verified. For the System port config list, it is verified that all the
+ configured system ports are avaiable in the asic db by checking the count.
+ """
+ dvss = vct.dvss
+ for name in dvss.keys():
+ dvs = dvss[name]
+ # Get the config info
+ config_db = dvs.get_config_db()
+ metatbl = config_db.get_entry("DEVICE_METADATA", "localhost")
+ cfg_switch_type = metatbl.get("switch_type")
+ # Test only for line cards
+ if cfg_switch_type == "voq":
+ print("VOQ Switch test for {}".format(name))
+ cfg_switch_id = metatbl.get("switch_id")
+ assert cfg_switch_id != "", "Got error in getting switch_id from CONFIG_DB DEVICE_METADATA"
+ cfg_max_cores = metatbl.get("max_cores")
+ assert cfg_max_cores != "", "Got error in getting max_cores from CONFIG_DB DEVICE_METADATA"
+ cfgspkeys = config_db.get_keys("SYSTEM_PORT")
+ sp_count = len(cfgspkeys)
+ asic_db = dvs.get_asic_db()
+ keys = asic_db.get_keys("ASIC_STATE:SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_SWITCH")
+ switch_oid_key = keys[0]
+ switch_entry = asic_db.get_entry("ASIC_STATE:SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_SWITCH", switch_oid_key)
+ value = switch_entry.get("SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_TYPE")
+ assert value == "SAI_SWITCH_TYPE_VOQ", "Switch type is not VOQ"
+ value = switch_entry.get("SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_SWITCH_ID")
+ assert value == cfg_switch_id, "VOQ switch id is invalid"
+ value = switch_entry.get("SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_MAX_SYSTEM_CORES")
+ assert value == cfg_max_cores, "Max system cores is invalid"
+ value = switch_entry.get("SAI_SWITCH_ATTR_SYSTEM_PORT_CONFIG_LIST")
+ assert value != "", "Empty system port config list"
+ # Convert the spcfg string to dictionary
+ spcfg = ast.literal_eval(value)
+ assert spcfg['count'] == sp_count, "Number of systems ports configured is invalid"
+ def test_chassis_app_db_sync(self, vct):
+ """Test chassis app db syncing.
+ This test is for verifying the database sync mechanism. With the virtual chassis
+ setup, it is verified that at least one database entry is synced from line card to
+ supervisor card. An interface entry is used as sample database entry for verification
+ of syncing mechanism.
+ """
+ dvss = vct.dvss
+ for name in dvss.keys():
+ if name.startswith("supervisor"):
+ dvs = dvss[name]
+ chassis_app_db = DVSDatabase(swsscommon.CHASSIS_APP_DB, dvs.redis_chassis_sock)
+ keys = chassis_app_db.get_keys("SYSTEM_INTERFACE")
+ assert len(keys), "No chassis app db syncing is done"
+ def test_chassis_system_interface(self, vct):
+ """Test RIF record creation in ASIC_DB for remote interfaces.
+ This test verifies RIF programming in ASIC_DB for remote interface. The orchagent
+ creates RIF record for system port interfaces from other line cards. It is verified
+ by retrieving a RIF record from local ASIC_DB that corresponds to a remote system port
+ and checking that the switch id of that remote system port does not match the local asic
+ switch id.
+ """
+ dvss = vct.dvss
+ for name in dvss.keys():
+ dvs = dvss[name]
+ config_db = dvs.get_config_db()
+ metatbl = config_db.get_entry("DEVICE_METADATA", "localhost")
+ cfg_switch_type = metatbl.get("switch_type")
+ # Test only for line cards
+ if cfg_switch_type == "voq":
+ lc_switch_id = metatbl.get("switch_id")
+ assert lc_switch_id != "", "Got error in getting switch_id from CONFIG_DB DEVICE_METADATA"
+ if lc_switch_id == "0":
+ # Testing in Linecard1, In Linecard1 there will be RIF for Ethernet12 from Linecard3
+ # Note: Tesing can be done in any linecard for RIF of any system port interface.
+ # Here testing is done on linecard with switch id 0
+ asic_db = dvs.get_asic_db()
+ assert len(keys), "No router interfaces in ASIC_DB"
+ rif_port_oid = ""
+ for key in keys:
+ rif_entry = asic_db.get_entry("ASIC_STATE:SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_ROUTER_INTERFACE", key)
+ value = rif_entry.get("SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_TYPE")
+ assert value != "", "Got error in getting RIF type"
+ value = rif_entry.get("SAI_ROUTER_INTERFACE_ATTR_PORT_ID")
+ assert value != "", "Got error in getting RIF port"
+ if value.startswith("oid:0x5d"):
+ # System port RIF, this is used as key for system port config info retrieval
+ rif_port_oid = value
+ break
+ assert rif_port_oid != "", "No RIF records for remote interfaces in ASIC_DB"
+ # Validate if the system port is from valid switch
+ sp_entry = asic_db.get_entry("ASIC_STATE:SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_SYSTEM_PORT", rif_port_oid)
+ value = sp_entry.get("SAI_SYSTEM_PORT_ATTR_CONFIG_INFO")
+ assert value != "", "Got error in getting system port config info for rif system port"
+ spcfginfo = ast.literal_eval(value)
+ # Remote system ports's switch id should not match local switch id
+ assert spcfginfo["attached_switch_id"] != lc_switch_id, "RIF system port with wrong switch_id"
+ def test_chassis_system_neigh(self, vct):
+ """Test neigh record creation and syncing to chassis app db.
+ This test validates that:
+ (i) Local neighbor entry is created with encap index
+ (ii) Local neighbor is synced to chassis ap db with assigned encap index
+ TODO: (iii) Remote neighbor entry is created in ASIC_DB with received encap index
+ """
+ dvss = vct.dvss
+ for name in dvss.keys():
+ dvs = dvss[name]
+ config_db = dvs.get_config_db()
+ metatbl = config_db.get_entry("DEVICE_METADATA", "localhost")
+ cfg_switch_type = metatbl.get("switch_type")
+ # Neighbor record verifiation done in line card
+ if cfg_switch_type == "voq":
+ lc_switch_id = metatbl.get("switch_id")
+ assert lc_switch_id != "", "Got error in getting switch_id from CONFIG_DB DEVICE_METADATA"
+ if lc_switch_id == "0":
+ # Add a static neighbor
+ _, res = dvs.runcmd(['sh', "-c", "ip neigh add lladdr 00:01:02:03:04:05 dev Ethernet0"])
+ assert res == "", "Error configuring static neigh"
+ asic_db = dvs.get_asic_db()
+ neighkeys = asic_db.get_keys("ASIC_STATE:SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_NEIGHBOR_ENTRY")
+ assert len(neighkeys), "No neigh entries in ASIC_DB"
+ # Check for presence of the neighbor in ASIC_DB
+ test_neigh = ""
+ for nkey in neighkeys:
+ ne = ast.literal_eval(nkey)
+ if ne['ip'] == '':
+ test_neigh = nkey
+ break
+ assert test_neigh != "", "Neigh not found in ASIC_DB"
+ # Check for presence of encap index, retrieve and store it for sync verification
+ test_neigh_entry = asic_db.get_entry("ASIC_STATE:SAI_OBJECT_TYPE_NEIGHBOR_ENTRY", test_neigh)
+ encap_index = test_neigh_entry.get("SAI_NEIGHBOR_ENTRY_ATTR_ENCAP_INDEX")
+ assert encap_index != "", "VOQ encap index is not programmed in ASIC_DB"
+ break
+ # Verify neighbor record syncing with encap index
+ dvss = vct.dvss
+ for name in dvss.keys():
+ if name.startswith("supervisor"):
+ dvs = dvss[name]
+ chassis_app_db = DVSDatabase(swsscommon.CHASSIS_APP_DB, dvs.redis_chassis_sock)
+ sysneighkeys = chassis_app_db.get_keys("SYSTEM_NEIGH")
+ assert len(sysneighkeys), "No system neighbor entries in chassis app db"
+ test_sysneigh = ""
+ for sysnk in sysneighkeys:
+ sysnk_tok = sysnk.split("|")
+ assert len(sysnk_tok) == 3, "Invalid system neigh key in chassis app db"
+ if sysnk_tok[2] == "":
+ test_sysneigh = sysnk
+ break
+ assert test_sysneigh != "", "Neigh is not sync-ed to chassis app db"
+ test_sysneigh_entry = chassis_app_db.get_entry("SYSTEM_NEIGH", test_sysneigh)
+ sys_neigh_encap_index = test_sysneigh_entry.get("encap_index")
+ assert sys_neigh_encap_index != "", "System neigh in chassis app db does not have encap index"
+ assert encap_index == sys_neigh_encap_index, "Encap index not sync-ed correctly"
+ break
+# Add Dummy always-pass test at end as workaroud
+# for issue when Flaky fail on final test it invokes module tear-down before retrying
+def test_nonflaky_dummy():
+ pass
diff --git a/tests/virtual_chassis/0/chassis_db.json b/tests/virtual_chassis/0/chassis_db.json
deleted file mode 100644
index a80ff2c7b6cf..000000000000
--- a/tests/virtual_chassis/0/chassis_db.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,674 +0,0 @@
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet0": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "1",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "1"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet4": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "2",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "2"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet8": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "3",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "3"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet12": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "4",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "4"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet16": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "5",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "5"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet20": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "6",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "6"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet24": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "7",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "7"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet28": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "8",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "8"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet32": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "9",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "9"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet36": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "10",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "10"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet40": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "11",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "11"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet44": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "12",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "12"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet48": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "13",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "13"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet52": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "14",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "14"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet56": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "15",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "15"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet60": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "16",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "16"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet64": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "17",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "1"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet68": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "18",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "2"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet72": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "19",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "3"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet76": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "20",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "4"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet80": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "21",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "5"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet84": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "22",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "6"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet88": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "23",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "7"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet92": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "24",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "8"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet96": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "25",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "9"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet100": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "26",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "10"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet104": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "27",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "11"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet108": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "28",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "12"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet112": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "29",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "13"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet116": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "30",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "14"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet120": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "31",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "15"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard1|Ethernet124": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "32",
- "switch_id": "0",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "16"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet0": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "33",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "1"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet4": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "34",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "2"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet8": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "35",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "3"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet12": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "36",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "4"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet16": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "37",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "5"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet20": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "38",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "6"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet24": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "39",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "7"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet28": {
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- "system_port_id": "40",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "8"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet32": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "41",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "9"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet36": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "42",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "10"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet40": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "43",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "11"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet44": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "44",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "12"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet48": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "45",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "13"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet52": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "46",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "14"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet56": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "47",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "15"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet60": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "48",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "16"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet64": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "49",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "1"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet68": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "50",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "2"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet72": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "51",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "3"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet76": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "52",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "4"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet80": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "53",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "5"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet84": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "54",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "6"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet88": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "55",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "7"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet92": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "56",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "8"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet96": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "57",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "9"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet100": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "58",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "10"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet104": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "59",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "11"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet108": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "60",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "12"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet112": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "61",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "13"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet116": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "62",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "14"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet120": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "63",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "15"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard2|Ethernet124": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "64",
- "switch_id": "1",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "16"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet0": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "65",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "1"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet4": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "66",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "2"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet8": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "67",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "3"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet12": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "68",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "4"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet16": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "69",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "5"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet20": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "70",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "6"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet24": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "71",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "7"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet28": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "72",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "8"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet32": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "73",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "9"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet36": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "74",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "10"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet40": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "75",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "11"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet44": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "76",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "12"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet48": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "77",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "13"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet52": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "78",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "14"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet56": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "79",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "15"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet60": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "80",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "0",
- "core_port_id": "16"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet64": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "81",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "1"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet68": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "82",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "2"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet72": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "83",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "3"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet76": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "84",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "4"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet80": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "85",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "5"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet84": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "86",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "6"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet88": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "87",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "7"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet92": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "88",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "8"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet96": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "89",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "9"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet100": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "90",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "10"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet104": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "91",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "11"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet108": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "92",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "12"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet112": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "93",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "13"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet116": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "94",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "14"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet120": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "95",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "15"
- },
- "SYSTEM_PORT|Linecard3|Ethernet124": {
- "speed": "40000",
- "system_port_id": "96",
- "switch_id": "2",
- "core_id": "1",
- "core_port_id": "16"
- }
diff --git a/tests/virtual_chassis/1/coreportindexmap.ini b/tests/virtual_chassis/1/coreportindexmap.ini
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2445e45d0066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/virtual_chassis/1/coreportindexmap.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
diff --git a/tests/virtual_chassis/1/default_config.json b/tests/virtual_chassis/1/default_config.json
index 638843c5d5f1..8952380199c0 100644
--- a/tests/virtual_chassis/1/default_config.json
+++ b/tests/virtual_chassis/1/default_config.json
@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@
"instance_name": "Linecard1",
"connect_to_chassis_db" : 1,
"chassis_db_address" : "",
- "inband_address" : ""
+ "inband_address" : "",
+ "switch_type": "voq",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "max_cores": "48"
@@ -21,5 +24,679 @@
"Ethernet4": {
"admin_status": "up"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet0": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "1",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "1"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet4": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "2",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "2"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet8": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "3",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "3"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet12": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "4",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "4"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet16": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "5",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "5"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet20": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "6",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "6"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet24": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "7",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "7"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet28": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "8",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "8"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet32": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "9",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "9"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet36": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "10",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "10"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet40": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "11",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "11"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet44": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "12",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "12"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet48": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "13",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "13"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet52": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "14",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "14"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet56": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "15",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "15"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet60": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "16",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "16"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet64": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "17",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "1"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet68": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "18",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "2"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet72": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "19",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "3"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet76": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "20",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "4"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet80": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "21",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "5"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet84": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "22",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "6"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet88": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "23",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "7"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet92": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "24",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "8"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet96": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "25",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "9"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet100": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "26",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "10"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet104": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "27",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "11"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet108": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "28",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "12"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet112": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "29",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "13"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet116": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "30",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "14"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet120": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "31",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "15"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet124": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "32",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "16"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet0": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "33",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "1"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet4": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "34",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "2"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet8": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "35",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "3"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet12": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "36",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "4"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet16": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "37",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "5"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet20": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "38",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "6"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet24": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "39",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "7"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet28": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "40",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "8"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet32": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "41",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "9"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet36": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "42",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "10"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet40": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "43",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "11"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet44": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "44",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "12"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet48": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "45",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "13"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet52": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "46",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "14"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet56": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "47",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "15"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet60": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "48",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "16"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet64": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "49",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "1"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet68": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "50",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "2"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet72": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "51",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "3"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet76": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "52",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "4"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet80": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "53",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "5"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet84": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "54",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "6"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet88": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "55",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "7"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet92": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "56",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "8"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet96": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "57",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "9"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet100": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "58",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "10"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet104": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "59",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "11"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet108": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "60",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "12"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet112": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "61",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "13"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet116": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "62",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "14"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet120": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "63",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "15"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet124": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "64",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "16"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet0": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "65",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "1"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet4": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "66",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "2"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet8": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "67",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "3"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet12": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "68",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "4"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet16": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "69",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "5"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet20": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "70",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "6"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet24": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "71",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "7"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet28": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "72",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "8"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet32": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "73",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "9"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet36": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "74",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "10"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet40": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "75",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "11"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet44": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "76",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "12"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet48": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "77",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "13"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet52": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "78",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "14"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet56": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "79",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "15"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet60": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "80",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "16"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet64": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "81",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "1"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet68": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "82",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "2"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet72": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "83",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "3"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet76": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "84",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "4"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet80": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "85",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "5"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet84": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "86",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "6"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet88": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "87",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "7"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet92": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "88",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "8"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet96": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "89",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "9"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet100": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "90",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "10"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet104": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "91",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "11"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet108": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "92",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "12"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet112": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "93",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "13"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet116": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "94",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "14"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet120": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "95",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "15"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet124": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "96",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "16"
+ }
diff --git a/tests/virtual_chassis/2/coreportindexmap.ini b/tests/virtual_chassis/2/coreportindexmap.ini
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2445e45d0066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/virtual_chassis/2/coreportindexmap.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
diff --git a/tests/virtual_chassis/2/default_config.json b/tests/virtual_chassis/2/default_config.json
index af85811a85c8..b4dc1a35a087 100644
--- a/tests/virtual_chassis/2/default_config.json
+++ b/tests/virtual_chassis/2/default_config.json
@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@
"instance_name": "Linecard2",
"connect_to_chassis_db" : 1,
"chassis_db_address" : "",
- "inband_address" : ""
+ "inband_address" : "",
+ "switch_type": "voq",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "max_cores": "48"
@@ -16,5 +19,679 @@
"Ethernet0": {
"admin_status": "up"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet0": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "1",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "1"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet4": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "2",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "2"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet8": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "3",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "3"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet12": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "4",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "4"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet16": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "5",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "5"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet20": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "6",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "6"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet24": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "7",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "7"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet28": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "8",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "8"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet32": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "9",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "9"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet36": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "10",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "10"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet40": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "11",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "11"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet44": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "12",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "12"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet48": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "13",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "13"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet52": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "14",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "14"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet56": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "15",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "15"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet60": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "16",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "16"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet64": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "17",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "1"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet68": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "18",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "2"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet72": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "19",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "3"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet76": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "20",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "4"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet80": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "21",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "5"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet84": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "22",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "6"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet88": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "23",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "7"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet92": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "24",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "8"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet96": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "25",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "9"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet100": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "26",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "10"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet104": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "27",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "11"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet108": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "28",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "12"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet112": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "29",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "13"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet116": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "30",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "14"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet120": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "31",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "15"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet124": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "32",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "16"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet0": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "33",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "1"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet4": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "34",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "2"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet8": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "35",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "3"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet12": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "36",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "4"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet16": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "37",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "5"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet20": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "38",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "6"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet24": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "39",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "7"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet28": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "40",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "8"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet32": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "41",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "9"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet36": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "42",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "10"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet40": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "43",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "11"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet44": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "44",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "12"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet48": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "45",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "13"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet52": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "46",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "14"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet56": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "47",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "15"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet60": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "48",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "16"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet64": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "49",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "1"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet68": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "50",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "2"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet72": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "51",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "3"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet76": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "52",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "4"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet80": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "53",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "5"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet84": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "54",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "6"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet88": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "55",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "7"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet92": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "56",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "8"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet96": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "57",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "9"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet100": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "58",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "10"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet104": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "59",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "11"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet108": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "60",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "12"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet112": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "61",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "13"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet116": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "62",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "14"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet120": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "63",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "15"
+ },
+ "Linecard2|Ethernet124": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "64",
+ "switch_id": "1",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "16"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet0": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "65",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "1"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet4": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "66",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "2"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet8": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "67",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "3"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet12": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "68",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "4"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet16": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "69",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "5"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet20": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "70",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "6"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet24": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "71",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "7"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet28": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "72",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "8"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet32": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "73",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "9"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet36": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "74",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "10"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet40": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "75",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "11"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet44": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "76",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "12"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet48": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "77",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "13"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet52": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "78",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "14"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet56": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "79",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "15"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet60": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "80",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "16"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet64": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "81",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "1"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet68": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "82",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "2"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet72": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "83",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "3"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet76": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "84",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "4"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet80": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "85",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "5"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet84": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "86",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "6"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet88": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "87",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "7"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet92": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "88",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "8"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet96": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "89",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "9"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet100": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "90",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "10"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet104": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "91",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "11"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet108": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "92",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "12"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet112": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "93",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "13"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet116": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "94",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "14"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet120": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "95",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "15"
+ },
+ "Linecard3|Ethernet124": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "96",
+ "switch_id": "2",
+ "core_index": "1",
+ "core_port_index": "16"
+ }
diff --git a/tests/virtual_chassis/3/coreportindexmap.ini b/tests/virtual_chassis/3/coreportindexmap.ini
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2445e45d0066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/virtual_chassis/3/coreportindexmap.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
diff --git a/tests/virtual_chassis/3/default_config.json b/tests/virtual_chassis/3/default_config.json
index acff5b095d73..d1b91de7b49d 100644
--- a/tests/virtual_chassis/3/default_config.json
+++ b/tests/virtual_chassis/3/default_config.json
@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@
"instance_name": "Linecard3",
"connect_to_chassis_db" : 1,
"chassis_db_address" : "",
- "inband_address" : ""
+ "inband_address" : "",
+ "switch_type": "voq",
+ "switch_id": "4",
+ "max_cores": "48"
@@ -16,5 +19,679 @@
"Ethernet0": {
"admin_status": "up"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet0": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "1",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "1"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet4": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "2",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "2"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet8": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "3",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "3"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet12": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "4",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "4"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet16": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "5",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "5"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet20": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "6",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "6"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet24": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "7",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "7"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet28": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "8",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "8"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet32": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "9",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "9"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet36": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "10",
+ "switch_id": "0",
+ "core_index": "0",
+ "core_port_index": "10"
+ },
+ "Linecard1|Ethernet40": {
+ "speed": "40000",
+ "system_port_id": "11",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }