This is a development guide for users wanting to help contribute to the project.
Before you begin, make sure you have all of the required tools installed:
Add any new connector implementations to cmd/idp-connect.go
so that they can become valid server options to start.
You can test the manipulation of self-service clients using a dedicated realm in a Keycloak instance. Create a new realm using curl and the admin credentials using the examples below.
First, create a token to access the Keycloak REST API. This is a short-lived token, so you may need to repeat this step later on:
KEYCLOAK_URL=http://$(kubectl --context mgmt -n keycloak get service keycloak -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].*}'):8080
KEYCLOAK_TOKEN=$(curl -Ssm 10 --fail-with-body \
-d "client_id=admin-cli" \
-d "username=admin" \
-d "password=admin" \
-d "grant_type=password" \
"$KEYCLOAK_URL/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token" |
jq -r .access_token)
Create the new realm:
curl -Ssm 10 --fail-with-body -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEYCLOAK_TOKEN}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "realm": "'${REALM}'", "enabled": true }' \
You'll need to provision a client in this realm that permits service accounts and has permissions to manipulate self-service clients. For convenience, we'll also treat this client as a resource server in which we will store API products as resources. You can create such a client like this:
# Create initial token to register the client
INITIAL_TOKEN=$(curl -Ssm 10 --fail-with-body -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEYCLOAK_TOKEN}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "expiration": 0, "count": 1 }' \
$KEYCLOAK_URL/admin/realms/${REALM}/clients-initial-access |
jq -r .token)
# Register the client
read -r KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_INTERNAL_ID KEYCLOAK_SECRET <<<$(curl -Ssm 10 --fail-with-body -H "Authorization: bearer ${INITIAL_TOKEN}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{ "clientId": "'${KEYCLOAK_CLIENT}'", "name": " Gloo Portal Resource Server" }' \
${KEYCLOAK_URL}/realms/${REALM}/clients-registrations/default |
jq -r '[.id, .secret] | @tsv')
echo "Management client ID: ${KEYCLOAK_CLIENT}"
echo "Management client secret: ${KEYCLOAK_SECRET}"
# Set up the client as we need
curl -Ssm 10 --fail-with-body -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEYCLOAK_TOKEN}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-X PUT -d '{ "serviceAccountsEnabled": true, "authorizationServicesEnabled": true }' \
# Get the internal ID of the client's service account user
SA_USER_ID=$(curl -Ssm 10 --fail-with-body -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEYCLOAK_TOKEN}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
${KEYCLOAK_URL}/admin/realms/${REALM}/clients/${KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_INTERNAL_ID}/service-account-user |
jq -r .id)
# Get the ID of the 'realm-management' client
REALM_MGMT_CLIENT_ID=$(curl -Ssm 10 --fail-with-body -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEYCLOAK_TOKEN}" \
"${KEYCLOAK_URL}/admin/realms/${REALM}/clients?clientId=realm-management" |
jq -r '.[].id')
# Get the ID of the 'manage-clients' role
ROLE_ID=$(curl -Ssm 10 --fail-with-body -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEYCLOAK_TOKEN}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
${KEYCLOAK_URL}/admin/realms/${REALM}/users/${SA_USER_ID}/role-mappings/clients/${REALM_MGMT_CLIENT_ID}/available | jq -r '.[] | select(.name=="manage-clients") | .id')
# Add the 'manage-clients' role to the service account user
curl -Ssm 10 --fail-with-body -H "Authorization: Bearer ${KEYCLOAK_TOKEN}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '[ { "id": "'${ROLE_ID}'", "name": "manage-clients", "composite": false, "clientRole": true, "containerId": "'${REALM_MGMT_CLIENT_ID}'" } ]' \
should be supplied to the Keycloak flavour of idp-connect
at runtime (via --client-id
and --client-secret
) so that the service can obtain tokens and manipulate self-service clients on behalf of this management client. In the example used so far, you can start the service like this:
./idp-connect keycloak --issuer ${KEYCLOAK_URL}/realms/${REALM} --client-id ${KEYCLOAK_CLIENT} --client-secret ${KEYCLOAK_SECRET}
IDP Connect will use the token endpoint to obtain a token for the management client. You can replicate this for testing purposes like this:
MGMT_TOKEN=$(curl -Ssm 10 --fail-with-body \
-d "grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:uma-ticket" \
-d "audience=${KEYCLOAK_CLIENT}" \
${KEYCLOAK_URL}/realms/${REALM}/protocol/openid-connect/token |
jq -r .access_token)
# Test the token by listing the clients in the realm
curl -Ssm 10 --fail-with-body -H "Authorization: Bearer ${MGMT_TOKEN}" ${KEYCLOAK_URL}/admin/realms/${REALM}/clients | jq .
- Create middleware to handle login requests and responses and exposing those metrics via Prometheus metrics
- Cognito
- Develop auth mechanism when Cognito is running in EKS, taking advantage of AWS IAM Role for Service Accounts