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BumbleBee by default uses a containerized build environment to build your BPF programs to an ELF file, then packages that in an OCI image according to our image spec.

Additionally, if desired, you can then package your BPF program as a standard Docker image that contains the bee CLI/runner in addition to your BPF programs. The end result is a standard docker image that can be distributed via standard docker-like workflows to run your BPF program anywhere you run containerized workloads, such as a K8s cluster. Note that you will need sufficient capabilities to run the image, as loading and running the BPF program is a privileged operation for most intents and purposes.

An example workflow is as follows:

$ bee build examples/tcpconnect/tcpconnect.c tcpconnect
 SUCCESS  Successfully compiled "examples/tcpconnect/tcpconnect.c" and wrote it to "examples/tcpconnect/tcpconnect.o"
 SUCCESS  Saved BPF OCI image to tcpconnect

$ bee package tcpconnect bee-tcpconnect:latest
 SUCCESS  Packaged image built and tagged at bee-tcpconnect:latest

# run the bee-tcpconnect:latest image, deploy to K8s, etc.
$ docker run --privileged bee-tcpconnect:latest

Note that the --privileged flag is used to provide the necessary permissions (alternatively this can be scoped down via capabilities through your system/orchestrator). Since this will typically not be used interactively, by default the CMD for the container is bee run --no-tty which will not render the TUI. Metrics can be scraped from this container to provide insight to your maps.

BPF conventions

BPF programs are typically made up of 2 main parts:

  1. The maps which allow the user space and kernel space programs to share data.
  2. The functions which can be attached to kernel probes and tracepoints.

For more detailed examples of these, please see our tutorial. This section will discuss the additional features and conventions we have added on top of this workflow.


As the bee runner is primarily targeted at observability, much of the user space functionality of the tool is centered around the maps. The extension of the maps allows our user space runner to interpret and process the data from these maps in a generic way. The two main types of maps which are supported at this time are RingBuffer and HashMap. There is some overlap in the functionality of the two within our runner, but also some important differences.

Important Note: Currently all structs used in maps which are meant to be processed by our user space runner cannot be nested. This may be added in the future for the logging/eventing, but not for metrics.


RingBuffer is a generic map type which traditionally allows for temporary storage of many arbitrary data types. This allows the kernel or user space program to feed data into them, which can be read out in order from the other. In the case of bee the direction will be kernel -> user. In order to be able to generically handle this data however, we have imposed a restriction that only one type of data may be stored in the RingBuffer. This may change in the future.

In order to specify the type of data to be stored in the RingBuffer, it can be added to the BPF map definition. Typically it is not valid to store the type in a RingBuffer map definition, as there can be multiple types, but in this case it allows us to properly parse the data, and that type never makes it into the kernel map definition.

struct {
	__uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_RINGBUF);
	__uint(max_entries, 1 << 24);
	__type(value, struct event_t);
} print_events SEC(".maps");

The other aspect of the above program worth noting is its name: print_events SEC(".maps"). Specifically the print_ prefix. Please see the output formats section below for more info. The RingBuffer map type supports the print_ and counter_ prefix.

The final thing worth noting about the RingBuffer is it's event based nature. Each object is handled only once, and then never read from again. This differs from the HashMap, which will be discussed in greater detail below.


Like RingBuffer above, HashMap is a generic map type to store data, with some key differences. The HashMap does not function as a queue, but rather as a traditional map, with both keys and values, which retains it's data until manually removed.

In addition, HashMap supports section keywords to enable special output formats. The valid prefixes for this type of map are: print_, counter_, and gauge_.


Nothing specific has been added on top of the BPF programs/functions themselves at this time.

Output Formats

Part of what makes bee so special, as mentioned above, is that it allows us to write eBPF probes with 0 user space code. In fact it allows for easy translation of kernel data and events into metrics and logging. As mentioned above this is accomplished through the use of special conventions and keywords. Before reading this section, we recommend reading the conventions above for a brief overview.

These special conventions and keywords come in the form of additional kernel code additions, some in section names, and some to the code itself. Let's begin with the section names.

Maps in BPF programs are defined using the SEC(".maps") keyword. When running using the bee runner, extra prefixes to its name can be added to describe how this data should be handled. These can be roughly broken down into 2 behaviors, metrics and logging. Metrics turns the data into prometheus metrics which can be consumed by any standard prometheus deployments. And logging which emits structured json logs with the provided data, and can be consumed by any structured logging applications.

The second convention we have added is a set of typedefs which describe to our runner how the underlying type is meant to be processed after it leaves the kernel. These are stored in a file called solo_types.h and are made available automatically when building with bee. Some examples include:

// A basic ipv4 address represented as a u32
typedef u32 ipv4_addr;
// A basic ipv6 address represented as a u32
typedef u32 ipv6_addr;
// A duration in NS stored as a u64
typedef u64 duration;

These types can be used in the structs which populate our maps to instruct the runner to treat the values in a special way. For instance, any duration value will be processed in the user space program as a golang time.Duration and then can be printed, and tracked as such.


Logging may be the simplest output format of our eBPF probes, but it is also incredibly powerful for both observability and debugging. Logging in our system comes in two main forms: event based and timer based. The type of logging used is based on the underlying map type. When logging a RingBuffer each event is handled/logged individually as it is received and therefore it will only be printed once. However, when using a HashMap, the data is polled on an interval. Therefore, the logging will happen on each interval and only when there is a change in the values of the map from the previous interval.

When using bee to run your BPF programs, the TUI that is rendered by default will automatically handle the printing of the data in maps that follow the naming conventions. In other words, printing/logging of data is handled for metric output types automatically. We have a TCP-based example that demonstrates both map types which will explore more in depth. You can find the source in our examples folder here: /examples/tcpconnect/tcpconnect.c. Both map types below use the following struct to define the shape of data being processed by our maps:

struct dimensions_t {
	ipv4_addr saddr;
	ipv4_addr daddr;
} __attribute__((packed));

This struct contains two IPv4 addresses, a source and destination IP.


Looking at the RingBuffer map in our tcpconnect program:

struct {
	__uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_RINGBUF);
	__uint(max_entries, 1 << 24);
	__type(value, struct dimensions_t);
} counter_events_ring SEC(".maps");

We can see that the struct dimensions_t type is being passed into the RingBuffer. So as TCP connections are established, the source and destination IP of these connections will be sent as events into this RingBuffer. Also note the counter_ prefix to its name. This tells bee to "watch" this map and log the data (in addition to emitting counter metrics, which will explore more in a later section).

When running the program, as new TCP connections happen (by e.g. making a curl request in a separate terminal) we can see the TUI log the data:

daddr		saddr

The data in contained is not particularly interesting, but rather the formatting and structure. As the connection was created and data sent to our map, we will dynamically get the data printed to our screen in the correct format!


Looking at the RingBuffer map in our tcpconnect program:

struct {
	__uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH);
	__uint(max_entries, 8192);
	__type(key, struct dimensions_t);
	__type(value, u64);
} counter_events_hash SEC(".maps");

As above, we can see that the struct dimensions_t type is being used, this time as the key type for our HashMap. When running the program, we can see the entries get updated as connections are created:

daddr         saddr          value   1

This one differs slightly from the RingBuffer example above in a couple important ways. First of all the log lines do not happen at the same frequency as the events themselves, but rather on a timer. Secondly, the values in the key (daddr and saddr) are printed in addition to the value, which represents the total count of connections for this given source/destination pair. As these values change, or new source/destination pairs are introduced, the value will update and new rows will be printed accordingly.


Potentially even more powerful than the logging features of the bee runner are it's metrics capabilities. As opposed to the logging feature, the metrics feature allows for creation and export of generic metrics + labels from eBPF probes. A couple simple, yet powerful, examples of this functionality are in the examples folder. activeconn keeps track of all active tcpv4 connections in a gauge with source/dest IP as the metric labels. The tcpconnect example does something similar, but it increments a counter for each new connection, rather than maintaining all active.


Currently there are 2 ways to use a counter with bee. One with a HashMap and one with a RingBuffer.

An example of the both the RingBuffer counter and HashMap counter exist in the examples/tcpconnect folder. The program tracks the number of TCP connections using both map types to illustrate their use. We do not recommend saving the same value two separate ways.

After starting the program, and curling httpbin a few times we can, we can get the metrics from curl localhost:9091/metrics | grep events

# HELP ebpf_solo_io_counter_events_hash 
# TYPE ebpf_solo_io_counter_events_hash counter
ebpf_solo_io_counter_events_hash{daddr="",saddr=""} 9
ebpf_solo_io_counter_events_hash{daddr="",saddr=""} 5
# HELP ebpf_solo_io_counter_events_ring 
# TYPE ebpf_solo_io_counter_events_ring counter
ebpf_solo_io_counter_events_ring{daddr="",saddr=""} 9
ebpf_solo_io_counter_events_ring{daddr="",saddr=""} 5

As we can see the number of connections are being tracked both from our HashMap and RingBuffer implementation.


Gauges are used to track numeric values that can change over time. BumbleBee supports automatically exporting gauge style metrics for both RingBuffer and HashMap type maps as long as your map is correctly defined with a name with a gauge_ prefix.

An example of a gauge is the number of active connections to a given host. The /examples/activeconn/activeconn.c file contains an implementation of active connection tracking by using a HashMap type map with a gauge_ output type.

Let's take a closer look at the struct which defines the map that will contain the connection counts.

struct {
	__uint(type, BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH);
	__uint(max_entries, 8192);
	__type(key, struct dimensions_t);
	__type(value, u64);
} gauge_sockets_ext SEC(".maps");

This defines a HashMap containing integer values for connection counts which are keyed by struct dimensions_t (which we explored in the HashMap section). In other words, this means that each source and destination address pair will point to an integer representing the current number of active connections.

The exporting of metrics is automatically handled thanks to the name prefix of gauge_. This tells the bee runner to export gauge metrics of the current value for each entry in the HashMap map each time the value of the map is polled. Alternatively, if we were using a RingBuffer with gauge output, when each entry is processed by the bee runner, the gauge value will be updated accordingly.