You can return anything from rule methods, thus you can do anything to deal with:
const form = {
account: '123',
const schema = {
account: {
$params: {
min: 5,
$rules: {
minLength({ value, params }) {
if (value.length <= params.min) {
return false
$errors: {
minLength({ params }) {
return [`error`, `Must be at least ${params.min} characters long.`]
const validator = {}
const proxiedForm = FormValidation.proxy({ form, schema, validator })
const [type, message] = validator.account.$v.errors.minLength
if (type === 'error') {
// > Must be at least 5 charcters
const form = {
password: '123',
confirmPassword: '456',
const schema = {
confirmPassword: {
$params: {
sameAsFieldPath: ['password'],
sameAsFieldName: 'Password',
$rules: {
sameAs({ value, params, target }) {
const anotherValue = params.sameAsFieldPath.reduce((anotherValue, key) => anotherValue[key], target)
if (anotherValue !== value) {
return 'Something went wrong'
$errors: {
sameAs({ params }) {
return `This field should be the same as the ${params.sameAsFieldName}.`
const validator = {}
const proxiedForm = FormValidation.proxy({ form, schema, validator })
// > This field should be the same as the Password.
const form = {
ipAllowList: ['', ''],
const schema = {
ipAllowList: {
$iter: {
$params: {
fieldName: 'Ip',
$rule: {
unique({ path, target }) {
const selfIndex = path.pop()
const parent = path.reduce((parent, key) => parent[key], target)
for (const index in parent) {
if (parent[selfIndex] === parent[index] && parseInt(index, 10) > selfIndex) {
return false
$errors: {
unique({ params }) {
return `This ${params.fieldName} is duplicated`
const validator = {}
const proxiedForm = FormValidation.proxy({ form, schema, validator })
// > undefined
// > This Ip is duplicated