Check below for solutions to common error messages.
# Bad Host Message
The TCP/IP connection to the host, port 51552 has failed.
Error: "connect timed out. Verify the connection properties. Make sure
that an instance of SQL Server is running on the host and accepting
TCP/IP connections at the port. Make sure that TCP connections to the
port are not blocked by a firewall.".
# Unspecified azure server error message
Cannot open server "" requested by the login. The login
failed. ClientConnectionId:33b6ae38-254a-483b-ba24-04d69828fe0c
# Bad dbname error message
Login failed for user 'foo'.
# Database does not exist
Cannot open database "foo" requested by the login. The login
failed. ClientConnectionId:f6e2df79-1d72-4df3-8c38-2a9e7a349003