version 1.45.2
- [slack-api-client] #1429 Fix #1426 IllegalStateException when deserializing message using conversations.history - Thanks @rasharab @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #1428 Consistently use the same OkHttpClient for requests - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-client] #1427 Add channels param to files.upload v2 method (and its underlying files.completeUploadExternal) - Thanks @seratch
- [slack-api-model] #1420 Add #1416 Add expand property to SectionBlock class - Thanks @ESteanes @seratch
- [bolt] #1421 Fix #1417 Change socket mode ping/pong from debug to trace - Thanks @bruceadowns @seratch
- [bolt] #1419 Fix #1418 Expose AwsCredentialsProvider to AmazonS3InstallationService - Thanks @bruceadowns @seratch
- All issues/pull requests:
- All changes: v1.45.1...v1.45.2