EasyBackup is a backup tool that currently supports xtrabackup.
$ make && make install
$ easybackup --help
easybackup [flags]
easybackup [command]
Available Commands:
backup Take a backup
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
init Init a repository
list List backup sets in repository
restore Restore a database from backupset
-h, --help help for easybackup
Use "easybackup [command] --help" for more information about a command.
1、Create a json file for backup
$ cat << EOF > config.json
"identifer": "instanceName",
"version": "8.0.28",
"login_path": "MYDB8028",
"db_hostname": "",
"db_user": "mysql",
"throttle": 400,
"try_compress": true,
"bin_path": "/usr/local/xtrabackup/8.0.28/bin",
"data_path": "/data/mysql/8.0.28",
"backup_user": "backupuser",
"backup_hostname": ""
2、Init a repository in path /data/backup
, the repository name is repo1
$ easybackup init -f config.json -p /data/backup -n repo1
3、Take a full backup and check it
$ easybackup backup -p /data/backup/repo1 -t full
$ easybackup list backupset -p /data/backup/repo1
BackupTime | Id | Type | FromLSN | ToLSN | Size(Kb)
2024-01-06 22:58:07 | 25070168-099e-4f6d-9274-bad6edf71ac4 | full | 0 | 18166699 | 3505
4、Take a incr backup and check it
$ easybackup backup -p /data/backup/repo1 -t incr
$ easybackup list backupset -p /data/backup/repo1
BackupTime | Id | Type | FromLSN | ToLSN | Size(Kb)
2024-01-06 22:58:07 | 25070168-099e-4f6d-9274-bad6edf71ac4 | full | 0 | 18166699 | 3505
2024-01-06 23:00:58 | 3d76a621-e9bf-4a67-b663-143923e392ea | incr | 18166699 | 18166719 | 212
1、Restore database from backupset, the target path is /data/restore/instance01
$ easybackup restore -p /data/backup/repo1 -m /usr/local/mysql/8.0.28 -t /data/restore/instance01 -i 3d76a621-e9bf-4a67-b663-143923e392ea
2、Check it, the database is started and port is 36627
$ ps -ef|grep mysql |grep /data/restore/instance01
root 87748 1 0 23:30 ? 00:00:00 sudo -u mysql /usr/local/mysql/8.0.28/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/data/restore/instance01/my.cnf
mysql 87750 87748 0 23:30 ? 00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/local/mysql/8.0.28/bin/mysqld_safe --defaults-file=/data/restore/instance01/my.cnf
mysql 87976 87750 0 23:30 ? 00:00:01 /usr/local/mysql/8.0.28/bin/mysqld --defaults-file=/data/restore/instance01/my.cnf --basedir=/usr/local/mysql/8.0.28 --datadir=/data/restore/instance01/25070168-099e-4f6d-9274-bad6edf71ac4 --plugin-dir=/usr/local/mysql/8.0.28/lib/plugin --log-error=/data/restore/instance01/mysql.err --pid-file=/data/restore/instance01/mysql.pid --socket=/data/restore/instance01/mysql.sock --port=36627