From f9e41177c26e85134358d4e9360b4c87b7136b51 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jacob Hageman Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2021 11:26:03 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Fix #1205 #1131 #1127 #1029 #942, Requirements Updates #1205: Added task and CDS file write default filenames #1131: Removed optional from EVS log #1127: Non-parameter reload/restart doesn't increment cmd error #1029: Removed system log elements from reset preservation list #942: Simplifed table partial load file requirement --- docs/cFE_FunctionalRequirements.csv | 52 +++++++++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/cFE_FunctionalRequirements.csv b/docs/cFE_FunctionalRequirements.csv index 8793bb771..57f6817ad 100644 --- a/docs/cFE_FunctionalRequirements.csv +++ b/docs/cFE_FunctionalRequirements.csv @@ -36,11 +36,11 @@ ES: Delete Application - Reject Undefined,cES1006.1,"If the specified Applicatio ES: Restart Application,cES1007,"Upon receipt of a Command, the cFE shall Restart the Command specified Application.","Need to be able to restart an Application. A restart involves deleting it (cleaning up) and then starting it again. This is similar to starting the cFE Application from a file system. When an Application is restarted, the only command parameter required is the application name. All other parameters including the filename are the same as the original cFE Application Create command. The restart is intended for error recovery such as an exception, and should not be used to start a new version of an Application. If a Critical Data Store Area is allocated for the Application, it is preserved, and the Application may re-connect to the Critical Data Store Area when it is running again." ES: Restart Application - Reject Undefined,cES1007.1,"If the Command specified Application is undefined then the cFE shall reject the Command, increment the invalid Command counter and generate an event message.",Can't restart an undefined application. ES: Restart Application - Reject On Missing File,cES1007.2,"If the original cFE Application file is not found then the cFE shall reject the Command, increment the invalid Command counter, and generate an event message.","Can't restart the Application if the original file has been removed. The command is aborted during the attempt to load, after the application has been deleted." -ES: Restart Application - Delete On Non-Parameter Error,cES1007.3,"If the cFE Application Restart fails due to a non-parameter error, then the cFE shall delete the Application, increment the invalid Command counter, and generate an event message.","If the Application is already stopped and there is an error restarting it, then the cFE application will be deleted." +ES: Restart Application - Delete On Non-Parameter Error,cES1007.3,"If the cFE Application Restart fails due to a non-parameter error, then the cFE shall delete the Application and generate an event message.","If the Application is already stopped and there is an error restarting it, then the cFE application will be deleted. Note non-parameter errors do not increment the command error counter, since they are detected after the request has been successfully processed." ES: Reload Application,cES1008,Upon receipt of a Command the cFE shall Reload the Command specified cFE Application from the Command specified cFE Application file.,"This command enables the ground to replace an Application with only one command. This is required for applications such as a Command Uplink Application, which must be replaced with one command. The specified cFE Application file may be from any valid cFE." ES: Reload Application - Reject Undefined,cES1008.1,"If the specified Application is undefined then the cFE shall reject the Command, increment the invalid Command counter and generate an event message.",Can't reload an undefined Application. ES: Reload Application - Reject On Missing File,cES1008.2,"If the specified cFE Application file does not exist then the cFE shall reject the command, increment the invalid Command counter, and generate an event message.",Can't reload the Application if the new file does not exist. -ES: Reload Application - Delete On Non-Parameter Error,cES1008.3,"If the cFE Application Reload fails due to a non-parameter error, then the cFE shall delete the Application, increment the invalid Command counter, and generate an event message.","If the Application is already stopped and there is an error restarting it, then the cFE application will be deleted. Should the old Application be restarted? Need to be able to reset the cFE in the event that there is a critical problem. As a result of the Power On Reset, all code and data are re-initialized and the cFE is returned to a default power-on state. This reset is initiated through a common interface." +ES: Reload Application - Delete On Non-Parameter Error,cES1008.3,"If the cFE Application Reload fails due to a non-parameter error, then the cFE shall delete the Application and generate an event message.","If the Application is already stopped and there is an error restarting it, then the cFE application will be deleted. Note non-parameter errors do not increment the command error counter, since they are detected after the request has been successfully processed." ES: Power On Reset,cES1009,"Upon receipt of a Command, the cFE shall perform a Power On Reset of the Core Flight Executive.","On a flight processor or other embedded processor this command results in rebooting the processor board through the Boot Software. On a desktop system this command will result in the restarting of the cFE, but not the operating system. Note: If the cFE implementation includes more than one cFE core images, it is the responsibility of the Boot Software to select which cFE image is booted." ES: Processor Reset,cES1010,"Upon receipt of a Command, the cFE shall perform a Processor Reset of the Core Flight Executive.",Need to be able to restart the cFE in the event that there is a problem with the Real Time OS or cFE Core software. Note that restarting the cFE will result in a restart of all of the cFE applications. ES: Application Status Message,cES1011,"Upon receipt of a Command, the cFE shall generate a message that contains a summary of the Command specified Application's properties and state as defined in the Systems Resources Definition including: @@ -57,8 +57,7 @@ ES: Application Status Record To File,cES1012,"Upon receipt of a Command, the cF ES: Application Status Record To File - Default Filename,cES1012.1,"If a file is not specified, the cFE shall use the `` filename.",Want to specify a default if the user does not want to specify a new filename. ES: System Log,cES1014,The cFE shall maintain an Executive Services System Log which contains a series of ASCII text strings describing significant events or errors.,"Examples of ES System Log information includes: ""Created new cFE Application:"" or ""Could Not Create OS Queue"" or ""File not found error: /eebank1/"" This requirement states that the cFE needs to maintain this information. There is a separate requirement for the creation of a file to transfer the information to the ground. Note that the information can also be obtained with a raw memory read." ES: System Log - Timestamps,cES1014.1,Each entry in the Executive Services System Log shall be time tagged with the time that the event happened.,Need to be able to determine when the event occurred. -ES: System Log - Calculate Usage,cES1014.2,"The cFE shall calculate the number of bytes used and number of entries in -Executive Services System Log.","Ground operations need indication of how full the System Log is so that they can clear it, if necessary, in order to make room for new entries (or at least write it to a file to preserve it)." +ES: System Log - Calculate Usage,cES1014.2,The cFE shall calculate the number of bytes used and number of entries in Executive Services System Log.,"Ground operations need indication of how full the System Log is so that they can clear it, if necessary, in order to make room for new entries (or at least write it to a file to preserve it)." ES: System Log - Overwrite On Full,cES1014.2.1,If the Executive Services System Log is full and the System Log Mode is set to OVERWRITE then the cFE shall write all new entries from the top of the log.,Want to provide the capability to continuously record all new System Messages. ES: System Log - Discard On Full,cES1014.2.2,If the Executive Services Syste Log is full and the System Log Mode is set to DISCARD then the cFE shall discard all new entries.,Want to provide capability to stop writing to the System Log in order to preserve to Log which may contain important anomalous messages. ES: System Log - Clear On Command,cES1015,"Upon receipt of a Command, the cFE shall clear the Executive Services System Log.",Want to be able to clear the Executive Services System Log Buffer so that only the new information is saved. @@ -87,12 +86,14 @@ ES: Critical Data Store Write To File,cES1026,"Upon receipt of a Command, the cF 2. Size 3. Memory Handle 4. Table Flag",This provides a registry of the Critical Data Store. +ES: Critical Data Store Write To File - Default Filename,cES1026.1,"If a file is not specified, the cFE shall use the `` filename.",Provide a default file name. ES: Critical Data Store Delete,cES1027,"Upon receipt of a Command, the cFE shall delete the Command Specified Critical Data Store.","As part of an Application clean-up, want to clean-up the allocated resources." ES: System Log Mode,cES1028,"Upon receipt of Command, the cFE shall set the System Log Mode to the Command-specified mode, either overwrite or discard.","While in Overwrite Mode the oldest logged System message will be overwritten by the new System message when the System Log Full Flag is set to true. While in Discard Mode the new message will be discarded, preserving the contents of the full log." ES: Analyzer Log Start,cES1029,"Upon receipt of a Command, the cFE shall start collecting Logic Analyzer Capture Log data.",Provide capability to start collection of performance data by command. ES: Analyzer Log Set Filter Mask,cES1030,"Upon receipt of a Command, the cFE shall set the Analyzer Log filter mask.",Provide capability to filter collection of performance data by command. ES: Analyzer Log Trigger Mask,cES1031,"Upon receipt of a Command, the cFE shall set the Analyzer Log trigger mask.",Provide capability to set the trigger mask for collection of performance data by command. ES: Task Status Record To File,cES1032,"Upon receipt of a Command, the cFE shall generate a Command specified file that contains the cFE Task information.",Provide capability to write all cFE task data to a file for system status and management. +ES: Task Status Record To File - Default Filename,cES1032.1,"If a file is not specified, the cFE shall use the `` filename.",Provide a default file name. ES: Get Memory Pool Statistics,cES1033,"Upon receipt of a Command, the cFE shall generate a message that contains the requested memory pool statistics.",Supports memory pool management. ES: Register Application,cES1300,"Upon receipt of a Request, the cFE shall register the calling cFE Application with the system.",cFE Applications must register with the cFE in order to allow the cFE to track the Application's resources. This function also allows the system to synchronize the application startup. The cFE Application will wait in this function until the cFE starts up. ES: Report Last Reset,cES1301,"Upon receipt of a Request, the cFE shall provide the type of last reset performed by the processor.",cFE Applications may perform processing that is specific to each reset type. @@ -190,10 +191,7 @@ ES: Processor Reset Preservation List,cES1521,"Upon a Processor Reset, the cFE s - Reset Subtype - Reset Reason - Number of Processor Resets -- Maximum Processor Resets -- Number of entries in System Log -- Size of System Log -- Number of bytes used in the System Log",The purpose of the Executive Services Exception and Reset Log is to log all resets and all exceptions that occur. +- Maximum Processor Resets",The purpose of the Executive Services Exception and Reset Log is to log all resets and all exceptions that occur. ES: Processor Reset Set System Log Mode,cES1522,"Upon a Processor Reset, the cFE shall set the System Log Mode to `` default mode.","Typically want to preserve the System Events that may have captured the cause of the processor reset, but system can be configured as desired." ES: Power On Reset Set System Log Mode,cES1523,"Upon a Power-On Reset, the cFE shall set the System Log Mode to `` default mode.","Typically want to overwrite the System Events during normal operations to store the most recent events, but system can be configured as desired." FS: Read File Header,cES1600,Upon receipt of a Request the cFE shall provide the file header contents of the requested file.,File management support. @@ -229,11 +227,11 @@ EVS: Zero Application Message Sent Count,cEVS3009,"Upon receipt of Command, the EVS: Zero App Filter Counter By Event ID,cEVS3010,"Upon receipt of Command, the cFE shall set an Application's Binary Filter Counter to zero for the Command-specified Event ID.",Clearing an Application's Filtered Event Message Counter is a convenient method for resetting the filter on the event. EVS: Zero App Filter Counters,cEVS3011,"Upon receipt of Command, the cFE shall set all of an Application's Binary Filter Counters to zero.",Having the ability to reset all Application Filtered Event Message Counters is a quick method for resetting all the application's event filters. Note: This command gives operators the ability to reset all exhausted event filters (i.e. send 16 and stop) so that filtered events may be generated once again. EVS: Set App Filter Mask By Event ID,cEVS3012,Upon receipt of Command the cFE shall set an Application's Binary Filter Mask to the Command-specified Event Filter for the given Application Event ID.,Allow an operator to tune the system for a particular operational environment. -EVS: Clear Local Event Log,cEVS3013,"_(OPTIONAL)_ Upon receipt of Command, the cFE shall clear the Local Event Log.",Need to be able to clear the log if the event logging is operating in discard mode. -EVS: Set Event Logging Mode,cEVS3014,"_(OPTIONAL)_ Upon receipt of Command, the cFE shall set the Event Logging Mode to the Command-specified mode, either overwrite or discard.","While in Overwrite Mode the oldest logged event will be overwritten by the new event when the Event Log Full Flag is set to true. While in Discard Mode the new event will be discarded, preserving the contents of the full log. Need the ability to switch between Event Message logging modes." -EVS: Write Local Event Log To File,cEVS3015,"_(OPTIONAL)_ Upon receipt of Command, the cFE shall write the contents of the Local Event Log to the Command specified file.",Allows for ground view of the log. Local Event Log is not intended for operation playback. The main purpose of the Local Event Log is for ground testing. Ground operators may view the data file for playing back stored events. +EVS: Clear Local Event Log,cEVS3013,"Upon receipt of Command, the cFE shall clear the Local Event Log.",Need to be able to clear the log if the event logging is operating in discard mode. +EVS: Set Event Logging Mode,cEVS3014,"Upon receipt of Command, the cFE shall set the Event Logging Mode to the Command-specified mode, either overwrite or discard.","While in Overwrite Mode the oldest logged event will be overwritten by the new event when the Event Log Full Flag is set to true. While in Discard Mode the new event will be discarded, preserving the contents of the full log. Need the ability to switch between Event Message logging modes." +EVS: Write Local Event Log To File,cEVS3015,"Upon receipt of Command, the cFE shall write the contents of the Local Event Log to the Command specified file.",Allows for ground view of the log. Local Event Log is not intended for operation playback. The main purpose of the Local Event Log is for ground testing. Ground operators may view the data file for playing back stored events. EVS: Write Local Event Log To File - Default Filename,cEVS3015.1,"If a file is not specified, the cFE shall use the `` filename.",Want to provide a default in the event that a user does not want to specify one. -EVS: Write Local Event Log Order,cEVS3016,_(OPTIONAL)_ The cFE shall write each Event Message from the earliest logged message to the most recently logged message.,"Ground operators like to see the progression of events in the order that they occurred. In a scenario when a time correction has been made, the earliest logged may not necessarily mean the oldest time stamp. This type of playback may not be desirable for Event Logs of considerable size. It is worthwhile for cFE users to keep Event Logs relatively small." +EVS: Write Local Event Log Order,cEVS3016,The cFE shall write each Event Message from the earliest logged message to the most recently logged message.,"Ground operators like to see the progression of events in the order that they occurred. In a scenario when a time correction has been made, the earliest logged may not necessarily mean the oldest time stamp. This type of playback may not be desirable for Event Logs of considerable size. It is worthwhile for cFE users to keep Event Logs relatively small." EVS: Control Message Port Routing,cEVS3017,"Upon receipt of Command the cFE shall enable/disable, as specified in the Command, the routing of all future Event Messages to the Command specified Event Message Port.","Event Message Output Ports may not be available or needed; therefore the ability to configure sending to an Event Message Port is useful." EVS: Housekeeping Message,cEVS3018,"Upon receipt of a Message, the cFE shall generate a housekeeping message that includes the following Event Services items: @@ -244,9 +242,9 @@ EVS: Housekeeping Message,cEVS3018,"Upon receipt of a Message, the cFE shall gen - Event Message Truncation Counter - Unregistered Application Send Counter - Event Message Output Port Enable Statuses -- _(OPTIONAL)_ Local Event Log Full Flag -- _(OPTIONAL)_ Local Event Log Overflow Counter -- _(OPTIONAL)_ Logging Mode +- Local Event Log Full Flag +- Local Event Log Overflow Counter +- Logging Mode - For each registered Application: o Application Event Message Sent Counter o Application Event Service Enable Status",Generate housekeeping message for system awareness and management. @@ -295,17 +293,17 @@ EVS: Increment Message Sent Counter,cEVS3105,"For each created Event Message, th EVS: Increment Message Sent Counter - Retain Maximum Value,cEVS3105.1,"If the Event Message Sent Counter has reached its maximum value of (2^16)-1 the cFE shall retain the maximum value (i.e. do not rollover to zero).",Preventing a counter rollover to zero eliminates the case when a user may think no events have occurred when in fact many events have occurred. EVS: Zero App Filter Counter By Event ID,cEVS3106,"Upon receipt of a request, the cFE shall set an Application's Binary Filter Counter to zero for the Application request-specified Event ID.",Clearing an Application's Binary Filter Counter is a convenient method for resetting the filter on the event. EVS: Zero App Filter Counters,cEVS3107,"Upon receipt of a request, the cFE shall set all of an Application's Binary Filter Counters to zero for the request-specified Application.",Having the ability to reset all Application Filtered Event Message Counters is a quick method for resetting all the application's event filters. -EVS: Store Message In Event Log,cEVS3108,"_(OPTIONAL)_ For each created Event Message, the cFE shall store the Event Message in the Local Event Log in the Long Event Message Format.",It's useful to save Event Messages when external communications is unavailable. This may occur during system initialization (especially events generated from other cFE components) and during a communications failure. -EVS: Store Message In Event Log - Set Full Flag,cEVS3108.1,"_(OPTIONAL)_ If the Local Event Log becomes full, the cFE shall set the Local Event Log Full Flag to true.",Ground operations needs to know the state of the Local Even Log. -EVS: Store Message In Event Log - Increment Overflow Counter,cEVS3108.2,"_(OPTIONAL)_ If the Local Event Log is full, the cFE shall increment the Local Event Log Overflow counter.",Ground operations needs to know how many Event Messages were discarded or overwritten. -EVS: Store Message In Event Log - Log Full Behavior,cEVS3108.3,"_(OPTIONAL)_ If the Local Event Log is full, the cFE shall either (1) overwrite the oldest Event Message if the Event Logging Mode is overwrite, or (2) discard the Event Message if the Event Logging Mode is discard.",Overwriting the oldest message is useful for nominal operations because a user doesn't need to periodically clear the Log. If an error occurs when there's no communication then the Local Event Log size must be large enough to retain the Event Messages since communications was lost. Discarding the newest Event Message is useful for trouble shooting a problem. For example there may be a problem during processor initialization that occurs when there's no communications with the processor interfacing with the User. In this case the original Event Messages are critical to solving the problem so they should be preserved. Note that the Event Logging Mode can be changed via stored commanding. +EVS: Store Message In Event Log,cEVS3108,"For each created Event Message, the cFE shall store the Event Message in the Local Event Log in the Long Event Message Format.",It's useful to save Event Messages when external communications is unavailable. This may occur during system initialization (especially events generated from other cFE components) and during a communications failure. +EVS: Store Message In Event Log - Set Full Flag,cEVS3108.1,"If the Local Event Log becomes full, the cFE shall set the Local Event Log Full Flag to true.",Ground operations needs to know the state of the Local Even Log. +EVS: Store Message In Event Log - Increment Overflow Counter,cEVS3108.2,"If the Local Event Log is full, the cFE shall increment the Local Event Log Overflow counter.",Ground operations needs to know how many Event Messages were discarded or overwritten. +EVS: Store Message In Event Log - Log Full Behavior,cEVS3108.3,"If the Local Event Log is full, the cFE shall either (1) overwrite the oldest Event Message if the Event Logging Mode is overwrite, or (2) discard the Event Message if the Event Logging Mode is discard.",Overwriting the oldest message is useful for nominal operations because a user doesn't need to periodically clear the Log. If an error occurs when there's no communication then the Local Event Log size must be large enough to retain the Event Messages since communications was lost. Discarding the newest Event Message is useful for trouble shooting a problem. For example there may be a problem during processor initialization that occurs when there's no communications with the processor interfacing with the User. In this case the original Event Messages are critical to solving the problem so they should be preserved. Note that the Event Logging Mode can be changed via stored commanding. EVS: Message Port Routing,cEVS3109,"For each created Event Message, the cFE shall route the Event Message, formatted as an ASCII text string, to each enabled Event Message Output Port.",Debug ports are very useful for FSW development and maintenance. EVS: Initialize Format On Power On Reset,cEVS3201,"Upon a Power-on Reset, the cFE shall set SB Event Format Mode to `` default mode.","Each mission must determine what format they need, defaulted to LONG." -EVS: Initialize Full Flag To False On Power On Reset,cEVS3202,"_(OPTIONAL)_ Upon a Power-on Reset, the cFE shall set the Local Event Log Full Flag to false.",Set cFE to default status across Power-on Resets. -EVS: Initialize Logging Mode On Power On Reset,cEVS3203,"_(OPTIONAL)_ Upon a Power-on Reset, the cFE shall set the Event Logging Mode to ``.",Set cFE to default status across Power-on Resets. -EVS: Preserve Event Log Reset Mode On Processor Reset,cEVS3207,"_(OPTIONAL)_ Upon a Processor Reset, the cFE shall preserve the Event Logging Mode configuration parameter.",Try to retain mode across a processor reset. The contents of the Local Event Log will be preserved if the Event Logging Mode is configured to Discard. The contents of the Local Event Log may be overwritten (depending on the size and contents of the log prior to the reset) if the Event Logging Mode is configured to Overwrite. -EVS: Preserve Log Full State On Processor Reset,cEVS3208,"_(OPTIONAL)_ Upon a Processor Reset, the cFE shall preserve the Local Event Log Full state.",Retain the cFE state across Processor Resets. -EVS: Preserve Log Overflow Counter On Processor Reset,cEVS3210,"_(OPTIONAL)_ Upon a Processor Reset, the cFE shall preserve the Local Event Log Overflow Counter.",Retain the cFE state across Processor Resets. +EVS: Initialize Full Flag To False On Power On Reset,cEVS3202,"Upon a Power-on Reset, the cFE shall set the Local Event Log Full Flag to false.",Set cFE to default status across Power-on Resets. +EVS: Initialize Logging Mode On Power On Reset,cEVS3203,"Upon a Power-on Reset, the cFE shall set the Event Logging Mode to ``.",Set cFE to default status across Power-on Resets. +EVS: Preserve Event Log Reset Mode On Processor Reset,cEVS3207,"Upon a Processor Reset, the cFE shall preserve the Event Logging Mode configuration parameter.",Try to retain mode across a processor reset. The contents of the Local Event Log will be preserved if the Event Logging Mode is configured to Discard. The contents of the Local Event Log may be overwritten (depending on the size and contents of the log prior to the reset) if the Event Logging Mode is configured to Overwrite. +EVS: Preserve Log Full State On Processor Reset,cEVS3208,"Upon a Processor Reset, the cFE shall preserve the Local Event Log Full state.",Retain the cFE state across Processor Resets. +EVS: Preserve Log Overflow Counter On Processor Reset,cEVS3210,"Upon a Processor Reset, the cFE shall preserve the Local Event Log Overflow Counter.",Retain the cFE state across Processor Resets. SB: NOOP Event,cSB4000,"Upon receipt of a Command, the cFE shall generate a NO-OP event message.",This command is useful as a general sub-system aliveness test. SB: Zero Counters,cSB4001,"Upon receipt of Command the cFE shall set to zero the following counters in housekeeping telemetry: @@ -397,7 +395,7 @@ SB: Validate Message ID,cSB4345,"Upon receipt of a Request, the cFE shall provid SB: Initialize Routing On Power On Reset,cSB4500,Upon a Power-on Reset the cFE shall initialize the Routing Information and clear all error counters.,The cFE must initialize to a known state. SB: Initialize Routing On Processor Reset,cSB4501,Upon a Processor Reset the cFE shall initialize the Routing Information and clear all error counters,The cFE must initialize to a known state. TBL: Load Inactive Table From File,cTBL6000,Upon receipt of Command the cFE shall load an Inactive Table Image with the contents of the Command specified File.,Loading from a file allows for multiple versions of a table to be stored on board and loaded to the active table when appropriate. The file header will identify the Table that the file contents are for. -TBL: Load Inactive Table From File - Partial Load,cTBL6000.1,"If the Command specified file's header indicates that the file contains only a portion of the Table, the cFE shall first load an Inactive Table Image with the contents of the Active Table Image and then load the contents of the Command specified File.","A Partial Table load capability is useful when dealing with large Tables. It helps to ensure that additional parameters are not unintentionally modified, reduces command time required to perform a Table update and is a feature that has been used on previous missions." +TBL: Load Inactive Table From File - Partial Load,cTBL6000.1,"If the Command specified file contains only a portion of the Table, the cFE shall first load an Inactive Table Image with the contents of the Active Table Image and then load the contents of the Command specified File.","A Partial Table load capability is useful when dealing with large Tables. It helps to ensure that additional parameters are not unintentionally modified, reduces command time required to perform a Table update and is a feature that has been used on previous missions." TBL: Load Inactive Table From File - Greater Than Max Size,cTBL6000.2,If the number of data bytes contained in the file is greater than the maximum size of the table then the load shall be aborted and an event message shall be generated.,This is a sanity check to make sure that the ground generated table load does not include more data than a table can handle. TBL: Load Inactive Table From File - Header Size Mismatch,cTBL6000.3,If the number of bytes specified in the file's header is not equal to the number of data bytes contained in the file then the load shall be aborted and an event message be generated.,This is another sanity check to make sure that the number of bytes specified in the file header is equal to the number of data bytes in the file. TBL: Load Inactive Table From File - Multiple Partial Loads,cTBL6000.4,The Inactive Table Image shall only be loaded with the contents of the Active Table if the Inactive Table Image has not been initialized.,Want to be able to perform successive partial table loads. The first partial load of a table requires that the inactive table image be initialized with the active table image (see cTBL6000.2). Any subsequent loads should be made with the existing contents of the Inactive Buffer. @@ -507,9 +505,7 @@ TIME: Valid Command Counter,cTIME2003,"Upon receipt of valid command, the cFE sh TIME: Invalid Command Counter,cTIME2004,"Upon receipt of an invalid command, the cFE shall in increment the invalid command counter.",The ground needs an indicator if a command is rejected by the cFE. Details of what makes a command invalid are documented in the cFE User's Guide. TIME: Set Leap Seconds,cTIME2005,Upon receipt of Command the cFE shall set the number of Leap Seconds to the Command-specified value.,The decision to introduce a leap second in UTC is the responsibility of the International Earth Rotation Service (IERS). The count of Leap Seconds has been incremented about every 500 days since 1972. It is therefore likely that a mission will need to update. TIME: Set STCF,cTIME2006,Upon receipt of Command the cFE shall set the STCF to the Command specified value.,"The cFE must be provided with the appropriate correlation factor, that when combined with the current MET and Leap Seconds values, will result in current time. Historically this command has been referred to as 'jam loading' time." -TIME: Update STCF Given Current Time,cTIME2007,Upon receipt of Command the cFE shall compute a new value for STCF using the Command-specified value as current time.,"This command provides a useful alternative to setting the STCF -explicitly, as the command does not require knowledge of the current MET value. If the default time format is TAI then the new value for STCF is the -Command-specified time value less MET." +TIME: Update STCF Given Current Time,cTIME2007,Upon receipt of Command the cFE shall compute a new value for STCF using the Command-specified value as current time.,"This command provides a useful alternative to setting the STCF explicitly, as the command does not require knowledge of the current MET value. If the default time format is TAI then the new value for STCF is the Command-specified time value less MET." TIME: Delta Adjust STCF,cTIME2009,Upon receipt of Command the cFE shall make a continuous 1Hz delta adjustment to the STCF by the Command-specified value.,"Upon receipt of a Command to make a 'continuous' adjustment to the STCF, the cFE shall adjust the STCF each second by the Command-specified value. The commanded value is signed so a positive or negative adjustment may be made." TIME: Switch Tone Signal Source,cTIME2010,Upon receipt of Command the cFE shall switch to the Command-specified Tone Signal source.,"The behavior of this command is hardware specific, but provides the capability to command Tone Signal source selection if implemented at the hardware level." TIME: Diagnostic Message,cTIME2011,Upon receipt of Command the cFE shall generate a Software Bus message that includes time diagnostic information.,"When testing or debugging the time application, more details about time services are required."