Coffea is a command line tool and Python library for analyzing static dependences in Java bytecode. Features:
- Class processing handled entirely in Python (i.e. no JVM dependency and no class loader issues)
- Recursive processing of directories (e.g. exploded deployments) and basic archive formats (jar, war and ear)
- Package or class based dependency models
- Node weight based on actual code size (i.e. bytecode size)
- Node filters and mappers for basic noise reduction (eg. removing certain packages from the model or folding several packages into one node)
- Basic graph visualisation using matplotlib
- Exporting to common graph formats using standard networkx facilities (eg. dot, gml or graphml)
Run the command-line tool (use coffea -h
for a complete list of options):
$ coffea -i <directory|jar|war|ear|class>
Modelling JBoss AS 7.x internal dependency structure:
$ coffea -p -i /opt/jboss-7.2.0.GA/modules/ -Ip org.jboss. -Mrp org.jboss. -Mep 0 -El logging
Interactive mode equivalent:
>>> from coffea.builder import Builder >>> from coffea.analyzer import Plotter >>> from coffea.model import NodeIdFilter, NodeIdMapper >>> b = Builder() >>> b.model.node_filters.append(NodeIdFilter(lambda it: it.startswith('org.jboss.'))) >>> b.model.node_filters.append(NodeIdMapper(lambda it: it.replace('org.jboss.', ''))) >>> b.model.node_filters.append(NodeIdMapper(lambda it: it.split('.')[0])) >>> b.model.node_filters.append(NodeIdFilter(lambda it: it not in ['logging'])) >>> b.append('/opt/jboss-7.2.0.GA/modules/') No handlers could be found for logger "scanner" >>> print len(b.model.nodes) 48 >>> p = Plotter(b.model) >>> p.plot() [Displays an interactive view of the dependency model] >>> p.plot(filename='/tmp/jboss7_module_dependencies.png')
You can run the test suite directly from the command line:
$ python -m unittest discover