Sinatra is often used for web service applications. One common need these applications have is to parse incoming messages, typically JSON or XML.
Often this is a two step process -- first parsing the message string into predictable data structures, then loading that into models. So a typical route might look like
post '/messages' do
message = Message.from_hash( ::MultiJson.decode(request.body) )
halt 201, {'Location' => "/messages/#{}"}, ''
And your Message model would have an appropriate #from_hash
method that
grabs what it needs from the parsed message and throws it into a new instance.
If your application has several different endpoints, all using the same content-type, you could save some repetition by moving it to a helper:
helpers do
def parsed_body
post '/orders' do
order = Order.from_hash( parsed_body )
# ....
This works fine for simple scenarios. But if you have multiple content-types, need to validate the message format, or do other pre-processing on it, moving the parsing logic out of your application itself starts to become attractive.
One option is to move it into a module that your app extends.
But another option is to do the parsing in a middleware. That way, your app is not responsible for doing the basic parsing at all -- it's done and exposed to your app by the time the request arrives.
The idea is to mimic what Rack does to process form data, which is to populate
the env[rack.request.form_hash]
with a hash, and then expose that through the
hash. But instead of parsing url parameters or multipart form data, it
will parse the XML or JSON body.
is a Rack middleware that does just that, and lets you
configure custom parsing routines for any given content-type.
So using Rack::Parser, the example above would be changed to
# in
use Rack::Parser, :content_types => {
'application/json' => { |body| ::MultiJson.decode body }
# in application
post '/orders' do
order = Order.from_hash( params['order'] )
# ....
This is quite convenient if your app accepts either form data or JSON for a given endpoint -- since the code is then identical whether a user submits a form directly or some web-service client submits a JSON request.
Note that the content-type handlers are just procs (or anything that responds to
) that take a single parameter -- the request body.
This makes it quite easy to set up custom parsing, validation, or other pre- processing.
Rack::Parser also has recently added support for error handling, so that errors in parsing can be mapped into a suitable http response, and logged. This is quite useful for handling validation errors.
For instance, say you have set up vendor-specific json message formats, which
you want to validate using a validate_input
class method on your models.
class MyJsonParser
def initialize(validator_class)
@klass = validator_class
def call(body)
json = ::MultiJson.decode(body)
if @klass.respond_to?(:validate_input)
use Rack::Parser, :parsers => {
'application/vnd-my-message+json' =>,
'application/vnd-my-order+json' =>
Then any parsing error raised in MulitJson.decode
or validation error in
will result in a 400 (bad request) response in the same
content-type as the request -- like
{"errors": "Validation error in input - cannot set 'private_info'"}
This is the default; you can also completely customize how errors are converted into responses, per content-type. Both the error and the content type is passed down to the handler.
use Rack::Parser, :handlers => {
'application/xml' => proc { |err, type| [400, '<?xml version="1.0"?><response><error>Something went wrong</error></response>'] }