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Blackwood 4NT

Blackwood 4NT -- Grand Slam Authentication for Windows NT (10)


Blackwood 4NT is a simple C/C++-based Windows library for communicating with Grand Slam Authentication (GSA) and obtaining the Server Provided Data (spd) that contains, among other things, the Password Equivalent Token (PET), which can then be used for further API authentication when combined with the user's Alternate Directory Services Identifier (ADSID/AltDSID).


Multiple pieces of technology had to be created in order to enable Blackwood 4NT to function.

  • Successful communication with GSA requires an implementation of Secure Remote Password, Version 6a (SRP-6a)[], mostly described in RFC 5054[]. Unfortunately, Windows does not support SRP-6a natively, and the two open-source C libraries that exist use either the GNU MP (GMP) library [] or OpenSSL []. The former is undesirable as a circa-2008 thread [] on how Windows x64 uses LLP64 and that pointers shouldn't be defined as int's in proper C has still not been closed (thus the library is unusable on any modern Windows system). The latter implementation contains a number of correctness bugs, and sadly, both libraries incorrectly interpret the RFC and do not perform the appropriate padding [cocagne/csrp#9] of certain cryptographic numbers (as a matter of fact, there are no less than 14 different SRP-6a libraries on GitHub, all of which have slight variations [LinusU/secure-remote-password#12] in their implementation!). To top it all off, GSA adds a number of customizations to SRP-6a, such that even a fully RFC-compliant library would be insufficient.

  • As per the above, SRP-6a requires the ability to perform cryptographic operations on extremely large numbers, and C/C++ lack a standardized library for doing so. Because a strong design goal was the avoidance of complex or non-Windows friendly libraries such as OpenSSL [] and GMP [], a simple library was created solely for the operations needed by SRP-6a. This code is slow, but simple, and is expressly implemented to support SRP-6a. It is not a generic drop-in replacement for a BigInt/BigNumber library.

  • One of the GSA-specific additions to SRP-6a is that the password must be processed through the Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2 (PBKDF2) []. Thankfully, Windows 7 and above support this natively in their BCrypt API []. Similarly, access to a Random Number Generator (RNG) is needed, which this library also provides [].

  • In order to perform network communications over HTTPS to reach GSA, and due to a lack of a standardized library (for now), the cpprestsdk project [] was used, as it receives ongoing support from Microsoft and is quite excellent.

  • GSA utilizes the Propery List (plist) format to describe requests and responses, which is itself an offshoot of XML. The pugixml project [] was used to add highly simplified XML processing, and a simplified forked version of the Plistcpp project [] provides the primitives needed for constructing the appropriate payloads and parsing their responses.

  • Both of these projects depend on an ::any variant object. In order to avoid the overhead of boost, a compiler with support for C++17 is required to build the network-facing side of this project.

  • In order to be compliant with the Two Factor Authentication (2FA) implementation of GSA, which is named HSA2, specific HTTP headers must be encoded by Blackwood 4NT into each request, and initial machine provisioning must be performed in order to avoid repeated security code requests. Once enrolled, further GSA logins will no longer require 2FA from the given machine. A library, Pastis, was developed to handle these headers.

Technical Architecture & Design

Useful Acronyms

  • MMe - MobileMe, the old name for iCloud
  • IdMS - Identity Management Services, the team and services at Apple that manage identity (Apple ID)

API Endpoint

Regular HTTP Headers

Header Description Usage
X-Mme-Client-Info MobileMe Client Information See below for format
X-Mme-Device-Id MobileMe Device Identifier See below for format
X-Mme-Legacy-Device-Id MobileMe Device Identifier See below for format
X-Mme-Country MobileMe Country Identifier Standard ISO Country Code (US)
Accept-Language Language Identifier Standard ISO Language Identifier (en)
MobileMe Client Information

The format of this field, for a Windows-based request, is constructed as follows:


Identifier Description Usage
OS OS Identifier Set to Windows
MAJOR OS Major Version Returned from OS Version API
MINOR OS Minor Version Returned from OS Version API
SPMAJOR OS Service Pack Major Version Returned from OS Version API
SPMINOR OS Service Pack Minor Version Returned from OS Version API
BUILD OS Build Number Returned from OS Version API
AUTHKIT_BUNDLE_ID AuthKit Bundle Identifier Always
AUTHKIT_VERSION AuthKit Version Always 1
APP_BUNDLE_ID Requesting Application Bundle Identifier Depends on application
APP_VERSION Requesting Application Version Depends on application -- obtained from GetFileVersionInfo API

Note that due to Apple's own applications not correctly using a [](manifest file), the OS Version APIs that they use will always end up returning Windows Vista information.

Therefore, a fully constructed field typically looks as such:

<PC> <Windows;6.2(0,0);9200> < (>

MobileMe Device Identifier

The device identifier is made up of the following pieces of information, hashed with MD5 according to the information shown below.

Header Description Usage
Ethernet MAC MAC Address of the first NIC See below for more information
Volume Serial Number Serial number of the C: volume See below for more information
Product ID Windows Product ID See below for more information
CPU Name Vendor Name for the Primary CPU See below for more information
BIOS Version Version String of the System BIOS See below for more information
Machine Name Computer Name See below for more information
Hardware Profile GUID GUID of the current hardware profile See below for more information

For each of these 7 hashes, the first 32-bits are taken and converted to an upper-cased hex string, which is zero-extended to 8 digits. Each hex string is then concatenated into a period (".") separated string:


Ethernet MAC

Obtained by calling GetAdaptersAddresses and performing the MD5 hash of the first returned MAC address.

Volume Serial Number

Obtained by calling GetVolumeInformationW and performing the MD5 hash of the first four bytes. Note that it is critical to use the UTF-16LE result, and only take 4 bytes (2 characters).

Product ID

Obtained by reading the ProductId value under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion registry key and performing the MD5 hash of all bytes. Note that it is critical to use the ASCII result (RegQueryValueExA) and hash all of the bytes in the value.

Interestingly, some of Apple's services are still only x86, and therefore run under WOW64 on 64-bit Windows systems, and access the "virtualized" redirected version of the SOFTWARE hive, which does not contain this information, so the hash will be all zeroes.

CPU Name

Obtained by reading the ProcessorNameString value under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0 registry key and performing the MD5 hash of all bytes. Note that it is critical to use the ASCII result (RegQueryValueExA) and hash all of the bytes in the value.

BIOS Version

Obtained by reading the SystemBiosVersion value under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System registry key and performing the MD5 hash of all bytes. Note that it is critical to use the ASCII result (RegQueryValueExA) and hash all of the bytes in the value.

Machine Name

Obtained by calling GetComputerNameW and performing the MD5 hash of the resulting bytes. Note that it is critical to use the UTF-16LE result, and take all returned bytes.

Hardware Profile GUID

Obtained by calling GetCurrentHwProfileW and performing the MD5 hash of the GUID string returned in szHwProfileGuid. Note that it is critical to use the UTF-16LE result, and take all returned bytes.

MobileMe Legacy Device Identifier

The legacy device identifier is made up of the following pieces of information, hashed with MD5 according to the information shown below. Pay close attention in how they differ to the non-legacy versions above.

Header Description Usage
Volume Serial Number Serial number of the C: volume See below for more information
BIOS Version Version String of the System BIOS See below for more information
CPU Name Vendor Name for the Primary CPU See below for more information
Product ID Windows Product ID See below for more information

First, the ASCII string cache-control is hashed, followed by the ASCII string Ethernet. Then, for each of these 4 hashes, the first 32-bits are taken and converted to an lower-cased hex string, which is zero-extended to 8 digits. Each hex string is then concatenated without any separation:


Volume Serial Number

This is computed in the same way as the non-legacy hash.

BIOS Version

Obtained by reading the SystemBiosVersion value under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System registry key and performing the MD5 hash of all bytes. Note that it is critical to use the UTF-16LE result (RegQueryValueExW) and hash all of the bytes in the value.

CPU Name

Obtained by reading the ProcessorNameString value under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System\CentralProcessor\0 registry key and performing the MD5 hash of all bytes. Note that it is critical to use the UTF-16LE result (RegQueryValueExW) and hash all of the bytes in the value.

Product ID

This is computed in the same way as the non-legacy hash.

Anisette HTTP Headers

Header Description Usage
X-Apple-I-MD-LU Machine Data, Local UUID See below for description
X-Apple-I-MD Machine Data, One Time Password (OTP) See below for description
X-Apple-I-MD-M Machine Data, Machine Information See below for format
X-Apple-I-MD-RINFO Machine Data, Routing Information Obtained after MID Provisionning
Local UUID
Machine Information

API Operations

Machine Provision Start

Machine Provision Complete

Machine Sync

Bag URL Lookup

Authenticate Request (Init Stage)

Top Level Keys
Field Description Usage
Header API Header Used to identify version
Request API Payload Used to store the request
Header Keys
Field Description Usage
Version Version String Set to 1.0.1
Request Keys
Field Description Usage
A2k Client Public Key (A2 Key) Computed according to SRP-6a standard
cpd Client Provided Data Anisette headers for client identification
o Operation Set to init for this stage
ps Protocols Supported See table below
u Username Account e-mail
Protocols Supported
Type Description Usage
s2k Standard Password is sent as SHA-256 digest
s2k_fo API Payload Password is sent as UTF-8 Hex String of SHA-256 digest

Authenticate Response (Init Stage)

Top Level Keys
Field Description Usage
Header API Header Empty
Response API Payload Used to store the response
Response Keys
Field Description Usage
Status Response Status Used to store the response status
i Iterations Iteration count for PBKDF2 password derivation, must be > 999
s Salt User's unique salt, used for further SRP-6a challenges
sp Selected Protocol Protocol, from table above, the server wishes to use
c Cookie Unique identification cookie for further API requests
B Server Public Key (B Key) To be used according to SRP-6a standard
Status Keys
Field Description Usage
hsc HTTP Status Code HTTP-compatible status code
ed Error Description GSA-specific error description
ec Error Code GSA-specific error code
em Error Message GSA-specific error message
Status Codes
Code Description Usage
200 OK Request accepted
409 Secondary Action Required Secondary authentication (2FA) is required
434 Anisette Resync Required Anisette headers have expired
433 Anisette Reprovision Required Anisette machine data has changed

Authenticate Request (Complete Stage)

Top Level Keys
Field Description Usage
Header API Header Used to identify version
Request API Payload Used to store the request
Header Keys
Field Description Usage
Version Version String Set to 1.0.1
Request Keys
Field Description Usage
M1 Client Proof (M1 Hash) Computed according to SRP-6a standard, with variation described below
cpd Client Provided Data Anisette headers for client identification
c Cookie Unique identification cookie from initial API request
o Operation Set to complete for this stage
sc Server Certificate SHA-256 digest of SSL certificate chain
u Username Account e-mail

Authenticate Response (Complete Stage)

Top Level Keys
Field Description Usage
Header API Header Empty
Response API Payload Used to store the response
Response Keys (Success)
Field Description Usage
Status Response Status Used to store the response status
spd Server Provided Data User token information, AES-CBC encrypted using session key
M2 Server Proof (M2 Hash) Used to verify server also has correct password
np Negociation Proof Used to verify both client and server used the same protocol settings
Response Keys (Resync Required)
Field Description Usage
X-Apple-I-MD-DATA Server Intermediate Data SIM to use for resynchronizing with Anisette
Response Keys (2FA Needed)
Field Description Usage
X-Apple-I-MD-Cmd-Target Target verifier Used to select native vs server-driven
au Authentication URL If server-driven, URL of 2FA capture page


Check-in (Post Data)

Obtain Application Tokens

Authenticated API Requests

Master Token (GS)


Geneaate the X-Apple-Identity-Token

Password Equivalent Token (PET)

X-Apple-PE-Token (

Heart Beat Token

X-Apple-HB-Token (

Anisette Protocol Operations

Anisette supports the following commands which are relevant to GSA. The pastis library in Blackwood 4NT takes care of implementing these Anisette requests.

Function Internal Name Usage
getIDMSRoutingInfo ADIGetIDMSRouting Returns the X-APPLE-MD-R-INFO key returned from the provisioning service
setIDMSRoutingInfo ADISetIDMSRouting Persists the value of X-APPLE-MD-R-INFO after completion of machine provisioning
requestOTP ADIOTPRequest Returns the MID (Machine Identifier) and OTP (One Time Password / Login Code)
dispose ADIDispose Frees any buffers allocated by CoreADI on its heap
isMachineProvisioned ADIGetLoginCode Returns whether or not provisioning information was cached on the machine
startProvisioning ADIProvisioningStart Consumes the Server Provisioning Intermediate Metadata (SPIM) to return a Client PIM (CPIM) and session ID
endProvisioning ADIProvisioningEnd Accepts the server's Persistent Token Metadata (PTM) and Trust Key (TK) and writes provisioning data to disk
destroyProvisioningSession ADIProvisioningDestroy Accepts a previously returned session ID to complete (or abort) a provisoning operation
eraseProvisioning ADIProvisioningErase Erases provisoned data from disk and restores back to provisioned state
synchronize ADISynchronize Consumes the Server Intermediate Metadata (SIM) to generate a Synchronization Resume Metadata (SRM) for the MID

The name ADI refers to the Apple Device Information library (CoreADI), which must be loaded by ADILoadLibraryWithPath from the registry location specified in the InstallDir value of the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apple Inc.\Apple Application Support key. Both a WOW64 (x86) (CoreADI.dll) and native x64 (CoreADI64.dll) version exists. This library implements all of the required functionality described by the functions above.

The export cvu8io98wun is used to obtain the initial version and protocol data, while vdfut768ig is the main worker function, which uses a __fastcall convention on x86 (ECX:EDX are the input arguments), or the regular x64 ABI.

The legacy implementation of Anisette returned per-DSID information in a manual fashion, and almost each of these API required the DSID of the user. The newer implementations are DSID-agnostic, and instead require an Environment ID. The following 4 are defined:

Environment Value Meaning Endpoint URL Prefix
IdMS -2 Production https://gsa
IdMS1 -3 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) https://grandslam-uat
IdMS2 -4 QA https://grandslam-it
IdMS3 -5 QA2 https://grandslam-it3

Note that CoreADI is heavily obfuscated with the FairPlay DRM technology. As this technology is used to secure commercially-sensitive data (subscriptions, payments, licensing) that is outside the scope of the interoperability research shown here, no additional details on how FairPlay can be bypassed will be explained here.

Common ADI Header

Apart from having a magic number in the first argument (ECX) of every Anisette request to CoreADI, a common structure is used to describe the request:

Field Meaning
Arguments Pointer to the arguments block
Input Size Number of bytes worth of input arguments
Output Size Number of bytes that the output needs
... ...
Flags Specifies how the data is encoded


Field Value
Magic 0x632b8d6e
Environment The environment ID to use
pRoutingInfo Pointer to the output variable


Field Value
Magic 0x85fe63b0

Credits / Thanks

In terms of understanding SRP-6a, beyond the official RFC and Standford paper, the following people's projects greatly helped.

SRP-6a, like most crypto algorithms, needs a good big integer library, and OpenSSL/GMP are too heavy for our needs here. There are 1000 libraries you can find on GitHub, but none are so well documented, written, tested, efficient, and a wonder to use as David Ireland's (BigDigits)[]. The implementation of asrplib here uses a micro version of BigDigits with only the 6 operations needed.

To actually figure out how Apple's SRP-6a implementation is slightly tweaked, both network packet analysis as well as some other projects and presentations were analysed. Three deserve a callout:


This library was developed for research and educational purposes as a personal project to better understand cryptography and modern authentication protocols. Every acronym in this library was new to me at the time of development, and as such, there are likely subtle bugs in the implementation that may arise in corner cases. Additionally, there are a number of subtle naming puns scattered throughout (including, incidentally, the very name of the library).

There are obviously mainly potential uses for authenticating with GSA outside of the standard supported tools. My own interest was API automation of certain utilities for personal use, but, as the linked projects above suggest, this capability can also be used for alternative stores/side-loading, "forensics", and more. I do not condone or support any specific use for this library, and instead want to offer a repository of knowledge instead of the 3 random pieces of Objective-C floating around.

Please do not contact me for information on FairPlay DRM or the underlying algorithm of the OTP and MID, as successful cloning of this data would allow arbitrary machines to appear "trusted" to HSA 2.0, hence avoiding the two-factor authentication mechanism for a targeted user (whose password would still have to be known). This outcome would be unfortunate.