In this Observable notebook I'm plotting a line on a chart, but I want to provide tooltips showing the exact value at any point on the line.
Observable Plot (on desktop at least) can do that using the title
mark property. But... if a line is only 1 pixel wide actually triggering a tooltip requires pin-point accuracy.
I figured out a workaround: render the same line twice - once with a tooltip and a very wide line length set to a low opacity, and then again as a solid thin black line.
Here's what that looks like in JavaScript code for a cell:
marks: [
// This mark exists just for the tooltip - hence why it is wider and almost invisible
Plot.line(points, {
x: "date",
y: "users",
// Function to generate the text shown on the tooltip:
title: (d) => + " - " + d.users.toLocaleString(),
strokeWidth: 12,
opacity: 0.01
// This mark displays with the default stroke of a single pixel wide black line
Plot.line(points, {
x: "date",
y: "users"
The final effect looks like this:
Fil on Twitter suggests this improvement, which extends the hover area for each point on the line to the full height of the chart:
Plot.tickX(points, {
x: "date",
title: (d) => + " - " + d.users.toLocaleString(),
strokeWidth: 12,
stroke: "white",
opacity: 0.01