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Benchmarking bitvector rrr_vector


Explored dimensions:

  • block size K (K in [5..255])
  • instance type (artificial, WT based)
  • instance size (MB and GB range)
  • methods (access, rank, select)
  • compile options

Directory structure

  • bin: Contains the executables of the project.
    • rrr_time_and_space_* generates rrr_vectors, answers queries and outputs space information.
    • generate_rnd_bitvector generates evenly distributed bitvectors.
  • results: Contains the results of the experiments.
  • src: Contains the source code of the benchmark.
  • visualize: Contains a R-script which generates a report in LaTeX format.


  • For the visualization you need the following software:
    • R with package tikzDevice. You can install the package by calling install.packages("filehash", repos="") and install.packages("tikzDevice", repos="") in R.
    • pdflatex to generate the pdf reports.
  • The processing of the 1GB bitvectors requires about 1.5GB of RAM.


  • make timing compiles the programs, downloads or generates the test instances, builds the compressed bitvectors, runs the performance tests and generated a report located at visualize/rrr.pdf. The raw numbers of the timings can be found in the results/all.txt. On my machine (MacBookPro Retina 2.6GHz Intel Core i7, 16GB 1600 Mhz DDR3, SSD) the benchmark took about 58 minutes (excluding the time to download the test instances). Have a look at the generated report.
  • All created indexes and test results can be deleted by calling make cleanall.

Customization of the benchmark

The project contains several configuration files:

Note that the benchmark will execute every combination of your choices.