NOTICE: The mainline fork of this project has moved to bazelembedded/bazel-embedded. Please use the new remote urls for the bazel-embedded project, to remain up to date.
At this point it is relatively easy to add support for new architectures, that have gcc based compilers. In future we will be adding clang support, so that we can make use of clangs static-analyzers. If you would like an architecture added to this repository let us know.
Currently supported hosts:
- Windows
- Mac/Unix
- Linux
Current support is limited to Arm Cortex-M Devices:
- Cortex M0
- Cortex M1
- Cortex M3
- Cortex M4 (with/out fpu)
- Cortex M7 (with/out fpu)
List of support;
- Toolchains
- Static analysers
- A collection of BUILD file templates for common embedded libraries
- Utilities for programming targets
- Utilities for debugging targets
- Parralell execution for a test "farm" of embedded test devices
Add the following to your WORKSPACE file
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl", "git_repository")
name = "bazel_embedded",
commit = "d3cbe4eff9a63d3dee63067d61096d681daca33b",
remote = "",
shallow_since = "1585022166 +0800",
load("@bazel_embedded//:bazel_embedded_deps.bzl", "bazel_embedded_deps")
load("@bazel_embedded//platforms:execution_platforms.bzl", "register_platforms")
load("@bazel_embedded//toolchains/gcc_arm_none_eabi:gcc_arm_none_toolchain.bzl", "register_gcc_arm_none_toolchain")
load("@bazel_embedded//tools/openocd:openocd_repository.bzl", "openocd_deps")
Add the following to your .bazelrc file
# Enable toolchain resolution with cc
build --incompatible_enable_cc_toolchain_resolution
Cross Compile your target
bazel build //:your_target --platforms=@bazel_embedded//platforms:cortex_m0
bazel build //:your_target --platforms=@bazel_embedded//platforms:cortex_m1
bazel build //:your_target --platforms=@bazel_embedded//platforms:cortex_m3
bazel build //:your_target --platforms=@bazel_embedded//platforms:cortex_m4
bazel build //:your_target --platforms=@bazel_embedded//platforms:cortex_m7
bazel build //:your_target --platforms=@bazel_embedded//platforms:cortex_m4_fpu
bazel build //:your_target --platforms=@bazel_embedded//platforms:cortex_m7_fpu
Explore the examples for more in depth details...
You may choose to upload your code to a microcontroller using the openocd package which allows you to program using SWD or JTAG. An example of this is shown below;
load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_binary")
load("@bazel_embedded//tools/openocd:defs.bzl", "openocd_debug_server", "openocd_flash")
# This target can be run to launch a gdb server on port 3333
name = "main_debug_server",
device_configs = [
interface_configs = [
transport = "hla_swd",
# The target to flash
name = "main",
srcs = [""],
linkopts = [
# app_code.ld is a linker script in the same directory
"-T $(location :app_code.ld)",
"-u _printf_float",
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
# Run this target to upload to the microcontroller
name = "main_flash",
device_configs = [
image = ":main.stripped",
interface_configs = [
transport = "hla_swd",
Alternatively, an execution wrapper can be used to execute a binary on an embedded target using openocd, and bazel's --run_under
command line option.
load("@bazel_embedded//tools/openocd:defs.bzl", "openocd_execution_wrapper")
name = "test_wrapper",
baud_rate = "115200",
device_configs = [
fail_string = "FAILED",
interface_configs = [
port = "/dev/ttyACM0",
success_string = "PASSED",
transport = "hla_swd",
bazel run //:your_target --platforms=@bazel_embedded//platforms:cortex_m7_fpu --run_under=//:test_wrapper
bazel test //:your_target --platforms=@bazel_embedded//platforms:cortex_m7_fpu --run_under=//:test_wrapper
This will pipe the serial output from the microcontroller over /dev/ttyACM0 to stdout. If a line contains 'PASSED', the wrapper will return 0, if a line contains 'FAILED' the wrapper will return 1. This is useful if you are wrapping a cc_test. If success_string or fail_string is not specified, the wrapper will not exit unless sent a sigterm (e.g. by CTRL-C). Leaving these empty can be useful when wrapping a standard cc_binary.
There are a number of cases where you may want to build and test everything but running.
bazel build //...
However by default this will capture and build all libraries for the host. This includes libraries that are only compatible with the host system. This can lead to scenarios where code will not compile on your host breaking a wildcards for building. As of bazel 4.0, incompatible target skipping is now supported which allows you to specify the constraint_values that your target is compatible. Bazel will then skip targets included in the wildcard that are not supported. If a target is built with the wrong target explicitly bazel will issue a warning saying that your target is not supported with the given platform.
# Linux only
name = "linux_only_lib",
srcs = [""],
target_compatible_with = [
# Compatible with everything
name = "generic",
srcs = [""],
# Cortex m4 only
name = "cortex_m4_only_lib",
srcs = [""],
target_compatible_with = [
# All cortex-m architectures
name = "cortex_m_all_lib",
srcs = [""],
# Allow all cortex m architectures using a select statement. Reject anything else
target_compatible_with = select({
"@platforms//cpu:armv6-m": [],
"@platforms//cpu:armv7-m": [],
"@platforms//cpu:armv7e-m": [],
"//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
# Depends on platform specific target therefore can only be built with cortex m4
name = "depends_on_m4",
deps = [":cortex_m4_only_lib"],
For reference the following architectures constraint values map to cpu layouts.
"@platforms//cpu:armv6-m" -> Cortex-M0, Cortex-M0+, Cortex-M1
"@platforms//cpu:armv7-m" -> Cortex-M3
"@platforms//cpu:armv7e-m" -> Cortex-M4, Cortex-M7
Bazel can be configured using features. Each toolchain in this repository aims to implement a consistent behaviour for a given set of features. The list of available configuration features can be listed using the following command.
bazel run @bazel_embedded//toolchains/features:print_all_features
From here you may use each feature from the command line, the following example enables all warnings as errors and optimises for release;
bazel build //toolchains/compilation_tests/... --platforms=@bazel_embedded//platforms:cortex_m0 --features=all_warnings_as_errors,opt