// ===--- index.js - Swift Evolution --------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the Swift.org open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2021 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See http://swift.org/LICENSE.txt for license information
// See http://swift.org/CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of Swift project authors
// ===---------------------------------------------------------------------===//

'use strict'

/** Holds the primary data used on this page: metadata about Swift Evolution proposals. */
var proposals

 * To be updated when proposals are confirmed to have been implemented
 * in a new language version.
var languageVersions = ['2.2', '3', '3.0.1', '3.1', '4', '4.1', '4.2', '5', '5.1', '5.2', '5.3', '5.4', '5.5', 'Next']

/** Storage for the user's current selection of filters when filtering is toggled off. */
var filterSelection = []

var GITHUB_BASE_URL = 'https://github.com/'
var REPO_PROPOSALS_BASE_URL = GITHUB_BASE_URL + 'apple/swift-evolution/blob/main/proposals'

 * `name`: Mapping of the states in the proposals JSON to human-readable names.
 * `shortName`:  Mapping of the states in the proposals JSON to short human-readable names.
 *  Used for the left-hand column of proposal statuses.
 * `className`: Mapping of states in the proposals JSON to the CSS class names used
 * to manipulate and display proposals based on their status.
 * `count`: Number of proposals that determine after all proposals is loaded
var states = {
  '.awaitingReview': {
    name: 'Awaiting Review',
    shortName: 'Awaiting Review',
    className: 'awaiting-review',
    count: 0
  '.scheduledForReview': {
    name: 'Scheduled for Review',
    shortName: 'Scheduled',
    className: 'scheduled-for-review',
    count: 0
  '.activeReview': {
    name: 'Active Review',
    shortName: 'Active Review',
    className: 'active-review',
    count: 0
  '.returnedForRevision': {
    name: 'Returned for Revision',
    shortName: 'Returned',
    className: 'returned-for-revision',
    count: 0
  '.withdrawn': {
    name: 'Withdrawn',
    shortName: 'Withdrawn',
    className: 'withdrawn',
    count: 0
  '.deferred': {
    name: 'Deferred',
    shortName: 'Deferred',
    className: 'deferred',
    count: 0
  '.accepted': {
    name: 'Accepted',
    shortName: 'Accepted',
    className: 'accepted',
    count: 0
  '.acceptedWithRevisions': {
    name: 'Accepted with revisions',
    shortName: 'Accepted',
    className: 'accepted-with-revisions',
    count: 0
  '.rejected': {
    name: 'Rejected',
    shortName: 'Rejected',
    className: 'rejected',
    count: 0
  '.implemented': {
    name: 'Implemented',
    shortName: 'Implemented',
    className: 'implemented',
    count: 0
  '.previewing': {
    name: 'Previewing',
    shortName: 'Previewing',
    className: 'previewing',
    count: 0
  '.error': {
    name: 'Error',
    shortName: 'Error',
    className: 'error',
    count: 0


/** Primary entry point. */
function init () {
  var req = new window.XMLHttpRequest()

  req.addEventListener('load', function (e) {
    proposals = JSON.parse(req.responseText)

    // don't display malformed proposals
    proposals = proposals.filter(function (proposal) {
      return !proposal.errors

    // descending numeric sort based the numeric nnnn in a proposal ID's SE-nnnn
    proposals.sort(function compareProposalIDs (p1, p2) {
      return parseInt(p1.id.match(/\d\d\d\d/)[0]) - parseInt(p2.id.match(/\d\d\d\d/)[0])
    proposals = proposals.reverse()


    // apply filters when the page loads with a search already filled out.
    // typically this happens after navigating backwards in a tab's history.
    if (document.querySelector('#search-filter').value.trim()) {

    // apply selections from the current page's URI fragment

  req.addEventListener('error', function (e) {
    document.querySelector('#proposals-count-number').innerText = 'Proposal data failed to load.'

  document.querySelector('#proposals-count-number').innerHTML = 'Loading ...'
  req.open('get', 'https://data.swift.org/swift-evolution/proposals')

 * Creates an Element. Convenience wrapper for `document.createElement`.
 * @param {string} elementType - The tag name. 'div', 'span', etc.
 * @param {string[]} attributes - A list of attributes. Use `className` for `class`.
 * @param {(string | Element)[]} children - A list of either text or other Elements to be nested under this Element.
 * @returns {Element} The new node.
function html (elementType, attributes, children) {
  var element = document.createElement(elementType)

  if (attributes) {
    Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (attributeName) {
      var value = attributes[attributeName]
      if (attributeName === 'className') attributeName = 'class'
      element.setAttribute(attributeName, value)

  if (!children) return element
  if (!Array.isArray(children)) children = [children]

  children.forEach(function (child) {
    if (!child) {
      console.warn('Null child ignored during creation of ' + elementType)
    if (Object.getPrototypeOf(child) === String.prototype) {
      child = document.createTextNode(child)


  return element

function determineNumberOfProposals (proposals) {
  // reset count
  Object.keys(states).forEach(function (state){
    states[state].count = 0

  proposals.forEach(function (proposal) {
    states[proposal.status.state].count += 1

  // .acceptedWithRevisions proposals are combined in the filtering UI
  // with .accepted proposals.
  states['.accepted'].count += states['.acceptedWithRevisions'].count

 * Adds the dynamic portions of the page to the DOM, primarily the list
 * of proposals and list of statuses used for filtering.
 * These `render` functions are only called once when the page loads,
 * the rest of the interactivity is based on toggling `display: none`.
function render () {

/** Renders the top navigation bar. */
function renderNav () {
  var nav = document.querySelector('nav')

  // This list intentionally omits .acceptedWithRevisions and .error;
  // .acceptedWithRevisions proposals are combined in the filtering UI
  // with .accepted proposals.
  var checkboxes = [
    '.awaitingReview', '.scheduledForReview', '.activeReview', '.accepted',
    '.previewing', '.implemented', '.returnedForRevision', '.deferred', '.rejected', '.withdrawn'
  ].map(function (state) {
    var className = states[state].className

    return html('li', null, [
      html('input', { type: 'checkbox', className: 'filtered-by-status', id: 'filter-by-' + className, value: className }),
      html('label', { className: className, tabindex: '0', role: 'button', 'for': 'filter-by-' + className, 'data-state-key': state }, [
        addNumberToState(states[state].name, states[state].count)        

  var expandableArea = html('div', { className: 'filter-options expandable' }, [
    html('h5', { id: 'filter-options-label' }, 'Status'),
    html('ul', { id: 'filter-options', className: 'filter-by-status' })


  checkboxes.forEach(function (box) {

  // The 'Implemented' filter selection gets an extra row of options if selected.
  var implementedCheckboxIfPresent = checkboxes.filter(function (cb) {
    return cb.querySelector(`#filter-by-${states['.implemented'].className}`)

  if (implementedCheckboxIfPresent) {
    // add an extra row of options to filter by language version
    var versionRowHeader = html('h5', { id: 'version-options-label', className: 'hidden' }, 'Language Version')
    var versionRow = html('ul', { id: 'version-options', className: 'filter-by-status hidden' })

    var versionOptions = languageVersions.map(function (version) {
      return html('li', null, [
        html('input', {
          type: 'checkbox',
          id: 'filter-by-swift-' + _idSafeName(version),
          className: 'filter-by-swift-version',
          value: 'swift-' + _idSafeName(version)
        html('label', {
          tabindex: '0',
          role: 'button',
          'for': 'filter-by-swift-' + _idSafeName(version)
        }, 'Swift ' + version)

    versionOptions.forEach(function (version) {


  return nav

/** Displays the main list of proposals that takes up the majority of the page. */
function renderBody () {
  var article = document.querySelector('article')

  var proposalAttachPoint = article.querySelector('.proposals-list')

  var proposalPresentationOrder = [
    '.awaitingReview', '.scheduledForReview', '.activeReview', '.accepted', '.acceptedWithRevisions',
    '.previewing', '.implemented', '.returnedForRevision', '.deferred', '.rejected', '.withdrawn'
  proposalPresentationOrder.map(function (state) {
    var matchingProposals = proposals.filter(function (p) { return p.status && p.status.state === state })
    matchingProposals.map(function (proposal) {
      var proposalBody = html('section', { id: proposal.id, className: 'proposal ' + proposal.id }, [
        html('div', { className: 'status-pill-container' }, [
          html('span', { className: 'status-pill color-' + states[state].className }, [
        html('div', { className: 'proposal-content' }, [
          html('div', { className: 'proposal-header' }, [
            html('span', { className: 'proposal-id' }, [
            html('h4', { className: 'proposal-title' }, [
              html('a', {
                href: REPO_PROPOSALS_BASE_URL + '/' + proposal.link,
                target: '_blank'
              }, [

      var detailNodes = []

      if (proposal.reviewManager.name) detailNodes.push(renderReviewManager(proposal.reviewManager))
      if (proposal.trackingBugs) detailNodes.push(renderTrackingBugs(proposal.trackingBugs))
      if (state === '.implemented') detailNodes.push(renderVersion(proposal.status.version))
      if (state === '.previewing') detailNodes.push(renderPreview())
      if (proposal.implementation) detailNodes.push(renderImplementation(proposal.implementation))
      if (state === '.acceptedWithRevisions') detailNodes.push(renderStatus(proposal.status))

      if (state === '.activeReview' || state === '.scheduledForReview') {

      if (state === '.returnedForRevision') {

      var details = html('div', { className: 'proposal-details' }, detailNodes)


  // Update the "(n) proposals" text

  return article

/** Authors have a `name` and optional `link`. */
function renderAuthors (authors) {
  var authorNodes = authors.map(function (author) {
    if (author.link.length > 0) {
      return html('a', { href: author.link, target: '_blank' }, author.name)
    } else {
      return document.createTextNode(author.name)

  authorNodes = _joinNodes(authorNodes, ', ')

  return html('div', { className: 'authors proposal-detail' }, [
    html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail-label' },
      authors.length > 1 ? 'Authors: ' : 'Author: '
    html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail-value' }, authorNodes)

/** Review managers have a `name` and optional `link`. */
function renderReviewManager (reviewManager) {
  return html('div', { className: 'review-manager proposal-detail' }, [
    html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail-label' }, 'Review Manager: '),
    html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail-value' }, [
        ? html('a', { href: reviewManager.link, target: '_blank' }, reviewManager.name)
        : reviewManager.name

/** Tracking bugs linked in a proposal are updated via bugs.swift.org. */
function renderTrackingBugs (bugs) {
  var bugNodes = bugs.map(function (bug) {
    return html('a', { href: bug.link, target: '_blank' }, [
      ' (',
      bug.assignee || 'Unassigned',
      ', ',

  bugNodes = _joinNodes(bugNodes, ', ')

  return html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail' }, [
    html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail-label' }, [
      bugs.length > 1 ? 'Bugs: ' : 'Bug: '
    html('div', { className: 'bug-list proposal-detail-value' },

/** Implementations are required alongside proposals (after Swift 4.0). */
function renderImplementation (implementations) {
  var implNodes = implementations.map(function (impl) {
    return html('a', {
      href: GITHUB_BASE_URL + impl.account + '/' + impl.repository + '/' + impl.type + '/' + impl.id
    }, [
      impl.type === 'pull' ? '#' : '@',
      impl.id.substr(0, 7)

  implNodes = _joinNodes(implNodes, ', ')

  var label = 'Implementation: '

  return html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail' }, [
    html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail-label' }, [label]),
    html('div', { className: 'implementation-list proposal-detail-value' },

/** For `.previewing` proposals, link to the stdlib preview package. */
function renderPreview () {
  return html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail' }, [
    html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail-label' }, [
      'Preview: '
    html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail-value' }, [
      html('a', { href: 'https://github.com/apple/swift-standard-library-preview', target: '_blank' }, 
        'Standard Library Preview'

/** For `.implemented` proposals, display the version of Swift in which they first appeared. */
function renderVersion (version) {
  return html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail' }, [
    html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail-label' }, [
      'Implemented In: '
    html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail-value' }, [
      'Swift ' + version

/** For some proposal states like `.activeReview`, it helps to see the status in the same details list. */
function renderStatus (status) {
  return html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail' }, [
    html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail-label' }, [
      'Status: '
    html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail-value' }, [

 * Review periods are ISO-8601-style 'YYYY-MM-DD' dates.
function renderReviewPeriod (status) {
  var months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
    'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'

  var start = new Date(status.start)
  var end = new Date(status.end)

  var startMonth = start.getUTCMonth()
  var endMonth = end.getUTCMonth()

  var detailNodes = [months[startMonth], ' ']

  if (startMonth === endMonth) {
  } else {
      ' – ',
      ' ',

  return html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail' }, [
    html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail-label' }, [
      'Scheduled: '
    html('div', { className: 'proposal-detail-value' }, detailNodes)

/** Utility used by some of the `render*` functions to add comma text nodes between DOM nodes. */
function _joinNodes (nodeList, text) {
  return nodeList.map(function (node) {
    return [node, text]
  }).reduce(function (result, pair, index, pairs) {
    if (index === pairs.length - 1) pair.pop()
    return result.concat(pair)
  }, [])

/** Adds UI interactivity to the page. Primarily activates the filtering controls. */
function addEventListeners () {
  var nav = document.querySelector('nav')

  // typing in the search field causes the filter to be reapplied.  
  nav.addEventListener('keyup', filterProposals)
  nav.addEventListener('change', filterProposals)

  // clearing the search field also hides the X symbol
  nav.querySelector('#clear-button').addEventListener('click', function () {
    nav.querySelector('#search-filter').value = ''

  // each of the individual statuses needs to trigger filtering as well
  ;[].forEach.call(nav.querySelectorAll('.filter-by-status input'), function (element) {
    element.addEventListener('change', filterProposals)

  var expandableArea = document.querySelector('.filter-options')
  var implementedToggle = document.querySelector('#filter-by-implemented')
  implementedToggle.addEventListener('change', function () {
    // hide or show the row of version options depending on the status of the 'Implemented' option
    ;['#version-options', '#version-options-label'].forEach(function (selector) {

    // don't persist any version selections when the row is hidden
    ;[].concat.apply([], expandableArea.querySelectorAll('.filter-by-swift-version')).forEach(function (versionCheckbox) {
      versionCheckbox.checked = false

  document.querySelector('.filter-button').addEventListener('click', toggleFiltering)

  var filterToggle = document.querySelector('.filter-toggle')
  filterToggle.querySelector('.toggle-filter-panel').addEventListener('click', toggleFilterPanel)

  // Behavior conditional on certain browser features
  var CSS = window.CSS
  if (CSS) {
    // emulate position: sticky when it isn't available.
    if (!(CSS.supports('position', 'sticky') || CSS.supports('position', '-webkit-sticky'))) {
      window.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
        var breakpoint = document.querySelector('header').getBoundingClientRect().bottom
        var nav = document.querySelector('nav')
        var position = window.getComputedStyle(nav).position
        var shadowNav // maintain the main content height when the main 'nav' is removed from the flow

        // this is measuring whether or not the header has scrolled offscreen
        if (breakpoint <= 0) {
          if (position !== 'fixed') {
            shadowNav = nav.cloneNode(true)
            shadowNav.style.visibility = 'hidden'
            nav.parentNode.insertBefore(shadowNav, document.querySelector('main'))
            nav.style.position = 'fixed'
        } else if (position === 'fixed') {
          nav.style.position = 'static'
          shadowNav = document.querySelector('nav.clone')
          if (shadowNav) shadowNav.parentNode.removeChild(shadowNav)

  // on smaller screens, hide the filter panel when scrolling
  if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 414px)').matches) {
    window.addEventListener('scroll', function () {
      var breakpoint = document.querySelector('header').getBoundingClientRect().bottom
      if (breakpoint <= 0 && document.querySelector('.expandable').classList.contains('expanded')) {

 * Toggles whether filters are active. Rather than being cleared, they are saved to be restored later.
 * Additionally, toggles the presence of the "Filtered by:" status indicator.
function toggleFiltering () {
  var filterDescription = document.querySelector('.filter-toggle')
  var shouldPreserveSelection = !filterDescription.classList.contains('hidden')

  var selected = document.querySelectorAll('.filter-by-status input[type=checkbox]:checked')
  var filterButton = document.querySelector('.filter-button')

  if (shouldPreserveSelection) {
    filterSelection = [].map.call(selected, function (checkbox) { return checkbox.id })
    ;[].forEach.call(selected, function (checkbox) { checkbox.checked = false })

    filterButton.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'false')
  } else { // restore it
    filterSelection.forEach(function (id) {
      var checkbox = document.getElementById(id)
      checkbox.checked = true

    filterButton.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'true')



 * Expands or contracts the filter panel, which contains buttons that
 * let users filter proposals based on their current stage in the
 * Swift Evolution process.
function toggleFilterPanel () {
  var panel = document.querySelector('.expandable')
  var button = document.querySelector('.toggle-filter-panel')


  if (panel.classList.contains('expanded')) {
    button.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'true')
  } else {
    button.setAttribute('aria-pressed', 'false')

 * Applies both the status-based and text-input based filters to the proposals list.
function filterProposals () {
  var filterElement = document.querySelector('#search-filter')
  var filter = filterElement.value

  var clearButton = document.querySelector('#clear-button')
  if (filter.length === 0) {
  } else {

  var matchingSets = [proposals.concat()]

  // Comma-separated lists of proposal IDs are treated as an "or" search.
  if (filter.match(/(SE-\d\d\d\d)($|((,SE-\d\d\d\d)+))/i)) {
    var proposalIDs = filter.split(',').map(function (id) {
      return id.toUpperCase()

    matchingSets[0] = matchingSets[0].filter(function (proposal) {
      return proposalIDs.indexOf(proposal.id) !== -1
  } else if (filter.trim().length !== 0) {
    // The search input treats words as order-independent.
    matchingSets = filter.split(/\s/)
      .filter(function (s) { return s.length > 0 })
      .map(function (part) { return _searchProposals(part) })

  var intersection = matchingSets.reduce(function (intersection, candidates) {
    return intersection.filter(function (alreadyIncluded) { return candidates.indexOf(alreadyIncluded) !== -1 })
  }, matchingSets[0] || [])



 * Utility used by `filterProposals`.
 * Picks out various fields in a proposal which users may want to key
 * off of in their text-based filtering.
 * @param {string} filterText - A raw word of text as entered by the user.
 * @returns {Proposal[]} The proposals that match the entered text, taken from the global list.
function _searchProposals (filterText) {
  var filterExpression = filterText.toLowerCase()

  var searchableProperties = [
      ['reviewManager', 'name'],
      ['status', 'state'],
      ['status', 'version'],
      ['authors', 'name'],
      ['authors', 'link'],
      ['implementation', 'account'],
      ['implementation', 'repository'],
      ['implementation', 'id'],
      ['trackingBugs', 'link'],
      ['trackingBugs', 'status'],
      ['trackingBugs', 'id'],
      ['trackingBugs', 'assignee']

  // reflect over the proposals and find ones with matching properties
  var matchingProposals = proposals.filter(function (proposal) {
    var match = false
    searchableProperties.forEach(function (propertyList) {
      var value = proposal

      propertyList.forEach(function (propertyName, index) {
        if (!value) return
        value = value[propertyName]
        if (index < propertyList.length - 1) {
          // For arrays, apply the property check to each child element.
          // Note that this only looks to a depth of one property.
          if (Array.isArray(value)) {
            var matchCondition = value.some(function (element) {
              return element[propertyList[index + 1]] && element[propertyList[index + 1]].toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(filterExpression) >= 0

            if (matchCondition) {
              match = true
          } else {
        } else if (value && value.toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(filterExpression) >= 0) {
          match = true

    return match

  return matchingProposals

 * Helper for `filterProposals` that actually makes the filter take effect.
 * @param {Proposal[]} matchingProposals - The proposals that have passed the text filtering phase.
 * @returns {Void} Toggles `display: hidden` to apply the filter.
function _applyFilter (matchingProposals) {
  // filter out proposals based on the grouping checkboxes
  var allStateCheckboxes = document.querySelector('nav').querySelectorAll('.filter-by-status input:checked')
  var selectedStates = [].map.call(allStateCheckboxes, function (checkbox) { return checkbox.value })

  var selectedStateNames = [].map.call(allStateCheckboxes, function (checkbox) { return checkbox.nextElementSibling.innerText.trim() })

  if (selectedStates.length) {
    matchingProposals = matchingProposals
      .filter(function (proposal) {
        return selectedStates.some(function (state) {
          return proposal.status.state.toLowerCase().indexOf(state.split('-')[0]) >= 0

    // handle version-specific filtering options
    if (selectedStates.some(function (state) { return state.match(/swift/i) })) {
      matchingProposals = matchingProposals
        .filter(function (proposal) {
          return selectedStates.some(function (state) {
            if (!(proposal.status.state === '.implemented')) return true // only filter among Implemented (N.N.N)
            if (state === 'swift-swift-Next' && proposal.status.version === 'Next') return true // special case

            var version = state.split(/\D+/).filter(function (s) { return s.length }).join('.')

            if (!version.length) return false // it's not a state that represents a version number
            if (proposal.status.version === version) return true
            return false

  var filteredProposals = proposals.filter(function (proposal) {
    return matchingProposals.indexOf(proposal) === -1

  matchingProposals.forEach(function (proposal) {
    var matchingElements = [].concat.apply([], document.querySelectorAll('.' + proposal.id))
    matchingElements.forEach(function (element) { element.classList.remove('hidden') })

  filteredProposals.forEach(function (proposal) {
    var filteredElements = [].concat.apply([], document.querySelectorAll('.' + proposal.id))
    filteredElements.forEach(function (element) { element.classList.add('hidden') })


 * Parses a URI fragment and applies a search and filters to the page.
 * Syntax (a query string within a fragment):
 *   fragment --> `#?` parameter-value-list
 *   parameter-value-list --> parameter-value | parameter-value-pair `&` parameter-value-list
 *   parameter-value-pair --> parameter `=` value
 *   parameter --> `proposal` | `status` | `version` | `search`
 *   value --> ** Any URL-encoded text. **
 * For example:
 *   /#?proposal:SE-0180,SE-0123
 *   /#?status=rejected&version=3&search=access
 * Four types of parameters are supported:
 * - proposal: A comma-separated list of proposal IDs. Treated as an 'or' search.
 * - filter: A comma-separated list of proposal statuses to apply as a filter.
 * - version: A comma-separated list of Swift version numbers to apply as a filter.
 * - search: Raw, URL-encoded text used to filter by individual term.
 * @param {string} fragment - A URI fragment to use as the basis for a search.
function _applyFragment (fragment) {
  if (!fragment || fragment.substr(0, 2) !== '#?') return
  fragment = fragment.substring(2) // remove the #?

  // use this literal's keys as the source of truth for key-value pairs in the fragment
  var actions = { proposal: [], search: null, status: [], version: [] }

  // parse the fragment as a query string
  Object.keys(actions).forEach(function (action) {
    var pattern = new RegExp(action + '=([^=]+)(&|$)')
    var values = fragment.match(pattern)

    if (values) {
      var value = values[1] // 1st capture group from the RegExp
      if (action === 'search') {
        value = decodeURIComponent(value)
      } else {
        value = value.split(',')

      actions[action] = value

  // perform key-specific parsing and checks

  if (actions.proposal.length) {
    document.querySelector('#search-filter').value = actions.proposal.join(',')
  } else if (actions.search) {
    document.querySelector('#search-filter').value = actions.search

  if (actions.version.length) {
    var versionSelections = actions.version.map(function (version) {
      return document.querySelector('#filter-by-swift-' + _idSafeName(version))
    }).filter(function (version) {
      return !!version

    versionSelections.forEach(function (versionSelection) {
      versionSelection.checked = true

    if (versionSelections.length) {
        '#filter-by-' + states['.implemented'].className
      ).checked = true

  // track this state specifically for toggling the version panel
  var implementedSelected = false

  // update the filter selections in the nav
  if (actions.status.length) {
    var statusSelections = actions.status.map(function (status) {
      var stateName = Object.keys(states).filter(function (state) {
        return states[state].className === status

      if (!stateName) return // fragment contains a nonexistent state
      var state = states[stateName]

      if (stateName === '.implemented') implementedSelected = true

      return document.querySelector('#filter-by-' + state.className)
    }).filter(function (status) {
      return !!status

    statusSelections.forEach(function (statusSelection) {
      statusSelection.checked = true

  // the version panel needs to be activated if any are specified
  if (actions.version.length || implementedSelected) {
    ;['#version-options', '#version-options-label'].forEach(function (selector) {

  // specifying any filter in the fragment should activate the filters in the UI
  if (actions.version.length || actions.status.length) {


 * Writes out the current search and filter settings to document.location
 * via window.replaceState.
function _updateURIFragment () {
  var actions = { proposal: [], search: null, status: [], version: [] }

  var search = document.querySelector('#search-filter')

  if (search.value && search.value.match(/(SE-\d\d\d\d)($|((,SE-\d\d\d\d)+))/i)) {
    actions.proposal = search.value.toUpperCase().split(',')
  } else {
    actions.search = search.value

  var selectedVersions = document.querySelectorAll('.filter-by-swift-version:checked')
  var versions = [].map.call(selectedVersions, function (checkbox) {
    return checkbox.value.split('swift-swift-')[1].split('-').join('.')

  actions.version = versions

  var selectedStatuses = document.querySelectorAll('.filtered-by-status:checked')
  var statuses = [].map.call(selectedStatuses, function (checkbox) {
    var className = checkbox.value

    var correspondingStatus = Object.keys(states).filter(function (status) {
      if (states[status].className === className) return true
      return false

    return states[correspondingStatus].className

  // .implemented is redundant if any specific implementation versions are selected.
  if (actions.version.length) {
    statuses = statuses.filter(function (status) {
      return status !== states['.implemented'].className

  actions.status = statuses

  // build the actual fragment string.
  var fragments = []
  if (actions.proposal.length) fragments.push('proposal=' + actions.proposal.join(','))
  if (actions.status.length) fragments.push('status=' + actions.status.join(','))
  if (actions.version.length) fragments.push('version=' + actions.version.join(','))

  // encoding the search lets you search for `??` and other edge cases.
  if (actions.search) fragments.push('search=' + encodeURIComponent(actions.search))

  if (!fragments.length) {
    window.history.replaceState(null, null, './')

  var fragment = '#?' + fragments.join('&')

  // avoid creating new history entries each time a search or filter updates
  window.history.replaceState(null, null, fragment)

/** Helper to give versions like 3.0.1 an okay ID to use in a DOM element. (swift-3-0-1) */
function _idSafeName (name) {
  return 'swift-' + name.replace(/\./g, '-')

 * Changes the text after 'Filtered by: ' to reflect the current status filters.
 * After FILTER_DESCRIPTION_LIMIT filters are explicitly named, start combining the descriptive text
 * to just state the number of status filters taking effect, not what they are.
 * @param {string[]} selectedStateNames - CSS class names corresponding to which statuses were selected.
 * Populated from the global `stateNames` array.
function updateFilterDescription (selectedStateNames) {
  var stateCount = selectedStateNames.length

  // Limit the length of filter text on small screens.
  if (window.matchMedia('(max-width: 414px)').matches) {

  var container = document.querySelector('.toggle-filter-panel')

  // modify the state names to clump together Implemented with version names
  var swiftVersionStates = selectedStateNames.filter(function (state) { return state.match(/swift/i) })

  if (swiftVersionStates.length > 0 && swiftVersionStates.length <= FILTER_DESCRIPTION_LIMIT) {
    selectedStateNames = selectedStateNames.filter(function (state) { return !state.match(/swift|implemented/i) })
      .concat('Implemented (' + swiftVersionStates.join(', ') + ')')

  if (selectedStateNames.length > FILTER_DESCRIPTION_LIMIT) {
    container.innerText = stateCount + ' Filters'
  } else if (selectedStateNames.length === 0) {
    container.innerText = 'All Statuses'
  } else {
    selectedStateNames = selectedStateNames.map(cleanNumberFromState)
    container.innerText = selectedStateNames.join(' or ')

/** Updates the `${n} Proposals` display just above the proposals list. */
function updateProposalsCount (count) {
  var numberField = document.querySelector('#proposals-count-number')
  numberField.innerText = (count.toString() + ' proposal' + (count !== 1 ? 's' : ''))

function updateFilterStatus () {
  var labels = [].concat.apply([], document.querySelectorAll('#filter-options label'))
  labels.forEach(function (label) {
    var count = states[label.getAttribute('data-state-key')].count
    var cleanedLabel = cleanNumberFromState(label.innerText)
    label.innerText = addNumberToState(cleanedLabel, count)

function cleanNumberFromState (state) {
  return state.replace(/ *\([^)]*\) */g, '')

function addNumberToState (state, count) {
  return state + ' (' + count + ')'