Generate open graph images for you awesome blogs.
Disclaimer: This is created for my personal use but can be used in other projects with similar requirements.
I wanted a solution that will automatically create open graph images for the
posts I write in The goal was to take
the yaml frontmatter from my posts, generate a png format image and store it in
a certain directory, preferably ./src/assets/og/{og_output}.png
I created this cli program that does only one job from requirements stated above. It creates a beautiful png image based on the args passed to it.
The only way to get this program on your computer is by running:
go get
This should work on windows computer also but I haven't tested it.
Run og-image-generator
with no args and it will generate a sample png file
named out.png
in the current directory.
This is intended to be used as a git hook. See the
for an example.
default: "Sample Post Title"
description: "Title text"
default: "Description of the post in about 25 words. This string could be your og description also!"
description: "Description text"
default: "30 April 2021"
description: "Date text"
default: "4 min read"
description: "Reading time text"
default: "out.png"
description: "Name of the output file"
default: 72
description: "screen resolution in dots per inch"
- add font size arg (with max limit)
- add font arg (currently uses Montsterrat only)
- add more background patterns