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Provide methods to parse color names/values and lightens or darkens it by passed amount value.

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Provides methods to parse color names or color values and lighten or darken them by the specified percentage.

Distributed as an NPM module.


First, you'll need to point your NPM and Yarn to Github repository by adding this line to your .npmrc file:


Then install the package using NPM or Yarn:

yarn add @shybovycha/darken_color


darken(color, amount)

Darkens the given color (given as a color name or HEX color value) by a given percent value (as a string).


  • color - string; color to darken, color name or color value in HEX format
  • amount - string; The darken percentage. A string with either a float number, integer number or integer number and a percent sign ('%')

Returns darkened color in HEX format.

lighten(color, amount)

Lightens the given color by a given percentage amount. Alias for darken(color, '-' + amount).


  • color - string; color to lighten, color name or color value in HEX format
  • amount - string; The lightening percentage. A string with either a float number, integer number or integer number and a percent sign ('%')

Returns lightened color in HEX format.

HSL2RGB(h, s, l)

Converts color as a triple of H (hue), S (saturation) and L (lighting) values to RGB triple.


  • h, s, l - numbers; corresponding color component

Returns an object with the shape of { r, g, b }.

RGB2HEX(r, g, b)

Converts color as a triple of RGB values to a HEX string.


  • r, g, b - numbers; corresponding color component

Returns a string representation of a color.


Converts color name to a RGB triple.


  • name - string; color name

Supported colors:

  • aliceblue
  • antiquewhite
  • aqua
  • aquamarine
  • azure
  • beige
  • bisque
  • black
  • blanchedalmond
  • blue
  • blueviolet
  • brown
  • burlywood
  • cadetblue
  • chartreuse
  • chocolate
  • coral
  • cornflowerblue
  • cornsilk
  • crimson
  • cyan
  • darkblue
  • darkcyan
  • darkgoldenrod
  • darkgray
  • darkgreen
  • darkgrey
  • darkkhaki
  • darkmagenta
  • darkolivegreen
  • darkorange
  • darkorchid
  • darkred
  • darksalmon
  • darkseagreen
  • darkslateblue
  • darkslategray
  • darkslategrey
  • darkturquoise
  • darkviolet
  • deeppink
  • deepskyblue
  • dimgray
  • dimgrey
  • dodgerblue
  • firebrick
  • floralwhite
  • forestgreen
  • fuchsia
  • gainsboro
  • ghostwhite
  • gold
  • goldenrod
  • gray
  • green
  • greenyellow
  • grey
  • honeydew
  • hotpink
  • indianred
  • indigo
  • ivory
  • khaki
  • lavender
  • lavenderblush
  • lawngreen
  • lemonchiffon
  • lightblue
  • lightcoral
  • lightcyan
  • lightgoldenrodyellow
  • lightgray
  • lightgreen
  • lightgrey
  • lightpink
  • lightsalmon
  • lightseagreen
  • lightskyblue
  • lightslategray
  • lightslategrey
  • lightsteelblue
  • lightyellow
  • lime
  • limegreen
  • linen
  • magenta
  • maroon
  • mediumaquamarine
  • mediumblue
  • mediumorchid
  • mediumpurple
  • mediumseagreen
  • mediumslateblue
  • mediumspringgreen
  • mediumturquoise
  • mediumvioletred
  • midnightblue
  • mintcream
  • mistyrose
  • moccasin
  • navajowhite
  • navy
  • oldlace
  • olive
  • olivedrab
  • orange
  • orangered
  • orchid
  • palegoldenrod
  • palegreen
  • paleturquoise
  • palevioletred
  • papayawhip
  • peachpuff
  • peru
  • pink
  • plum
  • powderblue
  • purple
  • red
  • rosybrown
  • royalblue
  • saddlebrown
  • salmon
  • sandybrown
  • seagreen
  • seashell
  • sienna
  • silver
  • skyblue
  • slateblue
  • slategray
  • slategrey
  • snow
  • springgreen
  • steelblue
  • tan
  • teal
  • thistle
  • tomato
  • turquoise
  • violet
  • wheat
  • white
  • whitesmoke
  • yellow
  • yellowgreen

Returns an object with the shape of { r, g, b }.


import { darken, lighten } from 'darken_colors';

darken('lightgreen', '0.1'); // -> #bcf4bc
darken('lightgreen', '10'); // -> #bcf4bc
darken('#90EE90', '10'); // -> #bcf4bc
darken('#9e9', '10%'); // ->  #c4f5c4

lighten('lightgreen', 10); // -> #bcf4bc


Run yarn install && yarn test in order to run Jest tests.


Provide methods to parse color names/values and lightens or darkens it by passed amount value.






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