Before anything else, thank you. Thank you for taking some of your precious time helping this project move forward.
See the package.json
scripts section for how to run each category of tests.
- lint -
yarn lint
- typescript tests -
yarn types-test
- unit tests -
yarn unit-test
- compatibility kit -
yarn cck-test
- checking that cucumber-js emits the correct messages
- feature tests -
yarn feature-test
- cucumber-js tests itself
└── src
├── cli # argv parsing, reading files
├── formatter # displaying the results
├── models # data structures
├── runtime # run test cases, emits the event protocol
└── support_code_library # load hooks / step definitions
The runtime emits events with an EventEmitter
- Promises and ES7 async/await
- Try to make things as unit testable as possible. If it's hard to unit test, the class/function may be doing too much.
- Every PR should have a changelog entry
- The contributor should update the changelog
- Each entry in the changelog should include a link to the relevant issues/PRs
The following is a checklist for maintainers when preparing a new release
We will always make a release candidate before issuing a major release. The release candidate will be available for at least a month to give users time to validate that there are no unexpected breaking changes.
The release is done from the cucumber-build docker container. This makes sure we use the same environment for all releases.
Every command should be run from within the Docker container.
Start the container:
make docker-run
Inside the container, install the correct versions of Node and Yarn:
nvm install --lts
npm install -g yarn
Then update the dependencies and test:
yarn update-dependencies
yarn test
If the tests fail, update your code to be compatible with the new libraries, or revert the library upgrades that break the build.
- Add missing entries to
- Ideally the CHANGELOG should be up-to-date, but sometimes there will be accidental omissions when merging PRs. Missing PRs should be added.
- Describe the major changes introduced. API changes must be documented. In particular, backward-incompatible changes must be well explained, with examples when possible.
git log --format=format:"* %s (%an)" --reverse <last-version-tag>..HEAD
might be handy.
- Update the contributors list in
git log --format=format:"%an <%ae>" --reverse <last-version-tag>..HEAD | grep -vEi "(renovate|dependabot|Snyk)" | sort| uniq -i
- Manually add contributors (in alphabetical order)
Decide what the next version should be.
Update CHANGELOG links:
NEW_VERSION=<major.minor.patch(-rc.X)> make update-changelog
Verify changes to the CHANGELOG are correct. Stage uncommitted changes:
git add .
git commit -am "Release <major.minor.patch(-rc.X)>"
Then bump the version number and create a git tag. Run one of the following:
# Major prelease
npm version premajor --preid=rc
# Major release
npm version major
# Minor release
npm version minor
# Patch release
npm version patch
Publish to npm:
npm publish --access public
Push to git:
git push
git push --tags
- Update
- Update the cucumber-js version
- Ensure the javascript examples are up to date
- Update the cucumber-js version