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Add extension from source

Shivam Mathur edited this page Apr 28, 2021 · 8 revisions

This guide assumes that you have basic knowledge of compiling packages

Add extension from GitHub

On Ubuntu and macOS extensions can be compiled and installed from a git repository by suffixing the extension's name with repository@version.

For example to compile and install mongodb from its GitHub repository mongodb/mongo-php-driver and tag v1.9:

- name: Setup PHP with mongodb from source
  uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
    php-version: '7.4'  
    extensions: mongodb-mongodb/[email protected]

The version can be a branch name or tag as supported by git clone -b <name>. The clone is performed recursively, i.e. submodules if any, will be cloned as well.

Add extension from other git providers

By default, the extension repository is cloned from GitHub. If the extension is hosted on any other git provider. You need to specify the complete repository URL.

For example to compile and install csv extension from its repository hosted on GitLab:

- name: Setup PHP with csv from source
  uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
    php-version: '7.4'  
    extensions: csv-[email protected]

Add extension from a sub-directory

If the extension is not in the git root directory of the repository, you can specify the sub-directory using the environment variable <EXTENSION>_PATH. For example for protobuf, the environment variable will be PROTOBUF_PATH.

- name: Setup PHP with protobuf from source
  uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
    php-version: '7.4'  
    extensions: protobuf-protocolbuffers/[email protected]
    PROTOBUF_PATH: php/ext/google/protobuf

Add extension with different configurations

Extensions can require various configuration options. While compiling an extension the call to the configure script can look like this


The PREFIX_OPTS can be Makefile variables like CFLAGS, SUFFIX_OPTS can be m4 inputs like --enable-extension.

So setup-php supports the following environment variables.


For example to compile http extension from source:

- name: Setup PHP with http from source
  uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
    php-version: '8.0'  
    extensions: raphf, http-m6w6/[email protected]
    HTTP_CONFIGURE_PREFIX_OPTS: "CFLAGS=-Wno-implicit-function-declaration"
    HTTP_CONFIGURE_OPTS: "--with-http"

Add required libraries for the extension

Some extensions require external libraries. To setup libraries along with compiling the extension the following environment variables are supported.


If you are using a single operating system in a workflow, then you can use <EXTENSION>_LIBS. In a multi OS workflow, you can use <EXTENSION>_LINUX_LIBS for Ubuntu workflows and <EXTENSION>_DARWIN_LIBS for macOS workflows.

Libraries on Ubuntu are installed using apt. On MacOS libraries are installed using Homebrew.

For example to compile and install redis extension with lz4 support in a cross-platform workflow:

- name: Get liblz4 directory
  id: lz4
  run: |
    if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Linux" ]; then
      echo "::set-output name=lz4-dir::/usr"
      echo "::set-output name=lz4-dir::$(brew --prefix lz4)"
- name: Setup PHP with redis from source with lz4 support
  uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
    php-version: '8.0'
    extensions: redis-phpredis/[email protected]
    REDIS_CONFIGURE_OPTS: --enable-redis  --enable-redis-lz4 --with-liblz4=${{ steps.check.lz4.lz4-dir }}
    REDIS_LINUX_LIBS: liblz4-dev

Cache extension compiled from source

work in progress