Angular Services working with AWS
Send Logs to AWS CloudWatch Logs
Use the withCloudwatchTransport(...)
feature for the Logger
to send log statements to CloudWatch Logs.
Optionally the CloudWatchErrorHandler
can be provided to send uncaught errors to CloudWatch Logs.
import { ErrorHandler, NgModule } from '@angular/core'
import { provideLogger, LogLevel } from '@shiftcode/ngx-core'
import { CloudWatchErrorHandler, CloudWatchLogTransportConfig } from '@shiftcode/ngx-aws'
function cloudWatchLogConfigFactory(): CloudWatchLogTransportConfig {
const appConfig = inject(APP_CONFIG)
return {
logLevel: LogLevel.WARN,
logGroupName: 'client-log-group-name',
flushInterval: 3000,
clientConfig$: of({
region: 'eu-central-1',
credentials: {
accessKeyId: appConfig.iamAccessKeyId,
secretAccessKey: appConfig.iamSecretAccessKey,
providers: [
withCloudwatchTransport(cloudWatchLogConfigFactory), // instead of a factory the value itself could be provided
{ provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: CloudWatchErrorHandler },
export class AppModule {}