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File metadata and controls

151 lines (117 loc) · 5.19 KB

micov: aggregate MIcrobiome COVerage

We introduce aggregate MIcrobiome COVerage (micov), a bioinformatic tool that efficiently computes precise, optionally-aggregated, genomic coverage positions across numerous metagenomes and arbitrary sample types. Micov offers three key advantages over conventional tools: rapid sample type-specific cumulative coverage calculations, identification of mobile or polymorphic genetic elements, and detection of strain heterogeneity through coverage variations.


The primary input mapping structure for micov is SAM/BAM or BED (3-column). Coverage data can be aggregated into Qiita-like coverage.tgz files. Per-sample coverages can be then be harvested from multiple coverage.tgz files.

Why coverage.tgz files? Qiita provides a rich set of already computed coverage data in a BED3 compatible format. Rather than invent yet-another-format, we opted to establish functionality on what is readily available from that resource.


We currently recommend creating a separate conda environment, and installing into that

$ conda env create -f micov.yml
$ conda activate micov
$ pip install micov

Installation From Source

To install the most up-to-date version of micov

$ conda create -n micov -c conda-forge polars matplotlib scipy click tqdm numba duckdb pyarrow
$ conda activate micov
$ git clone
$ cd micov
$ pip install -e .

Example Usages

See below for examples of running micov on SAM files.

1. Set Up Environment

First, activate the Conda environment where micov is installed:

conda activate micov

2. Process SAM Files to Extract Covered Positions

If you already have tgz format coverage files from Qitta, go to step 4.

micov currently only processes headerless SAM/BAM files. If your input files contain headers, remove them using samtools before running micov:

samtools view -S input.sam > output.sam

Now, create an output directory and run micov on each SAM file:

mkdir -p "./example/coverages"

for file in ./example/samfiles/*.sam.xz; do
    filename=$(basename "$file" .sam.xz)

    echo "Processing $file..."
    # Run micov compress
    xzcat $file | micov compress | gzip > "./example/coverages/${filename}.cov.gz"

3. Consolidate Coverage Files

After extracting coverage data, consolidate the .cov files into a compressed .tgz archive. This requires a length mapping file (length.tsv), which maps genome IDs to their corresponding genome lengths. An example length file can be found in ./example/metadata/length.tsv. If this file is not available, it can be generated using seqkit:

seqkit fx2tab --length --name --header-line foo.fasta > length.tsv

Now, consolidate the coverage files:

mkdir -p "./example/consolidate"

find "./example/coverages" -type f -name '*.cov.gz' > "./example/consolidate/paths.txt"

micov consolidate \
    --lengths "./example/metadata/length.tsv" \
    --paths "./example/consolidate/paths.txt" \
    --output "./example/consolidate/consolidated.tgz"

4. Convert Coverage Data to Parquet Format

micov provides functionality to convert TGZ-formatted coverage data into Parquet format for efficient querying and processing:

mkdir -p "./example/parquet"

micov qiita-to-parquet \
 --qiita-coverages  "./example/consolidate/consolidated.tgz" \
 --output "./example/parquet/example" \
 --lengths "./example/metadata/length.tsv"

5. Generate Per-Sample-Group Plots

micov can generate per-sample-group plots based on sample metadata and a feature metadata file. Ensure that feature_metadata.txt has a header like feature_id as the first line and no blank lines at the end. This produces non-cumulative, cumulative, scaled, and unscaled position plots for each genome in feature metadata.

mkdir -p "./example/plots/per_sample_groups"

micov per-sample-group \
 --parquet-coverage "./example/parquet/example" \
 --sample-metadata "./example/metadata/sample_metadata.txt" \
 --sample-metadata-column "dog" \
 --features-to-keep "./example/metadata/feature_metadata.txt" \
 --output "./example/plots/per_sample_groups/example" \

6. Generate Monte Carlo-Based Plots

For Monte Carlo-based sample group plots, run:

mkdir -p "./example/plots/per_sample_groups_monte"

micov per-sample-group \
 --parquet-coverage "./example/parquet/example" \
 --sample-metadata "./example/metadata/sample_metadata.txt" \
 --sample-metadata-column "dog" \
 --features-to-keep "./example/metadata/feature_metadata.txt" \
 --output "./example/plots/per_sample_groups_monte/example" \
 --plot \
 --monte "unfocused" \
 --monte-iters 100

7. Additional usage (optional)

Exising .SAM/.BAM can be compressed into a BED-like format by file or pipe. A pipe example is shown below:

$ xzcat some_data.sam.xz | micov compress > compressed.tsv

Aggregate genome coverages can be calculated using

$ xzcat some_data.sam.xz | micov compress --length length.tsv > coverages.tsv


$ micov compress \
    --data input.sam \
    --output compressed_output.tsv \
    --lengths genome-lengths.tsv \
    --taxonomy taxonomy.tsv