This is an FTP client started as a port of the standard Python FTP client library
Forked form and change some dependenes of the package
go get
Import the library in your code and call the methods exposed by the FTP structure, for instance:
package main import ( "fmt" "os" ftp4go "" ) func main() { ftpClient := ftp4go.NewFTP(0) // 1 for debugging //set time out ftpClient.SetFTPTimeout(20 * time.Second) //connect _, err := ftpClient.Connect("myFtpAddress", ftp4go.DefaultFtpPort) if err != nil { fmt.Println("The connection failed") os.Exit(1) } defer ftpClient.Quit() _, err = ftpClient.Login("myUsername", "myPassword", "") if err != nil { fmt.Println("The login failed") os.Exit(1) } //Print the current working directory var cwd string cwd, err = ftpClient.Pwd() if err != nil { fmt.Println("The Pwd command failed") os.Exit(1) } fmt.Println("The current folder is", cwd) }
package main import ( ftp4go "" "fmt" "os" ) var( downloadFileName = "DockerToolbox-1.8.2a.pkg" BASE_FTP_PATH = "/home/bob/" // base data path in ftp server ) func main() { ftpClient := ftp4go.NewFTP(0) // 1 for debugging //connect _, err := ftpClient.Connect("", ftp4go.DefaultFtpPort, "") if err != nil { fmt.Println("The connection failed") os.Exit(1) } defer ftpClient.Quit() _, err = ftpClient.Login("bob", "p@ssw0rd", "") if err != nil { fmt.Println("The login failed") os.Exit(1) } //Print the current working directory var cwd string cwd, err = ftpClient.Pwd() if err != nil { fmt.Println("The Pwd command failed") os.Exit(1) } fmt.Println("The current folder is", cwd) // get the remote file size size, err := ftpClient.Size("/home/bob/"+downloadFileName) if err != nil { fmt.Println("The Pwd command failed") os.Exit(1) } fmt.Println("size ", size) // start resume file download if err = ftpClient.DownloadResumeFile("/home/bob/"+downloadFileName, "/Users/goyoo/ftptest/"+downloadFileName, false); err != nil{ panic(err) } }
Being a port of a Python library, the original Python version is probably the best reference.
Python ftplib
Some new methods have been implemented to upload and download files, recursively in a folder as well.
- TLS is not supported yet
- add multi goroutine for one download task support