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Python solution to Leetcode Questions.
This is a very good platform to learn best practices of python coding.
I am compiling solutions to some questions as I solve and have tried to include as many comments as possible for easy understanding.
(Tip: The best way I think is to print and see what exactly is being executed !)
Just keep Practicing !

# Title Solutions Difficulty Tag Remarks
1 Two Sum Solution Easy hashmap Am,Ad,G,A,M,Bl,U...
2 Add Two Numbers Solution Medium Linked List Am,Ad,Bl,A,M,G,F,U...
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists Solution Easy LinkedList 04Jan21 challenge
35 Search Insert Position Solution Easy List June10 challenge
68 Text Justification Solution Hard String I,G,K,Tl,U,L,R,F,M,A,E
77 Combinations Solution Medium Backtracking
88 Merge Sorted Array Solution Easy two-pointer .
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree Solution Easy Tree DFS Recursion and iterative .
118 Pascal's Triangle Solution Easy String, DP Am,M,A,Ad,U Y
120 Triangle Solution Medium DP 21Apr21 challenge
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence Solution Medium List, Set G,M,A,F,Ad,T,Q
141 Linked List Cycle Solution Easy two-pointer .
167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted Solution Easy two-pointer .
175 Combine Two Tables Solution Easy SQL Ad,Am,Bl,A
176 Second Highest Salary Solution Easy SQL Am,A
177 Nth Highest Salary Solution Easy SQL Am,Bl,Ad,A,G,Or
181 Employees Earning More Than Their Managers Solution Easy SQL Am,A
184 Department Highest Salary Solution Medium SQL Am,A
185 Department Top Three Salaries Solution Hard SQL Am,U,E,F
200 Number of Islands Solution Medium DFS,Matrix Am,M,B,G,F,L,A,O
226 Invert Binary Tree Solution Easy Binary Search Tree June01 challenge
231 Power of Two Solution Easy June08 challenge
232 Implement Queue using Stacks Solution Easy Am,M,A,GS
237 Delete Node in a Linked List Solution Easy Linked List 02June20 challenge
242 Valid Anagram Solution Easy List Bl,G,M,U,Am,A,W,J
243 Shortest Word Distance Solution Easy List L,A,GS,M,U,SF,DD
290 Word Pattern Solution Easy string,dictionary .
344 Reverse String Solution Easy List June04 challenge
350 Intersection of Two Arrays II Solution Easy two-pointer .
359 Logger Rate Limiter Solution Easy hash map .
366 Find Leaves of Binary Tree Solution Medium Recursion 03Jul21 challenge
377 Combination Sum IV Solution Medium DP 19Apr21 challenge
392 Is Subsequence Solution Easy List June09 challenge
406 Queue Reconstruction by Height Solution Medium List 06June20 challenge
438 Find All Anagrams in a String Solution Medium Sliding Window M,Am,F,P,G
451 Sort Characters By Frequency Solution Medium String,Hash Table
474 Ones and Zeroes Solution Medium DP 03Apr21 challenge
509 Not Boring Movies Solution Easy hash map 15Apr21 challenge
518 Coin Change 2 Solution Medium Dynamic Programming June07 challenge
594 Longest Harmonious Subsequence Solution Easy Hash Table
595 Big Countries Solution Easy SQL
605 Can Place Flowers Solution Easy String L,F
620 Fibonacci Number Solution Easy
655 Print Binary Tree Solution Medium Binary Tree
690 Employee Importance Solution Easy Tree G,A
700 Search in a Binary Search Tree Solution Easy Binary Search Tree June15 challenge
703 Kth Largest Element in a Stream Solution Easy Heapq Am,F
796 Rotate String Solution Easy String
973 K Closest Points to Origin Solution Medium Lists, Hash Table
938 Range Sum of BST Solution Easy Tree DFS Iterative
1029 Two City Scheduling Solution Easy List Greedy June03 challenge
1179 Reformat Department Table Solution Easy SQL
1200 Minimum Absolute Difference Solution Easy Hash Table
1207 Unique Number of Occurrences Solution Easy Hash Table
1209 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II Solution Easy stack 16Apr21 challenge
1436 Destination City Solution Easy List
1762 Buildings with an ocean view Solution Medium List F