This is a lightweight web app for cities to generate road construction, incidents, and closures data, utilizing the SharedStreets Referencing System to provide a shared, non-proprietary way of describing this information for use in consumer applications.
- Running the application
- Using the application
- Output formats
To run the application yourself on your local computer, you will need a Linux or Mac. Then, make sure you have node js and npm installed (see here for instructions), as well as yarn (see here for instructions).
Then, you have to clone this repository:
git clone
Then, install the required dependencies:
cd sharedstreets-road-closure-ui/
yarn install
You'll have to create a file named .env
in the application's top-most/root directory.
You can simply make a copy of the included file .env.example
and populate the values appropriately:
REACT_APP_base_server_url=<base URL of the included server. if this is empty, default value is http://localhost>
REACT_APP_directory=full path to road closure files directory, ex: /Users/indraneel/road-closures/
REACT_APP_extent=[min X coordinate, min Y coordinate, max X coordinate, max Y coordinate]
REACT_APP_org_name=your organization's name. this will be appended to the 'directory' path, ex: /Users/indraneel/road-closures/organization-name>
You can use a website like bboxfinder to find your extent value. Note that the REACT_APP_extent specified is the only region within with you'll be able to mark streets as closed. Also make sure REACT_APP_extent is four values surrounded by square brackets (like this: [-70, 40, -70, 40]).
Next, you need to build the application by running this command:
yarn build:local
This will create a build of the web app that relies on the included server.ts
Note that this command (and start:local
) sets the environment variable REACT_APP_LOCAL_SERVER
to true
And then finally, you can run the application:
yarn server
By default, the application will run at the following URL: http://localhost:3001 unless you've configured it otherwise.
The SharedStreets Road Closures app extends GeoJSON for all internal application data.
Data can be exported for consumption as the GeoJSON and/or the Closure Information Feed Specification (CIFS) format.