The SharedStreets Builder application converts OpenStreetMap data to SharedStreets protocol buffer tiles.
SharedStreets uses this tool to generate and maintain a complete global OSM-dervied tile set. Users can operate the tool directly on their OSM or use a pregenerated global tileset provided by SharedStreets.
Support for non-OSM data sources has been moved to the sharedstreets-conflator tool.
Example use
java -jar ./sharedstreets-builder-0.1-preview.jar --input data/[osm_input_file].pbf --output ./[tile_output_directory]
The builder application is built on Apache Flink. If memory requirements exceed available space, Flink uses a disk-based cache for processing. Processing large OSM data sets may require several hundred gigabytes of free disk space.
- v0.1: OSM support
- v0.2: Add OSM metadata support for support ways per #9
- v0.3: add heirarchical filterfing for roadClass per sharedstreets-ref-system/#20