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143 lines (110 loc) · 4.56 KB


Combining ideas from graph search and graph of convex sets

Installation (Linux and MacOS)

This repo uses Poetry for dependency management. To setup this project, first install Poetry and, make sure to have Python3.12 installed on your system.

(Optional) Configure poetry to create virtual environment in project

poetry config true

Then, configure poetry to setup a virtual environment that uses >= Python 3.10:

poetry env use python3.10

Next, install all the required dependencies to the virtual environment with the following command:

poetry install -vvv

(the -vvv flag adds verbose output).

Clone this fork of pypolycontain locally.

Next, add the following lines to .venv/bin/activate replacing the paths with your actual paths:

export PROJECT_ROOT="/path/to/project/folder/large_gcs"
export MOSEKLM_LICENSE_FILE="/path/to/mosek/license/mosek/mosek.lic"
export GRB_LICENSE_FILE="/path/to/gurobi/license/gurobi.lic"

Additional libraries used

On Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install python3-tk # For interactive plotting in graph generator script
sudo apt install ffmpeg # For saving animation videos

On MacOS, run the following command:

brew install python-tk 
brew install ffmpeg

Additional packages that I was not able to install using poetry, and had to use pip instead

pip install kaleido

If you have problems with poetry, when in the virtual env shell, run the following:

pip install numpy matplotlib ipykernel scipy black tqdm pytest wandb hydra-core omegaconf autoflake isort pdbpp plotly docformatter drake kaleido pre-commit

Running pre-commit hooks

The repo is setup to do automatic linting and code checking on every commit through the use of pre-commits. To run all the pre-commit hooks (which will clean up all files in the repo), run the following command:

poetry shell
pre-commit install

Running tests

In typical development, regularly run pytest -m "not slow_test" which runs all the tests that take shorter than 5 seconds each.

To run the slow tests alone use pytest -m slow_test

Or to run all the tests simply use pytest

To run a specific test(s) by referring to some part of the test's name, use pytest -k "shortcut_edge_cg_simple_2_inc"

To make tests verbose and allow print statements to be shown use -v -s flags.

Runing a single experiment

Create a config file specifying the experiment in config and run it using the following command:

python3 experiments/ --config-name quickstart

where quickstart should be replaced with your config name.

After running quickstart you can compare your results (which should appear in the multirun/date/time folder) to the contents of the quickstart_output folder

Runing WAFR experiments

python3 experiments/ --config-path ../config/WAFR_experiments --config-dir config --config-name trajectory_figures 

Running GGCS experiments

Configs for the GGCS experiments are located in config/ggcs_experiments To run an experiment:

python3 experiments/ --config-path ../config/ggcs_experiments --config-dir config --config-name reaches_new_sampling_ggcs

This will produce output files in the folder multirun/{current_date}/{current_time}

To aggregate multirun data run:

python3 scripts/ --dir  multirun/{date}/{time}

This will save a json file of the data from all the runs (aggregated_run_data.json) to the same multirun folder.

Running multiple experiments

Create a bash script in scripts and make it executable with chmod +x Then run it with

Generating figures

On Ubuntu, 'Times' font can be installed via

sudo apt update
sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

After installation, you may need to update the font cache:

fc-cache -f -v

On Mac, it already comes in the system

Additionally, need LaTex on your system For Ubuntu,

sudo apt install texlive-latex-extra
sudo apt-get install texlive-fonts-recommended
sudo apt-get install cm-super
sudo apt-get install dvipng


This repo references and contains code from: Bernhard Paus Græsdal and Tobia Marcucci