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Upgrading React on Rails

Upgrading to version 10

Pretty simple:

  • Follow the steps to migrate to version 9 (except installing 10.x instead of 9.x)
  • If you have react_component returning hashes, then switch to react_component_hash instead

Upgrading to version 9

With no interest of integrating webpacker

  • Bump your ReactOnRails versions in Gemfile & package.json
  • In /config/initializers/react_on_rails.rb, rename:
    • config.npm_build_test_command ==> config.build_test_command
    • config.npm_build_production_command ==> config.build_production_command
  • Also create config.node_modules_location and set it to "client"

...and you're done.

Integrating Webpacker

Reason for doing this: This enables your webpack bundles to bypass the Rails asset pipeline and it's extra minification, enabling you to use source-maps in production, while still maintaining total control over everything in the client directory

From version 8

For an example of upgrading, see react-webpack-rails-tutorial/pull/416.

  • Breaking Configuration Changes

    1. Added config.node_modules_location which defaults to "" if Webpacker is installed. You may want to set this to 'client'toconfig/initializers/react_on_rails.rbto keep your node_modules inside of/client`
    2. Renamed
    • config.npm_build_test_command ==> config.build_test_command
    • config.npm_build_production_command ==> config.build_production_command
  • Update the gemfile. Switch over to using the webpacker gem.

gem "webpacker"
  • Update for the renaming in the WebpackConfigLoader in your webpack configuration. You will need to rename the following object properties:

    • webpackOutputPath ==> output.path
    • webpackPublicOutputDir ==> output.publicPath
    • hotReloadingUrl ==> output.publicPathWithHost
    • hotReloadingHostname ==>
    • hotReloadingPort ==> settings.dev_server.port
    • hmr ==> settings.dev_server.hmr
    • manifest ==> Remove this one. We use the default for Webpack of manifest.json
    • env ==> Use const { env } = require('process');
    • devBuild ==> Use const devBuild = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
  • Edit your Webpack.config files:

    • Change your Webpack output to be like this. Be sure to have the hash or chunkhash in the filename, unless the bundle is server side.:
      const webpackConfigLoader = require('react-on-rails/webpackConfigLoader');
      const configPath = resolve('..', 'config');
      const { output, settings } = webpackConfigLoader(configPath);
      const hmr = settings.dev_server.hmr;
      const devBuild = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
      output: {
        filename: isHMR ? '[name]-[hash].js' : '[name]-[chunkhash].js',
        chunkFilename: '[name]-[chunkhash].chunk.js',
        publicPath: output.publicPath,
        path: output.path,
    • Change your ManifestPlugin definition to something like the following
      new ManifestPlugin({
          publicPath: output.publicPath,
          writeToFileEmit: true
  • Find your webpacker_lite.yml and rename it to webpacker.yml

    • Consider copying a default webpacker.yml setup such as
    • If you are not using the webpacker webpacker setup, be sure to put in compile: false in the default section.
    • Alternately, if you are updating from webpacker_lite, you can manually change these:
    • Add a default setting
      cache_manifest: false
    • For production, set:
      cache_manifest: true
    • Add a section like this under your development env:
        host: localhost
        port: 3035
        hmr: false
      Set hmr to your preference.
    • See the example spec/dummy/config/webpacker.yml.
    • Remove keys hot_reloading_host and hot_reloading_enabled_by_default. These are replaced by the dev_server key.
    • Rename webpack_public_output_dir to public_output_path.
  • Edit your

    • Remove the env value WEBPACKER_DEV_SERVER as it's not used
    • For hot loading:
      • Set the hmr key in your webpacker.yml to true.

From version 7 or lower

...while keeping your client directory

Unfortunately, this requires quite a few steps:

  • .gitignore: add /public/webpack/*
  • Gemfile: bump react_on_rails and add webpacker
  • layout views: anything bundled by webpack will need to be requested by a javascript_pack_tag or stylesheet_pack_tag
  • config/initializers/assets.rb: we no longer need to modify Rails.application.config.assets.paths or append anything to Rails.application.config.assets.precompile.
  • config/initializers/react_on_rails.rb:
    • Delete config.generated_assets_dir. Webpacker's config now supplies this information
    • Replace config.npm_build_(test|production)_command with config.build_(test|production)_command
  • config/webpacker.yml: start with our example config (feel free to modify it as needed). I recommend setting dev_server.hmr to false however since HMR is currently broken.
  • client/package.json: bump react_on_rails (I recommend bumping webpack as well). You'll also need js-yaml if you're not already using eslint and webpack-manifest-plugin regardless.
Client Webpack config:
  • You'll need the following code to read data from the webpacker config:
const path = require('path');
const ManifestPlugin = require('webpack-manifest-plugin'); // we'll use this later

const webpackConfigLoader = require('react-on-rails/webpackConfigLoader');
const configPath = path.resolve('..', 'config');
const { output } = webpackConfigLoader(configPath);
  • That output variable will be used for webpack's output rules:
  output: {
    filename: '[name]-[chunkhash].js', // [chunkhash] because we've got to do our own cache-busting now
    path: output.path,
    publicPath: output.publicPath,
  • well as for the output of plugins like webpack-manifest-plugin:

      new ManifestPlugin({
        publicPath: output.publicPath,
        writeToFileEmit: true
  • If you're using referencing files or images with url-loader & file-loader, their publicpaths will have to change as well: publicPath: '/webpack/',
  • If you're using css-loader, webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin, or extract-text-webpack-plugin, they will also need cache-busting!

...and you're finally done!

...while replacing your client directory
  • Make the same changes to config/initializers/react_on_rails.rb as described above
  • Upgrade RoR & add Webpacker in the Gemfile
  • Upgrade RoR in the client/package.json
  • Run bundle
  • Run rails webpacker:install
  • Run rails webpacker:install:react
  • Run rails g react_on_rails:install
  • Move your entry point files to app/javascript/packs
  • Either:
    • Move all your source code to app/javascript/bundles, move your linter configs to the root directory, and then delete the client directory
    • or just delete the webpack config and remove webpack, its loaders, and plugins from your client/package.json.

...and you're done.