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Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' (WINDOWS 7 + Webpack 1 + Bootstrap 4 alpha 4) #179

Ks89 opened this issue Sep 23, 2016 · 11 comments


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Ks89 commented Sep 23, 2016

I'm trying to use bootstrap-loader 1 with webpack 1 and bootstrap 4 alpha 4 on Windows 7.
I'm working for a company and I replaced a path to hide some informations :( with "MY PROJECT FOLDER"

When I start webpack I get this error:


$ ./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --config webpack.config.js --progress --profile --colors                                           34% 2/5 build modulests-loader: Using [email protected] and D:\MyData\"MY PROJECT FOLDER"\src_web\scontiCircuito\tsconfig.json               60% 5/6 build modules[bootstrap-loader]:  bootstrap-loader is in DEBUG mode because you have your config log level set to 'debug'.

[bootstrap-loader]:  Using config file D:\MyData\"MY PROJECT FOLDER"\src_web\scontiCircuito\.bootstraprc

[bootstrap-loader]:  Query from webpack config: *none*

[bootstrap-loader]:  Using Bootstrap module: bootstrap

[bootstrap-loader]:  Bootstrap module location (abs): D:\MyData\"MY PROJECT FOLDER"\src_web\scontiCircuito\node_modules\bootstrap

[bootstrap-loader]:  Bootstrap module location (rel): ..\bootstrap

[bootstrap-loader]:  Context: D:\MyData\"MY PROJECT FOLDER"\src_web\scontiCircuito\node_modules\bootstrap-loader

[bootstrap-loader]:  Using Bootstrap version: 4

[bootstrap-loader]:  Bootstrap NPM package version: 4.0.0-alpha.4

[bootstrap-loader]:  Normalized params:
 { bootstrapVersion: 4,
  loglevel: 'debug',
  preBootstrapCustomizations: undefined,
  bootstrapCustomizations: undefined,
  appStyles: undefined,
  useFlexbox: true,
  useCustomIconFontPath: undefined,
  extractStyles: false,
  styleLoaders: [ 'style', 'css', 'postcss', 'sass' ],
   [ 'mixins',
     'utilities' ],
   [ 'alert',
     'util' ],
  configFilePath: 'D:\\MyData\\"MY PROJECT FOLDER"\\src_web\\scontiCircuito\\.bootstraprc',
  bootstrapPath: 'D:\\MyData\\<MY PROJECT FOLDER\\src_web\\scontiCircuito\\node_modules\\bootstrap',
  bootstrapRelPath: '..\\bootstrap' }

[bootstrap-loader]:  Requiring:
 module.exports.css = require ("style!css!postcss!resolve-url!sass?sourceMap!./lib\\bootstrap.styles.loader.js!./no-op.js");
module.exports.js = require ("./lib\\bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./no-op.js");

25% 7/27 build modules[bootstrap-loader]:  Scripts output:
 require ("..\\bootstrap\\dist\\js\\umd\\alert");
require ("..\\bootstrap\\dist\\js\\umd\\button");
require ("..\\bootstrap\\dist\\js\\umd\\carousel");
require ("..\\bootstrap\\dist\\js\\umd\\collapse");
require ("..\\bootstrap\\dist\\js\\umd\\dropdown");
require ("..\\bootstrap\\dist\\js\\umd\\modal");
require ("..\\bootstrap\\dist\\js\\umd\\popover");
require ("..\\bootstrap\\dist\\js\\umd\\scrollspy");
require ("..\\bootstrap\\dist\\js\\umd\\tab");
require ("..\\bootstrap\\dist\\js\\umd\\tooltip");
require ("..\\bootstrap\\dist\\js\\umd\\util");

27% 8/27 build modules[bootstrap-loader]:  Styles output:
 $enable-flex: true;
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_mixins";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_variables";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_normalize";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_print";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_reboot";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_type";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_images";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_code";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_grid";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_tables";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_forms";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_buttons";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_animation";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_dropdown";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_button-group";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_input-group";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_custom-forms";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_nav";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_navbar";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_card";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_breadcrumb";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_pagination";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_jumbotron";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_alert";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_progress";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_media";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_list-group";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_responsive-embed";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_close";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_tags";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_modal";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_tooltip";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_popover";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_carousel";
@import "../bootstrap/scss/_utilities";

1498ms1466ms optimi47ms emit

Hash: e3636cc9023578ac2eb1
Version: webpack 1.13.2
Time: 11828ms
           Asset       Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
         main.js    31.5 kB       0  [emitted]  main
    polyfills.js     281 kB       1  [emitted]  polyfills
       vendor.js    3.35 MB       2  [emitted]  vendor    38.5 kB       0  [emitted]  main     350 kB       1  [emitted]  polyfills    3.95 MB       2  [emitted]  vendor
   manifest.json  198 bytes          [emitted]
      index.html    11.2 kB          [emitted]
   [0] multi vendor 40 bytes {2} [built]
       factory:0ms building:0ms = 0ms
    + 637 hidden modules

ERROR in ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ..\bootstrap\dist\js\umd\alert in D:\MyData\"MY PROJECT FOLDER"\src_web\scontiCircuito\node_modules\bootstrap-loader
 @ ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js 1:0-47

ERROR in ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ..\bootstrap\dist\js\umd\button in D:\MyData\"MY PROJECT FOLDER"\src_web\scontiCircuito\node_modules\bootstrap-loader
 @ ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js 2:0-48

ERROR in ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ..\bootstrap\dist\js\umd\carousel in D:\MyData\"MY PROJECT FOLDER"\src_web\scontiCircuito\node_modules\bootstrap-loader
 @ ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js 3:0-50

ERROR in ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ..\bootstrap\dist\js\umd\collapse in D:\MyData\"MY PROJECT FOLDER"\src_web\scontiCircuito\node_modules\bootstrap-loader
 @ ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js 4:0-50

ERROR in ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ..\bootstrap\dist\js\umd\dropdown in D:\MyData\"MY PROJECT FOLDER"\src_web\scontiCircuito\node_modules\bootstrap-loader
 @ ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js 5:0-50

ERROR in ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ..\bootstrap\dist\js\umd\modal in D:\MyData\"MY PROJECT FOLDER"\src_web\scontiCircuito\node_modules\bootstrap-loader
 @ ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js 6:0-47

ERROR in ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ..\bootstrap\dist\js\umd\popover in D:\MyData\"MY PROJECT FOLDER"\src_web\scontiCircuito\node_modules\bootstrap-loader
 @ ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js 7:0-49

ERROR in ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ..\bootstrap\dist\js\umd\scrollspy in D:\MyData\"MY PROJECT FOLDER"\src_web\scontiCircuito\node_modules\bootstrap-loader
 @ ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js 8:0-51

ERROR in ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ..\bootstrap\dist\js\umd\tab in D:\MyData\"MY PROJECT FOLDER"\src_web\scontiCircuito\node_modules\bootstrap-loader
 @ ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js 9:0-45

ERROR in ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ..\bootstrap\dist\js\umd\tooltip in D:\MyData\"MY PROJECT FOLDER"\src_web\scontiCircuito\node_modules\bootstrap-loader
 @ ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js 10:0-49

ERROR in ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ..\bootstrap\dist\js\umd\util in D:\MyData\"MY PROJECT FOLDER"\src_web\scontiCircuito\node_modules\bootstrap-loader
 @ ./~/bootstrap-loader/lib/bootstrap.scripts.loader.js!./~/bootstrap-loader/no-op.js 11:0-46

Webpack config

const path               = require('path');
const webpack            = require('webpack');
const CommonsChunkPlugin = require('webpack/lib/optimize/CommonsChunkPlugin');
const CopyWebpackPlugin  = require('copy-webpack-plugin');
const DefinePlugin       = require('webpack/lib/DefinePlugin');
const ProvidePlugin      = require('webpack/lib/ProvidePlugin');
var HtmlWebpackPlugin       = require('html-webpack-plugin');
var ManifestPlugin          = require('webpack-manifest-plugin');
var InlineManifestWebpackPlugin   = require('inline-manifest-webpack-plugin');
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');

const ENV  = process.env.NODE_ENV = 'development';
const HOST = process.env.HOST || 'localhost';
const PORT = process.env.PORT || 8080;

const metadata = {
  baseUrl: '/',
  ENV    : ENV,
  host   : HOST,
  port   : PORT

module.exports = {
  debug: true,
  devServer: {
    contentBase: 'src',
    historyApiFallback: true,
    port: metadata.port,
    proxy: {
      '/api/*': {
        target: 'http://localhost:8000',
        secure: false
  devtool: 'source-map',
  entry: {
    'polyfills': './src/polyfills.ts',
    'vendor': './src/vendor.ts',
    'main'  : './src/main.ts'
  metadata: metadata,
  module: {
    loaders: [
      {test: /\.css$/,   loader: 'raw', exclude: /node_modules/},
      {test: /\.css$/,   loader: 'style!css?-minimize', exclude: /src/},
      {test: /\.scss$/,  loaders: ['raw-loader', 'sass-loader'], exclude: /node_modules/},
      {test: /\.html$/,  loader: 'raw'},
      {test: /\.ts$/,    loader: 'ts', query: {compilerOptions: {noEmit: false}}},
      //       {test: /\.ts$/,   loaders: [
      //   {loader: 'ts', query: {compilerOptions: {noEmit: false}}},
      //   {loader: 'angular2-template'}
      // ]},
      {test: /\.woff$/,  loader: 'url?limit=10000&mimetype=application/font-woff'},
      {test: /\.woff2$/, loader: 'url?limit=10000&mimetype=application/font-woff'},
      {test: /\.ttf$/,   loader: 'url?limit=10000&mimetype=application/octet-stream'},
      {test: /\.svg$/,   loader: 'url?limit=10000&mimetype=image/svg+xml'},
      {test: /\.eot$/,   loader: 'file'},
      // Bootstrap 4
      { test: /bootstrap[\/\\]dist[\/\\]js[\/\\]umd[\/\\]/, loader: 'imports?jQuery=jquery' }
    noParse: [path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', 'angular2', 'bundles')]
  output: {
    path    : './',
    filename: '[name].js',
    chunkFilename: '[name].js',
    publicPath: './scontiCircuito'
  postcss: [autoprefixer],
  plugins: [
    new CommonsChunkPlugin({
      name: ['main', 'vendor', 'polyfills'],
      minChunks: Infinity
    new ManifestPlugin(),
    new InlineManifestWebpackPlugin(),
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
      title: 'MY PROJECT',
      template: './src/index.ejs', // Load a custom template
      inject: true
    new DefinePlugin({'webpack': {'ENV': JSON.stringify(metadata.ENV)}}),
    new ProvidePlugin({
      jQuery: 'jquery',
      jquery: 'jquery',
      $: 'jquery',
      "Tether": 'tether',
      "window.Tether": "tether",
      //------------- temporary workaround ----------------
      //this requires exports-loader installed from npm
      // Tooltip: "exports?Tooltip!bootstrap/js/dist/tooltip",
      // Alert: "exports?Alert!bootstrap/js/dist/alert",
      // Button: "exports?Button!bootstrap/js/dist/button",
      // Carousel: "exports?Carousel!bootstrap/js/dist/carousel",
      // Collapse: "exports?Collapse!bootstrap/js/dist/collapse",
      // Dropdown: "exports?Dropdown!bootstrap/js/dist/dropdown",
      // Modal: "exports?Modal!bootstrap/js/dist/modal",
      // Popover: "exports?Popover!bootstrap/js/dist/popover",
      // Scrollspy: "exports?Scrollspy!bootstrap/js/dist/scrollspy",
      // Tab: "exports?Tab!bootstrap/js/dist/tab",
      // Util: "exports?Util!bootstrap/js/dist/util"
  resolve: {
    extensions: ['', '.ts', '.js', '.json', '.css', '.html']


$ npm -v

$ node -v

npm show bootstrap-loader

$ npm show bootstrap-loader

{ name: 'bootstrap-loader',
  description: 'Boostrap for Webpack',
  'dist-tags': { latest: '2.0.0-beta.11', 'ver0.1.0-beta1': '0.1.0-beta1' },
   [ '0.0.1',
     '2.0.0-exports.1' ],
   [ 'alex.fedoseev <[email protected]>',
     'justin808 <[email protected]>',
     'shakacode <[email protected]>' ],
   { modified: '2016-09-10T03:12:23.368Z',
     created: '2015-11-11T04:18:27.648Z',
     '0.0.1': '2015-11-11T04:18:27.648Z',
     '0.0.2': '2015-11-13T21:42:01.200Z',
     '0.0.3': '2015-11-14T16:34:29.354Z',
     '0.0.4': '2015-11-15T11:51:10.296Z',
     '0.0.5': '2015-11-16T16:34:46.825Z',
     '0.1.0-beta1': '2015-12-07T21:26:12.541Z',
     '1.0.0-rc': '2015-12-11T16:53:04.622Z',
     '1.0.0': '2015-12-23T23:11:25.616Z',
     '1.0.1': '2015-12-23T23:30:08.675Z',
     '1.0.2': '2016-01-04T09:58:33.675Z',
     '1.0.3': '2016-01-06T10:55:18.561Z',
     '1.0.4': '2016-01-16T20:43:36.218Z',
     '1.0.5': '2016-01-16T20:48:54.996Z',
     '1.0.6': '2016-01-24T17:55:14.819Z',
     '1.0.7': '2016-01-26T08:00:22.822Z',
     '1.0.8': '2016-02-08T10:22:57.867Z',
     '1.0.9': '2016-02-29T10:33:27.993Z',
     '1.0.10': '2016-03-18T09:21:45.275Z',
     '1.1.0-beta.1': '2016-07-31T18:31:27.227Z',
     '1.1.0': '2016-08-01T08:06:15.436Z',
     '2.0.0-beta.1': '2016-08-01T08:43:24.551Z',
     '2.0.0-beta.2': '2016-08-01T15:04:09.614Z',
     '2.0.0-beta.3': '2016-08-03T06:33:16.622Z',
     '1.2.0-beta.1': '2016-08-08T04:38:58.456Z',
     '2.0.0-beta.5': '2016-08-29T09:39:15.505Z',
     '1.1.1': '2016-08-29T09:43:58.750Z',
     '1.1.2': '2016-08-29T23:20:02.735Z',
     '2.0.0-beta.6': '2016-08-30T00:22:08.791Z',
     '1.1.3': '2016-08-30T20:42:49.300Z',
     '2.0.0-beta.7': '2016-08-30T20:54:54.979Z',
     '1.1.4': '2016-08-31T10:13:31.328Z',
     '2.0.0-beta.9': '2016-09-01T22:06:11.207Z',
     '2.0.0-exports.1': '2016-09-05T20:31:46.574Z',
     '1.1.5': '2016-09-07T10:24:05.343Z',
     '2.0.0-beta.10': '2016-09-07T10:43:35.402Z',
     '1.1.6': '2016-09-07T19:06:28.258Z',
     '2.0.0-beta.11': '2016-09-10T03:12:23.368Z' },
  homepage: '',
  keywords: [ 'bootstrap', 'twitter' ],
   { type: 'git',
     url: 'git+' },
  bugs: { url: '' },
  license: 'MIT',
  readmeFilename: '',
   { yatsu: true,
     leonardorb: true,
     wouter_vdb: true,
     marliotto: true,
     philiiiiiipp: true,
     jessekuntz: true,
     algonzo: true,
     'lucas.lopez': true,
     kaashin: true },
  version: '2.0.0-beta.11',
  main: 'loader.js',
   { test: 'babel-tape-runner node_package/tests/*.js | tap-spec',
     start: 'npm run lint && npm run clean && npm run dev',
     dev: 'babel --watch --out-dir lib src',
     build: 'babel --out-dir lib src',
     lint: 'eslint --ext .js .',
     clean: 'rm -rf lib',
     prerelease: 'npm run lint && npm run clean && npm run build',
     preversion: 'npm run prerelease',
     prepublish: 'npm run prerelease',
     'release:patch': 'scripts/release patch',
     'release:minor': 'scripts/release minor',
     'release:major': 'scripts/release major' },
   [ 'Justin Gordon <[email protected]> (',
     'Alex Fedoseev <[email protected]> (' ],
   { 'css-loader': '*',
     'extract-text-webpack-plugin': '>=2.0.0-beta',
     'node-sass': '*',
     'resolve-url-loader': '*',
     'sass-loader': '*',
     'url-loader': '*',
     webpack: '>=2.1.0-beta' },
   { chalk: '^1.1.3',
     'escape-regexp': '0.0.1',
     'js-yaml': '^3.6.1',
     'loader-utils': '^0.2.15',
     resolve: '^1.1.7',
     semver: '^5.3.0',
     'strip-json-comments': '^2.0.1' },
   { babel: '^6.5.2',
     'babel-cli': '^6.11.4',
     'babel-preset-es2015': '^6.13.2',
     'babel-tape-runner': '^2.0.1',
     eslint: '^3.3.1',
     'eslint-config-shakacode': '^6.0.0',
     'eslint-plugin-import': '^1.14.0',
     'tap-spec': '^4.1.1',
     tape: '^4.6.0' },
  gitHead: 'ce773e34cab88e2f8babb08d92a2ef9989bbdb07',
   { shasum: 'd7ca5d1edc74f4d7eac608e086bcf3d9ede3674b',
     tarball: '' },
  directories: {} }


loglevel: debug
bootstrapVersion: 4

useFlexbox: true
  - style
  - css
  - postcss
  - sass

extractStyles: false

  mixins: true
  normalize: true
  print: true
  reboot: true
  type: true
  images: true
  code: true
  grid: true
  tables: true
  forms: true
  buttons: true
  animation: true
  dropdown: true
  button-group: true
  input-group: true
  custom-forms: true
  nav: true
  navbar: true
  card: true
  breadcrumb: true
  pagination: true
  jumbotron: true
  alert: true
  progress: true
  media: true
  list-group: true
  responsive-embed: true
  close: true
  tags: true
  modal: true
  tooltip: true
  popover: true
  carousel: true
  utilities: true

  alert: true
  button: true
  carousel: true
  collapse: true
  dropdown: true
  modal: true
  popover: true
  scrollspy: true
  tab: true
  tooltip: true
  util: true
Copy link

Ks89 commented Sep 23, 2016

I fogot to say that I'm using this for an Angular2 project with typescript 2.0.3

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@Ks89 We resolved this issue for bootstrap-loader v2 but apparently forgot to roll the solution over to v1. I'll make a PR tomorrow if no one beats me to it.

Basically, the issue is that Bootstrap removed UMD from alpha 4 and that broke their paths.

Modifications for alpha 4 applied to v2: d3b3512

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Ks89 commented Sep 25, 2016

Ok thank u, tomorrow I'll try it.

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@Ks89 #170 should solve your issue. Let us know if you run into an issue similar to #172 though.

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Ks89 commented Sep 26, 2016

Thank you, now it's working.
Well done :)

@Ks89 Ks89 closed this as completed Sep 26, 2016
Copy link

Ks89 commented Sep 26, 2016

Oh, wait a minute.
After some experiments, now I have the same problem #172
I fixed it adding:
'Tether': 'tether',
'window.Tether': 'tether',
Tooltip: "exports?Tooltip!bootstrap/js/dist/tooltip",
Alert: "exports?Alert!bootstrap/js/dist/alert",
Button: "exports?Button!bootstrap/js/dist/button",
Carousel: "exports?Carousel!bootstrap/js/dist/carousel",
Collapse: "exports?Collapse!bootstrap/js/dist/collapse",
Dropdown: "exports?Dropdown!bootstrap/js/dist/dropdown",
Modal: "exports?Modal!bootstrap/js/dist/modal",
Popover: "exports?Popover!bootstrap/js/dist/popover",
Scrollspy: "exports?Scrollspy!bootstrap/js/dist/scrollspy",
Tab: "exports?Tab!bootstrap/js/dist/tab",
Util: "exports?Util!bootstrap/js/dist/util"

I don't understand why my previous experiments were ok. I admit that I completely refactored my webpack scripts.

Copy link

@justin808 Here's confirmation that #172 applies to v1 as well and that the solution is similar as well.
@Ks89 If you ever figure out why your previous experiments worked without adding exports-loader, please let us know.

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@Judahmeek Is #172 in v1?

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Judahmeek commented Sep 27, 2016

I'm not sure what you mean. The original issue was created about v2 and I pushed the solution for v2 in #175. @Ks89 says that the same issue is present in v1 now and that the same solution works for v1, which means that 57abdba should be merged into v1 as well.

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@Judahmeek If you can handle that in a PR, that would be great. Otherwise, I'll take care of it.

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igama commented Sep 27, 2016

Confirmed, solution from #172 works

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4 participants