Implementation notes:
5 helper functions in model.h - 1 factory method createNullNode()
1 extra visitor struct in model.h
2 extra enum classes - ConstType and Comparable
Model class uses a stack to keep track of current open containers
Default constructor for ModelNode sets the value to NullType{}
Added assignment operator to JSONState to allow assignment of currOpenContainer in Model to the top of the states stack
Model holds a stack of ModelNodes that is continuously updated during parsing
Added enum class Exact to differentiate between all the types that ModelNode can hold
Added method getConstType() to Model to find the specific constant type the underlying ModelNode at any time
Added helper method createNode that updates a data member tempNode in Model since its used for openContainer, addKeyVal, and addItems
Note that willParse in Parser.parse() takes care of the opening curly brace in any JSON file
ModelQuery holds a tempNode which is a selected and/or filtered ModelNode object to pass into sum/get/count
getContainerType() uses the visitor pattern with std::visit to determine the object type
Assumption: when writing get(), helper fcn toString() and constNodeToString() assumes that if a map is printed, it only has key value pairs and no nested objects
Error handling for sum - checks to see if ModelQuery::tempNode is ListNode type - if not, throws std::invalid_argument
- Also checks to ensure all elements are numerics - throws bad variant access error if not
Error handling for constNodeToString - throws std::invalid_argument if list/object type passed in