Given a number of clusters, an initialization point for each cluster centroid and a preferred definition of distance:
- Assign each observation to the closest cluster by calculating the distance to the centroid using the given definition of distance.
- Recalculate the centroid of each cluster averaging all the observations that belong to the cluster.
- Repeat 1.
- If there are no re-assignments: stop.
- If there are re-assignments: go to step 2.
A gif is worth a million words:
K-means is considered relatively fast as its main operation is only computing distances between each point an the centroids.
- Number of clusters.
- Definition of distance: Manhattan, Euclidean, Minkowski, among many others.
In a vanilla implementation of the k-means algorithm, the result of the algorithm is dependent on the initialization points for the centroids. The following picture shows why:
There is a variation of the algorithm called the k-means++ algorithm which fixes this problem.
The course did not explain how it works. But, the good news is that most of the tools already implement this variant so we just need to make sure that we are using uses the kmeans++ variant. For example:
- R includes k-means, and the "flexclust" package can do k-means++
- Scikit-learn has a K-Means implementation that uses k-means++ by default.
- Weka contains k-means (with optional k-means++) and x-means clustering.
- Notably, at the time of this writing Knime did not have the kmeans++ algorithm.
To choose the right number of clusters we calculate and plot the within cluster sum of squares (WCSS) metric across different kmeans runs using different number of clusters.
We then use the use the plot to "eye-ball" the "elbow", which indicates us a good candidate for the number of clusters.
Here are some important things to consider:
- For some problems, the number of clusters (or an acceptable range) is given by the domain itself.
- WCSS is a function that always decreases. For example, if we have 50 points and 50 clusters the WCSS is 0. We don't strive to get the minimum WCSS, we want to balance the number clusters with the minimum WCSS.
- WCSS is called
. - The "elbow" method is an "eye-ball method". We can use it to get a starting point on the number of clusters, but ultimately we need to plot the results of clustering with different number of Ks and make a judgement call on what makes sense for the given problem.
For visualization of high-dimensional problems, we can use dimensionality reduction techniques like PCA or LDA to project the problem into 2 dimensions and then plot it.
Go here to see a full example.
- It is used a general tool for data exploration and discovery, in which the objective is to understand the problem or the business better.
- Market segmentation: Find natural groupings of customers.
- "Find a similar Whiskey". If we had all whiskeys clustered by flavour, given one whiskey we could recommend similar ones by looking in the same cluster.
Understanding what elements in a cluster have in common and how each cluster differs from the other are critical pieces of information to understand the results of clustering.
Depending on the problem, sometimes we focus on commonalities and some others in differences.
We generate characteristic cluster descriptions to illustrate the commonalities of the data points in each cluster. This means that our focus is on determining how elements in a cluster are similar to the other elements, and not on how the cluster differ from the other clusters. These are some general techniques that can be used for generating characteristic cluster descriptions:
- Label each data point using some meaningful label according to the problem and then sample some of the data points in the cluster. For example, if we are clustering credit card information, the customer name is probably not a very informative label for each point. However, the average spend and credit score could be very meaningful. Labelling does not have to be done with attributes used in the clustering algorithm (external info can also be used).
- Point out an "exemplar" data-point in each cluster. For example, the highest rated wine in the cluster or the customer with the most orders.
- Show the average characteristics (the values at the centroid) for each cluster. This does not have to be using all attributes used for clustering, just the ones that are more meaningful.
Here is an example of a cluster description using these techniques:
Group A
• Scotches: Aberfeldy, Glenugie, Laphroaig, Scapa
• The best of its class: Laphroaig (Islay), 10 years, 86 points
• Average characteristics: full gold; fruity, salty; medium; oily, salty, sherry; dry
We can use classification techniques to automatically detect how clusters differ from each other. The core of classification is finding differences after all.
The focus of this technique is differentiating between clusters, and therefore it does not tell much about what the members of each cluster have in common.
- There are 2 ways of framing the problem:
- Frame it as one classification problem with k classes.
- Frame it as k binary classification problems with classes j and not j (all others). In each, problem we want to tell how cluster j is different from all other clusters.
- Regardless of the framing we use, we need to use highly interpretable classifiers to be able to extract the information we want. (Yes: decision trees, No: Neural Networks).
Here is an example of how the binary framing and a decision tree can be used to generate a differential description of cluster j.
2. (ROUND_BODY = No) AND (color_red = No) AND ( = Yes) AND
(BODY_light = Yes) AND (FIN_dry = Yes) ⇒ J
Which in English can be interpreted as:
1. A round body and a sherry nose.
2. A full gold (but not red) color with a light (but not round) body and a dry finish.
- In clustering, it is often difficult to understand what the clusters reveal (if anything). And even if clustering
reveals interesting information, it is often not clear how to use it to make better decisions. Business knowledge
and creativity are key to overcome this.
- For example, clustering can be the first step for defining the classes of what later can become a classification problem (see Provost, pg 184 for an example).
- In a clustering exercise, not all clusters have to be interesting. Sometimes, only a subset of the clusters are cohesive and interesting. Having some uninteresting clusters is ok and expected.
- Syntactic or structural similarity is not semantic similarity: in some problems, particularly when clustering text, data points get clustered together because they are syntactically or structurally similar. For example, among a large corpus of news articles, all one-liner news get clustered together just because they are one-liners. This does not necessarily mean that they are related to the same topic. Syntactic / structural similarity is sometimes an interesting finding and sometimes not, depends on the problem.