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Demos & Full documentation

Discovery is a dashboard as code tool. It includes dashboards generation (either through WarpScript or in an HTML page), single chart tiles and inputs as web components.

The global idea is to generate a structure which defines a dashboard and its tiles.

Tiles could depend on an execution result, so, your dashboard can change according to an alert for example.

A tile is an atomic dataviz component representing a line chart, a pie, a value, and so on. You can also define special tiles acting as inputs (ie: autocomplete, date-range, buttons, ...).


In a Web Environment

With NPM/Yarn

$ npm install @senx/discovery-widgets

With CDN

<script nomodule src=""></script>
<script type="module" src=""></script>


<html lang="en">
<discovery-dashboard url="" dashboard-title="Test">
  'title' 'Test'
  'description' 'Dashboard test'
  'tiles' [
      'title' 'test'
      'options' { 'autoRefresh' 1 }
      'x' 0 'y' 0 'w' 12 'h' 4
      'type' 'area'
      'macro' <%
        1 4 <% 
            DROP NEWGTS 'g' STORE
            1 10 <% 
                'ts' STORE $g $ts RAND + STU * NOW + NaN NaN NaN RAND ADDVALUE DROP 
            %> FOR
        %> FOR 
<script nomodule src=""></script>
<script type="module" src=""></script>

Within Warp 10

Through a WarpScript:

    'title' 'Test'
    'description' 'Dashboard test'
    'tiles' [ 
            'title' 'test'
            'options' { 'autoRefresh' 1 }
            'x' 0 'y' 0 'w' 12 'h' 4
            'type' 'area' 'macro' <%
                1 4 <% DROP NEWGTS 'g' STORE
                1 10 <% 'ts' STORE $g $ts RAND + STU * NOW + NaN NaN NaN RAND ADDVALUE DROP %> FOR
                $g %> FOR %> 
} { 'endpoint' '' } 



This is the main Web Component.


Property Attribute Type Default Description
autoRefresh auto-refresh number -1 Reloads the dashboard each x seconds, -1 to disable it
cellHeight cell-height number 220 If type = "scada", cell height in pixels
cols cols number 12 If type = "scada", number of columns of the grid
dashboardTitle dashboard-title string undefined Title of the dashboard, not mandatory, could be overridden by the dashboard definition (see Dashboard Definition below).
debug debug boolean false Enable debug messages
options options Param / string new Param() Serialized JSON options (see Params below)
type type "dashboard" / "scada" 'dashboard' Dashboard means a grid of cols columns, each tile is places in a cell with x and y. Scada means a free placement of tiles in pixels with x, y and z
url url string undefined exec url of your Warp 10 endpoint


Insert directly your dashboard definition as a WarpScript inside the HTML tag:

<discovery-dashboard url="" dashboard-title="Test">
  'title' 'Test'
  'description' 'Dashboard test'
  'tiles' [
  'title' 'test'
  'options' { 'autoRefresh' 1 }
  'x' 0 'y' 0 'w' 12 'h' 4
  'type' 'area' 'macro' <%
  1 4 <% DROP NEWGTS 'g' STORE
  1 10 <% 'ts' STORE $g $ts RAND + STU * NOW + NaN NaN NaN RAND ADDVALUE DROP %> FOR
  $g %> FOR %>


This Web component displays a Tile based upon a WarpScript (or FLoWS). The WarpScript is executed when the tile renders.

Property Attribute Type Default Description
autoRefresh auto-refresh number -1 Reloads the tile and execute again the script each x seconds, -1 to disable it
chartTitle chart-title string undefined Title of the Tile, not mandatory, could be overridden by the dashboard definition (see Dashboard Definition below).
debug debug boolean false Enable debug messages
options options Param / string new Param() Serialized JSON options (see Params below)
type type line, area, scatter, step-area, spline-area, spline, step, step-after, step-before, annotation, bar, display, image, map, gauge, linear-gauge, circle, pie, plot, doughnut, rose, tabular, svg, input:text, input:list, input:secret, input:autocomplete, input:slider, input:date, input:date-range, button, hidden, calendar, heatmap Chart type
url url string undefined exec url of your Warp 10 endpoint or Mobius WebSocket endpoint
lang lang warpscript, flows warpscript Language used
<discovery-tile url="warp 10 url"
  { 'data' 42 'globalParams' { 'bgColor' 'darkblue' 'fontColor' 'cyan' } }


This Web component displays a Tile based upon a WarpScript (or FLoWS) execution result (DataModel).

Property Attribute Type Default Description
chartTitle chart-title string undefined Title of the Tile, not mandatory, could be overridden by the dashboard definition (see Dashboard Definition below).
debug debug boolean false Enable debug messages
options options Param / string new Param() Serialized JSON options (see Params below)
type type line, area, scatter, step-area, spline-area, spline, step, step-after, step-before, annotation, bar, display, image, map, gauge, linear-gauge, circle, pie, plot, doughnut, rose, tabular, svg, calendar, heatmap, input:text, input:list, input:secret, input:autocomplete, input:slider, input:date, input:date-range, button Chart type
url url string undefined exec url of your Warp 10 endpoint
height height number Fixed height of the tile
width width number Fixed width of the tile
result result DataModel / string Execution result
<discovery-tile-result url="warp 10 url"
  { 'data' 42 'globalParams' { 'bgColor' 'darkblue' 'fontColor' 'cyan' } }

Params / Options

Options inherit from higher level. You can use options as an attribute in <discovery-dashboard />, as a field in the dashboard definition, as a field in a tile definition and as a field in execution result.


Name Type Default Description
type string Chart type (line, area, scatter, step-area, spline-area, spline, step, step-after, step-before, annotation, bar, display, image, map, gauge, linear-gauge, circle, pie, plot, doughnut, rose, tabular, svg, input:text, input:list, input:secret, input:autocomplete, input:slider, input:date, input:date-range, button)
timeMode string 'date' date, timestamp or custom
timeZone string 'UTC' Timezone
timeUnit string 'us' Warp 10 time unit (us, ms, ns)
showLegend boolean false Display the chart legend
fullDateDisplay boolean false Display full date on the XAxis
unit string Unit to be displayed
bgColor string Background color of tiles
datasetColor string Only for the param field in execution result. Color of the trace
fontColor string Font color in tiles
borderColor string Border color in tiles
showLegend boolean false Display chart legend
responsive boolean true Responsive charts
showRangeSelector boolean false Display the skyline below line or area charts
autoRefresh number -1 if positive value, will refresh with a request each autoRefresh second for http requests, milliseconds for WebSocket
showErrors boolean true Display errors if any
showStatus boolean true Display the Warp 10 execution status
expandAnnotation boolean false Expand annotations
eventHandler string 'type=Regexp,tag=Regexp' Only applies on Tiles and Dashboard. See the events chapter below

Dashboard definition

Name Type Default Description
title string Dashboard title
description string Dashboard sub-title
tiles Tile[] Array of tiles

Tile definition

  • If the dashboard type is 'dashboard', x, y, h and w are expressed in cells. x and y begin at 0, the top left corner, w and h begin at 1.
  • If the dashboard type is 'scada', x, y, h and w are expressed in pixels. x and y begin at 0, the top left corner. z represents the z-index.

Data are displayed either with data or with macro. Auto-refresh for tiles only applies for macro.

Name Type Default Description
type string Chart type (line, area, scatter, step-area, spline-area, spline, step, step-after, step-before, annotation, bar, display, image, map, gauge, linear-gauge, circle, pie, plot, doughnut, rose, tabular, svg, input:text, input:list, input:secret, input:autocomplete, input:slider, input:date, input:date-range, button
endpoint string exec url of your Warp 10 endpoint or Mobius WebSocket endpoint
title string Tile title
unit string Unit to be displayed
x number X position of the Tile.
y number Y position of the Tile.
w number Width the Tile.
h number Height the Tile.
z number Z index the Tile.
data [] Array of static data computed when the dashboard is rendered. See Execution Result below.
macro <% macro %> A macro executed when the tile loads in the display. See Execution Result below.
options Option Options (see above) concerning this tile

Execution result (DataModel)

You could either return a single value ( GTS, number or string depending on the chart type), or a complex data structure:

Name Type Description
data GTS, GTS[], string, number Data to display depending on the chart type
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed data depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)

Common CSS vars

Name Default
--gts-classname-font-color #004eff
--gts-labelname-font-color #19A979
--gts-attrname-font-color #ED4A7B
--gts-separator-font-color #a0a0a0
--gts-labelvalue-font-color #000000
--gts-attrvalue-font-color #000000
--warp-view-font-color #000000
--warp-view-bg-color transparent

Specific charts configuration and CSS styles

Event Description Type
draw CustomEvent<void>

line, area, scatter, spline-area, step-area, spline, step, step-after, step-before

Name Default
--warp-view-chart-label-color #8e8e8e
--warp-view-chart-grid-color #8e8e8e
Name Type Description
data GTS, GTS[], custom data Data to display, numeric GTS only
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile, including chat type
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)

Supported option per series are:

  • datasetColor: Hex CSS color of the series. ie: '#fff00f'
  • type: Chart type (line, area, scatter, step-area, spline-area, spline, step, step-after, step-before)
  • xAxis: In case of multi-X axis support, represents the index of related axis.
  • yAxis: In case of multi-Y axis support, represents the index of related axis.
1 4 <% 
  1 30 <% 
    'ts' STORE 
  %> FOR
  'data' $data 
  'params' [ 
    { 'datasetColor' '#dc3545' 'xAxis' 0 }
    { 'datasetColor' '#ff9900' 'xAxis' 0 }
    { 'type' 'area' 'datasetColor' '#90d743' 'xAxis' 1 }
    { 'datasetColor' 'white' 'xAxis' 0 }

Custom data for line and scatter only:

<% [ 0 10 <% DROP [ RAND 10 * 5 -   RAND 10 * 5 - ] %> FOR ] %> 'rand' STORE
    'title' 'Test'
    'globalParams' { }
    'data' [
      { 'label' 'A' 'values' @rand }
      { 'label' 'B' 'values' @rand }


Name Default
--warp-view-chart-label-color #8e8e8e
--warp-view-chart-grid-color #8e8e8e
Name Type Description
data GTS, GTS[] Data to display, non-numeric GTS only
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)

Supported option per series are:

  • datasetColor: Hex CSS color of the series. ie: '#fff00f'


Name Default
--warp-view-chart-label-color #8e8e8e
--warp-view-chart-grid-color #8e8e8e
Name Type Description
data GTS, GTS[], custom data Data to display
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)

Supported option per series are:

  • datasetColor: Hex CSS color of the series. ie: '#fff00f'
  • bar
    • horizontal: Bar chart orientation
    • stacked
Custom data:
  "title": "Test",
  "columns": [
  "rows": [
      "label X",
      "label Y",
      "label Z",


Name Type Description
data number, string, custom data Data to display
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)
  • Option.timeMode:
    • date: convert the value into an ISO date.
    • duration: convert the value to a human-readable duration.
    • custom: display value as is, including HTML.
Custom Data Samples:
{ 'data' 42 'globalParams' { 'timeMode' 'custom' } }
{ 'data' NOW 'globalParams' { 'timeMode' 'date' } }
{ 'data' NOW 5 s - 'globalParams' { 'timeMode' 'duration' } }
  'data' '<a href="" target="_blank">Warp 10</a>'
  'globalParams' { 'bgColor' '#f57f17' 'fontColor' '#bc5100' 'timeMode' 'custom' }
  'data' { 'text' '' 'url' '' }
  'globalParams' { 'bgColor' '#f57f17' 'fontColor' '#bc5100' }


Name Type Description
data string, string[], custom data Base64 images to display
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)


Name Type Description
data GTS, GTS[], custom data Data to display
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)
Custom data:
  • string[]: considered as GEOJson
  • GTS[]: considered as Path
Name Type Description
tiles string[] List of custom tile layers
startLat number Initial latitude position
startLong number Initial longitude position
startZoom number Initial zoom level
maxNativeZoom number Maximum zoom number the tile source has available. If it is specified, the tiles on all zoom levels higher than maxNativeZoom will be loaded from maxNativeZoom level and auto-scaled.
maxZoom number The maximum zoom level up to which this layer will be displayed (inclusive).

Render dots without lines:

  'key' 'bases'
  'render' 'dots'
  "color" "#f44336"
  "line" false

Render weighted dots:

  'key' 'sightings'
  'render' 'weightedDots'
  "color" "#31C0F6cc"
  "borderColor" "#31C0F6"
  "maxValue" 100
  "minValue" 0

gauge, circle

Name Default
--warp-view-chart-label-color #8e8e8e
--warp-view-chart-grid-color #8e8e8e
Name Type Description
data GTS, GTS[], custom data Data to display
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)
Name Type Description
maxValue number Max value for gauge


Name Default
--warp-view-chart-label-color #8e8e8e
--warp-view-chart-grid-color #8e8e8e
Name Type Description
data GTS, GTS[], custom data Data to display
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)
Name Type Description
gauge.horizontal boolean Gauge orientation
Name Type Description
maxValue number Max value for gauge

pie, doughnut, rose

Name Default
--warp-view-chart-label-color #8e8e8e
--warp-view-chart-grid-color #8e8e8e
Name Type Description
data GTS, GTS[], custom data Data to display
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)
Custom data:

{ 'key':string 'value':number }[]


Name Default
--warp-view-datagrid-cell-padding 5px
--warp-view-datagrid-odd-bg-color #ffffff
--warp-view-datagrid-odd-color #404040
--warp-view-datagrid-even-bg-color #c0c0c0
--warp-view-datagrid-even-color #000000
--warp-view-pagination-border-color #c0c0c0
--warp-view-pagination-bg-color #ffffff
--warp-view-pagination-active-bg-color #4CAF50
--warp-view-pagination-active-color #ffffff
--warp-view-pagination-active-border-color #4CAF50
--warp-view-pagination-hover-bg-color #c0c0c0
--warp-view-pagination-hover-color #000000
--warp-view-pagination-hover-border-color #c0c0c0
--warp-view-pagination-disabled-color #c0c0c0
Name Type Description
data GTS, GTS[], custom data Data to display
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)
Custom data:
  'rows' <string|number>[]


{ 'data' {
  'title' 'Test'
  'columns'  [ 'Name' 'A' 'B' 'C' 'Link' ]
  'rows' [
    [ 'label X' 15 56 44 '<' 'a href="">Warp 10</' + 'a>' + ]
    [ 'label Y' 1 5 4 '<' 'a href="">SenX</' + 'a>' + ]
    [ 'label Z' 14 45 78 '<' 'img src="" />' + ]


Name Type Description
data string[] SVG to display
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)

input:text, input:secret

When used by the event mechanism, emits the value of the input.

Name Default
--warp-view-input-font-size 1rem
--warp-view-input-border-radius 0.25rem
--warp-view-input-border-color #c0c0c0
--warp-view-input-label-color #404040
--warp-view-input-bg-color #ffffff
--warp-view-button-font-size 1rem
--warp-view-button-border-color #004eff
--warp-view-button-padding .375rem .75rem
--warp-view-button-label-color #ffffff
--warp-view-button-bg-color #004eff
--warp-view-button-width auto
--warp-view-button-border-radius 0.25rem
Name Type Description
data string, number Initial value of the input
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)

input:list, input:autocomplete

When used by the event mechanism, emits the selected value of the input.

Name Default
--warp-view-input-font-size 1rem
--warp-view-input-border-radius 0.25rem
--warp-view-input-border-color #c0c0c0
--warp-view-input-label-color #404040
--warp-view-input-bg-color #ffffff
--warp-view-button-font-size 1rem
--warp-view-button-border-color #004eff
--warp-view-button-padding .375rem .75rem
--warp-view-button-label-color #ffffff
--warp-view-button-bg-color #004eff
--warp-view-button-width auto
--warp-view-button-border-radius 0.25rem
Name Type Description
data string[], number[] Content of the list
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)
  • Options.input.value: Initial value


When used by the event mechanism, emits the value of the slider.

Name Default
--warp-view-input-font-size 1rem
--warp-view-input-border-radius 0.25rem
--warp-view-input-border-color #c0c0c0
--warp-view-input-label-color #404040
--warp-view-input-bg-color #ffffff
--warp-view-button-font-size 1rem
--warp-view-button-border-color #004eff
--warp-view-button-padding .375rem .75rem
--warp-view-button-label-color #ffffff
--warp-view-button-bg-color #004eff
--warp-view-button-width auto
--warp-view-button-border-radius 0.25rem
Name Type Description
data number Initial value of the input
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)
  • Options.input.min: Minimum value
  • Options.input.max: Maximum value


When used by the event mechanism, emits the timestamp in time unit of the input.

Name Default
--warp-view-input-font-size 1rem
--warp-view-input-border-radius 0.25rem
--warp-view-input-border-color #c0c0c0
--warp-view-input-label-color #404040
--warp-view-input-bg-color #ffffff
--warp-view-button-font-size 1rem
--warp-view-button-border-color #004eff
--warp-view-button-padding .375rem .75rem
--warp-view-button-label-color #ffffff
--warp-view-button-bg-color #004eff
--warp-view-button-width auto
--warp-view-button-border-radius 0.25rem
Name Type Description
data number Initial timestamp of the input in time unit
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)


When used by the event mechanism, emits the timestamps (start and end) in time unit of the input.

Name Default
--warp-view-input-font-size 1rem
--warp-view-input-border-radius 0.25rem
--warp-view-input-border-color #c0c0c0
--warp-view-input-label-color #404040
--warp-view-input-bg-color #ffffff
--warp-view-button-font-size 1rem
--warp-view-button-border-color #004eff
--warp-view-button-padding .375rem .75rem
--warp-view-button-label-color #ffffff
--warp-view-button-bg-color #004eff
--warp-view-button-width auto
--warp-view-button-border-radius 0.25rem
Name Type Description
data number[] Initial timestamps of the input in time unit, start and end of the range
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)


Name Default
--warp-view-button-font-size 1rem
--warp-view-button-border-color #004eff
--warp-view-button-padding .375rem .75rem
--warp-view-button-label-color #ffffff
--warp-view-button-bg-color #004eff
--warp-view-button-width auto
--warp-view-button-border-radius 0.25rem
Name Type Description
data macro Macro to exec against The Warp 10 instance when button is clicked.
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see below)


Tiles emit events, they also trap events. A Dashboard also traps particular events.

Events are defined in the exec result of a tile, events are emitted when parsing done.

Tiles register handlers on particular tags and event's type. You can use regular expression.



    'title' 'My Dashboard With events'
    'tiles' [
        'type' 'display'
        'title' 'Tile A'
        'w' 1 'h' 1 'x' 0 'y' 0
        'data' ''
        'options' { 'eventHandler' 'type=(data|style),tag=tes.*' } // Events handler
         'type' 'button'
         'title' 'Tile B'
         'options' { 'button' { 'label' 'Click me' } }
         'w' 1 'h' 1 'x' 1 'y' 0
         'macro' <% { 'data' <%
            RAND 100 * ROUND 'v' STORE // compute a random value
              'data' ''
              'events' [
                { 'tags' [ 'test' ] 'type' 'data' 'value' $v } } // Event emitter
          %> } %>

Event's types

Name Type Description
type data
tags string[] Targets
value GTS, GTS[], string, number, custom data The event emitter send data to the receiver, could be any kind of data including single value, GTS list or complex data. The receiver treat this event as an execution result.


{ 'tags' [ 'random' ] 'type' 'data' 'value' 42 } }
Name Type Description
type style
tags string[] Targets
value {key:sting, value:string} Send CSS style to be applied by the receiver with a CSS selector as key


  'tags' [ 'foo' ] 
  'type' 'style' 
  'value' {
    '.discovery-tile' 'background-color: red !important;'
    '.value' 'color: #ffffff;' 

Only relevant for line, area, step, annotation and bar charts.

Name Type Description
type zoom
tags string[] Targets


{ 'tags' [ 'chart2' ] 'type' 'zoom' }

Only relevant for SVG targets.

Name Type Description
type xpath
tags string[] Targets
value {key:sting, value:string}, string Attributes map or XML string for node replacement
selector string XPath selector starting at SVG (ie: /svg/g/g[2]/ellipse[3] )

If value is a string, the node targeted by the XPath selector is replaced by the XML provided in value.

If value is a map, the attributes of the node targeted by the XPath selector will be overridden with the values provided in the map. The key of the map must correspond to an attribute's name.


{  // Node replacement
  'tags' [ 'svg' ] 
  'type' 'xpath'
  'value' '<' 'ellipse rx="15" ry="18" style="stroke:none;fill: red;" cx="50" cy="200"' + '/>' + 
  'selector' '/svg/g/g[2]/ellipse[1]'
{ // Attributes replacement
  'tags' [ 'svg' ]
  'type' 'xpath'
  'value' { 'rx' $v 'ry' $v }
  'selector' '/svg/g/g[2]/ellipse[3]'

The only target is the Dashboard itself, you must declare handlers at the dashboard level.

Dashboard Event handler declaration:

    'title' 'My Dashboard With events'
    'options' { 'eventHandler' 'type=popup,tag=foo' }
    'tiles' [ ... ]

When event is trapped, a popup opens with a content.

Name Type Description
type popup
tags string[] Targets
value Tile, Dashboard Open a Tile or a complete dashboard in a popup.


  'tags' [ 'foo' ] 
  'type' 'popup'
  'value' { // a Tile
     'type' 'area'
     'data' [
       NEWGTS 'data' RENAME 0.0 'v' STORE
       1 500 <% 1 s * NOW SWAP - NaN NaN NaN $v RAND 0.5 - + DUP 'v' STORE ADDVALUE %> FOR

You can inject variables into macro defined in Tiles and modify value with an event. But variables must be declared at the Dashboard level with an initial value.

Name Type Description
type variable
tags string[] Targets
value any New value for this variable or a key/value map value for variables
selector string Variable's name

Complete Sample for inputs:

  'title' 'My Dashboard With events'
  'vars' {
    'myVar' 42
  'tiles' [
      'type' 'input:text'
      'title' 'Input emitter'
      'options' {
        'button' { 'label' 'Send' }
      'w' 2 'h' 1 'x' 0 'y' 0
      'macro' <% { 'data' $myVar 'events' [ { 'tags' [ 'random' ] 'type' 'variable' 'selector' 'myVar' } ] } %>
      'type' 'display'
      'title' 'Event var receiver'
      'w' 2 'h' 1 'x' 0 'y' 1
      'macro' <% $myVar %>
      'options' { 'eventHandler' 'type=(variable),tag=random' }

For Auto-refreshes:

 'title' 'My Dashboard With events'
 'vars' {
    'now' NOW
 'tiles' [
     'type' 'display'
     'title' 'Event data receiver'
     'w' 2 'h' 1 'x' 2 'y' 0
     'macro' <% $now %>
     'options' { 'eventHandler' 'type=variable,tag=random' }
     'type' 'display'
     'title' 'Event emitter'
     'w' 2 'h' 1 'x' 0 'y' 0
     'options' {  'autoRefresh' 1 }
     'macro' <% {
        'data' NOW
        'events' [
          { 'tags' [ 'random' ] 'type' 'variable' 'value' { 'now' NOW } }


npm run dev