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Fix Haskell (by eliminating recursion)

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  • how much Haskell experience do people have? This will help me figure out how much of the talk needs explaining.
  • testing out


“Meijer et. al go so far as to condemn functional programming without recursion schemes as morally equivalent to imperative programming with goto.” —Patrick Thomson in An Introduction to Recursion Schemes

ghyloM  (Traverse f, Comonad w, Monad m, Monad n)
        (f (w b)  m b)  (a  m (f (n b)))  a  m b

The Functor

data Expr' = Var' String       -- 👻
           | Lam' String Expr'
           | App' Expr' Expr'
There are a few problems with this (common) type of structure:
  • you have to hand-write various traversals (you can use something like Uniplate to actually derive this stuff for you, but it’s fragile template code)
  • you can’t annotate anything easily. You need to create either a parallel structure (which has to be maintained) or use some map that keeps track of the associations (buggy)
  • you have general recursion! 👻
data Expr a = Var String
            | Lam String a
            | App a a
            deriving Traversable
  • we’ve now replaced the recursion with a parameter, so, yay, no more recursion!
  • but now how do we create a tree without recursion?


data Expr a = Var String
            | Lam String a
            | App a a
            deriving Traversable
Expr Expr -- 🚫
Expr (Expr (Expr (Expr ()))) --
data Fix f = Fix { project  f (Fix f) } -- 👻
embed :: f (Fix f)  Fix f
embed = Fix

Fix Expr
This is something that quite a few FP papers open with. This is the Y combinator applied to types.

So, let’s look at this definition of Fix. It’s a bit confusing because of the haskell convention of Giving the same name to the type operator and the value constructor. But, we’re defining a new data type, whose only constructor is Fix, which takes a value of type f parameterized by a value of type Fix f. So, we’ve just re-introduced our recursion. I thought we were trying to get rid of that bastard! Well, at least the only recursive code we need is now localized in one tiny place.



We have a nice λCalculus here – but you know, machines often work a bit faster if we can give them actual numbers to work with. So, let’s bolster our language a bit.
data Math a = Const Integer
            | Add a a
            | Mult a a
            deriving Traversable

type MathExpr = Expr :+: Math

-- data MathExpr a = Var String
--                 | Lam String a
--                 | App a a
--                 | Const Integer
--                 | Add a a
--                 | Mult a a
--                 deriving Traversable
So now we can interleave Expr and Math terms willy-nilly in the tree.

In compilers (and other programs), we often have many “phases” where the AST changes to some extent along the way. It’s not unusual to see things like OuterAST and InnerAST, where the former contains basically every language construct and the latter has expanded many of them into more fundamental parts of the AST. With much duplication between the two – especially in the operations defined on them.

This Coproduct approach allows us to define each part of the AST once, and then combine them into many different configurations. This is one of the gains that allows us to make “smaller, sharper tools” (i.e., functions) rather than trying to combine logically-different transformations in a single pass, to avoid too much duplication.


Totality is the escape hatch from the halting problem. Basically, by eliminating divergence (infinite loops, unhandled cases, etc.) we can know so much more about our programs. We can no longer, technically, write Turing-complete software, but we can describe a Turing-complete program. The IO monad does some of this, and the Partiality monad does even more, where we can describe a potentially-infinite process in a finite way.

[co]inductive structures

So, as we saw earlier, Fix still has general recursion. At least now it’s localized to one place, rather than polluting all of our data structures, but in order to achieve totality, we have to purge it completely. There are two other fixpoint operators that help us with that:
newtype Mu f = Mu (forall a. (f a  a)  a) -- inductive
data Nu f where Nu  (a  f a)  a  Nu f   -- coinductive
type Algebra f a   = f a  a
type Coalgebra f a = a  f a

newtype Mu f = Mu (forall a. Algebra f a  a)
data Nu f where Nu  Coalgebra f a  a  Nu f
Mu represents the “least fixpoint”, for finite data structures, whereas Nu is the “greatest fixpoint”, for potentially infinite data structures (e.g., Stream). You can see that neither of them have recursion, but are rather directly represented by a fold and unfold themselves.

And, thus, we no longer have any recursion in our data structures.

Idris diversion

Of course, in a language like Idris, there is a distinction between inductive data and coinductive codata. The compiler is doing something kind of like this for you already – if you are writing a total function, it won’t compile unless any recursion in it is properly inductive or coinductive. Does this approach buy us anything in a language like that?

Yes – in addition to some of the flexibility we’ll cover later, it also eliminates duplicating data structures to get inductive and coinductive versions

data   List a   = Cons a (List a)   | Nil
codata CoList a = Cons a (CoList a) | Nil
data ListF a r = Cons a r | Nil

type List a = Mu (ListF a)
type CoList a = Nu (ListF a)
So, with our version, we defer the decision as to whether a data structure is inductive or coinductive to point-of-use. We don’t need to make a different structure if we decide we need the other in some case.

λCalculus normal form

One benefit of totality is that all terms now have a normal form in the λCalculus. This means we can “aggressively inline” without hitting any infinite loops. In the end, this means that

semantically equivalent programs generate identical executables

That’s a big deal, Which sounds impossible. And if the code used general recursion, it would be. But tools like morte implement basically this. It’s now possible to abstract to any level you want, and know that the final program will be identical to a less-abstracted version.

Of course, it’s not cost-free. The tradeoff is longer compile times. The more abstract you get, the longer it will take to reach that normal form.



folds & unfolds

Ok, so we’ve extracted the recursion from the data structure, but it’s still there in Fix, so we can’t use a supercompiler. So what can we do?

Let’s start with a little function called cata.

cata  Algebra f a  Mu f  a   -- f a → a
ana   Coalgebra f a  a  Mu f -- a → f a

cata f = f  fmap cata  project -- 👻
Uh oh – did a bit more general recursion sneak in there? Well, let’s not worry about that for the moment …
data ListF a r = Cons a r | Nil
type List a = Mu (ListF a)

data StreamF a r = Stream a r
type Stream a = Nu (StreamF a)
This is a generalization of foldR. And yes, we can redefine List (and anything else Foldable so that it works with this approach). This signature basically says “given a function that can convert one level of f to an a, I’ll give you a function that converts a tree of f to an a.”

So, how does that work?

an algebra

countNodes'  Expr'  Integer -- 👻
countNodes' (Var _)       = 1
countNodes' (Lam _ body)  = 1 + countNodes' body
countNodes' (App lam app) = 1 + countNodes' lam + countNodes' app

countNodes  Algebra Expr Integer -- Expr Integer → Integer
countNodes (Var _)       = 1
countNodes (Lam _ body)  = 1 + body
countNodes (App lam app) = 1 + lam + app

countNodes'     (App (Lam "i" (Var "i")) (Var "x"))
cata countNodes (app (lam "i" (var "i")) (var "x"))
-- ≣> 4
Those are two implementations of the same function – which seem about the same in overall complexity. However, the former contains general recursion 👻, while the latter does not.

Also, the latter is way more flexible.


zipAlgebras  Functor f
             Algebra f a  Algebra f b  Algebra f (a, b)
attribute  Algebra f a  Algebra f (Cofree f a)

maxDepth  Foldable f  Algebra f Integer
maxDepth = foldr `max` 0

cata (attribute (zipAlgebras countNodes maxDepth))
     (Fix (App (Fix (Lam "i" (Fix (Var "i")))) (Fix (Var "x"))))
-- ≅> ((4, 2), (App ((2, 1), (Lam "i" ((1, 0), (Var "i"))))
--                  ((1, 0), (Var "x"))))
So, by applying attribute to our function, rather than folding the whole structure down to a single value, it adds an attribute to each node containing the value of the function at that point in the fold.

So, this not only simplifies implementation of attributes (by ignoring that aspect altogether), it also (again), postpones the decision of how to use the function to point-of-use. You write the function once, and whether you need to just get the answer, or need to annotate it for further analysis,

explain how cata works …

generalized folds & unfolds

gcata  Comonad w  (f (w a)  a)  Mu f  a
gana   Monad m  (a  f (m a))  a  Mu f
(Fix f, _)Either (Fix f) _
(x, _)Either x _
Cofree f _Free f _
gcataM  (Comonad w, Monad m)  (f (w a)  m a)  Mu f  m a
ganaM   (Monad m, Monad m)
        (a  n (f (m a)))  a  n (Mu f)


transCata  (Functor f, Functor g)  (f (Mu g)  g (Mu g))  Mu f  Mu g
transAna  (Functor f, Functor g)  (f (Mu f)  g (Mu f))  Mu f  Mu g
compile   :: Sql (t IR) -> IR (t IR)
normalize :: IR (t IR) -> IR (t IR)
type Attr a f = Cofree f a -- not Corecursive
type Interp a f = Free f a -- not Recursive



zipAlgebras  Functor f
             Algebra f a  Algebra f b  Algebra f (a, b)
attribute  Algebra f a  Algebra f (Cofree f a)

maxDepth  Foldable f  Algebra f Integer
maxDepth = foldr `max` 0

cata (attribute (zipAlgebras countNodes maxDepth))
     (Fix (App (Fix (Lam "i" (Fix (Var "i")))) (Fix (Var "x"))))
-- ≅> ((4, 2), (App ((2, 1), (Lam "i" ((1, 0), (Var "i"))))
--                  ((1, 0), (Var "x"))))


hylo  Functor f  Algebra f b  Coalgebra f a  a  b
hylo f g = f  fmap (hylo f g)  g

cata' = flip hylo project
ana'  = hylo embed
zygo  (f b -> b)  (f (b, a)  a)  Mu f  a
prepro  (g a  a)  (forall a. f a  g a)  Mu f  a


Converting recursive data types to functors provides you with extensible code that’s reusable, more efficient, and easier to reason about.

Functor /all/ the types!