Releases: segmentio/analytics-kotlin
1.0.0 (Pilot Release)
Analytics-Kotlin v1.0.0
We are announcing the pilot of Analytics Kotlin! Analytics Kotlin is a library that provide a simple, modern instrumentation experience for mobile apps.
Why did we launch Analytics Kotlin?
The Android ecosystem has evolved rapidly, and has introduced new frameworks and best practices for building and managing mobile apps. To align with some significant advancements in these ecosystems over the last few years, we are introducing Analytics Kotlin library.
What do you need to know about Analytics Kotlin?
Analytics Kotlin library improves performance, data observability, and the overall developer experience. Additionally, the improved app performance unlocks insights into app funnel and business metrics with a modern developer experience. The library opens opportunities to instrument app tracking across platforms.
Are there any known limitations to Analytics Kotlin?
Analytics Kotlin does not support mobile device-mode destinations. Destinations may only be configured in cloud mode during pilot.
Should these library be used in production?
During the pilot phase, we strongly discourage production use cases. This library is prone to change and we may introduce breaking changes. This library is governed under our First-Access & Beta terms.