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Releases: seek-oss/skuba


20 Mar 22:19
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Patch Changes

  • template: Disable type checking in tests (#787)

    Newly initialised projects will skip TypeScript type checking on skuba test as it's already covered by skuba lint. You can now iterate on your tests without running into annoying compilation errors like TS6133 (unused declarations).

    This will be defaulted for existing projects in a future major version. You can opt in early by setting the globals configuration option in your jest.config.ts:

    export default Jest.mergePreset({
      globals: {
        'ts-jest': {
          // seek-oss/skuba#626
          isolatedModules: true,
      // Rest of config
  • template: Specify default Buildkite agent (#775)

  • format, lint: Suppress eslint-plugin-react warning (#786)

    Warning: React version was set to "detect" in eslint-plugin-react settings, but the "react" package is not installed. Assuming latest React version for linting.
  • deps: Prettier 2.6 (#792)

    See the release notes for more information.

  • node: Throw unhandled rejections under Node.js 14 (#777)

    When a rejected promise is left unhandled in Node.js 14, it simply logs a warning. This caused skuba node to effectively swallow such failures and report a process exit code of 0. We now override this behaviour with --unhandled-rejections=throw to predictably fail with a non-zero exit code across supported Node.js versions.

  • template/*-rest-api: seek-jobs/gantry v1.6.2 (#778)


20 Feb 21:01
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Minor Changes

  • node, start: Load environment variables from .env file (#774)

  • deps: ts-node ^10.5.0 (#764)

    This major release includes breaking changes. If your project uses a complex ts-node configuration either directly or on top of skuba node and skuba start, see the changelog for more information.

Patch Changes

  • template: skuba-dive ^2.0.0 (#766)

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker: Remove variablesResolutionMode (#768)

    This resolves the following deprecation warning in Serverless Framework v3:

    Starting with v3.0, the "variablesResolutionMode" option is now useless. You can safely remove it from the configuration
    More info:
  • template/*-rest-api: Ignore deployment alarms and ECR scanning (#773)

  • configure: Fix @seek/seek-module-toolkit migration guide link (#762)

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker-cdk: Add NODE_ENV=production to environment variables (#763)

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker: Add NODE_ENV=production to environment variables (#763)

  • deps: ts-node-dev ^2.0.0-0 (#764)

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker: Move environment variables to provider.environment to reduce repetition (#767)


10 Feb 03:37
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Major Changes

  • deps: Require Node.js 14.18+ (#760)

    Node.js 12 will reach end of life by April 2022. The semantic-release package and stable --enable-source-maps flag necessitate this new minimum version.

    Consider upgrading the Node.js version for your project across:

    • .nvmrc
    • package.json#/engines/node
    • CI/CD configuration (.buildkite/pipeline.yml, Dockerfile, etc.)
  • deps: semantic-release ^19.0.0 (#757)

    Resolves SNYK-JS-MARKED-2342073 and SNYK-JS-MARKED-2342082.

    This may alleviate the following skuba release error:

    [semantic-release] › ✖  EGHNOPERMISSION The GitHub token doesn't allow to push on the repository owner/repo.
    The user associated with the GitHub token ( configured in the GH_TOKEN or GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable must allows to push to the repository owner/repo.
  • template: Use --enable-source-maps (#761)

    Stable source map support has landed in Node.js 14.18+ via the built-in --enable-source-maps option.

    We recommend migrating off of custom source map implementations in favour of this option. Upgrading to skuba-dive v2 will remove source-map-support from the skuba-dive/register hook.

    For a containerised application, update your Dockerfile:

    - FROM AS runtime
    + FROM AS runtime
    + #
    + ENV NODE_OPTIONS=--enable-source-maps

    For a Serverless Lambda application, update your serverless.yml:

    - runtime: nodejs12.x
    + runtime: nodejs14.x
    +     #
    +     NODE_OPTIONS: --enable-source-maps

    For a CDK Lambda application, update your stack:

    new aws_lambda.Function(this, 'worker', {
    - runtime: aws_lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_12_X,
    + runtime: aws_lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_14_X,
      environment: {
    +   //
    +   NODE_OPTIONS: '--enable-source-maps',

Patch Changes

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker: Disable tty on deploy step (#753)

    Serverless Framework v3 renders progress spinners on interactive terminals. We recommend disabling tty in CI/CD for cleaner log output.

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker: serverless ^3.0.0 (#748)

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker: Replace custom.env configuration with params (#752)

    You can now define environment specific variables using the new Serverless parameters feature. See for more details.

  • template/*-rest-api: seek-jobs/gantry v1.6.1 (#759)

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker: Remove provider.lambdaHashingVersion (#751)

    This resolves the following deprecation warning in Serverless Framework v3:

    Setting "20201221" for "provider.lambdaHashingVersion" is no longer effective as new hashing algorithm is now used by default. You can safely remove this property from your configuration.
  • deps: eslint-config-skuba 1.0.14 (#758)

    This disables the tsdoc/syntax ESLint rule in tests for compatibility with /** @jest-environment env */ directives.

  • deps: isomorphic-git ^1.11.1 (#750)

    Resolves SNYK-JS-SIMPLEGET-2361683.


20 Jan 22:11
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Patch Changes

  • init: Fix GitHub template cloning (#739)

    This resolves the following error when cloning a project template from GitHub:

    UnknownTransportError: Git remote "[email protected]:owner/repo.git" uses an unrecognized transport protocol: "ssh"
  • template/lambda-sqs-worker: Remove qualifier from smoke test invocation (#743)

    Previously, this template's smoke test hook specified a $LATEST qualifier in its Lambda.Invoke API call. AWS authorised the call based on the unqualified Lambda ARN in our serverless.yml IAM policy, but will stop doing so after April 2022.

    To avoid deployment failures, remove the qualifier in src/hooks.ts. An unqualified call is equivalent to targeting $LATEST.

    - Qualifier: '$LATEST',
    + Qualifier: undefined,
  • node: Register tsconfig-paths in REPL (#745)

    This resolves the following error:

    Error: Cannot find module '/node_modules/skuba/lib/register'
    Require stack:
    - internal/preload


10 Jan 22:39
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Patch Changes

  • deps: ts-jest ^27.1.2 (#729)

    This resolves the following import issue in older 27.0.x versions of ts-jest:

    TypeError: pathsToModuleNameMapper is not a function
  • test: Restore Node.js 12 compatibility (#730)

    This resolves the following error in Node.js 12 environments:

    Object.entries(parsedConfig.options.paths ?? DEFAULT_PATHS).flatMap(
    SyntaxError: Unexpected token '?'

    Note that Node.js 12 will reach its end of life in May 2022.


10 Jan 05:02
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Minor Changes

  • template/koa-rest-api: Add opt-in OpenTelemetry support (#706)

  • deps: Prettier 2.5 (#701)

    See the release notes for more information.

  • node, start: Register tsconfig-paths (#678)

    You can now define module aliases other than src for local development and scripting. Specify these through the paths compiler option in your tsconfig.json:

    // tsconfig.json
      "compilerOptions": {
        "baseUrl": ".",
        "paths": {
          "src": ["src"]
  • GitHub.buildNameFromEnvironment: Export helper function (#676)

  • jest: Support tsconfig.json paths (#698)

    Module aliases other than src are now supported in skuba test. Our Jest preset includes a dynamic moduleNameMapper that reads the paths compiler option from your tsconfig.json.

  • git: Export helper functions (#689)

  • test: Add GitHub check run annotations (#648)

    skuba test can now automatically annotate GitHub commits when you propagate CI environment variables and a GitHub API token. These annotations also appear inline with code under the “Files changed” tab in pull requests.

  • GitHub.getPullRequestNumber: Export helper function (#690)

  • GitHub.putIssueComment: Export helper function (#690)

    This enables use cases like a persistent bot comment at the top of a pull request a la Changesets that reflects the current status of a CI check.

  • GitHub.enabledFromEnvironment: Export helper function (#676)

Patch Changes

  • GitHub.createCheckRun: Support text parameter (#673)

  • template: Retrieve GitHub token on Test & Lint (#667)

  • template: serverless-prune-plugin ^2.0.0 (#719)

  • test: Fix ts-jest imports (#715)

    This resolves the following warning:

    Replace any occurrences of "ts-jest/utils" with just "ts-jest".

    If you're using the mocked utility from ts-jest, switch over to the built-in Jest function:

    import git from 'isomorphic-git';
    - import { mocked } from 'ts-jest';
    - mocked(git.commit).mockResolvedValue('');
    + jest.mocked(git.commit).mockResolvedValue('');
  • template/lambda-sqs-worker-cdk: Migrate to AWS CDK v2 (#714)

  • node, start: Deregister source-map-support (#679)

    ts-node takes care of this for us.

  • template/lambda-sqs-worker-cdk: Fix docker-compose volume mount and deploy output (#695)

  • Jest.mergePreset: Allow displayName and projects (#648)


25 Nov 12:04
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v3.17.0-beta.5 Pre-release

Patch Changes

  • jest: Fix undefined reference (99eaae1)


25 Nov 11:32
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v3.17.0-beta.4 Pre-release

Patch Changes

  • pkg: Include jest subdirectory (f38556c)


25 Nov 10:56
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v3.17.0-beta.3 Pre-release

Minor Changes

  • jest: Support tsconfig.json paths (fe4ed57)

    Module aliases other than src are now supported in skuba test. Our Jest preset includes a dynamic moduleNameMapper that reads the paths compiler option from your tsconfig.json.


25 Nov 00:53
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v3.17.0-beta.0 Pre-release

Minor Changes

  • node, start: Register tsconfig-paths (#678)

    You can now define module aliases other than src for local development and scripting. Specify these through the paths compiler option in your tsconfig.json:

    // tsconfig.json
      "compilerOptions": {
        "baseUrl": ".",
        "paths": {
          "src": ["src"]
  • GitHub.buildNameFromEnvironment: Export helper function (#676)

  • git: Export helper functions (#689)

  • test: Add GitHub check run annotations (#648)

    skuba test can now automatically annotate GitHub commits when you propagate CI environment variables and a GitHub API token. These annotations also appear inline with code under the “Files changed” tab in pull requests.

  • GitHub.getPullRequestNumber: Export helper function (#690)

  • GitHub.putIssueComment: Export helper function (#690)

    This enables use cases like a persistent bot comment at the top of a pull request a la Changesets that reflects the current status of a CI check.

  • GitHub.enabledFromEnvironment: Export helper function (#676)

Patch Changes

  • GitHub.createCheckRun: Support text parameter (#673)

  • template: Retrieve GitHub token on Test & Lint (#667)

  • deps: TypeScript 4.5 (#685)

    This major release includes breaking changes. See the announcement for more information.

    Note that new syntax in TypeScript 4.5 is not yet supported by ESLint and Prettier.

  • node, start: Deregister source-map-support (#679)

    ts-node takes care of this for us.

  • Jest.mergePreset: Allow displayName and projects (#648)