Continue the topic "Interactive Animations" which talked two years ago. When the article was released(just before WWDC2014 and iOS 8), a key problem can't be resolved by UIView Animation in iOS 7. Two authors of the article implement the above interacitive animation in two ways: UIKit Dynamics, and spring animation effect implemented by CADisplayLink, latter is admirable.
WWDC 2014 Session 236: Building Interruptible and Responsive Interactions explains how to bulid fluid interactive animations. There are three transition problems to resolve:
- Animation to Gesture: pause or stop animation in current position.
- Gesture to Animation: add a spring animation with special initial velocity to make smooth transition.
- Animation to Animation: reverse animation in BeginFromCurrentState or Additive mode.
Almost two weeks ago, Session 216: Advances in UIKit Animations and Transitions introduces UIViewPropertyAnimator in iOS 10 to make completely interactive, interruptible animations.
I implement above animation in two ways:
- UIView Animation/Core Animation: after iOS 8, it's very easy to achieve the goal; on iOS 7, there is a little limitation that UIView Animation is not additive until iOS 8 and Spring Core Animation is not public until iOS 9.
- UIViewPropertyAnimator: it's awesome and very flexible, and relatively complex, not a little. You can use it like UIView Animation, or in its style, or combine two styles. I show you how to implement above interactive animation by
in three ways in 'iOS10-Control-Panel-Interactive-Animation' project.
- 交互式动画(上):iOS 10 以下的实现,使用 UIView Animation/Core Animation 来实现上述交互动画。
- 交互式动画(下):UIViewPropertyAnimator in iOS 10,使用 UIViewPropertyAnimator实现上述交互动画,这个类相当灵活,可以说是面向对象版本的 UIView Animation。但在实现交互控制时,相比 UIView Animation/Core Animation,使用上复杂了许多。
- Control-Panel-Interactive-Animation: iOS 8+, Swift 2.2+
- iOS10-Control-Panel-Interactive-Animation: Xcode 8 beta, iOS 10+, Swift 3
Before iOS 10, view controller transition is not completely interactive, interruptible, for example, push and pop in UINavigationController: if start transition in non-interactive, you’ll have to wait until the transition animation is finished before you can do anything; if start transition in interactive, after interaction end, the transition animation is no more interactive.
iOS 10 introduce the protocol UIViewImplicitlyAnimating
, which UIViewPropertyAnimator
conform to, into view controller transition protocol which is very complex now. Actually, with the help of UIViewPropertyAnimator
, we can simplify view controller transition protocol. A demo for this: iOS10PushPop.
详细内容已在 iOS 视图控制器转场详解中更新。