Reflection Tracer is a Burp extension that let's you generate unique values for tested parameters and follow their reflections on your target application. This is particularly useful in finding stored XSS, SSTI and other vulnerabilities. It also adds unique value to each parameter tested during Active Scanning.
- Download the ReflectionTracer.jar file.
- In Burp Suite open Extender tab. In Extensions tab, click Add button.
- Choose downloaded jar file -> Next.
- Check installation for no error messages.
- Set scope in target tab
- Right click -> 'Generate Tracer'. Unique value is now in your clipboard.
- Paste string as a parameter value.
- Crawl website manually/automatically.
- Results will be available in the Follower tab
- Request 1 is the request that introduced value to the application
- Request 2 is the request that triggered the response containing reflected value
- Response is the response that contains reflected value
1.0 Release
- New columns with responses information
- Duplicate responses are no longer displayed
- General tweaks
- Tool name changed