Dad has this edited picture, written on its back "A picture is worth a thousand words".
Wrap what you get in Securinets{…}
SHA1: 1f0c918f95004c858accd1f2a583f7fb6024cc7a
Image says Library of Babel, it is an actual online library containing every combination of the English letters that will be ever be made shaped as hexagons, and within each hexagon we find a wall and a shelf then a book and a pgae, you can even search for what I am typing now... Checking the image with zsteg we find a link to download a text file, namely the Hexagon, which is one hexagon of the library of babel. Paying attention to the image again, we see the date and time, which represent exactly which wall, which shelf, which book and which page. Browsing through the thousand words we find the flag just at the bottom.