Welcome to the Secure Systems Lab. We are looking forward to working with you in the days ahead. Before plunging in to do some exciting work with some very cool people, there are a few tasks you need to complete.
If you are an NYU student,
- Send Emerald Knox ([email protected] ), the Program Operations Administrator for the Center for Cybersecurity, a photocopy of the front and back of your NYU Student I.D.
- Emerald will add you to the SSL listserv, so you will be in the loop for events and news from Justin and from other lab members.
- Stop by to see Emerald in 10.043 at some point to pick up your official NYU Center for Cybersecurity (CCS) hoodie.
If you are not an NYU Student,
- Send Emerald (see e-mail above) the dates of your internship/appointment (i.e. March 15 to August 15, 2017), as well as a copy of a picture ID (passport or license).
- Complete an "Access Request form" (which Emerald will provide). With this information, Emerald will be able to request an NYU net ID for you, allowing you to obtain an ID card that will give you access to the building.
- Pick up your CCS hoodie from Emerald’s office.
For all new lab personnel, So we can officially recognize you as part of the lab’s personnel, we want to include you on our Web site (https://ssl.engineering.nyu.edu/people). To do so, please provide a few short biographical details:
- Your name as you would like people in the lab to call you (i.e. if you prefer to be known by a shortened version of your name or a nickname, please let us know)
- Your position in the lab (Phd. student, Undergraduate, High School, etc.)
- Your research interests, briefly stated (i.e. Cybersecurity, Code flaws, Network security, Privacy, etc.)
- The lab projects on which you’ll be working
- Any publications or software developments/deployments you may have to your credit (if applicable).
We also need a head and shoulders photo of yourself. The picture does not need to be high resolution. We can crop and re-size photos if necessary, but try to avoid full body images that might be tricky to reduce to our standard size of 250 x270 pixels.
Most important of all, do not hesitate to ask for directions, or tips for using GitHub or the Nespresso machine. Welcome again to SSL!