Note: I don't really use nor support my fibers related packages, If someone is using it and willing to take over, let me know.
Note: API change in version 1.0.0, see section below.
This is a synchronous version of the phantom for node module using fibers.
npm install phantom-sync
The main changes are the following:
- 1/ async and mixed mode options have been removed
- 2/ require should be:
{phantom,sync} = require 'phantom-sync'
- 3/ no need to create a Phantom object
{phantom,sync} = require 'phantom-sync'
sync ->
ph = phantom.create()
page = ph.createPage()
status = ""
console.log "status=", status
title = page.evaluate ->
console.log "title=", title
This is the phantom for node API where that callbacks have been transformed into returns. Therefore it should be very similar to the PhantomJS API, except for the getters/setters function which need to be called like in the following code:
page.set 'settings.loadImages', false
page.get 'settings.loadImages'