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Collection of 2000+ leetcode solutions in Go.

Algorithm dictionary


  • Manacher's algorithm, works similar to Knuth-Morris-Pratt LPS tables in that it re-uses a partial existing match when searching for new palindromes.

String matching

  • Rabin-Karp a.k.a. Rolling Hash. Allows for continuously hashing a sliding window in an efficient way.
  • Knuth-Morris-Pratt. Used to search for a word in a string. Usually, Rabin-Karp is easier so it's the preferredchoice.
  • Aho-Corasick can be used to search for multiple different patterns at the same time.


NP-hard, no good solutions. For small graphs, it's possible to speed up with DP.

Vertex cover

The goal of vertex covering is to find the minimum set of vertices which 'see' all other vertices.

König's theorem states that the minimal vertex cover problem for bipartite graphs is equivalent to finding the maximum cardinality matching, which can be done with Hopcroft-Karp-Karzanov.

Bipartite matching

  • Hopcroft-Karp-Karzanov
  • Hungarian Algorithm

Min-cut, max-flow

  • Edmonds-Karp
  • Ford-Fulkerson

Eulerian path / circuit

Remember to check if a path exists.

  • Hierholzer's algorithm

Cycle detection

  • Floyd's Tortoise and Hare - find cycle using fast and slow cursor, useful for finding cycles in e.g. linked lists
  • DFS with stack of nodes. When detecting a back-edge, there is a cycle.

Shortest path

  • Floyd-Warshall - finds shortest paths between all pairs of vertices in a weighted graph (positive and negative weights) O(V^3). Good for dense graphs.
  • Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm - finds shortest path between two nodes in a weighted graph (positive-only edges).
  • Johnson's algorithm - shortest path for sparse, weighted graphs between nodes with positive and negative weights
  • Bellman-Ford - easy BFS-based searching for weighted graphs with positive and negative weights

Minimal Enclosing Circle

  • Welzl's algorithm