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A simplified jquery-like API designed for HTML5 with SVG support


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A small jQuery-like library for DOM+SVG manipulation

Version :  ${VERSION}
URL     :
Updated :  2016-08-05

Select is a subset of jQuery's functions implemented for DOM and SVG nodes, and targeting modern browsers. It is a thin wrapper around HTML5 DOM & SVG APIs. It uses strict CSS3 selector query, and as such won't work as a drop-in replacement to jQuery, but will make the transition easier.

Select is recommended if you want to use the same API for DOM & SVG nodes and it is not critical to support a wide range of browser [quirks].

We use it internally at FFunction as most of the extra features present in jQuery (events, promises, requests, animations) are already handled by our specialized modules, and that jQuery does not work well for SVG nodes, which we manipulate a lot.

That being said, jQuery dramatically improved the quality of the Web as an environment, and it definitely enabled us to focus on creating great applications. Things have changed for the better now, and we don't need so much of a compatibility layer anymore. You should note, however, that jQuery still fixes many modern-browser problems so if you need to have a wide support and more features, jQuery is definitely the better option.

The functions currently implemented are the following, available withing the select object (which you should alias to $).

Selection :

  • find(selector)
  • filter(selector)
  • is|like(selector)
  • forEach(callback)

Traversal :

  • first()
  • last()
  • eq(index)|get(index)
  • next(selector?)
  • prev[ious](selector?)
  • parent(selector?)
  • parents(selector?)
  • ancestors(selector?)
  • children(selector?)

Manipulation: :

  • append(value)
  • prepend(value)
  • remove()
  • after(value)
  • before(value)
  • replaceWith(value)
  • clone()
  • attr(attribute, value)/attr(attributes)
  • css(attribute, value)/css(attributes)
  • html(value?)/contents(value?)
  • text(value?)
  • val(value?)/value()`
  • empty()
  • [has|add|remove|toggle]Class(name)

Display: :

  • scrollTop(value?)
  • scrollLeft(value?)
  • width()
  • height()
  • position()
  • offset()

Selection: :

  • select()

Events: :

  • bind(event, callback)
  • change(event, callback)
  • submit(event, callback)
  • click(event, callback)
  • keyup(event, callback)
  • keydown(event, callback)
  • keypress(event, callback)
  • trigger(event)

New (not in jQuery): :

  • n[ode]()
  • set(value)
  • contents(value?)
  • redo(node)
  • clear(length)
  • expand(element|[element])
  • like(selector)
  • list()
  • nodes(callback?)
  • walk(callback?)
  • wrap(node)
  • equals(node|selection)
  • contains(node|selection)

Differences with jQuery

  • SVG nodes are supported
  • Only modern browsers are supported (IE10+)
  • Only a subset of jQuery's functions are implemented (see above)
  • Only nodeType===ELEMENT_NODEs are supported (meaning no document or window supported)
  • As a result, select filters out any node that is not an element node (in particular, the document node)
  • Selectors are only CSS3 (ie. no Sizzle/jQuery extended syntax)
  • No name/key/selector normalization (for performance)
  • Distributed as an UMD module


You can include the script directly from Github (although GitHub is not a CDN):

<script src="" />

The library can be used pretty much like you would use jQuery.

// Query the elements, and apply the operations
$("ul li:even").text("Hello!");

// It is also available at different locations
$ == S ==


Select can be extended by "monkey-patched" the prototype:

select.Selection.prototype.<YOUR NEW METHOD> = function(...) {
   // `this` will reference your `Selection` object


If you'd like to look at the source code or contribute, Select's home page is at, feel free to post issues or pull requests. The goal is to keep this pretty minimal, so my preference would go to bug reports or performance improvements request as opposed to new features.

Also, a quick note about the implementation style: select's source code is fairly repetitive, and would actually benefit from C-style macros. The reason is that I wanted to limit the use of lambdas and stay as close to possible as C-style programming based on for/while loops, minimizing conditional branching. This results in a more verbose, old-school style, but that (hopefully) translates into better performance.

Once select stabilizes, I will probably factor out the common parts and measure the performance impact.


The select module

Once loaded,select.jswill be available as an object/module named select in the global scope. The module can be invoked as follows to create a selection:

select(selector, scope)

: The main function used to create a selection.

The select object (module) also has the following properties

  • VERSION as M.m.R (Major, minor, Revision)
  • NAME (select)
  • LICENSE, the URL to the license file

The module will also be registered at the following locations:

  • window.$ and window.S if these values are not defined
  • if the Extend library is loaded.

Core functions

Select is based on a couple of basic functions to query, filter and match nodes against CSS-3 selectors. These work in modern browsers, including our beloved IE10+.

select.match(selector:String, node:Node):Boolean

: Tells if the given node matches the given selector. This function uses Node.{matches|mozMatchesSelector|webkitMatchesSelector} or falls back to a default (obviously slower) implementation.

The function returns `true` or `false`

select.query(selector:String, node:Node?):[Element]

: Queries all the descendants of node that match the given selector. This is a wrapper around Element.querySelectorAll.

  function returns an array of the matching element nodes.

//select.xpath(selector:String, node:Node?):[Element] // //: Queries all the descendants of node that match the given XPath expression. This // is a wrapper around document.evaluate. // See // // function returns an array of the matching element nodes. //

select.filter(selector:String, node:Node?):[Node]

: Filters all the nodes that match the given selector. This is a wrapper around select.filter.

 This function returns the subset of the array with matching nodes.


The following predicates allow to discriminate values and identify their types.


: Tells if the given value is a Selection instance

 select.Selection.Is(new Selection ());


: Tells if the given value is a Selection, Array or NodeList


: Tells if the given value is a DOM or SVG element

	select.Selection.IsElement(document) == false


: Tells if the given value is Text node or not


: Tells if the given value is a DOM or SVG node

	select.Selection.IsNode(document.createElement("div")) == true
	select.Selection.IsNode(document) == true


: Tells wether the node is a DOM node or not

	select.Selection.IsDOM(document.createElement("div")) == true;
	select.Selection.IsDOM(document.createElementNS("", "svg")) == false;


: Tells wether the node is an SVG node or not

	select.Selection.IsSVG(document.createElement("div")) == false;
	select.Selection.IsSVG(document.createElementNS("", "svg")) == true;


: Tells wether the node a selection instance or not


: Ensures that the given value expands to a node list. This will only match node types and won't do any kind of querying. It just makes sure that only element nodes are returned.

Selection & Filtering

These functions allow to query the DOM/SVG tree, find & filter nodes.


: Finds all the nodes that match the given selector amongst the descendants of the currently selected nodes. The resulting selector will have this selection as scope only if this selection is not empty. If the selection is empty, the the empty selection will be returned.

 - `selector` is expected to be a string
 - the resulting selection will be flat (ie. an array of node)


: Filters all the nodes within the current selection that match the give selector. The resulting selection will have this selection as scope only if this selection is not empty.

 - `selector` is expected to be a string
 - the resulting selection will be flat (ie. an array of node)

Selection.iterate(callback:Function(element, index)

: Invokes the given callback for each element of the selection wrapped in a selection object. Breaks if the callback returns false.

: Tells if all the selected nodes match the given selector


: Returns an array of properly wrapped nodes.


: Returns a new selection made of thefirst nodeof this selection. If the selection is empty or made of 1 node, this function is transparent.


: Returns a new selection made of thelast nodeof this selection. If the selection is empty or made of 1 node, this function is transparent.

Selection.eq(index:Integer) / Selection.get(index:Integer)

: Returns a new selection made of thenode at the given index. if index is negative, then the index will be relative to the end of the nodes array. If the index is out of the node array bounds, the Empty selection is returned.

: Selects each next sibling element of the current selection. If selector is given, only the matching elements will be added.


: Selects each previous sibling element of the current selection. If selector is given, only the matching elements will be added.


: Returns a selection of the direct parents of the current selected nodes. If a selector is given, only the matching parents will be returned.


: Returns a selection of the ancestors of the current selected nodes. If a selector is given, only the matching parents will be returned.

	The `limit` argument can be either a number, in which case
	it will limit the number of ancestors to the given number,
	or it can be a node/selection, in which case it will not
	go beyond the given node.


: Returns a selection of the children of the current selected nodes. If a selector is given, only the matching children will be returned.


: Returns a list of all the child nodes within this element, optionally invoking the given callback. will be returned. Note that we're talking about Node here, not elements, returned as an array.

	The iteration will exit whenever `callback` returns `false`.


: Invokes the given callback by making depth-first traversal of all the elements in this selection, passing (node, count) as argument. Note that unlike most other functions, the callback will be given any node, not only element nodes, and they will be given without any selection wrapping.

	The iteration will exit whenever `callback` returns `false`.

Content & Value


: Appends the given nodes to the first node in the selection. When a string or number is given, then it is wrapped in a text node.


: Prepends the given nodes to the first node in the selection. When a string or number is given, then it is wrapped in a text node.


: Removes all the nodes from this selection from their parent


: Appends the given nodes to the first node in the selection. When a string or number is given, then it is wrapped in a text node.


: Appends the given nodes after first node in the selection


: Appends the given nodes before the first node in the selection


: Replaces nodes in the given selection with the given nodes. The nodes in the current selection will be removed, while the given node list or selection will not be changed (but the nodes parent will change, obviously).


: Tells if this selection equals the given node or selection.


: Tells if the current selection contains all of the given nodes/selections.

//Selection.redo(node:Node|Selection):Selection // //: Redo the selection in the given context, returning a new // selection. //


: Wraps all the nodes in the give node and returns a new selection with the given node. it is equivalent to $(node).add(this)


: Clones the first node of this selection


: Removes all the children from all the nodes in the selection


: Tells if the given selection is empty or not.

Selection.val(value?):Any|Selection / Selection.value

: When value is not specified ,retrieves the first non-null value for the given input fields. If value is specified, then the value will be set in all fields.


: When value is not specified, retrieves the first non-null text value for the nodes in the selection, otherwise sets the text for all nodes as the given string.

 Note that if `value` is not a string, it will be JSONified.

 This uses [`Node.textContent`](

Selection.html(value:Number|String|Selection|Node|[Node]?):this Selection.contents(value:Number|String|Selection|Node|[Node]?):this

: When value is not specified, retrieves the first non-null HTML value for the nodes in the selection, otherwise sets the HTML for all nodes as the given string.

This uses [`Node.innerHTML`](
when the given content is a string or a number. If a selection or
a node is given, then only the first node in the selection will
be modified.

FIXME: Not sure if that's the best behaviour... should be clone the
other nodes, or warn?




: Retrieves the given attribue value

Selection.attr(name:String, value:Any)

: Sets the given attribute with the given value


: Sets the given attributes based on the given map, JSONified if not a string.

These function will JSONify non-string values.|{String:Any}

: Retrieves all the data attributesof the first nodewithin the selection, as a map, or undefined if none.

: Retrieves the given data attribute, undefined if not found., value:Any)

: Sets the given data attribute with the given value in all the nodes within the selection, JSONified if not a string (non-DOM only){String:Any})

: Sets the given data attributes based on the given map for all the nodes, in the selection JSONified if not a string (non-DOM only)

These work both for HTML and SVG nodes. In case of SVG, the data will be stored and retrieved from JSON-encoded data attributes.

The main difference with HTML will be that the attributes won't be converted back to lower-case from camelCase. For instance

select("svg").data("someProperty", "true")

will be stored as data-someProperty and not data-some-property like it would be the case in an original HTML document.



: Adds the given class to all the nodes in the selection.

 This uses `Node.classList` with a custom fallback that works for
 DOM & SVG nodes.


: Removes the given class from all the nodes in the selection.

 This uses `Node.classList` with a custom fallback that works for
 DOM & SVG nodes.


: Tells if there is at least one node that has the given class

Selection.toggleClass(name:String, Value|Predicate?)

: Toggles the class with the given name if the value is true. In case the value is a predicate, it will be invoked with the node and index as arguments.


These function will convert any value to "px" if not given as a string. Also note that there is no CSS property normalization, they're passed as-is.


: Retrieves the given CSS property

Selection.css(name:String, value:Any)

: Sets the given CSS property with the given value


: Sets the given CSS properties based on the given map, JSONified if not a string.



: Returns the width of the first node in the selection in pixels.

 This uses `getBoundingClientRect()`, returns `0` if the selection
 if empty.


: Returns the height of the first node in the selection in pixels.

 This uses `getBoundingClientRect()`, returns `0` if the selection
 is empty.

Selection.offset():{left:Int, top:Int}

: Returns the {left,top} offset of this node, relative to its offset parent.

 This uses `offsetTop` for DOM nodes and `getBoundingClientRect`
 for SVG nodes.







: Sets the focus on the first node of this selection.


: Binds the given callback to the focus event. See Events section.


: Selects all the elements in this selection


: Binds the given callback to the select event. See Events section.


Selection.bind(event:String, callback:Function[event], capture:Bool?)

: Binds the given callback to handle the given event in the selected elements.

Selection.unbind(event:String, callback:Function[event])

: Unbinds the given callback to handle the given event in the selected elements.


: Dispatches the given event, given by name or value. If the event is a string, then the event will be created using document.createEvent. In all cases, it will be dispatched using <node>.dispatchEvent.

	See <> for more details.

The following events are readily available as methods from the selection object:

Mouse :

  • click
  • dblclick
  • mousedown
  • mouseup
  • mouseover
  • mousemove
  • mouseout
  • mouseenter
  • mouseleave

Drag :

  • dragstart
  • drag
  • dragenter
  • dragleave
  • dragend
  • dragover
  • drop

Keyboard :

  • keydown
  • keypress
  • keyup

Body :

  • load
  • unload

Window :

  • resize
  • scroll

Forms :

  • select
  • change
  • submit
  • reset
  • blur
  • focusin
  • focusout

Helpers & Misc


: Returns node with the given index (or first one) directly as a node. This is similar to eq, except that it returns the node instead of a selection.


: Sets this selection's content to be the given node, array of nodes or selection.


: Creates a copy fo the selection, but not a copy of the nodes.


: Clears the current selection until there are only length elements available.


: Expands the selection with the given element(s). Non-element values will be filtered out.


A simplified jquery-like API designed for HTML5 with SVG support







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