Control Plane | Status | Notes |
Separate controllers from etcd | ✅ | controller and etcd running on different VMs |
TLS between etcd and controllers | ✅ | |
TLS between nodes and controllers | ✅ | |
kube-controller-manager | ✅ | |
kube-scheduler | ✅ | |
kube-apiserver | ✅ | |
kube-proxy | ✅ | |
kubelet with NoSchedule | ✅ | |
Admission Controllers | ✅ | Initializers, NodeRestriction, NamespaceLifecycle, LimitRanger, ServiceAccount, DefaultStorageClass, DefaultTolerationSeconds, MutatingAdmissionWebhook, ValidatingAdmissionWebhook, ResourceQuota |
Anonymous Auth disabled | ✅ | |
Node and RBAC auth mode enabled | ✅ | |
Node Bootstrap token enabled | ✅ | |
Distinct TLS certs for apiserver and etcd | TBD | apiserver and etcd currently sharing the same certs |
etcd3 backend enabled | ✅ |
Nodes | Status | Notes |
TLS bootstrapping using tokens | ✅ | |
kubelet certificates | ✅ | |
kube-proxy | ✅ | |
"kube exec" and "kube logs" | ✅ |
Network | Status | Notes |
Pod-to-pod communication | ✅ | |
CNI enabled (azure-CNI) | ✅ | |
Pod outbound internet | ✅ | |
Pod to cluster service net | ✅ | |
All VMs on private network | ✅ | |
Bastion host | ✅ |
Cloud Provider / Azure | Status | Notes |
PVCs working | ✅ | |
Service of type LoadBalancer working | ✅ | |
Azure DNS for VM hostnames | ✅ | |
Azure NSGs for apiserver | TBD | |
Azure NSGs for etcd | TBD | |
Azure NSGs for nodes | TBD | |
Explicit MSI definition | TBD |