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Releases: sdss/lvmcam

lvmcam 0.4.6

12 Sep 14:33
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✨ Improved

  • Added stub of PROC extension to make data model more consistent.

lvmcam 0.4.5

11 Sep 05:47
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✨ Improved

  • Bumped araviscam to 0.2.4.

lvmcam 0.4.4

05 Sep 22:00
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✨ Improved

  • Bumped araviscam to 0.2.3 with a potential fix for the cameras getting into read-only mode.
  • Use umask 0002 in Docker image.

lvmcam 0.4.3

31 Aug 18:07
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  • Updated sdss-araviscam to 0.2.2.

lvmcam 0.4.2

20 Aug 19:56
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✨ Improved

  • Added local mean sidereal time header keyword LMST. Note that the value is computed without updated IERS-B tables so it may be slightly off.
  • Reduce the polling of the MoCon.

⚙️ Engineering

  • Do not add skymakercam to docker image.

lvmcam 0.4.1

13 Aug 23:14
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✨ Improved

  • Upgraded araviscam to 0.2.1 with workarounds for exposures with empty buffers.

lvmcam 0.4.0

11 Aug 14:49
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🔥 Breaking changes

  • This version drops support for skymakercam. Use the 0.3.x tags if necessary.

✨ Improved

  • #56 Serious rewrite of the codebase with relatively limited changes in behaviour. A lot of code that overrode the default behaviour in basecam has been removed.
  • Added a custom reconnect command that will reconnect both cameras even if they were not present when the actor started.

lvmcam 0.3.5

09 Jul 16:15
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✨ Improved

  • Use basecam 0.7.2 with CLU 2.1.0. Adds the get-command-model command.
  • Build docker image using python:3.9-bookworm base image. This installs a more recent version of the Aravis libraries and seems to solve several camera communication issues.
  • Fixed East cameras flips.

lvmcam 0.3.4

09 May 13:35
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  • Additional FLIR image flips on 3 East cameras

lvmcam 0.3.3

11 Mar 16:03
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