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Install/Uninstall Command Catalog

This directory contains software-specific commands (examples) for silent installation and unstallation via OCO.

Contributions welcome.

Desktop Shortcuts

If you do not like the desktop shortcuts of installed applications, you can simply append a del command after the installation command. Example: msiexec /i inkscape-x.x.x-x64.msi ALLUSERS=1 /qn && del "C:\Users\Public\Desktop\Inkscape.lnk"

MSI Uninstallation

Most MSI uninstallation commands uses the "ProductCode" placeholder for automatic MSI GUID extraction (e.g. msiexec /quiet /x $$ProductCode$$), which requires Wine installed on your server. If you don't have Wine installed, read the Windows Installer chapter of how to find the Product GUID manually.

Linux Software

Most software on Linux systems can be easily installed/uninstalled using the system package manager. E.g. to install GIMP on Ubuntu, just use the command line apt install -y gimp.