A quick guide on how to setup the open-source APIO tool-chain for the iCEbreaker FPGA board under Windows.
- A working python3 environment.
First, install the apio toolchain:
> pip install -U apio
> apio install --all
With the board connected, the USB drivers can be installed. This will have to be redone if the board is connected to a different USB port.
> apio drivers --ftdi-enable
In the pop-up, find the board ('iCEBreaker (Interface 0)') and replace the driver with 'libusb' using the labeled button.
Once this is completed, reconnect the board.
To verify the verilog code:
> apio verify
To build:
> apio build
To verify, build, upload:
> apio upload
To do a timing analysis:
> apio time
To get more information about the build (including FPGA usage):
> apio build -v
To start the simulation (requires a testbench):
> apio sim
To initiate a new project in an directory:
> apio init --board iCEBreaker