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129 lines (102 loc) · 6.04 KB

File metadata and controls

129 lines (102 loc) · 6.04 KB


You could copy this code for similiar infrared spectra/analytical datasets.

x <- seq(900,2300,2)
#import file
file <- 'C:/ftirdb/R code/alldata.csv'

spectra <- read.csv(file, header = TRUE, row.names=NULL)

#pca using dataframe
pca <- prcomp(spectra,
              center = TRUE,
              scale =TRUE,
              rank. = 10,

plot(pca$x[, 1], pca$x[, 2], pch=10, bg=c("blue","cyan","green","red"), main =
       "PCA", xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC2") 

#create dataframe with pca
mydata<-data.frame(pca$x[, 1],pca$x[, 2]) 
#calculate sum of squares and plot
withingroupss <- (nrow(mydata)-1)*sum(apply(mydata,2,var))
for (i in 2:10) withingroupss[i] <- sum(kmeans(mydata,centers=i)$withinss)
plot(1:10, withingroupss[1:10], type="b", xlab="Number of Clusters",
     ylab="Within groups sum of squares") 

#use sum of squares to decide best number of clusters to use 
#create clusters using kmeans
myclusters <- kmeans(spectra,4) 
#label the data
one <- c(rep("Lympho",100),rep("Epithel",100),rep("Erythr",100),rep("Fibro",101))
mynewdata <- data.frame(mydata, myclusters$cluster,one)
#initial plot
clusplot(mynewdata, myclusters$cluster,color=TRUE, shade=TRUE, labels=3, lines=0)

mydata$cluster <- as.character(myclusters$cluster)
mynewdata <- rename(mydata, c("pca.x...1."="comp1", "pca.x...2."="comp2"))
#make the plot look nicer with Ggplot :) 

p <- ggplot() +
  geom_point(data = mynewdata, 
             mapping = aes(x = comp1, 
                           y = comp2, 
                           colour = one,


sumofsquares cluster0


Using pie charts i experimented with different numbers of clusters

a1 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==1) &(mynewdata$one=='Lympho')), ]
b1 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==1) &(mynewdata$one=='Epithel')), ]
c1 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==1) &(mynewdata$one=='Erythr')), ]
d1 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==1) &(mynewdata$one=='Fibro')), ]
e1 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==1) &(mynewdata$one=='E')), ]
f1 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==1) &(mynewdata$one=='F')), ]

a2 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==2) &(mynewdata$one=='Lympho')), ]
b2 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==2) &(mynewdata$one=='Epithel')), ]
c2 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==2) &(mynewdata$one=='Erythr')), ]
d2 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==2) &(mynewdata$one=='Fibro')), ]
e2 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==2) &(mynewdata$one=='E')), ]
f2 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==2) &(mynewdata$one=='F')), ]

a3 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==3) &(mynewdata$one=='Lympho')), ]
b3 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==3) &(mynewdata$one=='Epithel')), ]
c3 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==3) &(mynewdata$one=='Erythr')), ]
d3 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==3) &(mynewdata$one=='Fibro')), ]
e3 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==3) &(mynewdata$one=='E')), ]
f3 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==3) &(mynewdata$one=='F')), ]

a4 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==4) &(mynewdata$one=='Lympho')), ]
b4 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==4) &(mynewdata$one=='Epithel')), ]
c4 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==4) &(mynewdata$one=='Erythr')), ]
d4 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==4) &(mynewdata$one=='Fibro')), ]
e4 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==4) &(mynewdata$one=='E')), ]
f4 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==4) &(mynewdata$one=='F')), ]

a5 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==5) &(mynewdata$one=='A')), ]
b5 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==5) &(mynewdata$one=='B')), ]
c5 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==5) &(mynewdata$one=='C')), ]
d5 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==5) &(mynewdata$one=='D')), ]
e5 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==5) &(mynewdata$one=='E')), ]
f5 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==5) &(mynewdata$one=='F')), ]

a6 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==6) &(mynewdata$one=='A')), ]
b6 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==6) &(mynewdata$one=='B')), ]
c6 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==6) &(mynewdata$one=='C')), ]
d6 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==6) &(mynewdata$one=='D')), ]
e6 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==6) &(mynewdata$one=='E')), ]
f6 <- mynewdata[ which((mynewdata$myclusters.cluster==6) &(mynewdata$one=='F')), ]

slices <- c(NROW(a1),NROW(b1),NROW(c1),NROW(d1),NROW(e1),NROW(f1))
slices2 <- c(NROW(a2),NROW(b2),NROW(c2),NROW(d2),NROW(e2),NROW(f2))
slices3 <- c(NROW(a3),NROW(b3),NROW(c3),NROW(d3),NROW(e3),NROW(f3))
slices4 <- c(NROW(a4),NROW(b4),NROW(c4),NROW(d4),NROW(e4),NROW(f4))
#slices5 <- c(NROW(a5),NROW(b5),NROW(c5),NROW(d5),NROW(e5),NROW(f5))
#slices6 <- c(NROW(a6),NROW(b6),NROW(c6),NROW(d6),NROW(e6),NROW(f6))

lbls <- c("Lympho","Epithel","Erythr","Fibro","colla")
pie(slices, labels = lbls, main="Pie Chart of cell types in cluster 1 ")
pie(slices2, labels = lbls, main="Pie Chart of cell types in cluster 2 ")
pie(slices3, labels = lbls, main="Pie Chart of cell types in cluster 3 ")
pie(slices4, labels = lbls, main="Pie Chart of cell types in cluster 4 ")
pie(slices5, labels = lbls, main="Pie Chart of cell types in cluster 5 ")
pie(slices6, labels = lbls, main="Pie Chart of cell types in cluster 5 ")