Sapper is a lightweight web mvc framework, easy for use. Like python falcon/flask.
Sapper is based on Hyper 0.10.13, now using sync net mode, when async/await are ready, Sapper will follow it to walk to async framework.
Sapper consists of:
- Sapper: Main repository, exported some important traits and structs. It is used to router, parse parameters, error handling and so on. It also supplies a simple static file server. This repository can work without following helper repositories, but not very easy;
- Sapper_std: Wrappers for some basic components, such as parsing Query/Form/JsonBody, supplying some convenient macros to help rapid business coding;
Generally speaking, in project, it is workable only using above two creates, but if you want to custom your flow, you can use following seperately:
The following crates are all dependant by Sapper_std
and been exported.
Sapper_session offers cookie setting and session parsing function;
Sapper_logger offers a basic log function, format as:
[2017-12-09 12:20:12] GET /ip/view Some("limit=25&offset=0") -> 200 OK (0.700839 ms)
Sapper_tmpl using tera to render page;
Sapper_query parsing url query string;
Sapper_body parsing http body url encoded form data, or json data;
The biggest feature of Sapper is that: it divide business logic things into three levels - global, module, and in handler. You can define global shared variables and global shell (middlewares) and module router and middlewares, and handler middlewares.
I will try my best to contain all features of sapper into this demo, but not all. Sapper demo.
$ cargo new sapper_demo
add dependencies to cargo.toml.
sapper = "^0.1"
sapper_std = "^0.1"
A full Sapper project has these directories. Static files are all in static/, such as js/css/images, all html page templates are in views/.
|-- src
| |-- bin
| | |--
| |--
| |--
| |--
|-- static
|-- views
|-- Cargo.lock
|-- Cargo.toml
add the following lines to
extern crate sapper;
extern crate sapper_std;
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate serde_json;
pub mod foo;
pub mod bar;
pub use foo::Foo;
pub use bar::{ Bar, Global };
let's write codes in
extern crate sapper;
extern crate sapper_std;
extern crate sapper_demo;
use sapper::{ SapperApp, SapperAppShell, Request, Response, Result as SapperResult };
use sapper_demo::{ Foo, Bar, Global };
use std::sync::Arc;
struct WebApp;
impl SapperAppShell for WebApp {
fn before(&self, req: &mut Request) -> SapperResult<()> {
sapper_std::init(req, Some("session"))?;
fn after(&self, req: &Request, res: &mut Response) -> SapperResult<()> {
sapper_std::finish(req, res)?;
fn main() {
let global = Arc::new(String::from("global variable"));
let mut app = SapperApp::new();
Box::new(move |req: &mut Request| {
.not_found_page(String::from("not found"));
println!("Start listen on {}", "");
Now, the above code can't work, we havn't define Foo
and Bar
now. We explain above code first:
is one of the core structure of Sapper, all sapper project run around it. Let's introduce it:
fn init_global()
we register global shared variables (e.g. database connecting pool object) in this method; -
fn with_shell()
we register global middlewares in this shell; -
fn add_moudle()
register sub module, one module one time; -
fn static_server()
open static file service, if parameter istrue
, otherwise (false
) close it; -
fn not_found_page()
default is None, you can use this method to return custom 404 page.
add lines to
use sapper::{ SapperModule, SapperRouter, Response, Request, Result as SapperResult };
use sapper_std::{ QueryParams, PathParams, FormParams, JsonParams, Context, render };
use serde_json;
pub struct Foo;
impl Foo {
fn index(_req: &mut Request) -> SapperResult<Response> {
let mut web = Context::new();
web.add("data", &"Foo 模块");
res_html!("index.html", web)
// parse `/query?query=1`
fn query(req: &mut Request) -> SapperResult<Response> {
let params = get_query_params!(req);
let query = t_param_parse!(params, "query", i64);
let mut web = Context::new();
web.add("data", &query);
res_html!("index.html", web)
// parse `/user/:id`
fn get_user(req: &mut Request) -> SapperResult<Response> {
let params = get_path_params!(req);
let id = t_param!(params, "id").clone();
println!("{}", id);
let json2ret = json!({
"id": id
// parse body json
fn post_json(req: &mut Request) -> SapperResult<Response> {
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Person {
foo: String,
bar: String,
num: i32,
let person: Person = get_json_params!(req);
println!("{:#?}", person);
let json2ret = json!({
"status": true
// parse form
fn test_post(req: &mut Request) -> SapperResult<Response> {
let params = get_form_params!(req);
let foo = t_param!(params, "foo");
let bar = t_param!(params, "bar");
let num = t_param_parse!(params, "num", i32);
println!("{}, {}, {}", foo, bar, num);
let json2ret = json!({
"status": true
impl SapperModule for Foo {
fn before(&self, _req: &mut Request) -> SapperResult<()> {
fn after(&self, _req: &Request, _res: &mut Response) -> SapperResult<()> {
fn router(&self, router: &mut SapperRouter) -> SapperResult<()> {
router.get("/foo", Foo::index);
router.get("/query", Foo::query);
router.get("/user/:id", Foo::get_user);"/test_post", Foo::test_post);"/post_json", Foo::post_json);
add lines to
use sapper::{ SapperModule, SapperRouter, Response, Request, Result as SapperResult, Key, Error as SapperError };
use std::sync::Arc;
use sapper::header::ContentType;
pub struct Bar;
impl Bar {
fn index(_req: &mut Request) -> SapperResult<Response> {
let mut res = Response::new();
impl SapperModule for Bar {
fn before(&self, req: &mut Request) -> SapperResult<()> {
let global = req.ext().get::<Global>().unwrap().to_string();
let res = json!({
"error": global
fn after(&self, _req: &Request, _res: &mut Response) -> SapperResult<()> {
fn router(&self, router: &mut SapperRouter) -> SapperResult<()> {
router.get("/bar", Bar::index);
pub struct Global;
impl Key for Global {
type Value = Arc<String>;
add new file index.html
to views
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link href="/foo.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<p>{{ data }}</p>
and new css file foo.css
in static/
p {
color: red;
text-align: center;
Now, this demo can be run by cargo run
, it will listen
, we can test it with curl
module contains 5 routers, to demonstrate web page rendering, query string parsing, path parameter parsing, json string parsing, form body parsing.
module defines a middleware, used to return error directly, visiting
will cause middleware capture, returning that global
The whole flow is: ** request -> global before -> module before -> handler -> module after -> global after -> response **, during this procedure, if error occures, it will break and do response directly.
Normally, the middleware of sapper will return Ok(())
, meaning continuation. If middleware return Err(Error instance)
, it will break and do response immediately. The Error enum is as follow:
pub enum Error {
Break, // 400
Unauthorized, // 401
Forbidden, // 403
TemporaryRedirect(String), // 307
is used to redirect, Custom, CustomHtml, CustomJson
are used to custom return values.
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