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SimpleToast Usage

There are various ways to attach a toast notification to your views. The basic usage is similar to popular SwiftUI view modifiers, such as alert or sheet. If you’re familiar with those, using SimpleToast will be straightforward.


The toast always appears at the edges of the view it is attached to. Ensure the view has enough space to render the toast properly. Preferably, the toast should be attached to the outermost view or the navigation view, if available.

⚠️ Sheets need their own notification handler as they overlap all content.

In this article

Attach via boolean

You can attach the toast to a view and show it via binding to a boolean:

import SwiftUI
import SimpleToast

struct ToastTestView: View {
    @State var showToast: Bool = false

    private let toastOptions = SimpleToastOptions(
        hideAfter: 5

    VStack(spacing: 20) {
        Button("Show toast") {
            withAnimation {
    .simpleToast(isPresented: $showToast, options: toastOptions) {
        Label("This is some simple toast message.", systemImage: "exclamationmark.triangle")


This functionality is similar to the one of the SwiftUI sheet(isPresented:onDismiss:content:)

Attach via optional object

You can trigger the toast via an instance to an optional object, which conforms to the protocol Identifiable. If the value is not nil the toast will be shown.

The following example is based on the previous one and also shows the toast, but this time based on a value on an item.

import SwiftUI
import SimpleToast

struct ToastTestView: View {
    @State var showToast: DummyItem? = nil

    private struct DummyItem: Identifiable {
        var foo: String = "Bar"

    private let toastOptions = SimpleToastOptions(
        hideAfter: 5

    VStack(spacing: 20) {
        Button("Show toast") {
            withAnimation {
                // Toggle the item
                showToast = showToast == nil ? DummyItem() : nil
    .simpleToast(item: $showToast, options: toastOptions) {
        HStack {
            Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle")
            Text("This is some simple toast message.")


This functionality is similar to the one of the SwiftUI sheet(item:onDismiss:content:)

Run code after dismissal

To run custom code after the toast disappeared you just have to pass a function to the onDismiss parameter:

import SwiftUI
import SimpleToast

struct ToastTestView: View {
    @State var showToast: Bool = false

    private let toastOptions = SimpleToastOptions(
        hideAfter: 5

    VStack(spacing: 20) {
        Button("Show toast") {
            withAnimation {
    .simpleToast(isShowing: $showToast, options: toastOptions, onDismiss: onToastComplete) {
        HStack {
            Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle")
            Text("This is some simple toast message.")

    // This will be called on toast completion
    func onToastComplete() -> Void {
        print("The toast did disappear")

Using the SimpleToastNotificationPublisher

The SimpleToastNotificationPublisher provides a convenient way to trigger toast notifications throughout your app. A typical example would be using the NavigationSplitView, where you can trigger notifications inside the sidebar view and display them in the details view.

To use the SimpleToastNotificationPublisher for your toast notifications, you first need to create a data structure that conforms to the Identifiable protocol.

Here’s a simple example of a toast notification with a text element:

import Foundation

struct ToastNotification: Identifiable {
    let id = UUID()
    let text: String

The following example demonstrates a simple example view for showing the notification. This view is not responsible for triggering the notification. This is done by the view below this example.

import SwiftUI
import SimpleToast

struct ToastTestView: View {
    @State private var notification: ToastNotification?

    VStack(spacing: 20) {
        Text("Some view content")
    .onToastNotification {
        notification = $0
    .simpleToast(item: $notification, options: optionsSkew) {
        HStack {
            Image(systemName: "exclamationmark.triangle")
            Text(notification?.message ?? "Default message")

The following demonstrates a simple view triggering the toast notification.

import SwiftUI
import SimpleToast

struct ExampleSecondView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("External Second View")

            TestButton("Trigger Toast (Publisher)", identifier: "ButtonPublisher") {
                withAnimation {
                        notification: ToastNotification(text: "Toast from publisher")


Ensure that the view displaying the toast notification is visible. If you use sheets or other full-screen content, you'll need to handle the notification separately within them, as they will overlay all other views.

Usage with edgesIgnoringSafeArea(_:edges:) / ignoresSafeArea(_:edges:)

If the view you're attaching the toast to is ignoring a safe area, make sure to apply the SimpleToast modifier after the modifier for ignoring the safe area:

VStack {
    Text("Some view")