diff --git a/gta3/constants.txt b/gta3/constants.txt
index 2c8b2fd..67717fb 100644
--- a/gta3/constants.txt
+++ b/gta3/constants.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lcs/constants.txt b/lcs/constants.txt
index d69606f..7c40d6b 100644
--- a/lcs/constants.txt
+++ b/lcs/constants.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modes.xml b/modes.xml
index 5c50f15..1d4b29f 100644
--- a/modes.xml
+++ b/modes.xml
@@ -35,6 +35,17 @@
+ @sb:\data\vc_mobile\
+ @sb:\data\vc_mobile\VCSCM.ini
+ @sb:\data\vc_mobile\opcodes.txt
+ @sb:\data\vc_mobile\CustomVariables.ini
+ @sb:\data\vc_mobile\keywords.txt
+ @sb:\data\vc_mobile\templates.txt
+ @sb:\data\vc_mobile\american.gxt
+ @sb:\data\vc_mobile\data\default.ide
+ @sb:\data\vc_mobile\data\gta_vc.dat
diff --git a/sa/constants.txt b/sa/constants.txt
index 1eabbca..29223fc 100644
--- a/sa/constants.txt
+++ b/sa/constants.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sa_mobile/SASCM.ini b/sa_mobile/SASCM.ini
index a8a651e..486556d 100644
--- a/sa_mobile/SASCM.ini
+++ b/sa_mobile/SASCM.ini
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
; x% = external script
; k% = 128-byte null-terminated string
@@ -1968,70 +1968,90 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
0A4B=0, controls_set_to_joystick
0A4C=0, mouse_not_inverted_vertically
0A4D=0, NOP_false
+0A4E=0, NOP_false
; Mobile opcodes
0242=2,arm_car_with_bomb %1d% %2d%
+0A4F=0, NOP_false
0a51=1, is_widget_pressed %1d%
0a52=1, is_widget_released %1d%
0a53=1, is_widget_doubletapped %1d%
0a54=1, is_widget_swiped %1d%
0A55=1, is_widget_swiped_left %1d%
0A56=1, is_widget_swiped_right %1d%
-0a57=2, do_mission_skip %1d% %2d%
+0a57=2, do_mission_skip_get_current_mission_page %1d% get_current_skip_to_mission_number %2d%
0a58=1, skip_to_mission_num %1d%
0a59=1, skip_to_mission_page %1d%
-0a5A=2,get_widget_value %1d% %2d%
-0A5B=3,get_widget_value2 %1d% %2d% %3d%
-0A5C=3,display_text_widget %1d% %2d% %3g%
-0A5D=5,get_widget_position %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d%
-0A5E=2,set_widget_value %1d% %2d%
-0A5F=3,set_widget %1d% range %2d% %3d%
-0a60=2,add_widget_flag %1d% %2d%
-0a61=2,remove_widget_flag %1d% %2d%
-0a62=2,add_button_flag %1d% %2d%
-0a63=2,remove_button_flag %1d% %2d%
+0a5A=2,get_widget %1d% value_to %2d% ; float
+0A5B=3,get_widget %1d% value2_to %2d% %3d% ; float
+0A5C=3,display_missions_text_position %1d% %2d% GXT %3g%
+0A5D=5,get_widget %1d% position_to %2d% %3d% scale_to %4d% %5d%
+0A5E=2,set_widget %1d% value %2d% ; float
+0A5F=3,set_widget %1d% slider_range %2d% %3d% ; float
+0a60=2,widget %1d% add_flag %2d%
+0a61=2,widget %1d% remove_flag %2d%
+0a62=2,widget %1d% add_button_flag %2d%
+0a63=2,widget %1d% remove_button_flag %2d%
0a64=0, is_touch_enabled
0a65=0, skip_intro_cutscene
-0a66=1,write_log %1k%
-0a67=4,write_log_int %1d% %2d% %3d% %4k%
-0a68=4,write_log_float %1d% %2d% %3d% %4k%
-0a69=1,create_shop_widget %1g%
-0a6a=2,add_shop_item %1g% %2d%
+0a66=1,write_log %1k% ; 128-byte null-terminated string
+0a67=4,write_log_int %1d% %2d% %3d% %4k% ; 128-byte null-terminated string
+0a68=4,write_log_float %1d% %2d% %3d% %4k% ; 128-byte null-terminated string
+0a69=1,create_shop_widget_menu %1g%
+0a6a=2,add_shop_widget_menu_item %1g% price %2d%
0a6b=1,delete_widget %1d%
-0a6c=2,set_equipped_item %1d% %2d%
-0a6d=2,print_help_forever_conditional %1g% %2d%
-0a6e=2,set_widget_texture %1d% %2k%
+0a6c=2,set_widget %1d% equipped_item %2d%
+0a6d=2,print_help_forever_conditional %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0a6e=2,set_widget %1d% texture %2k% ; 128-byte null-terminated string
0a6f=1,checkpoint_save %1d%
-0a70=4,display_text_clamped %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
-0a71=5,display_text_with_number_clamped %1d% %2d% %3g% %4d% %5d%
-0a73=4,set_widget_value3 %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
-0a74=1, is_checkpoint_resuming %1d%
-0a75=2,set_active_menu_item_car_mods %1d% %2d%
+0a70=4,display_text_clamped_position %1d% %2d% GXT %3g% scale %4d% ;text_draw
+0a71=5,display_text_clamped_position %1d% %2d% GXT %3g% with_number %4d% scale %5d% ;text_draw
+0a73=4,set_widget %1d% value3 %2d% %3d% %4d% ; float
+0a74=1, is_checkpoint_resuming %1d% ; IsGameResuming //bool
+0a75=2, set_active_square_color_panel %1d% find_car_colour %2d%
0a76=1, hid_implements %1d%
0a77=1,checkpoint_save_oddjob %1d%
-0a78=2,print_help_conditional %1g% %2d%
-0a79=2,print_help_conditional_touch %1g% %2d%
-0a7a=2,print_help_conditional_hid %1g% %2d%
-0a7b=2,print_help_conditional_touch_classic %1g% %2d%
-0a7c=2,print_help_conditional_touch_adapted %1g% %2d%
-0a7d=2,print_help_conditional_hid_joypad %1g% %2d%
-0a7e=2,print_help_conditional_hid_keyboard %1g% %2d%
-0a7f=2,print_help_conditional_touch_analog %1g% %2d%
-0a80=2,print_help_conditional_unknown %1g% %2d%
-0a81=2,set_widget_info2 %1g% %2d%
-0a82=2,set_widget_info2 %1g% %2d%
-0a83=2,set_widget_info2 %1g% %2d%
-0a84=2,set_widget_info2 %1g% %2d%
-0a85=2,set_widget_info2 %1g% %2d%
-0a86=2,set_widget_info2 %1g% %2d%
-0a87=2,set_widget_info2 %1g% %2d%
-0a88=2,set_widget_info2 %1g% %2d%
-0a89=3,set_widget_value %1d% %2d% %3d%
-0a8a=8,set_widget_info %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% %8g%
-0a8b=7,set_widget_info %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6g% %7g%
+0A78=2,print_help_forever_conditional_touch %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0A79=2,print_help_forever_conditional_hid %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0A7A=2,print_help_forever_conditional_touch_classic %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0A7B=2,print_help_forever_conditional_touch_adapted %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0A7C=2,print_help_forever_conditional_hid_joypad %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0A7D=2,print_help_forever_conditional_hid_keyboard %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0A7E=2,print_help_forever_conditional_touch_analog %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0A7F=2,print_help_forever_conditional_touch_digital %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0A80=2,print_help_forever_conditional_touch_flick %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0A81=2,print_help_conditional %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0A82=2,print_help_conditional_touch %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0A83=2,print_help_conditional_hid %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0A84=2,print_help_conditional_touch_classic %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0A85=2,print_help_conditional_touch_adapted %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0A86=2,print_help_conditional_hid_joypad %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0A87=2,print_help_conditional_hid_keyboard %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0A88=2,print_help_conditional_touch_analog %1g% hid_type %2d%
+0a89=3,set_widget %1d% value2 %2d% %3d% ; float
+0a8a=8,set_widget %1d% info %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% %8g%
+0a8b=7,set_widget %1d% info2 %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6g% %7g%
+0a8c=0,load_all_requested_models ; No time to pause. load faster than 038B
0a8d=1, is_hid_released %1d%
-0A8E=1,award_achievement %1d%
-0A90=1, %1d%
\ No newline at end of file
+0A8E=1,NOP %1d%
+0A90=1, is_hid_pressed %1d%
+; Android CLEO opcodes
+0DD0=2,%1d% = get_label_addr %2p% ; android
+0DD1=2,%1d% = get_func_addr_by_cstr_name %2d% ; android
+0DD2=1,context_call_func %1d% ; android
+0DD3=2,context_set_reg %1d% value %2d% ; android
+0DD4=2,%1d% = context_get_reg %2d% ; android
+0DD6=1,%1d% = get_game_version ; android
+0DD7=1,%1d% = get_image_base ; android
+0DD8=4,%1d% = read_mem_addr %2d% size %3d% add_ib %4d% ; android
+0DD9=5,write_mem_addr %1d% value %2d% size %3d% add_ib %4d% protect %5d% ; android
+0DDC=2,set_mutex_var %1d% to %2d% ; android
+0DDD=2,%1d% = get_mutex_var %2d% ; android
+0DE0=3,%1d% = get_touch_point_state %2d% mintime %3d% ; android
+0DE1=5,%1d% = get_touch_slide_state from %2d% to %3d% mintime %4d% maxtime %5d% ; android
+0DE2=1,%1d% = get_menu_button_state ; read opcode info before using ; android
+0DE3=2,%1d% = get_menu_button_pressed mintime %2d% ; read opcode info before using ; android
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sa_mobile/constants.txt b/sa_mobile/constants.txt
index 30695f8..580f4a5 100644
--- a/sa_mobile/constants.txt
+++ b/sa_mobile/constants.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sa_mobile/extensions.txt b/sa_mobile/extensions.txt
index e1c5683..a55d992 100644
--- a/sa_mobile/extensions.txt
+++ b/sa_mobile/extensions.txt
@@ -1951,6 +1951,8 @@
@@ -1985,6 +1987,7 @@
@@ -2014,4 +2017,19 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sa_mobile/keywords.txt b/sa_mobile/keywords.txt
index f606f5a..49d89f9 100644
--- a/sa_mobile/keywords.txt
+++ b/sa_mobile/keywords.txt
@@ -24,4 +24,21 @@
\ No newline at end of file
+; Android CLEO opcodes
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/sa_mobile/opcodes.txt b/sa_mobile/opcodes.txt
index 3d1c678..f7f8070 100644
--- a/sa_mobile/opcodes.txt
+++ b/sa_mobile/opcodes.txt
@@ -1,1821 +1,1837 @@
-0001: wait 0 ms
-0002: jump @MAIN_181
-0003: shake_camera 40
-0004: $120 = 0
-0005: $165 = 292.33
-0006: 0@ = 0
-0007: 7@ = 0.0
-0008: $88 += 1
-0009: $72 += 1.741
-000A: 3@ += 3000
-000B: 6@ += 0.1
-000C: $1028 -= 1
-000D: $73 -= 5.0
-000E: 0@ -= 1
-000F: 701@ -= 8.0
-0010: $711 *= 100
-0011: $1365 *= 100.0
-0012: 22@ *= -1
-0013: 17@ *= 9.8
-0014: $1343 /= 1000
-0015: $1212 /= 1000.0
-0016: 4@ /= 2
-0017: 14@ /= 1000.0
-0018: $63 > 2
-0019: 0@ > 0
-001A: 10 > $544
-001B: 3 > 20@
-001C: $6729 > $6731 // (int)
-001D: TIMERB > 27@ // (int)
-001E: $15 > 3@ // (int)
-001F: 9@ > $358[0] // (int)
-0020: $1347 > 0.0
-0021: 26@ > 64.0
-0022: -180.0 > $1340
-0023: 0.0 > 7@
-0024: $1331 > $1328 // (float)
-0025: 3@ > 6@ // (float)
-0026: $72 > 522@(239@,10f) // (float)
-0027: 522@(239@,10f) > $73 // (float)
-0028: $6667 >= 180000
-0029: 17@ >= 4
-002A: 0 >= $358[4]
-002B: -344 >= 8@
-002C: $882 >= $884 // (int)
-002D: 51@ >= 279@ // (int)
-002E: $1446 >= 139@ // (int)
-002F: 1@ >= $1288($1312,2i) // (int)
-0030: $814 >= 100.0
-0031: 309@ >= 0.2
-0032: 8.0 >= $7302[0]
-0033: -0.05 >= 51@
-0034: $9643 >= $9645 // (float)
-0035: 106@ >= 58@(127@,4f) // (float)
-0036: $72 >= 189@(225@,8f) // (float)
-0037: 197@(225@,8f) >= $73 // (float)
-0038: $671 == 1
-0039: 0@ == 1
-003A: $392 == $388 // (int)
-003B: 18@ == 21@ // (int)
-003C: $1076(5@,10i) == 7@ // (int)
-0042: $1019 == 0.0
-0043: 309@ == 0.1
-0044: $4883 == $4891($9916,151f) // (float)
-0045: 93@ == 77@ // (float)
-004D: jump_if_false @MAIN_5742
-004E: terminate_this_script
+0001: wait 0 ms
+0002: jump @MAIN_181
+0003: shake_camera 40
+0004: $120 = 0
+0005: $165 = 292.33
+0006: 0@ = 0
+0007: 7@ = 0.0
+0008: $88 += 1
+0009: $72 += 1.741
+000A: 3@ += 3000
+000B: 6@ += 0.1
+000C: $1028 -= 1
+000D: $73 -= 5.0
+000E: 0@ -= 1
+000F: 701@ -= 8.0
+0010: $711 *= 100
+0011: $1365 *= 100.0
+0012: 22@ *= -1
+0013: 17@ *= 9.8
+0014: $1343 /= 1000
+0015: $1212 /= 1000.0
+0016: 4@ /= 2
+0017: 14@ /= 1000.0
+0018: $63 > 2
+0019: 0@ > 0
+001A: 10 > $544
+001B: 3 > 20@
+001C: $6729 > $6731 // (int)
+001D: TIMERB > 27@ // (int)
+001E: $15 > 3@ // (int)
+001F: 9@ > $358[0] // (int)
+0020: $1347 > 0.0
+0021: 26@ > 64.0
+0022: -180.0 > $1340
+0023: 0.0 > 7@
+0024: $1331 > $1328 // (float)
+0025: 3@ > 6@ // (float)
+0026: $72 > 522@(239@,10f) // (float)
+0027: 522@(239@,10f) > $73 // (float)
+0028: $6667 >= 180000
+0029: 17@ >= 4
+002A: 0 >= $358[4]
+002B: -344 >= 8@
+002C: $882 >= $884 // (int)
+002D: 51@ >= 279@ // (int)
+002E: $1446 >= 139@ // (int)
+002F: 1@ >= $1288($1312,2i) // (int)
+0030: $814 >= 100.0
+0031: 309@ >= 0.2
+0032: 8.0 >= $7302[0]
+0033: -0.05 >= 51@
+0034: $9643 >= $9645 // (float)
+0035: 106@ >= 58@(127@,4f) // (float)
+0036: $72 >= 189@(225@,8f) // (float)
+0037: 197@(225@,8f) >= $73 // (float)
+0038: $671 == 1
+0039: 0@ == 1
+003A: $392 == $388 // (int)
+003B: 18@ == 21@ // (int)
+003C: $1076(5@,10i) == 7@ // (int)
+0042: $1019 == 0.0
+0043: 309@ == 0.1
+0044: $4883 == $4891($9916,151f) // (float)
+0045: 93@ == 77@ // (float)
+004D: jump_if_false @MAIN_5742
+004E: terminate_this_script
004F: start_new_script @ODDVEH
-0051: return
-0052: NOP 107@ 109@ $74 108@ 109@ $74
-0053: $PLAYER_CHAR = create_player 0 at 2488.562 -1666.865 12.8757
-0058: $3311 += $3316 // (int)
-0059: $1340 += $1341 // (float)
-005A: 3@ += 1@ // (int)
-005B: 4@ += 17@ // (float)
-005C: 17@ += $1037 // (int)
-005D: 20@ += $72 // (float)
-005E: $3310 += 25@ // (int)
-005F: $74 += 18@ // (float)
-0060: $6667 -= $6669 // (int)
-0061: $1365 -= $1348 // (float)
-0062: 13@ -= 11@ // (int)
-0063: 18@ -= 6@ // (float)
-0064: 3@ -= $1228($388,6i) // (int)
-0065: 20@ -= $72 // (float)
-0066: $1055 -= 17@ // (int)
-0067: $72 -= 5@ // (float)
-0068: $1326 *= $1318 // (int)
-0069: $74 *= $67 // (float)
-006A: 25@ *= 29@ // (int)
-006B: 18@ *= 28@ // (float)
-006D: $72 *= 17@ // (float)
-006E: 52@ *= $9578 // (int)
-006F: 6@ *= $1051 // (float)
-0071: $7318 /= $7319 // (float)
-0072: 1@ /= 17@ // (int)
-0073: 18@ /= 17@ // (float)
-0074: $9567 /= 59@ // (int)
-0075: $72 /= 630@ // (float)
-0077: 58@ /= $74 // (float)
-0078: $7578 += frame_delta_time * 1.0 // (float)
-0079: 433@ += frame_delta_time * 1.0 // (float)
-007A: $7052($7034,16f) += frame_delta_time * $6968 // (float)
-007B: 302@(239@,60f) = frame_delta_time 225@ // (float)
-007D: $72 += frame_delta_time * 2@ // (float)
-007E: $7578 -= frame_delta_time * 0.05 // (float)
-007F: 433@ -= frame_delta_time * 1.0 // (float)
-0080: $6965 -= frame_delta_time * $6966 // (float)
-0081: 363@ -= frame_delta_time * 434@ // (float)
-0082: 18@ -= frame_delta_time * $10103 // (float)
-0083: $4126 -= frame_delta_time * 8@ // (float)
-0084: $6667 = $6668 // (int)
-0085: 13@ = 12@ // (int)
-0086: $73 = $1050 // (float)
-0087: 17@ = 3@ // (float)
-0088: $74 = 17@ // (float)
-0089: 14@ = $72 // (float)
-008A: $4780 = 0@ // (int)
-008B: 3@ = $15 // (int)
-008C: $1344 = float $1347 to_integer
-008D: $1348 = integer $1344 to_float
-008E: 25@ = float $67 to_integer
-008F: 17@ = integer $3313 to_float
-0090: $1174 = float 4@ to_integer
-0091: $1212 = integer 5@ to_float
-0092: 22@ = float 17@ to_integer
-0093: 14@ = integer 13@ to_float
-0094: make $12288 absolute_integer
-0095: make 9@ absolute_integer
-0096: make $12106 absolute_float
-0097: make 204@ absolute_float
-0099: $9591 = random_int_in_ranges_0_to_32767
-009A: 2@ = create_actor_pedtype 4 model #MALE01 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
-009B: destroy_actor 19@
-00A0: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position_to $72 $73 $74
-00A1: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at 345.5621 306.2212 998.4484
-00A3: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_rectangle_cornerA 2037.536 2365.373 cornerB 2117.177 2483.922
-00A4: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_cube_cornerA 2782.693 -1921.125 11.7984 cornerB 2746.098 -1993.905 16.9599
-00A5: 0@ = create_car #PONY at 0.0 0.0 0.0
-00A6: destroy_car 23@
-00A7: car 109@ drive_to 262@ 263@ 264@
-00A8: set_car 52@ to_psycho_driver
-00A9: set_car 62@ to_normal_driver
-00AA: store_car 0@ position_to 3@ 4@ 5@
-00AB: put_car 23@ at -1577.942 52.6333 40.0
-00AD: set_car 44@ max_speed_to 10.0
-00AE: set_car 79@ traffic_behaviour_to 3
-00AF: set_car 70@ driver_behaviour_to 5
-00B0: car 87@(171@,4i) sphere 0 in_rectangle_cornerA 1940.82 72.1365 cornerB 2145.438 140.5141
-00B1: car 81@ sphere 0 in_cube_cornerA 855.6 -2067.9 5.0 cornerB 812.6 -2085.9 20.0
+0050: gosub @LITCAS_267
+0051: return
+0052: NOP 107@ 109@ $74 108@ 109@ $74
+0053: $PLAYER_CHAR = create_player 0 at 2488.562 -1666.865 12.8757
+0058: $3311 += $3316 // (int)
+0059: $1340 += $1341 // (float)
+005A: 3@ += 1@ // (int)
+005B: 4@ += 17@ // (float)
+005C: 17@ += $1037 // (int)
+005D: 20@ += $72 // (float)
+005E: $3310 += 25@ // (int)
+005F: $74 += 18@ // (float)
+0060: $6667 -= $6669 // (int)
+0061: $1365 -= $1348 // (float)
+0062: 13@ -= 11@ // (int)
+0063: 18@ -= 6@ // (float)
+0064: 3@ -= $1228($388,6i) // (int)
+0065: 20@ -= $72 // (float)
+0066: $1055 -= 17@ // (int)
+0067: $72 -= 5@ // (float)
+0068: $1326 *= $1318 // (int)
+0069: $74 *= $67 // (float)
+006A: 25@ *= 29@ // (int)
+006B: 18@ *= 28@ // (float)
+006D: $72 *= 17@ // (float)
+006E: 52@ *= $9578 // (int)
+006F: 6@ *= $1051 // (float)
+0071: $7318 /= $7319 // (float)
+0072: 1@ /= 17@ // (int)
+0073: 18@ /= 17@ // (float)
+0074: $9567 /= 59@ // (int)
+0075: $72 /= 630@ // (float)
+0077: 58@ /= $74 // (float)
+0078: $7578 += frame_delta_time * 1.0 // (float)
+0079: 433@ += frame_delta_time * 1.0 // (float)
+007A: $7052($7034,16f) += frame_delta_time * $6968 // (float)
+007B: 302@(239@,60f) = frame_delta_time 225@ // (float)
+007D: $72 += frame_delta_time * 2@ // (float)
+007E: $7578 -= frame_delta_time * 0.05 // (float)
+007F: 433@ -= frame_delta_time * 1.0 // (float)
+0080: $6965 -= frame_delta_time * $6966 // (float)
+0081: 363@ -= frame_delta_time * 434@ // (float)
+0082: 18@ -= frame_delta_time * $10103 // (float)
+0083: $4126 -= frame_delta_time * 8@ // (float)
+0084: $6667 = $6668 // (int)
+0085: 13@ = 12@ // (int)
+0086: $73 = $1050 // (float)
+0087: 17@ = 3@ // (float)
+0088: $74 = 17@ // (float)
+0089: 14@ = $72 // (float)
+008A: $4780 = 0@ // (int)
+008B: 3@ = $15 // (int)
+008C: $1344 = float $1347 to_integer
+008D: $1348 = integer $1344 to_float
+008E: 25@ = float $67 to_integer
+008F: 17@ = integer $3313 to_float
+0090: $1174 = float 4@ to_integer
+0091: $1212 = integer 5@ to_float
+0092: 22@ = float 17@ to_integer
+0093: 14@ = integer 13@ to_float
+0094: make $12288 absolute_integer
+0095: make 9@ absolute_integer
+0096: make $12106 absolute_float
+0097: make 204@ absolute_float
+0099: $9591 = random_int_in_ranges_0_to_32767
+009A: 2@ = create_actor_pedtype 4 model #MALE01 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
+009B: destroy_actor 19@
+00A0: store_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR position_to $72 $73 $74
+00A1: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at 345.5621 306.2212 998.4484
+00A3: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_rectangle_cornerA 2037.536 2365.373 cornerB 2117.177 2483.922
+00A4: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_cube_cornerA 2782.693 -1921.125 11.7984 cornerB 2746.098 -1993.905 16.9599
+00A5: 0@ = create_car #PONY at 0.0 0.0 0.0
+00A6: destroy_car 23@
+00A7: car 109@ drive_to 262@ 263@ 264@
+00A8: set_car 52@ to_psycho_driver
+00A9: set_car 62@ to_normal_driver
+00AA: store_car 0@ position_to 3@ 4@ 5@
+00AB: put_car 23@ at -1577.942 52.6333 40.0
+00AD: set_car 44@ max_speed_to 10.0
+00AE: set_car 79@ traffic_behaviour_to 3
+00AF: set_car 70@ driver_behaviour_to 5
+00B0: car 87@(171@,4i) sphere 0 in_rectangle_cornerA 1940.82 72.1365 cornerB 2145.438 140.5141
+00B1: car 81@ sphere 0 in_cube_cornerA 855.6 -2067.9 5.0 cornerB 812.6 -2085.9 20.0
00BA: show_text_styled GXT 'BEEFY' time 1000 style 2 // Beefy Baron
00BB: show_text_lowpriority GXT 'IE23' time 3000 flag 1 // ~s~This vehicle is not required for export.
00BC: show_text_highpriority GXT 'MTIME3' time 1000 flag 1 // ~s~Come back between 9:00 and 17:00.
-00BE: text_clear_all
-00BF: $33 = current_time_hours, $34 = current_time_minutes
-00C0: set_current_time_hours_to 8 minutes_to 0
-00C1: 3@ = get_minutes_left_to_time_hours 5@ time_minutes 6@
-00C2: sphere_onscreen 167@ 168@ 169@ radius 5.0
-00D6: if
-00D7: start_new_script @NONAME_1 // without extra params
-00D8: mission_cleanup
-00D9: 76@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car // add to mission cleanup
-00DB: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car 23@
-00DD: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_car_with_model #AMBULAN
-00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving
-00E1: player 0 pressed_key 8
-00EC: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 near_point 1812.369 -1929.922 radius 80.0 80.0
-00ED: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 near_point 2043.68 -1635.73 radius 4.0 4.0 on_foot
-00EE: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 near_point 2067.4 -1831.2 radius 15.0 15.0 in_car
-00EF: actor 80@ sphere 0 near_point 2196.239 -1191.459 radius 2.0 2.0 stopped
-00F0: actor 95@ 0 near_point 2175.29 -2259.22 radius 3.0 3.0 stopped_on_foot
-00F2: actor 75@ near_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR radius 20.0 20.0 0
-00F3: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_actor 15@ radius 2.0 2.0 sphere 0 on_foot
-00F4: actor 42@ near_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR radius 6.0 6.0 0 in_car
-00FE: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_sphere 658.0068 -1866.313 4.4537 radius 15.0 15.0 15.0
-00FF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_sphere $458 $459 $460 radius 1.0 1.0 2.0 on_foot
-0100: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_sphere 1793.068 -1904.254 12.3989 radius 4.0 4.0 4.0 sphere 1 in_car
-0101: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_sphere 10@ 11@ 12@ radius 5.0 5.0 3.0 sphere 0 stopped
-0102: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_sphere 2468.8 -1278.2 29.1 radius 1.2 1.2 3.0 sphere 1 stopped_on_foot
-0103: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_sphere -1577.942 52.6333 16.3281 radius 4.0 4.0 6.0 sphere 0 stopped_in_car
-0104: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_actor 1@ radius 15.0 15.0 15.0 sphere 0
-0105: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_actor 110@(50@,9i) radius 5.0 5.0 2.0 sphere 0 on_foot
-0106: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_actor 79@ radius 15.0 15.0 15.0 0 in_car
-0107: $4093 = create_object #AD_FLATDOOR at 1833.36 -1995.45 12.5
-0108: destroy_object $1173
-0109: player $PLAYER_CHAR money += 1000000
-010A: player $PLAYER_CHAR money > 46@
-010B: 5@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR money
-010D: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level_to 0
-010E: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR minimum_wanted_level_to 2
-010F: player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level > 0
-0110: clear_player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level
-0111: set_wasted_busted_check 0
-0112: wasted_or_busted // mission only
-0114: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 38 add_ammo 200000
-0118: actor 0@ dead
-0119: car 0@ wrecked
-0122: player $PLAYER_CHAR pressing_horn
-0129: 49@ = create_actor_pedtype 23 model #SPECIAL02 in_car 43@ driverseat
-0137: car 0@ model == #REMINGTN
-014B: $4161 = init_car_generator #RHINO color -1 -1 force_spawn 1 alarm 0 door_lock 0 min_delay 0 max_delay 10000 at 2435.302 -1671.848 12.8007 angle 90.0
-014C: set_parked_car_generator $4161 cars_to_generate_to 0
-014F: stop_timer $3310
-0151: remove_status_text $3311
+00BE: text_clear_all
+00BF: $33 = current_time_hours, $34 = current_time_minutes
+00C0: set_current_time_hours_to 8 minutes_to 0
+00C1: 3@ = get_minutes_left_to_time_hours 5@ time_minutes 6@
+00C2: sphere_onscreen 167@ 168@ 169@ radius 5.0
+00D6: if
+00D7: start_new_script @Noname_1 // without extra params
+00D8: mission_cleanup
+00D9: 76@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car // add to mission cleanup
+00DB: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car 23@
+00DD: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_car_with_model #AMBULAN
+00DF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving
+00E1: player 0 pressed_key 8
+00EC: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 near_point 1812.369 -1929.922 radius 80.0 80.0
+00ED: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 near_point 2043.68 -1635.73 radius 4.0 4.0 on_foot
+00EE: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 near_point 2067.4 -1831.2 radius 15.0 15.0 in_car
+00EF: actor 80@ sphere 0 near_point 2196.239 -1191.459 radius 2.0 2.0 stopped
+00F0: actor 95@ 0 near_point 2175.29 -2259.22 radius 3.0 3.0 stopped_on_foot
+00F2: actor 75@ near_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR radius 20.0 20.0 0
+00F3: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_actor 15@ radius 2.0 2.0 sphere 0 on_foot
+00F4: actor 42@ near_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR radius 6.0 6.0 0 in_car
+00FE: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_sphere 658.0068 -1866.313 4.4537 radius 15.0 15.0 15.0
+00FF: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_sphere $458 $459 $460 radius 1.0 1.0 2.0 on_foot
+0100: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_sphere 1793.068 -1904.254 12.3989 radius 4.0 4.0 4.0 sphere 1 in_car
+0101: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_sphere 10@ 11@ 12@ radius 5.0 5.0 3.0 sphere 0 stopped
+0102: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_sphere 2468.8 -1278.2 29.1 radius 1.2 1.2 3.0 sphere 1 stopped_on_foot
+0103: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_sphere -1577.942 52.6333 16.3281 radius 4.0 4.0 6.0 sphere 0 stopped_in_car
+0104: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_actor 1@ radius 15.0 15.0 15.0 sphere 0
+0105: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_actor 110@(50@,9i) radius 5.0 5.0 2.0 sphere 0 on_foot
+0106: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_actor 79@ radius 15.0 15.0 15.0 0 in_car
+0107: $4093 = create_object #AD_FLATDOOR at 1833.36 -1995.45 12.5
+0108: destroy_object $1173
+0109: player $PLAYER_CHAR money += 1000000
+010A: player $PLAYER_CHAR money > 46@
+010B: 5@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR money
+010D: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level_to 0
+010E: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR minimum_wanted_level_to 2
+010F: player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level > 0
+0110: clear_player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level
+0111: set_wasted_busted_check 0
+0112: wasted_or_busted // mission only
+0114: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 38 add_ammo 200000
+0118: actor 0@ dead
+0119: car 0@ wrecked
+0122: player $PLAYER_CHAR pressing_horn
+0129: 49@ = create_actor_pedtype 23 model #SPECIAL02 in_car 43@ driverseat
+0137: car 0@ model == #REMINGTN
+014B: $4161 = init_car_generator #RHINO color -1 -1 force_spawn 1 alarm 0 door_lock 0 min_delay 0 max_delay 10000 at 2435.302 -1671.848 12.8007 angle 90.0
+014C: set_parked_car_generator $4161 cars_to_generate_to 0
+014F: stop_timer $3310
+0151: remove_status_text $3311
0154: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_zone 'EASB' // Easter Basin
-0158: camera_on_car 42@ mode 18 switchstyle 2
-0159: camera_on_ped 223@ mode 15 switchstyle 2
-015A: restore_camera
-015B: shake_player_controller 0 time 200 intensity 255
-015D: set_gamespeed 0.75
-015F: set_camera_position 664.9277 -479.6112 16.1668 rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0
-0160: set_camera_point_at 665.8948 -479.5685 16.4175 switchstyle 2
-0161: 349@ = create_marker_above_car 348@ unused 0 visibility 1
-0164: disable_marker $482
-0165: set_marker 50@ color_to 1
-0167: 157@(264@,33i) = create_marker_at 58@(264@,33f) 58@(264@,33f) 58@(264@,33f) color 0 flag 2
-0168: set_marker 53@ size 2
-0169: set_fade_color_RGB 0 0 0
-016A: fade 0 time 0
-016B: fading
-016C: restart_if_wasted_at 2027.77 -1420.52 15.99 angle 137.0 town_number 0
-016D: restart_if_busted_at 1550.68 -1675.49 14.51 angle 90.0 town_number 0
-016E: override_next_restart at -1605.792 716.8598 11.0241 angle 355.2978
-016F: create_particle 2 rotation_factor 0.0 size 1.0 intensity 150 flags 0 0 0 at 135@(64@,20f) 155@(64@,20f) 175@(64@,20f)
-0172: $1517 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR Z_angle
-0173: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR Z_angle_to 262.0
-0174: $1339 = car $1314 Z_angle
-0175: set_car 23@ Z_angle_to 315.0
-0176: 13@ = object 0@ Z_angle
-0177: set_object 28@ Z_angle_to 180.0
-0179: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR colliding_with_object 81@
-017B: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 22 ammo_to 10
-0180: set_on_mission_flag_to $ONMISSION // Note: your missions have to use the variable defined here
-0184: actor 43@ health >= 119
-0185: car 81@ health >= 700
-0186: $60 = create_marker_above_car $59
-0187: 47@ = create_marker_above_actor 75@
-0188: 133@(224@,5i) = create_marker_above_object 119@(224@,5i)
-018A: 1@ = create_checkpoint_at 14@ 15@ 16@
-018B: set_marker $3015 radar_mode 2
-018C: play_sound 1052 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
-018D: NOP 84@ 65535 2181.127 -2251.999 14.036
-018E: stop_sound 90@
-018F: car 252@ flipped_for_2_seconds
-0190: add_car 252@ to_flipped_check // 6 max
-01A6: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_cube_cornerA -777.827 510.0 1369.0 cornerB -797.0 494.0 1373.0 on_foot
-01A7: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_cube_cornerA -2042.943 167.5841 26.759 cornerB -2055.202 180.1328 32.3919 in_car
-01AB: car 44@ sphere 0 in_rectangle_cornerA 53@ 54@ cornerB 55@ 56@ stopped
-01AC: car 44@ sphere 1 in_cube_cornerA 288.0 54@ 16.0 cornerB 328.0 56@ 18.0 stopped
-01AD: car 109@ sphere 0 near_point 262@ 263@ radius 6.0 6.0
-01AE: car 69@ sphere 0 near_point 2195.84 -2251.522 radius 3.0 3.0 stopped
-01AF: car 82@ sphere 0 in_sphere 151@ 158@ 165@ radius 0.2 0.2 1.0
-01B0: car 79@ sphere 0 in_sphere 2644.462 -2017.282 12.5547 radius 4.0 4.0 4.0 stopped
-01B2: give_actor 2@ weapon 28 ammo 60 // Load the weapon model before using this
-01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR can_move 1
-01B5: force_weather 1
-01B6: set_weather 1
-01B7: release_weather
-01B9: set_actor 2@ armed_weapon_to 0
-01BB: store_object 0@ position_to $72 $73 $74
-01BC: put_object 0@ at $72 $73 $74
-01BD: $6668 = current_time_in_ms
-01C0: $1283 = player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level
-01C1: car $47 stopped
-01C2: remove_references_to_actor 2@ // Like turning an actor into a random pedestrian
-01C3: remove_references_to_car $1144
-01C4: remove_references_to_object 91@(48@,16i) // This object will now disappear when the player looks away
-01C5: remove_actor_from_mission_cleanup_list 1@
-01C7: remove_object_from_mission_cleanup_list 28@
-01C8: 48@ = create_actor_pedtype 23 model #SPECIAL01 in_car 43@ passenger_seat 0
+0158: camera_on_car 42@ mode 18 switchstyle 2
+0159: camera_on_ped 223@ mode 15 switchstyle 2
+015A: restore_camera
+015B: shake_player_controller 0 time 200 intensity 255
+015D: set_gamespeed 0.75
+015F: set_camera_position 664.9277 -479.6112 16.1668 rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0
+0160: set_camera_point_at 665.8948 -479.5685 16.4175 switchstyle 2
+0161: 349@ = create_marker_above_car 348@ unused 0 visibility 1
+0164: disable_marker $482
+0165: set_marker 50@ color_to 1
+0167: 157@(264@,33i) = create_marker_at 58@(264@,33f) 58@(264@,33f) 58@(264@,33f) color 0 flag 2
+0168: set_marker 53@ size 2
+0169: set_fade_color_RGB 0 0 0
+016A: fade 0 time 0
+016B: fading
+016C: restart_if_wasted_at 2027.77 -1420.52 15.99 angle 137.0 town_number 0
+016D: restart_if_busted_at 1550.68 -1675.49 14.51 angle 90.0 town_number 0
+016E: override_next_restart at -1605.792 716.8598 11.0241 angle 355.2978
+016F: create_particle 2 rotation_factor 0.0 size 1.0 intensity 150 flags 0 0 0 at 135@(64@,20f) 155@(64@,20f) 175@(64@,20f)
+0172: $1517 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR Z_angle
+0173: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR Z_angle_to 262.0
+0174: $1339 = car $1314 Z_angle
+0175: set_car 23@ Z_angle_to 315.0
+0176: 13@ = object 0@ Z_angle
+0177: set_object 28@ Z_angle_to 180.0
+0179: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR colliding_with_object 81@
+017B: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 22 ammo_to 10
+0180: set_on_mission_flag_to $ONMISSION // Note: your missions have to use the variable defined here
+0184: actor 43@ health >= 119
+0185: car 81@ health >= 700
+0186: $60 = create_marker_above_car $59
+0187: 47@ = create_marker_above_actor 75@
+0188: 133@(224@,5i) = create_marker_above_object 119@(224@,5i)
+018A: 1@ = create_checkpoint_at 14@ 15@ 16@
+018B: set_marker $3015 radar_mode 2
+018C: play_sound 1052 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
+018D: NOP 84@ 65535 2181.127 -2251.999 14.036
+018E: stop_sound 90@
+018F: car 252@ flipped_for_2_seconds
+0190: add_car 252@ to_flipped_check // 6 max
+01A6: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_cube_cornerA -777.827 510.0 1369.0 cornerB -797.0 494.0 1373.0 on_foot
+01A7: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_cube_cornerA -2042.943 167.5841 26.759 cornerB -2055.202 180.1328 32.3919 in_car
+01AB: car 44@ sphere 0 in_rectangle_cornerA 53@ 54@ cornerB 55@ 56@ stopped
+01AC: car 44@ sphere 1 in_cube_cornerA 288.0 54@ 16.0 cornerB 328.0 56@ 18.0 stopped
+01AD: car 109@ sphere 0 near_point 262@ 263@ radius 6.0 6.0
+01AE: car 69@ sphere 0 near_point 2195.84 -2251.522 radius 3.0 3.0 stopped
+01AF: car 82@ sphere 0 in_sphere 151@ 158@ 165@ radius 0.2 0.2 1.0
+01B0: car 79@ sphere 0 in_sphere 2644.462 -2017.282 12.5547 radius 4.0 4.0 4.0 stopped
+01B2: give_actor 2@ weapon 28 ammo 60 // Load the weapon model before using this
+01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR can_move 1
+01B5: force_weather 1
+01B6: set_weather 1
+01B7: release_weather
+01B9: set_actor 2@ armed_weapon_to 0
+01BB: store_object 0@ position_to $72 $73 $74
+01BC: put_object 0@ at $72 $73 $74
+01BD: $6668 = current_time_in_ms
+01C0: $1283 = player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level
+01C1: car $47 stopped
+01C2: remove_references_to_actor 2@ // Like turning an actor into a random pedestrian
+01C3: remove_references_to_car $1144
+01C4: remove_references_to_object 91@(48@,16i) // This object will now disappear when the player looks away
+01C5: remove_actor_from_mission_cleanup_list 1@
+01C7: remove_object_from_mission_cleanup_list 28@
+01C8: 48@ = create_actor_pedtype 23 model #SPECIAL01 in_car 43@ passenger_seat 0
01E3: show_text_1number_styled GXT 'BB_15' number $3309 time 5000 style 1 // NEW HIGH SCORE!!~n~~w~~1~
01E4: show_text_1number_lowpriority GXT 'HJ_IS' number $1326 time 2000 flag 1 // INSANE STUNT BONUS: $~1~
01E5: show_text_1number_highpriority GXT 'LOW_38' number 279@ time 5000 flag 1 // ~s~You need $~1~ to compete.
-01E7: remove_forbidden_for_cars_cube_cornerA 2272.922 -1649.556 14.3311 cornerB 2266.101 -1633.219 14.3505
-01E8: create_forbidden_for_cars_cube_cornerA 2500.0 -1677.0 20.0 cornerB 2430.0 -1653.0 0.0
-01E9: 51@ = car 79@ num_passengers
-01EA: 68@ = car 67@ max_passengers
-01EB: set_traffic_density_multiplier_to 0.0
-01EC: make_car 42@ very_heavy 1
-01F0: set_max_wanted_level_to 6
-01F3: car $1314 in_air
-01F4: car 116@ flipped
-01F5: $PLAYER_ACTOR = get_player_actor $PLAYER_CHAR
-01F6: cancel_override_restart
-01F7: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR ignored_by_cops 1
-01F9: init_rampage_gxt 'DUMMY' weapon 29 time_limit 274@ targets 275@ target_models -1 -1 -1 -1 completed_text 0
-01FA: 291@ = rampage_status
-01FB: 28@ = square_root 18@
-0202: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car 48@ radius 45.0 45.0 sphere 0
-0203: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car 1@ radius 12.0 12.0 flag 0 on_foot
-0204: actor 74@ near_car 42@ radius 15.0 15.0 sphere 0 in_car
-0205: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car 81@ radius 25.0 25.0 25.0 flag 0
-0206: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car 103@ radius 5.0 5.0 3.0 flag 0 on_foot
-0207: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car 70@ radius 20.0 20.0 10.0 flag 0 in_car
-0208: 17@ = random_float_in_ranges -0.2 0.2
-0209: 17@ = random_int_in_ranges 0 10
-020A: set_car 0@ door_status_to 4
-020B: explode_car 65@
-020C: create_explosion_with_radius 0 at 80@ 81@ 82@
-020D: car $1314 flipped
-0213: $668 = create_pickup #INFO type 3 at 2027.77 -1420.52 16.49
-0214: pickup $3071[0] picked_up
-0215: destroy_pickup $3071[0]
-0216: enable_taxi 95@ light 0
-021B: set_garage 'HBGDSFS' to_accept_only_car $3254
-0221: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR apply_brakes_to_car 1
-0223: set_actor 2@ health_to 500
-0224: set_car $2868 health_to 1000
-0226: $7826 = actor 173@ health
-0227: 5@ = car 23@ health
-0229: set_car $1144 primary_color_to 11 secondary_color_to 0
-022A: remove_forbidden_for_peds_cube_cornerA 1782.802 -1203.497 0.0 cornerB 1788.273 -1236.15 20.0
-022B: create_forbidden_for_peds_cube_cornerA 2380.682 -1274.528 22.0 cornerB 2375.945 -1239.356 26.0
-0237: set_gang 1 weapons_to 24 29 4
-023B: actor 78@(51@,6i) colliding_with_object 113@
-023C: load_special_actor 'TENPEN' as 1 // models 290-299
-023D: special_actor 1 loaded
-0241: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_remote_mode
-0242: arm_car_with_bomb 46@ 1
-0244: set_cutscene_pos 370.0 -125.0 1001.52
-0245: set_actor $129 walk_style_to "FATMAN"
-0247: load_model $1096($1175,6i)
-0248: model 15@ available
-0249: release_model $1096($1175,6i)
-024F: create_corona_with_radius 0.2 type 2 lensflares 0 with_color 255 0 0 at $72 $73 $74
-0253: save_current_time
-0254: restore_current_time
-0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
-0294: set_car 45@ sprayable 0
-0296: unload_special_actor 1
-0297: reset_player $PLAYER_CHAR destroyed_model_counters
-0298: get_player $PLAYER_CHAR destroyed_model #TOPFUN quantity_to $7841
-0299: activate_garage 'DHANGAR'
-029B: 28@ = init_object #NF_BLACKBOARD at 0.0 0.0 0.0
-02A0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped
-02A3: enable_widescreen 1
-02A7: $438 = create_icon_marker_and_sphere $440 at $458 $459 $460
-02A8: $438 = create_marker $440 at $458 $459 $460
-02A9: set_actor 1@ immune_to_nonplayer 1
-02AA: set_car 77@ immune_to_nonplayer 1
-02AB: set_actor 2@ immunities BP 0 FP 0 EP 1 CP 1 MP 0
-02AC: set_car 0@ immunities BP 1 FP 1 EP 1 CP 1 MP 1
-02B9: deactivate_garage 'BODLAWN'
-02BF: car 59@ sunk
-02C0: store_to 145@ 146@ 147@ ped_path_coords_closest_to 149@ 150@ 151@
-02C1: store_to 127@ 128@ 129@ car_path_coords_closest_to 124@ 125@ 126@
-02C2: car 79@ drive_to 2644.462 -2016.282 12.5547
-02CA: car 69@ bounding_sphere_visible
-02CB: actor $129 bounding_sphere_visible
-02CC: object 0@ bounding_sphere_visible
-02CE: 16@ = ground_z_at 2@ 3@ 4@
-02CF: 152@(223@,21i) = create_fire_at 0.0 0.0 0.0 propagation 0 size 1
-02D0: fire 173@ extinguished
-02D1: remove_fire 148@
-02D3: boat 314@($8624,2i) sail_to 367@(390@,6f) 373@(391@,4f) 0.0
-02D4: car 314@($8624,2i) turn_off_engine
-02D6: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR fires_weapon 0 in_rectangle_cornerA -2774.03 -1572.78 cornerB -2837.13 -1468.24
-02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 28
-02DB: set_boat 391@(265@,16i) speed_to 42.0
-02DD: 96@ = get_random_ped_in_zone 'SAN_AND' with_pedtype_civilian 1 gang 0 criminal/prostitute 1
-02E0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR firing_weapon
-02E1: 146@(222@,2i) = create_cash_pickup 500 at 2338.551 -1186.939 1027.977 permanence_flag 1
-02E2: set_actor 2@ weapon_accuracy_to 75
-02E3: 196@ = car 67@ speed
-02E4: load_cutscene_data s$1620
-02E7: start_cutscene
-02E8: $128 = cutscenetime
-02E9: cutscene_reached_end
-02EA: end_cutscene
-02EB: restore_camera_with_jumpcut
-02EE: projectile_in_cube_cornerA 299@ 301@ 303@ cornerB 300@ 302@ 304@
-02F2: actor 173@ model == #BMYPOL1
-02F6: 15@ = sine 45.0 // (float)
-02F7: 14@ = cosine 45.0 // (float)
-02F8: get_car 103@ Z_angle_sine_to 302@
-02F9: get_car 103@ Z_angle_cosine_to 303@
-02FA: set_garage 'MICHDR' type 5
+01E7: remove_forbidden_for_cars_cube_cornerA 2272.922 -1649.556 14.3311 cornerB 2266.101 -1633.219 14.3505
+01E8: create_forbidden_for_cars_cube_cornerA 2500.0 -1677.0 20.0 cornerB 2430.0 -1653.0 0.0
+01E9: 51@ = car 79@ num_passengers
+01EA: 68@ = car 67@ max_passengers
+01EB: set_traffic_density_multiplier_to 0.0
+01EC: make_car 42@ very_heavy 1
+01F0: set_max_wanted_level_to 6
+01F3: car $1314 in_air
+01F4: car 116@ flipped
+01F5: $PLAYER_ACTOR = get_player_actor $PLAYER_CHAR
+01F6: cancel_override_restart
+01F7: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR ignored_by_cops 1
+01F9: init_rampage_gxt 'DUMMY' weapon 29 time_limit 274@ targets 275@ target_models -1 -1 -1 -1 completed_text 0
+01FA: 291@ = rampage_status
+01FB: 28@ = square_root 18@
+0202: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car 48@ radius 45.0 45.0 sphere 0
+0203: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car 1@ radius 12.0 12.0 flag 0 on_foot
+0204: actor 74@ near_car 42@ radius 15.0 15.0 sphere 0 in_car
+0205: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car 81@ radius 25.0 25.0 25.0 flag 0
+0206: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car 103@ radius 5.0 5.0 3.0 flag 0 on_foot
+0207: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car 70@ radius 20.0 20.0 10.0 flag 0 in_car
+0208: 17@ = random_float_in_ranges -0.2 0.2
+0209: 17@ = random_int_in_ranges 0 10
+020A: set_car 0@ door_status_to 4
+020B: explode_car 65@
+020C: create_explosion_with_radius 0 at 80@ 81@ 82@
+020D: car $1314 flipped
+0213: $668 = create_pickup #INFO type 3 at 2027.77 -1420.52 16.49
+0214: pickup $3071[0] picked_up
+0215: destroy_pickup $3071[0]
+0216: enable_taxi 95@ light 0
+021B: set_garage 'HBGDSFS' to_accept_only_car $3254
+0221: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR apply_brakes_to_car 1
+0223: set_actor 2@ health_to 500
+0224: set_car $2868 health_to 1000
+0226: $7826 = actor 173@ health
+0227: 5@ = car 23@ health
+0229: set_car $1144 primary_color_to 11 secondary_color_to 0
+022A: remove_forbidden_for_peds_cube_cornerA 1782.802 -1203.497 0.0 cornerB 1788.273 -1236.15 20.0
+022B: create_forbidden_for_peds_cube_cornerA 2380.682 -1274.528 22.0 cornerB 2375.945 -1239.356 26.0
+0237: set_gang 1 weapons_to 24 29 4
+023B: actor 78@(51@,6i) colliding_with_object 113@
+023C: load_special_actor 'TENPEN' as 1 // models 290-299
+023D: special_actor 1 loaded
+0241: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_remote_mode
+0242: arm_car_with_bomb 46@ 1
+0244: set_cutscene_pos 370.0 -125.0 1001.52
+0245: set_actor $129 walk_style_to "FATMAN"
+0247: load_model $1096($1175,6i)
+0248: model 15@ available
+0249: release_model $1096($1175,6i)
+024F: create_corona_with_radius 0.2 type 2 lensflares 0 with_color 255 0 0 at $72 $73 $74
+0253: save_current_time
+0254: restore_current_time
+0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
+0294: set_car 45@ sprayable 0
+0296: unload_special_actor 1
+0297: reset_player $PLAYER_CHAR destroyed_model_counters
+0298: get_player $PLAYER_CHAR destroyed_model #TOPFUN quantity_to $7841
+0299: activate_garage 'DHANGAR'
+029B: 28@ = init_object #NF_BLACKBOARD at 0.0 0.0 0.0
+02A0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stopped
+02A3: enable_widescreen 1
+02A7: $438 = create_icon_marker_and_sphere $440 at $458 $459 $460
+02A8: $438 = create_marker $440 at $458 $459 $460
+02A9: set_actor 1@ immune_to_nonplayer 1
+02AA: set_car 77@ immune_to_nonplayer 1
+02AB: set_actor 2@ immunities BP 0 FP 0 EP 1 CP 1 MP 0
+02AC: set_car 0@ immunities BP 1 FP 1 EP 1 CP 1 MP 1
+02B9: deactivate_garage 'BODLAWN'
+02BF: car 59@ sunk
+02C0: store_to 145@ 146@ 147@ ped_path_coords_closest_to 149@ 150@ 151@
+02C1: store_to 127@ 128@ 129@ car_path_coords_closest_to 124@ 125@ 126@
+02C2: car 79@ drive_to 2644.462 -2016.282 12.5547
+02CA: car 69@ bounding_sphere_visible
+02CB: actor $129 bounding_sphere_visible
+02CC: object 0@ bounding_sphere_visible
+02CE: 16@ = ground_z_at 2@ 3@ 4@
+02CF: 152@(223@,21i) = create_fire_at 0.0 0.0 0.0 propagation 0 size 1
+02D0: fire 173@ extinguished
+02D1: remove_fire 148@
+02D3: boat 314@($8624,2i) sail_to 367@(390@,6f) 373@(391@,4f) 0.0
+02D4: car 314@($8624,2i) turn_off_engine
+02D6: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR fires_weapon 0 in_rectangle_cornerA -2774.03 -1572.78 cornerB -2837.13 -1468.24
+02D8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 28
+02DB: set_boat 391@(265@,16i) speed_to 42.0
+02DD: 96@ = get_random_ped_in_zone 'SAN_AND' with_pedtype_civilian 1 gang 0 criminal/prostitute 1
+02E0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR firing_weapon
+02E1: 146@(222@,2i) = create_cash_pickup 500 at 2338.551 -1186.939 1027.977 permanence_flag 1
+02E2: set_actor 2@ weapon_accuracy_to 75
+02E3: 196@ = car 67@ speed
+02E4: load_cutscene_data s$1620
+02E7: start_cutscene
+02E8: $128 = cutscenetime
+02E9: cutscene_reached_end
+02EA: end_cutscene
+02EB: restore_camera_with_jumpcut
+02EE: projectile_in_cube_cornerA 299@ 301@ 303@ cornerB 300@ 302@ 304@
+02F2: actor 173@ model == #BMYPOL1
+02F6: 15@ = sine 45.0 // (float)
+02F7: 14@ = cosine 45.0 // (float)
+02F8: get_car 103@ Z_angle_sine_to 302@
+02F9: get_car 103@ Z_angle_cosine_to 303@
+02FA: set_garage 'MICHDR' type 5
02FD: show_text_2numbers_lowpriority GXT 'BB_05' numbers $3313 $3314 time 5000 flag 1 // ~b~1 Pointer!~s~ Distance ~1~.~1~m
02FF: show_text_3numbers GXT 'WHEEL02' numbers $1313 $1346 $1343 time 3000 flag 1 // TWO WHEELS DOUBLE BONUS: $ ~1~ Distance: ~1~ feet Time: ~1~ seconds
0302: show_text_4numbers GXT 'WHEEL01' numbers $1313 $1344 $1345 $1343 time 3000 flag 1 // TWO WHEELS DOUBLE BONUS: $ ~1~ Distance: ~1~.~1~m Time: ~1~ seconds
0303: show_text_4numbers_highpriority GXT 'QUAR_P6' numbers 216@ 217@ 218@ 219@ time 10000 flag 1 // ~s~You set a new best time - ~1~m ~1~s. The quarry missions have now been completed in ~1~m ~1~s.
0308: show_text_6numbers GXT 'HJSTAT' numbers $1323 $1322 $1316 $1321 $1320 $1324 time 5000 flag 5 // Distance: ~1~.~1~m Height: ~1~.~1~m Flips: ~1~ Rotation: ~1~|
-030C: progress_made = 1
-030D: set_max_progress 187
-0317: increment_mission_attempts
+030C: progress_made = 1
+030D: set_max_progress 187
+0317: increment_mission_attempts
0318: set_latest_mission_passed 'INTRO_1' // Big Smoke
-031A: remove_all_fires
-031D: actor $131 hit_by_weapon 51
-031E: car 43@(336@,10i) hit_by_weapon 38
-0321: AS_actor $129 die_headshotted
-0323: enable_boat 314@ anchor 1
-0325: 57@ = create_car 43@ fire
-0326: 148@ = create_actor 104@ fire
-0327: $47 = get_random_car_with_model -1 in_rectangle_cornerA $110 $111 cornerB $113 $114
-032A: set_behind_camera_mode_to 1
-032B: $810 = create_weapon_pickup #M4 type 15 ammo 60 at 2021.879 1001.467 10.3203
-0330: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR infinite_run 0
-0332: set_actor 74@ bleeding 1
-0335: enable_free_respray 1
-0337: set_actor 19@ visibility 0
-0338: set_car 67@ visibility 0
-0339: anything_in_cube_cornerA 235@ 236@ 237@ cornerB 238@ 239@ 240@ solid 0 car 0 actor 1 object 0 particle 0
+031A: remove_all_fires
+031D: actor $131 hit_by_weapon 51
+031E: car 43@(336@,10i) hit_by_weapon 38
+0321: AS_actor $129 die_headshotted
+0323: enable_boat 314@ anchor 1
+0325: 57@ = create_car 43@ fire
+0326: 148@ = create_actor 104@ fire
+0327: $47 = get_random_car_with_model -1 in_rectangle_cornerA $110 $111 cornerB $113 $114
+032A: set_behind_camera_mode_to 1
+032B: $810 = create_weapon_pickup #M4 type 15 ammo 60 at 2021.879 1001.467 10.3203
+0330: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR infinite_run 0
+0332: set_actor 74@ bleeding 1
+0335: enable_free_respray 1
+0337: set_actor 19@ visibility 0
+0338: set_car 67@ visibility 0
+0339: anything_in_cube_cornerA 235@ 236@ 237@ cornerB 238@ 239@ 240@ solid 0 car 0 actor 1 object 0 particle 0
033E: set_draw_text_position 320.0 180.333 GXT 'BJ_PUSH' // Push
-033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 1.3 3.36
-0340: set_text_draw_RGBA 180 180 180 255
-0341: set_text_draw_align_justify 0
-0342: set_text_draw_centered 1
-0343: set_text_draw_linewidth 640.0
-0345: enable_text_draw_background 0
-0348: enable_text_draw_proportional 1
-0349: set_text_draw_font 3
-034D: rotate_object $4096 from_angle 0.0 to_angle 360.0 flag 0
-034E: move_object 0@ to 1@ 2@ 3@ speed 13@ 16@ 19@ collision_check 1
-034F: destroy_actor_with_fade 2@
-0350: set_actor 2@ maintain_position_when_attacked 1
-0356: explosion_type -1 in_cube_cornerA 115@ 116@ 117@ cornerB 118@ 119@ 120@
-035C: place_object $200[7] relative_to_car $197 with_offset -7.0 74.0 -0.5
-035D: set_object $3140[0] targetable 1
-035F: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armour += 100
-0360: open_garage 'BURG_LK'
-0361: close_garage 'MICHDR'
-0362: remove_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR from_car_and_place_at $1589 $1590 $1591
-0363: create_static_object_at -2166.86 -236.5 40.86 radius 40.0 model #CRACKFACT_SFS visibility 1
-0364: actor 110@(50@,9i) spotted_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
-0366: object $3140[0] damaged
-036A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car $2867
+033F: set_text_draw_letter_size 1.3 3.36
+0340: set_text_draw_RGBA 180 180 180 255
+0341: set_text_draw_align_justify 0
+0342: set_text_draw_centered 1
+0343: set_text_draw_linewidth 640.0
+0345: enable_text_draw_background 0
+0348: enable_text_draw_proportional 1
+0349: set_text_draw_font 3
+034D: rotate_object $4096 from_angle 0.0 to_angle 360.0 flag 0
+034E: move_object 0@ to 1@ 2@ 3@ speed 13@ 16@ 19@ collision_check 1
+034F: destroy_actor_with_fade 2@
+0350: set_actor 2@ maintain_position_when_attacked 1
+0356: explosion_type -1 in_cube_cornerA 115@ 116@ 117@ cornerB 118@ 119@ 120@
+035C: place_object $200[7] relative_to_car $197 with_offset -7.0 74.0 -0.5
+035D: set_object $3140[0] targetable 1
+035F: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armour += 100
+0360: open_garage 'BURG_LK'
+0361: close_garage 'MICHDR'
+0362: remove_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR from_car_and_place_at $1589 $1590 $1591
+0363: create_static_object_at -2166.86 -236.5 40.86 radius 40.0 model #CRACKFACT_SFS visibility 1
+0364: actor 110@(50@,9i) spotted_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+0366: object $3140[0] damaged
+036A: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car $2867
036D: show_text_2numbers_styled GXT 'TX_SEQ' numbers $9565 123@ time 5000 style 5 // ~1~ IN A ROW bonus! $~1~
-0373: set_camera_directly_behind_player
-0376: 19@ = create_random_actor_at -1576.88 55.26 8.57
-0381: throw_object 0@ velocity_in_direction 23@ 24@ 25@
-0382: set_object 0@ collision_detection 1
-0384: show_text_1string GXT 106@s string 108@s time 15000 1
-038A: any_car_in_cube_cornerA 184@ 185@ 185@ cornerB 25.0 25.0 10.0
-038B: load_requested_models
-038C: object 110@ scatter 0.0 0.0 -2.0
-038D: draw_texture 42 position $72 $1050 size 444.0 31@ RGBA 255 255 255 255
-038E: draw_box_position -320.0 224.0 size 642.0 448.0 RGBA 0 0 0 255
-038F: load_texture "UP" as 13 // Load dictionary with 0390 first
-0390: load_txd_dictionary 'LD_BEAT'
-0391: release_textures
-0392: make_object 0@ moveable 1
-0393: actor 223@ perform_animation "POOL_SHORT_SHOT" at 256@ times_normal_rate
-0394: play_music 2
-0395: clear_area 1 at 681.8004 -474.1063 15.5363 radius 3.0
-0396: pause_timer 0
-0397: enable_car 111@ siren 1
-039C: set_car 391@(265@,16i) watertight 1
-039E: set_actor 73@ locked 1 while_in_car
-039F: set_car 59@ race_to 124@ 125@
-03A1: show_sphere_at 2468.8 -1278.2 29.1 radius 1.2
-03A2: set_car 77@ action 3
-03A3: actor 0@ male
-03A4: script_name 'MAIN'
-03A7: save_int_to_debug_file $1075
-03A8: save_float_to_debug_file $1568
-03A9: save_newline_to_debug_file
-03AA: NOP 124@ 125@ $74 // play_suspect_last_seen_at
-03AB: set_car 103@ strong 1
-03AD: NOP 0 // set_rubbish
-03AF: enable_streaming 0
-03B0: garage 'BODLAWN' door_open
-03B1: garage 'HBGDSFS' door_closed
-03B6: replace_model_at -2049.171 250.3193 34.477 radius 20.0 from #HUBHOLE1_SFSE to #HUBHOLE2_SFSE
-03B7: process_cutscene_only 0
-03BA: clear_cars_from_cube_cornerA 2288.28 -1648.13 14.0 cornerB 2274.92 -1641.33 14.31
-03BC: 157@ = create_sphere_at 2596.589 2758.158 22.862 radius 1.0
-03BD: destroy_sphere 157@
-03BF: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR ignored_by_everyone 1
-03C0: $3584 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
+0373: set_camera_directly_behind_player
+0376: 19@ = create_random_actor_at -1576.88 55.26 8.57
+0381: throw_object 0@ velocity_in_direction 23@ 24@ 25@
+0382: set_object 0@ collision_detection 1
+0384: show_text_1string GXT 106@s string 108@s time 15000 1
+038A: any_car_in_cube_cornerA 184@ 185@ 185@ cornerB 25.0 25.0 10.0
+038B: load_requested_models
+038C: object 110@ scatter 0.0 0.0 -2.0
+038D: draw_texture 42 position $72 $1050 size 444.0 31@ RGBA 255 255 255 255
+038E: draw_box_position -320.0 224.0 size 642.0 448.0 RGBA 0 0 0 255
+038F: load_texture "UP" as 13 // Load dictionary with 0390 first
+0390: load_txd_dictionary 'LD_BEAT'
+0391: release_textures
+0392: make_object 0@ moveable 1
+0393: actor 223@ perform_animation "POOL_SHORT_SHOT" at 256@ times_normal_rate
+0394: play_music 2
+0395: clear_area 1 at 681.8004 -474.1063 15.5363 radius 3.0
+0396: pause_timer 0
+0397: enable_car 111@ siren 1
+039C: set_car 391@(265@,16i) watertight 1
+039E: set_actor 73@ locked 1 while_in_car
+039F: set_car 59@ race_to 124@ 125@
+03A1: show_sphere_at 2468.8 -1278.2 29.1 radius 1.2
+03A2: set_car 77@ action 3
+03A3: actor 0@ male
+03A4: script_name 'MAIN'
+03A7: save_int_to_debug_file $1075
+03A8: save_float_to_debug_file $1568
+03A9: save_newline_to_debug_file
+03AA: NOP 124@ 125@ $74 // play_suspect_last_seen_at
+03AB: set_car 103@ strong 1
+03AD: NOP 0 // set_rubbish
+03AF: enable_streaming 0
+03B0: garage 'BODLAWN' door_open
+03B1: garage 'HBGDSFS' door_closed
+03B6: replace_model_at -2049.171 250.3193 34.477 radius 20.0 from #HUBHOLE1_SFSE to #HUBHOLE2_SFSE
+03B7: process_cutscene_only 0
+03BA: clear_cars_from_cube_cornerA 2288.28 -1648.13 14.0 cornerB 2274.92 -1641.33 14.31
+03BC: 157@ = create_sphere_at 2596.589 2758.158 22.862 radius 1.0
+03BD: destroy_sphere 157@
+03BF: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR ignored_by_everyone 1
+03C0: $3584 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car
03C3: set_timer_to $3310 type 1 GXT 'BB_19' // global_variable // Time
03C4: set_status_text $7841 type 0 GXT 'ZER2_43' // global_variable // Score ~1~
-03C5: create_random_car_for_carpark 2077.872 2398.657 9.8203 z_angle 89.6383
-03C7: set_sensitivity_to_crime 0.7
-03C8: set_camera_directly_before_player
-03C9: car 81@ damaged
-03CA: object $4114 exists
-03CB: set_rendering_origin_at 2488.562 -1666.865 13.3757
-03CC: enable_car 87@ stuck_check_distance_to 2.0 time_to 2000
-03CD: disable_car 81@ stuck_check
-03CE: car 87@(171@,4i) stuck
-03CF: load_wav 43205 as 1
-03D0: wav 3@ loaded
-03D1: play_wav 1
-03D2: wav 3@ ended
-03D3: get_route_nearest_for $72 $73 $74 store_to $72 $73 $74 Z_angle_to $71
+03C5: create_random_car_for_carpark 2077.872 2398.657 9.8203 z_angle 89.6383
+03C7: set_sensitivity_to_crime 0.7
+03C8: set_camera_directly_before_player
+03C9: car 81@ damaged
+03CA: object $4114 exists
+03CB: set_rendering_origin_at 2488.562 -1666.865 13.3757
+03CC: enable_car 87@ stuck_check_distance_to 2.0 time_to 2000
+03CD: disable_car 81@ stuck_check
+03CE: car 87@(171@,4i) stuck
+03CF: load_wav 43205 as 1
+03D0: wav 3@ loaded
+03D1: play_wav 1
+03D2: wav 3@ ended
+03D3: get_route_nearest_for $72 $73 $74 store_to $72 $73 $74 Z_angle_to $71
03D5: remove_text 'TTUTOR' // Tap ~m~~widget_mission_start_vigilante~ to toggle taxi missions on.
03D6: remove_styled_text 'NUMBER' // ~1~
-03D7: set_wav 3 location 884.9761 -1079.983 23.3133
-03D8: show_save_screen
-03DC: 175@ = create_marker_above_pickup 58@
-03DE: set_pedestrians_density_multiplier_to 0.0
-03E0: draw_text_behind_textures 0
-03E3: set_texture_to_be_drawn_antialiased 1
-03E4: set_text_draw_align_right 0
+03D7: set_wav 3 location 884.9761 -1079.983 23.3133
+03D8: show_save_screen
+03DC: 175@ = create_marker_above_pickup 58@
+03DE: set_pedestrians_density_multiplier_to 0.0
+03E0: draw_text_behind_textures 0
+03E3: set_texture_to_be_drawn_antialiased 1
+03E4: set_text_draw_align_right 0
03E5: show_text_box 'HELP101' // Respect can be earned be passing certain missions, killing rival gangs members, gaining territory and tagging.
-03E6: remove_text_box
-03E7: flash_hud_component 10
-03EB: clear_small_messages_only
-03ED: set_car 391@(265@,16i) disable_flipped_explosion_when_empty 1
-03EE: player $PLAYER_CHAR controllable
-03EF: player $PLAYER_CHAR make_safe
-03F0: enable_text_draw 1
-03F3: get_car $3254 primary_color_to 99@ secondary_color_to 100@
-03F4: set_all_cars_apply_damage_rules 0
-03F5: set_car 49@ apply_damage_rules 1
-03FD: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR handling_responsiveness 153@
-03FE: set_actor 1@ money 0
-0400: store_coords_to 20@ 21@ 22@ from_object 9@ with_offset 17@ 18@ 19@
-0407: store_coords_to 128@ 138@ 148@ from_car 551@ with_offset -0.337 1.566 0.657
-040D: unload_wav 3@
-0414: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR free_treatment_once 1
+03E6: remove_text_box
+03E7: flash_hud_component 10
+03EB: clear_small_messages_only
+03ED: set_car 391@(265@,16i) disable_flipped_explosion_when_empty 1
+03EE: player $PLAYER_CHAR controllable
+03EF: player $PLAYER_CHAR make_safe
+03F0: enable_text_draw 1
+03F3: get_car $3254 primary_color_to 99@ secondary_color_to 100@
+03F4: set_all_cars_apply_damage_rules 0
+03F5: set_car 49@ apply_damage_rules 1
+03FD: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR handling_responsiveness 153@
+03FE: set_actor 1@ money 0
+0400: store_coords_to 20@ 21@ 22@ from_object 9@ with_offset 17@ 18@ 19@
+0407: store_coords_to 128@ 138@ 148@ from_car 551@ with_offset -0.337 1.566 0.657
+040D: unload_wav 3@
+0414: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR free_treatment_once 1
0417: start_mission 0 // Initial 1
-0418: set_object 246@ draw_last 1
-041A: 49@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 22 ammo
-041D: set_camera_near_clip 0.2
-041E: set_radio_station 3
-0423: set_car 104@ improved_handling_to 2.0 // (float)
-0424: is_system_metric
-0425: 17@ = meters 17@ to_feet
-0428: set_car 43@ avoid_level_transitions 1
-042B: clear_peds_from_cube_cornerA 1721.117 -1967.489 11.0 cornerB 1904.391 -1838.315 15.0
-042C: set_total_missions_to 147
-042D: $1323 = metric $1323 to_imperial
-042E: downdate_integer_stat 212 to 460@ // same as 0582
-0430: put_actor 19@ into_car $47 passenger_seat 0
-0431: car $47 passenger_seat_free 0
-0432: 19@ = get_actor_handle_from_car $47 passenger_seat 0
-0433: set_actor 58@ criminal_flag 1
-0434: show_credits
-0435: end_credits
-043C: disable_sounds_after_fadeout 0
-0441: 7@ = car $47 model
-0445: are_car_cheats_used
-0446: set_actor 2@ dismemberment_possible 0
-0448: actor $131 in_car $136
-0449: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_a_car
-044B: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_foot
-0453: set_object $4116 XYZ_rotation 15.0 0.0 $71
-0454: store_debug_camera_position_to $1513 $1514 $1515
-0457: player $PLAYER_CHAR aiming_at_actor 109@
-0458: player $PLAYER_CHAR aiming_at_object $3140[0]
-0459: terminate_all_scripts_with_this_name 'INT'
+0418: set_object 246@ draw_last 1
+041A: 49@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR weapon 22 ammo
+041D: set_camera_near_clip 0.2
+041E: set_radio_station 3
+0423: set_car 104@ improved_handling_to 2.0 // (float)
+0424: is_system_metric
+0425: 17@ = meters 17@ to_feet
+0428: set_car 43@ avoid_level_transitions 1
+042B: clear_peds_from_cube_cornerA 1721.117 -1967.489 11.0 cornerB 1904.391 -1838.315 15.0
+042C: set_total_missions_to 147
+042D: $1323 = metric $1323 to_imperial
+042E: downdate_integer_stat 212 to 460@ // same as 0582
+0430: put_actor 19@ into_car $47 passenger_seat 0
+0431: car $47 passenger_seat_free 0
+0432: 19@ = get_actor_handle_from_car $47 passenger_seat 0
+0433: set_actor 58@ criminal_flag 1
+0434: show_credits
+0435: end_credits
+043C: disable_sounds_after_fadeout 0
+0441: 7@ = car $47 model
+0445: are_car_cheats_used
+0446: set_actor 2@ dismemberment_possible 0
+0448: actor $131 in_car $136
+0449: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_a_car
+044B: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_foot
+0453: set_object $4116 XYZ_rotation 15.0 0.0 $71
+0454: store_debug_camera_position_to $1513 $1514 $1515
+0457: player $PLAYER_CHAR aiming_at_actor 109@
+0458: player $PLAYER_CHAR aiming_at_object $3140[0]
+0459: terminate_all_scripts_with_this_name 'INT'
045A: draw_text_1number 320.0 155.333 GXT 'ALLRACE' number 0@ // ALL RACES WON!~n~~w~$~1~
045B: draw_text_2numbers 320.0 40.0 GXT 'TIME' numbers $34 $7611 // ~1~:~1~
-045C: abort_mission
-0460: set_camera_transverse_delay 0.0 time 3000
-0463: store_debug_camera_target_point_to $1513 $1514 $1515
-0464: put_actor 107@ into_turret_on_car 76@ at_car_offset 274@ 275@ 276@ position 0 shooting_angle_limit 0.0 with_weapon 0
-0465: remove_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR from_turret_mode
-0466: unknown_car 47@ flag 1
-0467: clear_actor $131 last_weapon_damage
-0468: clear_car 76@ last_weapon_damage
-046C: 133@ = car 50@ driver
-046D: 63@ = actor 44@ members_in_group
-046E: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR in_RC_mode_at 48@ 49@ 50@ angle 40.09 RC_model #RCBARON
-0470: 84@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon
-0471: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_object_in_rectangle $4114 radius 50.0 50.0 sphere 0
-0472: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_object_in_rectangle 0@ radius 5.0 5.0 sphere 0 on_foot
-0474: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_object_in_cube 59@ radius 15.0 15.0 4.0 sphere 0
-0475: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_object_in_cube 125@(42@,7i) radius 1.5 1.5 1.5 sphere 0 on_foot
-0477: set_car 85@ action 3 time 6000
-047A: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_bike
-0480: actor 139@(60@,6i) looking_at_death_of_actor_pedtype 25
-0484: 42@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR RC_car
-0488: model 11@ exists // versionA
-0489: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR muted 1
-048A: set_RC_car_detonation 0 // or opcode 04D6
-048B: set_car 43@ route_seed $9591
-048C: pickup_at -2182.652 -247.3813 36.4 available_to_be_picked_up
-048F: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR remove_weapons
-0491: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR has_weapon 46
-0494: get_joystick 0 direction_offset_to $1015 $1016 $1017 $1018
-0495: car 86@ burning
-0496: tire 2 on_car 42@ deflated
-04A2: set_heli 391@(265@,16i) fly_to 343@(265@,16f) 359@(265@,16f) 375@(265@,16f) altitude_between 0.0 and 375@(265@,16f)
-04A3: $3253 == 1 // == constant
-04A4: 17@ == 3 // == constant
-04A5: get_dead_actor_pickup_coords 80@(51@,4i) store_to $72 $73 $74
-04A6: $709 = create_asset_money_pickup_at 2508.359 -1676.538 12.579 money 10000 $711
-04A7: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_boat
-04A9: actor 407@(265@,16i) driving_heli
-04AB: actor 407@(265@,16i) driving_plane
-04AD: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_water
-04AE: $440 = 15 // = constant
-04AF: 165@ = 43200 // = constant
-04B0: $1553 > 371 // $ > constant
-04B2: 321 > $1553 // constant > $
-04B5: 2@ >= 180 // @ >= constant
-04B8: get_weapon_data_from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR slot 2 weapon 404@ ammo 405@ model 405@
-04B9: unknown_get_at 161@ 162@ 153@ height 10.0 radius 500.0 store_to 161@ 162@ 163@ 165@ 166@ 167@ 168@
-04BA: set_car 42@ speed_to 0.0
-04BB: select_interior 0
-04BD: set_car 80@ is_part_of_convoy 1
-04C0: create_roadblock_in_area_cornerA 2336.63 -1548.68 23.99 cornerB 2347.01 -1548.37 23.68 type 1
-04C1: remove_references_to_roadblocks
-04C4: store_coords_to 4@ 5@ 6@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 1.0 2.0 0.0
-04C5: actor 292@ photographed
-04C8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_flying_vehicle
-04CE: $30 = create_icon_marker 18 at 2447.364 -1974.496 12.5469
-04D0: force_heli 66@ looking_angle_to 270.0
-04D2: set_plane 391@(265@,16i) fly_autopilot_around_point 343@(265@,16f) 359@(265@,16f) 375@(265@,16f) altitude_between 0.0 and 375@(265@,16f)
-04D3: get_nearest_car_path_coords_from $68 $69 $70 type 2 store_to 96@ 97@ 98@
-04D5: create_corona_at $72 $73 $74 radius 118@ type 2 flare 2 RGB 0 255 0
-04D6: enable_RC_car_detonation 0
-04D7: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR locked 1
-04D8: set_actor 407@(265@,16i) drowns_in_water 0
-04D9: object 0@ set_scripted_collision_check 1
-04DA: has_object 118@(184@,10i) collided
-04DB: exit_RC_mode // on foot version
-04DD: $10952 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armour
-04DF: set_heli 79@ lean_and_thrust_limiter 0
-04E0: car 84@ abandon_path_radius 30
-04E1: open_and_freeze_car_trunk 532@
-04E3: unknown_set_player $PLAYER_CHAR flag 7 time 360000
-04E4: refresh_game_renderer_at 2488.562 -1666.865
-04E5: object 46@(127@,4i) near_point 98@ 99@ radius 20.0 7.0 sphere 0
-04E6: object 0@ near_point 1@ 2@ 3@ radius 0.1 0.1 0.1 flag 0
-04E7: object 125@(42@,7i) in_water
-04EA: object 70@(50@,25i) in_cube_cornerA 2774.308 -2405.28 12.6803 cornerB 2801.607 -2430.073 15.3896 flag 0
-04EB: AS_actor 73@ crouch 1
-04ED: load_animation "LOWRIDER"
-04EE: animation "GANGS" loaded
-04EF: release_animation "LOWRIDER"
-04F0: is_actor_waiting_for_world_collision $PLAYER_ACTOR
-04F1: is_car_waiting_for_world_collision $136
-04F4: put_actor 45@ into_turret_on_object 60@ offset_from_object_origin 2.85 -0.7 5.9 orientation 0 both_side_angle_limit 360.0 lock_weapon 0
+045C: abort_mission
+0460: set_camera_transverse_delay 0.0 time 3000
+0463: store_debug_camera_target_point_to $1513 $1514 $1515
+0464: put_actor 107@ into_turret_on_car 76@ at_car_offset 274@ 275@ 276@ position 0 shooting_angle_limit 0.0 with_weapon 0
+0465: remove_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR from_turret_mode
+0466: unknown_car 47@ flag 1
+0467: clear_actor $131 last_weapon_damage
+0468: clear_car 76@ last_weapon_damage
+046C: 133@ = car 50@ driver
+046D: 63@ = actor 44@ members_in_group
+046E: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR in_RC_mode_at 48@ 49@ 50@ angle 40.09 RC_model #RCBARON
+0470: 84@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon
+0471: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_object_in_rectangle $4114 radius 50.0 50.0 sphere 0
+0472: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_object_in_rectangle 0@ radius 5.0 5.0 sphere 0 on_foot
+0474: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_object_in_cube 59@ radius 15.0 15.0 4.0 sphere 0
+0475: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_object_in_cube 125@(42@,7i) radius 1.5 1.5 1.5 sphere 0 on_foot
+0477: set_car 85@ action 3 time 6000
+047A: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_bike
+0480: actor 139@(60@,6i) looking_at_death_of_actor_pedtype 25
+0484: 42@ = player $PLAYER_CHAR RC_car
+0488: model 11@ exists // versionA
+0489: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR muted 1
+048A: set_RC_car_detonation 0 // or opcode 04D6
+048B: set_car 43@ route_seed $9591
+048C: pickup_at -2182.652 -247.3813 36.4 available_to_be_picked_up
+048F: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR remove_weapons
+0491: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR has_weapon 46
+0494: get_joystick 0 direction_offset_to $1015 $1016 $1017 $1018
+0495: car 86@ burning
+0496: tire 2 on_car 42@ deflated
+04A2: set_heli 391@(265@,16i) fly_to 343@(265@,16f) 359@(265@,16f) 375@(265@,16f) altitude_between 0.0 and 375@(265@,16f)
+04A3: $3253 == 1 // == constant
+04A4: 17@ == 3 // == constant
+04A5: get_dead_actor_pickup_coords 80@(51@,4i) store_to $72 $73 $74
+04A6: $709 = create_asset_money_pickup_at 2508.359 -1676.538 12.579 money 10000 $711
+04A7: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_boat
+04A9: actor 407@(265@,16i) driving_heli
+04AB: actor 407@(265@,16i) driving_plane
+04AD: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_water
+04AE: $440 = 15 // = constant
+04AF: 165@ = 43200 // = constant
+04B0: $1553 > 371 // $ > constant
+04B2: 321 > $1553 // constant > $
+04B5: 2@ >= 180 // @ >= constant
+04B8: get_weapon_data_from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR slot 2 weapon 404@ ammo 405@ model 405@
+04B9: unknown_get_at 161@ 162@ 153@ height 10.0 radius 500.0 store_to 161@ 162@ 163@ 165@ 166@ 167@ 168@
+04BA: set_car 42@ speed_to 0.0
+04BB: select_interior 0
+04BD: set_car 80@ is_part_of_convoy 1
+04C0: create_roadblock_in_area_cornerA 2336.63 -1548.68 23.99 cornerB 2347.01 -1548.37 23.68 type 1
+04C1: remove_references_to_roadblocks
+04C4: store_coords_to 4@ 5@ 6@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 1.0 2.0 0.0
+04C5: actor 292@ photographed
+04C8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_flying_vehicle
+04CE: $30 = create_icon_marker 18 at 2447.364 -1974.496 12.5469
+04D0: force_heli 66@ looking_angle_to 270.0
+04D2: set_plane 391@(265@,16i) fly_autopilot_around_point 343@(265@,16f) 359@(265@,16f) 375@(265@,16f) altitude_between 0.0 and 375@(265@,16f)
+04D3: get_nearest_car_path_coords_from $68 $69 $70 type 2 store_to 96@ 97@ 98@
+04D5: create_corona_at $72 $73 $74 radius 118@ type 2 flare 2 RGB 0 255 0
+04D6: enable_RC_car_detonation 0
+04D7: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR locked 1
+04D8: set_actor 407@(265@,16i) drowns_in_water 0
+04D9: object 0@ set_scripted_collision_check 1
+04DA: has_object 118@(184@,10i) collided
+04DB: exit_RC_mode // on foot version
+04DD: $10952 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armour
+04DF: set_heli 79@ lean_and_thrust_limiter 0
+04E0: car 84@ abandon_path_radius 30
+04E1: open_and_freeze_car_trunk 532@
+04E3: unknown_set_player $PLAYER_CHAR flag 7 time 360000
+04E4: refresh_game_renderer_at 2488.562 -1666.865
+04E5: object 46@(127@,4i) near_point 98@ 99@ radius 20.0 7.0 sphere 0
+04E6: object 0@ near_point 1@ 2@ 3@ radius 0.1 0.1 0.1 flag 0
+04E7: object 125@(42@,7i) in_water
+04EA: object 70@(50@,25i) in_cube_cornerA 2774.308 -2405.28 12.6803 cornerB 2801.607 -2430.073 15.3896 flag 0
+04EB: AS_actor 73@ crouch 1
+04ED: load_animation "LOWRIDER"
+04EE: animation "GANGS" loaded
+04EF: release_animation "LOWRIDER"
+04F0: is_actor_waiting_for_world_collision $PLAYER_ACTOR
+04F1: is_car_waiting_for_world_collision $136
+04F4: put_actor 45@ into_turret_on_object 60@ offset_from_object_origin 2.85 -0.7 5.9 orientation 0 both_side_angle_limit 360.0 lock_weapon 0
04F7: status_text $3311 type 0 line 1 GXT 'BB_18' // global_variable // Score
-04F8: define_police_trigger_type 3 if_player_with_wanted_level_in_rectangle 2435.2 -1741.0 2454.9 -1723.4 spawn_policeA_at 2481.0 -1707.0 headed_towards 2480.0 -1732.0 2481.0 -1707.0 headed_towards 2480.0 -1732.0
-04F9: set_sky_color 1 fade 0
-04FA: reset_sky_colors_with_fade 0
-04FC: store_player_stunt_data $PLAYER_CHAR two_wheels: $1343 $1347 wheelie: $1350 $1354 stoppie: $1357 $1361
-04FE: deflate_tire 2 on_car 288@
-0500: player $PLAYER_CHAR skin == "GIMPLEG" on_bodypart 17
-0501: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR driveby_mode 0
-0503: create_actor_on_rope_with_pedtype 27 model #SWAT at 2223.56 -1168.05 32.28 handle_as 55@
-0506: set_car_model #PICADOR next_variation 4 4 // first param is useless
-0508: car 43@ close_all_doors
-0509: 17@ = distance_between_XY $72 $73 and_XY 14@ 15@
-050A: 17@ = distance_between_XYZ $72 $73 $74 and_XYZ 4@ 5@ 6@
-050E: set_object 289@ no_collision_with_car 103@
-050F: get_max_wanted_level_to 61@
+04F8: define_police_trigger_type 3 if_player_with_wanted_level_in_rectangle 2435.2 -1741.0 2454.9 -1723.4 spawn_policeA_at 2481.0 -1707.0 headed_towards 2480.0 -1732.0 2481.0 -1707.0 headed_towards 2480.0 -1732.0
+04F9: set_sky_color 1 fade 0
+04FA: reset_sky_colors_with_fade 0
+04FC: store_player_stunt_data $PLAYER_CHAR two_wheels: $1343 $1347 wheelie: $1350 $1354 stoppie: $1357 $1361
+04FE: deflate_tire 2 on_car 288@
+0500: player $PLAYER_CHAR skin == "GIMPLEG" on_bodypart 17
+0501: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR driveby_mode 0
+0503: create_actor_on_rope_with_pedtype 27 model #SWAT at 2223.56 -1168.05 32.28 handle_as 55@
+0506: set_car_model #PICADOR next_variation 4 4 // first param is useless
+0508: car 43@ close_all_doors
+0509: 17@ = distance_between_XY $72 $73 and_XY 14@ 15@
+050A: 17@ = distance_between_XYZ $72 $73 $74 and_XYZ 4@ 5@ 6@
+050E: set_object 289@ no_collision_with_car 103@
+050F: get_max_wanted_level_to 61@
0512: show_permanent_text_box 'HOSP_1' // If your health reaches zero, you will pass out and you will be treated at the local medical center.
0517: $3071[0] = create_unavailable_asset_pickup 'PROP_4' at $2910[0] $2942[0] $2974[0] // You cannot buy this property yet.
0518: $3071[0] = create_available_asset_pickup 'PROP_3' at $2910[0] $2942[0] $2974[0] price $3039 // Tap ~m~~widget_purchase~ to buy this property.
-0519: set_car 23@ locked 1
-051A: actor 1@ damaged_by_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
-051C: car 77@(51@,7i) damaged_by_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
-051D: car 65@ damaged_by_car 48@
-051E: 204@ = get_current_radio_station
-0526: set_actor 73@ stay_in_car_when_jacked 1
-052C: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk_visuals 100
-053E: 46@ = get_random_car_with_model -1 in_rectangle_cornerA 128@ 129@ cornerB 130@ 131@
-053F: set_car 45@ tires_vulnerability 0
-0541: car 44@ enable_guns_sound
-0547: actor 242@ colliding_with_car $135
-054A: set_actor $130 can_be_shot_in_a_car 0
-054C: use_GXT_table s$1622
-054E: clear_actor 227@ damage
-054F: clear_car 95@ damage
-0550: keep_object 0@ in_memory 1
-0555: remove_weapon 22 from_actor 73@
-055D: make_player $PLAYER_CHAR fireproof 1
-055E: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR max_health += 100
-055F: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR max_armour += 50
-0560: create_random_actor_in_car 156@ handle_as 157@
-0561: 59@(137@,5i) = create_passenger_in_car 54@(137@,5i) seat 0
-0563: give_player $PLAYER_CHAR ammo 78
-0564: heli 42@ simulate_crash_landing
-0565: create_soundless_explosion_at $72 $73 $74 type 7
-0566: link_object $4090 to_interior 1
-0568: set_actor 2@ untargetable 1
-056A: cutscene_skipped
-056C: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_police_car
-056D: actor 0@ defined
-056E: car 0@ defined
-0570: $629 = create_asset_radar_marker_with_icon 36 at $3754 $3755 $3756
-0572: toggle_taxi_nitros 1
-0574: set_car 59@ keep_position 1
-0575: set_actor 75@ keep_position 0
-057E: set_radar_grey 1
-0581: enable_radar 0
-0582: downdate_integer_stat 188@($351,30i) to 60@ // same as 042E
-0583: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_zone 'GAN1'
-0587: enable_car 43@ validate_position 0
-0588: disable_actor 73@ validate_position 1
-058A: create_gun_flash_from 2193.268 -1165.441 1031.124 to $68 $69 $70
-058C: $814 = percentage_completed
-0594: unknown_car 297@ flag 0
-0595: mission_complete
-0597: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR crouching
-059C: enable_status_text $8072 flashing 0 // global_variable
-059D: shuffle_card_decks 1
-059E: get_card_to 15@
-059F: get_object 91@(48@,16i) velocity_in_direction $72 $73 $74
-05A1: set_object 233@(232@,15i) rotation_velocity_about_an_axis 0.0 159@ 0.0 through_center_of_body
-05A2: set_object 91@ rotation_velocity_about_an_axis $73 0.0 $72 through_center_of_mass
-05A3: object 46@(127@,4i) stopped
-05A4: get_angle_between_vectors_origin_to 9@ 10@ and_origin_to 0.0 -1.0 store_to 26@
-05A5: is_area_center 498@(240@,10f) 508@(240@,10f) scale 12.0 12.0 overlaping_area_center 582@(239@,10f) 592@(239@,10f) scale 622@ 622@
-05A6: get_object 91@ rotation_velocity_about_an_axis_X 58@ axis_Y 59@ axis_Z 60@ through_center_of_body
-05A7: set_object 91@ velocity_in_direction_X 263@ direction_Y 264@ direction_Z 0.0
-05A8: get_object 91@ speed_to 57@
+0519: set_car 23@ locked 1
+051A: actor 1@ damaged_by_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+051C: car 77@(51@,7i) damaged_by_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+051D: car 65@ damaged_by_car 48@
+051E: 204@ = get_current_radio_station
+0526: set_actor 73@ stay_in_car_when_jacked 1
+052C: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk_visuals 100
+053E: 46@ = get_random_car_with_model -1 in_rectangle_cornerA 128@ 129@ cornerB 130@ 131@
+053F: set_car 45@ tires_vulnerability 0
+0541: car 44@ enable_guns_sound
+0547: actor 242@ colliding_with_car $135
+054A: set_actor $130 can_be_shot_in_a_car 0
+054C: use_GXT_table s$1622
+054E: clear_actor 227@ damage
+054F: clear_car 95@ damage
+0550: keep_object 0@ in_memory 1
+0555: remove_weapon 22 from_actor 73@
+055D: make_player $PLAYER_CHAR fireproof 1
+055E: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR max_health += 100
+055F: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR max_armour += 50
+0560: create_random_actor_in_car 156@ handle_as 157@
+0561: 59@(137@,5i) = create_passenger_in_car 54@(137@,5i) seat 0
+0563: give_player $PLAYER_CHAR ammo 78
+0564: heli 42@ simulate_crash_landing
+0565: create_soundless_explosion_at $72 $73 $74 type 7
+0566: link_object $4090 to_interior 1
+0568: set_actor 2@ untargetable 1
+056A: cutscene_skipped
+056C: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_police_car
+056D: actor 0@ defined
+056E: car 0@ defined
+0570: $629 = create_asset_radar_marker_with_icon 36 at $3754 $3755 $3756
+0572: toggle_taxi_nitros 1
+0574: set_car 59@ keep_position 1
+0575: set_actor 75@ keep_position 0
+057E: set_radar_grey 1
+0581: enable_radar 0
+0582: downdate_integer_stat 188@($351,30i) to 60@ // same as 042E
+0583: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_zone 'GAN1'
+0587: enable_car 43@ validate_position 0
+0588: disable_actor 73@ validate_position 1
+058A: create_gun_flash_from 2193.268 -1165.441 1031.124 to $68 $69 $70
+058C: $814 = percentage_completed
+0594: unknown_car 297@ flag 0
+0595: mission_complete
+0597: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR crouching
+059C: enable_status_text $8072 flashing 0 // global_variable
+059D: shuffle_card_decks 1
+059E: get_card_to 15@
+059F: get_object 91@(48@,16i) velocity_in_direction $72 $73 $74
+05A1: set_object 233@(232@,15i) rotation_velocity_about_an_axis 0.0 159@ 0.0 through_center_of_body
+05A2: set_object 91@ rotation_velocity_about_an_axis $73 0.0 $72 through_center_of_mass
+05A3: object 46@(127@,4i) stopped
+05A4: get_angle_between_vectors_origin_to 9@ 10@ and_origin_to 0.0 -1.0 store_to 26@
+05A5: is_area_center 498@(240@,10f) 508@(240@,10f) scale 12.0 12.0 overlaping_area_center 582@(239@,10f) 592@(239@,10f) scale 622@ 622@
+05A6: get_object 91@ rotation_velocity_about_an_axis_X 58@ axis_Y 59@ axis_Z 60@ through_center_of_body
+05A7: set_object 91@ velocity_in_direction_X 263@ direction_Y 264@ direction_Z 0.0
+05A8: get_object 91@ speed_to 57@
05A9: s$1191 = 'IE16' // s$ // Sunday
-05AA: 5@s = s$1041 // @s = 'short'
-05AD: s$1620 == 'DATE1A' // s$ == short
-05AE: 384@(48@,10s) == 116@s // @s == 'short'
-05B0: unknown_calculate 497@ 498@ 493@ and 494@ 107@ 109@ 107@ 110@ store_to 515@ 516@ // IF and SET
-05B6: save_string_to_debug_file "current_wanted_list = "
-05B9: AS_actor -1 stay_idle 1 ms
-05BA: AS_actor 2@ move_mouth -1 ms
-05BB: AS_actor -1 fall_down 0 time_on_ground 500
-05BC: AS_actor -1 jump 1
-05BD: AS_actor 79@ tired 60000 ms
-05BE: AS_actor 62@ die
-05BF: AS_actor 74@ look_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 30000 ms
-05C0: AS_actor 74@ look_at_car 59@ 4000 ms
-05C1: AS_actor -1 speak_from_audio_table 230
-05C2: AS_actor 106@ show_the_finger
-05C3: AS_actor 43@ hands_cower
-05C4: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR hands_up 15000 ms
-05C5: AS_actor 42@ cower -1 ms
-05C7: AS_actor -1 use_atm
-05C8: AS_actor -1 look_around
-05C9: AS_actor -1 on_guard 2000 ms
-05CA: AS_actor $129 enter_car 49@ passenger_seat 0 time 10000
-05CB: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR enter_car 49@ as_driver 10000 ms
-05CD: AS_actor -1 exit_car 23@
-05CF: AS_actor 110@ exit_car 81@ in_direction 2316.4 -1519.2 24.3
-05D1: AS_actor 157@ drive_car 156@ to 160@ 161@ 162@ speed 15.0 0 model #NULL 0
-05D2: AS_actor 58@ run_to_and_hijack_car 59@ max_search_radius 20.0 traffic_behavior 2
-05D3: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR goto_point 681.8004 -474.1063 15.5363 mode 4 time 3000 ms // versionA
-05D4: AS_actor -1 rotate_angle 77.0
-05D6: clear_scmpath
-05D7: add_point_to_scmpath 372.0 -120.1 1000.5
-05D8: AS_assign_scmpath to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR flags 6 0
-05D9: AS_actor 97@(226@,5i) run_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR timelimit 5000 stop_within_radius 3.0
-05DA: AS_actor 141@ run_away_in_panic_from 1646.332 -1053.721 23.385 away_radius 100.0 timelimit 15000
-05DB: AS_actor -1 flee_from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR from_origin_radius 50.0 timelimit -1
-05DC: AS_actor 102@ run_away_from_point 2336.399 -18.3093 25.4766 stop_at_radius 30.0 timelimit 8000
-05DD: AS_actor $129 flee_from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR from_origin_radius 100.0 timelimit 10000
-05DE: AS_actor 62@ walk_around_ped_path
-05E2: AS_actor 73@ kill_actor 58@
-05E9: NOP $1529 0
-05EA: NOP
-05EB: assign_car 43@ to_path 706
-05EC: release_car 59@ from_path
-05ED: freeze_car 79@ while_on_path
-05EE: unfreeze_car 79@ while_on_path
-05F1: set_car 45@ follow_car 43@ keep_9o_clock
-05F2: set_car 44@ follow_car 43@ keep_3o_clock
-05F5: AS_actor 51@ goto_point_using_paths 2516.686 -1675.861 13.1227 mode 4 time 5500
-05F6: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_rectangle_ll_corner_at 2198.686 -2180.832 lr_corner_at 2116.212 -2263.317 angle 82.0 sphere 0
-05F8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_rectangle_ll_corner_at 87@ 89@ lr_corner_at 88@ 90@ angle 1.0 sphere 0 in_car
-05FC: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_cube_fll_corner_at 2136.48 -2266.78 28.0 fur_corner_at 2145.55 -2275.04 18.0 angle -20.0 sphere 0
-05FD: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_cube_fll_corner_at -1611.833 1334.313 0.8012 fur_corner_at -1615.812 1329.394 -7.9862 angle 2.0 sphere 0 on_foot
-05FE: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_cube_fll_corner_at 119@ 120@ 121@ fur_corner_at 122@ 123@ 124@ depth 3.0 flag 0 in_car
-0602: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_taxi
-0603: AS_actor 73@(56@,3i) goto_point_any_means 2493.82 -1669.91 12.8 mode 7 use_car -1
-0604: get_Z_angle_for_point $72 $73 store_to $71
-0605: actor -1 perform_animation "M_SMKLEAN_LOOP" IFP "LOWRIDER" framedelta 4.0 loop 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1
-0606: create_forbidden_for_scripted_cars_cornerA -1695.1 587.6 cornerB -1771.3 -1310.0
-0607: remove_forbidden_for_scripted_cars
-060A: create_decision_maker_type 0 store_to 216@ // decision\allowed\m_.ped files
-060B: set_actor 1@ decision_maker_to 65543
-060D: draw_text_shadow 0 rgba 0 0 0 255
-060E: car 43@ assigned_to_path
-060F: set_actor 110@(50@,9i) melee_accuracy_to 100.0
-0611: actor 2@ performing_animation "LRGIRL_IDLE_TO_L0"
-0612: set_actor 74@ animation "SHP_HANDSUP_SCR" paused 0
-0613: 26@ = actor 2@ animation "LRGIRL_IDLE_TO_L0" time
-0614: set_actor 223@ animation "POOL_SHORT_SHOT" progress_to 255@ // 0.0 to 1.0
-0615: define_AS_pack_begin 15@
-0616: define_AS_pack_end 15@
-0618: assign_actor 2@ to_AS_pack 15@
-0619: enable_actor 173@ collision_detection 0
-061A: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR animation "LAPDAN_P" total_time_to 23@
-061B: remove_references_to_AS_pack 15@
-061D: create_AS_origin_at 950.9462 2114.972 1011.5 Z_angle 180.0 unknown_angle 15.0 AS_pack 214@ handle_as 213@
-061E: remove_references_to_AS_origin 213@
-0621: create_actor_pedtype 5 model #VWFYWA2 at_AS_origin 5@ task 1466 handle_as 16@
-0622: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR bail_car 43@
-0623: add 1 to_integer_stat 214
-0624: add 40.0 to_float_stat 160
-0625: decrease_integer_stat 184 by 1
-0626: decrease_float_stat 21 by 8.0
-0627: update_integer_stat 215 to $3309
-0628: update_float_stat_to 17@ stat_id 2
-0629: change_integer_stat 181 to 0
-062A: change_float_stat 165 to 800.0
-062E: get_actor 2@ task 1560 status_store_to 17@ // ret 7 if not found
-062F: 200@ = create_group_type 0
-0630: put_actor 431@ in_group 200@ as_leader
-0631: put_actor $131 in_group $PLAYER_GROUP
-0632: release_group $PLAYER_GROUP
-0633: AS_actor 58@ exit_car
-0634: AS_actor 75@ attack_using_weapon_actor 58@ flags 4 perform_actions_after_time 2000 chance_of_action 100
-0635: AS_actor -1 aim_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 2000 ms
-0637: AS_actor -1 goto 2075.15 -1363.85 23.85 mode 6 turn_radius 0.5 stop_radius 5.0 look_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
-0638: AS_actor 437@ stay_put 1
-0639: AS_actor 0@ rotate_to_actor 1@
-0642: actor 47@ at_AS_origin 213@
-0643: set_AS_pack 15@ loop 1
-0646: unknown_get_actor $130 task_1560_status_store_to 72@ // similar to 062E
-0647: AS_actor 173@ clear_look_task
-0648: unknown_actor 117@ task_set 150.0 // float
-064B: 70@ = create_particle "PUKE" at 98@ 99@ 100@ type 1
-064C: make_particle 70@ visible
-064E: stop_particle 63@
-064F: remove_references_to_particle 177@
-0650: destroy_particle 187@
-0652: $24 = integer_stat 181
-0653: $1509 = float_stat 21
-0654: make_object 122@(58@,7i) fireproof 1
-0655: AS_actor 222@ look_at_object 91@ 10000 ms
-0656: get_angle 363@ absolute_degrees_to 363@
-0657: car 43@ open_door 4
-065B: store_pickup 103@(51@,3i) position_to $72 $73 $74
-065C: release_decision_maker $1254
-065D: NOP $8049 "M_STAGE"
-065E: NOP $8254 "GATE2_TARGET_Z"
-0662: printstring "I__________________________I"
-0663: printint "IGFIDX" $388
-0664: printfloat "CHIP_SET_Z" $10744
-0665: get_actor 0@ model_to 7@
-0667: AS_actor -1 aim_at 969.3931 -1098.341 22.877 120000 ms
-0668: AS_actor 43@ rotate_and_shoot_at 374.2905 -125.681 1001.308 2000 ms
-0669: 63@ = attach_particle "EXHALE" to_actor $131 with_offset 98@ 99@ 100@ type 1
-066A: 145@ = attach_particle "PETROLCAN" to_actor 79@ with_offset 0.0 0.116 0.048 rotation 103@ 104@ 105@ type 1
-066B: 288@ = attach_particle "PRT_SPARK" to_car 160@ with_offset -1.69 3.607 -0.271 type 1
-066C: 187@ = attach_particle "CEMENT" to_car 98@ with_offset 0.0 -4.4 0.0 rotation 0.0 -1.0 0.0 type 1
-066D: 108@ = attach_particle "SMOKE_FLARE" to_object 102@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.1 type 1
-066E: create_particle "COKE_TRAIL" attached_to_object 22@ with_offset 0.0 -0.2 -0.1 rotation 0.0 0.0 -1.0 flag 1 store_to 20@
-0672: AS_actor -1 attack_car 551@
-0673: AS_actor 74@ dive_to_offset 1.0 -3.0 time_on_ground 1000 ms
-0674: set_car_model $1096($1175,6i) numberplate "N13_LLF_"
-0676: AS_actor -1 in_car 551@ move_from_passengerseat_to_driverseat
-0677: AS_actor 0@ chat_with_actor 1@ lead_speaker_flag 1 unknown_flag 1
-0679: put_camera_on_car 169@ with_offset 0.0 -2.0 $687 rotation 0.0 0.0 212@ tilt 0.0 switchstyle 2
-067A: put_camera_on_car 194@ with_offset 15.0 15.0 10.0 point_to_car 42@ tilt 15.0 switchstyle 2
-067B: put_camera_on_car $1262 with_offset -1.5 1.5 1.5 point_to_actor $1261 tilt 6.0 2
-067C: put_camera_on_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 2.0 -2.0 rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0 tilt 0.0 switchstyle 2
-067E: put_camera_on_actor 79@ offset 0.0 -5.0 4.0 target_actor 79@ tilt 0.0 switchstyle 2
-067F: set_car 43@ lights 2
-0680: unknown_assign_AS_origin 213@ to_actors_pedtype 24
-0681: attach_object 79@ to_car 68@ with_offset 0.5 0.3 0.3 rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0
-0682: detach_object 46@(127@,4i) 0.0 0.0 0.0 collision_detection 0
-0683: attach_car 216@ to_car 196@ with_offset 0.0 -4.6 0.65 rotation 15.0 0.0 0.0
-0684: detach_car 216@ 20.0 180.0 0.0 collision_detection 0
-0685: object 70@(50@,25i) attached
-0686: car 97@ attached
-0687: clear_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR task
-0688: AS_actor -1 unknown_toggle_ped_threat_scanner 0 0 0
-0689: set_car 103@ remove_door 1 removed_door_visible 0
-068A: set_car $136 repair_door 2
-068B: set_car 158@ all_disembark
-068C: is_player_autoaiming $PLAYER_CHAR
-068D: get_camera_position_to $72 $73 $74
-068E: get_camera_target_point_to $72 $73 $74
-0697: set_car 551@ remove_component 4 visible_effect_flag 1
-0698: set_car 551@ repair_componentB 4
-0699: set_car $2868 repair_tire 0
-069A: attach_object 47@ to_object 54@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0
-069B: attach_object 96@ to_actor 46@ with_offset 0.0 0.5 -1.0 rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0
-06A2: get_car 171@ velocity_in_direction_XYZ $72 $73 $74
-06A3: get_car 98@ mass_to 54@
-06A5: AS_actor 332@ jump_forward stay_on_ground 10000 ms and_stands_back
-06A7: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR into_turret_on_car 394@ at_car_offset -0.2 0.5 0.0 position 1 shooting_angle 110.0 70.0 with_weapon 43
-06A8: AS_actor -1 run_to_and_look_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR timelimit -1 approach_distance 0.5 approach_angle 90.0
-06A9: AS_actor -1 look_at_point $72 $73 $74 999999 ms
-06AA: NOP_false $1529
-06AB: set_actor 221@ all_weapons_hidden 1
-06AC: $72 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR movement_speed
-06AD: set_group $PLAYER_GROUP group_decision_maker_to 50@
-06AE: create_group_decision_maker_type 0 store_to 50@ // decision\allowed\mission.grp
-06AF: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR sprint_mode 0
-06B0: AS_actor 49@ sit_down 400000 ms
-06B1: 407@($8624,6i) = create_searchlight_at 0.0 0.0 0.0 radius 0.0 target 0.0 0.0 0.0 radius 0.0
-06B2: destroy_searchlight 66@
-06B3: searchlight 66@ active
-06B4: set_searchlight 66@ path_between 2228.36 -1171.48 25.82 and 2215.41 -1142.51 25.5 speed 0.5
-06B6: set_searchlight 66@ follow_actor $130 speed 0.2
-06B7: searchlight 43@(173@,7i) spotted_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
-06B9: cutscene_data_loaded
-06BA: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR turn_to_and_look_at 2313.414 -1150.093 25.7997
-06BB: set_actor -1 drive_car 73@ speed 10.0 along_SCM_path
-06BC: create_M4_shoot_from 2193.268 -1165.441 1031.124 target $68 $69 $70 energy 1
-06BD: no_obstacles_between 75@ 76@ 77@ and 295@ 296@ 297@ solid 1 car 0 actor 0 object 0 particle 0
-06BE: 282@ = car 103@ y_angle
-06C1: create_searchlight 66@ on_car 48@ with_offset 0.0 1.0 -0.5 radius 0.4 target 2228.36 -1171.48 25.82 radius 5.0
-06C2: AS_actor -1 goto -1762.369 951.1278 23.7487 mode 4 turn_radius 1.0 stop_radius 1.0 actor 46@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0
-06C3: get_number_of_fires_within_sphere_at 292@ 293@ 294@ radius 1.2 store_to 225@
-06C4: create_marker_above_searchlight 407@ handle_as 431@
-06C5: release_car 70@ from_path
-06C7: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driver_of_car $47 perform_action 6 timelimit 2000000
-06C8: enable_riot 0
-06C9: remove_actor $131 from_group
-06CA: attach_searchlight 407@ to_tower 413@ to_housing 419@ to_bulb 425@ with_offset 0.0 1.181 0.768
-06CF: NOP 0
-06D0: enable_emergency_traffic 1
-06D1: v$1249 = "NIL" // v$ = string
-06D2: 28@v = "LAPDAN1" // @v = string
-06D5: 461@ = create_racing_checkpoint_at $72 $73 $74 point_to $72 $73 $74 type 218@ radius 6.0
-06D6: disable_racing_checkpoint 461@
-06D7: enable_train_traffic 0
-06D8: 44@ = create_train_at 2285.152 -1257.5 23.0 type 13 direction 1
-06D9: destroy_defined_trains
-06DA: reset_train_directions
-06DB: destroy_all_trains
-06DC: set_train 44@ acc 0.0
-06DD: set_train 44@ speed 0.0
-06DE: 171@ = get_train 137@ last_carriage_handle
-06DF: destroy_player $SECOND_PLAYER
-06E0: set_2_player_camera_mode_to 2
-06E1: AS_actor 58@ using_car 59@ target_car 77@ with_order 29 max_speed 30.0 traffic_flag 2
-06E2: AS_actor 62@(127@,4i) run_to_object 46@(127@,4i) timelimit -1 stop_within_radius 1.0
-06E3: AS_actor -1 roll_sideways 1
-06E4: AS_actor 63@(149@,9i) attempt_to_bust_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
-06E5: get_car $11782 possible_to_built_in_component_pool_index $11800($3902,16i) itemID_to $11816($3902,16i)
-06E6: get_itemID $11541 destinated_component_slot_to $11542
-06E7: 284@ = add_car_component #WHEEL_OR1 to_car 55@
-06E9: load_car_component #WHEEL_OR1
-06EA: car_component $11768 available
-06EB: release_car_component #WHEEL_OR1
-06EC: get_car $11782 number_of_possible_paintjobs_to $11797
-06ED: set_car 42@ paintjob 0
-06EE: actor 271@ in_group 268@
-06EF: actor 45@ leading_group 283@
-06F0: set_group $PLAYER_GROUP distance_limit_to 30.0
-06F1: set_2_player_distance_limit_to 20.0
-06F3: set_players_can_target_eachother 0
-06F5: create_coordinate 300@ 302@ 304@ from_fire 152@(223@,21i)
-06F8: get_nearest_route_for 70@ 71@ 72@ in_direction 1 store_to 350@ 351@ 352@ Z_angle_to 353@
-06FA: allow_players_to_use_separate_vehicles 0
-06FC: car 133@ stuck_check_enabled
-06FD: set_car 85@ speed_on_path_to 1.0
-06FF: any_ped_near_actor 0@ in_range 20.0
-0701: end_scene_skip
-0702: $26 = get_tags_painted_percentage_at 97@ 98@ 99@ 96@
-0703: set_tags_painted_percentage_at 96@ 97@ 98@ 99@ value 0
-0704: car 17@ drive_to $5313(26@,85f) $5398(26@,85f) $5483(26@,85f)
-0705: car 62@ assign_to_path 342 and_drive_normal
-0706: advance_car 116@ further_along_path 1.0
-0707: start_scene_skip_to @INTRO_3132
-0708: reset_decision_maker $1280 event 27
-0709: set_decision_maker $1254 on_event 36 taskID 1022 respect 0.0 hate 100.0 like 0.0 dislike 0.0 in_car 1 on_foot 0 // see *.ped files
-070A: AS_actor 368@ attach_to_object 369@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 on_bone 6 16 perform_animation "NULL" IFP_file "NULL" time 1
-070B: set_actor 173@ onbone_attached_object_operation 0
-070C: explode_car_without_radius_damage 49@
-070D: rebuild_player $PLAYER_CHAR
-070E: hydra 134@(56@,2i) attack_player_car $PLAYER_CHAR radius 10.0
-070F: plane 46@ fly_direction 180.0 altitude_between 200.0 and 200.0
-0710: plane 154@(58@,3i) follow_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR follow_car -1 radius 70.0
-0713: actor 60@ driveby_actor -1 car -1 point 952.92 -1102.99 22.85 radius 100.0 4 1 firing_rate 90
-0714: unknown_car 46@ flag 1
-0715: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR in_RC_mode_in_car 78@ // on foot version
-0716: object_model #GRASSPLANT in_object_group_at -1062.1 -1631.7 75.3 radius 1.0 destroyed 0 1
-0717: assign_actor 63@ to_dialogue_mode
-0719: enable_dialogue_mode
-071A: actor 63@ current_dialogue_text == 295@s
-071E: get_object 110@ health_to 111@
-071F: set_object 119@(224@,5i) health_to 1
-0723: break_object $3140[0] intensity 1
-0724: heli 122@ follow_and_attack_player $PLAYER_CHAR radius 50.0
-0726: heli 48@ follow_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR follow_car -1 radius 20.0
-0727: set_heli 387@ behavior_to_police_heli_and_follow_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR follow_car -1 radius 20.0
-0729: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR hold_cellphone 1
-072A: put_actor $130 into_car $135 driverseat
-072B: put_actor $133 into_car 44@ passengerseat -1
-072C: generate_police_bikes 0
-072F: enable_car 104@ stuck_check_distance 1.0 time 2000 and_restore_if stuck 1 flipped 1 unk_place_on_road_properly 1 to_path -1 // extended 03CC
-0730: car 288@ damage_door 1
-0731: set_car 42@ y_angle_to 81@
-0732: random_car_generator_disable_model #SAVANNA
-0733: random_car_generator_enable_model #SAVANNA
-0734: reset_random_car_generator_models
-0735: is_keyboard_key_pressed 49
-0736: is_keyboard_key_just_pressed 32
-0737: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR lifting_object 125@(42@,7i)
-073B: unknown_car 70@ flag 1
-073C: car 288@ damage_componentB 0
-073E: get_car_in_sphere -1577.942 52.6333 16.3281 radius 4.0 model -1 handle_as $47
-073F: get_actor_in_sphere 4@ 7@ 10@ radius 20.0 with_pedtype_civilian 1 gang 1 criminal/prostitute 1 handle_as 27@
-0741: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR busted
-0742: set_plane 43@(336@,10i) unknown_trajectory -0.8
-0743: heli 45@ fly_to -2244.48 129.14 34.56 altitude 0.0 0.0
-0745: set_hydra 43@(336@,10i) thrust_to_horizontal
-0746: set_acquaintance 1 of_actors_pedtype 8 to_actors_pedtype 0
-0747: clear_acquaintance 4 of_actors_pedtype 107@ to_actors_pedtype 0 // see ped.dat
-0749: reset_group_decision_maker 50@ event 54
-074A: set_group_decision_maker 154@ on_event 54 taskID 1513 respect 100.0 hate 100.0 like 100.0 dislike 100.0 in_car 1 on_foot 1 // see *.ped files
-074B: draw_texture 18 position $72 $73 scale 20@ 19@ angle 0.0 color_RGBA 255 255 255 255
-074C: AS_actor -1 goto_AS_origin 213@
-074D: AS_actor -1 turns_to_and_look_at_actor 45@ timelimit -2
-074E: unknown_set_actor_threat_scanner_flags 48@ radius 5.0 peds_to_scan 1
-074F: actor 63@ ped_event == 31
-0750: set_object $1266[6] visibility 0
-0751: AS_actor 79@ flee_from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR run_distance 100000.0 time 999999 change_course 1 unknown 3000 5000 away_radius 50.0
-0752: NOP 252@
-0754: define_new_animation_path
-0755: add_animation_path_3D_coord 1289.988 -766.581 1084.063 animation "NONE" IFP_file "NONE"
-075A: set_object 369@ animation "POOL_XLONG_SHOT_O" IFP_file "POOL" 10000.0 lockF 0 loop 1 // IF AND SET
-075B: zoom_radar 0
-075C: marker 1@ enabled
-075D: load_shopping_data_SHOPS_subsection "CLOTHES" // "string"
-075E: load_shopping_data_PRICES_subsection $11275($11226,12s) // "string"
-075F: store_shopping_data_entries_number_to $10900
-0760: store_shopping_data_index $10955 textureCRC_to $10910
-0761: get_shopping_item_with_textureCRC $10910 price_to $10899
-0762: AS_actor 1@ dies
-0763: add_car_reference 42@ // mission only
+05AA: 5@s = s$1041 // @s = 'short'
+05AD: s$1620 == 'DATE1A' // s$ == short
+05AE: 384@(48@,10s) == 116@s // @s == 'short'
+05B0: unknown_calculate 497@ 498@ 493@ and 494@ 107@ 109@ 107@ 110@ store_to 515@ 516@ // IF and SET
+05B6: save_string_to_debug_file "current_wanted_list = "
+05B9: AS_actor -1 stay_idle 1 ms
+05BA: AS_actor 2@ move_mouth -1 ms
+05BB: AS_actor -1 fall_down 0 time_on_ground 500
+05BC: AS_actor -1 jump 1
+05BD: AS_actor 79@ tired 60000 ms
+05BE: AS_actor 62@ die
+05BF: AS_actor 74@ look_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 30000 ms
+05C0: AS_actor 74@ look_at_car 59@ 4000 ms
+05C1: AS_actor -1 speak_from_audio_table 230
+05C2: AS_actor 106@ show_the_finger
+05C3: AS_actor 43@ hands_cower
+05C4: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR hands_up 15000 ms
+05C5: AS_actor 42@ cower -1 ms
+05C7: AS_actor -1 use_atm
+05C8: AS_actor -1 look_around
+05C9: AS_actor -1 on_guard 2000 ms
+05CA: AS_actor $129 enter_car 49@ passenger_seat 0 time 10000
+05CB: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR enter_car 49@ as_driver 10000 ms
+05CD: AS_actor -1 exit_car 23@
+05CF: AS_actor 110@ exit_car 81@ in_direction 2316.4 -1519.2 24.3
+05D1: AS_actor 157@ drive_car 156@ to 160@ 161@ 162@ speed 15.0 0 model #NULL 0
+05D2: AS_actor 58@ run_to_and_hijack_car 59@ max_search_radius 20.0 traffic_behavior 2
+05D3: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR goto_point 681.8004 -474.1063 15.5363 mode 4 time 3000 ms // versionA
+05D4: AS_actor -1 rotate_angle 77.0
+05D6: clear_scmpath
+05D7: add_point_to_scmpath 372.0 -120.1 1000.5
+05D8: AS_assign_scmpath to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR flags 6 0
+05D9: AS_actor 97@(226@,5i) run_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR timelimit 5000 stop_within_radius 3.0
+05DA: AS_actor 141@ run_away_in_panic_from 1646.332 -1053.721 23.385 away_radius 100.0 timelimit 15000
+05DB: AS_actor -1 flee_from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR from_origin_radius 50.0 timelimit -1
+05DC: AS_actor 102@ run_away_from_point 2336.399 -18.3093 25.4766 stop_at_radius 30.0 timelimit 8000
+05DD: AS_actor $129 flee_from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR from_origin_radius 100.0 timelimit 10000
+05DE: AS_actor 62@ walk_around_ped_path
+05E2: AS_actor 73@ kill_actor 58@
+05E9: NOP $1529 0
+05EA: NOP
+05EB: assign_car 43@ to_path 706
+05EC: release_car 59@ from_path
+05ED: freeze_car 79@ while_on_path
+05EE: unfreeze_car 79@ while_on_path
+05F1: set_car 45@ follow_car 43@ keep_9o_clock
+05F2: set_car 44@ follow_car 43@ keep_3o_clock
+05F5: AS_actor 51@ goto_point_using_paths 2516.686 -1675.861 13.1227 mode 4 time 5500
+05F6: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_rectangle_ll_corner_at 2198.686 -2180.832 lr_corner_at 2116.212 -2263.317 angle 82.0 sphere 0
+05F8: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_rectangle_ll_corner_at 87@ 89@ lr_corner_at 88@ 90@ angle 1.0 sphere 0 in_car
+05FC: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_cube_fll_corner_at 2136.48 -2266.78 28.0 fur_corner_at 2145.55 -2275.04 18.0 angle -20.0 sphere 0
+05FD: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_cube_fll_corner_at -1611.833 1334.313 0.8012 fur_corner_at -1615.812 1329.394 -7.9862 angle 2.0 sphere 0 on_foot
+05FE: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_cube_fll_corner_at 119@ 120@ 121@ fur_corner_at 122@ 123@ 124@ depth 3.0 flag 0 in_car
+0602: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_taxi
+0603: AS_actor 73@(56@,3i) goto_point_any_means 2493.82 -1669.91 12.8 mode 7 use_car -1
+0604: get_Z_angle_for_point $72 $73 store_to $71
+0605: actor -1 perform_animation "M_SMKLEAN_LOOP" IFP "LOWRIDER" framedelta 4.0 loop 1 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1
+0606: create_forbidden_for_scripted_cars_cornerA -1695.1 587.6 cornerB -1771.3 -1310.0
+0607: remove_forbidden_for_scripted_cars
+060A: create_decision_maker_type 0 store_to 216@ // decision\allowed\m_.ped files
+060B: set_actor 1@ decision_maker_to 65543
+060D: draw_text_shadow 0 rgba 0 0 0 255
+060E: car 43@ assigned_to_path
+060F: set_actor 110@(50@,9i) melee_accuracy_to 100.0
+0611: actor 2@ performing_animation "LRGIRL_IDLE_TO_L0"
+0612: set_actor 74@ animation "SHP_HANDSUP_SCR" paused 0
+0613: 26@ = actor 2@ animation "LRGIRL_IDLE_TO_L0" time
+0614: set_actor 223@ animation "POOL_SHORT_SHOT" progress_to 255@ // 0.0 to 1.0
+0615: define_AS_pack_begin 15@
+0616: define_AS_pack_end 15@
+0618: assign_actor 2@ to_AS_pack 15@
+0619: enable_actor 173@ collision_detection 0
+061A: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR animation "LAPDAN_P" total_time_to 23@
+061B: remove_references_to_AS_pack 15@
+061D: create_AS_origin_at 950.9462 2114.972 1011.5 Z_angle 180.0 unknown_angle 15.0 AS_pack 214@ handle_as 213@
+061E: remove_references_to_AS_origin 213@
+0621: create_actor_pedtype 5 model #VWFYWA2 at_AS_origin 5@ task 1466 handle_as 16@
+0622: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR bail_car 43@
+0623: add 1 to_integer_stat 214
+0624: add 40.0 to_float_stat 160
+0625: decrease_integer_stat 184 by 1
+0626: decrease_float_stat 21 by 8.0
+0627: update_integer_stat 215 to $3309
+0628: update_float_stat_to 17@ stat_id 2
+0629: change_integer_stat 181 to 0
+062A: change_float_stat 165 to 800.0
+062E: get_actor 2@ task 1560 status_store_to 17@ // ret 7 if not found
+062F: 200@ = create_group_type 0
+0630: put_actor 431@ in_group 200@ as_leader
+0631: put_actor $131 in_group $PLAYER_GROUP
+0632: release_group $PLAYER_GROUP
+0633: AS_actor 58@ exit_car
+0634: AS_actor 75@ attack_using_weapon_actor 58@ flags 4 perform_actions_after_time 2000 chance_of_action 100
+0635: AS_actor -1 aim_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 2000 ms
+0637: AS_actor -1 goto 2075.15 -1363.85 23.85 mode 6 turn_radius 0.5 stop_radius 5.0 look_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+0638: AS_actor 437@ stay_put 1
+0639: AS_actor 0@ rotate_to_actor 1@
+0642: actor 47@ at_AS_origin 213@
+0643: set_AS_pack 15@ loop 1
+0646: unknown_get_actor $130 task_1560_status_store_to 72@ // similar to 062E
+0647: AS_actor 173@ clear_look_task
+0648: unknown_actor 117@ task_set 150.0 // float
+064B: 70@ = create_particle "PUKE" at 98@ 99@ 100@ type 1
+064C: make_particle 70@ visible
+064E: stop_particle 63@
+064F: remove_references_to_particle 177@
+0650: destroy_particle 187@
+0652: $24 = integer_stat 181
+0653: $1509 = float_stat 21
+0654: make_object 122@(58@,7i) fireproof 1
+0655: AS_actor 222@ look_at_object 91@ 10000 ms
+0656: get_angle 363@ absolute_degrees_to 363@
+0657: car 43@ open_door 4
+065B: store_pickup 103@(51@,3i) position_to $72 $73 $74
+065C: release_decision_maker $1254
+065D: NOP $8049 "M_STAGE"
+065E: NOP $8254 "GATE2_TARGET_Z"
+0662: printstring "I__________________________I"
+0663: printint "IGFIDX" $388
+0664: printfloat "CHIP_SET_Z" $10744
+0665: get_actor 0@ model_to 7@
+0667: AS_actor -1 aim_at 969.3931 -1098.341 22.877 120000 ms
+0668: AS_actor 43@ rotate_and_shoot_at 374.2905 -125.681 1001.308 2000 ms
+0669: 63@ = attach_particle "EXHALE" to_actor $131 with_offset 98@ 99@ 100@ type 1
+066A: 145@ = attach_particle "PETROLCAN" to_actor 79@ with_offset 0.0 0.116 0.048 rotation 103@ 104@ 105@ type 1
+066B: 288@ = attach_particle "PRT_SPARK" to_car 160@ with_offset -1.69 3.607 -0.271 type 1
+066C: 187@ = attach_particle "CEMENT" to_car 98@ with_offset 0.0 -4.4 0.0 rotation 0.0 -1.0 0.0 type 1
+066D: 108@ = attach_particle "SMOKE_FLARE" to_object 102@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.1 type 1
+066E: create_particle "COKE_TRAIL" attached_to_object 22@ with_offset 0.0 -0.2 -0.1 rotation 0.0 0.0 -1.0 flag 1 store_to 20@
+0672: AS_actor -1 attack_car 551@
+0673: AS_actor 74@ dive_to_offset 1.0 -3.0 time_on_ground 1000 ms
+0674: set_car_model $1096($1175,6i) numberplate "N13_LLF_"
+0676: AS_actor -1 in_car 551@ move_from_passengerseat_to_driverseat
+0677: AS_actor 0@ chat_with_actor 1@ lead_speaker_flag 1 unknown_flag 1
+0679: put_camera_on_car 169@ with_offset 0.0 -2.0 $687 rotation 0.0 0.0 212@ tilt 0.0 switchstyle 2
+067A: put_camera_on_car 194@ with_offset 15.0 15.0 10.0 point_to_car 42@ tilt 15.0 switchstyle 2
+067B: put_camera_on_car $1262 with_offset -1.5 1.5 1.5 point_to_actor $1261 tilt 6.0 2
+067C: put_camera_on_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR offset 0.0 2.0 -2.0 rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0 tilt 0.0 switchstyle 2
+067E: put_camera_on_actor 79@ offset 0.0 -5.0 4.0 target_actor 79@ tilt 0.0 switchstyle 2
+067F: set_car 43@ lights 2
+0680: unknown_assign_AS_origin 213@ to_actors_pedtype 24
+0681: attach_object 79@ to_car 68@ with_offset 0.5 0.3 0.3 rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0
+0682: detach_object 46@(127@,4i) 0.0 0.0 0.0 collision_detection 0
+0683: attach_car 216@ to_car 196@ with_offset 0.0 -4.6 0.65 rotation 15.0 0.0 0.0
+0684: detach_car 216@ 20.0 180.0 0.0 collision_detection 0
+0685: object 70@(50@,25i) attached
+0686: car 97@ attached
+0687: clear_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR task
+0688: AS_actor -1 unknown_toggle_ped_threat_scanner 0 0 0
+0689: set_car 103@ remove_door 1 removed_door_visible 0
+068A: set_car $136 repair_door 2
+068B: set_car 158@ all_disembark
+068C: is_player_autoaiming $PLAYER_CHAR
+068D: get_camera_position_to $72 $73 $74
+068E: get_camera_target_point_to $72 $73 $74
+0697: set_car 551@ remove_component 4 visible_effect_flag 1
+0698: set_car 551@ repair_componentB 4
+0699: set_car $2868 repair_tire 0
+069A: attach_object 47@ to_object 54@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0
+069B: attach_object 96@ to_actor 46@ with_offset 0.0 0.5 -1.0 rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0
+06A2: get_car 171@ velocity_in_direction_XYZ $72 $73 $74
+06A3: get_car 98@ mass_to 54@
+06A5: AS_actor 332@ jump_forward stay_on_ground 10000 ms and_stands_back
+06A7: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR into_turret_on_car 394@ at_car_offset -0.2 0.5 0.0 position 1 shooting_angle 110.0 70.0 with_weapon 43
+06A8: AS_actor -1 run_to_and_look_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR timelimit -1 approach_distance 0.5 approach_angle 90.0
+06A9: AS_actor -1 look_at_point $72 $73 $74 999999 ms
+06AA: NOP_false $1529
+06AB: set_actor 221@ all_weapons_hidden 1
+06AC: $72 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR movement_speed
+06AD: set_group $PLAYER_GROUP group_decision_maker_to 50@
+06AE: create_group_decision_maker_type 0 store_to 50@ // decision\allowed\mission.grp
+06AF: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR sprint_mode 0
+06B0: AS_actor 49@ sit_down 400000 ms
+06B1: 407@($8624,6i) = create_searchlight_at 0.0 0.0 0.0 radius 0.0 target 0.0 0.0 0.0 radius 0.0
+06B2: destroy_searchlight 66@
+06B3: searchlight 66@ active
+06B4: set_searchlight 66@ path_between 2228.36 -1171.48 25.82 and 2215.41 -1142.51 25.5 speed 0.5
+06B6: set_searchlight 66@ follow_actor $130 speed 0.2
+06B7: searchlight 43@(173@,7i) spotted_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+06B9: cutscene_data_loaded
+06BA: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR turn_to_and_look_at 2313.414 -1150.093 25.7997
+06BB: set_actor -1 drive_car 73@ speed 10.0 along_SCM_path
+06BC: create_M4_shoot_from 2193.268 -1165.441 1031.124 target $68 $69 $70 energy 1
+06BD: no_obstacles_between 75@ 76@ 77@ and 295@ 296@ 297@ solid 1 car 0 actor 0 object 0 particle 0
+06BE: 282@ = car 103@ y_angle
+06C1: create_searchlight 66@ on_car 48@ with_offset 0.0 1.0 -0.5 radius 0.4 target 2228.36 -1171.48 25.82 radius 5.0
+06C2: AS_actor -1 goto -1762.369 951.1278 23.7487 mode 4 turn_radius 1.0 stop_radius 1.0 actor 46@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0
+06C3: get_number_of_fires_within_sphere_at 292@ 293@ 294@ radius 1.2 store_to 225@
+06C4: create_marker_above_searchlight 407@ handle_as 431@
+06C5: release_car 70@ from_path
+06C7: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driver_of_car $47 perform_action 6 timelimit 2000000
+06C8: enable_riot 0
+06C9: remove_actor $131 from_group
+06CA: attach_searchlight 407@ to_tower 413@ to_housing 419@ to_bulb 425@ with_offset 0.0 1.181 0.768
+06CF: NOP 0
+06D0: enable_emergency_traffic 1
+06D1: v$1249 = "NIL" // v$ = string
+06D2: 28@v = "LAPDAN1" // @v = string
+06D5: 461@ = create_racing_checkpoint_at $72 $73 $74 point_to $72 $73 $74 type 218@ radius 6.0
+06D6: disable_racing_checkpoint 461@
+06D7: enable_train_traffic 0
+06D8: 44@ = create_train_at 2285.152 -1257.5 23.0 type 13 direction 1
+06D9: destroy_defined_trains
+06DA: reset_train_directions
+06DB: destroy_all_trains
+06DC: set_train 44@ acc 0.0
+06DD: set_train 44@ speed 0.0
+06DE: 171@ = get_train 137@ last_carriage_handle
+06DF: destroy_player $SECOND_PLAYER
+06E0: set_2_player_camera_mode_to 2
+06E1: AS_actor 58@ using_car 59@ target_car 77@ with_order 29 max_speed 30.0 traffic_flag 2
+06E2: AS_actor 62@(127@,4i) run_to_object 46@(127@,4i) timelimit -1 stop_within_radius 1.0
+06E3: AS_actor -1 roll_sideways 1
+06E4: AS_actor 63@(149@,9i) attempt_to_bust_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+06E5: get_car $11782 possible_to_built_in_component_pool_index $11800($3902,16i) itemID_to $11816($3902,16i)
+06E6: get_itemID $11541 destinated_component_slot_to $11542
+06E7: 284@ = add_car_component #WHEEL_OR1 to_car 55@
+06E9: load_car_component #WHEEL_OR1
+06EA: car_component $11768 available
+06EB: release_car_component #WHEEL_OR1
+06EC: get_car $11782 number_of_possible_paintjobs_to $11797
+06ED: set_car 42@ paintjob 0
+06EE: actor 271@ in_group 268@
+06EF: actor 45@ leading_group 283@
+06F0: set_group $PLAYER_GROUP distance_limit_to 30.0
+06F1: set_2_player_distance_limit_to 20.0
+06F3: set_players_can_target_eachother 0
+06F5: create_coordinate 300@ 302@ 304@ from_fire 152@(223@,21i)
+06F8: get_nearest_route_for 70@ 71@ 72@ in_direction 1 store_to 350@ 351@ 352@ Z_angle_to 353@
+06FA: allow_players_to_use_separate_vehicles 0
+06FC: car 133@ stuck_check_enabled
+06FD: set_car 85@ speed_on_path_to 1.0
+06FF: any_ped_near_actor 0@ in_range 20.0
+0701: end_scene_skip
+0702: $26 = get_tags_painted_percentage_at 97@ 98@ 99@ 96@
+0703: set_tags_painted_percentage_at 96@ 97@ 98@ 99@ value 0
+0704: car 17@ drive_to $5313(26@,85f) $5398(26@,85f) $5483(26@,85f)
+0705: car 62@ assign_to_path 342 and_drive_normal
+0706: advance_car 116@ further_along_path 1.0
+0707: start_scene_skip_to @INTRO_3132
+0708: reset_decision_maker $1280 event 27
+0709: set_decision_maker $1254 on_event 36 taskID 1022 respect 0.0 hate 100.0 like 0.0 dislike 0.0 in_car 1 on_foot 0 // see *.ped files
+070A: AS_actor 368@ attach_to_object 369@ offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 on_bone 6 16 perform_animation "NULL" IFP_file "NULL" time 1
+070B: set_actor 173@ onbone_attached_object_operation 0
+070C: explode_car_without_radius_damage 49@
+070D: rebuild_player $PLAYER_CHAR
+070E: hydra 134@(56@,2i) attack_player_car $PLAYER_CHAR radius 10.0
+070F: plane 46@ fly_direction 180.0 altitude_between 200.0 and 200.0
+0710: plane 154@(58@,3i) follow_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR follow_car -1 radius 70.0
+0713: actor 60@ driveby_actor -1 car -1 point 952.92 -1102.99 22.85 radius 100.0 4 1 firing_rate 90
+0714: unknown_car 46@ flag 1
+0715: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR in_RC_mode_in_car 78@ // on foot version
+0716: object_model #GRASSPLANT in_object_group_at -1062.1 -1631.7 75.3 radius 1.0 destroyed 0 1
+0717: assign_actor 63@ to_dialogue_mode
+0719: enable_dialogue_mode
+071A: actor 63@ current_dialogue_text == 295@s
+071E: get_object 110@ health_to 111@
+071F: set_object 119@(224@,5i) health_to 1
+0723: break_object $3140[0] intensity 1
+0724: heli 122@ follow_and_attack_player $PLAYER_CHAR radius 50.0
+0726: heli 48@ follow_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR follow_car -1 radius 20.0
+0727: set_heli 387@ behavior_to_police_heli_and_follow_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR follow_car -1 radius 20.0
+0729: AS_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR hold_cellphone 1
+072A: put_actor $130 into_car $135 driverseat
+072B: put_actor $133 into_car 44@ passengerseat -1
+072C: generate_police_bikes 0
+072F: enable_car 104@ stuck_check_distance 1.0 time 2000 and_restore_if stuck 1 flipped 1 unk_place_on_road_properly 1 to_path -1 // extended 03CC
+0730: car 288@ damage_door 1
+0731: set_car 42@ y_angle_to 81@
+0732: random_car_generator_disable_model #SAVANNA
+0733: random_car_generator_enable_model #SAVANNA
+0734: reset_random_car_generator_models
+0735: is_keyboard_key_pressed 49
+0736: is_keyboard_key_just_pressed 32
+0737: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR lifting_object 125@(42@,7i)
+073B: unknown_car 70@ flag 1
+073C: car 288@ damage_componentB 0
+073E: get_car_in_sphere -1577.942 52.6333 16.3281 radius 4.0 model -1 handle_as $47
+073F: get_actor_in_sphere 4@ 7@ 10@ radius 20.0 with_pedtype_civilian 1 gang 1 criminal/prostitute 1 handle_as 27@
+0741: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR busted
+0742: set_plane 43@(336@,10i) unknown_trajectory -0.8
+0743: heli 45@ fly_to -2244.48 129.14 34.56 altitude 0.0 0.0
+0745: set_hydra 43@(336@,10i) thrust_to_horizontal
+0746: set_acquaintance 1 of_actors_pedtype 8 to_actors_pedtype 0
+0747: clear_acquaintance 4 of_actors_pedtype 107@ to_actors_pedtype 0 // see ped.dat
+0749: reset_group_decision_maker 50@ event 54
+074A: set_group_decision_maker 154@ on_event 54 taskID 1513 respect 100.0 hate 100.0 like 100.0 dislike 100.0 in_car 1 on_foot 1 // see *.ped files
+074B: draw_texture 18 position $72 $73 scale 20@ 19@ angle 0.0 color_RGBA 255 255 255 255
+074C: AS_actor -1 goto_AS_origin 213@
+074D: AS_actor -1 turns_to_and_look_at_actor 45@ timelimit -2
+074E: unknown_set_actor_threat_scanner_flags 48@ radius 5.0 peds_to_scan 1
+074F: actor 63@ ped_event == 31
+0750: set_object $1266[6] visibility 0
+0751: AS_actor 79@ flee_from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR run_distance 100000.0 time 999999 change_course 1 unknown 3000 5000 away_radius 50.0
+0752: NOP 252@
+0754: define_new_animation_path
+0755: add_animation_path_3D_coord 1289.988 -766.581 1084.063 animation "NONE" IFP_file "NONE"
+075A: set_object 369@ animation "POOL_XLONG_SHOT_O" IFP_file "POOL" 10000.0 lockF 0 loop 1 // IF AND SET
+075B: zoom_radar 0
+075C: marker 1@ enabled
+075D: load_shopping_data_SHOPS_subsection "CLOTHES" // "string"
+075E: load_shopping_data_PRICES_subsection $11275($11226,12s) // "string"
+075F: store_shopping_data_entries_number_to $10900
+0760: store_shopping_data_index $10955 textureCRC_to $10910
+0761: get_shopping_item_with_textureCRC $10910 price_to $10899
+0762: AS_actor 1@ dies
+0763: add_car_reference 42@ // mission only
0767: set_zone 'MARKST' popcycle_group_for_peds_and_cars_to 14 // Market Station
-076A: set_zone 'CHC1A' dealer_density_to 4
-076B: get_zone 17@s dealer_density_to 16@
-076C: set_zone 'ELCO1' gang 2 density_to 40
-076D: get_zone 'GAN1' gang 1 density_to 43@
-076F: text_priority_displayed
-0770: set_actor 45@ target_priority 1
-0771: set_model_numplate #BFINJECT town_texture 2
-0772: AS_actor -1 run_to_car 87@(51@,4i) 60000 ms stop_at_distance 5.0
-0776: create_objects_in_object_group "CRACK"
-0777: delete_objects_in_object_group "BARRIERS1"
-0778: recreate_objects_in_object_group "TRUTHSFARM"
-077A: set_actor 1@ acquaintance 4 to_actors_pedtype 0 // see ped.dat
-077B: clear_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR acquaintance 4 to_actors_pedtype 24 // see ped.dat
-077C: clear_actor $131 acquaintance 4 to_all_pedtypes // see ped.dat
-077D: $8880 = car 44@ x_angle
-077E: get_active_interior_to $42
-0780: heli 83@ hover_above actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car -1 altitude 15.0 170.0
-0781: get_weapon_with_ID $10910 model_to $10911
-0782: get_weapon_with_ID $10910 weapon_group_to $10909
-0783: get_shopping_item_with_textureCRC $44 flag 0 store_to $3897
-0784: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR textureCRC 0 modelCRC 0 bodypart 17
-0786: get_number_of_fires_within_cube_cornerA 299@ 301@ 303@ cornerB 300@ 302@ 304@ store_to 224@
-0788: enable_heli 42@ magnet 1
-0789: set_heli 42@ release_stuff_from_magnet
-078A: 51@ = get_train 48@ carriage 1 handle
-078B: 134@ = get_heli 42@ attached_car_handle actor_handle_to 135@ object_handle_to 136@
-078C: get_shopping_item_with_textureCRC $10910 nametag_to s$10903 // 8-byte string
-078F: AS_actor -1 climb 1
-0790: charge_money_for_shopping_item_with_textureCRC $10910
-0792: disembark_instantly_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
-0793: save_player_clothes
-0794: restore_player_clothes
-0796: get_crane_magnet $4116 magnet_lane_length_to $11847 // float
-0797: set_crane_magnet $4116 magnet_lane_length_to 0.7 // float
-0798: get_crane_magnet $4116 attached_car_handle_to 18@ attached_actor_handle_to 19@ attached_object_handle_to 20@
-0799: set_crane_magnet $4116 release_stuff_from_magnet
-079D: unknown_set_game_controller_to_steer_object_MagnoCrane_03 // originally SF docks magnocrane
-079E: unknown_set_game_controller_to_steer_object_TWRCRANE_M_02 // originally SF site ballcrane
-079F: unknown_set_game_controller_to_steer_no_crane_objects
-07A0: unknown_actor 49@ unknown_assigned_to_AS 122@ unknown_set 0 unknown_set 3
-07A1: set_walk_speed 4
-07A3: AS_actor $11867(12@,8i) run_to_and_follow_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR wait_radius_between 5.0 and 10.0
-07A4: get_actor 49@ task_1560_flags_store_to 127@ 128@
-07A5: AS_actor -1 attack_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR time 1500
-07A6: get_nearest_tag_location_near_point 2100.84 -1648.71 12.42 store_to 86@ 87@ 88@
-07A7: put_jetpack_on_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
-07A8: enable_area69_sam 0
-07AB: car 342@ has_attached_trailer 335@
-07AC: detach_trailer 45@ from_cab 42@
-07AF: $PLAYER_GROUP = player $PLAYER_CHAR group
-07B0: get_active_shop_name_to s$705 // s$
-07B1: unknown_get_dance_track -1 store_to 20@ 21@ 22@
-07B3: set_group 155@ give_command 2
-07B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR gang_recruitment_enabled 0
-07BB: set_heli 83@ horizontal_thrust_power 10
-07BC: set_actor -1 decision_maker_to 244@ // AS_pack_version
-07BD: destroy_train 49@
-07BE: remove_references_to_train 48@
-07BF: set_marker 467@($8624,8i) tracking_blip 1
-07C0: load_path 706
-07C1: path 201 available
-07C3: get_object 289@ axis_angle_relation_to 340@ 341@ 342@ 343@
-07C4: set_object 289@ axis_angle_relation_to 340@ 341@ 342@ 343@
-07C6: set_car 98@ axis_angle_relation_to -0.0448 0.0178 1.003 -0.0611
-07C7: put_train 48@ at 1880.06 -1953.67 12.44
-07C9: AS_actor -1 walk_to_object 60@ then_lift_and_hold_in_hands
-07CB: set_actor $131 supporting_fire 0
-07CC: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR can_enter_exit_vehicles 0
-07CD: AS_actor 88@ walk_to 362.2674 -2035.844 6.836 stop_with_angle 270.0 within_radius 4.0
-07D0: $39 = weekday
-07D3: 'HOUSE' = init_external_script_named_handle 23 (BURG_BRAINS)
-07D5: set_car 0@ velocity_in_direction_XYZ 9@ 10@ 0.0 rotation_velocitiesXY 0.0 0.0 unk 0.0
-07D6: 10@ == $1059 // @ == $ (int)
-07DA: set_car 54@ rotation_velocity_XYZ 0.0 -0.35 0.2 through_center_of_body
-07DB: set_car 197@ rotation_velocity_XYZ 3.5 7.3999 8.1003 through_center_of_mass
-07DD: set_actor 58@ attack_rate 30 // previously known as temper_to
-07DF: unknown_rectangle_cornerA -963.0789 1006.747 cornerB -1152.824 1105.155
-07E0: set_marker $60 type_to 1
-07E1: AS_actor $131 swim_to 199@ 200@ 201@
-07E4: get_model 5@ dimensions_cornerA_to $72 $73 $74 dimensions_cornerB_to 8@ 9@ 10@
-07E5: copy_decision_maker 65543 to $1280
-07E6: copy_group_decision_maker -1 to 277@
-07E7: AS_assign_scmpath_to_actor -1 in_car 110@ speed 25.0 flags 1 0 1
-07E8: acquaintance 4 of_actors_type 107@ to_actors_type 0 set
-07EE: car 43@ enable_tire_marks 1
-07EF: get_town_number_from_point 91@ 92@ 93@ store_to 66@
-07F0: in_sphere 2631.852 -1482.75 18.109 radius 10.0 damaged_object_with_model #STORM_DRAIN_COVER
-07F1: player $PLAYER_CHAR performing_wheelie
-07F3: move_racing_checkpoint 56@ to 67@ 68@ 69@
-07F5: car 1@ control_hydraulics $1031 $1032 $1033 $1034
-07F6: get_group 268@ number_of_leaders_to 270@ number_of_members_to 269@
-07F7: set_object $1266[0] destructible 0
-07F8: car 82@ follow_car 80@ radius 27.0
-07F9: set_game_controller_to_steer_object_QUARRY_CRANEARM // originally DS quarry magnocrane
-07FA: set_game_controller_to_steer_object_TWRCRANE_M_02 // originally LV site magnocrane
+076A: set_zone 'CHC1A' dealer_density_to 4
+076B: get_zone 17@s dealer_density_to 16@
+076C: set_zone 'ELCO1' gang 2 density_to 40
+076D: get_zone 'GAN1' gang 1 density_to 43@
+076F: text_priority_displayed
+0770: set_actor 45@ target_priority 1
+0771: set_model_numplate #BFINJECT town_texture 2
+0772: AS_actor -1 run_to_car 87@(51@,4i) 60000 ms stop_at_distance 5.0
+0776: create_objects_in_object_group "CRACK"
+0777: delete_objects_in_object_group "BARRIERS1"
+0778: recreate_objects_in_object_group "TRUTHSFARM"
+077A: set_actor 1@ acquaintance 4 to_actors_pedtype 0 // see ped.dat
+077B: clear_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR acquaintance 4 to_actors_pedtype 24 // see ped.dat
+077C: clear_actor $131 acquaintance 4 to_all_pedtypes // see ped.dat
+077D: $8880 = car 44@ x_angle
+077E: get_active_interior_to $42
+0780: heli 83@ hover_above actor $PLAYER_ACTOR car -1 altitude 15.0 170.0
+0781: get_weapon_with_ID $10910 model_to $10911
+0782: get_weapon_with_ID $10910 weapon_group_to $10909
+0783: get_shopping_item_with_textureCRC $44 flag 0 store_to $3897
+0784: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR textureCRC 0 modelCRC 0 bodypart 17
+0786: get_number_of_fires_within_cube_cornerA 299@ 301@ 303@ cornerB 300@ 302@ 304@ store_to 224@
+0788: enable_heli 42@ magnet 1
+0789: set_heli 42@ release_stuff_from_magnet
+078A: 51@ = get_train 48@ carriage 1 handle
+078B: 134@ = get_heli 42@ attached_car_handle actor_handle_to 135@ object_handle_to 136@
+078C: get_shopping_item_with_textureCRC $10910 nametag_to s$10903 // 8-byte string
+078F: AS_actor -1 climb 1
+0790: charge_money_for_shopping_item_with_textureCRC $10910
+0792: disembark_instantly_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+0793: save_player_clothes
+0794: restore_player_clothes
+0796: get_crane_magnet $4116 magnet_lane_length_to $11847 // float
+0797: set_crane_magnet $4116 magnet_lane_length_to 0.7 // float
+0798: get_crane_magnet $4116 attached_car_handle_to 18@ attached_actor_handle_to 19@ attached_object_handle_to 20@
+0799: set_crane_magnet $4116 release_stuff_from_magnet
+079D: unknown_set_game_controller_to_steer_object_MagnoCrane_03 // originally SF docks magnocrane
+079E: unknown_set_game_controller_to_steer_object_TWRCRANE_M_02 // originally SF site ballcrane
+079F: unknown_set_game_controller_to_steer_no_crane_objects
+07A0: unknown_actor 49@ unknown_assigned_to_AS 122@ unknown_set 0 unknown_set 3
+07A1: set_walk_speed 4
+07A3: AS_actor $11867(12@,8i) run_to_and_follow_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR wait_radius_between 5.0 and 10.0
+07A4: get_actor 49@ task_1560_flags_store_to 127@ 128@
+07A5: AS_actor -1 attack_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR time 1500
+07A6: get_nearest_tag_location_near_point 2100.84 -1648.71 12.42 store_to 86@ 87@ 88@
+07A7: put_jetpack_on_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+07A8: enable_area69_sam 0
+07AB: car 342@ has_attached_trailer 335@
+07AC: detach_trailer 45@ from_cab 42@
+07AF: $PLAYER_GROUP = player $PLAYER_CHAR group
+07B0: get_active_shop_name_to s$705 // s$
+07B1: unknown_get_dance_track -1 store_to 20@ 21@ 22@
+07B3: set_group 155@ give_command 2
+07B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR gang_recruitment_enabled 0
+07BB: set_heli 83@ horizontal_thrust_power 10
+07BC: set_actor -1 decision_maker_to 244@ // AS_pack_version
+07BD: destroy_train 49@
+07BE: remove_references_to_train 48@
+07BF: set_marker 467@($8624,8i) tracking_blip 1
+07C0: load_path 706
+07C1: path 201 available
+07C3: get_object 289@ axis_angle_relation_to 340@ 341@ 342@ 343@
+07C4: set_object 289@ axis_angle_relation_to 340@ 341@ 342@ 343@
+07C6: set_car 98@ axis_angle_relation_to -0.0448 0.0178 1.003 -0.0611
+07C7: put_train 48@ at 1880.06 -1953.67 12.44
+07C9: AS_actor -1 walk_to_object 60@ then_lift_and_hold_in_hands
+07CB: set_actor $131 supporting_fire 0
+07CC: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR can_enter_exit_vehicles 0
+07CD: AS_actor 88@ walk_to 362.2674 -2035.844 6.836 stop_with_angle 270.0 within_radius 4.0
+07D0: $39 = weekday
+07D3: 'HOUSE' = init_external_script_named_handle 23 (BURG_BRAINS)
+07D5: set_car 0@ velocity_in_direction_XYZ 9@ 10@ 0.0 rotation_velocitiesXY 0.0 0.0 unk 0.0
+07D6: 10@ == $1059 // @ == $ (int)
+07DA: set_car 54@ rotation_velocity_XYZ 0.0 -0.35 0.2 through_center_of_body
+07DB: set_car 197@ rotation_velocity_XYZ 3.5 7.3999 8.1003 through_center_of_mass
+07DD: set_actor 58@ attack_rate 30 // previously known as temper_to
+07DF: unknown_rectangle_cornerA -963.0789 1006.747 cornerB -1152.824 1105.155
+07E0: set_marker $60 type_to 1
+07E1: AS_actor $131 swim_to 199@ 200@ 201@
+07E4: get_model 5@ dimensions_cornerA_to $72 $73 $74 dimensions_cornerB_to 8@ 9@ 10@
+07E5: copy_decision_maker 65543 to $1280
+07E6: copy_group_decision_maker -1 to 277@
+07E7: AS_assign_scmpath_to_actor -1 in_car 110@ speed 25.0 flags 1 0 1
+07E8: acquaintance 4 of_actors_type 107@ to_actors_type 0 set
+07EE: car 43@ enable_tire_marks 1
+07EF: get_town_number_from_point 91@ 92@ 93@ store_to 66@
+07F0: in_sphere 2631.852 -1482.75 18.109 radius 10.0 damaged_object_with_model #STORM_DRAIN_COVER
+07F1: player $PLAYER_CHAR performing_wheelie
+07F3: move_racing_checkpoint 56@ to 67@ 68@ 69@
+07F5: car 1@ control_hydraulics $1031 $1032 $1033 $1034
+07F6: get_group 268@ number_of_leaders_to 270@ number_of_members_to 269@
+07F7: set_object $1266[0] destructible 0
+07F8: car 82@ follow_car 80@ radius 27.0
+07F9: set_game_controller_to_steer_object_QUARRY_CRANEARM // originally DS quarry magnocrane
+07FA: set_game_controller_to_steer_object_TWRCRANE_M_02 // originally LV site magnocrane
07FB: set_interior 'GYM1' access 0 // Ganton Gym
07FC: text_draw_box_position_XY 263@ 264@ GXT_reference 'BOAT_58' value 247@ flag 2 // record time ~1~:~1~s
-07FD: group 283@ alive
-07FE: set_actor 47@ fighting_style_to 5 moves 6
-07FF: set_car $47 hydraulics 1
-0801: get_camera_zoom_factor_to 154@ // float
-0803: car 1@ have_hydraulics
-0804: AS_actor 105@ walk_to 2351.97 -1170.26 27.013 angle 0.0 radius 0.2 animation "GRLFRD_KISS_03" IFP_file "BD_FIRE" 4.0 LA 0 LX 0 LY 0 LF 0 LT -1
-0806: get_player $PLAYER_CHAR kills_from_last_checkpoint 0@
-080A: get_object 0@ spoot 2 store_to 2@ 3@ 4@
-080E: get_actor 260@(105@,6i) ped_event_to 104@
-0810: store_random_parkplace_in_cube_cornerA -1760.178 972.2405 16.1633 cornerB -1679.605 1064.293 24.8629 position_to $72 $73 $74
-0811: $47 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR used_car
-0812: AS_actor -1 perform_animation "LRGIRL_IDLELOOP" IFP "LOWRIDER" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1 // versionB
-0814: define_unique_jump_start 1939.136 -1968.052 17.6649 radius 2.5 2.728 3.17 in_air_goal 1989.958 -1971.951 28.7249 radius 11.134 5.398 7.23 camera 1960.545 -1963.571 25.3229 reward 500
-0815: put_object 0@ at 20@ 21@ 22@ and_keep_rotation
-0816: set_actor 45@(44@,6i) dont_chase_victim 1
-0817: assign_actor 46@ to_animation_path_with_walk_mode 4 route_mode 3
-0818: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_air
-0819: 170@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR distance_from_ground
-081A: set_actor $129 weapon_skill_to 1
-081C: draw_text_outline 2 RGBA 0 0 0 255
-081D: set_car $12285 engine_broken 1
-081E: model 728@(265@,16i) boat
-081F: model 728@(265@,16i) plane
-0820: model 728@(265@,16i) heli
-0822: enable_camera_bumper_view 0
-0823: AS_actor $131 greet_actor 43@ 0.5 5
-0825: set_helicopter 48@ instant_rotor_start
-0826: enable_hud 1
-0827: assign_object $4109 to_lod_object $4112
-0828: set_max_fire_generations 1
-0829: actor 57@ perform_animation "CRCKDETH3" IFP_file "CRACK" 4.0 time 0 and_dies
-082A: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR able_to_use_crouch_button 0
-0830: create_pool_table_collision_cornerA 107@ 109@ $74 cornerB 108@ 110@ $74
-0833: object 115@ photographed
-0834: set_player_head_temporary_turn_rotation_Z -2.2 rotation_Y 1.7
-0835: get_month_day_to $6729 get_month_to $6730
-0836: set_object 369@ animation "POOL_XLONG_SHOT_O" at 0.0 times_normal_rate
-0837: object 369@ animation == "POOL_XLONG_SHOT_O"
-0839: get_object 129@(224@,3i) animation "BD_FIRE1" progress_to 305@
-083A: set_object 369@ animation "POOL_XLONG_SHOT_O" progress_to 51@
-083C: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 0.0 0.0 0.0
-083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ $72 $73 $74
-083E: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR rotation 0.0 0.0 1@ while_in_air
-083F: get_car 44@ vertical_deviation_to $8889
-0840: link_car $1528 to_interior $2862
-0841: flying_vehicle 122@ use_secondary_gun 1
-0842: $3253 = player $PLAYER_CHAR town_number
-0843: get_zone_at 154@ 155@ 156@ nameA_to s$9583 // 8-byte string
-0844: string s$705 empty // s$
-084D: unknown_enable_burglary_house_occupants 0
-084E: flying_vehicle 157@ use_primary_gun 1
-0850: AS_actor 105@ follow_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
-0851: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR decrease_health_by 10 affect_armour 1
-0852: set_car $136 damages_visible 0
-0853: unknown_heli 48@ flag 3
-0855: get_actor -1 noise_level_at 168@ 169@ 170@ store_to 174@
-0856: set_actor 106@ enable_crouch 0
-0858: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR scan_horizon_to_angle 225.0 rotation_speed 225.0
-0859: AS_actor 0@ walk_alongisde_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
-085A: spawn_emergency_vehicle_model #COPCARSF on_street_nearest_to -2039.255 232.481 33.9528
-085B: AS_actor -1 set_kinda_stay_in_same_place 1
-085E: assign_car 68@ to_looped_path 347
-0860: link_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR to_interior 6
-0861: unknown_player $PLAYER_CHAR scanning_horizon // param is useless
-0864: set_interior_at 2165.72 -1673.14 radius 10.0 access 1
-0866: get_object_in_sphere 71@ 72@ 73@ radius 5.0 handle_as 57@
-0867: unknown_in_burglary_interior 0
-086A: NOP
-0871: init_jump_table $707 total_jumps 8 default_jump 0 @MAIN_7162 jumps 0 @MAIN_6995 1 @MAIN_7013 2 @MAIN_7031 3 @MAIN_7049 4 @MAIN_7067 5 @MAIN_7085 6 @MAIN_7103
-0872: jump_table_jumps 7 @MAIN_7121 -1 @MAIN_7162 -1 @MAIN_7162 -1 @MAIN_7162 -1 @MAIN_7162 -1 @MAIN_7162 -1 @MAIN_7162 -1 @MAIN_7162 -1 @MAIN_7162
-0873: release_path 201
-0874: set_zone 'CHC1A' popcycle_group_for_peds_to 9
-0875: set_object 59@ immune_to_nonplayer 1
-0876: unknown_cube_cornera 2682.42 1420.237 28.0 cornerB -2630.365 1411.699 28.0 flag 3 flag 0
-0878: set_car $1144 dirt_level 0.0
-0879: enable_gang_wars 1
-087B: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR clothes_texture "VEST" model "VEST" body_part 0
-087C: release_shopping_data
-087D: assign_group $PLAYER_GROUP to_AS_pack 155@
-087E: set_actor 43@ weapon_droppable 0
-087F: set_actor 271@ never_leave_group 1
-0881: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR able_to_shoot_weapons 0
-0883: attach_particle 63@ to_actor $131 mode 5
-0884: 'DANCER' = init_external_script_named_handle 52 (DANCER)
-0887: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR turret_mode_orientation 0 both_side_angle_limit 60.0
-0888: create_marker_above_actor 292@ handle_as 293@ // versionB
-0889: store_actor 83@ center_of_body_position_to $72 $73 $74
-088A: actor 42@ perform_animation "RAIL_FALL" IFP "SWAT" 8.0 loopA 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 time -1 disable_force 0 disable_lockZ 1
-088B: set_car 70@ form_drag_multiplier_to 0.1
-088C: put_car 42@ at $72 83@ $74 // versionB
-088D: set_objects_in_sphere 2312.578 -7.4347 25.75 radius 4.5 with_model #MAN_SAFENEW collision_detection 0
-088E: set_next_day
-0890: enable_sound_when_timer $252 reach 3 seconds // global_variable
-0893: put_trailer 45@ on_cab 42@
-0897: car 104@ collided_with_object 290@(50@,10i)
-0898: set_cranes_controls_enable_UP 0 enable_DOWN 0 enable_RELEASE 0
-089B: unknown_is_actor_in_dialogue_mode 0@
-089C: unknown_actor 0@ unknown_check 1
-089E: get_actor_that_buys_drugs_in_sphere 3@ 4@ 5@ radius 5.0 handle_as 11@
-089F: get_actor 42@(44@,2i) pedtype_to 526@
-08A0: actor 0@ in_radius 100.0 near_model #NULL with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 end_script_named "PCUSTOM" // IF and SET
-08A2: set_hydra 154@(56@,3i) attack_with_rockets_car_of_player $PLAYER_CHAR radius 30.0
-08A3: update_respect_while_on_mission 1
-08A4: set_car 98@ extra_parts_angle_to 54@
-08A5: set_car 130@ attractive_to_magnet 0
-08A6: set_car 108@ door 0 rotation_to 0.0
-08A8: set_markers_to_long_distance 1
-08A9: load_external_script 66 (CARMOD1)
-08AB: external_script 66 (CARMOD1) loaded
-08AC: hide_gang_zones_on_map 1
-08AD: link_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR to_enex_marker_at -2240.854 129.3346 radius 1.5
-08AF: set_actor $131 max_health_to 500
-08B1: enable_night_vision 0
-08B2: enable_thermal_vision 0
-08B3: set_gang_zone 'GLN1' as_only_one_available_for_gangwars
-08B4: test $389 bit 1
-08B5: test $405 bit $388
-08B6: test $382($388,6i) bit 3@
-08B7: test 64@ bit 5
-08B9: test 247@ bit 224@
-08BA: set $376[0] bit 1
-08BB: set $1234 bit $388
-08BC: set $389 bit 3@
-08BD: set 64@ bit 10
-08BF: set 64@ bit 59@
-08C0: clear $390 bit 31
-08C1: clear $1234 bit $388
-08C2: clear $390 bit 3@
-08C3: clear 64@ bit 11
-08C6: set_actor 73@ stay_on_bike 1
-08C7: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at 2469.7 -1657.0 12.3 dont_warp_gang
-08C8: set_shopping_item_with_textureCRC $44 price_to 0
-08C9: reset_shopping_item $44 price
-08CA: reset_zones_info
-08CB: explode_car 107@ shake 0 effect 0 sound 0
-08D0: should_skip_cutscene
-08D1: store_cutscene_pos_to $1519 $1520 $1521
-08D2: object 357@(48@,10i) scale_model 0.3
-08D3: get_present_zone_popcycle_group_for_peds_and_cars_to 26@
-08D7: $11791 = panel $11777 active_row
-08DA: remove_panel $11777
-08DC: create_interior_marker $581 at 2026.603 1007.735 radius 20.0
-08DD: lose_stuff_after_wasted 0
-08DE: lose_stuff_after_busted 0
-08DF: override_restart_if_wasted_at -2570.511 1139.582 54.8547 within_radius 1500.0 angle 160.0
-08E0: override_restart_if_busted_at -1379.843 2635.74 54.4315 within_radius 1500.0 angle 170.6194
-08E1: $800 = total_tags_sprayed
-08E2: $710 = territories_controlled_percentage
-08E3: object 46@(127@,4i) sphere 0 in_rectangle_ll_corner_at 112@ 113@ lr_corner_at 114@ 115@ radius 3.0
-08E5: get_actor_in_sphere 27@ 28@ 29@ radius 50.0 handle_as 0@
-08E6: set_plane 44@ landing_gear 1
-08E7: disable_entrance_markers 1
-08E8: assign_external_script_handle 'DEALER' to_model #BMYDRUG
-08E9: set_object 125@(42@,7i) liftable 1
-08EA: enable_gangs_spawn 0
-08EB: create_sparks_at 1580.85 -1752.32 12.91 velocity_direction 0.0 0.0 1.0 density 60
-08EC: $48 = car $47 class
-08ED: remove_actor 63@ from_dialogue_mode
-08F0: set_cutscene_model 'GANGRL3' texture 'GFRIEND' // 8-byte strings
-08F1: get_zone_at 3@ 4@ 5@ nameB_to s$10808 // 8-byte string
-08F2: set_car 44@ targettable_by_heatseeker 0
-08F3: set_car $197 contains_goodies 0
-08F4: set_max_group_members 0
-08F5: save_player_group
-08F6: restore_player_group
-08F7: get_player $PLAYER_CHAR bodypart 0 textureCRC_to $11023 modelCRC_to $11024
-08F8: display_stat_update_box 0
-08F9: v$1249 == v$1245
-08FB: set_checkpoint 56@ type_to 2
-08FD: enable_heat_visuals 0
-08FE: text_box_displayed
-08FF: object 91@(48@,16i) received_damage_type 54
-0900: clear_object 91@(48@,16i) last_weapon_damage
-0901: enable_player $PLAYER_CHAR jump_key 0
-0904: get_interface 7 color_RGBA_to $4781 $4782 $4783 $4784
-0905: set_door 119@ lock 1
-0906: set_object 70@(50@,25i) mass_to 1000.0 // float
-0907: get_object 124@ mass_to 126@ // float
-0908: set_object 91@(48@,16i) turn_mass_to 660@ // float
-090C: highlight_inactive_gang_zone 'GLN1' as_available_for_gangwars
-090D: highlight_all_inactive_gang_zones_as_available_for_gangwars
-090E: set_panel $11777 active_row $11791
-090F: end_external_script 66 (CARMOD1)
-0912: set_text_priority 1 leftmargin 355 maxwidth 370
-0913: run_external_script 66 (CARMOD1)
-0914: NOP 0
-0915: sync_weather_with_time_and_location_instantly
-0916: set_object 100@ attractive_to_magnet 0
-0917: audio_zone 'LOWRIDE' enable_sound 1
-0918: set_car 42@ engine_operation 0
-0919: enable_car 44@ parking_lights 1
-091A: NOP v$1245
-091B: NOP
-091C: get_actor_in_sphere $72 $73 $74 radius 1.5 model #KB_BANDIT_U external_script_named "PEDSLOT" handle_as 16@
-091D: remove_forbidden_for_boats_cube_cornerA 2793.814 -1987.935 15.3045 cornerB 2754.324 -1900.369 9.8752
-091E: create_forbidden_for_boats_cube_cornerA 2380.682 -1274.528 22.0 cornerB 2375.945 -1239.356 26.0
-091F: get_plane 44@ landing_gear_status_to 159@
-0920: point_camera 2359.521 -1246.843 28.7047 transverse_to 2359.276 -1247.129 28.7047 time 7000 smooth_transition 1
-0922: set_camera_zoom_from 70.0 to 100.0 timelimit 10000 smooth_transition 1
-0923: enable_air_traffic 0
-0924: enable_screen_darkness 1 with_value -1
-0925: restore_camera_to_user_defined
-0926: $712 = external_script_status 66 (CARMOD1)
-0928: init_external_script_trigger 19 (DEALER) with_actor_model #BMYDRUG priority 100
-0929: init_external_script_trigger 4 (SLOT_MACHINE) with_object_model #KB_BANDIT_U priority 100 radius 6.0 type 1
-092B: 8@ = group $PLAYER_GROUP member 6@
-092E: get_water_height_at 203@ 204@ ignore_waves 0 store_to 208@
-092F: lock_camera_target_point 1
-0930: lock_camera_position 1
-0931: lock_camera_zoom 1
-0933: camera_position_manipulated
-0934: camera_target_point_manipulated
-0936: set_camera 2358.656 -1246.348 28.7884 position_to 2358.656 -1246.348 28.7884 time 7000 smooth_transition 1
-0937: text_draw_box_cornerA 35.0 15.0 cornerB 200.0 45.0 GXT_reference 'DUMMY' style 0
-0939: attach_car 92@ to_object 114@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 -0.8 rotation 0.0 0.0 180.0
-093A: set_paynspray 'MICHDR' type_to_girlfriend 1
-093B: set_actor $129 upper_body_damage_anims_only 1
-093D: lock_camera_on_cinematic_view 1
-0940: set_group 268@ enters_leaders_vehicle 1
-0941: unknown_searchlight 66@ flag 1
-0942: item_with_textureCRC $44 is_clothing
-0944: manipulate_weapon_camera $129
-0945: get_player $PLAYER_CHAR max_armour_to $10953
-0946: set_actor 109@ actions_uninterupted_by_weapon_fire 1
-0947: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR speak_from_audio_table 353 store_spoken_phrase_id_to $3950
-0948: create_explosion_at $72 $73 $74 type 11 camera_shake 5.0
-0949: link_wav 3@ to_actor 0@
-094A: set_money_pickup $709 cash_to $711
-094B: v$1276 = get_active_interior_name_from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR // 16-byte string
-094C: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currently_used_EnEx_3D_coord_to 77@ 78@ 79@ number_to 80@
-094E: set_actor 0@ mute_pain_audio 1
-094F: enable_actor 0@ pain_audio
-0950: set_trip_skip 2263.378 -2226.33 12.4 angle 47.416
-0951: disable_trip_skip
-0952: load_soundtrack 10
-0953: get_soundtrack_status_to 17@
-0954: start_playing_loaded_soundtrack
-0955: end_playing_loaded_soundtrack
-0956: get_respect_to $46
-0957: set_car 103@ provides_cover_from_gunfire 0
-0958: $4316 = create_photo_at -2511.28 -672.99 195.75
-0959: $4266 = create_horseshoe_at 1224.0 2617.0 11.0
-095A: $4366 = create_oyster_at 979.0 -2210.0 -3.0
-095C: create_smoke_at 152@ 153@ 154@ velocity 155@ 156@ 157@ RGBA 158@ 159@ 160@ 161@ size 162@ last_factor 163@
-095D: actor $3261(6@,3i) stuck_under_car
-095E: set_car 55@ door 4 unlatch 1 angle -1.0
-095F: get_car 160@ door 6 angle_to 169@
-0960: enable_player $PLAYER_CHAR stats_box 0
-0961: set_actor 50@ keep_tasks_after_cleanup 1
+07FD: group 283@ alive
+07FE: set_actor 47@ fighting_style_to 5 moves 6
+07FF: set_car $47 hydraulics 1
+0801: get_camera_zoom_factor_to 154@ // float
+0803: car 1@ have_hydraulics
+0804: AS_actor 105@ walk_to 2351.97 -1170.26 27.013 angle 0.0 radius 0.2 animation "GRLFRD_KISS_03" IFP_file "BD_FIRE" 4.0 LA 0 LX 0 LY 0 LF 0 LT -1
+0806: get_player $PLAYER_CHAR kills_from_last_checkpoint 0@
+080A: get_object 0@ spoot 2 store_to 2@ 3@ 4@
+080E: get_actor 260@(105@,6i) ped_event_to 104@
+0810: store_random_parkplace_in_cube_cornerA -1760.178 972.2405 16.1633 cornerB -1679.605 1064.293 24.8629 position_to $72 $73 $74
+0811: $47 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR used_car
+0812: AS_actor -1 perform_animation "LRGIRL_IDLELOOP" IFP "LOWRIDER" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 0 time -1 // versionB
+0814: define_unique_jump_start 1939.136 -1968.052 17.6649 radius 2.5 2.728 3.17 in_air_goal 1989.958 -1971.951 28.7249 radius 11.134 5.398 7.23 camera 1960.545 -1963.571 25.3229 reward 500
+0815: put_object 0@ at 20@ 21@ 22@ and_keep_rotation
+0816: set_actor 45@(44@,6i) dont_chase_victim 1
+0817: assign_actor 46@ to_animation_path_with_walk_mode 4 route_mode 3
+0818: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_air
+0819: 170@ = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR distance_from_ground
+081A: set_actor $129 weapon_skill_to 1
+081C: draw_text_outline 2 RGBA 0 0 0 255
+081D: set_car $12285 engine_broken 1
+081E: model 728@(265@,16i) boat
+081F: model 728@(265@,16i) plane
+0820: model 728@(265@,16i) heli
+0822: enable_camera_bumper_view 0
+0823: AS_actor $131 greet_actor 43@ 0.5 5
+0825: set_helicopter 48@ instant_rotor_start
+0826: enable_hud 1
+0827: assign_object $4109 to_lod_object $4112
+0828: set_max_fire_generations 1
+0829: actor 57@ perform_animation "CRCKDETH3" IFP_file "CRACK" 4.0 time 0 and_dies
+082A: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR able_to_use_crouch_button 0
+0830: create_pool_table_collision_cornerA 107@ 109@ $74 cornerB 108@ 110@ $74
+0833: object 115@ photographed
+0834: set_player_head_temporary_turn_rotation_Z -2.2 rotation_Y 1.7
+0835: get_month_day_to $6729 get_month_to $6730
+0836: set_object 369@ animation "POOL_XLONG_SHOT_O" at 0.0 times_normal_rate
+0837: object 369@ animation == "POOL_XLONG_SHOT_O"
+0839: get_object 129@(224@,3i) animation "BD_FIRE1" progress_to 305@
+083A: set_object 369@ animation "POOL_XLONG_SHOT_O" progress_to 51@
+083C: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ 0.0 0.0 0.0
+083D: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR velocity_in_direction_XYZ $72 $73 $74
+083E: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR rotation 0.0 0.0 1@ while_in_air
+083F: get_car 44@ vertical_deviation_to $8889
+0840: link_car $1528 to_interior $2862
+0841: flying_vehicle 122@ use_secondary_gun 1
+0842: $3253 = player $PLAYER_CHAR town_number
+0843: get_zone_at 154@ 155@ 156@ nameA_to s$9583 // 8-byte string
+0844: string s$705 empty // s$
+084D: unknown_enable_burglary_house_occupants 0
+084E: flying_vehicle 157@ use_primary_gun 1
+0850: AS_actor 105@ follow_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+0851: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR decrease_health_by 10 affect_armour 1
+0852: set_car $136 damages_visible 0
+0853: unknown_heli 48@ flag 3
+0855: get_actor -1 noise_level_at 168@ 169@ 170@ store_to 174@
+0856: set_actor 106@ enable_crouch 0
+0858: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR scan_horizon_to_angle 225.0 rotation_speed 225.0
+0859: AS_actor 0@ walk_alongisde_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+085A: spawn_emergency_vehicle_model #COPCARSF on_street_nearest_to -2039.255 232.481 33.9528
+085B: AS_actor -1 set_kinda_stay_in_same_place 1
+085E: assign_car 68@ to_looped_path 347
+0860: link_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR to_interior 6
+0861: unknown_player $PLAYER_CHAR scanning_horizon // param is useless
+0864: set_interior_at 2165.72 -1673.14 radius 10.0 access 1
+0866: get_object_in_sphere 71@ 72@ 73@ radius 5.0 handle_as 57@
+0867: unknown_in_burglary_interior 0
+086A: NOP
+0871: init_jump_table $707 total_jumps 8 default_jump 0 @MAIN_7162 jumps 0 @MAIN_6995 1 @MAIN_7013 2 @MAIN_7031 3 @MAIN_7049 4 @MAIN_7067 5 @MAIN_7085 6 @MAIN_7103
+0872: jump_table_jumps 7 @MAIN_7121 -1 @MAIN_7162 -1 @MAIN_7162 -1 @MAIN_7162 -1 @MAIN_7162 -1 @MAIN_7162 -1 @MAIN_7162 -1 @MAIN_7162 -1 @MAIN_7162
+0873: release_path 201
+0874: set_zone 'CHC1A' popcycle_group_for_peds_to 9
+0875: set_object 59@ immune_to_nonplayer 1
+0876: unknown_cube_cornera 2682.42 1420.237 28.0 cornerB -2630.365 1411.699 28.0 flag 3 flag 0
+0878: set_car $1144 dirt_level 0.0
+0879: enable_gang_wars 1
+087B: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR clothes_texture "VEST" model "VEST" body_part 0
+087C: release_shopping_data
+087D: assign_group $PLAYER_GROUP to_AS_pack 155@
+087E: set_actor 43@ weapon_droppable 0
+087F: set_actor 271@ never_leave_group 1
+0881: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR able_to_shoot_weapons 0
+0883: attach_particle 63@ to_actor $131 mode 5
+0884: 'DANCER' = init_external_script_named_handle 52 (DANCER)
+0887: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR turret_mode_orientation 0 both_side_angle_limit 60.0
+0888: create_marker_above_actor 292@ handle_as 293@ // versionB
+0889: store_actor 83@ center_of_body_position_to $72 $73 $74
+088A: actor 42@ perform_animation "RAIL_FALL" IFP "SWAT" 8.0 loopA 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 time -1 disable_force 0 disable_lockZ 1
+088B: set_car 70@ form_drag_multiplier_to 0.1
+088C: put_car 42@ at $72 83@ $74 // versionB
+088D: set_objects_in_sphere 2312.578 -7.4347 25.75 radius 4.5 with_model #MAN_SAFENEW collision_detection 0
+088E: set_next_day
+0890: enable_sound_when_timer $252 reach 3 seconds // global_variable
+0893: put_trailer 45@ on_cab 42@
+0897: car 104@ collided_with_object 290@(50@,10i)
+0898: set_cranes_controls_enable_UP 0 enable_DOWN 0 enable_RELEASE 0
+089B: unknown_is_actor_in_dialogue_mode 0@
+089C: unknown_actor 0@ unknown_check 1
+089E: get_actor_that_buys_drugs_in_sphere 3@ 4@ 5@ radius 5.0 handle_as 11@
+089F: get_actor 42@(44@,2i) pedtype_to 526@
+08A0: actor 0@ in_radius 100.0 near_model #NULL with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 end_script_named "PCUSTOM" // IF and SET
+08A2: set_hydra 154@(56@,3i) attack_with_rockets_car_of_player $PLAYER_CHAR radius 30.0
+08A3: update_respect_while_on_mission 1
+08A4: set_car 98@ extra_parts_angle_to 54@
+08A5: set_car 130@ attractive_to_magnet 0
+08A6: set_car 108@ door 0 rotation_to 0.0
+08A8: set_markers_to_long_distance 1
+08A9: load_external_script 66 (CARMOD1)
+08AB: external_script 66 (CARMOD1) loaded
+08AC: hide_gang_zones_on_map 1
+08AD: link_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR to_enex_marker_at -2240.854 129.3346 radius 1.5
+08AF: set_actor $131 max_health_to 500
+08B1: enable_night_vision 0
+08B2: enable_thermal_vision 0
+08B3: set_gang_zone 'GLN1' as_only_one_available_for_gangwars
+08B4: test $389 bit 1
+08B5: test $405 bit $388
+08B6: test $382($388,6i) bit 3@
+08B7: test 64@ bit 5
+08B9: test 247@ bit 224@
+08BA: set $376[0] bit 1
+08BB: set $1234 bit $388
+08BC: set $389 bit 3@
+08BD: set 64@ bit 10
+08BF: set 64@ bit 59@
+08C0: clear $390 bit 31
+08C1: clear $1234 bit $388
+08C2: clear $390 bit 3@
+08C3: clear 64@ bit 11
+08C6: set_actor 73@ stay_on_bike 1
+08C7: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at 2469.7 -1657.0 12.3 dont_warp_gang
+08C8: set_shopping_item_with_textureCRC $44 price_to 0
+08C9: reset_shopping_item $44 price
+08CA: reset_zones_info
+08CB: explode_car 107@ shake 0 effect 0 sound 0
+08D0: should_skip_cutscene
+08D1: store_cutscene_pos_to $1519 $1520 $1521
+08D2: object 357@(48@,10i) scale_model 0.3
+08D3: get_present_zone_popcycle_group_for_peds_and_cars_to 26@
+08D7: $11791 = panel $11777 active_row
+08DA: remove_panel $11777
+08DC: create_interior_marker $581 at 2026.603 1007.735 radius 20.0
+08DD: lose_stuff_after_wasted 0
+08DE: lose_stuff_after_busted 0
+08DF: override_restart_if_wasted_at -2570.511 1139.582 54.8547 within_radius 1500.0 angle 160.0
+08E0: override_restart_if_busted_at -1379.843 2635.74 54.4315 within_radius 1500.0 angle 170.6194
+08E1: $800 = total_tags_sprayed
+08E2: $710 = territories_controlled_percentage
+08E3: object 46@(127@,4i) sphere 0 in_rectangle_ll_corner_at 112@ 113@ lr_corner_at 114@ 115@ radius 3.0
+08E5: get_actor_in_sphere 27@ 28@ 29@ radius 50.0 handle_as 0@
+08E6: set_plane 44@ landing_gear 1
+08E7: disable_entrance_markers 1
+08E8: assign_external_script_handle 'DEALER' to_model #BMYDRUG
+08E9: set_object 125@(42@,7i) liftable 1
+08EA: enable_gangs_spawn 0
+08EB: create_sparks_at 1580.85 -1752.32 12.91 velocity_direction 0.0 0.0 1.0 density 60
+08EC: $48 = car $47 class
+08ED: remove_actor 63@ from_dialogue_mode
+08F0: set_cutscene_model 'GANGRL3' texture 'GFRIEND' // 8-byte strings
+08F1: get_zone_at 3@ 4@ 5@ nameB_to s$10808 // 8-byte string
+08F2: set_car 44@ targettable_by_heatseeker 0
+08F3: set_car $197 contains_goodies 0
+08F4: set_max_group_members 0
+08F5: save_player_group
+08F6: restore_player_group
+08F7: get_player $PLAYER_CHAR bodypart 0 textureCRC_to $11023 modelCRC_to $11024
+08F8: display_stat_update_box 0
+08F9: v$1249 == v$1245
+08FB: set_checkpoint 56@ type_to 2
+08FD: enable_heat_visuals 0
+08FE: text_box_displayed
+08FF: object 91@(48@,16i) received_damage_type 54
+0900: clear_object 91@(48@,16i) last_weapon_damage
+0901: enable_player $PLAYER_CHAR jump_key 0
+0904: get_interface 7 color_RGBA_to $4781 $4782 $4783 $4784
+0905: set_door 119@ lock 1
+0906: set_object 70@(50@,25i) mass_to 1000.0 // float
+0907: get_object 124@ mass_to 126@ // float
+0908: set_object 91@(48@,16i) turn_mass_to 660@ // float
+090C: highlight_inactive_gang_zone 'GLN1' as_available_for_gangwars
+090D: highlight_all_inactive_gang_zones_as_available_for_gangwars
+090E: set_panel $11777 active_row $11791
+090F: end_external_script 66 (CARMOD1)
+0912: set_text_priority 1 leftmargin 355 maxwidth 370
+0913: run_external_script 66 (CARMOD1)
+0914: NOP 0
+0915: sync_weather_with_time_and_location_instantly
+0916: set_object 100@ attractive_to_magnet 0
+0917: audio_zone 'LOWRIDE' enable_sound 1
+0918: set_car 42@ engine_operation 0
+0919: enable_car 44@ parking_lights 1
+091A: NOP v$1245
+091B: NOP
+091C: get_actor_in_sphere $72 $73 $74 radius 1.5 model #KB_BANDIT_U external_script_named "PEDSLOT" handle_as 16@
+091D: remove_forbidden_for_boats_cube_cornerA 2793.814 -1987.935 15.3045 cornerB 2754.324 -1900.369 9.8752
+091E: create_forbidden_for_boats_cube_cornerA 2380.682 -1274.528 22.0 cornerB 2375.945 -1239.356 26.0
+091F: get_plane 44@ landing_gear_status_to 159@
+0920: point_camera 2359.521 -1246.843 28.7047 transverse_to 2359.276 -1247.129 28.7047 time 7000 smooth_transition 1
+0922: set_camera_zoom_from 70.0 to 100.0 timelimit 10000 smooth_transition 1
+0923: enable_air_traffic 0
+0924: enable_screen_darkness 1 with_value -1
+0925: restore_camera_to_user_defined
+0926: $712 = external_script_status 66 (CARMOD1)
+0928: init_external_script_trigger 19 (DEALER) with_actor_model #BMYDRUG priority 100
+0929: init_external_script_trigger 4 (SLOT_MACHINE) with_object_model #KB_BANDIT_U priority 100 radius 6.0 type 1
+092B: 8@ = group $PLAYER_GROUP member 6@
+092E: get_water_height_at 203@ 204@ ignore_waves 0 store_to 208@
+092F: lock_camera_target_point 1
+0930: lock_camera_position 1
+0931: lock_camera_zoom 1
+0933: camera_position_manipulated
+0934: camera_target_point_manipulated
+0936: set_camera 2358.656 -1246.348 28.7884 position_to 2358.656 -1246.348 28.7884 time 7000 smooth_transition 1
+0937: text_draw_box_cornerA 35.0 15.0 cornerB 200.0 45.0 GXT_reference 'DUMMY' style 0
+0939: attach_car 92@ to_object 114@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 -0.8 rotation 0.0 0.0 180.0
+093A: set_paynspray 'MICHDR' type_to_girlfriend 1
+093B: set_actor $129 upper_body_damage_anims_only 1
+093D: lock_camera_on_cinematic_view 1
+0940: set_group 268@ enters_leaders_vehicle 1
+0941: unknown_searchlight 66@ flag 1
+0942: item_with_textureCRC $44 is_clothing
+0944: manipulate_weapon_camera $129
+0945: get_player $PLAYER_CHAR max_armour_to $10953
+0946: set_actor 109@ actions_uninterupted_by_weapon_fire 1
+0947: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR speak_from_audio_table 353 store_spoken_phrase_id_to $3950
+0948: create_explosion_at $72 $73 $74 type 11 camera_shake 5.0
+0949: link_wav 3@ to_actor 0@
+094A: set_money_pickup $709 cash_to $711
+094B: v$1276 = get_active_interior_name_from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR // 16-byte string
+094C: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR currently_used_EnEx_3D_coord_to 77@ 78@ 79@ number_to 80@
+094E: set_actor 0@ mute_pain_audio 1
+094F: enable_actor 0@ pain_audio
+0950: set_trip_skip 2263.378 -2226.33 12.4 angle 47.416
+0951: disable_trip_skip
+0952: load_soundtrack 10
+0953: get_soundtrack_status_to 17@
+0954: start_playing_loaded_soundtrack
+0955: end_playing_loaded_soundtrack
+0956: get_respect_to $46
+0957: set_car 103@ provides_cover_from_gunfire 0
+0958: $4316 = create_photo_at -2511.28 -672.99 195.75
+0959: $4266 = create_horseshoe_at 1224.0 2617.0 11.0
+095A: $4366 = create_oyster_at 979.0 -2210.0 -3.0
+095C: create_smoke_at 152@ 153@ 154@ velocity 155@ 156@ 157@ RGBA 158@ 159@ 160@ 161@ size 162@ last_factor 163@
+095D: actor $3261(6@,3i) stuck_under_car
+095E: set_car 55@ door 4 unlatch 1 angle -1.0
+095F: get_car 160@ door 6 angle_to 169@
+0960: enable_player $PLAYER_CHAR stats_box 0
+0961: set_actor 50@ keep_tasks_after_cleanup 1
0964: create_square_color_panel 'CARM1' position 2@ 3@ width 6@ columns 8 interactive 1 background 1 alignment 1 panelID $11777 // Colors
-0965: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR swimming
-0966: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR swimming_status_to 309@
-0967: actor 0@ move_mouth 10000 ms
-0968: actor 0@ stop_mouth
-096A: enable_flying_helis 0
-096B: save_current_modparts
-096C: restore_current_modparts
-096D: get_car 0@ component_on_slot 7 model_to 17@
-096E: car $3584 lowrider
-096F: car $11782 street_racing_car
-0970: teleport_in_override_restart // 016Eh
-0971: sync_water
-0972: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at 2509.892 -1672.469 13.5032 no_offset
-0973: fire 173@(223@,4i) exists
-0974: emulate_wasted_busted // 12 hours and clear weapons
-0975: car $3269 emergency_vehicle
-0976: destroy_particle 147@
-0977: player_in_radius_of_object 0@ external_script_trigger
-0978: copy_decision_maker 65540 to $1254
-097A: play_audio_at $2910[0] $2942[0] $2974[0] event 1149
-097B: play_audio_at_object 0@ event 1011
-097C: attach_wav 3 to_object 93@
-097D: get_car $11782 number_of_color_indices_to $11437
-0980: extinguish_all_fires_at -973.759 1077.152 1350.399 radius 200.0
-0981: train $47 wrecked
-0982: set_actor 110@ stay_in_car_when_dead 1
-0983: unknown_disable_gang_wars 1
-0984: 15@ = object 9@ model
-0985: set_objects_in_sphere 2816.857 -1169.075 1028.172 radius 4.0 with_model -152 solid 0 for_actor 107@
-0986: remove_references_to_all_fires
-0987: get_car_blocking_car $3254 store_to $12102
-0988: get_car $11782 paintjob $11438
-098A: set_gunshot_sense_range_for_riot2 15.0
-098D: get_car 54@ extra_parts_angle $9303
+0965: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR swimming
+0966: get_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR swimming_status_to 309@
+0967: actor 0@ move_mouth 10000 ms
+0968: actor 0@ stop_mouth
+096A: enable_flying_helis 0
+096B: save_current_modparts
+096C: restore_current_modparts
+096D: get_car 0@ component_on_slot 7 model_to 17@
+096E: car $3584 lowrider
+096F: car $11782 street_racing_car
+0970: teleport_in_override_restart // 016Eh
+0971: sync_water
+0972: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at 2509.892 -1672.469 13.5032 no_offset
+0973: fire 173@(223@,4i) exists
+0974: emulate_wasted_busted // 12 hours and clear weapons
+0975: car $3269 emergency_vehicle
+0976: destroy_particle 147@
+0977: player_in_radius_of_object 0@ external_script_trigger
+0978: copy_decision_maker 65540 to $1254
+097A: play_audio_at $2910[0] $2942[0] $2974[0] event 1149
+097B: play_audio_at_object 0@ event 1011
+097C: attach_wav 3 to_object 93@
+097D: get_car $11782 number_of_color_indices_to $11437
+0980: extinguish_all_fires_at -973.759 1077.152 1350.399 radius 200.0
+0981: train $47 wrecked
+0982: set_actor 110@ stay_in_car_when_dead 1
+0983: unknown_disable_gang_wars 1
+0984: 15@ = object 9@ model
+0985: set_objects_in_sphere 2816.857 -1169.075 1028.172 radius 4.0 with_model -152 solid 0 for_actor 107@
+0986: remove_references_to_all_fires
+0987: get_car_blocking_car $3254 store_to $12102
+0988: get_car $11782 paintjob $11438
+098A: set_gunshot_sense_range_for_riot2 15.0
+098D: get_car 54@ extra_parts_angle $9303
098E: set_interior 'FDPIZA' bitmask 512 flag 1 // Pizza Stack
-0991: set_soundtrack_paused 1
-0992: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR weapons_scrollable 0
-0994: unknown_create_escape_at 76.6 -1527.6 4.1
-0995: unknown_remove_escapes
-0996: set_racing_checkpoint 110@(64@,20i) Z_angle_to 68@(64@,20f)
-0997: set_total_respect_points_to 1339
-0998: add_respect 3
-099A: set_car 43@ collision_detection 0
-099C: jiggle_camera type 1 timelimit 20000.0 intensity 3.0
-099E: enable_police_patrols 0
-099F: AS_actor -1 ignore_weapon_range 1
-09A0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR attach_object 27@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 on_bone 5 16 perform_animation "NULL" IFP_file "NULL" time -1
-09A1: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR onbone_attached_objectB_operation 0
-09A2: destroy_object_with_fade 17@
-09A3: show_siterocket_on_bumper_camera 1
+0991: set_soundtrack_paused 1
+0992: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR weapons_scrollable 0
+0994: unknown_create_escape_at 76.6 -1527.6 4.1
+0995: unknown_remove_escapes
+0996: set_racing_checkpoint 110@(64@,20i) Z_angle_to 68@(64@,20f)
+0997: set_total_respect_points_to 1339
+0998: add_respect 3
+099A: set_car 43@ collision_detection 0
+099C: jiggle_camera type 1 timelimit 20000.0 intensity 3.0
+099E: enable_police_patrols 0
+099F: AS_actor -1 ignore_weapon_range 1
+09A0: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR attach_object 27@ with_offset 0.0 0.0 0.0 on_bone 5 16 perform_animation "NULL" IFP_file "NULL" time -1
+09A1: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR onbone_attached_objectB_operation 0
+09A2: destroy_object_with_fade 17@
+09A3: show_siterocket_on_bumper_camera 1
09A4: set_dialogue_classB_question_GXT 'DEAL1' answer_Y_GXT 'DEAL2' answer_N_GXT 'DEAL3' question_WAV 192 answer_Y_WAV 77 answer_N_WAV 78 // You want some stuff? // Take it easy man. // Fuck you man!
-09A6: enable_interior_radar_blips 1
-09A7: set_actor 11@ drugged_up 1
-09A8: actor 43@ headshoted
-09A9: get_string "TSHIRTLOCGREY" CRC32_to $11385 // 16-byte strings
+09A6: enable_interior_radar_blips 1
+09A7: set_actor 11@ drugged_up 1
+09A8: actor 43@ headshoted
+09A9: get_string "TSHIRTLOCGREY" CRC32_to $11385 // 16-byte strings
09AA: set_dialogue_classB_end_GXT 'DEAL2' WAV 79 // Take it easy man.
-09AB: set_passengers_in_car $1314 speak_from_audio_table 37 // similar to 0947
-09AC: disable_map_icons 1
-09AD: set_vehicle_camera_mode 2
-09AE: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_train
-09AF: set_trip_skip_after_mission 2097.009 1728.285 9.8203 angle 169.1748
-09B0: set_car 103@ accessible_for_player_using_controller 0
-09B2: get_random_available_car_unk 1 model_to 158@ class_to 159@
-09B3: get_car $11782 door_status $11799
-09B4: set_object_property_at $2910[2] $2942[2] radius 10.0 bitmask 16384 flag 1
-09B5: set_actor $131 signal_after_kill 0
-09B6: set_actor 0@ wanted_by_police 0
-09B7: set_zone 'GAN1' disable_footcops 1
-09B8: create_blood_gush_at $72 $73 $74 with_offset 215@ 216@ 217@ density 20 on_actor $131
-09B9: show_entered_car_name 0
-09BA: show_entered_zone_name 0
-09BB: car 330@ has_visible_damage_on_component 0
-09BC: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at $677 $678 $679 no_offset_and_dont_warp_gang
-09BD: allow_other_scripts_to_display_text_boxes 1
-09BE: are_text_boxes_locked_to_any_script
-09BF: set_random_traffic_spawn_to_model #TOPFUN // Load the vehicle model before using this
-09C0: 45@ = get_random_car_in_area 87@ 89@ 88@ 90@ 1.0 with_actors -1
-09C1: add_next_text_to_brief_history 0
-09C2: cancel_rampage
-09C3: police_car_in_rectangle_cornerA 1554.32 -1632.669 13.9475 cornerB 1535.271 -1620.762 11.8805
-09C4: set_car 196@ gas_tank_explosion_enabled 0
-09C5: unknown_actor 0@
-09C7: change_player $SECOND_PLAYER model_to #BFYPRO
-09C8: menu_subtitles_switched_on
-09C9: disembark_actor $132 from_car 44@ and_freeze_actor_position
-09CA: set_object $1266[0] immunities BP 1 FP 1 EP 1 CP 1 MP 1
-09CB: vehicle $135 colliding_with_vehicle 282@
-09CC: object 0@ model_is #CJ_COIN_OP_2
-09CF: set_train 48@ stop_at_stations 0
-09D0: car $47 on_wheels
-09D1: pickup 103@(51@,3i) created
-09D2: set_cops_chase_criminals 0
-09D4: suspend_wanted_level
-09D5: play_sound_of_actor 43@ soundslot 345 unknown_flags 1 0 0 as 264@ // extended 0947
-09D6: unknown_set_actor 26@ sound $5201($4784,3i) flags 1 1 0
-09D7: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR force_interior_lighting 1
-09D8: NOP 1
-09D9: detonate_all_satchel_charges
-09DA: cash_pickup_at 6@ 7@ 8@
-09DD: unknown_player_group 1
-09E0: trip_skip 1526.9 -1654.5 12.1 angle 180.0 when_in_car 45@
-09E1: get_car_model $1096(5@,6i) price_to $1145
-09E2: $4214[0] = parked_car_generator_w_numberplate #EUROS colors -1 -1 force_spawn 0 alarm 50 door_lock 0 min_delay 0 max_delay 10000 plate "IMPEXP__" at 0.0 0.0 0.0 angle 180.0
-09E3: train $47 traveling_clockwise
-09E4: enable_aircraftcarrier_sam 0
-09E5: create_flash_light_at 233@ 234@ 235@ RGB_mask 255 255 255 radius 200.0
-09E6: set_burglary_houses_accessible 1
-09E7: player $PLAYER_CHAR not_frozen
-09E8: $719 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR active_interior
-09E9: car 42@ set_single_nitro
-09EB: remove_player_goggles $PLAYER_CHAR use_anim 0
-09EC: set_garages_leave_camera_alone 0
-09ED: actor 79@ is_within_field_of_view_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
-09EE: set_status_text_stay_on_screen 1
-09EF: set_behind_camera_autoposition_mode_for_car_model #SANCHEZ distance 1.0 altitude_multiplier 1.0 angle_X 0.12
-09F0: restore_behind_camera_autoposition_mode_for_all_car_models
-09F1: play_audio_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR event 1169
-09F4: set_actor $133 ignore_height_difference_following_nodes 1
-09F5: disable_player_mutal_activities 1
-09F6: set_actor $131 unjackable_through_driver_seat 0
-09F7: play_audio_at_car $135 event 1147
-09F8: give_player2_weapons_of_player1
-09FA: is_menu_closed
-09FB: $153 = current_language
-09FC: anything_entered_objects_position 85@(133@,10i)
-09FE: reset_hydraulics_on_car 76@
-09FF: set_restart_closest_to $72 $73 $74
-0A01: model 50@ car
-0A02: set_searchlight 43@(173@,7i) lights_through_obstacles 0
-0A03: unknown_gang_war_in_progress
-0A06: train $10882 next_station_unlocked
-0A07: put_train $10882 at_next_station
-0A09: set_actor 0@ muted 1 // versionB
-0A0A: unknown_object 0@ flag 1
-0A0B: set_rendering_origin_at_3D_coord 2493.362 -1734.295 12.3828 angle 258.7583
-0A0C: player $PLAYER_CHAR on_jetpack
-0A0E: disable_text_with_style 1
-0A0F: new_language_set
-0A10: increase_integer_stat 161 by 1
-0A11: set_car $1528 tertiary_color_to $1526 quaternary_color_to $1527
-0A12: get_car 324@ tertiary_color_to 245@ quaternary_color_to 246@
-0A13: unknown_sync_player_camera
-0A14: disable_respray_garages 1
-0A15: is_car_affected_by_cheats 42@
-0A16: link_wav 3 to_car 67@
-0A17: set_parked_car_generator $4170 to_player_owned 1
-0A18: set_dialogue_classA_question_GXT 289@s yes_GXT 291@s no_GXT 293@s WAV 299@ yes_WAV 300@ no_WAV 301@
+09AB: set_passengers_in_car $1314 speak_from_audio_table 37 // similar to 0947
+09AC: disable_map_icons 1
+09AD: set_vehicle_camera_mode 2
+09AE: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_train
+09AF: set_trip_skip_after_mission 2097.009 1728.285 9.8203 angle 169.1748
+09B0: set_car 103@ accessible_for_player_using_controller 0
+09B2: get_random_available_car_unk 1 model_to 158@ class_to 159@
+09B3: get_car $11782 door_status $11799
+09B4: set_object_property_at $2910[2] $2942[2] radius 10.0 bitmask 16384 flag 1
+09B5: set_actor $131 signal_after_kill 0
+09B6: set_actor 0@ wanted_by_police 0
+09B7: set_zone 'GAN1' disable_footcops 1
+09B8: create_blood_gush_at $72 $73 $74 with_offset 215@ 216@ 217@ density 20 on_actor $131
+09B9: show_entered_car_name 0
+09BA: show_entered_zone_name 0
+09BB: car 330@ has_visible_damage_on_component 0
+09BC: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at $677 $678 $679 no_offset_and_dont_warp_gang
+09BD: allow_other_scripts_to_display_text_boxes 1
+09BE: are_text_boxes_locked_to_any_script
+09BF: set_random_traffic_spawn_to_model #TOPFUN // Load the vehicle model before using this
+09C0: 45@ = get_random_car_in_area 87@ 89@ 88@ 90@ 1.0 with_actors -1
+09C1: add_next_text_to_brief_history 0
+09C2: cancel_rampage
+09C3: police_car_in_rectangle_cornerA 1554.32 -1632.669 13.9475 cornerB 1535.271 -1620.762 11.8805
+09C4: set_car 196@ gas_tank_explosion_enabled 0
+09C5: unknown_actor 0@
+09C7: change_player $SECOND_PLAYER model_to #BFYPRO
+09C8: menu_subtitles_switched_on
+09C9: disembark_actor $132 from_car 44@ and_freeze_actor_position
+09CA: set_object $1266[0] immunities BP 1 FP 1 EP 1 CP 1 MP 1
+09CB: vehicle $135 colliding_with_vehicle 282@
+09CC: object 0@ model_is #CJ_COIN_OP_2
+09CF: set_train 48@ stop_at_stations 0
+09D0: car $47 on_wheels
+09D1: pickup 103@(51@,3i) created
+09D2: set_cops_chase_criminals 0
+09D4: suspend_wanted_level
+09D5: play_sound_of_actor 43@ soundslot 345 unknown_flags 1 0 0 as 264@ // extended 0947
+09D6: unknown_set_actor 26@ sound $5201($4784,3i) flags 1 1 0
+09D7: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR force_interior_lighting 1
+09D8: NOP 1
+09D9: detonate_all_satchel_charges
+09DA: cash_pickup_at 6@ 7@ 8@
+09DD: unknown_player_group 1
+09E0: trip_skip 1526.9 -1654.5 12.1 angle 180.0 when_in_car 45@
+09E1: get_car_model $1096(5@,6i) price_to $1145
+09E2: $4214[0] = parked_car_generator_w_numberplate #EUROS colors -1 -1 force_spawn 0 alarm 50 door_lock 0 min_delay 0 max_delay 10000 plate "IMPEXP__" at 0.0 0.0 0.0 angle 180.0
+09E3: train $47 traveling_clockwise
+09E4: enable_aircraftcarrier_sam 0
+09E5: create_flash_light_at 233@ 234@ 235@ RGB_mask 255 255 255 radius 200.0
+09E6: set_burglary_houses_accessible 1
+09E7: player $PLAYER_CHAR not_frozen
+09E8: $719 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR active_interior
+09E9: car 42@ set_single_nitro
+09EB: remove_player_goggles $PLAYER_CHAR use_anim 0
+09EC: set_garages_leave_camera_alone 0
+09ED: actor 79@ is_within_field_of_view_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+09EE: set_status_text_stay_on_screen 1
+09EF: set_behind_camera_autoposition_mode_for_car_model #SANCHEZ distance 1.0 altitude_multiplier 1.0 angle_X 0.12
+09F0: restore_behind_camera_autoposition_mode_for_all_car_models
+09F1: play_audio_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR event 1169
+09F4: set_actor $133 ignore_height_difference_following_nodes 1
+09F5: disable_player_mutal_activities 1
+09F6: set_actor $131 unjackable_through_driver_seat 0
+09F7: play_audio_at_car $135 event 1147
+09F8: give_player2_weapons_of_player1
+09FA: is_menu_closed
+09FB: $153 = current_language
+09FC: anything_entered_objects_position 85@(133@,10i)
+09FE: reset_hydraulics_on_car 76@
+09FF: set_restart_closest_to $72 $73 $74
+0A01: model 50@ car
+0A02: set_searchlight 43@(173@,7i) lights_through_obstacles 0
+0A03: unknown_gang_war_in_progress
+0A06: train $10882 next_station_unlocked
+0A07: put_train $10882 at_next_station
+0A09: set_actor 0@ muted 1 // versionB
+0A0A: unknown_object 0@ flag 1
+0A0B: set_rendering_origin_at_3D_coord 2493.362 -1734.295 12.3828 angle 258.7583
+0A0C: player $PLAYER_CHAR on_jetpack
+0A0E: disable_text_with_style 1
+0A0F: new_language_set
+0A10: increase_integer_stat 161 by 1
+0A11: set_car $1528 tertiary_color_to $1526 quaternary_color_to $1527
+0A12: get_car 324@ tertiary_color_to 245@ quaternary_color_to 246@
+0A13: unknown_sync_player_camera
+0A14: disable_respray_garages 1
+0A15: is_car_affected_by_cheats 42@
+0A16: link_wav 3 to_car 67@
+0A17: set_parked_car_generator $4170 to_player_owned 1
+0A18: set_dialogue_classA_question_GXT 289@s yes_GXT 291@s no_GXT 293@s WAV 299@ yes_WAV 300@ no_WAV 301@
0A19: display_zone_text 'MARKS' // Saint Mark's
-0A1A: actor 96@ perform_walk_animation "HIKER_POSE_L" IFP "MISC" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 -1 ms // versionC
-0A1B: actor 70@ colliding_with_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
-0A1C: set_helicopter 85@ play_engine_sounds 1
-0A1D: AS_actor 8@ rotate_to_and_look_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
-0A1E: dump_screen 1
-0A1F: increase_float_stat 24 by 204@
-0A20: disable_player $PLAYER_CHAR group_control_back 1
-0A21: set_car 80@ not_affected_by_cheats 0
-0A22: set_car_color_to_panel_color_panelID $11777 car $11782 colorslot 1 active_row $11791
-0A24: enable_military_zones_wanted_level 1
-0A25: set_camera_on_players_X_angle 0.031 Z_angle -2.152
-0A26: set_radio_to_favorite_station
-0A27: set_actor 52@ death_pickups_persist 1
-0A28: set_actor $131 swimming_speed_to 2.3
+0A1A: actor 96@ perform_walk_animation "HIKER_POSE_L" IFP "MISC" framedelta 4.0 loopA 0 lockX 0 lockY 0 lockF 1 -1 ms // versionC
+0A1B: actor 70@ colliding_with_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+0A1C: set_helicopter 85@ play_engine_sounds 1
+0A1D: AS_actor 8@ rotate_to_and_look_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+0A1E: dump_screen 1
+0A1F: increase_float_stat 24 by 204@
+0A20: disable_player $PLAYER_CHAR group_control_back 1
+0A21: set_car 80@ not_affected_by_cheats 0
+0A22: set_car_color_to_panel_color_panelID $11777 car $11782 colorslot 1 active_row $11791
+0A24: enable_military_zones_wanted_level 1
+0A25: set_camera_on_players_X_angle 0.031 Z_angle -2.152
+0A26: set_radio_to_favorite_station
+0A27: set_actor 52@ death_pickups_persist 1
+0A28: set_actor $131 swimming_speed_to 2.3
0A2A: text_box 'KICK_11' displayed // Score 26 points to complete the mission. To leave the stadium stand in the ~r~red highlighted~s~ area on foot.
-0A2B: widescreen_option_enabled
-0A2C: hide_priority_text_while_fading 0
-0A2D: hide_styled_text_while_fading 0 // works with 00BA
-0A2E: AS_actor 922@(767@,12i) go_to 862@(767@,12f) 874@(767@,12f) 886@(767@,12f) mode 7 time -2 stop_radius 8.0 following_paths
-0A2F: show_first_person_view 0
-0A30: repair_car 324@
-0A31: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR group_to_follow_never 1
-0A32: actor 2@ on_turret_of_car
-0A33: get_car_ped_is_attached_to 0@ store_to 1@
-0A35: trip_skip 2453.8 -1305.0 22.5 angle 0.0 when_in_car 45@ finished_by_script
-0A36: trip_skip_finished_by_script_is_ready_to_fade_in
-0A37: disable_vehicle_lights 1
-0A39: get_vehicle_camera_mode_to 68@
-0A3A: player $PLAYER_CHAR last_model_shot #CARGO_TEST
-0A3B: clear_player $PLAYER_CHAR last_model_shot
-0A3C: set_dialogue_classA_end_GXT 293@s WAV 305@
-0A3D: enable_prostitutes_pay_you 1
-0A3E: unknown_get_actor_in_sphere $72 $73 $74 radius 0.6 0.6 1.0 handle_as 17@
-0A3F: set_unused_flag 0
-0A40: $794 = create_entrance_marker_at 1685.7 -2238.9 14.0 color 15
-0A41: destroy_entrance_marker $794
-0A43: get_rid_of_player_prostitute
-0A44: override_text_block 1
-0A45: set_rail_tracks_friction_to 0.3
-0A46: set_external_scripts_triggers_type 1 enabled 0
-0A47: set_dialogue_mode_enabled_without_GXT
-0A48: enable_menu_access_in_widescreen_mode 1
-0A4B: controls_set_to_joystick
-0A51: is_widget_pressed 37
-0A52: is_widget_released 70
-0A53: is_widget_doubletapped 174
-0A54: is_widget_swiped 95
-0A57: do_mission_skip $1538 $1542
-0A58: skip_to_mission_num $2864
-0A59: skip_to_mission_page $2865
-0A5A: get_widget_value 156 4@
-0A5B: get_widget_value2 40 $1019 $1020
-0A5C: display_text_widget 0.0 1.0 'INTRO_1' // Big Smoke
-0A5D: get_widget_position 187 20@ 21@ 22@ 23@
-0A5E: set_widget_value 156 4@
-0A60: add_widget_flag 69 4
-0A61: remove_widget_flag 69 4
-0A62: add_button_flag 124 2
-0A63: remove_button_flag 124 2
-0A64: is_touch_enabled
-0A65: skip_intro_cutscene
-0A66: write_log "Mission Page 0"
-0A67: write_log_int 15@ 15@ 15@ "taking money off player"
-0A69: create_shop_widget 'IE09' // Imports
-0A6A: add_shop_item 'IE16' 0 // Sunday
-0A6B: delete_widget 156
-0A6C: set_equipped_item 156 1@
-0A6D: print_help_forever_conditional 'WZI2_A5' 0 // Tap ~m~~widget_button_dive~ to dive underwater.
-0A6E: set_widget_texture 54 "hud_check"
-0A6F: checkpoint_save 1
-0A70: display_text_clamped 72@ 73@ 128@(490@,167s) 170.0
-0A71: display_text_with_number_clamped 335.0 73@ 'ODDS' 479@(489@,5i) 80.0 // ~1~/1
-0A73: set_widget_value3 36 $72 $73 $74
-0A74: is_checkpoint_resuming 1
-0A75: set_active_menu_item_car_mods $11777 $11773
-0A76: hid_implements 19
-0A77: checkpoint_save_oddjob 1
-0A78: print_help_conditional 'RAD_TCH' 64 // Swipe the bottom left corner of the screen to change radio stations.
-0A79: print_help_conditional_touch 'CLSC_2F' 2 // To pedal hold down ~m~~widget_accelerate~.
-0A7A: print_help_conditional_hid 'CLSC_2F' 2 // To pedal hold down ~m~~widget_accelerate~.
-0A7B: print_help_conditional_touch_classic 'ADPD_2F' 2 // Press and hold the lower right corner of the screen to pedal.
-0A7C: print_help_conditional_touch_adapted 'HP27HIJ' 4 // Press and hold ~m~~widget_ped_move_up~ and ~m~~widget_ped_move_down~ to shift your weight on the bike.
-0A7D: print_help_conditional_hid_joypad 'HP27HIK' 4 // Push ~m~~widget_ped_move_left~ and ~m~~widget_ped_move_right~, to shift your weight on the bike.
-0A7E: print_help_conditional_hid_keyboard 'HP27TCH' 4 // Touch forward and back on the left side of the screen to shift your weight on the bike.
-0A7F: print_help_conditional_touch_analog 'DS2TCH' 0
-0A80: print_help_conditional_unknown 'DS1TCH' 0 // ~s~Do a barrel roll in mid air and land it perfectly. While in the air, release the accelerate button and press and hold the left side of the screen to one side to adjust the car's pitch.
-0A82: set_widget_info2 'HELP31B' 0 // To do a drive-by, press ~m~~widget_vehicle_shoot_left~ or ~m~~widget_vehicle_shoot_right~.
-0A83: set_widget_info2 'WZI2_A6' 0 // Hold down ~m~~widget_button_swim~ to swim around underwater.
-0A84: set_widget_info2 'WZI2_A6' 0 // Hold down ~m~~widget_button_swim~ to swim around underwater.
-0A85: set_widget_info2 'WZI2APD' 0 // Hold down the right side of the screen to swim around underwater.
-0A86: set_widget_info2 'STR_02' 0 // Tap ~m~~widget_camera~ to change view. Tap ~m~~widget_minigame_cancel~ to quit the private dance.
-0A87: set_widget_info2 'STR_04' 0
-0A89: set_widget_value 176 463@ 464@
-0A8A: set_widget_info 103 1 0 0 1 1 31@ 'LOWR1' // Player
-0A8B: set_widget_info 178 46@ 489@ 0 0 128@(490@,167s) 'DUMMY'
-0A8D: is_hid_released 1
-8018: not $2899 > 0
-8019: not TIMERA > 1000
-801A: not 0 > $1309[0]
-801B: not 17 > 397@
-801D: not 53@ > 218@ // (int)
-8020: not $9304 > 1005.4
-8022: not 10.0 > $12106
-8023: not 0.1 > 475@(682@,101f)
-8024: not $7823 > $7575 // (float)
-8028: not $9927 >= 1
-8029: not 423@(422@,20i) >= 8
-802B: not 99 >= 202@
-802D: not 935@(767@,12i) >= 836@ // (int)
-8031: not 49@ >= 260.0
-8032: not 1010.031 >= $74
-8033: not 280.0 >= 49@
-8038: not $42 == 0
-8039: not 26@ == 0
-803A: not $1029 == $1028 // (int)
-803B: not 22@ == 25@ // (int)
-803C: not $1039 == 12@ // (int)
-8042: not $4884 == 2.0
-8043: not 10@ == 0.0
-8044: not $4139 == $688 // (float)
-8045: not 108@ == 69@ // (float)
-80A3: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_rectangle_cornerA 1744.2 -1686.68 cornerB 1698.34 -1616.4
-80A4: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_cube_cornerA -1790.7 1209.0 23.0 cornerB -1784.0 1221.5 27.5
-80B0: not car $197 sphere 0 in_rectangle_cornerA -2042.0 -126.0 cornerB -2058.0 -220.0
-80B1: not car $9298 sphere 0 in_cube_cornerA 2497.387 2858.018 8.0 cornerB 2676.413 2683.661 60.0
-80C2: not sphere_onscreen -1572.168 63.2853 16.3281 radius 5.0
-80DB: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car $1528
-80DD: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_car_with_model #AMBULAN
-80DF: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving
-80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 16
-80EC: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 near_point 1812.369 -1929.922 radius 500.0 500.0
-80ED: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 near_point 394@ 395@ radius 2.5 2.5 on_foot
-80EE: not actor 62@(127@,4i) sphere 0 near_point 83@ 84@ radius 400.0 400.0 in_car
-80EF: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 near_point 1724.626 -1640.693 radius 1.5 1.5 stopped
-80F2: not actor $130 near_actor 106@ radius 40.0 40.0 0
-80F4: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_actor 85@ radius 20.0 20.0 0 in_car
-80FE: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_sphere $3730 $3731 $3732 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0
-80FF: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_sphere 2072.11 -1793.8 12.56 radius 10.0 10.0 3.0 on_foot
-8100: not actor 131@ in_sphere 61@ 62@ 63@ radius 20.0 20.0 20.0 sphere 0 in_car
-8101: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_sphere 96@ 97@ 98@ radius 10.0 10.0 10.0 sphere 0 stopped
-8102: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_sphere $677 $678 $679 radius 1.0 1.0 3.0 sphere 0 stopped_on_foot
-8104: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_actor 1@ radius 67.0 67.0 10.0 sphere 0
-8105: not actor 101@ near_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR radius 150.0 150.0 150.0 sphere 0 on_foot
-8106: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_actor 80@ radius 10.0 10.0 5.0 0 in_car
-810A: not player $PLAYER_CHAR money > -499
-810F: not player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level > 0
-8112: not wasted_or_busted // mission only
-8117: not player $PLAYER_CHAR wasted
-8118: not actor 2@ dead
-8119: not car 0@ wrecked
-8137: not car 98@ model == #DOZER
+0A2B: widescreen_option_enabled
+0A2C: hide_priority_text_while_fading 0
+0A2D: hide_styled_text_while_fading 0 // works with 00BA
+0A2E: AS_actor 922@(767@,12i) go_to 862@(767@,12f) 874@(767@,12f) 886@(767@,12f) mode 7 time -2 stop_radius 8.0 following_paths
+0A2F: show_first_person_view 0
+0A30: repair_car 324@
+0A31: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR group_to_follow_never 1
+0A32: actor 2@ on_turret_of_car
+0A33: get_car_ped_is_attached_to 0@ store_to 1@
+0A35: trip_skip 2453.8 -1305.0 22.5 angle 0.0 when_in_car 45@ finished_by_script
+0A36: trip_skip_finished_by_script_is_ready_to_fade_in
+0A37: disable_vehicle_lights 1
+0A39: get_vehicle_camera_mode_to 68@
+0A3A: player $PLAYER_CHAR last_model_shot #CARGO_TEST
+0A3B: clear_player $PLAYER_CHAR last_model_shot
+0A3C: set_dialogue_classA_end_GXT 293@s WAV 305@
+0A3D: enable_prostitutes_pay_you 1
+0A3E: unknown_get_actor_in_sphere $72 $73 $74 radius 0.6 0.6 1.0 handle_as 17@
+0A3F: set_unused_flag 0
+0A40: $794 = create_entrance_marker_at 1685.7 -2238.9 14.0 color 15
+0A41: destroy_entrance_marker $794
+0A43: get_rid_of_player_prostitute
+0A44: override_text_block 1
+0A45: set_rail_tracks_friction_to 0.3
+0A46: set_external_scripts_triggers_type 1 enabled 0
+0A47: set_dialogue_mode_enabled_without_GXT
+0A48: enable_menu_access_in_widescreen_mode 1
+0A4B: controls_set_to_joystick
+0A51: is_widget_pressed 37
+0A52: is_widget_released 70
+0A53: is_widget_doubletapped 175
+0A54: is_widget_swiped 95
+0A57: do_mission_skip_get_current_mission_page $1538 get_current_skip_to_mission_number $1542
+0A58: skip_to_mission_num $2864
+0A59: skip_to_mission_page $2865
+0A5A: get_widget 156 value_to 4@ // float
+0A5B: get_widget 40 value2_to $1019 $1020 // float
+0A5C: display_missions_text_position 0.0 1.0 GXT 'INTRO_1' // Big Smoke
+0A5D: get_widget 188 position_to 20@ 21@ scale_to 22@ 23@
+0A5E: set_widget 156 value 4@ // float
+0A60: widget 69 add_flag 4
+0A61: widget 69 remove_flag 4
+0A62: widget 124 add_button_flag 2
+0A63: widget 124 remove_button_flag 2
+0A64: is_touch_enabled
+0A65: skip_intro_cutscene
+0A66: write_log "Mission Page 0" // 128-byte null-terminated string
+0A67: write_log_int 15@ 15@ 15@ "taking money off player" // 128-byte null-terminated string
+0A69: create_shop_widget_menu 'IE09' // Imports
+0A6A: add_shop_widget_menu_item 'IE16' price 0 // Sunday
+0A6B: delete_widget 156
+0A6C: set_widget 156 equipped_item 1@
+0A6D: print_help_forever_conditional 'WZI2_A5' hid_type 0 // Tap ~m~~widget_button_dive~ to dive underwater.
+0A6E: set_widget 54 texture "hud_check" // 128-byte null-terminated string
+0A6F: checkpoint_save 1
+0A70: display_text_clamped_position 72@ 73@ GXT 128@(490@,167s) scale 170.0 //text_draw
+0A71: display_text_clamped_position 335.0 73@ GXT 'ODDS' with_number 479@(489@,5i) scale 80.0 //text_draw // ~1~/1
+0A73: set_widget 36 value3 $72 $73 $74 // float
+0A74: is_checkpoint_resuming 1 // IsGameResuming //bool
+0A75: set_active_square_color_panel $11777 find_car_colour $11773
+0A76: hid_implements 19
+0A77: checkpoint_save_oddjob 1
+0A78: print_help_forever_conditional_touch 'RAD_TCH' hid_type 64 // Swipe the bottom left corner of the screen to change radio stations.
+0A79: print_help_forever_conditional_hid 'CLSC_2F' hid_type 2 // To pedal hold down ~m~~widget_accelerate~.
+0A7A: print_help_forever_conditional_touch_classic 'CLSC_2F' hid_type 2 // To pedal hold down ~m~~widget_accelerate~.
+0A7B: print_help_forever_conditional_touch_adapted 'ADPD_2F' hid_type 2 // Press and hold the lower right corner of the screen to pedal.
+0A7C: print_help_forever_conditional_hid_joypad 'HP27HIJ' hid_type 4 // Press and hold ~m~~widget_ped_move_up~ and ~m~~widget_ped_move_down~ to shift your weight on the bike.
+0A7D: print_help_forever_conditional_hid_keyboard 'HP27HIK' hid_type 4 // Push ~m~~widget_ped_move_left~ and ~m~~widget_ped_move_right~, to shift your weight on the bike.
+0A7E: print_help_forever_conditional_touch_analog 'HP27TCH' hid_type 4 // Touch forward and back on the left side of the screen to shift your weight on the bike.
+0A7F: print_help_forever_conditional_touch_digital 'DS2TCH' hid_type 0
+0A80: print_help_forever_conditional_touch_flick 'DS1TCH' hid_type 0 // ~s~Do a barrel roll in mid air and land it perfectly. While in the air, release the accelerate button and press and hold the left side of the screen to one side to adjust the car's pitch.
+0A82: print_help_conditional_touch 'HELP31B' hid_type 0 // To do a drive-by, press ~m~~widget_vehicle_shoot_left~ or ~m~~widget_vehicle_shoot_right~.
+0A83: print_help_conditional_hid 'WZI2_A6' hid_type 0 // Hold down ~m~~widget_button_swim~ to swim around underwater.
+0A84: print_help_conditional_touch_classic 'WZI2_A6' hid_type 0 // Hold down ~m~~widget_button_swim~ to swim around underwater.
+0A85: print_help_conditional_touch_adapted 'WZI2APD' hid_type 0 // Hold down the right side of the screen to swim around underwater.
+0A86: print_help_conditional_hid_joypad 'STR_02' hid_type 0 // Tap ~m~~widget_camera~ to change view. Tap ~m~~widget_minigame_cancel~ to quit the private dance.
+0A87: print_help_conditional_hid_keyboard 'STR_04' hid_type 0
+0A89: set_widget 177 value2 463@ 464@ // float
+0A8A: set_widget 103 info 1 0 0 1 1 31@ 'LOWR1' // Player
+0A8B: set_widget 179 info2 46@ 489@ 0 0 128@(490@,167s) 'DUMMY'
+0A8D: is_hid_released 1
+8018: not $2899 > 0
+8019: not TIMERA > 1000
+801A: not 0 > $1309[0]
+801B: not 17 > 397@
+801D: not 53@ > 218@ // (int)
+8020: not $9304 > 1005.4
+8022: not 10.0 > $12106
+8023: not 0.1 > 475@(682@,101f)
+8024: not $7823 > $7575 // (float)
+8028: not $9927 >= 1
+8029: not 423@(422@,20i) >= 8
+802B: not 99 >= 202@
+802D: not 935@(767@,12i) >= 836@ // (int)
+8031: not 49@ >= 260.0
+8032: not 1010.031 >= $74
+8033: not 280.0 >= 49@
+8038: not $42 == 0
+8039: not 26@ == 0
+803A: not $1029 == $1028 // (int)
+803B: not 22@ == 25@ // (int)
+803C: not $1039 == 12@ // (int)
+8042: not $4884 == 2.0
+8043: not 10@ == 0.0
+8044: not $4139 == $688 // (float)
+8045: not 108@ == 69@ // (float)
+80A3: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_rectangle_cornerA 1744.2 -1686.68 cornerB 1698.34 -1616.4
+80A4: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_cube_cornerA -1790.7 1209.0 23.0 cornerB -1784.0 1221.5 27.5
+80B0: not car $197 sphere 0 in_rectangle_cornerA -2042.0 -126.0 cornerB -2058.0 -220.0
+80B1: not car $9298 sphere 0 in_cube_cornerA 2497.387 2858.018 8.0 cornerB 2676.413 2683.661 60.0
+80C2: not sphere_onscreen -1572.168 63.2853 16.3281 radius 5.0
+80DB: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car $1528
+80DD: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_car_with_model #AMBULAN
+80DF: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving
+80E1: not player 0 pressed_key 16
+80EC: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 near_point 1812.369 -1929.922 radius 500.0 500.0
+80ED: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 near_point 394@ 395@ radius 2.5 2.5 on_foot
+80EE: not actor 62@(127@,4i) sphere 0 near_point 83@ 84@ radius 400.0 400.0 in_car
+80EF: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 near_point 1724.626 -1640.693 radius 1.5 1.5 stopped
+80F2: not actor $130 near_actor 106@ radius 40.0 40.0 0
+80F4: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_actor 85@ radius 20.0 20.0 0 in_car
+80FE: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_sphere $3730 $3731 $3732 radius 3.0 3.0 3.0
+80FF: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR sphere 0 in_sphere 2072.11 -1793.8 12.56 radius 10.0 10.0 3.0 on_foot
+8100: not actor 131@ in_sphere 61@ 62@ 63@ radius 20.0 20.0 20.0 sphere 0 in_car
+8101: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_sphere 96@ 97@ 98@ radius 10.0 10.0 10.0 sphere 0 stopped
+8102: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_sphere $677 $678 $679 radius 1.0 1.0 3.0 sphere 0 stopped_on_foot
+8104: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_actor 1@ radius 67.0 67.0 10.0 sphere 0
+8105: not actor 101@ near_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR radius 150.0 150.0 150.0 sphere 0 on_foot
+8106: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_actor 80@ radius 10.0 10.0 5.0 0 in_car
+810A: not player $PLAYER_CHAR money > -499
+810F: not player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level > 0
+8112: not wasted_or_busted // mission only
+8117: not player $PLAYER_CHAR wasted
+8118: not actor 2@ dead
+8119: not car 0@ wrecked
+8137: not car 98@ model == #DOZER
8154: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_zone 'SF' // San Fierro
-816B: not fading
-8179: not actor $131 colliding_with_object 118@(184@,10i)
-8184: not actor $11386 health >= 99
-8185: not car $135 health >= 250
-81AC: not car 44@ sphere 0 in_cube_cornerA 288.0 54@ 16.0 cornerB 328.0 56@ 18.0 stopped
-81AD: not car 0@ sphere 0 near_point 3@ 4@ radius 3.0 3.0
-81AF: not car $1144 sphere 0 in_sphere -1572.168 63.2853 16.3281 radius 30.0 30.0 5.0
-81B0: not car 44@ sphere 1 in_sphere 65@ 66@ 67@ radius 26.31 26.31 26.31 stopped
-81C1: not car 551@ stopped
-81F3: not car $47 in_air
-81F4: not car 71@ flipped
-8202: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car $1213(5@,5i) radius 500.0 500.0 sphere 0
-8203: not actor 402@ near_car 551@ radius 8.0 8.0 flag 0 on_foot
-8204: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car 80@ radius 15.0 15.0 sphere 0 in_car
-8205: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car $135 radius 30.0 30.0 10.0 flag 0
-820D: not car $1314 flipped
-8214: not pickup 145@ picked_up
-823D: not special_actor 1 loaded
-8247: not load_model #WBDYG2
-8248: not model $1096($1175,6i) available
-8256: not player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
-82BF: not car $62 sunk
-82CA: not car 23@ bounding_sphere_visible
-82CB: not actor 109@ bounding_sphere_visible
-82CC: not object 61@ bounding_sphere_visible
-82D0: not fire 152@(223@,21i) extinguished
-82D8: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 56
-82E0: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR firing_weapon
-82E9: not cutscene_reached_end
-82F2: not actor 5@ model == #GANGRL3
-831D: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR hit_by_weapon 41
-8339: not anything_in_cube_cornerA $4788 $4789 $4790 cornerB $4785 $4786 $4787 solid 0 car 0 actor 1 object 0 particle 0
-834E: not move_object $4045 to 1903.383 967.62 15.438 speed 0.0 0.0 0.05 collision_check 0
-8356: not explosion_type 0 in_cube_cornerA 819.55 8.09 1003.4 cornerB 822.27 10.98 1005.72
-8366: not object 116@ damaged
-838A: not any_car_in_cube_cornerA 215@ 216@ 217@ cornerB 5.0 5.0 5.0
-83A3: not actor 42@(44@,2i) male
-83B0: not garage 'BURG_LK' door_open
-83B1: not garage 'BURG_LK' door_closed
-83C9: not car 81@ damaged
-83CA: not object 28@ exists
-83D0: not wav 1 loaded
-83D2: not wav 1 ended
-83D9: not save_done
-840C: not is_german_game
-8424: not is_system_metric
-8431: not car $47 passenger_seat_free 0
-8436: not credits_ended
-8448: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car $136
-8449: not actor 109@ in_a_car
-844B: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_foot
-8457: not player $PLAYER_CHAR aiming_at_actor 88@(99@,10i)
-8471: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_object_in_rectangle 0@ radius 20.0 20.0 sphere 0
-8474: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_object_in_cube 59@ radius 5.0 5.0 4.0 sphere 0
-847A: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_bike
-8488: not model $1553 exists // versionA
-848C: not pickup_at 2146.487 1622.805 993.0 available_to_be_picked_up
-8491: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR has_weapon 41
-8495: not car 551@ burning
-8496: not tire 2 on_car 46@ deflated
-84A3: not $1045 == 8 // == constant
-84A4: not 21@ == 11 // == constant
-84A7: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_boat
-84A9: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_heli
-84AB: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_plane
-84AD: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_water
-84C8: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_flying_vehicle
-84DA: not has_object 0@ collided
-84E7: not object 70@(50@,25i) in_water
-84EA: not object 1@ in_cube_cornerA 2@ 3@ 4@ cornerB 5@ 6@ 7@ flag 0
-84ED: not load_animation "FINALE"
-84EE: not animation "LOWRIDER" loaded
-84F1: not is_car_waiting_for_world_collision 169@
-8500: not player $PLAYER_CHAR skin == "BALACLAVA" on_bodypart 17
-851A: not actor 91@ damaged_by_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
-851B: not actor 922@(767@,12i) damaged_by_car 910@(949@,12i)
-856A: not cutscene_skipped
-856C: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_police_car
-856D: not actor 292@ defined
-856E: not car 0@ defined
-8583: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_zone 'GLN1'
-8596: not NOP_false $PLAYER_CHAR
-85A0: not is_unused_camera_world_viewer_being_used
-85A3: not object 113@ stopped
-85A5: not is_area_center 677@(239@,10f) 687@(239@,10f) scale 8.0 8.0 overlaping_area_center 320.0 224.0 scale 640.0 448.0
-85AD: not s$9585 == s$9583 // s$ == short
-85AE: not 5@s == 'DUMMY' // @s == 'short'
-85F8: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_rectangle_ll_corner_at 206@ 207@ lr_corner_at 203@ 204@ angle -30.0 sphere 0 in_car
-85FD: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_cube_fll_corner_at -1558.932 1338.285 -5.0 fur_corner_at -1563.078 1329.29 5.0 angle 10.0 sphere 0 on_foot
-8602: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_taxi
-860E: not car 43@ assigned_to_path
-8611: not actor 2@ performing_animation "LRGIRL_BDBNCE"
-8685: not object 70@(50@,25i) attached
-8686: not car 92@ attached
-86AA: not NOP_false $1529
-86B9: not cutscene_data_loaded
-86BD: not no_obstacles_between 75@ 76@ 77@ and 295@ 296@ 297@ solid 1 car 0 actor 0 object 0 particle 0
-86EA: not car_component #WHEEL_OR1 available
-86EE: not actor 83@ in_group $PLAYER_GROUP
+816B: not fading
+8179: not actor $131 colliding_with_object 118@(184@,10i)
+8184: not actor $11386 health >= 99
+8185: not car $135 health >= 250
+81AC: not car 44@ sphere 0 in_cube_cornerA 288.0 54@ 16.0 cornerB 328.0 56@ 18.0 stopped
+81AD: not car 0@ sphere 0 near_point 3@ 4@ radius 3.0 3.0
+81AF: not car $1144 sphere 0 in_sphere -1572.168 63.2853 16.3281 radius 30.0 30.0 5.0
+81B0: not car 44@ sphere 1 in_sphere 65@ 66@ 67@ radius 26.31 26.31 26.31 stopped
+81C1: not car 551@ stopped
+81F3: not car $47 in_air
+81F4: not car 71@ flipped
+8202: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car $1213(5@,5i) radius 500.0 500.0 sphere 0
+8203: not actor 402@ near_car 551@ radius 8.0 8.0 flag 0 on_foot
+8204: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car 80@ radius 15.0 15.0 sphere 0 in_car
+8205: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car $135 radius 30.0 30.0 10.0 flag 0
+820D: not car $1314 flipped
+8214: not pickup 145@ picked_up
+823D: not special_actor 1 loaded
+8247: not load_model #WBDYG2
+8248: not model $1096($1175,6i) available
+8256: not player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
+82BF: not car $62 sunk
+82CA: not car 23@ bounding_sphere_visible
+82CB: not actor 109@ bounding_sphere_visible
+82CC: not object 61@ bounding_sphere_visible
+82D0: not fire 152@(223@,21i) extinguished
+82D8: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR current_weapon == 56
+82E0: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR firing_weapon
+82E9: not cutscene_reached_end
+82F2: not actor 5@ model == #GANGRL3
+831D: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR hit_by_weapon 41
+8339: not anything_in_cube_cornerA $4788 $4789 $4790 cornerB $4785 $4786 $4787 solid 0 car 0 actor 1 object 0 particle 0
+834E: not move_object $4045 to 1903.383 967.62 15.438 speed 0.0 0.0 0.05 collision_check 0
+8356: not explosion_type 0 in_cube_cornerA 819.55 8.09 1003.4 cornerB 822.27 10.98 1005.72
+8366: not object 116@ damaged
+838A: not any_car_in_cube_cornerA 215@ 216@ 217@ cornerB 5.0 5.0 5.0
+83A3: not actor 42@(44@,2i) male
+83B0: not garage 'BURG_LK' door_open
+83B1: not garage 'BURG_LK' door_closed
+83C9: not car 81@ damaged
+83CA: not object 28@ exists
+83D0: not wav 1 loaded
+83D2: not wav 1 ended
+83D9: not save_done
+840C: not is_german_game
+8424: not is_system_metric
+8431: not car $47 passenger_seat_free 0
+8436: not credits_ended
+8448: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_car $136
+8449: not actor 109@ in_a_car
+844B: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_foot
+8457: not player $PLAYER_CHAR aiming_at_actor 88@(99@,10i)
+8471: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_object_in_rectangle 0@ radius 20.0 20.0 sphere 0
+8474: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_object_in_cube 59@ radius 5.0 5.0 4.0 sphere 0
+847A: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_bike
+8488: not model $1553 exists // versionA
+848C: not pickup_at 2146.487 1622.805 993.0 available_to_be_picked_up
+8491: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR has_weapon 41
+8495: not car 551@ burning
+8496: not tire 2 on_car 46@ deflated
+84A3: not $1045 == 8 // == constant
+84A4: not 21@ == 11 // == constant
+84A7: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_boat
+84A9: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_heli
+84AB: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_plane
+84AD: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_water
+84C8: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_flying_vehicle
+84DA: not has_object 0@ collided
+84E7: not object 70@(50@,25i) in_water
+84EA: not object 1@ in_cube_cornerA 2@ 3@ 4@ cornerB 5@ 6@ 7@ flag 0
+84ED: not load_animation "FINALE"
+84EE: not animation "LOWRIDER" loaded
+84F1: not is_car_waiting_for_world_collision 169@
+8500: not player $PLAYER_CHAR skin == "BALACLAVA" on_bodypart 17
+851A: not actor 91@ damaged_by_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+851B: not actor 922@(767@,12i) damaged_by_car 910@(949@,12i)
+856A: not cutscene_skipped
+856C: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_police_car
+856D: not actor 292@ defined
+856E: not car 0@ defined
+8583: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_zone 'GLN1'
+8596: not NOP_false $PLAYER_CHAR
+85A0: not is_unused_camera_world_viewer_being_used
+85A3: not object 113@ stopped
+85A5: not is_area_center 677@(239@,10f) 687@(239@,10f) scale 8.0 8.0 overlaping_area_center 320.0 224.0 scale 640.0 448.0
+85AD: not s$9585 == s$9583 // s$ == short
+85AE: not 5@s == 'DUMMY' // @s == 'short'
+85F8: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_rectangle_ll_corner_at 206@ 207@ lr_corner_at 203@ 204@ angle -30.0 sphere 0 in_car
+85FD: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_cube_fll_corner_at -1558.932 1338.285 -5.0 fur_corner_at -1563.078 1329.29 5.0 angle 10.0 sphere 0 on_foot
+8602: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_taxi
+860E: not car 43@ assigned_to_path
+8611: not actor 2@ performing_animation "LRGIRL_BDBNCE"
+8685: not object 70@(50@,25i) attached
+8686: not car 92@ attached
+86AA: not NOP_false $1529
+86B9: not cutscene_data_loaded
+86BD: not no_obstacles_between 75@ 76@ 77@ and 295@ 296@ 297@ solid 1 car 0 actor 0 object 0 particle 0
+86EA: not car_component #WHEEL_OR1 available
+86EE: not actor 83@ in_group $PLAYER_GROUP
871A: not actor 0@ current_dialogue_text == 'DEAL2' // Take it easy man.
-872D: not is_flamethrower_fired_in_angled_area_2d 16@ 17@ to 19@ 20@ angle 7.0 sphere 0
-8735: not is_keyboard_key_pressed 81
-8736: not is_keyboard_key_just_pressed 74
-8737: not actor 368@ lifting_object 369@
-874F: not actor 1@ ped_event == 36
-875C: not marker $397($388,6i) enabled
-876F: not text_priority_displayed
-87A9: not get_searchlight_on_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR store_to 448@ // IF and SET
-87AB: not car 342@ has_attached_trailer 335@
-87C1: not path 706 available
-87D6: not 0@ == $1011 // @ == $ (int)
-87DE: not model 280@ exists // versionB
-87F1: not player $PLAYER_CHAR performing_wheelie
-87F2: not player $PLAYER_CHAR performing_stoppie
-87FD: not group 247@ alive
-8800: not in_two_players_mode
-8818: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_air
-881E: not model $2869 boat
-881F: not model $2869 plane
-8820: not model $2869 heli
-8844: not string s$705 empty // s$
-8846: not string v$1245 empty // v$
-887A: not gang_war_in_progress
-889B: not unknown_is_actor_in_dialogue_mode 0@
-88A7: not car 42@ componentB 2 opened_or_not_present
-88AB: not external_script 35 (DANCE) loaded
-88B4: not test $389 bit 1
-88B5: not test $405 bit $392
-88B6: not test $405 bit 0@
-88B7: not test 64@ bit 3
-88D0: not should_skip_cutscene
-88FE: not text_box_displayed
-8934: not camera_target_point_manipulated
-894D: not actor 0@ mutally_active
-895B: not is_object_moveable 0@
-895D: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stuck_under_car
-8969: not car $11782 is_big
-896E: not car $11782 lowrider
-896F: not car $11782 street_racing_car
-8973: not fire 161@(59@,18i) exists
-8975: not car $11782 emergency_vehicle
-8977: not player_in_radius_of_object 0@ external_script_trigger
-8981: not train $62 wrecked
-899D: not night_vision_enabled
-89A8: not actor 64@ headshoted
-89BE: not are_text_boxes_locked_to_any_script
-89D0: not car $136 on_wheels
-89D1: not pickup 222@ created
-89DE: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR entering_car
-89E7: not player $PLAYER_CHAR not_frozen
-89F2: not decision_maker $1280 exists
-89FC: not anything_entered_objects_position 150@
-8A03: not unknown_gang_war_in_progress
-8A0C: not player $PLAYER_CHAR on_jetpack
-8A29: not player $PLAYER_CHAR climbing
+872D: not is_flamethrower_fired_in_angled_area_2d 16@ 17@ to 19@ 20@ angle 7.0 sphere 0
+8735: not is_keyboard_key_pressed 81
+8736: not is_keyboard_key_just_pressed 74
+8737: not actor 368@ lifting_object 369@
+874F: not actor 1@ ped_event == 36
+875C: not marker $397($388,6i) enabled
+876F: not text_priority_displayed
+87A9: not get_searchlight_on_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR store_to 448@ // IF and SET
+87AB: not car 342@ has_attached_trailer 335@
+87C1: not path 706 available
+87D6: not 0@ == $1011 // @ == $ (int)
+87DE: not model 280@ exists // versionB
+87F1: not player $PLAYER_CHAR performing_wheelie
+87F2: not player $PLAYER_CHAR performing_stoppie
+87FD: not group 247@ alive
+8800: not in_two_players_mode
+8818: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_air
+881E: not model $2869 boat
+881F: not model $2869 plane
+8820: not model $2869 heli
+8844: not string s$705 empty // s$
+8846: not string v$1245 empty // v$
+887A: not gang_war_in_progress
+889B: not unknown_is_actor_in_dialogue_mode 0@
+88A7: not car 42@ componentB 2 opened_or_not_present
+88AB: not external_script 35 (DANCE) loaded
+88B4: not test $389 bit 1
+88B5: not test $405 bit $392
+88B6: not test $405 bit 0@
+88B7: not test 64@ bit 3
+88D0: not should_skip_cutscene
+88FE: not text_box_displayed
+8934: not camera_target_point_manipulated
+894D: not actor 0@ mutally_active
+895B: not is_object_moveable 0@
+895D: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR stuck_under_car
+8969: not car $11782 is_big
+896E: not car $11782 lowrider
+896F: not car $11782 street_racing_car
+8973: not fire 161@(59@,18i) exists
+8975: not car $11782 emergency_vehicle
+8977: not player_in_radius_of_object 0@ external_script_trigger
+8981: not train $62 wrecked
+899D: not night_vision_enabled
+89A8: not actor 64@ headshoted
+89BE: not are_text_boxes_locked_to_any_script
+89D0: not car $136 on_wheels
+89D1: not pickup 222@ created
+89DE: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR entering_car
+89E7: not player $PLAYER_CHAR not_frozen
+89F2: not decision_maker $1280 exists
+89FC: not anything_entered_objects_position 150@
+8A03: not unknown_gang_war_in_progress
+8A0C: not player $PLAYER_CHAR on_jetpack
+8A29: not player $PLAYER_CHAR climbing
8A2A: not text_box 'AP_0003' displayed // You need a higher Flying Skill stat to access the airport. The Pilot School can help you get better.
-8A32: not actor 2@ on_turret_of_car
-8A51: not is_widget_pressed 37
-8A52: not is_widget_released 69
-8A54: not is_widget_swiped 95
-8A64: not is_touch_enabled
-8A76: not hid_implements 30
+8A32: not actor 2@ on_turret_of_car
+8A51: not is_widget_pressed 37
+8A52: not is_widget_released 69
+8A54: not is_widget_swiped 95
+8A64: not is_touch_enabled
+8A76: not hid_implements 30
+0DD0: 0@ = get_label_addr @func // android
+0DD1: 0@ = get_func_addr_by_cstr_name 0@ // android
+0DD2: context_call_func 0@ // android
+0DD3: context_set_reg 0 value 1@ // android
+0DD4: 10@ = context_get_reg 0 // android
+0DD6: 0@ = get_game_version // android
+0DD7: 0@ = get_image_base // android
+0DD8: 6@ = read_mem_addr 0x00123456 size 4 add_ib 1 // android
+0DD9: write_mem_addr 0x00123456 value 6@ size 4 add_ib 1 protect 0 // android
+0DDC: set_mutex_var 0 to 1 // android
+0DDD: 0@ = get_mutex_var 0 // android
+0DE0: 10@ = get_touch_point_state 7 mintime 1000 // android
+0DE1: 10@ = get_touch_slide_state from 4 to 6 mintime 300 maxtime 1000 // android
+0DE2: 0@ = get_menu_button_state // read opcode info before using // android
+0DE3: 1@ = get_menu_button_pressed mintime 500 // read opcode info before using // android
diff --git a/sa_scr/constants.txt b/sa_scr/constants.txt
index 1eabbca..29223fc 100644
--- a/sa_scr/constants.txt
+++ b/sa_scr/constants.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vc/VCSCM.INI b/vc/VCSCM.INI
index 8559ad7..85e239f 100644
--- a/vc/VCSCM.INI
+++ b/vc/VCSCM.INI
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
; m% = .ide models only
; g% = gxt reference
@@ -80,12 +80,12 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
0044=2, %1d% == %2d% // $ == $ float
0045=2, %1d% == %2d% // @ == @ float
0046=2, %1d% == %2d% // $ == @ float
-;004c=1,jump_if_true %1p%
004d=1,jump_if_false %1p%
004f=-1,start_new_script %1p%
0050=1,gosub %1p%
+0052=6,line %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% ; nop
0053=5,%5d% = create_player %1o% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
0054=4,store_player %1d% position_to %2d% %3d% %4d%
0055=4,put_player %1d% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
@@ -164,7 +164,6 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
009f=1,set_actor %1d% idle
00a0=4,store_actor %1d% position_to %2d% %3d% %4d%
00a1=4,put_actor %1d% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
-;00a2=1, actor %1d% alive // use opcode 8118
00a3=6, actor %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d%
00a4=8, actor %1d% %8b:in-sphere/%in_cube %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d%
00a5=5,%5d% = create_car %1m% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
@@ -174,7 +173,6 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
00a9=1,set_car %1d% to_normal_driver
00aa=4,store_car %1d% position_to %2d% %3d% %4d%
00ab=4,put_car %1d% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
-;00ac=1, car %1d% alive // use opcode 8119
00ad=2,set_car %1d% max_speed_to %2d%
00ae=2,set_vehicle %1d% traffic_behavior_to %2d%
00af=2,set_car %1d% driver_behaviour_to %2d%
@@ -183,7 +181,6 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
00ba=3,text_styled %1g% %2d% ms %3d%
00bb=3,text_lowpriority %1g% time %2d% %3d%
00bc=3,text_highpriority %1g% time %2d% %3d%
-;00bd=3,text_mediumpriority %1g% time %2d% %3d%
00bf=2,%1d% = current_time_hours, %2d% = current_time_minutes
00c0=2,set_current_time %1d% %2d%
@@ -191,8 +188,6 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
00c2=4, sphere_onscreen %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
-;00c5=0, return_true
-;00c6=0, return_false
00d6=1,if %1d%
00d7=1,start_new_script %1p% without_parameters
@@ -205,7 +200,6 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
00df=1, actor %1d% in_any_car
00e0=1, player %1d% in_any_car
00e1=2, player %1d% pressed_button %2d%
-;00e2=3,get_player %1d% key %2d% state_to %3d%
00e3=6, player %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%near_point %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d%
00e4=6, player %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%near_point_on_foot %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d%
00e5=6, player %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%near_point_in_car %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d%
@@ -254,7 +248,6 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
0110=1,clear_player %1d% wanted_level
0111=1,set_wasted_busted_check_to %1b:enabled/disabled%
0112=0, wasted_or_busted
-;0113=3,add_ammo_to_player %1d% weapon %2h% ammo %3d%
0114=3,add_ammo_to_actor %1d% weapon %2h% ammo %3d%
0117=1, player %1d% wasted
0118=1, actor %1d% dead
@@ -267,37 +260,25 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
0126=1, actor %1d% objective_passed
0129=4,%4d% = create_actor %2d% %3m% in_car %1d% driverseat
012a=4,put_player %1d% at %2d% %3d% %4d% and_remove_from_car
-;0130=1, player %1d% busted
-;0135=2,%2d% = car %1d% door_status // use opcode 020A
-;0136=4,shake_camera %1d% with_point %2d% %3d% %4d%
0137=2, car %1d% model == %2m%
-;013b=6, car %1d% dead_in_rectangle %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
-;013c=8, car %1d% dead_in_cube %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% %8d%
-;0149=1, car %1d% crushed_by_car_crusher
014b=13,%13d% = init_car_generator %5m% %6d% %7d% force_spawn %8d% alarm %9d% door_lock %10d% min_delay %11d% max_delay %12d% at %1d% %2d% %3d% angle %4d%
014c=2,set_parked_car_generator %1d% cars_to_generate_to %2d%
-;014d=4,text_pager %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d%
014e=2,start_timer_at %1d% count_in_direction %2h%
014f=1,stop_timer %1d%
0150=2,set_status_text %1d% type %2d% ;; never used in VC or GTA 3
0151=1,remove_status_text %1d%
0152=13,set_zone_car_info %1s% %2b:day/night% %3h% %4h% %5h% %6h% %7h% %8h% %9h% %10h% %11h% %12h% %13h%
0154=2, actor %1d% in_zone %2z%
-;0155=3,set_zone_car_density %1z% %2b:day/night% %3d%
-;0156=3,set_zone_ped_density %1z% %2b:day/night% %3d%
0157=3,camera_on_player %1d% mode %2d% switchstyle %3d%
0158=3,camera_on_vehicle %1d% mode %2d% switchstyle %3d%
0159=3,camera_on_ped %1d% mode %2d% switchstyle %3d%
-;015b=3,shake_pad %1d% %2d% %3d%
015c=13,set_zone_gang_info %1s% %2b:day/night% %3h% %4h% %5h% %6h% %7h% %8h% %9h% %10h% %11h% %12h% %13d%
015d=1,set_gamespeed %1d%
-;015e=1, car %1d% in_air
015f=6,set_camera_position %1d% %2d% %3d% rotation %4d% %5d% %6d%
0160=4,point_camera %1d% %2d% %3d% switchstyle %4d%
0161=4,%4d% = create_marker_above_car %1d% color %2d% display %3d%
0162=4,%4d% = create_marker_above_actor %1d% color %2d% display %3d%
-;0163=4,create_marker_above_object %1d% color %2d% display %3d% handle %4d%
0164=1,disable_marker %1d%
0165=2,set_marker %1d% color_to %2d%
0166=2,set_marker %1d% brightness_to %2d%
@@ -309,7 +290,6 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
016c=4,restart_if_wasted_at %1d% %2d% %3d% angle %4d%
016d=4,restart_if_busted_at %1d% %2d% %3d% angle %4d%
016e=4,override_next_restart at %1d% %2d% %3d% angle %4d%
-;016f=10,draw_shadow %1a% %5d% %6d% %7d% %8d% %9d% %10d% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
0170=2,%2d% = player %1d% z_angle
0171=2,set_player %1d% z_angle_to %2d%
0172=2,%2d% = actor %1d% z_angle
@@ -318,13 +298,9 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
0175=2,set_car %1d% z_angle_to %2d%
0176=2,%2d% = object %1d% z_angle
0177=2,set_object %1d% z_angle_to %2d%
-;0178=2, player %1d% touching_object %2d%
-;0179=2, actor %1d% touching_object %2d%
017a=3,set_player %1d% weapon %2d% ammo_to %3d%
-;017b=3,set_actor %1d% weapon %2d% ammo_to %3d%
0180=1,set_on_mission_flag_to %1d%
-;0182=2,contact %1d% base_brief = %2d%
0183=2, player %1d% health > %2h%
0184=2, actor %1d% health >= %2d%
0185=2, car %1d% health >= %2d%
@@ -343,8 +319,6 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
0192=1,set_actor %1d% objective_to_stand_still
0193=1,set_actor %1d% objective_to_act_like_ped
0194=4,set_actor %1d% objective_to_guard_point %2d% %3d% %4d%
-;0195=5,set_actor %1d% objective_to_guard_area %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d%
-;0196=1,set_actor %1d% objective_to_wait_in_car
0197=6, player %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
0198=6, player %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
0199=6, player %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
@@ -383,14 +357,12 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
01bc=4,put_object %1d% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
01bd=1,%1d% = current_time_in_ms
01be=4,set_actor %1d% to_look_at_spot %2d% %3d% %4d%
-;01bf=4,set_player %1d% to_look_at_spot %2d% %3d% %4d%
01c0=2,%2d% = player %1d% wanted_level
01c1=1, car %1d% stopped
01c2=1,mark_actor_as_no_longer_needed %1d%
01c3=1,mark_car_as_no_longer_needed %1d%
01c4=1,mark_object_as_no_longer_needed %1d%
01c5=1,remove_actor_from_mission_cleanup_list %1d%
-;01c6=1,remove_car_from_mission_cleanup_list %1d%
01c7=1,remove_object_from_mission_cleanup_list %1d%
01c8=5,%5d% = create_actor_pedtype %2d% model %3m% in_car %1d% passenger_seat %4d%
01c9=2,actor %1d% kill_actor %2d%
@@ -398,7 +370,6 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
01cb=2,actor %1d% kill_actor %2d%
01cc=2,actor %1d% kill_player %2d%
01ce=2,actor %1d% avoid_player %2d%
-;01cd=2,actor %1d% avoid_actor %2d%
01cf=2,actor %1d% avoid_actor %2d%
01d0=2,actor %1d% avoid_player %2d%
01d1=2,actor %1d% follow_actor %2d%
@@ -408,7 +379,6 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
01d5=2,actor %1d% go_to_and_drive_car %2d%
01d8=2,actor %1d% destroy_object %2d%
01d9=2,actor %1d% destroy_car %2d%
-;01da=5,actor %1d% walk_to_area %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d%
01de=2,tie_actor %1d% to_actor %2d%
01df=2,tie_actor %1d% to_player %2d%
01e0=1,clear_leader %1d%
@@ -424,15 +394,12 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
01eb=1,set_traffic_density_multiplier_to %1d%
01ec=2,make_car %1d% very_heavy %2h%
01ed=1,clear_actor %1d% threat_search
-;01ee=10,activate_crane %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% %8d% %9d% %10d%
-;01ef=2,deactivate_crane %1d% %2d%
01f0=1,set_max_wanted_level_to %1d%
01f3=1, car %1d% airborne
01f4=1, car %1d% flipped
01f5=2,%2d% = create_emulated_actor_from_player %1d%
01f7=2,set_player %1d% ignored_by_cops_state_to %2b:true/false%
-;01f8=5,text_pager_with_number %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d%
01f9=9,init_rampage %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5m% %6m% %7m% %8m% %9d%
01fa=1,%1d% = rampage_status
01fb=2,%2d% = square_root %1d%
@@ -463,14 +430,9 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
0215=1,destroy_pickup %1d%
0216=2,set_car %1d% taxi_available_light_to %2b:on/off%
0217=3,text_styled %1g% time %2d% style %3d%
-;0218=4,text_1number_styled %1g% %2d% %3d% ms %4d%
0219=10,%10d% = create_garage_type %9h% door %1d% %2d% %3d% to %6d% %7d% %8d% depth %4d% %5d%
-;021a=9,create_garage %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% type %7d% with_car_model %8d% handle %9d%
021b=2,set_garage %1d% to_accept_car %2d%
021c=1, car_inside_garage %1d%
-;021d=1,set_free_bomb_shop_to %1b:true/false%
-;021f=1,set_all_taxi_lights %1d%
-;0220=1, car %1d% has_car_bomb
0221=2,set_player %1d% apply_brakes_to_car %2d%
0222=2,set_player %1d% health_to %2d%
0223=2,set_actor %1d% health_to %2d%
@@ -478,7 +440,6 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
0225=2,%2d% = player %1d% health
0226=2,%2d% = actor %1d% health
0227=2,%2d% = car %1d% health
-;0228=2, car %1d% bomb_status == %2d%
0229=3,set_car %1d% color_to %2d% %3d%
022a=6,remove_forbidden_for_peds_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
022b=6,create_forbidden_for_peds_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
@@ -487,62 +448,34 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
022e=2,set_player %1d% to_look_at_actor %2d%
022f=1,set_actor %1d% stop_looking
0230=1,set_player %1d% stop_looking
-;0231=1,switch_helicopter %1b:on/off%
0235=3,set_gang %1h% models_to %2m% %3m%
0236=2,set_gang %1d% car_to %2m%
0237=3,set_gang %1d% primary_weapon_to %2c% secondary_weapon_to %3c%
-;0238=5,actor %1d% run_to_area %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d%
0239=3,actor %1d% run_to %2d% %3d%
-;023a=2, player %1d% touching_object %2d% on_foot
-;023b=2, actor %1d% touching_object %2d% on_foot
023c=2,load_special_actor %1d% %2s%
023d=1, special_actor %1d% loaded
-;023e=2,flash_car %1d% %2d%
-;023f=2,flash_actor %1d% %2d%
-;0240=2,flash_object %1d% %2d%
0241=1, player %1d% in_remote_mode
-;0242=2,set_car %1d% bomb_status_to %2d%
0243=2,set_actor %1d% ped_stats_to %2d%
0244=3,set_cutscene_pos %1d% %2d% %3d%
0245=2,set_actor %1d% walk_style_to %2d%
-;0246=2,set_player %1d% walk_style_to %2d%
0247=1,request_model %1o%
0248=1, model %1o% available
0249=1,release_model %1o%
024a=3,%3d% = get_phone_at %1d% %2d%
-;024b=2,set_phone %1d% message_repeated %2g%
-;024c=2,set_phone %1d% message %2g%
-;024d=1, phone %1d% has_displayed_message
024e=1,disable_phone %1d%
024f=9,create_corona_with_radius %4d% type %5d% lensflares %6d% with_color %7d% %8d% %9d% at %1d% %2d% %3d%
-;0250=6,create_light_at %1d% %2d% %3d% RGB_values %4d% %5d% %6d%
-;0255=4,set_critical_mission_restart_at %1d% %2d% %3d% angle %4d%
0256=1, player %1d% defined
0291=2,set_actor %1d% heed_threats %2d%
-;0292=2,set_player %1d% heed_threats %2d%
0293=1,%1d% = get_controller_mode
0294=2,set_vehicle %1d% sprayable %2d%
-;0295=1, is %1d% taxi // use opcode 0137
0296=1,unload_special_actor %1d%
0298=2,%2d% = rampage_kills %1m%
-;0299=1,activate_garage %1d%
-;029a=1,switch_taxi_timer %1d%
029b=5,%5d% = init_object %1o% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
-;029c=1, is %1d% boat
-;029d=5,actor %1d% go_to_area %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% any_means
029f=1, player %1d% stopped
-;02a0=1, actor %1d% stopped
-;02a1=2,message_wait %1d% %2d%
-;02a2=5,create_particle %1a% %5d% at %2d% %3d% %4d% // use opcode 039D
02a3=1,enable_widescreen %1d%
-;02a4=3,create_marker_above_car %1d% icon %2d% handle %3d%
-;02a5=3,create_marker_above_actor %1d% icon %2d% handle %3d%
-;02a6=3,create_marker_above_object %1d% icon %2d% handle %3d%
02a7=5,%5d% = create_icon_marker_and_sphere %4d% at %1d% %2d% %3d%
02a8=5,%5d% = create_marker %4d% at %1d% %2d% %3d%
02a9=2,set_actor %1d% immune_to_nonplayer %2d%
@@ -561,40 +494,23 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
02b6=9, player %1d% stopped_in_cube %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% radius %8d% sphere %9h% ;; never used anywhere
02b7=9, player %1d% stopped_in_cube_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% radius %8d% sphere %9h% ;; never used anywhere
02b8=9, player %1d% stopped_in_cube_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% radius %8d% sphere %9h% ;; never used anywhere
-;02b9=1,deactivate_garage %1d%
-;02ba=2,get_number_of_cars_collected_by_garage %1d% store_to %2d%
-;02bb=2, has_been_taken_to_garage %1d% car %2d%
-;02bc=1,set_swat_required %1d%
02bf=1, car %1d% sunk
02c0=6,set %4d% %5d% %6d% to_ped_path_coords_closest_to %1d% %2d% %3d%
02c1=6,set %4d% %5d% %6d% to_car_path_coords_closest_to %1d% %2d% %3d%
02c2=4,car %1d% drive_to_point %2d% %3d% %4d%
-;02c3=1,create_donkey_mags %1d%
-;02c5=1,%1d% = donkey_mags_picked_up
-;02c7=5,scatter_platinum %5d% at %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
-;02c8=1,%1d% = platinum_pieces_in_car
02ca=1, car %1d% bounding_sphere_visible
02cb=1, actor %1d% bounding_sphere_visible
02cc=1, object %1d% bounding_sphere_visible
-;02cd=2,gosub_file %1p% %2p%
02ce=4,%4d% = ground_z %1d% %2d% %3d%
02cf=4,%4d% = create_fire_at %1d% %2d% %3d%
02d0=1, fire %1d% extinguished
02d1=1,destroy_fire %1d%
-;02d2=2,set_car %1d% comedy_controls %2d%
02d3=4,boat %1d% drive_to %2d% %3d% %4d%
02d4=1,car %1d% turn_off_engine
02d5=6, player %1d% shooting_in_area %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
-;02d6=6, actor %1d% shooting_in_area %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
02d7=2, player %1d% current_weapon == %2c%
02d8=2, actor %1d% current_weapon == %2c%
-;02d9=0,donkey_mags_picked_up = none
-;02da=3,create_single_donkey_mag_at %1d% %2d% %3d%
02db=2,set_boat %1d% speed_to %2d%
-;02dc=5,get_random_actor_in_area %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% store_to %5d%
02dd=5,get_random_actor %5d% in_zone %1s% %2h% %3h% %4h%
02de=1, player %1d% in_taxi
02df=1, player %1d% aggressive
@@ -612,36 +528,17 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
02ec=3,put_hidden_package_at %1d% %2d% %3d%
02ed=1,set_total_hidden_packages_to %1d%
-;02ee=6, projectile_in_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
-;02ef=6,destroy_projectile_in_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
-;02f0=3,create_explosive_barrel_at %1d% %2d% %3d%
-;02f1=3,create_explosive_barrel_at %1d% %2d% %3d%
02f2=2, actor %1d% model == %2m%
02f3=2,load_object %1o% %2s%
-;02f4=3,create_cutscene_actor %3d% from_head %2o% and_body %1d%
-;02f5=2,set_head_anim %1d% %2s%
02f6=2,%2d% = sine %1d% // float
02f7=2,%2d% = cosine %1d% // float
02f8=2,get_vehicle %1d% Z_angle_sine_to %2d%
02f9=2,get_vehicle %1d% Z_angle_cosine_to %2d%
02fa=2,garage %1d% change_to_type %2d%
-;02fb=10,create_crusher_crane %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% %8d% %9d% %10d%
-;02fc=5,text_2numbers_lowpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% time %4d% %5d%
02fd=5,text_2numbers_highpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% time %4d% %5d%
-;02fe=5,text_2numbers_mediumpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% time %4d% %5d%
02ff=6,text_3numbers_lowpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% time time %5d% %6h%
-;0300=6,text_3numbers_highpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% time %5d% %6h%
-;0301=6,text_3numbers_mediumpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% time %5d% %6h%
0302=7,text_4numbers_lowpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% time %6d% %7d%
-;0303=7,text_4numbers_highpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% time %6d% %7d%
-;0304=7,text_4numbers_mediumpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% time %6d% %7d%
-;0305=8,text_5numbers_lowpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% time %7d% %8d%
-;0306=8,text_5numbers_highpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% time %7d% %8d%
-;0307=8,text_5numbers_mediumpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% time %7d% %8d%
0308=9,text_6numbers_lowpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% time %8d% %9d%
-;0309=9,text_6numbers_highpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% time %8d% %9d%
-;030a=9,text_6numbers_mediumpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% time %8d% %9d%
-;030b=3,set_formation %1d% %2d% %3d%
030c=1,progress_made += %1d%
030d=1,set_total_mission_points_to %1d%
030e=1,save_jump_distance %1d%
@@ -657,8 +554,6 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
0318=1,set_latest_mission_passed %1g%
0319=2,set_actor %1d% running %2b:true/false
-;031b=2, car %1d% primary_color %2d%
-;031c=2, car %1d% secondary_color %2d%
031d=2, actor %1d% hit_by_weapon %2d%
031e=2, vehicle %1d% hit_by_weapon %2h%
031f=2, actor %1d% in_range_of_actor %2d%
@@ -674,7 +569,6 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
032a=1,set_behind_camera_mode_to %1h%
032b=7,%7d% = create_weapon_pickup %1o% %2d% ammo %3d% at %4d% %5d% %6d%
032c=2,car %1d% ram %2d%
-;032d=2,car %1d% block %2d%
0330=2,set_player %1d% infinite_run_to %2b:true/false%
0331=2,set_player %1d% fast_reload %2h%
0332=2,set_actor %1d% bleeding_to %2b:true/false%
@@ -682,39 +576,20 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
0336=2,set_player %1d% visible %2d%
0337=2,set_actor %1d% visibility %2h%
0339=11, anything_in_cube_cornerA %1d% %2d% %3d% cornerB %4d% %5d% %6d% solid %7d% car %8d% actor %9d% object %10d% particle %11d%
-;033b=0, incoming_cessna_landed
-;033c=0, incoming_cessna_destroyed
033e=3,text_draw %1d% %2d% %3g%
033f=2,set_text_draw_letter_width_height %1d% %2d%
0340=4,set_text_draw_color %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
0341=1,set_text_draw_align_justify %1d%
0342=1,set_text_draw_centered %1d%
0343=1,set_text_linewidth %1d%
-;0344=1,set_text_draw_linewidth %1d% for_centered_text
0345=1,set_text_draw_in_box %1d%
-;0346=4,set_text_draw_background_color %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
-;0347=1,set_text_draw_background_only_text %1d%
0348=1,set_text_draw_proportional %1d%
-;0349=1,set_text_draw_font %1d%
034d=4,rotate_object %1d% from_angle %2d% to_angle %3d% flag %4d%
034e=8,move_object %1d% to %2d% %3d% %4d% speed %5d% %6d% %7d% collision_check %8d%
034f=1,destroy_actor_with_fade %1d% ;; The actor fades away like a ghost
0350=2,set_actor %1d% maintain_position_when_attacked %2d%
-;0351=0, gore_enabled
0352=2,set_actor %1d% skin_to %2s%
0353=1,refresh_actor %1d%
-;0354=1,set_up_chase_scene %1d%
-;0356=7, explosion_type %1d% in_cube %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d%
-;0357=2, explosion_type %1d% in_zone %2z%
-;0359=0, drop_off_cessna_shot_down
-;035a=3,find_drop_off_plane_coords %1d% %2d% %3d%
-;035b=4,%4d% = create_drop_off_package %1d% %2d% %3d%
035c=5,place_object %1d% relative_to_car %2d% offset %3d% %4d% %5d%
035d=1,make_object %1d% targetable
035e=2,set_player %1d% armour_to %2d%
@@ -725,37 +600,18 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
0363=6,toggle_model_render_at %1d% %2d% %3d% radius %4d% object %5o% %6d%
0365=1,set_actor %1d% objective_hail_taxi
0366=1, object %1d% damaged
-;0367=9,init_headshot_rampage %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5m% %6m% %7m% %8m% %9d%
-;0368=10,create_ev_crane %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% %8d% %9d% %10d%
0369=2,put_player %1d% in_car %2d%
036a=2,put_actor %1d% in_car %2d%
036d=5,text_2numbers_styled %1g% numbers %2d% %3d% time %4d% style %5d%
-;036e=6,text_3numbers_styled %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% ms %6d%
-;036f=7,text_4numbers_styled %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% ms %7d%
-;0370=8,text_5numbers_styled %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% ms %8d%
-;0371=9,text_6numbers_styled %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% %8d% ms %9d%
0372=3,set_actor %1d% anim %2d% wait_state_time %3d% ms
-;0374=1,set_motion_blur %1d%
-;0375=4,text_1string_lowpriority %1g% %2g% time %3d% %4d%
0376=4,%4d% = create_random_actor %1d% %2d% %3d%
0377=1,set_actor %1d% steal_any_car
-;0378=3,set_phone %1d% 2messages_repeated %2g% %3g%
-;0379=3,set_phone %1d% 2messages %2g% %3g%
-;037a=4,set_phone %1d% 3messages_repeated %2g% %3g% %4g%
-;037b=4,set_phone %1d% 3messages %2g% %3g% %4g%
-;037c=5,set_phone %1d% 4messages_repeated %2g% %3g% %4g% %5g%
-;037d=5,set_phone %1d% 4messages %2g% %3g% %4g% %5g%
037e=6, sniper_bullet_in_area %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
0381=4,throw_object %1d% distance %2d% %3d% %4d%
0382=2,set_object %1d% collision_detection %2d%
0383=1, player %1d% car_horn_activated == true
0384=4,text_1string_highpriority %1g% %2g% time %3d% %4d%
-;0386=6,set_phone %1d% 5messages_repeated %2g% %3g% %4g% %5g% %6g%
-;0387=6,set_phone %1d% 5messages %2g% %3g% %4g% %5g% %6g%
-;0388=7,set_phone %1d% 6messages_repeated %2g% %3g% %4g% %5g% %6g% %7g%
-;0389=7,set_phone %1d% 6messages %2g% %3g% %4g% %5g% %6g% %7g%
038a=6, car_in_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
038c=4,object %1d% scatter %2d% %3d% %4d%
@@ -769,21 +625,14 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
0395=5,clear_area %5d% at %1d% %2d% %3d% range %4d%
0396=1,pause_timer %1d%
0397=2,car %1d% siren = %2b:on/off% ;; never used in VC
-;0398=7,remove_forbidden_for_peds_angled_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% angle %7d%
-;0399=7,create_forbidden_for_peds_angled_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% angle %7d%
-;039a=7,remove_forbidden_for_cars_angled_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% angle %7d%
-;039b=7,create_forbidden_for_cars_angled_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% angle %7d%
039c=2,set_car %1d% watertight %2h%
039d=12,scatter_particles %1a% %8d% %9d% %10d% %11d% %12d% at %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d%
039e=2,set_actor %1d% locked_while_in_vehicle %2d%
039f=3,car %1d% race_to %2d% %3d%
-;03a0=3, car %3d% picked_up_by_crane %1d% %2d%
03a1=4,draw_sphere %1d% %2d% %3d% radius %4d%
03a2=2,set_vehicle %1d% action %2h%
03a3=1, actor %1d% male
03a4=1,script_name %1s%
-;03a5=3,set_garage %1d% type_to %2d% %3d%
-;03a6=3,get_drug_plane_coords %1d% %2d% %3d%
03a7=1,save_int_to_debug_file %1d%
03a8=1,save_float_to_debug_file %1d%
@@ -795,14 +644,9 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
03af=1,set_streaming %1b:enabled/disabled%
03b0=1, garage %1d% door_open
03b1=1, garage %1d% door_closed
-;03b5=0, catalina_shot_down
03b6=6,replace_model_at %1d% %2d% %3d% radius %4d% from %5o% to %6o%
03b7=1,process_cut_scene_only %1b:false/true%
03b8=1,clear_weapons_from_player %1d%
-;03b9=1,create_catalinas_chopper %1d%
03ba=6,clear_cars_from_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
03bb=1,set_garage %1d% door_type_to_swing_open
03bc=5,%5d% = create_sphere %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
@@ -810,14 +654,11 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
03bf=2,set_player %1d% ignored_by_everyone_to %2b:true/false%
03c0=2,%2d% = actor %1d% car_no_save
03c1=2,%2d% = player %1d% car_no_save
-;03c2=1, phone %1d% is_displaying_message
03c3=3,set_timer_with_text_to %1d% type %2h% text %3g%
03c4=3,set_status_text_to %1d% %2b:bar/number% %3g%
03c5=4,create_random_car_for_carpark %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
-;03c6=1, current_island == %1d%
03c7=1,set_sensitivity_to_crime_to %1d%
-;03c9=1, car %1d% visibly_damaged
03ca=1, object %1d% exists
03cb=3,load_scene %1d% %2d% %3d%
03cc=3,add_stuck_car_check %1d% distance %2d% time %3d%
@@ -835,12 +676,9 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
03d9=0, save_done
03da=1,set_garage %1d% camera_follows_player
-;03db=4,create_marker_above_pickup %1d% %2d% %3d% handle %4d%
03dc=2,%2d% = create_marker_above_pickup %1d%
-;03dd=3,pickup %1d% show_on_radar %2d% %3d%
03de=1,set_pedestrians_density_multiplier_to %1d%
03df=1,all_random_peds %1m%
-;03e0=1,set_text_draw_before_fade %1d%
03e1=1,%1d% = packages_found
03e2=1,actor %1d% leave_any_car
03e3=1,set_sprites_draw_before_fade %1d%
@@ -848,10 +686,8 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
03e5=1,text_box %1g%
03e7=1,flash_hud %1d%
-;03e9=1, actor %1d% in_control
03ea=1,generate_cars_around_camera %1d%
-;03ec=0, ev_crane_collected_all_cars
03ed=2,set_car %1d% not_damaged_when_upside_down %2h%
03ee=1, player %1d% controllable
03ef=1,player %1d% make_safe
@@ -861,98 +697,71 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
03f3=3,get_car %1d% color %2d% %3d%
03f4=1,set_all_vehicles_apply_damage_rules %1d%
03f5=2,set_vehicle %1d% apply_damage_rules %2h%
-;03f7=1,load_island_data %1d%
-;03f8=1,get_body_cast_health %1d%
03f9=3,make_actors %1d% %2d% converse_in %3d% ms
-;03fb=2,car %1d% bind_to_current_island %2d%
-;03fc=2,actor %1d% bind_to_current_island %2d%
03fd=2,set_player %1d% handling_responsiveness %2d%
03fe=2,set_actor %1d% money %2d%
-;03ff=1,save_offroadIII_time %1d%
0400=7,create_coordinate %5d% %6d% %7d% from_object %1d% offset %2d% %3d% %4d%
0403=1,save_highest_ambulance_level %1d%
0405=1,enable_phone %1d%
-;0406=1,save_dodo_flight_time %1d%
0407=7,create_coordinate %5d% %6d% %7d% from_car %1d% offset %2d% %3d% %4d%
0408=1,set_total_rampages_to %1d%
-;040a=1,remove_car_from_chase %1d%
040b=0, french_game
040c=0, german_game
040d=1,unload_wav %1d%
-;0410=2,override_gang_model %1d% %2d% // use opcode 0235
0411=2,set_actor %1d% use_pednode_seek %2dtrue/false%
-;0412=2,switch_vehicle %1d% weapons %2d%
-;0413=2,set_player %1d% get_out_of_jail_free %2d%
0414=2,set_player %1d% single_free_treatment %2d%
-;0415=2, car %1d% door %2d% closed
0417=1,start_mission %1d%
0418=2,set_object %1d% draw_last %2h%
0419=3,%3d% = player %1d% weapon %2c% ammo
-;041a=3,%3d% = actor %1d% weapon_ammo %2c%
-;041c=2,make_actor %1d% say %2d%
041d=1,set_camera_near_clip %1d%
041e=2,set_radio_station %1d% %2d%
-;041f=1,override_hospital %1d%
-;0420=1,override_police_station %1d%
-;0421=1,force_rain %1d%
-;0422=2, garage_contain_car %1d% %2d%
0423=2,car %1d% improve_handling %2d%
0424=0, metric
0425=2,%2d% = meters %1d% to_feet // float
-;0426=6,create_save_cars_between_levels_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
-;0427=6,create_save_peds_between_levels_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
0428=2,set_car %1d% avoid_level_transitions %2d%
-;042a=2, ped_threat_exists %1u% %2u%
042b=6,clear_peds_from_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
042c=1,set_total_missions_to %1d%
042d=2,%2d% = meters %1d% to_feet // int
042e=2,register_lowest_int_stat %1h% to %2d%
042f=2,register_highest_int_stat %1d% to %2d%
0431=2, car %1d% car_passenger_seat_free %2d%
-;0432=3,get_actor_in_car %1d% passenger_seat %2d% store_to %3d%
0433=2,set_actor %1d% is_criminal %2d%
0436=0, reached_end_of_credits
0437=8,scatter_particle %1a% %8d% at %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d%
-;0438=2,set_actor %1d% ignore_level_transitions %2d%
-;0439=2,get_chase_car %1d% store_to %2d%
-;043b=1,update_boat %1d% foam_animation
043c=1,set_game_sounds_disable_on_fade %1d%
-;043d=1,set_intro_is_playing %1d%
+043e=2,set_player_hooker %1d% char %2d%
0441=2,%2d% = car %1d% model
0442=2, player %1d% sitting_in_car %2d%
0443=1, player %1d% sitting_in_any_car
-;0444=2,set_fire %1d% audio %2d%
0445=0, are_car_cheats_used
0446=2,set_actor %1d% dismemberment_possible %2d%
-;0447=1, player %1d% lifting_a_phone
0448=2, actor %1d% sitting_in_car %2d%
0449=1, actor %1d% sitting_in_any_car
044a=1, player %1d% on_foot
044b=1, actor %1d% on_foot
-;044c=1,change_to_island %1d%
044d=1,load_splash %1x%
-;044e=2,car %1d% level %2b:set_from_position/clear%
-;044f=2,make_car %1d% a_bit_stronger %2d%
0450=1,car %1d% warp_to_player
0453=4,object %1d% set_rotation %2d% %3d% %4d%
+0454=3,useless_store_debug_camera_position_to %1d% %2d% %3d%
0457=2, player %1d% aiming_at_actor %2d%
0459=1,end_script_named %1s%
045a=4,text_draw_1number %1d% %2d% %3g% %4d%
045b=5,text_draw_2numbers %1d% %2d% %3g% %4d% %5d%
045f=1,set_car %1d% everyone_exit
0460=2,set_camera_pointing_time %1d% %2d%
+0463=3,useless_store_debug_camera_target_point_to %1d% %2d% %3d%
0464=8,put_actor %1d% into_turret_on_car %2d% at_car_offset %3d% %4d% %5d% position %6h% angle %7d% with_weapon %8h%
0465=1,remove_actor %1d% from_turret_mode
0466=2,set_car %1d% stay_in_fast_lane %2h%
@@ -967,10 +776,12 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
0470=2,%2d% = actor %1d% armed_weapon
0471=5, actor %1d% within_object %2d% rectangle %3d% %4d% sphere %5h%
0472=5, actor %1d% within_object_on_foot %2d% rectangle %3d% %4d% sphere %5h%
+0473=5, actor %1d% within_object_in_car %2d% rectangle %3d% %4d% sphere %5h%
+0474=6, actor %1d% near_object_in_cube %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% sphere %6h%
+0475=6, actor %1d% near_object_in_cube %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% sphere %6h% on_foot
+0476=6, actor %1d% near_object_in_cube %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% sphere %6h% in_car
0477=3,set_car %1d% action %2h% time %3d%
047a=1, actor %1d% on_any_bike
-;047b=5, sniper_bullet_at %1d% %2d% radius %3d% %4d% sphere %5d%
-;047c=7, sniper_bullet_at %1d% %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d% %6d% sphere %7d%
047e=1, player %1d% on_any_bike
0480=2, actor %1d% looking_at_death_of_actor_with_pedtype %2h%
0481=1,set_enter_car_range_multiplier %1d%
@@ -1086,6 +897,7 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
0510=5, actor %1d% path_is_clear %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d%
0512=1,show_permanent_text_box %1s%
0514=3,set_actor %1d% can_be_damaged_by_members_of_gang %2h% %3h%
0517=5,%5d% = create_unavailable_asset_pickup %4g% at %1d% %2d% %3d%
0518=6,%6d% = create_available_asset_pickup %5g% at %1d% %2d% %3d% price %4d%
0519=2,lock_vehicle %1d% in_current_position %2d%
@@ -1162,6 +974,7 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
0581=1,enable_radar %1d%
0582=2,register_hotring_best_result %1h% %2d%
0583=2, player %1d% in_zone %2s%
+0584=1,clear_char_ice_cream_purchase %1d%
0585=0, in_car_fire_button_pressed
0586=1, actor %1d% has_attempted_attractor
0587=2,set_load_collision_for_car %1d% flag %2h%
@@ -1183,26 +996,20 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
0599=1,set_highest_firefighter_mission_level %1d%
059a=0, australian_game
059b=1,disarm_car_bomb %1d%
-059c=0, japanese_game
+059c=2,NOP %1d% %2d%
059d=1,shuffle_card_decks %1d% ;; never used in VC
059e=1,get_card_to %1d% ;; never used in VC
059f=4,get_object %1d% velocity %2d% %3d% %4d% ;; never used in VC
+05a0=0, is_unused_camera_world_viewer_being_used
05a1=4,set_object %1d% rotation_velocity_about_an_axis %2d% %3d% %4d% ;; never used in VC
05a2=4,set_object %1d% rotation_velocity_about_an_axis %2d% %3d% %4d% ;; never used in VC
05a3=1, object %1d% stopped ;; never used in VC
05a4=5,get_angle_between_vectors_origin_to %1d% %2d% and_origin_to %3d% %4d% store_to %5d% ;; never used in VC
+05a5=8, is_area_center %1d% %2d% scale %3d% %4d% overlaping_area_center %5d% %6d% scale %7d% %8d%
05a6=4,get_object %1d% rotation_velocity %2d% %3d% %4d% ;; never used in VC
05a7=4,set_object %1d% velocity %2d% %3d% %4d% ;; never used in VC
05a8=2,get_object %1d% speed_to %2d% ;; never used in VC
-; mobile opcodes
-0454=3,useless_store_debug_camera_position_to %1d% %2d% %3d%
-0463=3,useless_store_debug_camera_target_point_to %1d% %2d% %3d%
-05a9=1,get_debug_state_to %1d%
; CLEO 1.1 opcodes
05dd=1,terminate_all_custom_scripts_with_this_name %1s%
@@ -1363,4 +1170,181 @@ DATE=2020-11-11
; CLEO 2.0 MemoryModule.cleo
0BA2=2,%2h% = memory_load_library %1s%
0BA3=1,memory_free_library %1h%
-0BA4=3,%3d% = memory_get_proc_address %1s% library %2d%
\ No newline at end of file
+0BA4=3,%3d% = memory_get_proc_address %1s% library %2d%
+; CLEO 2.0 OpcodesRestorationProject - https://github.com/cleolibrary/opcodes-restoration-project
+00a2=1, actor %1d% alive
+00ac=1, car %1d% alive
+00bd=3,text_mediumpriority %1g% time %2d% %3d%
+00c5=0, true
+00c6=0, false
+00e2=3,get_player %1d% key %2d% state_to %3d%
+0113=3,add_ammo_to_player %1d% weapon %2h% ammo %3d%
+0116=1, player %1d% alive
+0130=1, player %1d% busted
+0135=2,change_car %1d% lock %2d%
+0136=4,shake_camera %1d% with_point %2d% %3d% %4d%
+013b=6, car %1d% dead_in_rectangle %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+013c=8, car %1d% dead_in_cube %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% %8d%
+0155=3,set_zone_car_density %1z% %2d% %3d%
+0156=3,set_zone_ped_density %1z% %2d% %3d%
+015e=1, car %1d% in_air
+0163=4,create_marker_above_object %1d% color %2d% display %3d% handle %4d%
+;016f=10,draw_shadow %1d% at %2d% %3d% %4d% angle %5d% size %6d% intensity %7d% color %8d% %9d% %10d%
+0178=2, player %1d% touching_object %2d%
+0179=2, actor %1d% touching_object %2d%
+017b=3,set_actor %1d% weapon %2d% ammo_to %3d%
+01c6=1,remove_car_from_mission_cleanup_list %1d%
+01e6=4,text_1number_mediumpriority %1g% %2d% time %3d% %4d%
+01ee=10,activate_crane %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% %8d% %9d% %10d%
+01ef=2,deactivate_crane %1d% %2d%
+0218=4,text_1number_styled %1g% %2d% time %3d% style %4d%
+021d=1,set_free_bomb_shop_to %1d%
+021f=1,set_all_taxi_lights %1d%
+0220=1, car %1d% has_car_bomb
+0228=2, car %1d% bomb_status == %2d%
+023a=2, player %1d% touching_object %2d% on_foot
+023b=2, actor %1d% touching_object %2d% on_foot
+023e=2,flash_car %1d% %2d%
+023f=2,flash_actor %1d% %2d%
+0240=2,flash_object %1d% %2d%
+0242=2,set_car %1d% bomb_status_to %2d%
+024b=2,set_phone %1d% message_repeated %2g%
+024c=2,set_phone %1d% message %2g%
+024d=1, phone %1d% has_displayed_message
+0250=6,create_light_at %1d% %2d% %3d% RGB %4d% %5d% %6d%
+0255=4,set_critical_mission_restart_at %1d% %2d% %3d% angle %4d%
+0295=1, is %1d% taxi
+0299=1,activate_garage %1d%
+029a=1,switch_taxi_timer %1d%
+029c=1, is %1d% boat
+02a0=1, actor %1d% stopped
+02a1=2,message_wait %1d% %2d%
+02a2=5,create_particle %1d% at %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d%
+02a4=3,create_marker_above_car %1d% icon %2d% handle %3d%
+02a5=3,create_marker_above_actor %1d% icon %2d% handle %3d%
+02a6=3,create_marker_above_object %1d% icon %2d% handle %3d%
+02b9=1,deactivate_garage %1d%
+02bc=1,set_swat_required %1d%
+02bd=1,set_fbi_required %1d%
+02be=1,set_army_required %1d%
+02c3=1,start_pacman_race %1d%
+02c5=1,get_number_of_power_pills_eaten %1d%
+02c7=5,start_pacman_scramble %1d% %2d% %3d% radius %4d% count %5d%
+02c8=1,get_number_of_power_pills_carried %1d%
+02cd=2,gosub_file %1p% %2p%
+02d2=2,set_car %1d% comedy_controls %2d%
+02d6=6, actor %1d% shooting_in_area %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+02da=3,add_power_pill %1d% %2d% %3d%
+02ee=6, projectile_in_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+02ef=6,destroy_projectile_in_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+02f0=3,create_explosive_barrel_at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+02f1=3,create_explosive_barrel_at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+02fb=10,create_crusher_crane %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% %8d% %9d% %10d%
+02fc=5,text_2numbers_lowpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% time %4d% %5d%
+02fe=5,text_2numbers_mediumpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% time %4d% %5d%
+0300=6,text_3numbers_highpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% time %5d% %6d%
+0301=6,text_3numbers_mediumpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% time %5d% %6d%
+0303=7,text_4numbers_highpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% time %6d% %7d%
+0304=7,text_4numbers_mediumpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% time %6d% %7d%
+0305=8,text_5numbers_lowpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% time %7d% %8d%
+0306=8,text_5numbers_highpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% time %7d% %8d%
+0307=8,text_5numbers_mediumpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% time %7d% %8d%
+0309=9,text_6numbers_highpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% time %8d% %9d%
+030a=9,text_6numbers_mediumpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% time %8d% %9d%
+031b=2, car %1d% primary_color %2d%
+031c=2, car %1d% secondary_color %2d%
+032d=2,car %1d% block %2d%
+0338=2,set_car %1d% visible %2h%
+0344=1,set_text_draw_linewidth %1d% for_centered_text
+0346=4,set_text_draw_background_color %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
+;0349=1,set_text_draw_font %1d%
+0351=0, gore_enabled
+0356=7, explosion_type %1d% in_cube %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d%
+0357=2, explosion_type %1d% in_zone %2z%
+0367=9,init_headshot_rampage %1g% weapon %2d% time %3d% targets %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% %8d% %9d%
+0368=10,create_ev_crane %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% %8d% %9d% %10d%
+036e=6,text_3numbers_styled %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% time %5d% style %6d%
+036f=7,text_4numbers_styled %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% time %6d% style %7d%
+0370=8,text_5numbers_styled %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% time %7d% style %8d%
+0371=9,text_6numbers_styled %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% time %8d% style %9d%
+0375=4,text_1string_lowpriority %1g% %2g% time %3d% %4d%
+0378=3,set_phone %1d% 2messages_repeated %2g% %3g%
+0379=3,set_phone %1d% 2messages %2g% %3g%
+037a=4,set_phone %1d% 3messages_repeated %2g% %3g% %4g%
+037b=4,set_phone %1d% 3messages %2g% %3g% %4g%
+037c=5,set_phone %1d% 4messages_repeated %2g% %3g% %4g% %5g%
+037d=5,set_phone %1d% 4messages %2g% %3g% %4g% %5g%
+0385=4,text_1string_mediumpriority %1g% %2g% time %3d% %4d%
+0386=6,set_phone %1d% 5messages_repeated %2g% %3g% %4g% %5g% %6g%
+0387=6,set_phone %1d% 5messages %2g% %3g% %4g% %5g% %6g%
+0388=7,set_phone %1d% 6messages_repeated %2g% %3g% %4g% %5g% %6g% %7g%
+0389=7,set_phone %1d% 6messages %2g% %3g% %4g% %5g% %6g% %7g%
+0393=2,set_actor %1d% anim_speed %2d%
+03a0=3, crane %1d% %2d% is_lifting_car %3d%
+03a5=3,set_garage %1d% type_to %2d% %3o%
+03c2=1, phone %1d% displaying_message
+03c6=1, current_island == %1d%
+03c9=1, car %1d% visibly_damaged
+03db=4,create_marker_above_pickup %1d% color %2d% display %3d% handle %4d%
+03dd=3,create_marker_above_pickup %1d% icon %2d% handle %3d%
+03e9=1, actor %1d% in_control
+03ec=0, ev_crane_collected_all_cars
+03fb=2,set_car %1d% stays_in_current_level %2d%
+03fc=2,set_actor %1d% stays_in_current_level %2d%
+0410=2,override_gang_model %1d% %2d%
+0413=2,set_player %1d% get_out_of_jail_free %2d%
+0415=2, car %1d% door %2d% closed
+041a=3,get_ammo_in_actor %1d% weapon %2d% store_to %3d%
+041c=2,make_actor %1d% say %2d%
+041f=1,override_hospital %1d%
+0420=1,override_police_station %1d%
+0421=1,force_rain %1d%
+0422=2, garage_contain_car %1d% %2d%
+042a=2, ped_threat_exists %1u% %2u%
+0432=3,get_actor_in_car %1d% passenger_seat %2d% store_to %3d%
+0438=2,set_actor %1d% ignore_level_transitions %2d%
+0444=2,set_fire %1d% audio %2d%
+0447=1, player %1d% lifting_a_phone
+044e=2,set_car %1d% ignore_level_transitions %2d%
+044f=2,make_car %1d% a_bit_stronger %2d%
+047b=5, sniper_bullet_at %1d% %2d% radius %3d% %4d% sphere %5d%
+047c=7, sniper_bullet_at %1d% %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d% %6d% sphere %7d%
+047d=2,get_number_of_seats_in_model %1o% store_to %2d%
+0491=2, actor %1d% has_weapon %2d%
+04a0=2,get_object_distance_along_path %1d% store_to %2d%
+04a7=1, actor %1d% in_any_boat
+04a9=1, actor %1d% in_any_heli
+04ab=1, actor %1d% in_any_plane
+04c8=1, actor %1d% in_flying_vehicle
+04cc=6,create_blip_without_sphere %1d% %2d% %3d% color %4d% display %5d% store_to %6d%
+04cd=4,create_blip_without_sphere %1d% %2d% %3d% store_to %4d%
+04d4=7,get_nth_closest_char_node %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% store_to %5d% %6d% %7d%
+04dc=0, photograph_has_been_taken
+0505=4,get_nearest_tyre_to_point %1d% %2d% %3d% store_to %4d%
+050f=1,get_max_wanted_level_to %1d%
+0511=2,show_text_box_1number %1s% number %2d%
+0513=2,show_permanent_text_box_1number %1s% number %2d%
+051f=6,text_draw_3numbers %1d% %2d% %3g% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+052a=1,add_money_spent_on_auto_painting %1d%
+052d=2,get_player %1d% drunkenness_to %2d%
+0530=1,add_loan_shark_visits %1d%
+0532=1,add_movie_stunts %1d%
+0535=1,add_garbage_pickups %1d%
+0537=1,set_top_shooting_range_score %1d%
+0538=1,add_shooting_range_rank %1d%
+0547=2, actor %1d% touching_car %2d%
+0555=2,remove_actor %1d% weapon %2d%
+056e=1, car %1d% defined
+056f=4,create_asset_blip %1d% %2d% %3d% store_to %4d%
+0577=1,set_fade_and_jumpcut_after_rc_explosion %1d%
+;059d=1,shuffle_card_decks %1d%
+;059e=1,fetch_next_card %1d%
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vc/constants.txt b/vc/constants.txt
index 2c8b2fd..67717fb 100644
--- a/vc/constants.txt
+++ b/vc/constants.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vc/extensions.txt b/vc/extensions.txt
index ac65343..d259651 100644
--- a/vc/extensions.txt
+++ b/vc/extensions.txt
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
@@ -697,6 +698,7 @@
@@ -718,6 +720,7 @@
@@ -733,13 +736,16 @@
@@ -754,6 +760,10 @@
@@ -871,6 +881,7 @@
@@ -947,6 +958,7 @@
@@ -972,19 +984,15 @@
@@ -1132,4 +1140,179 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vc_mobile/CustomVariables.ini b/vc_mobile/CustomVariables.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9867a26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/CustomVariables.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+; CustomVariables.ini for GTA Vice City Mobile
+; OrionSR 1/26/2020
diff --git a/vc_mobile/VCSCM.INI b/vc_mobile/VCSCM.INI
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dff1fda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/VCSCM.INI
@@ -0,0 +1,1032 @@
+; GTA Modding Community Opcode Database
+; For more info, visit:
+; https://www.gtagmodding.com/opcode-database/
+; https://gtamods.com/wiki/List_of_opcodes
+; https://docs.sannybuilder.com/edit-modes/opcodes-list-scm.ini
+; d% = anything
+; p% = label pointer
+; o% = models all types
+; m% = .ide models only
+; g% = gxt reference
+0001=1,wait %1d% ms
+0002=1,jump %1p%
+0003=1,shake_camera %1d%
+0004=2,%1d% = %2d% // $ = int
+0005=2,%1d% = %2d% // $ = float
+0006=2,%1d% = %2d% // @ = int
+0007=2,%1d% = %2d% // @ = float
+0008=2,%1d% += %2d% // $ += int
+0009=2,%1d% += %2d% // $ += float
+000a=2,%1d% += %2h% // @ += int
+000b=2,%1d% += %2d% // @ += float
+000c=2,%1d% -= %2d% // $ -= int
+000d=2,%1d% -= %2d% // $ -= float
+000e=2,%1d% -= %2h% // @ -= int
+000f=2,%1d% -= %2d% // @ -= float
+0010=2,%1d% *= %2d% // $ *= int
+0011=2,%1d% *= %2d% // $ *= float
+0012=2,%1d% *= %2d% // @ *= int
+0013=2,%1d% *= %2d% // @ *= float
+0014=2,%1d% /= %2d% // $ /= int
+0015=2,%1d% /= %2d% // $ /= float
+0016=2,%1d% /= %2d% // @ /= int
+0017=2,%1d% /= %2d% // @ /= float
+0018=2, %1d% > %2d% // $ > int
+0019=2, %1d% > %2d% // @ > int
+001a=2, %1d% > %2d% // int > $
+001b=2, %1d% > %2d% // int > @
+001c=2, %1d% > %2d% // $ > $ int
+001d=2, %1d% > %2d% // @ > @ int
+001e=2, %1d% > %2d% // $ > @ int
+001f=2, %1d% > %2d% // @ > $ int
+0020=2, %1d% > %2d% // $ > float
+0021=2, %1d% > %2d% // @ > float
+0022=2, %1d% > %2d% // float > $
+0023=2, %1d% > %2d% // float > @
+0024=2, %1d% > %2d% // $ > $ float
+0025=2, %1d% > %2d% // @ > @ float
+0026=2, %1d% > %2d% // $ > @ float
+0027=2, %1d% > %2d% // @ > $ float
+0028=2, %1d% >= %2d% // $ >= int
+0029=2, %1d% >= %2d% // @ >= int
+002a=2, %1d% >= %2d% // int >= $
+002b=2, %1d% >= %2d% // int >= @
+002c=2, %1d% >= %2d% // $ >= $ int
+002d=2, %1d% >= %2d% // @ >= @ int
+002e=2, %1d% >= %2d% // $ >= @ int
+002f=2, %1d% >= %2d% // @ >= $ int
+0030=2, %1d% >= %2d% // $ >= float
+0031=2, %1d% >= %2d% // @ >= float
+0032=2, %1d% >= %2d% // float >= $
+0033=2, %1d% >= %2d% // float >= @
+0034=2, %1d% >= %2d% // $ >= $ float
+0035=2, %1d% >= %2d% // @ >= @ float
+0036=2, %1d% >= %2d% // $ >= @ float
+0037=2, %1d% >= %2d% // @ >= $ float
+0038=2, %1d% == %2d% // $ == int
+0039=2, %1d% == %2d% // @ == int
+003a=2, %1d% == %2d% // $ == $ int
+003b=2, %1d% == %2d% // @ == @ int
+003c=2, %1d% == %2d% // $ == @ int
+0042=2, %1d% == %2d% // $ == float
+0043=2, %1d% == %2d% // @ == float
+0044=2, %1d% == %2d% // $ == $ float
+0045=2, %1d% == %2d% // @ == @ float
+0046=2, %1d% == %2d% // $ == @ float
+004d=1,jump_if_false %1p%
+004f=-1,start_new_script %1p%
+0050=1,gosub %1p%
+0052=6,line %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% ; nop
+0053=5,%5d% = create_player %1o% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
+0054=4,store_player %1d% position_to %2d% %3d% %4d%
+0055=4,put_player %1d% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
+0056=6, player %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d%
+0057=8, player %1d% %8b:in-sphere/%in_cube %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d%
+0058=2,%1d% += %2d% // $ += $ int
+0059=2,%1d% += %2d% // $ += $ float
+005a=2,%1d% += %2d% // @ += @ int
+005b=2,%1d% += %2d% // @ += @ float
+005c=2,%1d% += %2d% // @ += $ int
+005d=2,%1d% += %2d% // @ += $ float
+005e=2,%1d% += %2d% // $ += @ int
+005f=2,%1d% += %2d% // $ += @ float
+0060=2,%1d% -= %2d% // $ -= $ int
+0061=2,%1d% -= %2d% // $ -= $ float
+0062=2,%1d% -= %2d% // @ -= @ int
+0063=2,%1d% -= %2d% // @ -= @ float
+0064=2,%1d% -= %2d% // @ -= $ int
+0065=2,%1d% -= %2d% // @ -= $ float
+0066=2,%1d% -= %2d% // $ -= @ int
+0067=2,%1d% -= %2d% // $ -= @ float
+0068=2,%1d% *= %2d% // $ *= $ int
+0069=2,%1d% *= %2d% // $ *= $ float
+006a=2,%1d% *= %2d% // @ *= @ int
+006b=2,%1d% *= %2d% // @ *= @ float
+006c=2,%1d% *= %2d% // @ *= $ int
+006d=2,%1d% *= %2d% // @ *= $ float
+006e=2,%1d% *= %2d% // $ *= @ int
+006f=2,%1d% *= %2d% // $ *= @ float
+0070=2,%1d% /= %2d% // $ /= $ int
+0071=2,%1d% /= %2d% // $ /= $ float
+0072=2,%1d% /= %2d% // @ /= @ int
+0073=2,%1d% /= %2d% // @ /= @ float
+0074=2,%1d% /= %2d% // @ /= $ int
+0075=2,%1d% /= %2d% // @ /= $ float
+0076=2,%1d% /= %2d% // $ /= @ int
+0077=2,%1d% /= %2d% // $ /= @ float
+0078=2,%1d% += frame_delta_time * %2d% // float
+0079=2,%1d% += frame_delta_time * %2d% // float
+007a=2,%1d% += frame_delta_time * %2d% // float
+007b=2,%1d% = frame_delta_time %2d% // float
+007c=2,%1d% += frame_delta_time * %2d% // float
+007d=2,%1d% += frame_delta_time * %2d% // float
+007e=2,%1d% -= frame_delta_time * %2d% // float
+007f=2,%1d% -= frame_delta_time * %2d% // float
+0080=2,%1d% -= frame_delta_time * %2d% // float
+0081=2,%1d% -= frame_delta_time * %2d% // float
+0082=2,%1d% -= frame_delta_time * %2d% // float
+0083=2,%1d% -= frame_delta_time * %2d% // float
+0084=2,%1d% = %2d% // $ = $ int
+0085=2,%1d% = %2d% // @ = @ int
+0086=2,%1d% = %2d% // $ = $ float
+0087=2,%1d% = %2d% // @ = @ float
+0088=2,%1d% = %2d% // $ = @ float
+0089=2,%1d% = %2d% // @ = $ float
+008a=2,%1d% = %2d% // $ = @ int
+008b=2,%1d% = %2d% // @ = $ int
+008c=2,%1d% = float_to_integer %2d%
+008d=2,%1d% = integer_to_float %2d%
+008e=2,%1d% = float_to_integer %2d%
+008f=2,%1d% = integer_to_float %2d%
+0090=2,%1d% = float_to_integer %2d%
+0091=2,%1d% = integer_to_float %2d%
+0092=2,%1d% = float_to_integer %2d%
+0093=2,%1d% = integer_to_float %2d%
+0094=1,make %1d% absolute_integer
+0095=1,make %1d% absolute_integer
+0096=1,make %1d% absolute_float
+0097=1,make %1d% absolute_float
+0098=1,%1d% = random_float_in_ranges_0.0_to_1.0
+0099=1,%1d% = random_int_in_ranges_0_to_32767
+009a=6,%6d% = create_actor_pedtype %1d% model %2m% at %3d% %4d% %5d%
+009b=1,destroy_actor_instantly %1d%
+009c=2,set_actor %1d% wander_direction %2d%
+009e=6,set_actor %1d% path %2d% %3d% %4d% unknown %5d% %6h%
+009f=1,set_actor %1d% idle
+00a0=4,store_actor %1d% position_to %2d% %3d% %4d%
+00a1=4,put_actor %1d% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
+00a3=6, actor %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d%
+00a4=8, actor %1d% %8b:in-sphere/%in_cube %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d%
+00a5=5,%5d% = create_car %1m% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
+00a6=1,destroy_car %1d%
+00a7=4,car %1d% drive_to %2d% %3d% %4d%
+00a8=1,set_car %1d% to_psycho_driver
+00a9=1,set_car %1d% to_normal_driver
+00aa=4,store_car %1d% position_to %2d% %3d% %4d%
+00ab=4,put_car %1d% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
+00ad=2,set_car %1d% max_speed_to %2d%
+00ae=2,set_vehicle %1d% traffic_behavior_to %2d%
+00af=2,set_car %1d% driver_behaviour_to %2d%
+00b0=6, car %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d%
+00b1=8, car %1d% %8b:in-sphere/%in_cube %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d%
+00ba=3,text_styled %1g% %2d% ms %3d%
+00bb=3,text_lowpriority %1g% time %2d% %3d%
+00bc=3,text_highpriority %1g% time %2d% %3d%
+00bf=2,%1d% = current_time_hours, %2d% = current_time_minutes
+00c0=2,set_current_time %1d% %2d%
+00c1=3,%3d% = minutes_to_current_time %1d% %2d%
+00c2=4, sphere_onscreen %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
+00d6=1,if %1d%
+00d7=1,start_new_script %1p% without_parameters
+00d9=2,%2d% = actor %1d% car ; add to mission cleanup
+00da=2,%2d% = player %1d% car
+00db=2, actor %1d% in_car %2d%
+00dc=2, player %1d% in_car %2d%
+00dd=2, actor %1d% driving_vehicle_type %2m%
+00de=2, player %1d% driving_vehicle_type %2m%
+00df=1, actor %1d% in_any_car
+00e0=1, player %1d% in_any_car
+00e1=2, player %1d% pressed_button %2d%
+00e3=6, player %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%near_point %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d%
+00e4=6, player %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%near_point_on_foot %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d%
+00e5=6, player %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%near_point_in_car %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d%
+00e6=6, player %1d% stopped %6b:in-sphere/%near_point %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
+00e7=6, player %1d% stopped %6b:in-sphere/%near_point_on_foot %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d%
+00e8=6, player %1d% stopped %6b:in-sphere/%near_point_in_car %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
+00e9=5, player %1d% %5b:in-sphere/%near_actor %2d% radius %3d% %4d%
+00ea=5, player %1d% %5b:in-sphere/%near_actor_on_foot %2d% radius %3d% %4d%
+00eb=5, player %1d% %5b:in-sphere/%near_actor_in_car %2d% radius %3d% %4d%
+00ec=6, actor %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%near_point %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d%
+00ed=6, actor %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%near_point_on_foot %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d%
+00ee=6, actor %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%near_point_in_car %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d%
+00ef=6, actor %1d% sphere %6b:in-sphere/%near_point %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
+00f0=6, actor %1d% stopped %6b:in-sphere/%near_point_on_foot %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d%
+00f1=6, actor %1d% stopped %6b:in-sphere/%near_point_in_car %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
+00f2=5, actor %1d% near_actor %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5h%
+00f3=5, actor %1d% near_actor_on_foot %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5h%
+00f4=5, actor %1d% near_actor_in_car %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5h% ;; never used in VC or GTA 3
+00f5=8, player %1d% %8b:in-sphere/%near_point %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d% %6d% %7d%
+00f6=8, player %1d% %8b:in-sphere/%near_point_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d% %6d% %7d%
+00f7=8, player %1d% sphere %8b% near_point_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d% %6d% %7d%
+00f8=8, player %1d% stopped %8b:in-sphere/%near_point %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d% %6d% %7d%
+00f9=8, player %1d% stopped %8b:in-sphere/%near_point_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d% %6d% %7d%
+00fa=8, player %1d% stopped %8b:in-sphere/%near_point_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d% %6d% %7d%
+00fb=6, player %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%near_actor %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d%
+00fc=6, player %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%near_actor %2d% on_foot radius %3d% %4d% %5d%
+00fd=6, player %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%near_actor %2d% in_car radius %3d% %4d% %5d%
+00fe=8, actor %1d% %8b:in-sphere/%near_point %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d% %6d% %7d%
+00ff=8, actor %1d% %8b:in-sphere/%near_point_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d% %6d% %7d%
+0100=8, actor %1d% near_point_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d% %6d% %7d% sphere %8h%
+0101=8, actor %1d% stopped_near_point %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d% %6d% %7d% sphere %8h%
+0102=8, actor %1d% stopped_near_point_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d% %6d% %7d% sphere %8h%
+0103=8, actor %1d% stopped_near_point_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d% %6d% %7d% sphere %8d% ;; never used in VC
+0104=6, actor %1d% near_actor %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% sphere %6h%
+0105=6, actor %1d% near_actor_on_foot %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% sphere %6h% ;; never used in VC or gta 3
+0106=6, actor %1d% near_actor_in_car %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% %6h% ;; never used in VC or gta 3
+0107=5,%5d% = create_object %1o% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
+0108=1,destroy_object %1d%
+0109=2,player %1d% money += %2d%
+010a=2, player %1d% money > %2d%
+010b=2,%2d% = player %1d% money
+010c=5,change_player_into_rc_buggy %1d% at %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d%
+010d=2,set_player %1d% wanted_level_to %2d%
+010e=2,set_player %1d% minimum_wanted_level_to %2d%
+010f=2, player %1d% wanted_level > %2d%
+0110=1,clear_player %1d% wanted_level
+0111=1,set_wasted_busted_check_to %1b:enabled/disabled%
+0112=0, wasted_or_busted
+0114=3,add_ammo_to_actor %1d% weapon %2h% ammo %3d%
+0117=1, player %1d% wasted
+0118=1, actor %1d% dead
+0119=1, car %1d% wrecked
+011a=2,set_actor %1d% search_threat %2i%
+011c=1,actor %1d% clear_objective
+0121=2, player %1d% in_zone %2z%
+0122=1, player %1d% pressing_horn
+0123=2, actor %1d% spotted_player %2d%
+0126=1, actor %1d% objective_passed
+0129=4,%4d% = create_actor %2d% %3m% in_car %1d% driverseat
+012a=4,put_player %1d% at %2d% %3d% %4d% and_remove_from_car
+0137=2, car %1d% model == %2m%
+014b=13,%13d% = init_car_generator %5m% %6d% %7d% force_spawn %8d% alarm %9d% door_lock %10d% min_delay %11d% max_delay %12d% at %1d% %2d% %3d% angle %4d%
+014c=2,set_parked_car_generator %1d% cars_to_generate_to %2d%
+014e=2,start_timer_at %1d% count_in_direction %2h%
+014f=1,stop_timer %1d%
+0150=2,set_status_text %1d% type %2d% ;; never used in VC or GTA 3
+0151=1,remove_status_text %1d%
+0152=13,set_zone_car_info %1s% %2b:day/night% %3h% %4h% %5h% %6h% %7h% %8h% %9h% %10h% %11h% %12h% %13h%
+0154=2, actor %1d% in_zone %2z%
+0157=3,camera_on_player %1d% mode %2d% switchstyle %3d%
+0158=3,camera_on_vehicle %1d% mode %2d% switchstyle %3d%
+0159=3,camera_on_ped %1d% mode %2d% switchstyle %3d%
+015c=13,set_zone_gang_info %1s% %2b:day/night% %3h% %4h% %5h% %6h% %7h% %8h% %9h% %10h% %11h% %12h% %13d%
+015d=1,set_gamespeed %1d%
+015f=6,set_camera_position %1d% %2d% %3d% rotation %4d% %5d% %6d%
+0160=4,point_camera %1d% %2d% %3d% switchstyle %4d%
+0161=4,%4d% = create_marker_above_car %1d% color %2d% display %3d%
+0162=4,%4d% = create_marker_above_actor %1d% color %2d% display %3d%
+0164=1,disable_marker %1d%
+0165=2,set_marker %1d% color_to %2d%
+0166=2,set_marker %1d% brightness_to %2d%
+0167=6,%6d% = create_marker_at %1d% %2d% %3d% color %4d% display %5d%
+0168=2,set_marker %1d% size %2d%
+0169=3,set_fade_color %1d% %2d% %3d%
+016a=2,fade %2b:back/% %1d% ms
+016b=0, fading
+016c=4,restart_if_wasted_at %1d% %2d% %3d% angle %4d%
+016d=4,restart_if_busted_at %1d% %2d% %3d% angle %4d%
+016e=4,override_next_restart at %1d% %2d% %3d% angle %4d%
+0170=2,%2d% = player %1d% z_angle
+0171=2,set_player %1d% z_angle_to %2d%
+0172=2,%2d% = actor %1d% z_angle
+0173=2,set_actor %1d% z_angle_to %2d%
+0174=2,%2d% = car %1d% z_angle
+0175=2,set_car %1d% z_angle_to %2d%
+0176=2,%2d% = object %1d% z_angle
+0177=2,set_object %1d% z_angle_to %2d%
+017a=3,set_player %1d% weapon %2d% ammo_to %3d%
+0180=1,set_on_mission_flag_to %1d%
+0183=2, player %1d% health > %2h%
+0184=2, actor %1d% health >= %2d%
+0185=2, car %1d% health >= %2d%
+0186=2,%2d% = create_marker_above_car %1d%
+0187=2,%2d% = create_marker_above_actor %1d%
+0188=2,%2d% = create_marker_above_object %1d%
+0189=4,%4d% = create_checkpoint_and_sphere_at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+018a=4,%4d% = create_checkpoint_at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+018b=2,set_marker %1d% display %2d%
+018c=4,play_sound %4d% at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+018d=5,%5d% = create_sound %4d% at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+018e=1,stop_sound %1d%
+018f=1, vehicle %1d% flipped
+0190=1,add_vehicle %1d% to_flipped_check
+0191=1,remove_vehicle %1d% from_flipped_check
+0192=1,set_actor %1d% objective_to_stand_still
+0193=1,set_actor %1d% objective_to_act_like_ped
+0194=4,set_actor %1d% objective_to_guard_point %2d% %3d% %4d%
+0197=6, player %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
+0198=6, player %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
+0199=6, player %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
+019a=6, player %1d% stopped %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
+019b=6, player %1d% stopped %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
+019c=8, player %1d% %8b:in-sphere/%in_cube_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% ;; never used in VC
+019d=8, player %1d% %8b:in-sphere/%in_cube_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% ;; never used in VC
+019e=8, player %1d% stopped %8b:in-sphere/%in_cube %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% ;; never used in VC
+019f=8, player %1d% stopped %8b:in-sphere/%in_cube_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% ;; never used in VC
+01a0=8, player %1d% stopped %8b:in-sphere/%in_cube_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% ;; never used in VC
+01a1=6, actor %1d% sphere %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
+01a2=6, actor %1d% %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
+01a3=6, actor %1d% stopped %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
+01a4=6, actor %1d% stopped %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% ; never used in VC
+01a5=6, actor %1d% stopped %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
+01a6=8, actor %1d% %8b:in-sphere/%in_cube_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% ;; never used in VC
+01a7=8, actor %1d% %8b:in-sphere/%in_cube_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% ;; never used in VC
+01a8=8, actor %1d% stopped %8b:in-sphere/%in_cube %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% ;; never used in VC
+01a9=8, actor %1d% stopped %8b:in-sphere/%in_cube_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% ;; never used in VC
+01aa=8, actor %1d% stopped %8b:in-sphere/%in_cube_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% ;; never used in VC
+01ab=6, car %1d% stopped %6b:in-sphere/%in_rectangle %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
+01ac=8, car %1d% stopped %8b:in-sphere/%in_cube %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% ;; never used in VC
+01ad=6, car %1d% sphere %6b% near_point %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d%
+01ae=6, car %1d% stopped %6b:in-sphere/%near_point %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d%
+01af=8, car %1d% %8b:in-sphere/%near_point %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d% %6d% %7d%
+01b0=8, car %1d% stopped %8b:in-sphere/%near_point %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d% %6d% %7d%
+01b1=3,give_player %1d% weapon %2c% ammo %3d% ;; Load the weapon model before using this
+01b2=3,give_actor %1d% weapon %2c% ammo %3d% ;; Load the weapon model before using this
+01b4=2,set_player %1d% can_move %2d%
+01b5=1,force_weather %1d%
+01b6=1,set_weather %1d%
+01b8=2,set_player %1d% armed_weapon_to %2c%
+01b9=2,set_actor %1d% armed_weapon_to %2c%
+01bb=4,store_object %1d% position_to %2d% %3d% %4d%
+01bc=4,put_object %1d% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
+01bd=1,%1d% = current_time_in_ms
+01be=4,set_actor %1d% to_look_at_spot %2d% %3d% %4d%
+01c0=2,%2d% = player %1d% wanted_level
+01c1=1, car %1d% stopped
+01c2=1,mark_actor_as_no_longer_needed %1d%
+01c3=1,mark_car_as_no_longer_needed %1d%
+01c4=1,mark_object_as_no_longer_needed %1d%
+01c5=1,remove_actor_from_mission_cleanup_list %1d%
+01c7=1,remove_object_from_mission_cleanup_list %1d%
+01c8=5,%5d% = create_actor_pedtype %2d% model %3m% in_car %1d% passenger_seat %4d%
+01c9=2,actor %1d% kill_actor %2d%
+01ca=2,actor %1d% kill_player %2d%
+01cb=2,actor %1d% kill_actor %2d%
+01cc=2,actor %1d% kill_player %2d%
+01ce=2,actor %1d% avoid_player %2d%
+01cf=2,actor %1d% avoid_actor %2d%
+01d0=2,actor %1d% avoid_player %2d%
+01d1=2,actor %1d% follow_actor %2d%
+01d2=2,actor %1d% follow_player %2d%
+01d3=2,actor %1d% leave_car %2d%
+01d4=2,actor %1d% go_to_car %2d% and_enter_it_as_a_passenger
+01d5=2,actor %1d% go_to_and_drive_car %2d%
+01d8=2,actor %1d% destroy_object %2d%
+01d9=2,actor %1d% destroy_car %2d%
+01de=2,tie_actor %1d% to_actor %2d%
+01df=2,tie_actor %1d% to_player %2d%
+01e0=1,clear_leader %1d%
+01e1=3,set_actor %1d% follow_route %2d% %3d%
+01e2=4,add_route_point %1d% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
+01e3=4,text_1number_styled %1g% number %2d% time %3d% style %4d%
+01e4=4,text_1number_lowpriority %1g% %2d% time %3d% %4d%
+01e5=4,text_1number_highpriority %1g% %2d% time %3d% %4d%
+01e7=6,remove_forbidden_for_cars_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+01e8=6,create_forbidden_for_cars_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+01e9=2,%2d% = car %1d% num_passengers
+01ea=2,%2d% = car %1d% max_passengers
+01eb=1,set_traffic_density_multiplier_to %1d%
+01ec=2,make_car %1d% very_heavy %2h%
+01ed=1,clear_actor %1d% threat_search
+01f0=1,set_max_wanted_level_to %1d%
+01f3=1, car %1d% airborne
+01f4=1, car %1d% flipped
+01f5=2,%2d% = create_emulated_actor_from_player %1d%
+01f7=2,set_player %1d% ignored_by_cops_state_to %2b:true/false%
+01f9=9,init_rampage %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5m% %6m% %7m% %8m% %9d%
+01fa=1,%1d% = rampage_status
+01fb=2,%2d% = square_root %1d%
+01fc=5, player %1d% near_car %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d%
+01fd=5, player %1d% near_car_on_foot %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% ;; never used in VC
+01fe=5, player %1d% near_car_in_car %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d%
+01ff=6, player %1d% near_car %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% unknown %6h%
+0200=6, player %1d% near_car_on_foot %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% unknown %6h% ;; never used in VC
+0201=6, player %1d% near_car_in_car %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% unknown %6h% ;; never used in VC
+0202=5, actor %1d% near_car %2d% radius %3d% %4d% sphere %5d%
+0203=5, actor %1d% near_car_on_foot %2d% radius %3d% %4d% unknown %5d%
+0204=5, actor %1d% near_car_in_car %2d% radius %3d% %4d% unknown %5d% ;; never used in VC
+0205=6, actor %1d% near_car %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% unknown %6h%
+0206=6, actor %1d% near_car_on_foot %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% unknown %6h% ;; never used in VC
+0207=6, actor %1d% near_car_in_car %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% unknown %6h% ;; never used in VC
+0208=3,%3d% = random_float %1d% %2d%
+0209=3,%3d% = random_int_in_ranges %1d% %2d%
+020a=2,set_car %1d% door_status_to %2d%
+020b=1,explode_car %1d%
+020c=4,create_explosion %4d% at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+020d=1, car %1d% flipped
+020e=2,actor %1d% look_at_actor %2d%
+020f=2,actor %1d% look_at_player %2d%
+0210=2,player %1d% look_at_actor %2d%
+0211=3,actor %1d% walk_to %2d% %3d%
+0213=6,%6d% = create_pickup %1o% type %2d% at %3d% %4d% %5d%
+0214=1, pickup %1d% picked_up
+0215=1,destroy_pickup %1d%
+0216=2,set_car %1d% taxi_available_light_to %2b:on/off%
+0217=3,text_styled %1g% time %2d% style %3d%
+0219=10,%10d% = create_garage_type %9h% door %1d% %2d% %3d% to %6d% %7d% %8d% depth %4d% %5d%
+021b=2,set_garage %1d% to_accept_car %2d%
+021c=1, car_inside_garage %1d%
+0221=2,set_player %1d% apply_brakes_to_car %2d%
+0222=2,set_player %1d% health_to %2d%
+0223=2,set_actor %1d% health_to %2d%
+0224=2,set_car %1d% health_to %2d%
+0225=2,%2d% = player %1d% health
+0226=2,%2d% = actor %1d% health
+0227=2,%2d% = car %1d% health
+0229=3,set_car %1d% color_to %2d% %3d%
+022a=6,remove_forbidden_for_peds_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+022b=6,create_forbidden_for_peds_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+022c=2,set_actor %1d% to_look_at_actor %2d%
+022d=2,set_actor %1d% to_look_at_player %2d%
+022e=2,set_player %1d% to_look_at_actor %2d%
+022f=1,set_actor %1d% stop_looking
+0230=1,set_player %1d% stop_looking
+0235=3,set_gang %1h% models_to %2m% %3m%
+0236=2,set_gang %1d% car_to %2m%
+0237=3,set_gang %1d% primary_weapon_to %2c% secondary_weapon_to %3c%
+0239=3,actor %1d% run_to %2d% %3d%
+023c=2,load_special_actor %1d% %2s%
+023d=1, special_actor %1d% loaded
+0241=1, player %1d% in_remote_mode
+0243=2,set_actor %1d% ped_stats_to %2d%
+0244=3,set_cutscene_pos %1d% %2d% %3d%
+0245=2,set_actor %1d% walk_style_to %2d%
+0247=1,request_model %1o%
+0248=1, model %1o% available
+0249=1,release_model %1o%
+024a=3,%3d% = get_phone_at %1d% %2d%
+024e=1,disable_phone %1d%
+024f=9,create_corona_with_radius %4d% type %5d% lensflares %6d% with_color %7d% %8d% %9d% at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+0256=1, player %1d% defined
+0291=2,set_actor %1d% heed_threats %2d%
+0293=1,%1d% = get_controller_mode
+0294=2,set_vehicle %1d% sprayable %2d%
+0296=1,unload_special_actor %1d%
+0298=2,%2d% = rampage_kills %1m%
+029b=5,%5d% = init_object %1o% at %2d% %3d% %4d%
+029f=1, player %1d% stopped
+02a3=1,enable_widescreen %1d%
+02a7=5,%5d% = create_icon_marker_and_sphere %4d% at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+02a8=5,%5d% = create_marker %4d% at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+02a9=2,set_actor %1d% immune_to_nonplayer %2d%
+02aa=2,set_car %1d% immune_to_nonplayer %2d%
+02ab=6,set_actor %1d% immunities BP %2d% FP %3d% EP %4d% CP %5d% MP %6d%
+02ac=6,set_car %1d% immunities %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+02ad=7, player %1d% in_area %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% radius %6d% sphere %7h%
+02ae=7, player %1d% in_area_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% radius %6d% sphere %7h% ;; never used anywhere
+02af=7, player %1d% in_area_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% radius %6d% sphere %7h% ;; never used anywhere
+02b0=7, player %1d% stopped_in_area %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% radius %6d% sphere %7h% ;; never used anywhere
+02b1=7, player %1d% stopped_in_area_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% radius %6d% sphere %7h% ;; never used anywhere
+02b2=7, player %1d% stopped_in_area_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% radius %6d% sphere %7h% ;; never used anywhere
+02b3=9, player %1d% in_cube %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% radius %8d% sphere %9h%
+02b4=9, player %1d% in_cube_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% radius %8d% sphere %9h%
+02b5=9, player %1d% in_cube_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% radius %8d% sphere %9h%
+02b6=9, player %1d% stopped_in_cube %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% radius %8d% sphere %9h% ;; never used anywhere
+02b7=9, player %1d% stopped_in_cube_on_foot %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% radius %8d% sphere %9h% ;; never used anywhere
+02b8=9, player %1d% stopped_in_cube_in_car %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% radius %8d% sphere %9h% ;; never used anywhere
+02bf=1, car %1d% sunk
+02c0=6,set %4d% %5d% %6d% to_ped_path_coords_closest_to %1d% %2d% %3d%
+02c1=6,set %4d% %5d% %6d% to_car_path_coords_closest_to %1d% %2d% %3d%
+02c2=4,car %1d% drive_to_point %2d% %3d% %4d%
+02ca=1, car %1d% bounding_sphere_visible
+02cb=1, actor %1d% bounding_sphere_visible
+02cc=1, object %1d% bounding_sphere_visible
+02ce=4,%4d% = ground_z %1d% %2d% %3d%
+02cf=4,%4d% = create_fire_at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+02d0=1, fire %1d% extinguished
+02d1=1,destroy_fire %1d%
+02d3=4,boat %1d% drive_to %2d% %3d% %4d%
+02d4=1,car %1d% turn_off_engine
+02d5=6, player %1d% shooting_in_area %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+02d7=2, player %1d% current_weapon == %2c%
+02d8=2, actor %1d% current_weapon == %2c%
+02db=2,set_boat %1d% speed_to %2d%
+02dd=5,get_random_actor %5d% in_zone %1s% %2h% %3h% %4h%
+02de=1, player %1d% in_taxi
+02df=1, player %1d% aggressive
+02e0=1, actor %1d% firing_weapon
+02e1=5,%5d% = create_cash_pickup %4d% at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+02e2=2,set_actor %1d% weapon_accuracy_to %2d%
+02e3=2,%2d% = car %1d% speed
+02e4=1,load_cutscene_data %1s%
+02e5=2,%2d% = create_cutscene_object %1o%
+02e6=2,set_cutscene_anim %1d% %2s%
+02e8=1,%1d% = cutscenetime
+02ec=3,put_hidden_package_at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+02ed=1,set_total_hidden_packages_to %1d%
+02f2=2, actor %1d% model == %2m%
+02f3=2,load_object %1o% %2s%
+02f6=2,%2d% = sine %1d% // float
+02f7=2,%2d% = cosine %1d% // float
+02f8=2,get_vehicle %1d% Z_angle_sine_to %2d%
+02f9=2,get_vehicle %1d% Z_angle_cosine_to %2d%
+02fa=2,garage %1d% change_to_type %2d%
+02fd=5,text_2numbers_highpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% time %4d% %5d%
+02ff=6,text_3numbers_lowpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% time time %5d% %6h%
+0302=7,text_4numbers_lowpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% time %6d% %7d%
+0308=9,text_6numbers_lowpriority %1g% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% time %8d% %9d%
+030c=1,progress_made += %1d%
+030d=1,set_total_mission_points_to %1d%
+030e=1,save_jump_distance %1d%
+030f=1,save_jump_height %1d%
+0310=1,save_jump_flips %1d%
+0311=1,save_jump_rotation %1d%
+0312=1,save_jump_type %1d%
+0314=1,set_total_unique_jumps_to %1d%
+0316=1,save_taxi_earnings_from %1d%
+0318=1,set_latest_mission_passed %1g%
+0319=2,set_actor %1d% running %2b:true/false
+031d=2, actor %1d% hit_by_weapon %2d%
+031e=2, vehicle %1d% hit_by_weapon %2h%
+031f=2, actor %1d% in_range_of_actor %2d%
+0320=2, actor %1d% in_range_of_player %2d%
+0321=1,kill_actor %1d%
+0322=1,kill_player %1d%
+0323=2,enable_boat %1d% anchor %2d%
+0324=3,set_zone_pedgroup_info %1z% %2b:day/night% %3u%
+0325=2,%2d% = create_car %1d% fire
+0326=2,%2d% = create_actor %1d% fire
+0327=6,%6d% = create_random_car_with_actors %5d% in_area %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
+0329=1, garage %1d% respray_done
+032a=1,set_behind_camera_mode_to %1h%
+032b=7,%7d% = create_weapon_pickup %1o% %2d% ammo %3d% at %4d% %5d% %6d%
+032c=2,car %1d% ram %2d%
+0330=2,set_player %1d% infinite_run_to %2b:true/false%
+0331=2,set_player %1d% fast_reload %2h%
+0332=2,set_actor %1d% bleeding_to %2b:true/false%
+0335=1,set_free_paynspray_to %1b:true/false%
+0336=2,set_player %1d% visible %2d%
+0337=2,set_actor %1d% visibility %2h%
+0339=11, anything_in_cube_cornerA %1d% %2d% %3d% cornerB %4d% %5d% %6d% solid %7d% car %8d% actor %9d% object %10d% particle %11d%
+033e=3,text_draw %1d% %2d% %3g%
+033f=2,set_text_draw_letter_width_height %1d% %2d%
+0340=4,set_text_draw_color %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
+0341=1,set_text_draw_align_justify %1d%
+0342=1,set_text_draw_centered %1d%
+0343=1,set_text_linewidth %1d%
+0345=1,set_text_draw_in_box %1d%
+0348=1,set_text_draw_proportional %1d%
+034d=4,rotate_object %1d% from_angle %2d% to_angle %3d% flag %4d%
+034e=8,move_object %1d% to %2d% %3d% %4d% speed %5d% %6d% %7d% collision_check %8d%
+034f=1,destroy_actor_with_fade %1d% ;; The actor fades away like a ghost
+0350=2,set_actor %1d% maintain_position_when_attacked %2d%
+0352=2,set_actor %1d% skin_to %2s%
+0353=1,refresh_actor %1d%
+035c=5,place_object %1d% relative_to_car %2d% offset %3d% %4d% %5d%
+035d=1,make_object %1d% targetable
+035e=2,set_player %1d% armour_to %2d%
+035f=2,set_actor %1d% armour_to %2d%
+0360=1,open_garage %1d%
+0361=1,close_garage %1d%
+0362=4,put_actor %1d% at %2d% %3d% %4d% and_remove_from_car
+0363=6,toggle_model_render_at %1d% %2d% %3d% radius %4d% object %5o% %6d%
+0365=1,set_actor %1d% objective_hail_taxi
+0366=1, object %1d% damaged
+0369=2,put_player %1d% in_car %2d%
+036a=2,put_actor %1d% in_car %2d%
+036d=5,text_2numbers_styled %1g% numbers %2d% %3d% time %4d% style %5d%
+0372=3,set_actor %1d% anim %2d% wait_state_time %3d% ms
+0376=4,%4d% = create_random_actor %1d% %2d% %3d%
+0377=1,set_actor %1d% steal_any_car
+037e=6, sniper_bullet_in_area %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+0381=4,throw_object %1d% distance %2d% %3d% %4d%
+0382=2,set_object %1d% collision_detection %2d%
+0383=1, player %1d% car_horn_activated == true
+0384=4,text_1string_highpriority %1g% %2g% time %3d% %4d%
+038a=6, car_in_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+038c=4,object %1d% scatter %2d% %3d% %4d%
+038d=9,draw_texture %1h% position %2d% %3d% size %4d% %5d% RGBA %6d% %7d% %8d% %9d% ;; never used in VC or GTA 3
+038e=8,draw_box_position %1d% %2d% size %3d% %4d% RGBA %5h% %6h% %7h% %8d% ;; never used in VC or GTA 3
+038f=2,load_texture %2h% as %1d% ; Load dictionary with 0390 first
+0390=1,load_txd_dictionary %1h% ;; never used in VC or GTA 3
+0392=2,object %1d% toggle_in_moving_list %2d%
+0394=1,play_music %1d%
+0395=5,clear_area %5d% at %1d% %2d% %3d% range %4d%
+0396=1,pause_timer %1d%
+0397=2,car %1d% siren = %2b:on/off% ;; never used in VC
+039c=2,set_car %1d% watertight %2h%
+039d=12,scatter_particles %1a% %8d% %9d% %10d% %11d% %12d% at %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d%
+039e=2,set_actor %1d% locked_while_in_vehicle %2d%
+039f=3,car %1d% race_to %2d% %3d%
+03a1=4,draw_sphere %1d% %2d% %3d% radius %4d%
+03a2=2,set_vehicle %1d% action %2h%
+03a3=1, actor %1d% male
+03a4=1,script_name %1s%
+03a7=1,save_int_to_debug_file %1d%
+03a8=1,save_float_to_debug_file %1d%
+03aa=3,play_suspect_last_seen_at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+03ab=2,set_car %1d% strong %2d%
+03ac=1,clear_route %1d%
+03ad=1,set_rubbish %1b:visible/invisible%
+03ae=6,remove_objects_from_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+03af=1,set_streaming %1b:enabled/disabled%
+03b0=1, garage %1d% door_open
+03b1=1, garage %1d% door_closed
+03b6=6,replace_model_at %1d% %2d% %3d% radius %4d% from %5o% to %6o%
+03b7=1,process_cut_scene_only %1b:false/true%
+03b8=1,clear_weapons_from_player %1d%
+03ba=6,clear_cars_from_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+03bb=1,set_garage %1d% door_type_to_swing_open
+03bc=5,%5d% = create_sphere %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
+03bd=1,destroy_sphere %1d%
+03bf=2,set_player %1d% ignored_by_everyone_to %2b:true/false%
+03c0=2,%2d% = actor %1d% car_no_save
+03c1=2,%2d% = player %1d% car_no_save
+03c3=3,set_timer_with_text_to %1d% type %2h% text %3g%
+03c4=3,set_status_text_to %1d% %2b:bar/number% %3g%
+03c5=4,create_random_car_for_carpark %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
+03c7=1,set_sensitivity_to_crime_to %1d%
+03ca=1, object %1d% exists
+03cb=3,load_scene %1d% %2d% %3d%
+03cc=3,add_stuck_car_check %1d% distance %2d% time %3d%
+03cd=1,car %1d% remove_from_stuck_car_check
+03ce=1, car %1d% stuck
+03cf=2,load_wav %2s% as %1d%
+03d0=1, wav %1d% loaded
+03d1=1,play_wav %1d%
+03d2=1, wav %1d% ended
+03d3=7,point %1d% %2d% %3d% get_nearby_vector %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d%
+03d4=2, garage %1d% contains_neededcar %2d%
+03d5=1,remove_text %1g%
+03d6=1,remove_styled_text %1g%
+03d7=4,set_wav %1h% location %2d% %3d% %4d%
+03d9=0, save_done
+03da=1,set_garage %1d% camera_follows_player
+03dc=2,%2d% = create_marker_above_pickup %1d%
+03de=1,set_pedestrians_density_multiplier_to %1d%
+03df=1,all_random_peds %1m%
+03e1=1,%1d% = packages_found
+03e2=1,actor %1d% leave_any_car
+03e3=1,set_sprites_draw_before_fade %1d%
+03e4=1,set_text_draw_align_right %1h%
+03e5=1,text_box %1g%
+03e7=1,flash_hud %1d%
+03ea=1,generate_cars_around_camera %1d%
+03ed=2,set_car %1d% not_damaged_when_upside_down %2h%
+03ee=1, player %1d% controllable
+03ef=1,player %1d% make_safe
+03f0=1,enable_text_draw %1d%
+03f1=2,pedtype %1e% add_threat %2e%
+03f2=2,pedtype %1e% remove_threat %2e%
+03f3=3,get_car %1d% color %2d% %3d%
+03f4=1,set_all_vehicles_apply_damage_rules %1d%
+03f5=2,set_vehicle %1d% apply_damage_rules %2h%
+03f9=3,make_actors %1d% %2d% converse_in %3d% ms
+03fd=2,set_player %1d% handling_responsiveness %2d%
+03fe=2,set_actor %1d% money %2d%
+0400=7,create_coordinate %5d% %6d% %7d% from_object %1d% offset %2d% %3d% %4d%
+0403=1,save_highest_ambulance_level %1d%
+0405=1,enable_phone %1d%
+0407=7,create_coordinate %5d% %6d% %7d% from_car %1d% offset %2d% %3d% %4d%
+0408=1,set_total_rampages_to %1d%
+040b=0, french_game
+040c=0, german_game
+040d=1,unload_wav %1d%
+0411=2,set_actor %1d% use_pednode_seek %2dtrue/false%
+0414=2,set_player %1d% single_free_treatment %2d%
+0417=1,start_mission %1d%
+0418=2,set_object %1d% draw_last %2h%
+0419=3,%3d% = player %1d% weapon %2c% ammo
+041d=1,set_camera_near_clip %1d%
+041e=2,set_radio_station %1d% %2d%
+0423=2,car %1d% improve_handling %2d%
+0424=0, metric
+0425=2,%2d% = meters %1d% to_feet // float
+0428=2,set_car %1d% avoid_level_transitions %2d%
+042b=6,clear_peds_from_cube %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+042c=1,set_total_missions_to %1d%
+042d=2,%2d% = meters %1d% to_feet // int
+042e=2,register_lowest_int_stat %1h% to %2d%
+042f=2,register_highest_int_stat %1d% to %2d%
+0431=2, car %1d% car_passenger_seat_free %2d%
+0433=2,set_actor %1d% is_criminal %2d%
+0436=0, reached_end_of_credits
+0437=8,scatter_particle %1a% %8d% at %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d%
+043c=1,set_game_sounds_disable_on_fade %1d%
+043e=2,set_player_hooker %1d% char %2d%
+0441=2,%2d% = car %1d% model
+0442=2, player %1d% sitting_in_car %2d%
+0443=1, player %1d% sitting_in_any_car
+0445=0, are_car_cheats_used
+0446=2,set_actor %1d% dismemberment_possible %2d%
+0448=2, actor %1d% sitting_in_car %2d%
+0449=1, actor %1d% sitting_in_any_car
+044a=1, player %1d% on_foot
+044b=1, actor %1d% on_foot
+044d=1,load_splash %1x%
+0450=1,car %1d% warp_to_player
+0453=4,object %1d% set_rotation %2d% %3d% %4d%
+0454=3,useless_store_debug_camera_position_to %1d% %2d% %3d%
+0457=2, player %1d% aiming_at_actor %2d%
+0459=1,end_script_named %1s%
+045a=4,text_draw_1number %1d% %2d% %3g% %4d%
+045b=5,text_draw_2numbers %1d% %2d% %3g% %4d% %5d%
+045f=1,set_car %1d% everyone_exit
+0460=2,set_camera_pointing_time %1d% %2d%
+0463=3,useless_store_debug_camera_target_point_to %1d% %2d% %3d%
+0464=8,put_actor %1d% into_turret_on_car %2d% at_car_offset %3d% %4d% %5d% position %6h% angle %7d% with_weapon %8h%
+0465=1,remove_actor %1d% from_turret_mode
+0466=2,set_car %1d% stay_in_fast_lane %2h%
+0467=1,set_actor %1d% clear_last_weapon_damage
+0468=1,set_vehicle %1d% clear_last_weapon_damage
+0469=10,create_actor %10d% in area %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% unknown %5h% %6h% %7h% %8h% %9h%
+046b=2,actor %1d% leave_car %2d% and_flee
+046c=2,%2d% = car %1d% driver
+046d=2,%2d% = actor %1d% car_free_seats ; members_in_group
+046e=6,put_player %1d% in_RC_mode_at %2d% %3d% %4d% angle %5d% RC_model %6m%
+046f=2,store_player %1d% currently_armed_weapon_to %2d%
+0470=2,%2d% = actor %1d% armed_weapon
+0471=5, actor %1d% within_object %2d% rectangle %3d% %4d% sphere %5h%
+0472=5, actor %1d% within_object_on_foot %2d% rectangle %3d% %4d% sphere %5h%
+0473=5, actor %1d% within_object_in_car %2d% rectangle %3d% %4d% sphere %5h%
+0474=6, actor %1d% near_object_in_cube %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% sphere %6h%
+0475=6, actor %1d% near_object_in_cube %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% sphere %6h% on_foot
+0476=6, actor %1d% near_object_in_cube %2d% radius %3d% %4d% %5d% sphere %6h% in_car
+0477=3,set_car %1d% action %2h% time %3d%
+047a=1, actor %1d% on_any_bike
+047e=1, player %1d% on_any_bike
+0480=2, actor %1d% looking_at_death_of_actor_with_pedtype %2h%
+0481=1,set_enter_car_range_multiplier %1d%
+0482=1,set_threat_reaction_range_multiplier %1d%
+0483=2,set_actor %1d% cease_attack_timer %2d%
+0484=2,%2d% = player %1d% rc_car
+0485=0, pc_version ;; never used in VC
+0488=1, model %1o% exists
+0489=2,set_actor %1d% muted %2h%
+048a=1,enable_rc_vehicle_detonation %1h%
+048b=2,set_car %1d% route_seed %2d%
+048c=3, pickup_at %1d% %2d% %3d% available_or_will_respawn
+048f=1,actor %1d% remove_weapons
+0490=2, player %1d% has_weapon %2h%
+0493=2,set_tank %1d% contact_explosion %2h%
+0494=5,get_joystick %1h% data_to %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d%
+0495=1, vehicle %1d% burning
+0496=2, vehicle %1d% tire %2h% deflated
+049c=3,%3d% = scripted_path_file %1h% width %2d%
+049d=2,attach_scripted_file %2d% with_object %1d%
+049e=2,set_scripted_file %1d% speed_to %2d%
+049f=2,set_scripted_file %1d% distance_along_path_to %2d%
+04a1=1,release_scripted_file %1d%
+04a2=5,heli %1d% fly_to %2d% %3d% %4d% speed %5h%
+04a3=2, %1d% == %2h% ;; == constant
+04a4=2, %1d% == %2h% ;; == constant
+04a5=4,get_dead_actor_pickup_coords %1d% store_to %2d% %3d% %4d%
+04a6=6,%6d% = create_asset_money_pickup_at %1d% %2d% %3d% money %4d% rate %5d%
+04a8=1, player %1d% in_any_boat
+04aa=1, player %1d% in_any_heli
+04ac=1, player %1d% in_any_plane
+04ad=1, actor %1d% in_water
+04ae=2,%1d% = %2d% ;; = constant
+04af=2,%1d% = %2d% ;; = constant
+04b0=2, %1d% > %2d% ; $ > constant
+04b1=2, %1d% > %2d% ;; @ > constant
+04b2=2, %1d% > %2d% ; constant > $
+04b3=2, %1d% > %2d% ; constant > @
+04b4=2, %1d% >= %2d% ; $ >= constant
+04b5=2, %1d% >= %2d% ; @ >= constant
+04b6=2, %1d% >= %2d% ; constant >= $
+04b7=2, %1d% >= %2d% ;; constant >= @
+04b8=5,get_weapon_data_from_actor %1d% slot %2h% weapon %3d% ammo %4d% model %5d%
+04b9=12,get_closest_straight_road %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% %8d% %9d% %10d% %11d% %12d%
+04ba=2,set_car %1d% speed_instantly %2d%
+04bb=1,select_interiour %1h% ;; select render area
+04bc=1,set_cutscene_anim %1s% to_loop
+04bd=2,set_car %1d% is_part_of_convoy %2h%
+04be=1,reset_player %1d% chaos_level
+04bf=2,%2d% = player %1d% chaos_level
+04c0=6,create_police_roadblock_at %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d%
+04c2=2,actor %1d% walk_to_actor %2d%
+04c4=7,create_coordinate %5d% %6d% %7d% from_actor %1d% offset %2d% %3d% %4d%
+04c5=1, actor %1d% photographed
+04c6=2,actor %1d% aim_gun_at_actor %2d%
+04c7=1,toggle_camera_green_scanlines %1h%
+04c9=1, player %1d% in_flying_vehicle
+04ce=5,%5d% = create_icon_marker_without_sphere %4d% at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+04cf=1,add %1h% to_money_spent_on_fashion_stats
+04d0=2,force_heli %1d% looking_angle_to %2d%
+04d1=1,reset_heli %1d% looking_angle
+04d2=5,set_plane %1d% fly_autopilot_around_point %2d% %3d% %4d% %5h%
+04d3=7,get_nearest_car_path_coords_from %1d% %2d% %3d% type %4h% store_to %5d% %6d% %7d%
+04d5=9,create_corona_at %1d% %2d% %3d% radius %4d% type %5h% flare %6h% RGB %7d% %8h% %9h%
+04d6=1,enable_rc_car_detonation %1h%
+04d7=2,lock_actor %1d% in_current_position %2h%
+04d8=2,set_actor %1d% drown %2h%
+04d9=2,object %1d% set_scripted_collision_check %2h%
+04da=1, has_object %1d% collided
+04dd=2,%2d% = actor %1d% armour
+04df=2,set_heli %1d% lean_and_thrust_limiter %2h%
+04e0=2,car %1d% abandon_path_radius %2h%
+04e1=1,open_trunk_of_car_fully %1d%
+04e2=2,set_player %1d% suspend_heavy_police_reinforcements %2h%
+04e3=3,set_player %1d% mood %2h% duration %3d%
+04e4=2,request_collision_at %1d% %2d%
+04e5=6, object %1d% near_point %2d% %3d% radius %4d% %5d% sphere %6h%
+04e6=8, object %1d% near_point %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d% %6d% %7d% flag %8h%
+04e7=1, object %1d% in_water
+04e9=6, object %1d% in_rectangle_cornerA %2d% %3d% cornerB %4d% %5d% sphere 1
+04ea=8, object %1d% in_cube %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% flag %8h%
+04eb=3,actor %1d% crouch %2h% %3d% ms
+04ec=13,set_zone_car_class_info %1s% %2h% %3d% %4h% %5d% %6d% %7h% %8h% %9h% %10h% %11h% %12d% %13d%
+04ed=1,load_animation %1s%
+04ee=1, animation %1s% loaded
+04ef=1,release_animation %1s%
+04f0=1, is_actor_waiting_for_world_collision %1d%
+04f1=1, is_car_waiting_for_world_collision %1d%
+04f3=1,move_actor %1d% from_car_passengerseat_to_driverseat
+04f4=8,put_actor %1d% into_turret_on_object %2d% at_object_offset %3d% %4d% %5d% position %6h% shooting_angle %7d% with_weapon %8h%
+04f5=3,set_actor %1d% as_player_friend %2d% flag %3h%
+04f7=4,status_text %1d% %2h% line %3h% %4g%
+04f8=13,define_police_trigger_type %1h% if_player_with_wanted_level_in_rectangle %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% spawn_policeA_at %6d% %7d% headed_towards %8d% %9d% spawn_policeB_at %10d% %11d% headed_towards %12d% %13d%
+04f9=2,set_extra_colors %1h% fade %2h%
+04fa=1,clear_extra_colors_with_fade %1h%
+04fc=7,store_stunt_data %1d% two_wheels: %2d% %3d% wheelie: %4d% %5d% stoppie: %6d% %7d%
+04fe=2,set_vehicle %1d% deflate_tire %2h%
+04ff=1, actor %1d% no_objective
+0500=2, player %1d% skin == %2s%
+0501=2,set_player %1d% drive_by_mode_enabled %2d%
+0502=3,set_actor %1d% sprint_to %2d% %3d%
+0503=3,create_rappel_at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+0506=3,vehicle_model %1m% set_next_variation %2h% %3h%
+0507=1,set_camera_interference %1h%
+0508=1,vehicle %1d% close_all_doors
+0509=5,%5d% = distance_between_point %1d% %2d% and_point %3d% %4d%
+050a=7,%7d% = distance_between_point %1d% %2d% %3d% and_point %4d% %5d% %6d% ;; never used in VC
+050b=1,open_trunk_of_car %1d%
+050d=1, actor %1d% leaving_car_to_die
+050e=2,sort_out_object %1d% collision_with_car %2d%
+0510=5, actor %1d% path_is_clear %2d% %3d% %4d% radius %5d%
+0512=1,show_permanent_text_box %1s%
+0514=3,set_actor %1d% can_be_damaged_by_members_of_gang %2h% %3h%
+0517=5,%5d% = create_unavailable_asset_pickup %4g% at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+0518=6,%6d% = create_available_asset_pickup %5g% at %1d% %2d% %3d% price %4d%
+0519=2,lock_vehicle %1d% in_current_position %2d%
+051a=2, actor %1d% damaged_by_actor %2d%
+0521=1, actor %1d% drowning_in_water
+0523=3, glass_been_shattered_near %1d% %2d% %3d%
+0524=3,attach_cutscene_object %1d% to_bone %2d% %3h%
+0525=3,attach_cutscene_object %1d% to_component %2d% %3s%
+0526=2,set_actor %1d% stay_in_car_when_jacked %2d%
+0528=1,add %1h% to_money_spent_on_weapons_stats
+0529=1,add %1d% to_money_spent_on_property_stats
+052b=2,actor %1d% hold_cellphone %2h%
+052c=2,set_player %1d% drunk_visuals %2d%
+0531=1,increment_stores_knocked_off_by %1h%
+0533=1,increment_assassination_contracts_by %1h%
+0534=1,increment_pizzas_delivered_by %1d%
+0536=1,increment_drug_deals_made_by %1d%
+053c=2,set_actor %1d% in_players_group_can_fight %2h%
+053d=1,clear_actor %1d% wait_state
+053e=6,%6d% = get_random_car_with_actors %5d% in_area %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
+053f=2,set_car %1d% tires_vulnerable %2h%
+0540=2,set_player %1d% auto_aim %2h%
+0541=1,fire_guns_on_vehicle %1d%
+0542=1,add_property %1h% to_property_own_stats
+0543=1,add_to_bloodring_kills_stat %1d%
+0544=1,save_longest_time_in_bloodring %1d%
+0546=2, player %1d% touching_car %2d%
+0548=6, player %1d% check_for_ped_model %5m% %6m% radius %2d% %3d% %4d%
+0549=1,clear_actor %1d% follow_path
+054a=2,set_actor %1d% can_be_shot_in_a_car %2h%
+054b=2,attach_cutscene_object_to_car %1d% %2d%
+054c=1,use_GXT_table %1s%
+054d=1,display_message_at_stadium %1h%
+054e=1,clear_actor %1d% damage
+0550=2,keep_object %1d% in_memory %2h%
+0551=1,set_kaufman_radio %1h%
+0552=1,set_riot_noise %1d%
+0556=8,create_cab %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% %5d% %6d% %7d% %8d%
+055a=1,set_secondary_rubbish %1h%
+055b=5,%5d% = create_clothes_pickup %4h% at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+055d=2,make_player %1d% fireproof %2h%
+055e=2,set_player %1d% max_health += %2h%
+055f=2,set_player %1d% max_armour += %2h%
+0560=2,create_random_actor_in_vehicle %1d% in_driverseat_handle_as %2d%
+0561=3,%3d% = create_random_ped_in_vehicle %1d% passengerseat %2h%
+0562=2,set_actor %1d% ignore_threats_behind_objects %2h%
+0563=2,give_player %1d% ammo %2d%
+0564=1,set_vehicle %1d% helicopter_simulate_crash_landing
+0565=4,create_temporary_explosion_fire %1d% %2d% %3d% type %4h%
+0566=2,object %1d% set_interior %2h%
+0568=2,set_actor %1d% untargetable %2h%
+0569=1,load_uncompressed_animation %1s%
+056a=0, has_cutscene_been_interrupted
+056b=2,set_actor %1d% crouch_when_threatened %2h%
+056c=1, actor %1d% in_any_police_vehicle
+056d=1, actor %1d% defined
+0570=5,%5d% = create_asset_radar_marker_with_icon %4h% at %1d% %2d% %3d%
+0571=1, actor %1d% stuck
+0572=1,set_taxi_boost_jump %1h%
+0573=2,set_actor %1d% stop_shoot_dont_seek_entity %2h%
+0574=2,freeze_car %1d% position_and_dont_load_collision %2h%
+0578=1,save_highest_vigilante_level %1d%
+0579=1,stop_actor %1d%
+057a=2,set_garage %1d% max_cars_to %2h%
+057b=0, wanted_level_suspended
+057c=1,set_allow_hurricanes %1h%
+057d=1,play_bridge_status_mp3 %1h%
+057e=1,make_radar_grey %1h%
+057f=2,get_player %1d% store_coach_passengers_dropped_off_to %2d%
+0580=3,%3d% = distribution_mission_status distribution_actor %1d% distribution_car %2d%
+0581=1,enable_radar %1d%
+0582=2,register_hotring_best_result %1h% %2d%
+0583=2, player %1d% in_zone %2s%
+0584=1,clear_char_ice_cream_purchase %1d%
+0585=0, in_car_fire_button_pressed
+0586=1, actor %1d% has_attempted_attractor
+0587=2,set_load_collision_for_car %1d% flag %2h%
+0588=2,set_load_collision_for_actor %1d% flag %2h%
+058a=6,create_gun_flash_from %1d% %2d% %3d% to %4d% %5d% %6d%
+058b=1, actor %1d% bought_ice_cream
+058c=1,%1d% = percentage_completed
+058d=4,set_restart_mission_taxi_start %1d% %2d% %3d% angle %4d%
+058e=4,set_restart_mission_taxi_destination %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
+058f=8,%8d% = random_ice_cream_customer_in_area %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d% flag %5h% %6h% %7h%
+0591=4,unlock_all_car_doors_in_area %1d% %2d% %3d% %4d%
+0592=2,set_gang %1h% attack_player_with_cops %2h%
+0593=2,set_actor %1d% frightened_in_jacked_car %2h%
+0594=2,set_car %1d% fade_in %2h%
+0596=1, player %1d% riding_mission_restart_taxi
+0597=1, actor %1d% ducking ;; never used in VC
+0598=3,stir_ground_around_object %1d% radius %2d% density %3h%
+0599=1,set_highest_firefighter_mission_level %1d%
+059a=0, australian_game
+059b=1,disarm_car_bomb %1d%
+059c=2,NOP %1d% %2d%
+059d=1,shuffle_card_decks %1d% ;; never used in VC
+059e=1,get_card_to %1d% ;; never used in VC
+059f=4,get_object %1d% velocity %2d% %3d% %4d% ;; never used in VC
+05a0=0, is_unused_camera_world_viewer_being_used
+05a1=4,set_object %1d% rotation_velocity_about_an_axis %2d% %3d% %4d% ;; never used in VC
+05a2=4,set_object %1d% rotation_velocity_about_an_axis %2d% %3d% %4d% ;; never used in VC
+05a3=1, object %1d% stopped ;; never used in VC
+05a4=5,get_angle_between_vectors_origin_to %1d% %2d% and_origin_to %3d% %4d% store_to %5d% ;; never used in VC
+05a5=8, is_area_center %1d% %2d% scale %3d% %4d% overlaping_area_center %5d% %6d% scale %7d% %8d%
+05a6=4,get_object %1d% rotation_velocity %2d% %3d% %4d% ;; never used in VC
+05a7=4,set_object %1d% velocity %2d% %3d% %4d% ;; never used in VC
+05a8=2,get_object %1d% speed_to %2d% ;; never used in VC
+05a9=1,get_mission_skip_level %1d% ; vcmobile opcodes
+05aa=1,set_is_in_ammunation_button_icon %1d% ; vcmobile opcodes
+05ab=1,set_savegame_for_pause %1d% ; vcmobile opcodes
+05ac=1,get_mission_replay %1d% ; vcmobile opcodes
+; Android CLEO opcodes
+0DD0=2,%1d% = get_label_addr %2p% ; android
+0DD1=2,%1d% = get_func_addr_by_cstr_name %2d% ; android
+0DD2=1,context_call_func %1d% ; android
+0DD3=2,context_set_reg %1d% value %2d% ; android
+0DD4=2,%1d% = context_get_reg %2d% ; android
+0DD6=1,%1d% = get_game_version ; android
+0DD7=1,%1d% = get_image_base ; android
+0DD8=4,%1d% = read_mem_addr %2d% size %3d% add_ib %4d% ; android
+0DD9=5,write_mem_addr %1d% value %2d% size %3d% add_ib %4d% protect %5d% ; android
+0DDC=2,set_mutex_var %1d% to %2d% ; android
+0DDD=2,%1d% = get_mutex_var %2d% ; android
+0DE0=3,%1d% = get_touch_point_state %2d% mintime %3d% ; android
+0DE1=5,%1d% = get_touch_slide_state from %2d% to %3d% mintime %4d% maxtime %5d% ; android
+0DE2=1,%1d% = get_menu_button_state ; read opcode info before using ; android
+0DE3=2,%1d% = get_menu_button_pressed mintime %2d% ; read opcode info before using ; android
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/default.dat b/vc_mobile/data/default.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10a4035
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/default.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# Load IDEs first, then the models and after that the IPLs
+# everything is loaded on a per directory basis and in alphabetical order
+# to improve the speed of loading
+# Object types
+# Standard objects
+# texture dictionaries
+# model data
+#collision data
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/default.ide b/vc_mobile/data/default.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10076bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/default.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+# ModelIDs
+# peds: 0-129 (special characters 99-109)
+# vehicles: 130-239
+# wheels: 250-257
+# weapons: 259-294
+# cutscene heads/objs: 285-289
+# car components 240-245
+# ped components 246-247
+# car groups
+#BIG_CAR 32
+#MOPED 128
+# radio stations
+# Rap 0
+# Pop 1
+# Interview 2
+# Soul 3
+# Rock 4
+# Current affairs 5
+# Spanish 6
+# Fernando 7
+# new wave 8
+# off 9
+# modelId, ModelName, TxdName, Default pedtype,
+# animGroup(man,cop,woman,fatwoman,sexywoman...), cars can drive mask(in hex),
+# animfile, radio1, radio2
+0, null, generic, PLAYER1, STAT_PLAYER, player, 0, null, 9,9
+1, cop, cop, COP, STAT_COP, man, 0, null, 9,9
+2, swat, swat, COP, STAT_COP, man, 0, null, 9,9
+3, fbi, fbi, COP, STAT_COP, man, 0, null, 9,9
+4, army, army, COP, STAT_COP, man, 0, null, 9,9
+5, medic, medic, EMERGENCY, STAT_MEDIC, man, 0, medic, 9,9
+6, fireman, fireman, FIREMAN, STAT_FIREMAN, man, 0, null, 9,9
+7, male01, male01, CIVMALE, STAT_SENSIBLE_GUY, man, 0, man, 1,4
+# normal peds
+9, HFYST, HFYST, CIVFEMALE, STAT_STREET_GIRL, sexywoman, 013, null, 6,1
+10, HFOST, HFOST, CIVFEMALE, STAT_TOUGH_GIRL, woman, 417, null, 2,6
+11, HMYST, HMYST, CIVMALE, STAT_GEEK_GUY, gang1, 5ab, null, 1,8
+12, HMOST, HMOST, CIVMALE, STAT_OLD_GUY, man, 437, null, 5,6
+13, HFYRI, HFYRI, CIVFEMALE, STAT_GEEK_GIRL, busywoman, 28d, null, 6,1
+14, HFORI, HFORI, CIVFEMALE, STAT_OLD_GIRL, woman, 28d, null, 2,6
+15, HMYRI, HMYRI, CIVMALE, STAT_SUIT_GUY, man, 30d, null, 6,8
+16, HMORI, HMORI, CIVMALE, STAT_SENSIBLE_GUY, man, 20d, null, 5,5
+17, HFYBE, HFYBE, CIVFEMALE, STAT_GEEK_GIRL, sexywoman, 28f, sunbathe, 6,1
+18, HFOBE, HFOBE, CIVFEMALE, STAT_OLD_GIRL, fatwoman, 28f, sunbathe, 2,6
+19, HMYBE, HMYBE, CIVMALE, STAT_TOUGH_GUY, gang2, 38d, sunbathe, 6,8
+20, HMOBE, HMOBE, CIVMALE, STAT_TOURIST, fatman, 437, sunbathe, 7,5
+21, HFYBU, HFYBU, CIVFEMALE, STAT_SUIT_GIRL, busywoman, 08d, null, 2,7
+22, HFYMD, HFYMD, CIVFEMALE, STAT_SUIT_GIRL, busywoman, 0, null, 9,9
+24, HFYPR, HFYPR, PROSTITUTE, STAT_PROSTITUTE, sexywoman, 0, null, 9,9
+25, HFOTR, HFOTR, CIVFEMALE, STAT_TRAMP_FEMALE, shuffle, 0, null, 9,9
+26, HMOTR, HMOTR, CIVMALE, STAT_TRAMP_MALE, shuffle, 0, null, 9,9
+27, HMYAP, HMYAP, CIVMALE, STAT_SENSIBLE_GUY, gang1, 1bf, null, 4,7
+28, HMOCA, HMOCA, CIVMALE, STAT_TAXIDRIVER, man, 040, null, 5,6
+29, BMODK, BMODK, CIVMALE, STAT_SENSIBLE_GUY, gang2, 7bf, null, 0,3
+30, BMYCR, BMYCR, CRIMINAL, STAT_CRIMINAL, gang2, 7ff, null, 0,3
+31, BFYST, BFYST, CIVFEMALE, STAT_SENSIBLE_GIRL, sexywoman, 4b7, null, 0,3
+32, BFOST, BFOST, CIVFEMALE, STAT_OLD_GIRL, oldwoman, 4f7, null, 2,2
+33, BMYST, BMYST, CIVMALE, STAT_STREET_GUY, gang1, 73f, null, 0,3
+34, BMOST, BMOST, CIVMALE, STAT_PSYCHO, man, 4b3, null, 7,5
+35, BFYRI, BFYRI, CIVFEMALE, STAT_GEEK_GIRL, busywoman, 28d, null, 3,1
+36, BFORI, BFORI, CIVFEMALE, STAT_OLD_GIRL, woman, 28d, null, 7,5
+37, BMYRI, BMYRI, CIVMALE, STAT_GEEK_GUY, man, 30d, null, 0,3
+38, BFYBE, BFYBE, CIVFEMALE, STAT_BEACH_GIRL, sexywoman, 29d, sunbathe, 1,8
+39, BMYBE, BMYBE, CIVMALE, STAT_BEACH_GUY, gang1, 7ad, sunbathe, 0,3
+40, BFOBE, BFOBE, CIVFEMALE, STAT_TOURIST, fatwoman, 287, sunbathe, 2,7
+41, BMOBE, BMOBE, CIVMALE, STAT_TOUGH_GUY, oldfatman, 68f, sunbathe, 3,1
+42, BMYBU, BMYBU, CIVMALE, STAT_SENSIBLE_GUY, man, 20d, null, 3,1
+43, BFYPR, BFYPR, PROSTITUTE, STAT_PROSTITUTE, sexywoman, 0, null, 9,9
+44, BFOTR, BFOTR, CIVFEMALE, STAT_OLDSHOPPER, shuffle, 0, null, 9,9
+45, BMOTR, BMOTR, CIVMALE, STAT_TRAMP_MALE, shuffle, 0, null, 9,9
+46, BMYPI, BMYPI, CIVMALE, STAT_STREET_GUY, gang2, 0, null, 9,9
+47, BMYBB, BMYBB, CIVMALE, STAT_BUSKER, man, 0, null, 9,9
+48, WMYCR, WMYCR, CRIMINAL, STAT_CRIMINAL, gang1, 7ff, null, 4,7
+49, WFYST, WFYST, CIVFEMALE, STAT_STREET_GIRL, sexywoman, 09f, null, 1,8
+50, WFOST, WFOST, CIVFEMALE, STAT_SENSIBLE_GIRL, oldwoman, 4b7, null, 2,2
+51, WMYST, WMYST, CIVMALE, STAT_GEEK_GUY, gang1, 53f, null, 1,8
+52, WMOST, WMOST, CIVMALE, STAT_STREET_GUY, man, 4f7, null, 4,7
+53, WFYRI, WFYRI, CIVFEMALE, STAT_GEEK_GIRL, sexywoman, 28c, null, 1,8
+54, WFORI, WFORI, CIVFEMALE, STAT_SHOPPER, woman, 28d, null, 7,5
+55, WMYRI, WMYRI, CIVMALE, STAT_GEEK_GUY, man, 30d, null, 4,7
+56, WMORI, WMORI, CIVMALE, STAT_SENSIBLE_GUY, man, 20d, null, 5,5
+57, WFYBE, WFYBE, CIVFEMALE, STAT_TOURIST, sexywoman, 28f, sunbathe, 1,8
+58, WMYBE, WMYBE, CIVMALE, STAT_BEACH_GUY, gang1, 513, sunbathe, 4,4
+59, WFOBE, WFOBE, CIVFEMALE, STAT_OLD_GIRL, fatwoman, 20f, sunbathe, 2,7
+60, WMOBE, WMOBE, CIVMALE, STAT_BEACH_GUY, oldfatman, 67f, sunbathe, 1,7
+61, WMYCW, WMYCW, CIVMALE, STAT_TOUGH_GUY, gang1, 4b3, null, 4,4
+62, WMYGO, WMYGO, CIVMALE, STAT_SUIT_GUY, man, 28f, null, 7,5
+63, WFOGO, WFOGO, CIVFEMALE, STAT_SUIT_GIRL, oldwoman, 28d, null, 2,2
+64, WMOGO, WMOGO, CIVMALE, STAT_SUIT_GUY, oldman, 28f, null, 5,5
+65, WFYLG, WFYLG, CIVFEMALE, STAT_TOUGH_GIRL, sexywoman, 0, null, 9,9
+66, WMYLG, WMYLG, CIVMALE, STAT_FIREMAN, gang1, 0, null, 9,9
+67, WFYBU, WFYBU, CIVFEMALE, STAT_SENSIBLE_GIRL, busywoman, 00d, null, 1,8
+68, WMYBU, WMYBU, CIVMALE, STAT_GEEK_GUY, man, 20c, null, 1,4
+69, WMOBU, WMOBU, CIVMALE, STAT_PSYCHO, man, 20d, null, 7,5
+70, WFYPR, WFYPR, PROSTITUTE, STAT_PROSTITUTE, sexywoman, 0, null, 9,9
+71, WFOTR, WFOTR, CIVFEMALE, STAT_BEACH_GIRL, sexywoman, 0, null, 9,9
+72, WMOTR, WMOTR, CIVMALE, STAT_OLD_GUY, man, 0, null, 9,9
+73, WMYPI, WMYPI, CRIMINAL, STAT_CRIMINAL, gang1, 0, null, 9,9
+74, WMOCA, WMOCA, CIVMALE, STAT_TAXIDRIVER, man, 0, null, 5,7
+75, WFYJG, WFYJG, CIVFEMALE, STAT_SENSIBLE_GIRL, jogwoman, 0, null, 9,9
+76, WMYJG, WMYJG, CIVMALE, STAT_GEEK_GUY, jogger, 0, null, 9,9
+77, WFYSK, WFYSK, CIVFEMALE, STAT_SKATER, skate, 0, skate, 9,9
+78, WMYSK, WMYSK, CIVMALE, STAT_SKATER, skate, 0, skate, 9,9
+79, WFYSH, WFYSH, CIVFEMALE, STAT_BEACH_GIRL, shopping, 0, null, 9,9
+80, WFOSH, WFOSH, CIVFEMALE, STAT_BEACH_GIRL, shopping, 0, null, 9,9
+81, JFOTO, JFOTO, CIVFEMALE, STAT_TOURIST, woman, 0, null, 9,9
+82, JMOTO, JMOTO, CIVMALE, STAT_TOURIST, man, 30f, null, 0,3
+#gang peds
+83, CBa, CBa, GANG1, STAT_GANG1, gang1, 0, null, 6,6
+84, CBb, CBb, GANG1, STAT_GANG1, gang2, 0, null, 6,6
+85, HNa, HNa, GANG2, STAT_GANG2, gang1, 0, null, 3,1
+86, HNb, HNb, GANG2, STAT_GANG2, gang2, 0, null, 3,1
+87, SGa, SGa, GANG3, STAT_GANG3, gang1, 0, null, 1,8
+88, SGb, SGb, GANG3, STAT_GANG3, gang1, 0, null, 1,8
+89, CLa, CLa, GANG4, STAT_GANG4, gang1, 0, null, 6,7
+90, CLb, CLb, GANG4, STAT_GANG4, gang2, 0, null, 6,7
+91, GDa, GDa, GANG5, STAT_GANG5, gang1, 0, null, 4,7
+92, GDb, GDb, GANG5, STAT_GANG5, gang1, 0, null, 4,7
+93, BKa, BKa, GANG6, STAT_GANG6, gang1, 0, null, 4,4
+94, BKb, BKb, GANG6, STAT_GANG6, gang1, 0, null, 4,4
+95, PGa, PGa, GANG7, STAT_GANG7, gang1, 0, null, 9,9
+96, PGb, PGb, GANG7, STAT_GANG7, gang1, 0, null, 9,9
+# special vice squad slots
+97, vice1, vice1, COP, STAT_COP, man, 0, null, 9,9
+98, vice2, vice2, COP, STAT_COP, man, 0, null, 9,9
+99, vice3, vice3, COP, STAT_COP, man, 0, null, 9,9
+100, vice4, vice4, COP, STAT_COP, man, 0, null, 9,9
+101, vice5, vice5, COP, STAT_COP, man, 0, null, 9,9
+102, vice6, vice6, COP, STAT_COP, man, 0, null, 9,9
+103, vice7, vice7, COP, STAT_COP, man, 0, null, 9,9
+104, vice8, vice8, COP, STAT_COP, man, 0, null, 9,9
+# peds they forgot about
+105, WFYG1, WFYG1, CIVFEMALE, STAT_SENSIBLE_GIRL, sexywoman, 0, null, 9,9
+106, WFYG2, WFYG2, CIVFEMALE, STAT_SENSIBLE_GIRL, woman, 0, null, 9,9
+# special character slots
+109, special01, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+110, special02, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+111, special03, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+112, special04, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+113, special05, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+114, special06, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+115, special07, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+116, special08, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+117, special09, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+118, special10, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+119, special11, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+120, special12, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+121, special13, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+122, special14, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+123, special15, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+124, special16, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+125, special17, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+126, special18, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+127, special19, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+128, special20, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+129, special21, generic, CIVMALE, STAT_STD_MISSION, man, 0, null, 9,9
+# Id, Model name, Txd name, Type HandlingId Game name, Anims Class Frq Lvl Comprules
+# cars have two extra fields wheelmodelId and wheel scale
+# planes have one extra field model id of low level of detail
+130, landstal, landstal, car, LANDSTAL, LANDSTK, null, normal, 10, 7, 0, 254, 0.8
+131, idaho, idaho, car, IDAHO, IDAHO, null, poorfamily, 10, 7, 0, 256, 0.64
+132, stinger, stinger, car, STINGER, STINGER, null, executive, 10, 6, 2ff0, 250, 0.7
+133, linerun, linerun, car, LINERUN, LINERUN, null, big, 10, 7, 0, 255, 1.1
+134, peren, peren, car, PEREN, PEREN, null, poorfamily, 10, 7, 0, 253, 0.66
+135, sentinel, sentinel, car, SENTINEL, SENTINL, null, richfamily, 10, 7, 0, 254, 0.7
+136, rio, rio, boat, RIO, RIO, null, leisureboat,10, 7, 0
+137, firetruk, firetruk, car, FIRETRUK, FIRETRK, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 255, 1.0
+138, trash, trash, car, TRASH, TRASHM, null, big, 10, 7, 0, 255, 1.06
+139, stretch, stretch, car, STRETCH, STRETCH, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 251, 0.75
+140, manana, manana, car, MANANA, MANANA, null, poorfamily, 10, 7, 0, 256, 0.7
+141, infernus, infernus, car, INFERNUS, INFERNS, null, executive, 7, 6, 0, 237, 0.74
+142, voodoo, voodoo, car, VOODOO, VOODOO, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 253, 0.7
+143, pony, pony, car, PONY, PONY, van, worker, 10, 7, 0, 252, 0.7
+144, mule, mule, car, MULE, MULE, null, worker, 10, 7, 0, 239, 0.76
+145, cheetah, cheetah, car, CHEETAH, CHEETAH, null, executive, 7, 7, 0, 250, 0.7
+146, ambulan, ambulan, car, AMBULAN, AMBULAN, van, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 252, 0.9
+147, fbicar, fbicar, car, FBICAR, FBICAR, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 251, 0.7
+148, moonbeam, moonbeam, car, MOONBEAM, MOONBM, null, normal, 10, 7, 0, 252, 0.7
+149, esperant, esperant, car, ESPERANT, ESPERAN, null, normal, 10, 7, 0, 253, 0.64
+150, taxi, taxi, car, TAXI, TAXI, null, taxi, 10, 7, 1f10, 251, 0.7
+151, washing, washing, car, WASHING, WASHING, null, richfamily, 10, 7, 0, 251, 0.7
+152, bobcat, bobcat, car, BOBCAT, BOBCAT, null, worker, 10, 7, 0, 254, 0.7
+153, mrwhoop, mrwhoop, car, MRWHOOP, WHOOPEE, null, ignore, 10, 6, 0, 239, 0.7
+154, bfinject, bfinject, car, BFINJECT, BFINJC, null, executive, 3, 6, 0, 238, 0.9
+155, hunter, hunter, car, HUNTER, HUNTER, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 256, 0.64
+156, police, police, car, POLICE, POLICAR, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 251, 0.7
+157, enforcer, enforcer, car, ENFORCER, ENFORCR, van, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 255, 0.9
+158, securica, securica, car, SECURICA, SECURI, van, big, 4, 7, 0, 255, 0.85
+159, banshee, banshee, car, BANSHEE, BANSHEE, null, executive, 10, 7, 0, 237, 0.7
+160, predator, predator, boat, PREDATOR, PREDATR, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0
+161, bus, bus, car, BUS, BUS, null, big, 10, 7, 0, 255, 0.9
+162, rhino, rhino, car, RHINO, RHINO, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 255, 1.5
+163, barracks, barracks, car, BARRACKS, BARRCKS, van, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 255, 1.2
+164, cuban, cuban, car, CUBAN, CUBAN, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 253, 0.7
+165, chopper, chopper, heli, HELI, HELI, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0
+166, angel, angel, bike, ANGEL, ANGEL, bikeh, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 23, 0.654
+167, coach, coach, car, COACH, COACH, coach, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 255, 1
+168, cabbie, cabbie, car, CABBIE, CABBIE, null, taxi, 1, 7, 1f10, 253, 0.7
+169, stallion, stallion, car, STALLION, STALION, null, poorfamily, 10, 7, 2ff0, 253, 0.7
+170, rumpo, rumpo, car, RUMPO, RUMPO, van, poorfamily, 5, 6, 0, 252, 0.7
+171, rcbandit, rcbandit, car, RCBANDIT, RCBANDT, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 250, 0.25
+172, romero, romero, car, ROMERO, ROMERO, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 253, 0.66
+173, packer, packer, car, PACKER, PACKER, null, big, 10, 7, 0, 255, 1.1
+174, sentxs, sentxs, car, MAFIA, SENTXS, null, executive, 10, 7, 0, 254, 0.7
+175, admiral, admiral, car, ADMIRAL, ADMIRAL, null, richfamily, 10, 7, 0, 254, 0.68
+176, squalo, squalo, boat, SQUALO, SQUALO, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0
+177, seaspar, seaspar, car, SEASPAR, SEASPAR, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 256, 0.7
+178, pizzaboy, pizzaboy, bike, MOPED, PIZZABO, bikev, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 16, 0.464
+179, gangbur, gangbur, car, GANGBUR, GANGBUR, van, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 252, 0.78
+180, airtrain, airtrain, plane, AIRTRAIN, AEROPL, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 257
+181, deaddodo, deaddodo, plane, DEADDODO, DODO, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, -1
+182, speeder, speeder, boat, SPEEDER, SPEEDER, null, leisureboat,10, 7, 0
+183, reefer, reefer, boat, REEFER, REEFER, null, workerboat, 10, 7, 0
+184, tropic, tropic, boat, TROPIC, TROPIC, null, leisureboat,10, 7, 0
+185, flatbed, flatbed, car, FLATBED, FLATBED, van, big, 10, 7, 4fff, 255, 1.2
+186, yankee, yankee, car, YANKEE, YANKEE, null, worker, 10, 7, 0, 255, 0.84
+187, caddy, caddy, car, GOLFCART, CADDY, null, ignore, 10, 7, 30123345, 251, 0.5
+188, zebra, zebra, car, ZEBRA, ZEBRA, null, ignore, 10, 7, 1f10, 253, 0.75
+189, topfun, topfun, car, TOPFUN, TOPFUN, van, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 252, 0.7
+190, skimmer, skimmer, boat, SEAPLANE, SKIMMER, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0
+191, pcj600, pcj600, bike, BIKE, PCJ600, bikes, motorbike, 10, 7, 0, 16, 0.67
+192, faggio, faggio, bike, MOPED, FAGGIO, bikev, moped, 10, 7, 0, 16, 0.464
+193, freeway, freeway, bike, FREEWAY, FREEWAY, bikeh, motorbike, 10, 7, 0, 23, 0.654
+194, rcbaron, rcbaron, car, RCBARON, RCBARON, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 250, 0.25
+195, rcraider, rcraider, car, RCCOPTER, RCRAIDE, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 250, 0.25
+196, glendale, glendale, car, GLENDALE, GLENDAL, null, normal, 10, 7, 0, 253, 0.7
+197, oceanic, oceanic, car, OCEANIC, OCEANIC, null, normal, 10, 7, 0, 253, 0.7
+198, sanchez, sanchez, bike, DIRTBIKE, SANCHEZ, biked, motorbike, 10, 7, 0, 23, 0.66
+199, sparrow, sparrow, car, SPARROW, SPARROW, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 256, 0.7
+200, patriot, patriot, car, PATRIOT, PATRIOT, null, ignore, 2, 7, 0, 238, 0.9
+201, lovefist, lovefist, car, LOVEFIST, LOVEFIS, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 251, 0.75
+202, coastg, coastg, boat, COASTGRD, COASTG, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0
+203, dinghy, dinghy, boat, DINGHY, DINGHY, null, workerboat, 10, 7, 0
+204, hermes, hermes, car, HERMES, HERMES, null, richfamily, 10, 7, 0, 253, 0.7
+205, sabre, sabre, car, SABRE1, SABRE, null, normal, 10, 7, 2ff0, 253, 0.7
+206, sabretur, sabretur, car, SABRETUR, SABRETU, null, ignore, 10, 7, 2ff0, 253, 0.7
+207, pheonix, pheonix, car, PHEONIX, PHOENIX, null, richfamily, 10, 7, 0, 250, 0.74
+208, walton, walton, car, WALTON, WALTON, null, worker, 10, 7, 0, 254, 0.7
+209, regina, regina, car, REGINA, REGINA, null, normal, 10, 7, 0, 251, 0.7
+210, comet, comet, car, COMET, COMET, null, executive, 10, 6, 2ff0, 250, 0.7
+211, deluxo, deluxo, car, DELUXO, DELUXO, null, ignore, 10, 6, 2ff0, 237, 0.7
+212, burrito, burrito, car, BURRITO, BURRITO, van, normal, 10, 6, 0, 239, 0.7
+213, spand, spand, car, SPAND, SPAND, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 255, 0.76
+214, marquis, marquis, boat, MARQUIS, MARQUIS, null, workerboat, 10, 7, 0
+215, baggage, baggage, car, BAGGAGE, BAGGAGE, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 252, 0.6
+216, kaufman, kaufman, car, KAUFMAN, KAUFMAN, null, taxi, 10, 7, 1f10, 253, 0.7
+217, maverick, maverick, car, MAVERICK, MAVERIC, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 256, 0.7
+218, vcnmav, vcnmav, car, COASTMAV, VCNMAV, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 256, 0.7
+219, rancher, rancher, car, RANCHER, RANCHER, null, richfamily, 10, 7, 0, 238, 0.93
+220, fbiranch, fbiranch, car, FBIRANCH, FBIRANC, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 254, 0.95
+221, virgo, virgo, car, VIRGO, VIRGO, null, normal, 10, 7, 0, 251, 0.7
+222, greenwoo, greenwoo, car, GREENWOO, GREENWO, null, poorfamily, 10, 7, 0, 251, 0.7
+223, jetmax, jetmax, boat, CUPBOAT, CUBJET, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0
+224, hotring, hotring, car, HOTRING, HOTRING, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 254, 0.82
+225, sandking, sandking, car, SANDKING, SANDKIN, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 238, 1.05
+226, blistac, blistac, car, BLISTAC, BLISTAC, null, normal, 10, 7, 0, 254, 0.7
+227, polmav, polmav, car, POLMAV, POLMAV, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 256, 0.7
+228, boxville, boxville, car, BOXVILLE, BOXVILL, van, worker, 10, 7, 0, 255, 0.76
+229, benson, benson, car, BENSON, BENSON, null, worker, 10, 7, 0, 239, 0.76
+230, mesa, mesa, car, DESPERAD, MESA, null, normal, 10, 7, 0, 254, 0.8
+231, rcgoblin, rcgoblin, car, RCGOBLIN, RCGOBLI, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 250, 0.25
+232, hotrina, hotrina, car, HOTRING, HOTRINA, null, ignore, 10, 7, 4fff, 254, 0.82
+233, hotrinb, hotrinb, car, HOTRING, HOTRINB, null, ignore, 10, 7, 4fff, 254, 0.82
+234, bloodra, bloodra, car, BLOODRA, BLOODRA, null, ignore, 10, 7, 4fff, 256, 0.7
+235, bloodrb, bloodrb, car, BLOODRB, BLOODRB, null, ignore, 10, 7, 4fff, 253, 0.7
+236, vicechee, vicechee, car, CHEETAH, CHEETAH, null, ignore, 10, 7, 0, 250, 0.7
+# leave ID 240 - 249 to use in temp car components
+# 240, car_door
+# 241, car_bumper
+# 242, car_panel
+# 243, car_bonnet
+# 244, car_boot
+# 245, car_wheel
+# 246, bodypart_A
+# 247, bodypart_B
+# wheels
+237, wheel_rim, generic, 2, 20, 70, 0
+238, wheel_offroad, generic, 2, 20, 70, 0
+239, wheel_truck, generic, 2, 20, 70, 0
+250, wheel_sport, generic, 2, 20, 70, 0
+251, wheel_saloon, generic, 2, 20, 70, 0
+252, wheel_lightvan, generic, 2, 20, 70, 0
+253, wheel_classic, generic, 2, 20, 70, 0
+254, wheel_alloy, generic, 2, 20, 70, 0
+255, wheel_lighttruck, generic, 2, 20, 70, 0
+256, wheel_smallcar, generic, 2, 20, 70, 0
+257, airtrain_vlo, generic, 1, 2000, 0
+# weapons
+258, cellphone, cellphone, null, 1, 50, 0
+259, brassknuckle, brassknuckle, null, 1, 50, 0
+260, screwdriver, screwdriver, null, 1, 50, 0
+261, golfclub, golfclub, baseball, 1, 50, 0
+262, nitestick, nitestick, baseball, 1, 50, 0
+263, knifecur, knifecur, knife, 1, 50, 0
+264, bat, bat, baseball, 1, 50, 0
+265, hammer, hammer, baseball, 1, 50, 0
+266, cleaver, cleaver, knife, 1, 50, 0
+267, machete, machete, knife, 1, 50, 0
+268, katana, katana, knife, 1, 50, 0
+269, chnsaw, chnsaw, chainsaw, 1, 50, 0
+270, grenade, grenade, grenade, 1, 100, 0
+271, teargas, teargas, grenade, 1, 50, 0
+272, molotov, molotov, grenade, 1, 100, 0
+273, missile, missile, null, 1, 100, 0
+274, colt45, colt45, colt45, 1, 30, 0
+275, python, python, python, 1, 50, 0
+276, ruger, ruger, rifle, 1, 70, 0
+277, chromegun, chromegun, shotgun, 1, 70, 0
+278, shotgspa, shotgspa, buddy, 1, 70, 0
+279, buddyshot, buddyshot, buddy, 1, 70, 0
+280, m4, m4, rifle, 1, 30, 0
+281, tec9, tec9, colt45, 1, 30, 0
+282, uzi, uzi, uzi, 1, 30, 0
+283, ingramsl, ingramsl, colt45, 1, 50, 0
+284, mp5lng, mp5lng, uzi, 1, 50, 0
+285, sniper, sniper, null, 1, 50, 0
+286, laser, laser, null, 1, 50, 0
+287, rocketla, rocketla, null, 1, 50, 0
+288, flame, flame, flame, 1, 50, 0
+289, M60, M60, m60, 1, 50, 0
+290, minigun, minigun, flame, 1, 50, 0
+291, bomb, bomb, null, 1, 50, 0
+292, camera, camera, null, 1, 50, 0
+293, fingers, fingers, null, 1, 50, 0
+294, minigun2, minigun, null, 1, 50, 0
+295, cutobj01, generic
+296, cutobj02, generic
+297, cutobj03, generic
+298, cutobj04, generic
+299, cutobj05, generic
+# Cutscene Hands
+639, CSHands, cshands, SLhandPalm
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/gta_vc.dat b/vc_mobile/data/gta_vc.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce725b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/gta_vc.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# Load IDEs first, then the models and after that the IPLs
+# everything is loaded on a per directory basis and in alphabetical order
+# to improve the speed of loading
+# Object types
+IDE DATA\MAPS\littleha\littleha.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\downtown\downtown.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\downtows\downtows.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\docks\docks.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\washintn\washintn.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\washints\washints.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\oceandrv\oceandrv.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\oceandn\oceandn.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\golf\golf.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\bridge\bridge.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\starisl\starisl.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\nbeachbt\nbeachbt.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\nbeachw\nbeachw.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\nbeach\nbeach.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\bank\bank.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\mall\mall.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\yacht\yacht.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\cisland\cisland.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\club\club.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\hotel\hotel.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\lawyers\lawyers.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\stripclb\stripclb.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\airport\airport.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\airportN\airportN.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\haiti\haiti.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\haitin\haitin.IDE
+SPLASH loadsc2
+IDE DATA\MAPS\concerth\concerth.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\mansion\mansion.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\islandsf\islandsf.IDE
+IDE DATA\MAPS\stadint\stadint.IDE
+#collision data
+# have to load map.zon before any of the IPLs
+# Scene information
+IPL DATA\MAPS\littleha\littleha.IPL
+SPLASH loadsc3
+IPL DATA\MAPS\downtown\downtown.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\downtows\downtows.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\docks\docks.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\washintn\washintn.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\washints\washints.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\oceandrv\oceandrv.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\oceandn\oceandn.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\golf\golf.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\bridge\bridge.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\starisl\starisl.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\nbeachbt\nbeachbt.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\nbeach\nbeach.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\nbeachw\nbeachw.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\cisland\cisland.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\airport\airport.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\airportN\airportN.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\haiti\haiti.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\haitin\haitin.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\islandsf\islandsf.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\stadint\stadint.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\paths.ipl
+IPL DATA\MAPS\cull.ipl
+IPL DATA\occlu.ipl
+# Interiors
+SPLASH loadsc4
+IPL DATA\MAPS\bank\bank.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\mall\mall.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\yacht\yacht.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\club\club.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\hotel\hotel.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\lawyers\lawyers.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\stripclb\stripclb.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\concerth\concerth.IPL
+IPL DATA\MAPS\mansion\mansion.IPL
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/airport/airport.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/airport/airport.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1085fe8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/airport/airport.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+865, ap_tower, ap_buildings2, 1, 299, 0
+866, ap_terminAchek1_01, ap_terminAint, 1, 90, 0
+867, ap_terminAchek1_02, ap_terminAint, 1, 90, 0
+868, ap_gatesA, ap_terminal1boards, 1, 150, 4
+869, ap_gatesB, ap_terminal1boards, 1, 150, 4
+870, ap_terminA_01, ap_terminal1, 1, 299, 0
+871, jump_box108, jumpbox, 1, 200, 0
+872, jump_box112, jumpbox, 1, 200, 0
+873, ap_hangar1_01, airport, 1, 290, 4
+874, apairprtbits01, airport, 1, 150, 4
+875, apairprtbits05, airport, 1, 150, 4
+876, Helipad0, helipad, 1, 180, 4
+877, ap_screens1_01, ap_airstuff1, 1, 90, 0
+878, ap_runsign3_01, ap_runsigns1, 1, 299, 0
+879, ap_termsign1_01, ap_airstuff1, 1, 90, 0
+880, ap_termsign2_01, ap_airstuff1, 1, 90, 0
+881, ap_gatedisp1_01, ap_airstuff1, 1, 90, 0
+882, ap_booth1_01, ap_airstuff1, 1, 90, 0
+883, ap_booth2_01, ap_airstuff1, 1, 90, 0
+884, ap_booth3_01, ap_airstuff1, 1, 90, 0
+885, ap_booth1_02, ap_airstuff1, 1, 90, 0
+886, ap_runsign6_02, ap_runsigns1, 1, 299, 0
+887, ap_runsign7_03, ap_runsigns1, 1, 299, 0
+888, ap_subfraightback04, subcrates, 1, 165, 0
+889, ap_subfraightback02, subcrates, 1, 165, 0
+890, ap_subfraightback01, subcrates, 1, 165, 0
+891, ap_screens2_01, ap_airstuff1, 1, 90, 0
+892, ap_gatedisp1_02, ap_airstuff1, 1, 90, 0
+893, jump_box113, jumpbox, 1, 200, 0
+894, jump_box_02, jumpbox, 1, 200, 0
+895, ap_firetrucks, ap_build2, 1, 299, 0
+896, airport_carpark0, ap_carpark3, 1, 299, 0
+897, carparkfence0, ap_roads, 1, 299, 4
+898, ap_freight1_01, subcrates, 1, 160, 0
+899, ap_roadsigns1_02, ap_build2, 1, 125, 4
+900, ap_freight2_01, subcrates, 1, 165, 0
+901, ap_steps1_01, airstuff2, 1, 200, 0
+902, ap_trailer_01, luggage, 1, 290, 0
+903, ap_06trailer01, luggage, 1, 145, 0
+904, ap_freight3_01, subcrates, 1, 165, 0
+905, ap_runsign10_03, ap_runsigns1, 1, 299, 0
+906, ap_roadsigns1_03, ap_build2, 1, 125, 4
+907, ap_concwall1, ap_misc1, 1, 78, 0
+908, ap_freightterminal1, ap_build3, 1, 180, 0
+909, ap_flyingschool1, ap_build3, 1, 180, 0
+910, ap_smallradar1, ap_build4, 1, 299, 4
+911, ap_fuelbay1, ap_fuel1, 1, 160, 0
+912, ap_oiltank1_01, ap_fuel1, 1, 160, 0
+913, ap_oilpipes1, ap_fuel1, 1, 160, 0
+914, ap_flargetank1, ap_fuel2, 1, 160, 0
+915, ap_midtank1, ap_fuel2, 1, 160, 0
+916, ap_fuelshad1, ap_fuel3, 1, 299, 4
+917, jump_box114, jumpbox, 1, 200, 0
+918, jump_box115, jumpbox, 1, 200, 0
+919, ap_hland_01, ap_ground1, 1, 299, 0
+920, ap_hookerinn1, ap_build3, 1, 145, 0
+921, ap_planters1_01, generic, 1, 70, 4
+922, ap_planters2_01, generic, 1, 70, 4
+923, ap_hotroadsect1, ap_roadsect1, 1, 299, 0
+924, ap_treesfw1_01, generic, 1, 299, 4
+925, ap_treeshot1_02, generic, 1, 299, 4
+926, ap_boardshad1, ap_terminal1boards, 1, 299, 4
+927, ap_smallhangars1_01, airport, 1, 290, 4
+928, ap_smahangar2_01, airport, 1, 290, 4
+929, apairprtbits07, airport, 1, 290, 4
+930, ap_booth2_03, ap_airstuff1, 1, 90, 0
+931, ap_seaplaland1, ap_seasplane, 1, 180, 0
+932, ap_seaplanehanger1, ap_seasplane, 1, 170, 0
+933, ap_termwindows1, ap_termwindows, 1, 299, 4
+934, ap_blastdef_01, ap_newprops1opac, 1, 299, 4
+935, ap_blastdef_03, ap_newprops1opac, 1, 299, 4
+936, air_brway_030, airgrndb, 1, 299, 0
+937, air_brway_31, airgrndb, 1, 299, 0
+938, air_brway_32, airgrndb, 1, 299, 0
+939, air_brway_33, airgrndb, 1, 299, 0
+940, air_brway_34, airgrndb, 1, 299, 0
+941, ap_seahangstuft, ap_seaplanprop, 1, 180, 0
+942, ap_dockstairs1, ap_seaplanprop, 1, 299, 0
+943, ap_seaplanedock1, ap_seaplanprop, 1, 299, 0
+944, ap_transpol1, ap_misc1, 1, 150, 0
+945, ap_kerb1, ap_ci_indus2, 1, 78, 0
+946, ap_smahangar2_02, airport, 1, 180, 4
+947, ap_smahangar2_03, airport, 1, 180, 4
+948, ap_smahangar2_04, airport, 1, 180, 4
+949, ap_smahangar2_05, airport, 1, 150, 4
+950, ap_smahangar2_06, airport, 1, 150, 4
+951, ap_seaplanfence1, ap_seasplane, 1, 180, 4
+952, apairprtbits08, airport, 1, 299, 4
+953, ap_runsigns5_01, ap_runsigns1, 1, 299, 0
+954, ap_hotelpool, ap_build3, 1, 145, 4
+955, ap_seafences, ap_seasplane, 1, 180, 4
+956, ap_rland08, ap_ground1, 1, 299, 0
+957, ap_roadsect1, ap_roadsect1, 1, 299, 0
+958, ap_rland03, ap_viceairport, 1, 299, 0
+959, ap_rland04, ap_viceairport, 1, 299, 0
+960, ap_rland06, ap_viceairport, 1, 299, 0
+961, ap_rland05, ap_viceairport, 1, 299, 0
+962, ap_rland07, ap_viceairport, 1, 299, 0
+963, ap_rland02, ap_viceairport, 1, 299, 0
+964, ap_rland01, ap_viceairport, 1, 299, 0
+965, ap_roadsect2a, ap_roads, 1, 299, 0
+966, ap_wallfence1, ap_roads, 1, 299, 4
+967, ap_wallfence2, ap_roads, 1, 299, 4
+968, ap_wallfence6, ap_roads, 1, 299, 4
+969, ap_barriergate1, ap_checkpoints, 1, 150, 4
+970, ap_barriergate4, ap_checkpoints, 1, 150, 4
+971, ap_barriergate2, ap_checkpoints, 1, 150, 4
+972, ap_wallfence7, ap_roads, 1, 299, 4
+973, ap_gsecurity1, ap_airstuff1, 1, 30, 0
+974, ap_gsecurity2, ap_airstuff1, 1, 30, 0
+977, ap_security1, ap_airstuff1, 1, 90, 0
+978, ap_security2, ap_airstuff1, 1, 90, 0
+979, LODipad0, ap_LOD, 1, 700, 0
+980, LODflyingschool1, ap_LOD, 1, 900, 0
+981, LODtranspol1, ap_LOD, 1, 900, 0
+982, LODtower, ap_LOD, 1, 1200, 4
+983, LODport_carpark0, ap_LOD, 1, 1700, 0
+984, LODfiretrucks, ap_LOD, 1, 900, 0
+985, LODsmallhangars1_01, ap_LOD, 1, 700, 4
+986, LODsmahangar2_01, ap_LOD, 1, 700, 0
+987, LODsmahangar2_02, ap_LOD, 1, 700, 0
+988, LODsmahangar2_03, ap_LOD, 1, 700, 0
+989, LODsmahangar2_04, ap_LOD, 1, 700, 0
+990, LODsmahangar2_05, ap_LOD, 1, 700, 0
+991, LODsmahangar2_06, ap_LOD, 1, 700, 0
+992, LODhland_01, ap_LOD, 1, 1700, 0
+993, LODhookerinn1, ap_LOD, 1, 900, 0
+994, LODfreightterminal1, ap_LOD, 1, 1200, 0
+995, LODseaplanehanger1, ap_LOD, 1, 1200, 0
+996, LODseaplaland1, ap_LOD, 1, 1700, 0
+997, LODgatesA, ap_LOD, 1, 900, 0
+998, LODflargetank1, ap_LOD, 1, 900, 0
+999, LODgatesB, ap_LOD, 1, 900, 0
+1000, LODrland01, ap_LOD, 1, 1700, 0
+1001, LODrland03, ap_LOD, 1, 1700, 0
+1002, LODrland04, ap_LOD, 1, 1700, 0
+1003, LODrland05, ap_LOD, 1, 1700, 0
+1004, LODrland07, ap_LOD, 1, 1700, 0
+1005, LODrland08, ap_LOD, 1, 1700, 0
+1006, LODrland02, ap_LOD, 1, 1700, 0
+1007, LODrland06, ap_LOD, 1, 1700, 0
+1008, LODroadsect2a, ap_LOD, 1, 1000, 0
+1009, LODroadsect1, ap_LOD, 1, 1000, 0
+1010, LODsmallradar1, ap_LOD, 1, 700, 0
+1011, ap_stairsout04, ap_build2, 1, 175, 4
+1012, ap_pots1_01, ap_airstuff1, 1, 90, 0
+1013, ap_pots2_01, ap_airstuff1, 1, 90, 0
+1014, ap_windowstruts, ap_termwindows, 1, 299, 0
+1015, ap_termAintfloor1, ap_terminal1, 1, 135, 0
+1016, LODtermAintfloor1, ap_LOD, 1, 700, 0
+1017, LODterminA_01, ap_LOD, 1, 1700, 0
+1018, LODconcwall1, ap_LOD, 1, 700, 0
+1019, ap_dockwall1, ap_roadsect1, 1, 130, 0
+1020, LODdockwall1, ap_LOD, 1, 700, 0
+1021, ap_hangar1_04, airport, 1, 290, 4
+1022, LODhangar1_01, ap_LOD, 1, 700, 0
+1023, LODhangar1_04, ap_LOD, 1, 700, 0
+1024, ap_terminA_roof1, ap_terminal1, 1, 299, 0
+1025, ap_terminAgatesA, ap_terminal1, 1, 90, 0
+1026, ap_terminAgrflo1, ap_terminal1, 1, 280, 0
+1027, ap_terminAgatesB, ap_terminal1, 1, 90, 0
+1028, ap_terminAgrflo2, ap_terminal1, 1, 280, 0
+1029, ap_terminA_roof2, ap_terminal1, 1, 299, 0
+1030, ap_termAintfloor2, ap_terminal1, 1, 135, 0
+1031, ap_terminA2_01, ap_terminal1, 1, 299, 0
+1032, ap_termAintfloor2b, ap_terminal1, 1, 135, 0
+1033, ap_termAintfloor1b, ap_terminal1, 1, 135, 0
+1034, ap_newesca_01, ap_clothes, 1, 160, 0
+1035, ap_boxjunct1, ap_roads, 1, 135, 4
+1036, LODroadsigns1_02, ap_LOD, 1, 700, 0
+1037, LODroadsigns1_03, ap_LOD, 1, 700, 0
+1038, ap_roadsect2b, ap_roads, 1, 299, 0
+1039, LODroadsect2b, ap_LOD, 1, 1000, 0
+1040, ap_newescaGLAS_01, ap_clothes, 1, 160, 4
+1041, ap_newesca_02, ap_clothes, 1, 160, 0
+1042, ap_newescaGLAS_02, ap_clothes, 1, 160, 4
+1043, ap_steps1_02, airstuff2, 1, 200, 0
+1044, ap_steps1_03, airstuff2, 1, 200, 0
+1045, ap_steps1_04, airstuff2, 1, 200, 0
+1046, ap_steps1_05, airstuff2, 1, 200, 0
+1047, ap_steps1_06, airstuff2, 1, 200, 0
+1048, ap_steps1_07, airstuff2, 1, 200, 0
+1049, ap_steps1_08, airstuff2, 1, 200, 0
+1050, ap_freight3_01a, subcrates, 1, 165, 4
+1051, ap_freight2_01a, subcrates, 1, 165, 4
+1052, ap_freight1_01b, subcrates, 1, 160, 4
+1053, ap_termwindows1b, ap_termwindows, 1, 299, 4
+975, ap_termsign1_dy, ap_termwindows, 1, 299, 4, 6, 20
+976, ap_termsign1_nt, ap_termwindows, 1, 299, 4, 20, 6
+936, 139.699, -15.9421, 0.820541, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+936, 59.699, -15.9421, 0.426826, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+936, 59.2293, -1.12107, -0.158419, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+936, -173.25, -0.776395, -0.122828, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+936, -173.25, 14.9888, 0.462418, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+936, -173.25, -16.713, 0.462418, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+936, -20.3009, -15.9422, 0.441322, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+936, 59.6989, 15.7597, 0.426826, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+936, -20.3011, 15.7596, 0.441322, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+936, 139.699, 15.7597, 0.820541, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+936, 159.145, -1.03112, 0.284242, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+937, -180.301, 15.7596, 0.462418, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+937, -180.301, -15.9421, 0.462418, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+937, -167.023, 0.132113, -0.122828, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+937, -100.301, 15.7596, 0.442368, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+937, -100.301, -15.9422, 0.442368, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+937, -93.3579, 0.331584, -0.142878, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+937, -20.301, 15.7596, 0.441322, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+937, -20.3009, -15.9422, 0.441322, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+937, -20.3247, -0.0227618, -0.143923, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+937, 59.699, 15.7597, 0.426826, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+937, 59.6991, -15.9421, 0.426826, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+937, 53.6683, 0.521078, -0.158419, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+937, 99.699, 15.7597, 0.609819, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+937, 99.6991, -15.9421, 0.609819, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+937, 89.5567, 0.73122, 0.0245743, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, -180.301, 15.7596, 0.462418, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, -180.301, -15.9422, 0.462418, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, -180.301, -0.00565248, -0.122828, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, -140.301, 15.7596, 0.437214, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, -140.301, -15.9422, 0.437214, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, -129.438, -0.00565248, -0.148031, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, -60.301, 15.7596, 0.441996, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, -60.3009, -15.9422, 0.441996, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, 19.699, 15.7596, 0.422514, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, 19.6992, -15.9422, 0.422514, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, 23.3785, -0.00565248, -0.162731, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, 59.699, 15.7596, 0.426826, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, 59.6992, -15.9422, 0.426826, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, 67.3996, -0.00565248, -0.158419, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, 99.9522, -15.8061, 0.609819, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, 104.293, -0.034339, 0.0245743, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, 139.699, 15.7596, 0.820541, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, 144.088, -15.9422, 0.820541, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, 149.267, -0.00565248, 0.235296, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, 179.699, 15.7596, 0.8519, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, 179.699, -15.9422, 0.844282, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+938, 189.325, -0.00565248, 0.284242, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+939, -140.338, 15.7807, 0.58942, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+939, -140.338, -15.9211, 0.58942, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+939, -125.348, 0.999474, 0.00417519, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+939, -60.3382, 15.7807, 0.594202, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+939, -60.338, -15.9211, 0.594202, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+939, -43.1009, 0.999474, 0.00895691, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+939, 19.6618, 15.7807, 0.57472, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+939, 19.662, -15.9211, 0.57472, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+939, 41.6705, 0.999474, -0.0105247, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+939, 99.6619, 15.7807, 0.762026, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+939, 99.662, -15.9211, 0.762026, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+939, 126.638, 0.999474, 0.176781, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+940, -140.301, 15.7596, 0.437214, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+940, -140.301, -15.9422, 0.437214, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+940, -118, -0.00565251, -0.148031, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+940, -60.301, 15.7596, 0.441996, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+940, -60.3009, -15.9422, 0.441996, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+940, -41.9413, -0.00565251, -0.14325, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+940, 19.699, 15.7596, 0.422514, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+940, 19.6991, -15.9422, 0.422514, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+940, 32.0493, -0.00565251, -0.162731, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+940, 99.699, 15.7596, 0.609819, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+940, 99.6991, -15.9422, 0.609819, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+940, 99.6991, -0.00565251, 0.0245743, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+965, -1.52893, 0.101013, 13.8858, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+965, 1.52893, 0.101013, 13.8858, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/airportN/airportN.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/airportN/airportN.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f70400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/airportN/airportN.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+1075, ap_terminalB1, airporterminal, 1, 290, 0
+1076, ap_termbbase1, ap_build1, 1, 299, 0
+1077, ap_carbush2_01, generic, 1, 299, 4
+1078, ap_carparkterm1, apcarparkN, 1, 299, 0
+1079, ap_smallradar1_02, nairport, 1, 299, 4
+1080, mc_shed1, mcompounda1, 1, 299, 0
+1081, mc_tower_01, mcompounda1, 1, 90, 0
+1082, mc_hangar1, mcompounda1, 1, 100, 0
+1083, mc_largebuild, mcompounda1, 1, 299, 0
+1084, mc_wall, mcompounda1, 1, 299, 0
+1085, mc_fence1, mcompounda1, 1, 299, 4
+1086, mc_fence3, mcompounda1, 1, 299, 4
+1087, mc_fence2, mcompounda1, 1, 299, 4
+1088, mc_fencshad, mcompounda1, 1, 299, 4
+1089, ap_smallhangars1_02, nairport, 1, 290, 4
+1090, mc_shed04, mcompounda1, 1, 299, 0
+1091, mc_assaultcourse1, mcompounda1, 1, 299, 0
+1092, mc_assaultcourse2, mcompounda1, 1, 299, 0
+1093, mc_dirtjump1, mcompounda1, 1, 299, 0
+1094, ap_rland10, apgroundN, 1, 299, 0
+1095, ap_rlandnew9, ap_francisland, 1, 299, 0
+1096, mc_ground3, ap_francisland, 1, 299, 0
+1097, mc_ground1, ap_francisland, 1, 299, 0
+1098, mc_ground5, ap_francisland, 1, 299, 0
+1099, ap_roadsect4, aproadsN, 1, 299, 0
+1100, ap_roadsect3, aproadsN, 1, 299, 0
+1101, ap_roadsect5, aproadsN, 1, 299, 0
+1102, mc_ground4, ap_francisland, 1, 299, 0
+1103, ap_wallfence4, aproadsN, 1, 299, 4
+1104, ap_wallfence3, aproadsN, 1, 299, 4
+1105, mc_crashbar1, aproadsN, 1, 299, 0
+1106, mc_crashbar2, aproadsN, 1, 299, 0
+1107, ap_wallfence5, aproadsN, 1, 299, 4
+1108, mc_treesfw1_01, generic, 1, 299, 4
+1109, mc_tower_02, mcompounda1, 1, 90, 0
+1110, mc_tower_03, mcompounda1, 1, 90, 0
+1111, mc_camotent1_01, militcompound3, 1, 150, 0
+1112, mc_flags1, militcompound3, 1, 150, 0
+1113, mc_flags2, militcompound3, 1, 150, 0
+1114, mc_kerb_01, apbitsN, 1, 175, 0
+1115, mc_wall2, mcompounda1, 1, 175, 0
+1116, mc_wall3, mcompounda1, 1, 175, 0
+1117, mc_overlights1, aproadsN, 1, 299, 0
+1118, mc_overlights2, aproadsN, 1, 299, 0
+1119, ap_jumbo_BRIDGE, apJumboN, 1, 150, 4
+1120, mc_kerb_02, apbitsN, 1, 175, 0
+1121, mc_hangarint1, mcompounda1, 1, 95, 36
+1122, mc_camotent1_04, militcompound3, 1, 150, 0
+1123, mc_camotent1_05, militcompound3, 1, 150, 0
+1124, ap_hangar1_03, nairport, 1, 190, 4
+1125, ap_smallhangars1_03, nairport, 1, 290, 4
+1126, ap_billboards2, ap_billboard, 1, 150, 0
+1127, ap_billboards1, ap_billboard, 1, 150, 0
+1128, ap_billboards3, ap_billboard, 1, 150, 0
+1129, ap_billboards4, ap_billboard, 1, 150, 0
+1130, ap_billboards5, ap_billboard, 1, 150, 0
+1131, ap_barriergate3, apchecpointN, 1, 150, 4
+1132, LODcarparkterm1, LODairpN, 1, 1700, 0
+1133, LODsmallhangars1_02, LODairpN, 1, 700, 0
+1134, LODtower_01, LODairpN, 1, 1000, 0
+1135, LODrland10, LODairpN, 1, 1700, 0
+1136, LODrlandnew9, LODairpN, 1, 1700, 0
+1137, LODground4, LODairpN, 1, 1700, 0
+1138, LODground2, LODairpN, 1, 1700, 0
+1139, LODground1, LODairpN, 1, 1700, 0
+1140, LODground3, LODairpN, 1, 1700, 0
+1141, LODground5, LODairpN, 1, 1700, 0
+1142, LODroadsect4, LODairpN, 1, 1500, 0
+1143, LODroadsect5, LODairpN, 1, 1500, 0
+1144, LODroadsect3, LODairpN, 1, 1500, 0
+1145, LODtower_02, LODairpN, 1, 1000, 0
+1146, LODtower_03, LODairpN, 1, 1000, 0
+1147, LODsmallhangars1_03, LODairpN, 1, 700, 0
+1148, LODsmallradar1_02, LODairpN, 1, 700, 0
+1149, LODlargebuild, LODairpN, 1, 1000, 0
+1150, ap_stairsout1, nairport, 1, 175, 4
+1151, ap_stairsout02, nairport, 1, 175, 4
+1152, ap_stairsout03, nairport, 1, 175, 4
+1153, LODhangar1, LODairpN, 1, 700, 0
+1154, LODbillboards1, LODairpN, 1, 700, 0
+1155, mc_ground2, ap_francisland, 1, 299, 0
+1156, LODterminalB1, LODairpN, 1, 1500, 0
+1157, LODwall3, LODairpN, 1, 700, 0
+1158, LODwall2, LODairpN, 1, 700, 0
+1159, LODbillboards5, LODairpN, 1, 700, 0
+1160, LODbillboards4, LODairpN, 1, 700, 0
+1161, LODbillboards3, LODairpN, 1, 700, 0
+1162, LODbillboards2, LODairpN, 1, 700, 0
+1163, mc_treesfw2_01, generic, 1, 299, 4
+1164, mc_treesfw3_01, generic, 1, 299, 4
+1165, mc_barrackshad, mcompounda1, 1, 200, 4
+1166, ap_roadsect3b, aproadsN, 1, 299, 0
+1167, ap_3dbillb, airsignn, 1, 299, 0
+1168, mb_ammobox1, mcompounda1, 1, 299, 0
+1169, mb_ammobox2, mcompounda1, 1, 299, 0
+1170, mb_ammobox3, mcompounda1, 1, 299, 0
+1171, ap_stepsn1_01, airstuff2, 1, 200, 0
+1172, ap_stepsn1_02, airstuff2, 1, 200, 0
+1173, LODwall, LODairpN, 1, 700, 0
+1121, -11.3442, 8.58665, 0.848253, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1121, 11.5034, 8.58665, 0.848253, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1121, -11.3442, -8.01669, 0.848253, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1121, 11.5034, -8.01669, 0.848253, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/bank/bank.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/bank/bank.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00c95d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/bank/bank.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+4535, bank_table1, hi_cutbnkcoch, 1, 80, 32
+4536, bank_palms02, vegetation, 1, 80, 36
+4537, bank_table4, hi_cutbnkcoch, 1, 80, 36
+4538, chairthings, hi_cutbnkcoch, 1, 80, 32
+4539, bank_vault, hi_cutbnkvault, 1, 80, 32
+4540, bank_palms09, vegetation, 1, 80, 36
+4541, bank_other_strctr, hi_cutbnkmainnw, 1, 80, 32
+4542, bank_table05, hi_cutbnkcoch, 1, 80, 36
+4543, kb_couch06, hi_cutbnkcoch, 1, 80, 36
+4544, kb_couch09, hi_cutbnkcoch, 1, 80, 36
+4545, bankstructure4, hi_cutbnkmain3, 1, 80, 32
+4546, bank_palms21, vegetation, 1, 80, 36
+4547, bank_palms23, vegetation, 1, 80, 36
+4548, bankrecept, hi_cutbnkrecpt, 1, 80, 32
+4549, bnk_main_rework, hi_cutbnkmainnw, 1, 80, 32
+4550, bnk_mainnewref, hi_cutbnkmainnw, 1, 80, 32
+4551, bankrecept01, hi_cutbnkrecpt, 1, 80, 32
+4552, bank_table10, hi_cutbnkcoch, 1, 80, 36
+4553, bank_palms28, vegetation, 1, 80, 36
+4554, kb_couch15, hi_cutbnkcoch, 1, 80, 36
+4555, bnk_man_ofc, hi_cutmngof, 1, 80, 32
+4556, bank_palms32, vegetation, 1, 80, 36
+4557, bnk_maindr1, hi_cutbnkrecpt, 1, 80, 32
+4558, bnk_lft_door2, hi_cutbnkrecpt, 1, 80, 32
+4559, bnk_lft_door1, hi_cutbnkrecpt, 1, 80, 32
+4560, bnk_maindr2, hi_cutbnkrecpt, 1, 80, 32
+4562, chairthings2, hi_cutbnkcoch, 1, 80, 36
+4563, bank_officedesks1, hi_cutbnkcoch, 1, 80, 32
+4564, elevator, hi_cutbnkrecpt, 1, 80, 32
+4565, bnk_main_rooflights, hi_cutbnk_alp, 1, 100, 36
+4566, bnk_lightsmain, hi_cutbnk_alp, 1, 100, 36
+4568, bnk_recp_lites, hi_cutbnk_alp, 1, 100, 36
+4570, man_monitors02, hi_cutbnkcoch, 1, 80, 36
+4571, bnk_scrty_tbl, hi_cutbnkcoch, 1, 80, 36
+4572, bnk_mngr_rf_lights, hi_cutbnk_alp, 1, 100, 36
+4573, bnk_main_glass, hi_cutbnk_alp, 1, 100, 36
+4574, bnk_mngr_chr, hi_cutbnkchr, 1, 10, 32
+4575, bnk_man_ofc01, hi_cutmngof, 1, 80, 32
+4576, bank_palms33, vegetation, 1, 80, 36
+4577, bnk_grill01, hi_cutbnkmainnw, 1, 80, 32
+4578, bnk_valt_door, hi_cutbnkvault, 1, 80, 32
+4579, bnk_ext_int, bank_ext_int, 1, 80, 0
+4580, bank_props2, bnk_propy, 1, 100, 32
+4581, rocketed_win1, hi_cutpropy, 1, 100, 36
+4582, unrocketed_win1, hi_cutpropy, 1, 100, 36
+4583, bnk_shado_2, hi_cutpropy, 1, 30, 36
+4584, bnk_dsk_acses, hi_cutpropy, 1, 30, 36
+4585, plnt_ref_bnk01, vegetation, 1, 80, 32
+4586, plnt_ref_bnk02, vegetation, 1, 80, 32
+4587, bnk_dsk_acsesno2, hi_cutpropy, 1, 30, 36
+4538, 2.30804, 5.14227, 0.0854454, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, 0.932986, -0.359912, 0, 0.932986, -0.359912, 0
+4539, -0.673462, 3.198, -0.281144, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4539, 6.54053, 3.76682, -0.281144, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4539, 7.07477, -4.20929, -0.281144, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4541, 4.08453, 20.475, -4.55744, 198, 198, 198, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4550, -4.12085, 8.26071, 6.11213, 198, 198, 198, 200, 3, 3, -0.998698, 0, -0.0510152, -0.998698, 0, -0.0510152
+4566, 7.40906, -6.55972, 1.27364, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4566, -1.73468, 5.33896, 1.27364, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4566, 7.40906, 5.27692, 1.27364, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4566, -1.73468, -6.55972, 1.27364, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4566, -1.50024, 5.69644, -2.24184, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4566, 6.9953, 5.39713, -2.24184, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4566, 7.41504, -6.38196, -2.24184, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4566, -1.94, -6.40601, -2.24184, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4566, -8.8916, -6.87097, -2.73197, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, -4.5105, 8.15631, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, -1.61987, 8.15631, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, 1.61078, 8.15631, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, 4.53516, 8.15631, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, 4.53516, 6.16846, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, 4.53516, 3.67169, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, 4.53516, 1.34039, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, 4.53516, -1.10651, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, 4.56964, -3.64682, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, 4.56964, -5.98782, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, 4.56964, -8.19128, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, 1.6488, -8.19128, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, -1.6402, -8.19128, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, -4.5105, -8.19128, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, -4.5105, -6.00995, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, -4.5105, -3.62885, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, -4.5105, -1.07584, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, -4.5105, 1.33994, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, -4.5105, 3.70264, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, -4.5105, 6.15286, -0.108089, 82, 82, 82, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4568, 0.299133, -0.552887, -0.108089, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 12, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4572, -0.611755, -0.448853, -4.95911e-005, 62, 62, 62, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 15, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4572, 2.59991, -0.448853, -4.95911e-005, 72, 72, 72, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 15, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4572, 5.48474, -0.448853, -4.95911e-005, 69, 69, 69, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 15, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4572, 5.48474, -4.15692, -4.95911e-005, 75, 75, 75, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 15, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4572, -0.512939, -4.15692, -4.95911e-005, 60, 60, 60, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 15, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4572, -0.512939, -7.93469, -4.95911e-005, 64, 64, 64, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 15, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4572, 2.54944, -7.93469, -4.95911e-005, 72, 72, 72, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 15, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4572, 5.53381, -7.93469, -4.95911e-005, 75, 75, 75, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 15, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4572, 1.57556, -7.08124, -2.39648, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 15, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4583, -8.26123, 2.80695, 4.02675, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 8, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4583, 0.0791016, 3.08072, 4.02675, 198, 198, 198, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 12, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4583, -8.84119, -5.0867, 4.02675, 129, 209, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/bar/bar.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/bar/bar.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a5efff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/bar/bar.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/bridge/bridge.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/bridge/bridge.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09da409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/bridge/bridge.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+2750, Roosbridge_dt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 5, 23
+2751, RoosbrgeStartf_dt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 5, 23
+2752, Roosbridge1_dt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 5, 23
+2753, Roosbridge2_dt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 5, 23
+2754, Roosbridge3_dt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 5, 23
+2755, Roosbridge4_dt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 5, 23
+2756, Roosbridge5_dt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 5, 23
+2757, Roosbridge6_dt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 5, 23
+2758, Roosbridge07_dt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 5, 23
+2759, LODsbridge6_dt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 5, 23
+2760, LODsbridge3_dt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 5, 23
+2761, LODsbridge2_dt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 5, 23
+2762, LODsbridge1_dt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 5, 23
+2763, LODsbridge_dt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 5, 23
+2764, LODsbridge4_dt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 5, 23
+2765, LODsbridge5_dt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 5, 23
+2766, LODsbridge07_dt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 5, 23
+2767, LODsbrgeStartf_dt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 5, 23
+2768, Roosbridge_nt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 23, 5
+2769, RoosbrgeStartf_nt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 23, 5
+2770, Roosbridge1_nt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 23, 5
+2771, Roosbridge2_nt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 23, 5
+2772, Roosbridge3_nt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 23, 5
+2773, Roosbridge4_nt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 23, 5
+2774, Roosbridge5_nt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 23, 5
+2775, Roosbridge6_nt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 23, 5
+2776, Roosbridge07_nt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 23, 5
+2777, LODsbridge6_nt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 23, 5
+2778, LODsbridge3_nt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 23, 5
+2779, LODsbridge2_nt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 23, 5
+2780, LODsbridge1_nt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 23, 5
+2781, LODsbridge_nt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 23, 5
+2782, LODsbridge4_nt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 23, 5
+2783, LODsbridge5_nt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 23, 5
+2784, LODsbridge07_nt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 23, 5
+2785, LODsbrgeStartf_nt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 23, 5
+2786, RoosbrgeStart_r_dt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 5, 23
+2787, RoosbrgeStart_r_nt, bwidge, 1, 100, 0, 23, 5
+2788, LODsbrgeStart_r_nt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 23, 5
+2789, LODsbrgeStart_r_dt, LODbridge, 1, 3000, 0, 5, 23
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/cisland/cisland.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/cisland/cisland.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65e8f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/cisland/cisland.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+2190, ci_islandwest, ci_studionew1, 1, 200, 0
+2191, ci_studiowall, ci_studionew1, 1, 200, 0
+2192, ci_astage, ci_studio2, 1, 120, 128
+2193, ci_mansionwall1, ci_island1, 1, 200, 128
+2194, ci_watertank, ci_studio5, 1, 90, 128
+2195, ci_screening, ci_studio6, 1, 90, 128
+2196, ci_screeningstairs, ci_studio6, 1, 90, 128
+2197, ci_offices, ci_studio6, 1, 90, 128
+2198, ci_gateway, ci_island1, 1, 200, 128
+2199, ci_backdrop, ci_island1, 1, 90, 128
+2200, ci_industrial1, ci_industrial, 1, 199, 0
+2201, ci_screening2, ci_studio6, 1, 90, 128
+2202, ci_kerb1, ci_studionew1, 1, 90, 128
+2203, ci_fence2, ci_island1, 1, 90, 128
+2204, ci_trees1, generic, 1, 200, 132
+2205, ci_planter2, generic, 1, 55, 132
+2206, ci_planter1, generic, 1, 55, 132
+2207, ci_backgateopen, ci_studio4, 1, 90, 128
+2208, ci_trees02, generic, 1, 200, 132
+2209, ci_islandeast, ci_studionew1, 1, 200, 0
+2210, ci_busht_02, generic, 1, 80, 132
+2211, ci_trees03, generic, 1, 200, 132
+2212, ci_busht_04, generic, 1, 80, 132
+2213, ci_busht_06, generic, 1, 80, 132
+2214, ci_islandnorth, ci_studionew1, 1, 200, 0
+2215, ci_graf_mansion3, ci_mansion1, 1, 45, 132
+2216, ci_graf_mansion1, ci_mansion1, 1, 45, 132
+2217, ci_posters, ci_posters, 1, 90, 132
+2218, ci_studwallgraf, ci_mansion1, 1, 90, 132
+2219, ci_busht_08, generic, 1, 150, 132
+2220, ci_graf_fountain, ci_mansion1, 1, 35, 132
+2221, ci_boards1, ci_mansion2, 1, 45, 128
+2222, ci_boards2, ci_mansion2, 1, 45, 128
+2223, ci_trees04, generic, 1, 90, 132
+2224, ci_manscourt, ci_island3, 1, 45, 132
+2225, ci_poolhouse, ci_island3, 1, 45, 132
+2226, ci_poolwall1, ci_island3, 1, 45, 132
+2227, ci_poolsteps, ci_island3, 1, 45, 132
+2228, ci_busht_11, generic, 1, 80, 132
+2229, ci_trees05, generic, 1, 200, 132
+2230, ci_jawsramp1, ci_studio3, 1, 45, 128
+2231, ci_backlot3, ci_backlot, 1, 150, 128
+2232, ci_backlot2, ci_backlot, 1, 150, 128
+2233, ci_backlot1, ci_backlot, 1, 150, 128
+2234, ci_backlotprops3, ci_pornset, 1, 150, 128
+2235, ci_backlotprops2, ci_pornset, 1, 150, 128
+2236, ci_backlotprops1, ci_pornset, 1, 150, 128
+2237, ci_dstageext, ci_studio3, 1, 90, 128
+2241, ci_dirtcorn3, ci_dirtcorn, 1, 90, 132
+2242, ci_dirtcorn4, ci_dirtcorn, 1, 90, 132
+2243, ci_dirtcorn1, ci_dirtcorn, 1, 90, 132
+2244, ci_mans1rail, ci_mansrails, 1, 45, 132
+2245, LODislandwest, ci_LOD, 1, 900, 384
+2246, LODislandeast, ci_LOD, 1, 900, 384
+2247, LODscreening, ci_LOD, 1, 680, 384
+2248, LODislandnorth, ci_LOD, 1, 900, 384
+2249, LODcstage, ci_LOD, 1, 680, 384
+2250, LODdstageext, ci_LOD, 1, 680, 384
+2251, LODstudiowall, ci_LOD, 1, 900, 384
+2252, LODbacklot1, ci_LOD, 1, 720, 384
+2253, LODbstage, ci_LOD, 1, 680, 384
+2254, LODmansion1, ci_LOD, 1, 680, 384
+2255, LODmansion3, ci_LOD, 1, 680, 384
+2256, LODoffices, ci_LOD, 1, 680, 384
+2257, LODscreening2, ci_LOD, 1, 680, 384
+2258, ci_mans2rail1, ci_mansrails, 1, 45, 132
+2259, ci_mansion3ballust, ci_ballust, 1, 45, 132
+2260, LODmansion2, ci_LOD, 1, 680, 384
+2261, ci_dirtcorn2, ci_dirtcorn, 1, 90, 132
+2262, ci_mans1grafint, ci_mansionint1, 1, 45, 164
+2263, ci_mans1int, ci_mansionint1, 1, 45, 160
+2264, ci_mans1stair1, ci_mansionint1, 1, 45, 160
+2265, ci_mans1grndfl, ci_mansionint1, 1, 45, 160
+2266, ci_mans1istfl, ci_mansionint1, 1, 45, 160
+2267, ci_mans1stair2, ci_mansionint1, 1, 45, 160
+2268, ci_mans1rail1, ci_mansionint1, 1, 45, 164
+2269, ci_mans1roof, ci_mansionint1, 1, 45, 160
+2270, ci_officewindows, ci_studio6, 1, 90, 132
+2271, ci_dstage, ci_studio3, 1, 100, 160
+2272, ci_pornobed, ci_pornset, 1, 20, 160
+2273, ci_pornocarpet, ci_pornset, 1, 45, 160
+2274, ci_flatprop02, ci_pornset, 1, 45, 160
+2275, ci_camera1_01, ci_filmstuff1, 1, 45, 160
+2276, ci_dstageshad, ci_shadcay, 1, 45, 164
+2277, ci_pornset1, ci_pornset, 1, 45, 160
+2278, ci_flatprop01, ci_pornset, 1, 45, 160
+2279, ci_table1_01, ci_setstuff1, 1, 45, 160
+2280, ci_setshad1, ci_setstuff2, 1, 100, 164
+2281, ci_notice03, ci_filmstuff1, 1, 45, 128
+2282, ci_lights1_01, ci_setstuff1, 1, 45, 160
+2283, ci_dstudiogantry, ci_setstuff1, 1, 35, 164
+2284, ci_dstudlights, ci_setstuff1, 1, 35, 164
+2285, ci_lights1_02, ci_setstuff1, 1, 45, 160
+2286, ci_dstudganwal, ci_setstuff1, 1, 35, 164
+2287, ci_cstage, ci_studio2, 1, 90, 128
+2288, ci_cstageint, ci_setstuff1, 1, 100, 160
+2289, ci_Acyclorama, ci_island1, 1, 35, 160
+2290, ci_shipset, ci_setstuff4, 1, 70, 160
+2291, ci_alights1_01, ci_setstuff1, 1, 45, 160
+2292, ci_astudlights, ci_setstuff1, 1, 35, 160
+2293, ci_astudganwal, ci_setstuff1, 1, 35, 164
+2294, ci_astagelights, ci_setstuff4, 1, 35, 164
+2295, nt_ladder_01, ci_setstuff4, 1, 35, 160
+2296, nt_ladder_02, ci_setstuff4, 1, 35, 160
+2297, ci_astageint, ci_studio2, 1, 90, 160
+2298, ci_Asteps, ci_setstuff4, 1, 35, 160
+2299, ci_astudiogantry, ci_setstuff1, 1, 35, 160
+2300, ci_extertank, ci_island1, 1, 90, 128
+2301, ci_bcyclorama1, ci_island1, 1, 35, 160
+2302, ci_blights1_01, ci_setstuff1, 1, 45, 160
+2303, ci_bstudiogantry, ci_setstuff1, 1, 35, 164
+2304, ci_bstudlights, ci_setstuff1, 1, 35, 164
+2305, ci_bstudganwal, ci_setstuff1, 1, 35, 164
+2306, ci_bstage, ci_studio2, 1, 90, 128
+2307, ci_bstageint, ci_island1, 1, 100, 160
+2308, ci_moonsurface, ci_island1, 1, 100, 128
+2309, ci_spaceflag, ci_island1, 1, 35, 164
+2310, ci_lander, ci_island1, 1, 35, 160
+2311, ci_windmach, ci_studio5, 1, 90, 128
+2312, ci_guardhouse1, ci_island1, 1, 90, 132
+2313, LODextertank, ci_LOD, 1, 900, 384
+2314, ci_fountain, ci_mansion1, 1, 90, 128
+2315, props_group1, ci_studio5, 1, 90, 132
+2316, prop_group3, ci_studio5, 1, 90, 128
+2317, prop_group2, ci_studio5, 1, 90, 128
+2318, ci_manintstuff, ci_mansion1, 1, 15, 132
+2319, ci_gatesopen, ci_studio4, 1, 90, 132
+2320, ci_gatesclosed, ci_studio4, 1, 90, 132
+2321, ci_backgateclose, ci_studio4, 1, 90, 128
+2322, LODindustrial1, ci_LOD, 1, 720, 384
+2323, ci_mansion1, ci_mansion1, 1, 140, 128
+2324, ci_mansion2, ci_mansion1, 1, 140, 128
+2325, ci_mansion3, ci_mansion1, 1, 140, 128
+2326, ci_seajetty, ci_studio2, 1, 90, 128
+2327, ci_jetygatesopen, ci_studio4, 1, 90, 132
+2328, ci_jetygatesclosed, ci_studio4, 1, 90, 132
+2329, LODwatertank, ci_LOD, 1, 680, 384
+2330, LODastage, ci_LOD, 1, 720, 384
+2331, ci_palettes, ci_mansion1, 1, 15, 132
+2332, ci_gobo1, ci_setstuff1, 1, 45, 164
+2333, ci_pornsetxtra, ci_pornset, 1, 20, 160
+2334, ci_stairsout01, ci_studionew1, 1, 200, 4
+2335, ci_rdsigns, ci_island1, 1, 90, 128
+2336, ci_rdsigns01, ci_island1, 1, 75, 128
+2337, ci_tankship, ci_studio5, 1, 90, 128
+2338, ci_redhead1_01, ci_redhead, 1, 90, 128
+2339, ci_clightdesk, ci_setstuff1, 1, 45, 160
+2340, ci_windmach2, ci_studio5, 1, 90, 132
+2341, LODbstageint, ci_LOD, 1, 400, 384
+2342, LODcstageint, ci_LOD, 1, 400, 384
+2343, LODastageint, ci_LOD, 1, 400, 384
+2238, ci_dstagelight, ci_shadnit, 1, 45, 132, 21, 5
+2239, ci_astagelight1, ci_shadnit, 1, 90, 132, 21, 5
+2240, ci_astagelight2, ci_shadnit, 1, 90, 132, 21, 5
+2284, 6.41088, -4.49015, -0.334711, 255, 255, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 33, 9, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 1, 0
+2284, -0.304711, 4.84282, -0.334711, 255, 255, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2284, -1.6215, 2.6286, 1.09081, 255, 255, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2284, -4.30968, -1.32753, 1.09081, 255, 255, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2284, -9.26916, -10.2914, -0.334711, 255, 255, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2284, -7.36873, -1.12931, -2.41735, 255, 255, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 9, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2284, 4.14341, -12.3676, -2.41735, 255, 255, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 9, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2291, -0.624496, -0.025653, 1.53221, 255, 255, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2292, -0.393898, 6.47101, -0.121961, 255, 255, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2292, -0.393898, -1.99774, -0.121961, 255, 255, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 3
+2292, -0.495583, -6.65186, -0.121961, 255, 255, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2296, -5.3838, -2.1178, -1.93218, 255, 255, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2296, -5.21666, -11.4895, 0.9155, 255, 255, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2302, -0.893605, -0.0645876, 1.4995, 255, 255, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2304, 0.86515, -16.0966, -0.321051, 255, 255, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2304, -3.48477, -14.751, -0.321051, 255, 255, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 18, 1, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2314, -0.164546, 2.86462, -1.36819, 177, 26, 88, 200, 1, 6, 8.25081e-005, 0.00472687, 0.00162784, 0.5
+2314, 2.46537, -0.0616455, -1.36819, 177, 26, 88, 200, 1, 6, 0.00472759, 0, 0.00162784, 0.5
+2314, -2.80289, -0.0869141, -1.36819, 177, 26, 88, 200, 1, 6, -0.00472687, 8.25076e-005, 0.00162784, 0.5
+2314, -0.0273533, -2.99707, -1.36819, 177, 26, 88, 200, 1, 6, -4.12554e-005, -0.00472741, 0.00162784, 0.5
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/club/club.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/club/club.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbafc52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/club/club.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+4720, clubceilingdome, mainclub2, 1, 100, 160
+4721, cl_main_room, hi_cutmaincl, 1, 100, 160
+4722, cl_recessedlights1, mainclub2, 1, 100, 164
+4723, cl_curtains, hi_cutmaincl, 1, 100, 164
+4724, cl_stage, hi_cutmaincl, 1, 100, 160
+4725, cl_recessed_flr, mainclub2, 1, 100, 164
+4726, cl_spots, mainclub2, 1, 100, 160
+4727, cl_tbl_chait_tmp, mainclub2, 1, 100, 160
+4728, cl_railing, mainclub2, 1, 100, 160
+4729, cl_stage_roof, hi_cutmaincl, 1, 100, 160
+4730, cl_mainwalls, hi_cutclwaltst, 1, 100, 160
+4731, club_exterior01, cl_ext1, 1, 150, 128
+4732, club_exterior02, cl_ext2, 1, 100, 128
+4733, club_exterior03, cl_ext2, 1, 100, 132
+4734, club_exterior04, cl_ext2, 1, 100, 132
+4735, club_exterior05, cl_ext2, 1, 100, 132
+4736, club_exterior06, cl_ext2, 1, 100, 128
+4737, club_exterior07, cl_ext3, 1, 100, 128
+4738, club_exterior08, cl_vegbits, 1, 100, 132
+4739, club_exterior09, cl_vegbits, 1, 100, 132
+4740, club_exterior10, cl_ext2, 1, 100, 128
+4741, club_exterior11, cl_vegbits, 1, 100, 132
+4742, club_exterior12, cl_vegbits, 1, 100, 132
+4743, cb_CLUBSTAIRS, hi_cutclubbar, 1, 100, 160
+4744, cl_bckrm_tablewee, hi_cutcluboffice, 1, 100, 160
+4745, cl_bckrm_couchs, hi_cutcluboffice, 1, 100, 160
+4746, clubbackroom, hi_cutcluboffice, 1, 100, 160
+4747, cl_of_opac, hi_cutclof_opa, 1, 100, 164
+4748, cl_coolers, hi_cutclubbar, 1, 100, 164
+4749, cl_bar_temp1, hi_cutclubbar, 1, 100, 160
+4750, cl_ofs_props, hi_cuttblprop, 1, 7, 164
+4751, cl_yachtmdl, cl_yacht, 1, 6, 160
+4752, cl_lightsuprts, mainclub2, 1, 100, 164
+4753, cl_light_st, hi_cutmaincl, 1, 100, 160
+4754, cl_main_roomb, hi_cutmaincl, 1, 100, 160
+4755, cl_mainwallsb, hi_cutclwaltst, 1, 100, 160
+4756, cl_railingb, mainclub2, 1, 100, 160
+4757, cl_tbl_chait_tmpb, mainclub2, 1, 100, 160
+4758, cl_main_room12, hi_cutmaincl, 1, 100, 160
+4759, cl_main_roomb2, hi_cutmaincl, 1, 100, 160
+4760, cl_dancefloor, hi_cutmaincl, 1, 100, 160
+4761, cl_tablesetlrg, hi_cuttblprop, 1, 7, 164
+4762, cl_tblesetsml, hi_cuttblprop, 1, 7, 164
+4763, cl_bckrm_tble, hi_cutcluboffice, 1, 100, 160
+4721, 9.89917, -4.43922, -2.89738, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, 0.035553, -0.999368, -6.81368e-005, 0.035553, -0.999368, -6.81368e-005
+4721, 9.39572, -4.45834, -2.89738, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, 0.035553, -0.999368, -6.81368e-005, 0.035553, -0.999368, -6.81368e-005
+4722, -2.76812, 16.3968, -0.43701, 94, 50, 50, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4722, -2.80686, 14.3955, -0.437011, 89, 84, 89, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4722, 0.471711, 14.3955, -0.437011, 89, 84, 89, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4722, 0.510449, 16.3968, -0.43701, 94, 50, 50, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4722, 3.84449, 14.3955, -0.437011, 89, 84, 89, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4722, 3.88323, 16.3968, -0.43701, 94, 50, 50, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4722, 11.3489, 8.27651, -0.669967, 231, 207, 232, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4722, -7.69298, 11.2645, -0.669967, 231, 207, 232, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 6, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4722, -6.38731, -10.7964, -0.669967, 231, 207, 232, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4722, 9.81163, -9.43052, -0.669967, 231, 207, 232, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 0.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4722, -0.861818, -4.70043, -4.53536, 216, 79, 147, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 4
+4722, -3.09756, 2.57948, -4.53536, 203, 74, 138, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 4
+4722, 4.56485, 0.252443, -4.53536, 229, 84, 155, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 4
+4726, -6.52304, -1.57723, -0.0166197, 199, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 2
+4726, -0.429405, 5.07194, 0.238138, 25, 131, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -1.54747, 5.52368, -0.0166197, 0, 66, 128, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -2.66452, 5.97499, 0.203137, 144, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -4.62974, 6.76898, -0.0166197, 0, 43, 121, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -5.32189, 5.05587, -0.0166197, 111, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -6.57421, 3.54326, -0.0166197, 0, 134, 16, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -7.3738, 0.708517, -0.0166197, 134, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -7.6186, -0.675502, 0.140497, 0, 93, 198, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, 1.91648, 4.12414, -0.0818367, 225, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -4.17131, -2.36066, 0.167723, 117, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -3.00305, -2.91979, -0.0166197, 0, 54, 190, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -1.29591, -4.13004, -0.0166197, 48, 170, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -0.106537, -4.01562, 0.0806541, 0, 61, 117, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, 1.04441, -1.36851, 0.158259, 0, 63, 121, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, 1.33541, -0.648302, -0.0166197, 0, 121, 43, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, 2.16862, 0.810104, -0.0166197, 0, 51, 114, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, 2.94608, 3.06087, 0.163614, 12, 104, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -9.64387, -0.982315, -1.8823, 0, 121, 43, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -9.64387, -0.982315, -2.507, 121, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -9.64387, -0.982315, -3.21762, 0, 83, 121, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -6.09448, 7.91844, -3.21762, 0, 134, 196, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -6.09448, 7.91844, -2.507, 121, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4726, -6.09448, 7.91844, -1.8823, 0, 121, 43, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4746, -0.70294, 5.42978, 0.561605, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 4, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4746, -0.668315, 0.0405674, 0.561605, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 4, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4746, -4.06753, 1.76494, 0.561605, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 6, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4746, -8.00457, 4.97524, 0.561605, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 4, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4746, -8.04117, -0.638081, 0.561605, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 4, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4747, -6.08912, 0.454603, 1.20564, 59, 59, 59, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4747, -4.47305, 0.454611, 1.20564, 59, 59, 59, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4747, -2.84935, 0.454603, 1.20564, 59, 59, 59, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4747, -2.84936, -1.39552, 1.20564, 59, 59, 59, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4747, -2.84936, -3.2184, 1.20564, 59, 59, 59, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4747, -4.48377, -3.2184, 1.20564, 59, 59, 59, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4747, -6.1145, -3.21839, 1.20564, 59, 59, 59, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4747, -6.1145, -1.39944, 1.20564, 59, 59, 59, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4747, -0.696084, -2.97946, 0.606831, 59, 59, 59, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4747, -0.696093, 2.32832, 0.606831, 59, 59, 59, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4747, -8.37404, 2.01393, 0.606831, 59, 59, 59, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4747, -8.37405, -3.70007, 0.606831, 59, 59, 59, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4747, -5.40002, -6.67279, -0.177715, 255, 195, 247, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 4.5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4747, -12.9663, 3.18236, -0.903402, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 4.5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4749, 0.457613, -0.344084, 0.687533, 220, 185, 225, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4749, 0.0756803, -25.8551, 0.687533, 230, 175, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4754, 15.9516, 7.48001, -2.89738, 230, 175, 238, 200, 3, 1, -0.994329, -0.106347, -7.21882e-005, -0.994329, -0.106347, -7.21882e-005
+4758, 2.06165, -7.51857, -2.19823, 230, 175, 238, 200, 3, 1, -0.999924, 0.0123516, 0, -0.999924, 0.0123516, 0
+4762, 0.0198059, 0.0391388, 0.099515, 105, 102, 99, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4762, 0.0198059, 0.0391388, 0.140656, 255, 247, 240, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/concerth/concerth.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/concerth/concerth.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6971459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/concerth/concerth.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+4665, concerth29, stagestuff, 1, 200, 36
+4666, concerth02, bakstgstuff, 1, 200, 36
+4667, concerth03, bakstgstuff, 1, 200, 36
+4668, concerth04, bakstgstuff, 1, 200, 36
+4669, concerth05, stagestuff, 1, 200, 32
+4670, concerth06, stagestuff, 1, 200, 32
+4671, concerth07, stagestuff, 1, 200, 36
+4672, concerth08, stagestuff, 1, 200, 36
+4673, concerth09, stagestuff, 1, 200, 0
+4674, concerth10, stagestuff, 1, 200, 36
+4675, concerth11, stagestuff, 1, 200, 0
+4676, concerth12, stagebar, 1, 200, 36
+4677, concerth27, bakstgstuff, 1, 200, 32
+4678, concerth48, bakstgstuff, 1, 200, 36
+4679, concerth49, bakstgstuff, 1, 200, 36
+4680, concerth50, bakstgstuff, 1, 200, 36
+4681, concerth51, bakstgstuff, 1, 200, 36
+4682, concerth52, bakstgstuff, 1, 200, 36
+4683, concerth54, bakstgstuff, 1, 200, 36
+4684, concerth56, stagestuff, 1, 200, 32
+4670, -0.611511, -1.67493, -0.7428, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 6
+4670, 0.672791, -1.67493, -0.746941, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 6
+4673, 5.46271, 4.00732, -1.09715, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4673, -2.84741, 8.18811, -1.9073, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 0.230896, 8.21252, -2.01739, 30, 255, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 2.02643, 8.1709, -2.01739, 0, 66, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 2.98895, 8.16895, -2.01739, 0, 66, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 4.28162, 8.16724, -2.01739, 30, 255, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 7.51385, 8.12634, -1.85963, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 10.3366, 6.68677, -1.84778, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 6.13721, 6.67395, -1.62215, 30, 255, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 2.20569, 6.71387, -1.53532, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 4
+4673, -0.788635, 6.76697, -1.63088, 30, 255, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4673, -5.35376, 6.67395, -1.53532, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, -5.59998, 4.08728, -1.09715, 30, 255, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, -3.64252, 4.69678, -1.09715, 30, 255, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 4
+4673, -1.87158, 4.09167, -1.26781, 0, 66, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, -0.485046, 3.9491, -1.09715, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 1.74469, 4.82263, -1.09715, 30, 255, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 3.38019, 4.77124, -1.09715, 30, 255, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 6.75293, 4.04858, -1.30716, 0, 66, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 8.49323, 4.61743, -1.09715, 30, 255, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 4
+4673, 10.524, 4.11633, -1.09715, 30, 255, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 11.4331, 1.83276, -0.760607, 0, 66, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 6.48297, 1.88745, -0.760607, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 2.95929, 1.55908, -0.978771, 30, 255, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, -1.44806, 1.95667, -0.760607, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, -3.71381, 0.440674, -0.295698, 30, 255, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 0.158081, -0.321411, -0.46102, 0, 66, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 2.42975, 0.421509, -0.39526, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 4
+4673, 4.58698, -0.286377, -0.444201, 0, 66, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 8.51477, 0.480225, -0.241005, 30, 255, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 11.537, -0.257324, -0.369791, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, -6.45343, -0.166016, -0.295698, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 2.27502, 2.86816, -0.959766, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4673, -6.46423, 1.8606, -0.760607, 0, 66, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4673, 2.90521, 5.34351, -1.35112, 30, 255, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4677, -6.85785, 6.49121, 2.43556, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, -6.85785, 4.05737, 1.33836, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, -10.0789, 4.05737, 1.33836, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, -10.0789, 6.49121, 2.43556, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, 6.78894, 6.49121, 2.43556, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, 10.0099, 6.49121, 2.43556, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, 6.78894, 4.05737, 1.33836, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, 10.0099, 4.05737, 1.33836, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, 3.84918, -35.2537, 7.72322, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 25, 8, 0, 40, 0, 0, 1, 7
+4677, -3.68243, -35.2537, 7.72322, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 25, 8, 0, 40, 0, 0, 1, 7
+4677, 14.7017, -31.3213, 7.72322, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 25, 8, 0, 40, 0, 0, 1, 7
+4677, -15.7062, -31.3213, 7.72322, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 25, 8, 0, 40, 0, 0, 1, 7
+4677, -15.4976, -19.1827, 12.6758, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 25, 8, 0, 40, 0, 0, 1, 7
+4677, 14.7017, -19.1827, 12.6758, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 35, 25, 8, 0, 40, 0, 0, 1, 7
+4677, 3.22955, 3.16028, 2.07176, 251, 251, 251, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1.5, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4677, 2.33826, 3.16028, 2.07176, 251, 251, 251, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1.5, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4677, 1.45905, 3.16028, 2.07176, 251, 251, 251, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1.5, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4677, 0.517212, 3.16028, 2.07176, 251, 251, 251, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1.5, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4677, -0.4422, 3.16028, 2.07176, 251, 251, 251, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1.5, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4677, -1.3335, 3.16028, 2.07176, 251, 251, 251, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1.5, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4677, -2.21271, 3.16028, 2.07176, 251, 251, 251, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1.5, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4677, -3.15448, 3.16028, 2.07176, 251, 251, 251, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 18, 1.5, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4677, -7.63861, 6.49121, 2.43556, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, -7.63861, 4.05737, 1.33836, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, 9.22919, 6.49121, 2.43556, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, 9.22919, 4.05737, 1.33836, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, -8.42645, 6.49121, 2.43556, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, -8.42645, 4.05737, 1.33836, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, 8.44135, 6.49121, 2.43556, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, 8.44135, 4.05737, 1.33836, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, -9.25153, 6.49121, 2.43556, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, -9.25153, 4.05737, 1.33836, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, 7.61621, 6.49121, 2.43556, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
+4677, 7.61621, 4.05737, 1.33836, 141, 7, 58, 200, 1, 3, 1.31134e-008, 0, 0.15, 0.5
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/docks/docks.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/docks/docks.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..84cf183
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/docks/docks.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+640, dk_dockroads01, dockroads, 1, 175, 1
+641, dk_dockroads02, dockroads, 1, 200, 1
+642, dk_dockroads03, dockroads, 1, 144, 1
+643, dk_dockroads04, dockroads, 1, 144, 1
+644, dk_dockroads05, dockroads, 1, 144, 1
+645, dk_dockroads06, dock_bridge, 1, 180, 0
+646, docks10, docks, 1, 250, 128
+647, docks21, dockgrnd, 1, 250, 0
+648, docks29, dockgrnd, 1, 144, 0
+649, docks30, docfactories, 1, 144, 4
+650, docks31, docfactories, 1, 100, 0
+651, docks37, docfactories, 1, 120, 128
+652, docks40, docfactories, 1, 80, 128
+653, docks42, dk_midbuilds, 1, 80, 128
+654, docks43, dk_midbuilds, 1, 80, 128
+655, dk_dockroads08, dockroads, 1, 144, 1
+656, docks46, dk_houses, 1, 120, 128
+657, docks47, dk_midbuilds, 1, 80, 128
+658, docks48, dk_midbuilds, 1, 80, 128
+659, docks49, dk_midbuilds, 1, 80, 128
+660, docks50, dk_midbuilds, 1, 80, 128
+661, docks51, dk_midbuilds, 1, 80, 128
+662, docks52, dk_midbuilds, 1, 80, 128
+663, docks53, dk_midbuilds, 1, 80, 128
+664, docks85, dockgrnd, 1, 144, 0
+665, docksprops04, dk_midbuilds, 1, 150, 128
+666, docksprops10, crate, 1, 50, 132
+667, doc_shedbig30, docksb, 1, 100, 128
+668, boatcranelg0, crate, 1, 50, 132
+669, crgoshp010, dock_ships, 1, 144, 132
+670, cranebasea0, cranes, 1, 135, 132
+671, doc_dockwareold, docfactories, 1, 80, 128
+672, dk_waretank, crate, 1, 75, 128
+673, dockcranescale0, doccrane, 1, 110, 132
+674, doc_crane_cab0, crate, 1, 50, 132
+675, boatcranesm0, crate, 1, 50, 196
+676, LODtship_structure0, lod_docks, 1, 1000, 128
+677, LODoshp010, lod_docks, 1, 1000, 128
+678, LODkcranescale0, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+679, LODkcranescale01, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+680, dockcranescale01, doccrane, 1, 110, 132
+681, doc_crane_cab01, crate, 1, 50, 132
+682, doc_crane_cab02, crate, 1, 50, 132
+683, doc_crane_cab03, crate, 1, 50, 132
+684, doc_crane_cab04, docfactories, 1, 150, 132
+685, doc_craneeggs04, doccrane, 1, 150, 132
+686, dkshipment01, crate, 1, 50, 128
+687, dockfuel02, crate, 1, 50, 128
+688, dockfuel07, docfactories, 1, 140, 132
+689, portcabGAZ06, dk_midbuilds, 1, 92, 128
+690, dk_cargoshp03, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 132
+691, dk_cargoshp04, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 132
+692, dk_cargoshp05, dkcargoshp, 1, 112, 132
+693, dk_cargoshp10, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 128
+694, dk_cargoshp12, dkcargoshp, 1, 200, 128
+695, dk_cargoshp24, dkcargoshp, 1, 96, 128
+696, dk_cargoshp25, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 128
+697, dk_cargoshp28, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 132
+698, dk_cargoshp31, dkcargoshp, 1, 200, 128
+699, dk_cargoshp32, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 128
+700, dk_cargoshp35, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 128
+701, dk_cargoshp40, dkcargoshp, 1, 120, 128
+702, dk_cargoshp41, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 132
+703, dk_cargoshp47, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 128
+704, dk_cargoshp50, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 128
+705, dk_cargoshp51, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 128
+706, dk_cargoshp53, dkcargoshp, 1, 120, 132
+707, dk_cargoshp54, dkcargoshp, 1, 100, 128
+708, dk_cargoshp64, dkcargoshp, 1, 112, 128
+709, dk_cargoshp66, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 128
+710, dk_cargoshp70, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 128
+711, dk_cargoshp71, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 128
+712, dk_cargoshp72, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 128
+713, dk_cargoshp73, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 128
+714, dk_cargoshp76, dkcargoshp, 1, 200, 128
+715, shipstairs, dkcargoshp, 1, 200, 132
+716, dk_cargoshp95, dkcargoshp, 1, 120, 128
+717, dk_cargoshp100, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 128
+718, dockfence, dockfence, 1, 80, 132
+719, LODargohull2, lod_docks2, 1, 750, 256
+720, dock_camjones, dk_safecrack, 1, 80, 128
+721, LODks46, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+722, LODks42, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+723, dock_grassarea, dockgrnd, 1, 180, 0
+724, LODks47, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+725, LODks61, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+726, docksware01, docks, 1, 150, 132
+727, dk_gatebar01, dk_midbuilds, 1, 80, 128
+728, dk_gatebox01, dk_midbuilds, 1, 150, 132
+729, dockgate01, dk_midbuilds, 1, 150, 132
+730, dockgate02, dockfence, 1, 150, 132
+731, docks92, docks, 1, 90, 128
+732, docks93, docks, 1, 90, 128
+733, docksprops11, dk_midbuilds, 1, 150, 128
+734, docks95, docks, 1, 112, 128
+735, dk_gatebar02, dk_midbuilds, 1, 80, 128
+736, docks96, dk_midbuilds, 1, 80, 128
+737, dk_bridgesupp01, dock_bridge, 1, 144, 128
+738, dk_bridgesupp03, dock_bridge, 1, 160, 128
+739, dk_dockbridge, dock_bridge, 1, 180, 0
+740, dk_rail01, dock_bridge, 1, 80, 0
+741, dkcargohull2, dkcargoshp, 1, 200, 128
+742, dk_bridgesupp04, dock_bridge, 1, 144, 128
+743, LODks28, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+744, LODksware01, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+745, LODks29, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+746, LODks10, lod_docks, 1, 1000, 128
+747, LODks21, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+748, LOD_shedbig30, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+749, LODks30, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+750, LODdockroads02, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+751, LODdockroads03, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+752, LODdockroads05, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+753, LODdockroads04, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+754, LODks85, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+755, LODks96, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+756, dkshipment03, crate, 1, 50, 128
+757, dkshipment05, crate, 1, 50, 128
+758, LODhipment03, lod_docks, 1, 500, 128
+759, LODhipment01, lod_docks, 1, 400, 128
+760, LODhipment05, lod_docks, 1, 500, 128
+761, LODksprops10, lod_docks, 1, 500, 128
+762, LODksprops04, lod_docks, 1, 500, 128
+763, LOD_dockwareold, lod_docks, 1, 500, 128
+764, b_hse_ext, boathouse, 1, 144, 128
+765, b_hse_pier, boathouse, 1, 222, 128
+766, boat_kb1, boathouse, 1, 80, 128
+767, boat_kb2, boathouse, 1, 50, 160
+768, LODse_pier, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+769, b_hse_interior, boathouse, 1, 144, 128
+770, docks28, docks, 1, 112, 128
+771, LODks40, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+772, LODk_grassarea, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+773, LODdockroads06, lod_docks2, 1, 1330, 256
+774, docks32, docfactories, 1, 100, 0
+775, LODk_camjones, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+776, LODdockbridge, lod_docks2, 1, 1330, 256
+777, LODbridgesupp01, lod_docks2, 1, 1330, 256
+778, LODbridgesupp03, lod_docks2, 1, 1330, 256
+779, LODks49, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+780, LODks51, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+781, LODks53, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+782, LODks43, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+783, LODks48, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+784, LODks50, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+785, LODks52, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+786, LODbridgesupp04, lod_docks2, 1, 1330, 256
+787, dk_rail02, dock_bridge, 1, 80, 0
+788, dk_rail03, dock_bridge, 1, 80, 0
+789, dk_cargoshp65, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 128
+790, dk_cargoshp01, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 128
+791, dk_cargoshp68, dkcargoshp, 1, 80, 128
+792, LODcargoshp05, lod_docks2, 1, 750, 256
+793, LODcargoshp24, lod_docks2, 1, 750, 256
+794, LODcargoshp25, lod_docks2, 1, 500, 256
+795, LODcargoshp03, lod_docks2, 1, 500, 256
+796, LODcargoshp04, lod_docks2, 1, 500, 256
+797, LODcargoshp64, lod_docks2, 1, 500, 256
+798, LODcargoshp28, lod_docks2, 1, 500, 256
+799, LODcargoshp41, lod_docks2, 1, 500, 256
+800, LODcargoshp70, lod_docks2, 1, 600, 256
+801, LODcargoshp71, lod_docks2, 1, 600, 256
+802, LODcargoshp47, lod_docks2, 1, 500, 256
+803, LODcargoshp35, lod_docks2, 1, 500, 256
+804, LODcargoshp51, lod_docks2, 1, 500, 256
+805, LODcargoshp50, lod_docks2, 1, 500, 256
+806, LODcargoshp32, lod_docks2, 1, 500, 256
+807, LODcargoshp72, lod_docks2, 1, 600, 256
+808, LODcargoshp73, lod_docks2, 1, 600, 256
+809, dock_props01, crate, 1, 50, 132
+810, dkglue3, dkglue, 1, 45, 4
+811, dkfirtpass2, dkglue, 1, 50, 36
+812, rustship_structure0, dock_ships, 1, 144, 132
+813, dk_waretankdoor1, crate, 1, 75, 128
+814, docksprops12, dk_midbuilds, 1, 150, 128
+815, docksprops13, dk_midbuilds, 1, 150, 128
+816, LODks95, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+817, dk_shipstair, dkcargoshp, 1, 100, 132
+818, docksprops14, dk_midbuilds, 1, 150, 128
+819, LODksprops14, lod_docks, 1, 400, 128
+820, dk_rail04, dock_bridge, 1, 80, 0
+821, dk_rail05, dock_bridge, 1, 80, 0
+822, dk_rail06, dock_bridge, 1, 80, 0
+823, dk_rail07, dock_bridge, 1, 80, 0
+824, LODks93, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+825, LODks92, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+826, dk_camjonesdoor, dk_safecrack, 1, 80, 128
+827, dk_paynspray, docks, 1, 112, 128
+828, dk_paynspraydoor, docks, 1, 100, 128
+829, b_hse_pierfence, dockfence, 1, 160, 132
+830, LODks37, lod_docks, 1, 600, 128
+831, LODse_ext, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+832, docksprops15, crate, 1, 50, 132
+833, docks61, dockgrnd, 1, 144, 0
+834, docks60, dockgrnd, 1, 144, 0
+835, docks62, dockgrnd, 1, 144, 0
+836, LODwaretank, lod_docks, 1, 500, 128
+837, dk_bombdoor, docksb, 1, 40, 128
+838, LODdockroads01, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+839, LODpaynspray, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+840, LODksprops15, lod_docks, 1, 400, 128
+841, LODnebasea0, lod_docks, 1, 1000, 128
+842, LODnetopa0, lod_docks, 1, 1000, 132
+843, LODkfuel02, lod_docks, 1, 400, 128
+844, LODks62, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+845, LODdockroads08, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+846, LODks32, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+847, LODks31, lod_docks, 1, 600, 128
+848, LODks60, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+849, dock_props02, crate, 1, 50, 128
+850, docks10rail, docks, 1, 150, 132
+851, LODksprops11, lod_docks, 1, 500, 128
+852, dk_reef, boathouse, 1, 50, 164
+853, dkcargohull2b, dkcargoshp, 1, 200, 128
+854, dkcargohull2c, dkcargoshp, 1, 200, 128
+855, dk_rdsignsn, dockroads, 1, 105, 128
+856, dk_rdsignsbr, dockroads, 1, 105, 128
+857, b_hse_doors, boathouse, 1, 100, 128
+858, LODcargoshp40, lod_docks2, 1, 500, 256
+859, LODse_pierfence, lod_docks, 1, 750, 128
+860, dockgrass, dockgrass, 1, 100, 4
+861, b_hse_interiorrays, boathouse, 1, 144, 132, 6, 21
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/downtown/downtown.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/downtown/downtown.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47d442d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/downtown/downtown.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+1860, doontoon03, dt_cube_build, 1, 140, 0
+1861, doontoon04, dt_topshops, 1, 200, 0
+1862, doontoon09, dtn_ground, 1, 250, 0
+1863, doontoon11, dtn_ground, 1, 250, 0
+1864, doontoon18, dt_shops14, 1, 150, 0
+1865, doontoon19, dt_shops14, 1, 140, 0
+1866, doontoon20, dt_modern1, 1, 130, 0
+1867, doontoon21, dt_shops1, 1, 130, 0
+1868, doontoon22, dt_shops1, 1, 200, 0
+1869, doontoon24, dt_shops18, 1, 220, 0
+1870, doontoon25, dt_shops182, 1, 100, 128
+1871, doontoon27, dt_shops188, 1, 120, 0
+1872, doontoon28, dt_shops180, 1, 120, 0
+1873, doontoon29, dt_shops13, 1, 100, 0
+1874, doontoon30, dt_topshops1, 1, 150, 0
+1875, doontoon31, dt_topshops1100, 1, 100, 0
+1876, doontoon32, dt_shops13, 1, 110, 0
+1877, doontoon34, dt_hospital, 1, 150, 0
+1878, doontoon35, dt_shops130, 1, 250, 0
+1879, doontoon36, dt_topshops130, 1, 120, 0
+1880, doontoon37, dt_topshops6, 1, 100, 0
+1881, doontoon38, dt_topshops5, 1, 100, 0
+1882, doontoon39, dt_qbert, 1, 150, 0
+1883, doontoon47, dt_shops3, 1, 120, 0
+1884, doontoon49, dt_shops2, 1, 100, 0
+1885, doontoon50, dt_shops3, 1, 100, 0
+1886, doontoon51, dt_shops3, 1, 100, 0
+1887, doontoon53, dt_VCnews, 1, 150, 128
+1888, doontoon54, dt_egg1, 1, 150, 0
+1889, doontoon55, dt_shops2, 1, 250, 0
+1890, doontoon59, dtn_ground, 1, 250, 0
+1891, doontoon61, dtn_ground2, 1, 250, 0
+1892, doontoon62, dtn_ground, 1, 250, 0
+1893, dt_hotel_waldt, dtn_ground, 1, 250, 0
+1894, doontoon67, dtn_ground, 1, 250, 0
+1895, doontoon70, dtn_ground, 1, 250, 0
+1896, newbuild01, dt_bluebuild, 1, 220, 0
+1897, LODntoon_newbit, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1898, LODntoon39, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1899, ammu_windows1, dt_ammu, 1, 40, 4
+1900, hogans_alley, dt_ammu3, 1, 100, 0
+1901, recordingstudio, recstudio, 1, 30, 36
+1902, instruments, recstudio2, 1, 100, 36
+1903, compound_bits, dt_shops14, 1, 100, 0
+1904, dt_compound_esc, dt_shops13, 1, 100, 0
+1905, compound_fence, compound_fence, 1, 30, 4
+1906, dt_compound_roof, dt_compoundroof, 1, 150, 0
+1907, LODcompound_roof, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1908, gluetest03, dt_shops3, 1, 50, 4
+1909, LODntoon_04_bit2, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1910, dt_tracktyres_04, dt_ntrack, 1, 40, 0
+1911, dt_tracktyres_02, dt_ntrack, 1, 40, 0
+1912, dt_tracktyres_05, dt_ntrack, 1, 40, 0
+1913, dt_tracktyres_03, dt_ntrack, 1, 40, 0
+1914, dt_tracktyres_01, dt_ntrack, 1, 40, 0
+1915, dt_tracktyres_06, dt_ntrack, 1, 40, 0
+1916, dt_track_flags01, dt_ntrack, 1, 200, 4
+1917, test_track, dt_ntrack, 1, 250, 0
+1918, dt_carpsaces13, dtn_ground, 1, 70, 4
+1919, doontoon_22_b, dt_hole_build, 1, 110, 0
+1920, dt_carpsaces14, dtn_ground, 1, 70, 4
+1921, veg_gaz, dtn_veg, 1, 250, 4
+1922, LODntoon55, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1923, doontoon63, dtn_ground, 1, 190, 0
+1924, doontoon56, dt_scyscrap2, 1, 200, 0
+1925, dt_nbeach02, dt_nbeach, 1, 250, 0
+1926, LODd_downtown12, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1927, LODd_downtown14, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1928, LODd_downtown13, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1929, LODd_downtown04, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1930, LODd_downtown03, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1931, LODd_downtown16, dt_brij_LOD, 1, 700, 256
+1932, LODd_downtown02, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1933, LODntoon22, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1934, LODntoon56, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1935, LODntoon53, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1936, LODntoon54, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1937, LODntoon50, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1938, LODntoon49, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1939, LODntoon21, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1940, LODntoon51, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1941, LODntoon03, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1942, LODntoon34, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1943, LODntoon47, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1944, LODntoon35, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1945, LODntoon_top09, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1946, LODntoon_top10, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1947, LODbuild01, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1948, LODbuild02, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1949, LODntoon18, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1950, LODpound_bits, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1951, doontoon_04_bit2, dt_topshops4, 1, 210, 0
+1952, LODntoon38, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1953, LODntoon37, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1954, LODntoon36, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1955, LODntoon19, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1956, LODntoon30, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1957, LODntoon29, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1958, LODntoon32, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1959, LODntoon27, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1960, LODntoon28, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1961, LODntoon31, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1962, LODntoon24, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1963, LODntoon25, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1964, LODntoon_top06, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1965, LODcompound_esc, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1966, dt_nbeach01, dt_nbeach, 1, 250, 0
+1967, dt_nbeach06, dt_nbeach, 1, 250, 0
+1968, LODhotel_waldt, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1969, LODntoon11, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1970, LODntoon09, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1971, LODnbeach01, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1972, LODnbeach02, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1973, LODnbeach03, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1974, LODnbeach05, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1975, LODnbeach06, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1976, LODntoon67, dt_LOD, 1, 800, 0
+1977, LODntoon04, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1978, LODntoon20, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1979, dt_20_holewall, dt_modern1, 1, 60, 4
+1980, LODntoon76, dt_brij_LOD, 1, 1000, 256
+1981, LODunation_dt, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1982, newbuild02, dt_modern2, 1, 90, 0
+1983, dt_bowlsign, dt_topshops1, 1, 15, 0
+1984, dt_marscafe, dt_shops13, 1, 50, 0
+1985, dt_carpsaces15, dt_topshops, 1, 25, 4
+1986, LODntoon70, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+1987, LODntoon63, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1988, LODntoon59, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1989, LODntoon62, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1990, doontoon58, dt_hospital, 1, 150, 0
+1991, ammunation_dt, dt_ammu, 1, 60, 0
+1992, doontoon76, dt_bridges, 1, 250, 384
+1993, doontoon_newbit, dt_topshops50, 1, 190, 0
+1994, xpolytrees1_dt, dtn_veg, 1, 250, 4
+1995, LODbowlsign, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1996, LODmarscafe, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+1997, xpolytrees3_dt, dtn_veg, 1, 250, 4
+1998, xpolytrees2_dt, dtn_veg, 1, 100, 4
+1999, xpolytrees4_dt, dtn_veg, 1, 150, 4
+2000, dt_VAJ, dt_cube_build, 1, 60, 0
+2009, LODntoon61, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+2010, dtn_hospital_fence, dt_hospital, 1, 100, 4
+2011, LODntoon58, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+2012, dt_stadium_entrance, dt_stadium, 1, 120, 0
+2013, LODstadium_entrance, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+2014, LODstadiumland_c, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+2015, doontoon_top09, dt_bluebuild, 1, 200, 0
+2016, dt_stadiumland_c, dt_stadium, 1, 260, 0
+2017, dt_stadium_start, dt_stadium, 1, 190, 0
+2018, dt_stadiumland_a, dt_stadium, 1, 260, 0
+2019, dt_nbeach03, dt_nbeach, 1, 250, 0
+2020, doontoon_top10, dt_modern2, 1, 160, 0
+2021, dt_stadiumland_b, dt_stadium, 1, 260, 0
+2022, doontoon26, dt_shops6, 1, 130, 0
+2023, doontoon_top06, dt_shops5, 1, 220, 0
+2024, dt_nbeach05, dt_nbeach, 1, 250, 0
+2025, doontoon_top_bb, dt_bluebuild, 1, 200, 0
+2026, LODd_downtown17, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+2027, dt_gspot_stairs, dt_topshops4, 1, 100, 4
+2028, dt_stadiumland_d, dt_stadium, 1, 260, 0
+2029, LODstadium_start, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+2030, dtn_stadspacesA, dt_stadium, 1, 260, 4
+2031, LODd_downtown15, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+2032, dt_savedrb, dt_shops13, 1, 80, 0
+2033, dt_savedra, dt_shops13, 1, 80, 0
+2034, dtn_staddoora, dt_stadium, 1, 100, 0
+2035, LODstadiumland_b, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+2036, LODstadiumland_a, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+2037, LODstadiumland_d, dt_LOD, 1, 2000, 0
+2038, LODd_downtown_new2, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+2039, LODd_downtown11, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+2040, LODntoon26, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+2041, LODd_stadiuma, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+2042, dtbloodring_a, dt_bloodring, 1, 250, 0
+2043, dthotring_a, dt_hotring, 1, 250, 0
+2044, dtdirtring_a, dt_dirtrng, 1, 250, 0
+2045, dtn_staddoorb, dt_stadium, 1, 100, 0
+2046, dtn_comp_polysa, dt_shops130, 1, 100, 4
+2047, dtoon62_spaces, dtn_ground, 1, 120, 4
+2048, dt_savedrc, dt_shops13, 1, 100, 0
+2049, dt_savedrd, dt_shops13, 1, 100, 0
+2050, LODntoon_top_bb, dt_LOD2, 1, 700, 0
+2051, dt_roofshit1, dt_shops13, 1, 80, 0
+2052, hogans_alley_b, dt_ammu3, 1, 100, 0
+2053, dtn_stadspacesB, dt_stadium, 1, 260, 4
+2054, road_downtown13, dtn_roads, 1, 250, 1
+2055, road_downtown04, dtn_roads, 1, 250, 1
+2056, road_downtown02, dtn_roads, 1, 150, 1
+2057, road_downtown16, dtn_roads, 1, 280, 257
+2058, road_downtown03, dtn_roads, 1, 250, 1
+2059, road_downtown12, dtn_roads, 1, 250, 1
+2060, road_downtown15, dtn_roads, 1, 250, 1
+2061, road_downtown17, dtn_roads, 1, 250, 1
+2062, road_downtown_new2, dtn_roads, 1, 150, 1
+2063, road_stadiuma, dtn_roads, 1, 250, 1
+2064, road_downtown11, dtn_roads, 1, 210, 1
+2065, dtn_cablesa, dtn_cables, 1, 250, 4
+2066, dtn_cablesc, dtn_cables, 1, 250, 4
+2067, dtn_cablesb, dtn_cables2, 1, 250, 4
+2068, road_downtown14, dtn_roads, 1, 250, 1
+2069, dtn_cablesd, dtn_cables, 1, 200, 4
+2070, dtn_cablesf, dtn_cables, 1, 250, 4
+2071, dtn_cablese, dtn_cables, 1, 250, 4
+2072, stad_roadb, dt_stadium, 1, 250, 1
+2073, stad_roadc, dt_stadium, 1, 250, 1
+2074, stad_roadd, dt_stadium, 1, 250, 1
+2075, stad_roada, dt_stadium, 1, 250, 1
+2076, dtn_veg3, dtn_veg, 1, 150, 4
+2077, dtn_veg4, dtn_veg, 1, 250, 4
+2078, dt_stadium__alfa1, dt_stadium, 1, 100, 4
+2079, dt_stadiumalfa2, dt_stadium, 1, 250, 4
+2080, doontoon25_alfas, dt_shops182, 1, 100, 132
+2081, doontoon32_alfa, dt_shops13, 1, 110, 4
+2082, dt_compound_alfas, dt_compoundroof, 1, 120, 4
+2083, ammu_trannies, dt_ammu3, 1, 100, 4
+2001, dt_nitelites1, dt_lites, 1, 1000, 12, 18, 8
+2002, dt_nitelites2, dt_lites, 1, 1000, 12, 19, 5
+2003, dt_nitelites3, dt_lites, 1, 1000, 12, 18, 8
+2004, dt_nitelites4, dt_lites, 1, 1000, 12, 18, 8
+2005, dt_nitelites5, dt_lites, 1, 1000, 12, 18, 8
+2006, dt_nitelites6, dt_lites, 1, 1000, 12, 18, 8
+2007, dt_nitelites7, dt_lites, 1, 1000, 12, 18, 8
+2008, dt_nitelites8, dt_lites, 1, 1000, 12, 18, 8
+1864, 47.842, -43.8079, -30.6018, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, -0.998567, -0.0535085, -9.9942e-007, -0.998567, -0.0535085, -9.9942e-007
+1864, -22.1819, -47.6102, -30.6018, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, -0.999386, -0.0350355, -2.04349e-006, -0.999386, -0.0350355, -2.04349e-006
+1864, -42.5045, -35.1787, -30.2697, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, 0.106895, -0.993866, -0.0283453, 0.106895, -0.993866, -0.0283453
+1864, -47.1071, 19.9578, -30.2697, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, 0.0799044, -0.996803, -1.86205e-006, 0.0799044, -0.996803, -1.86205e-006
+1870, -62.0038, 31.2544, 40.6172, 255, 16, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 3, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0
+1871, 36.4856, -36.2692, -8.22534, 255, 16, 0, 200, 3, 4, -0.995888, -0.0905912, 0.000506716, -0.995888, -0.0905912, 0.000506716
+1871, 27.4866, 41.017, -7.70854, 255, 16, 0, 200, 3, 4, 0.993742, 0.111634, 0.00384335, 0.993742, 0.111634, 0.00384335
+1873, -37.2848, -27.4696, -12.1818, 255, 16, 0, 200, 3, 1, -0.877066, 0.365145, -0.312129, -0.877066, 0.365145, -0.312129
+1873, -44.9078, -12.7642, -12.1818, 255, 16, 0, 200, 3, 1, -0.809359, -0.543553, -0.222458, -0.809359, -0.543553, -0.222458
+1873, -43.6035, -23.4441, -12.1681, 255, 16, 0, 200, 3, 1, -0.781927, -0.567476, -0.257994, -0.781927, -0.567476, -0.257994
+1876, -21.6226, -27.1201, -20.3435, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1876, -10.0909, -23.2972, -20.3435, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1876, 1.69006, -19.0958, -20.3435, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1876, 15.5378, -14.2654, -20.3435, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1876, -15.3284, 39.2161, -22.7966, 255, 255, 255, 200, 3, 4, 0.995904, 0.0904126, 8.81149e-006, 0.995904, 0.0904126, 8.81149e-006
+1876, -17.1175, 21.288, 34.3892, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 250, 18, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1876, -17.0858, 34.1715, 34.3892, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 250, 18, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1876, -41.8291, 34.1865, 34.3892, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 250, 18, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1876, -41.8616, 21.281, 34.3892, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 250, 18, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1876, 17.2132, 24.777, 45.9627, 255, 27, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 250, 18, 2, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0
+1876, 17.2132, 24.777, 43.4174, 255, 27, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 150, 18, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1876, 17.2132, 24.777, 41.2826, 255, 27, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 150, 18, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1876, 17.2132, 24.777, 38.783, 255, 27, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 150, 18, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1884, -10.8516, 29.4545, -19.4105, 255, 27, 0, 200, 3, 4, 0.866025, -0.5, -5.95331e-006, 0.866025, -0.5, -5.95331e-006
+1885, 11.585, 19.6924, -14.4307, 255, 27, 0, 200, 3, 4, 0.809192, -0.587544, -3.35333e-006, 0.809192, -0.587544, -3.35333e-006
+1885, 33.174, 2.09888, -14.4307, 255, 27, 0, 200, 3, 4, 0.822104, -0.569338, -6.33943e-006, 0.822104, -0.569338, -6.33943e-006
+1885, -48.5067, 2.23254, -13.6214, 255, 27, 0, 200, 3, 0, 0.200338, -0.977399, -0.0674986, 0.200338, -0.977399, -0.0674986
+1886, -13.4179, 23.1582, -11.3411, 255, 27, 0, 200, 3, 3, 0.998845, 0.0480589, 1.07252e-005, 0.998845, 0.0480589, 1.07252e-005
+1887, 10.5997, -5.65039, -19.5961, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, 24.7848, -10.1268, -17.2942, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, 32.9475, -5.10046, -17.2942, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, 47.2401, -5.12634, -17.2942, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, 58.2245, 1.89209, -17.2942, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, 47.2401, 10.5428, -17.2942, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, 32.9475, 10.517, -17.2942, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, 24.7848, 15.5433, -17.2942, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, 8.34634, 15.5056, -17.2942, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, 19.6541, -5.65039, -19.5961, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, 8.34634, -10.0891, -17.2942, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, 10.5997, 11.1296, -19.5961, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, 19.6541, 11.1296, -19.5961, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, -20.0672, -11.7029, 19.7893, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, -26.0817, -4.70178, 25.5188, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, -48.6962, -4.70178, 25.5188, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, -48.6962, 9.07715, 25.5188, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, -26.0817, 9.07715, 25.5188, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, -20.0672, 16.0782, 19.7893, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, 44.0997, 12.6908, 14.2717, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1887, 44.0997, -7.94666, 14.2717, 185, 185, 165, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1895, 93.1669, 11.3191, -1.4125, 185, 185, 165, 200, 3, 1, -0.137063, -0.989671, -0.0420149, -0.137063, -0.989671, -0.0420149
+1896, -23.0436, 5.06995, 4.50092, 185, 185, 165, 200, 3, 4, 0.932644, 0, -0.360797, 0.932644, 0, -0.360797
+1896, -14.5251, -73.6905, 0.182564, 185, 185, 165, 200, 3, 4, 0.0274704, 0.999623, -1.01712e-006, 0.0274704, 0.999623, -1.01712e-006
+1896, -15.7641, -140.397, 0.182564, 185, 185, 165, 200, 3, 4, 0.0274704, 0.999623, -1.01712e-006, 0.0274704, 0.999623, -1.01712e-006
+1896, -15.2104, 15.3694, 0.672854, 185, 185, 165, 200, 3, 1, 0.919852, 0.341639, -0.192759, 0.919852, 0.341639, -0.192759
+1896, -15.468, 11.5872, 0.672854, 185, 185, 165, 200, 3, 1, 0.919852, 0.341639, -0.192759, 0.919852, 0.341639, -0.192759
+1896, -15.8555, 6.28979, 0.672854, 185, 185, 165, 200, 3, 1, 0.919852, 0.341639, -0.192759, 0.919852, 0.341639, -0.192759
+1896, -16.4577, -5.98584, 0.672854, 185, 185, 165, 200, 3, 1, 0.919863, 0.341616, -0.192746, 0.919863, 0.341616, -0.192746
+1900, 19.2464, 30.7745, 5.73533, 129, 129, 111, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, 20.0287, 30.3414, 5.73533, 129, 129, 111, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, -1.08582, 30.1252, 5.73533, 129, 129, 111, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, -0.512817, 30.9055, 5.73533, 129, 129, 111, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, -18.5297, 30.7731, 3.14047, 129, 129, 111, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, -19.1519, 30.1262, 3.14047, 129, 129, 111, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, -19.2878, -0.652588, 3.22227, 129, 129, 111, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, -18.6802, -1.35388, 3.22227, 129, 129, 111, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, 19.0217, -7.02148, 5.51763, 129, 129, 111, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, 19.7225, -6.34192, 5.51763, 129, 129, 111, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, -2.61017, -54.094, -2.65509, 255, 255, 221, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, -2.61017, -46.6906, -2.63096, 255, 255, 221, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, 0.834656, -44.1874, -2.59915, 255, 255, 221, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 2, 8, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, 5.66223, -38.0586, -2.59558, 255, 255, 221, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, 0.795654, -38.0586, -2.65354, 255, 255, 221, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, 0.795654, -32.0809, -2.60929, 255, 255, 221, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, 5.66223, -32.0809, -2.61773, 181, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, -24.3804, -30.6348, -2.76099, 255, 255, 221, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1900, -24.3804, -39.7842, -2.76099, 255, 255, 221, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1902, 0.663818, 0.488892, 1.15448, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 10, 6, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1902, -1.38635, 5.1488, 0.179977, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 10, 2.5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1902, 1.90985, 5.18213, 0.201805, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 10, 3, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1902, 1.18854, -5.16248, 1.07057, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 10, 4, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1902, -1.04413, -2.14954, 1.07057, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 10, 4, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1923, 75.0835, -48.3712, 1.63631, 255, 255, 255, 200, 3, 1, 0.696348, -0.631911, -0.340277, 0.696348, -0.631911, -0.340277
+1923, 75.47, -47.0214, 1.62351, 255, 255, 255, 200, 3, 1, 0.70372, -0.67675, -0.216304, 0.70372, -0.67675, -0.216304
+1951, -13.0155, 87.7373, 25.5831, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 250, 18, 4, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1982, 11.2053, 20.519, -5.62732, 255, 255, 163, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1982, 25.6624, -29.0228, -12.202, 255, 255, 163, 200, 3, 4, 0, 0.999988, 0.00479266, 0, 0.999988, 0.00479266
+1982, 11.6155, -27.7528, 69.1662, 255, 27, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 250, 18, 2, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0
+1984, 0.913452, 1.29993, -0.0421982, 99, 61, 34, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 4, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1990, -9.60498, 11.2876, -5.44292, 99, 61, 34, 200, 3, 4, -0.769076, 0.638312, 0.0328444, -0.769076, 0.638312, 0.0328444
+1990, -15.4136, -14.9847, -5.44292, 99, 61, 34, 200, 3, 4, 0.558067, -0.829796, -2.5181e-005, 0.558067, -0.829796, -2.5181e-005
+1990, 13.0065, 21.9678, 32.8119, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 250, 18, 2, 8, 40, 5, 0, 0, 0
+1990, 14.7481, 29.1954, -5.77581, 255, 0, 0, 200, 3, 1, 0.960093, -0.0159342, -0.279225, 0.960093, -0.0159342, -0.279225
+1990, 42.3758, 21.2164, -4.78447, 255, 0, 0, 200, 3, 1, 0.963479, 0.259959, -0.0642629, 0.963479, 0.259959, -0.0642629
+1991, 7.69775, 8.39575, 1.78732, 255, 255, 221, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1991, -4.45294, 8.39575, 1.81417, 255, 255, 221, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2002, 0.00360107, 49.475, -38.3391, 0, 34, 56, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 2000, 18, 90, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2012, 5.651, 55.6442, 0.0726347, 0, 34, 56, 200, 3, 1, 0.967926, 0.116744, -0.222465, 0.967926, 0.116744, -0.222465
+2012, 18.9097, 41.381, -2.98908, 0, 34, 56, 200, 3, 1, 0.952957, 0.20018, -0.227598, 0.952957, 0.20018, -0.227598
+2012, -0.12793, 42.6105, 3.16445, 0, 34, 56, 200, 3, 1, 0.105124, -0.989182, -0.102315, 0.105124, -0.989182, -0.102315
+2012, -5.84424, 42.5844, 3.16445, 0, 34, 56, 200, 3, 1, 0.105096, -0.989187, -0.102288, 0.105096, -0.989187, -0.102288
+2012, -13.8959, 27.5811, 3.15368, 0, 34, 56, 200, 3, 1, -0.200221, 0.959228, -0.199482, -0.200221, 0.959228, -0.199482
+2012, 19.0887, -1.18347, -2.98538, 0, 34, 56, 200, 3, 1, 0.979442, 0.000369322, -0.201726, 0.979442, 0.000369322, -0.201726
+2012, 19.1167, -3.88745, -2.99917, 0, 34, 56, 200, 3, 1, 0.94698, -0.0761204, -0.312146, 0.94698, -0.0761204, -0.312146
+2012, 9.0564, -43.4242, 0.0794859, 0, 34, 56, 200, 3, 1, 0.153861, -0.953196, -0.260278, 0.153861, -0.953196, -0.260278
+2012, 6.92554, -43.4174, 0.0895758, 0, 34, 56, 200, 3, 1, 0.0428454, -0.991032, -0.126571, 0.0428454, -0.991032, -0.126571
+2012, 13.6019, -42.5095, 0.054389, 0, 34, 56, 200, 3, 1, 0.131826, 0.964587, -0.228461, 0.131826, 0.964587, -0.228461
+2012, 19.2329, -53.4702, -3.11019, 0, 34, 56, 200, 3, 1, 0.992867, -0.0831177, -0.0854817, 0.992867, -0.0831177, -0.0854817
+2018, -8.82544, -2.54993, 88.2069, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 250, 18, 5, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0
+2020, 50.9177, 52.498, -32.5121, 255, 0, 0, 200, 3, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0
+2020, 54.2018, 16.1279, -32.6942, 255, 0, 0, 200, 3, 4, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0
+2021, -12.0149, 2.78015, 88.2069, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 250, 18, 5, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0
+2023, 17.0133, -23.1344, -7.16269, 255, 0, 0, 200, 3, 4, -4.10361e-006, 1, 0, -4.10361e-006, 1, 0
+2023, -40.0858, 24.9274, -7.29947, 255, 0, 0, 200, 3, 1, 0.0189433, 0.974755, -0.222472, 0.0189433, 0.974755, -0.222472
+2023, -38.1571, 25.0035, -7.28938, 255, 0, 0, 200, 3, 1, -0.0657473, 0.971534, -0.227595, -0.0657473, 0.971534, -0.227595
+2023, -61.0842, -23.6506, -7.29149, 255, 0, 0, 200, 3, 1, -0.219252, -0.949027, -0.226442, -0.219252, -0.949027, -0.226442
+2023, -62.4739, -23.7119, -7.27778, 255, 0, 0, 200, 3, 1, 0.0220688, -0.940431, -0.339267, 0.0220688, -0.940431, -0.339267
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/downtows/downtows.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/downtows/downtows.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdc1fd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/downtows/downtows.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+1733, road_downtown08, dts_roads, 1, 250, 1
+1734, road_downtown07, dts_roads, 1, 250, 1
+1735, road_downtown06, dts_roads, 1, 250, 1
+1736, road_downtown09, dts_roads, 1, 250, 1
+1737, doontoon10, dt_sheraton, 1, 200, 1
+1738, doontoon13, dts_shops_new1, 1, 160, 0
+1739, doontoon14, dt_firestation2, 1, 140, 0
+1740, doontoon40, dts_copshop, 1, 120, 0
+1741, doontoon41, dt_firestation, 1, 100, 128
+1742, doontoon44, dt_firestation, 1, 190, 128
+1743, doontoon45, dts_copshop, 1, 120, 0
+1744, doontoon72, dts_grassbits, 1, 250, 0
+1745, doontoon73, dts_grassbits, 1, 250, 0
+1746, doontoon_top05, dt_sheraton, 1, 200, 0
+1747, doontoon_top01, dt_firestation, 1, 150, 0
+1748, LODntoon_top02, dts_LODbig, 1, 2000, 0
+1749, LODntoon72, dts_LODbig, 1, 1200, 0
+1750, LODntoon73, dts_LODbig, 1, 1200, 0
+1751, LODntoon_top07, dts_LODbig, 1, 2000, 0
+1752, dwnmiamilanda, dts_bikebar_ext, 1, 140, 0
+1753, dowbikershop, dts_shops1, 1, 150, 0
+1754, dow_pizzaplacedt, dts_shops, 1, 130, 0
+1755, recsho_recordshop1, dt_newtest1, 1, 100, 0
+1756, gluetest19, dt_firestation, 1, 150, 4
+1757, doontoon66_bushes01, generic, 1, 150, 4
+1758, dt_scabby_fence01, dt_firestation, 1, 80, 4
+1759, dt_scabby_fence03, dt_firestation, 1, 80, 4
+1760, dt_scabby_fence04, dt_firestation, 1, 120, 4
+1761, dt_scabby_fence07, dt_firestation, 1, 120, 4
+1762, dt_carspaces1, dt_sheraton, 1, 70, 4
+1763, dt_carpsaces2, dt_sheraton, 1, 25, 4
+1764, dt_carpsaces03, dt_newtest1, 1, 45, 4
+1765, dt_carpsaces06, dt_firestation, 1, 60, 4
+1766, doontoon_top03, dts_grassbits, 1, 200, 4
+1767, doontoon_top04, dt_sheraton, 1, 230, 0
+1768, LODd_downtown08, dts_LODsmall, 1, 1000, 0
+1769, LODd_downtown09, dts_LODsmall, 1, 1000, 0
+1770, LODd_downtown07, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1771, LODd_downtown06, dts_LODsmall, 1, 1000, 0
+1772, LODntoon23, dts_LODbig, 1, 2000, 0
+1773, LODntoon14, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1774, LODntoon16, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1775, LODntoon44, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1776, LODntoon40, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1777, LODntoon45, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1778, LODntoon_top08, dts_LODbig, 1, 2000, 0
+1779, LODmiamilanda, dts_LODsmall, 1, 1000, 0
+1780, dt_nbeach08, dts_nbeach, 1, 250, 0
+1781, LODntoon10, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1782, LODntoon_top03, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1783, LODntoon_top05, dts_LODsmall, 1, 1000, 0
+1784, LODntoon_top04, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1785, LODnbeach08, dts_LODsmall, 1, 2000, 0
+1786, dwn_bikerbarfrnt, dts_grassbits, 1, 200, 4
+1787, LODntoon74, dts_LODsmall, 1, 2000, 0
+1788, dt_sheraton_fence, dt_sheraton, 1, 250, 0
+1789, new_inside, dts_office, 1, 80, 0
+1790, dts_offglassa, dts_office, 1, 100, 4
+1791, LODspotlite_01, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1793, dts_telwire2, dts_roads, 1, 200, 4
+1794, dts_telwire1, dts_roads, 1, 200, 4
+1795, dts_telwire4, dts_roads, 1, 200, 4
+1796, dts_gs_liftdoorR, dts_office, 1, 20, 0
+1797, dts_gs_liftdoorL, dts_office, 1, 20, 0
+1798, dts_offglassb, dts_office, 1, 20, 4
+1799, dts_office2, dts_office, 1, 50, 0
+1800, dts_glassplane_a, dts_office, 1, 100, 516
+1802, dts_spot_a, dt_CUNT, 1, 250, 0
+1804, new_insideb, dts_office, 1, 80, 4
+1805, LODntoon41, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1806, dts_bbdoor, dts_grassbits, 1, 200, 4
+1807, bikeshop_glass, dts_shops1, 1, 80, 1028
+1808, bikeshop_glass2, dts_shops1, 1, 80, 1028
+1809, doontoon77, dt_firestation, 1, 90, 128
+1810, dtn_buildnew1, dts_copshop, 1, 90, 0
+1811, dtn_buildnew2, dts_copshop, 1, 90, 0
+1812, LODntoon77, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1813, LOD_buildnew2, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1814, LOD_buildnew1, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1815, dts_cop_park, dts_copshop, 1, 150, 4
+1816, doontoon74, dt_CUNT2, 1, 250, 0
+1817, dt_spotlite_01, dt_CUNT, 1, 180, 0
+1818, biker_bar_exterior, bb_exterior, 1, 100, 1
+1819, doontoon23, dt_tall_build01, 1, 200, 0
+1820, dtns_kbshop1, dt_shops, 1, 100, 0
+1821, dtns_kbshop1b, dt_shops, 1, 100, 4
+1822, pharmacy_kb2, dt_newtest1, 1, 100, 0
+1823, dispensary_gls, dt_newtest1, 1, 100, 4
+1824, bb_roof1_01, bb_barroom, 1, 60, 32
+1825, bb_walljunk1_01, bb_barroomtrans, 1, 20, 36
+1826, bb_fence1, bb_barroomtrans, 1, 20, 36
+1827, bb_pooltable1_01, bb_barroom, 1, 20, 32
+1828, LOD_pizzaplacedt, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1831, dts_tit_stares, dt_CUNT, 1, 90, 4
+1832, LODntoon_top01, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1833, LODntoon13, dts_LODsmall, 1, 1000, 0
+1834, lodsho_recordshop1, dts_LODsmall2, 1, 700, 0
+1835, dw_scuz_kb, hi_cutsafehoos, 1, 170, 0
+1836, doontoon73b, dts_grassbits, 1, 250, 0
+1837, doontoon72b, dts_grassbits, 1, 250, 0
+1838, LODntoon72b, dts_LODbig, 1, 1200, 0
+1839, LODntoon73b, dts_LODbig, 1, 1200, 0
+1840, road_downtown05, dts_roads, 1, 250, 1
+1841, road_downtown10, dts_roads, 1, 250, 1
+1842, LODd_downtown05, dts_LODsmall, 1, 1500, 0
+1843, LODd_downtown10, dts_LODsmall, 1, 1000, 0
+1844, LODntoon_shops, dts_LODbig, 1, 2000, 0
+1845, LODntoon66, dts_LODsmall, 1, 1000, 0
+1846, LODnbeach07, dts_LODsmall, 1, 2000, 0
+1847, road_downtown_new1, dts_roads, 1, 250, 1
+1848, LODntoon65, dts_LODsmall, 1, 1000, 0
+1849, doontoon65, dts_ground, 1, 200, 0
+1850, doontoon66, dts_ground, 1, 250, 0
+1851, LODd_downtown_new1, dts_LODsmall, 1, 1000, 0
+1852, dt_nbeach07, dts_nbeach, 1, 250, 0
+1853, doontoon_top02, shipthisgamenow, 1, 150, 0
+1854, shopwindows_dts, dt_newtest1, 1, 120, 4
+1855, doontoon_shops, dts_shops, 1, 200, 0
+1856, doontoon_top08, dt_newtest1, 1, 250, 0
+1857, doontoon_top07, dt_newtest2, 1, 200, 0
+1858, doontoon16, dt_shops, 1, 150, 0
+1859, dts_telwire9, dts_roads, 1, 200, 4
+1792, dts_nitelites1, dts_nitelites, 1, 800, 0, 18, 6
+1801, dts_soapytitwank_b, tit_wank, 1, 299, 12, 22, 8
+1803, dts_soapytitwank_a, tit_wank, 1, 299, 12, 22, 8
+1829, blimp_day, dt_blimp, 1, 3000, 0, 6, 21
+1830, blimp_night, dt_blimp, 1, 3000, 0, 21, 6
+1754, -2.58575, 6.05988, -5.05424, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 3, -0.09211, -0.995602, -0.01708, -0.995602, 0.0921099, -0.01708
+1824, 2.16461, -2.69205, -2.41555, 255, 255, 212, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1824, 1.55575, -8.03596, -2.41555, 255, 255, 198, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1824, 6.80452, 6.60239, -1.64236, 250, 250, 250, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1824, 3.56481, 1.98321, -2.41555, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1824, 4.81609, 12.9435, -2.41555, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1824, -0.0432328, 13.1573, -2.41555, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1824, -2.88715, -5.14578, -2.41555, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1824, 6.97927, 1.292, -1.64236, 250, 250, 250, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1826, -0.053772, -3.64459, 0.893715, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/generic.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/generic.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b82f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/generic.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+300, bar_gatebar01, docentrance, 1, 84, 0
+301, bar_gatebox01, portabarrier, 1, 46, 0
+302, barrierturn, portabarrier, 1, 59, 0
+303, Electricgate, electricgate, 1, 101, 4
+304, fencesmallb, fences, 1, 52, 4
+305, subwaygate, electricgate, 1, 60, 4
+306, tunnelentrance, tunnel, 1, 250, 0
+307, sub_roadbarrier, metal, 1, 100, 0
+308, tall_fence, fences, 1, 100, 4
+309, Columbiangate, electricgate, 1, 100, 4
+310, phils_compnd_gate, electricgate, 1, 100, 4
+311, newtowerdoor1, towerdoor, 1, 290, 0
+312, sub_roadright, metal, 1, 100, 0
+313, sub_roadleft, metal, 1, 100, 0
+314, airportgate, electricgate, 1, 100, 0
+315, helix_barrier, helixbarrier, 1, 200, 0
+316, bar_barrier12, fences, 2, 73, 39, 4
+317, bar_barrier16, metal, 2, 56, 56, 0
+318, bar_barriergate1, fences, 2, 61, 39, 4
+319, bar_barrier10b, fences, 2, 49, 39, 4
+320, lhouse_barrier1, metal, 2, 56, 56, 0
+321, lhouse_barrier2, metal, 2, 56, 56, 0
+322, lhouse_barrier3, metal, 2, 56, 56, 0
+323, Gdyn_barrier17, metal, 2, 56, 56, 0
+324, bar_barrier10, fences, 2, 73, 39, 4
+330, tiny_rock, rock, 1, 40, 128
+331, washer, dynjunk, 1, 40, 128
+332, junk_tyre, junk, 1, 40, 128
+333, cooker1, dynjunk, 1, 42, 128
+334, vendmach, vend, 1, 44, 128
+335, briefcase, breifcase, 1, 40, 128
+336, fire_hydrant, dynhydrent, 1, 40, 128
+337, Money, generic, 1, 40, 128
+338, mine, mine, 1, 100, 128
+339, bollard, metal, 1, 40, 128
+340, bollardlight, metal, 1, 40, 128
+341, phonebooth1, dynphn, 1, 42, 128
+342, barrel2, dynbarrels, 1, 40, 128
+343, barrel1, dynbarrels, 1, 40, 128
+344, palette, woodpanels, 1, 46, 128
+345, cardboardbox2, boxes, 1, 40, 128
+346, cardboardbox4, boxes, 1, 40, 128
+347, barrel3, dynbarrels, 1, 40, 128
+348, lampost_coast, dynsigns, 1, 53, 128
+349, woodenbox, boxes, 1, 41, 128
+350, barrel4, dynbarrels, 1, 40, 128
+351, lamppost3, dynsigns, 1, 62, 128
+352, bin1, metal, 1, 41, 128
+353, dump1, dynbuket, 1, 45, 128
+354, roadworkbarrier1, barrier, 1, 62, 128
+355, bussign1, signs, 1, 46, 128
+356, cardboardbox, boxes, 1, 40, 128
+357, Streetlamp2, dynsigns, 1, 55, 128
+358, Streetlamp1, dynsigns, 1, 55, 128
+359, noparkingsign1, signs, 1, 46, 128
+360, phonesign, signs, 1, 45, 128
+361, wastebin, wastebin, 1, 40, 128
+362, rcyclbank01, dynrecycle, 1, 45, 128
+363, strtbarrier01, dyncones, 1, 71, 128
+364, trafficcone, dyncones, 1, 40, 128
+365, info, icons6, 1, 100, 128
+366, health, icons5, 1, 100, 128
+367, adrenaline, icons8, 1, 100, 128
+368, bodyarmour, icons7, 1, 100, 128
+369, bouy, buoy, 1, 200, 128
+370, petrolpump, petrol, 1, 70, 128
+371, newramp, newramp, 1, 100, 128
+372, line, icons, 1, 100, 128
+373, rockpatch1, rocky, 1, 299, 128
+374, rockpatch03, rocky, 1, 299, 128
+375, bribe, icons9, 1, 100, 128
+376, bonus, bonus, 1, 100, 128
+377, faketarget, generic, 1, 1, 128
+378, smashbarpost, smashbarr, 1, 100, 128
+379, smashbar, smashbarr, 1, 100, 128
+380, barrelexpos, barrelexpos, 1, 50, 128
+381, glassfx_composh, generic, 1, 70, 128
+382, camerapickup, icons, 1, 100, 128
+383, killfrenzy, icons, 1, 100, 128
+384, telgrphpole02, telegraph, 1, 100, 128
+385, lounger, lounger, 1, 45, 132
+386, Stonebench1, benchm, 1, 50, 128
+387, miamphon, dynphnm, 1, 42, 128
+388, miamifirehyd, firem, 1, 35, 128
+389, bustopm, bustopm, 1, 60, 128
+390, Mpostbox1, dynpostbx, 1, 42, 128
+391, BillBd1, BillBrd, 1, 100, 128
+392, BillBd3, BillBrd, 1, 100, 128
+393, LODlBd2, BillBrd, 1, 100, 128
+394, MTraffic2, mitraffic, 2, 85, 80, 128
+395, Miamibin, miamibin, 1, 15, 132
+396, MTraffic4, mitraffic, 1, 45, 128
+397, MTraffic3, mitraffic, 1, 45, 128
+398, BlackBag1, drubish, 1, 45, 128
+399, BlackBag2, drubish, 1, 45, 128
+400, LODlBd3, BillBrd, 1, 100, 128
+401, BillBd2, BillBrd, 1, 100, 128
+402, LODlBd1, BillBrd, 1, 100, 128
+403, parkingmeter, signs, 1, 42, 128
+404, parkingmeterg, signs, 1, 42, 128
+405, gunbox, gunbox, 1, 40, 128
+406, property_locked, icons4, 1, 100, 128
+407, property_fsale, icons3, 1, 100, 128
+408, bigdollar, icons2, 1, 100, 128
+409, clothesp, icons1, 1, 100, 128
+410, package1, package1, 1, 35, 0
+411, pickupsave, icons4, 1, 100, 160
+412, postbox1, dynpostbx, 2, 42, 42, 128
+413, newsstand1, dynnewstnd, 2, 42, 42, 128
+414, parkbench1, benches, 2, 50, 46, 128
+415, papermachn01, dynnewstnd2, 2, 40, 40, 128
+416, parktable1, benches, 2, 47, 47, 128
+417, lamppost2, dynsigns, 3, 78, 200, 60, 128
+418, gardenbencha, benches, 2, 45, 45, 128
+419, Barrierm, barrierm, 2, 44, 40, 128
+420, newstandnew1, newstand, 2, 45, 44, 128
+421, newstandnew4, newstand, 2, 45, 44, 128
+422, newstandnew3, newstand, 2, 45, 44, 128
+423, newstandnew5, newstand, 2, 45, 44, 128
+424, newstandnew2, newstand, 2, 45, 44, 128
+425, lamppost1, dynsigns, 2, 59, 58, 128
+426, doublestreetlght1, dynsigns, 2, 71, 70, 128
+427, trafficlight1, dyntraffic, 2, 64, 60, 128
+428, MTraffic1, mitraffic, 2, 85, 80, 128
+429, mlamppost, streetlights, 2, 55, 135, 128
+430, sub_floodlite, docklight, 1, 150, 0
+431, craigpackage, craigpackage, 1, 80, 0
+432, pickupmusic, icons4, 1, 100, 128
+440, veg_tree3, gtatrees, 1, 299, 132
+441, veg_treea1, gtatrees, 1, 180, 132
+442, veg_treeb1, gtatrees, 1, 250, 132
+443, veg_treea3, gtatrees, 1, 140, 132
+444, veg_palwee03, generic, 1, 180, 132
+445, veg_palm04, generic, 1, 220, 132
+446, veg_palm02, generic, 1, 180, 132
+447, veg_palm03, generic, 1, 220, 132
+448, veg_palwee01, generic, 1, 180, 132
+449, veg_palwee02, generic, 1, 180, 132
+450, veg_palmkb1, generic, 1, 45, 4
+451, veg_palmkb2, generic, 1, 45, 132
+452, veg_palmkb3, generic, 1, 45, 132
+453, veg_palmkb4, generic, 1, 45, 132
+454, veg_palmkb5, generic, 1, 45, 4
+455, veg_palmkb8, generic, 1, 22, 132
+456, veg_palmkb9, generic, 1, 22, 132
+457, veg_palmkb7, generic, 1, 35, 132
+458, veg_palmkb10, generic, 1, 35, 132
+459, veg_palmkbb11, generic, 1, 45, 132
+460, veg_fern_balcny_kb1, generic, 1, 45, 132
+461, veg_fern_balcny_kb2, generic, 1, 45, 132
+462, kb_pot_1, generic, 1, 35, 132
+463, kb_planterbush2, generic, 1, 40, 132
+464, kb_planterbox, generic, 1, 40, 132
+465, kb_planter+bush, generic, 1, 40, 132
+466, veg_ivy_balcny_kb3, generic, 1, 45, 132
+467, new_bushtest, generic, 1, 200, 132
+468, kb_planter+bush2, generic, 1, 45, 132
+469, veg_palmkb13, generic, 1, 45, 132
+470, kb_canopy_test, canopy, 1, 30, 128
+471, kb_chr_tbl_test, canopy, 1, 30, 128
+472, pot_02, generic, 1, 45, 132
+473, pot_01, generic, 1, 35, 132
+474, veg_palmbig14, generic, 1, 200, 132
+475, veg_palmkb14, generic, 1, 35, 132
+476, pot_03, generic, 1, 35, 132
+477, new_bushsm, generic, 1, 50, 132
+478, veg_palm01, generic, 1, 220, 132
+500, lf_mediastage, lf_mediastage, 1, 100, 128
+501, trashcan, dyn_trash, 1, 40, 128
+502, drug_white, dyn_drugs, 1, 40, 128
+503, drug_orange, dyn_drugs, 1, 40, 128
+504, drug_yellow, dyn_drugs, 1, 40, 128
+505, drug_green, dyn_drugs, 1, 40, 128
+506, drug_blue, dyn_drugs, 1, 40, 128
+507, drug_red, dyn_drugs, 1, 40, 128
+508, keycard, dyn_keycard, 1, 40, 128
+509, lf_banner, lofbanner, 1, 100, 128
+510, pizzabox, prop_pizzabox, 1, 40, 128
+511, tar_gun2, targets, 1, 100, 128
+512, tar_gun1, targets, 1, 100, 128
+513, tar_civ2, targets, 1, 100, 128
+514, tar_civ1, targets, 1, 100, 128
+515, tar_frame, targets, 1, 100, 128
+516, tar_top, targets, 1, 100, 128
+517, tar_upright, targets, 1, 100, 128
+518, tar_upleft, targets, 1, 100, 128
+519, tar_downleft, targets, 1, 100, 128
+520, tar_downright, targets, 1, 100, 128
+521, plc_stinger, plc_stinger, 1, 100, 128
+522, chairsntable, chairsntable, 1, 70, 160
+523, satdishbig, satdish, 1, 140, 132
+524, satdishsml, satdish, 1, 140, 132
+525, cntrlrsac1, centralresac1, 1, 100, 132
+526, beachball, beachball, 1, 50, 128
+527, fish1single, fish1, 1, 50, 132
+528, fish2single, fish2, 1, 50, 132
+529, fish3s, fish3, 1, 50, 132
+530, jellyfish, jellyfish1, 1, 50, 140
+531, jellyfish01, jellyfish2, 1, 50, 140
+532, fish3single, fish3, 1, 50, 132
+533, fish1s, fish1, 1, 50, 132
+534, fish2s, fish2, 1, 50, 132
+535, dolphin, dolphin, 1, 50, 128
+536, shark, shark, 1, 50, 128
+537, turtle, turtle, 1, 40, 128
+538, sandcastle1, sandcastle, 1, 20, 128
+539, sandcastle2, sandcastle, 1, 20, 128
+540, submarine, submarine, 1, 100, 128
+541, nt_firehose_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+542, nt_alarm1_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+543, nt_alarm2_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+544, nt_securecam1_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+545, nt_aircon1_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+546, nt_aircon1_02, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+547, nt_vent1_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+548, nt_vent2_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+549, nt_vent3_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+550, nt_securecam2_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+551, nt_aircon3_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+552, nt_cablebox1_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+553, nt_cablebox2_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+554, nt_cablebox3_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+555, nt_alarm3_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+556, nt_cablebox4_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+557, nt_cablebox5_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+558, nt_cablebox6_01, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+559, waterjump2, landjump, 1, 100, 128
+560, waterjump1, landjump, 1, 240, 128
+561, landjump, landjump, 1, 100, 128
+562, landjump2, landjump, 1, 100, 128
+563, nt_aircon1dbl, alleyprop, 1, 34, 132
+564, rcbomb, rcbomb, 1, 100, 128
+565, od_pat_hutb, od_beachstuff, 1, 100, 0
+566, od_pat_hut, od_beachstuff, 1, 50, 0
+567, od_vbnet, od_beachstuff, 1, 50, 0
+568, beachtowel04, od_beachstuff, 1, 50, 0
+569, beachtowel03, od_beachstuff, 1, 50, 0
+570, beachtowel02, od_beachstuff, 1, 50, 0
+571, beachtowel01, od_beachstuff, 1, 50, 0
+572, lotion, od_beachstuff, 1, 10, 0
+573, lounge_wood_up, od_beachstuff, 1, 50, 0
+574, lounge_towel_up, od_beachstuff, 1, 50, 0
+575, lounge_wood_dn, od_beachstuff, 1, 50, 0
+576, od_groyne01, od_beachstuff, 1, 200, 128
+577, wglasssmash, wglass, 1, 50, 1028
+578, petrolcanm, petrolcan, 1, 40, 0
+579, od_copwindows, copshop, 1, 30, 516
+580, fencehaiti, fencehaiti, 1, 60, 132
+581, fencehaitism, fencehaiti, 1, 60, 132
+582, dynamite, dynamite, 1, 40, 4
+583, waterjumpx2, landjump, 1, 240, 128
+584, Esc_step, escstep, 1, 15, 128
+588, ramp, ramp2, 1, 100, 128
+590, nt_roadblockCI, ci_studio1, 1, 145, 128
+591, swivelchair_B, policechair, 1, 35, 32
+592, propwinebotl2, propbarstuff, 1, 20, 0
+593, propashtray1, propbarstuff, 1, 20, 0
+594, propbeerglass1, propbarstuff, 1, 20, 0
+595, propwineglass1, propbarstuff, 1, 20, 0
+596, propvodkabotl1, propbarstuff, 1, 20, 0
+597, propwinebotl1, propbarstuff, 1, 20, 0
+598, propcollecttable, propbarstuff, 1, 20, 0
+599, swivelchair_A, policechair, 1, 35, 32
+600, Gasgrenade, gasgren, 1, 50, 0
+601, roadsign, roadsign, 1, 120, 4
+602, lodxrefhse1, wshxreflod, 1, 700, 128
+603, wshxrefhse1, wshxrefhse, 1, 50, 128
+604, washgaspump, wshxrefpump, 1, 45, 128
+605, lodxrefhirise1, wshxreflod, 1, 700, 128
+606, wshxrefhirise1, wshxrefhirise, 1, 65, 128
+607, wshxrefhse2, wshxrefhse2, 1, 55, 128
+608, lodxrefhse2, wshxreflod, 1, 700, 128
+633, jw_coffin, jwcoffin, 2, 35, 34, 0
+634, chairsntableml, chairsntable, 1, 70, 160
+635, LODjumbo_01, ap_LODbit, 1, 900, 0
+636, ap_learjet1_01, ap_learjets, 1, 150, 4
+637, ap_radar1_01, ap_misc1bit, 1, 299, 0
+638, ap_jumbo_01, ap_jumbos, 1, 150, 4
+585, htl_fan_rotate_nt, fanani, 1, 30, 32, 20, 6
+586, htl_fan_static_nt, fanani, 1, 30, 32, 20, 6
+587, htl_fan_static_dy, fanani, 1, 30, 32, 6, 20
+589, htl_fan_rotate_dy, fanani, 1, 30, 32, 6, 20
+609, xod_beacon_dy, xrefhotels, 1, 100, 128, 5, 21
+610, xod_beacon_nt, xrefhotels, 1, 100, 128, 21, 5
+611, xod_starlite_dy, xrefhotels, 1, 100, 128, 5, 21
+612, xod_starlite_nt, xrefhotels, 1, 100, 128, 21, 5
+613, xod_leslie_nt, xrefhotels, 1, 100, 128, 21, 5
+614, xod_leslie_dy, xrefhotels, 1, 100, 128, 5, 21
+615, xod_majestic_dy, xrefhotels, 1, 100, 128, 5, 21
+616, xod_majestic_nt, xrefhotels, 1, 100, 128, 21, 5
+617, xod_macalpin_dy, xrefhotels, 1, 100, 128, 5, 21
+618, xod_macalpin_nt, xrefhotels, 1, 100, 128, 21, 5
+619, LOD_macalpin_dy, LODxrefhot, 1, 900, 128, 5, 21
+620, xod_tides_dy, xrefhotels, 1, 100, 128, 5, 21
+621, xod_tides_nt, xrefhotels, 1, 100, 128, 21, 5
+622, LOD_tides_dy, LODxrefhot, 1, 900, 128, 5, 21
+623, LOD_majestic_dy, LODxrefhot, 1, 900, 128, 5, 21
+624, LOD_starlite_dy, LODxrefhot, 1, 900, 128, 5, 21
+625, LOD_leslie_dy, LODxrefhot, 1, 900, 128, 5, 21
+626, LOD_beacon_dy, LODxrefhot, 1, 900, 128, 5, 21
+627, LOD_beacon_nt, LODxrefhot, 1, 900, 128, 21, 5
+628, LOD_starlite_nt, LODxrefhot, 1, 900, 128, 21, 5
+629, LOD_macalpin_nt, LODxrefhot, 1, 900, 128, 21, 5
+630, LOD_leslie_nt, LODxrefhot, 1, 900, 128, 21, 5
+631, LOD_majestic_nt, LODxrefhot, 1, 900, 128, 21, 5
+632, LOD_tides_nt, LODxrefhot, 1, 900, 128, 21, 5
+315, 14.1482, 0.0303955, 0.986919, 228, 145, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 4, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+315, -9.17807, 0.0303955, 0.986919, 228, 145, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 4, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+315, 10.8648, 0.0303955, 0.986919, 228, 145, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 4, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+315, 9.08504, 0.0303955, 0.986919, 228, 145, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 4, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+315, 5.74976, 0.0303955, 0.986919, 228, 145, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 4, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+315, -5.78153, 0.0303955, 0.986919, 228, 145, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 4, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+315, -10.9299, 0.0303955, 0.986919, 228, 145, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 4, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+315, -14.2371, 0.0303955, 0.986919, 228, 145, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 4, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+338, 0, -0.00692272, 0.0792043, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 4
+340, -0.0257463, -0.0584068, 0.319209, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 180, 12, 0.75, 6, 40, 1, 0, 0, 2
+348, 0.645042, 1.5273e-005, 4.41737, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 150, 12, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+351, -1.40575, 0.20891, 3.67026, 255, 148, 52, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 2, 8, 40, 1, 1, 0, 2
+355, 0.238941, -0.449402, -1.27472, 255, 148, 52, 200, 3, 2, -0.0315063, -0.999504, 0, -0.0315063, -0.999504, 0
+357, -0.340004, 0.0187225, 2.64116, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 2
+357, 0.537809, 0.0187225, 2.64116, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 1, 0, 40, 1, 1, 0, 2
+358, -0.029808, 0.0239291, 2.73923, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 1, 8, 40, 1, 1, 0, 0
+369, 0.0359154, 0.0584202, 10.2748, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 300, 18, 2, 0, 40, 6, 0, 0, 2
+369, 0.0359154, 0.0584202, 12.5429, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+380, -0.00298711, -0.266058, 0.185445, 255, 59, 59, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+386, -0.645691, -0.667067, -0.200061, 255, 59, 59, 200, 3, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
+386, -0.645691, 0.891455, -0.200061, 255, 59, 59, 200, 3, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
+391, -1.92675, 1.89177, 2.49039, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+391, -1.84327, 3.8253, 2.48641, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+391, -1.92078, -0.589237, 2.48641, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+391, -1.92619, -2.85938, 2.48641, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+391, -1.84741, -5.02185, 2.48641, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+391, -1.88795, -7.16777, 2.48641, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+392, -1.82755, 6.97197, 2.141, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+392, -1.88369, 4.32294, 2.14416, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+392, -1.89011, 1.55205, 2.14695, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+392, -1.8836, -1.33457, 2.14364, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+392, -1.90318, -4.11812, 2.15268, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+392, -1.88626, -6.78167, 2.14446, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+394, 1.10466, -0.385155, 3.00468, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+394, 1.12294, -0.385315, 2.53019, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+394, 1.15081, -0.385559, 2.05238, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+394, -11.0871, 0.797363, 3.02967, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+394, -11.0645, 0.797165, 2.51111, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+394, -11.0684, 0.797203, 2.04668, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+396, -0.0602188, 0.272484, 0.535936, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+396, -0.0365982, 0.286766, 0.0160613, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+396, -0.0673351, 0.27858, -0.478178, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+401, -5.39596, -4.28335, 1.26637, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+401, -4.02042, 5.57401, 1.24162, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+401, -4.29895, 3.69707, 1.25405, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+401, -4.52763, 1.60658, 1.22984, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+401, -4.86572, -0.43589, 1.25981, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+401, -5.1319, -2.51973, 1.25373, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+401, 5.15804, -4.36198, 1.22325, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+401, 4.64363, -2.41874, 1.22582, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+401, 4.74233, -0.654861, 1.27267, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+401, 4.34439, 1.666, 1.22324, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+401, 4.12862, 3.58868, 1.22325, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+401, 4.1068, 5.5836, 1.28296, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+414, -0.467846, 0.350676, -0.0126083, 255, 255, 255, 200, 3, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
+414, -0.48391, -0.341455, -0.0126083, 255, 255, 255, 200, 3, 1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0
+417, 2.88123, -0.0623951, 5.4208, 255, 168, 17, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 300, 0, 4, 0, 40, 1, 1, 0, 0
+417, -3.05613, -0.0623951, 5.4208, 255, 168, 17, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 300, 0, 4, 0, 40, 1, 1, 0, 0
+417, 0.0287704, -0.0623951, 3.89494, 255, 231, 133, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 0, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 2
+425, -0.436392, 0.0448771, 3.202, 249, 145, 34, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 2.5, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+426, 2.7197, 1.03363, 4.80805, 167, 255, 242, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 2, 8, 40, 11, 1, 0, 2
+427, -3.68424, 0.769247, 2.82932, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+427, -3.68424, 0.769247, 2.48265, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+427, -3.71518, -0.418716, 3.1612, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+427, -3.71518, -0.418716, 2.82932, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+427, -3.71518, -0.418716, 2.48265, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+427, -3.68424, 0.769247, 3.1612, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+428, -1.4301, 0.840633, 2.58206, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+428, -7.3057, 1.73421, 2.58454, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+428, -1.02052, 0.849716, 2.58206, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+428, -6.89095, 1.71421, 2.58454, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+428, -0.617176, 0.824104, 2.58862, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+428, -6.48766, 1.70841, 2.58454, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 12, 0, 0, 0
+429, -1.40741, -0.00177383, 4.09561, 255, 148, 52, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 2, 8, 40, 1, 1, 0, 2
+430, -1.5289, 0.101044, 13.8858, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+430, 1.5289, 0.101044, 13.8858, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 2
+590, -4.75032, 0.750793, -0.921911, 255, 65, 28, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 0.6, 0, 40, 6, 0, 0, 3
+590, -5.64722, 1.12585, 1.95665, 255, 246, 173, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 0.6, 0, 40, 6, 0, 0, 3
+590, -3.71817, 3.75439, -0.934572, 255, 246, 173, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 0.6, 0, 40, 6, 0, 0, 3
+590, -4.61206, 4.0387, 1.92165, 255, 65, 28, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 0.6, 0, 40, 6, 0, 0, 3
+591, 0.00495338, -0.44437, -0.393378, 255, 65, 28, 200, 3, 0, 0.0222745, -0.998242, -0.0549326, 0.0222745, -0.998242, -0.0549326
+593, -0.0303345, 0.0423012, 0, 87, 224, 198, 200, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.2
+599, -0.0103126, -0.429469, -0.393378, 87, 224, 198, 200, 3, 0, 0.0222745, -0.998242, -0.0549326, 0.0222745, -0.998242, -0.0549326
+634, -0.923803, -0.266265, -0.277184, 87, 224, 198, 200, 3, 1, 0.10322, -0.994659, 0, 0.10322, -0.994659, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/golf/golf.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/golf/golf.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b2e964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/golf/golf.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+2085, gf_tree1_01, gfpalms, 1, 100, 132
+2086, gf_tree2_02, gfpalms, 1, 100, 132
+2087, gf_smallisland1_01, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2088, gf_flagstees3, gfflag, 1, 100, 128
+2089, gf_flagstees4, gfflag, 1, 150, 128
+2090, gf_mainisl5_01, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2091, gf_tennisfence, gfflag, 1, 100, 132
+2092, gf_northisland1, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2093, gf_northbridge1, gf_northbridge, 1, 100, 0
+2094, gf_planters2, generic, 1, 100, 128
+2095, gf_ivy_balcny_01, generic, 1, 100, 128
+2096, gf_ivy_balcny_07, generic, 1, 100, 128
+2097, gf_smallislebridge1, golf3, 1, 100, 0
+2098, gf_flagstees2, gfflag, 1, 100, 128
+2099, gf_flagstees1, gfflag, 1, 100, 128
+2100, gf_drivingrange1, gfnorthisland3, 1, 100, 128
+2101, gf_drdivide1_01, gfnorthisland3, 1, 100, 132
+2102, gf_hedge1_01, gf_hedge1, 1, 100, 4
+2103, gf_hedge2_01, gf_hedge1, 1, 100, 4
+2104, gf_hedge3_01, gf_hedge1, 1, 100, 4
+2105, gf_hedge5_01, gf_hedge1, 1, 100, 4
+2106, gf_northisland2, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2107, gf_mainisland3a_01, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2108, gf_mainisland2a_01, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2109, gf_mainisland1a_01, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2110, gf_mainisl2b_01, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2111, gf_mainisland1b_01, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2112, gf_northisland3, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2113, gf_mainisland6b_01, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2114, gf_clubhouse1, golf_clubhouse1, 1, 100, 128
+2115, gf_picket1_01, golf_clubhouse2, 1, 100, 132
+2116, gf_clublight1_01, golf_clubhouse1, 1, 100, 128
+2117, gf_stadlight1_02, golf_clubhouse2, 1, 100, 132
+2118, gf_planters4, generic, 1, 100, 128
+2119, LODnorthisland1, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2120, LODnorthisland2, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2121, gf_treesfw1_01, generic, 1, 750, 388
+2122, gf_treesfw2_01, generic, 1, 750, 388
+2123, gf_treesfw3_01, generic, 1, 750, 388
+2124, gf_treesfw4_01, generic, 1, 750, 388
+2125, gf_treesfw5_01, generic, 1, 750, 388
+2126, LODsmallisland1_01, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2127, LODnorthisland3, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2128, gf_mainisland6a_01, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2129, LODclubhouse1, gf_LOD, 1, 700, 384
+2130, LODdrivingrange1, gf_LOD, 1, 600, 384
+2131, LODnorthbridge1, gf_LOD, 1, 700, 384
+2132, LODwoodbridge1, gf_LOD, 1, 600, 384
+2133, LODsmallislebridge1, gf_LOD, 1, 700, 384
+2134, gf_mainisl4_01, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2135, gf_water01, gfwater, 1, 200, 132
+2136, gf_water02, gfwater, 1, 200, 132
+2137, gf_water03, gfwater, 1, 200, 132
+2138, nt_security1, golf_clubhouse1, 1, 100, 128
+2139, gf_pedbridge3, golf_bridge, 1, 200, 0
+2140, LODpedbridge3, gf_LOD, 1, 700, 384
+2141, nt_roadblockGF, gf_roadblock, 1, 145, 128
+2142, golfroad5, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2143, golfroad3, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2144, golfroad4, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2145, golfroad1, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2146, golfroad7, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2147, golfroad2, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2148, LODmainisl2b_01, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2149, LODmainisland3a_01, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2150, LODmainisland3b_01, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2151, LODmainisland1a_01, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2152, LODmainisl4_01, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2153, LODmainisland1b_01, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2154, LODmainisland6a_01, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2155, LODmainisland6b_01, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2156, LODmainisl5_01, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2157, LODmainisland2a_01, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2158, LODfroad2, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2159, LODfroad1, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2160, LODfroad4, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2161, LODfroad3, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2162, LODfroad5, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2163, nbt_road12_gf, generic, 1, 164, 0
+2164, gf_rollerjump, golf_clubhouse1, 1, 100, 128
+2165, gf_mainisland3b_01, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2166, gf_golfwall, gf_hedge1, 1, 100, 4
+2167, golf_gatesclosed, gf_hedge1, 1, 100, 4
+2168, golf_gatesopen, gf_hedge1, 1, 100, 4
+2169, LODcland13_gf, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2170, LOD_road12_gf, gf_LOD, 1, 1000, 384
+2171, gf_northisland1b, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2172, gf_northisland1c, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2173, gf_mainisland1m_01, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2174, gf_mainisland6n_01, golf3, 1, 200, 0
+2175, gf_woodbridge1_01, golf3, 1, 100, 0
+2176, gf_hedge6_01, gf_hedge1, 1, 100, 4
+2177, gf_hedge4_01, gf_hedge1, 1, 100, 4
+2178, nbecland13_gf, gf_nbtecland, 1, 164, 256
+2179, gf_signPlane01, gf_roadblock, 1, 100, 128
+2180, LODgolfwall, gf_LOD, 1, 700, 384
+2181, gf_flagstees42, gfflag, 1, 150, 128
+2183, gf_flagstees43, gfflag, 1, 150, 128
+2116, 7.09363, 1.46948, 0.347105, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 2000, 9, 0.7, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 2
+2116, 6.39019, 3.96648, 0.347105, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 0.7, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 2
+2116, -7.18261, -1.73297, 0.347105, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 0.7, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 2
+2116, -6.05356, -3.89757, 0.347105, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 0.7, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 2
+2117, -1.17738, -0.184734, 3.37025, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 2000, 36, 2, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 2
+2117, -25.1062, -30.7845, 3.37025, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 299, 36, 2, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 2
+2117, -83.4874, 14.9283, 3.37025, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 299, 36, 2, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 2
+2117, -59.4845, 45.9335, 3.37025, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 299, 36, 2, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 2
+2141, -4.38837, -2.6552, -0.104612, 255, 65, 28, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 0.6, 0, 40, 6, 0, 0, 3
+2141, -6.02093, 0.253845, 2.64441, 255, 65, 28, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 0.6, 0, 40, 6, 0, 0, 3
+2141, -5.11311, 0.440796, -0.161623, 255, 246, 173, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 0.6, 0, 40, 6, 0, 0, 3
+2141, -5.46106, -2.60533, 2.71372, 255, 246, 173, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 0.6, 0, 40, 6, 0, 0, 3
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/haiti/haiti.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/haiti/haiti.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a1b046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/haiti/haiti.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+1470, littlehacoast05, sjmh1haitiroad, 1, 199, 1
+1471, sjmgrass, generic, 1, 150, 132
+1472, sjmtionb02, generic, 1, 299, 132
+1473, sjmnd04, lhaith9, 1, 145, 128
+1474, drugstoreint, chem2, 1, 200, 128
+1475, drugstoreext, chem, 1, 200, 132
+1476, bed_shop, bed, 1, 85, 128
+1477, litharoada6, sjmh1haitiroad, 1, 199, 1
+1478, litharoada9, sjmh1haitiroad, 1, 199, 1
+1479, litharoada8, sjmh1haitiroad, 1, 199, 1
+1480, lh_haiblockc1, lh_haiblockc1, 1, 144, 128
+1481, litlhaitibuilding02, lhaitiblk6f, 1, 144, 128
+1482, lh_crushers15, crusherb, 1, 150, 128
+1483, lh_hitbuild1a, lhaitiblk6f, 1, 144, 128
+1484, pw_printworks, lh_PWbuild1, 1, 200, 128
+1485, pw_stairs, lh_PWbuild2, 1, 75, 128
+1486, pw_stairbarrier, lh_PWbuild2, 1, 75, 128
+1487, pw_backfence1, lh_PWbuild2, 1, 145, 128
+1488, pw_bayfence2_01, lh_PWbuild2, 1, 75, 128
+1489, pw_staffpark01, lh_PWbuild2, 1, 75, 132
+1490, pw_paperroll_01, lh_PWbuild2, 1, 75, 128
+1491, litlhaitibuilding09, lhaitiblk6k, 1, 165, 128
+1492, haiticent, h_haibloce, 1, 120, 0
+1493, lithit14, hai_hoj, 1, 100, 128
+1494, hai_houses27, hai_hoj, 1, 100, 128
+1495, hibita1, lhaitiblk4sj, 1, 300, 0
+1496, sewer2, lhaitiblk4sj, 1, 300, 0
+1497, haitiskyt, haitbuildb, 1, 190, 0
+1498, haitiroadbuild, haitrdbuilf, 1, 150, 0
+1499, haicoast1, sjmhahaitiground, 1, 150, 132
+1500, LODlhaitibuilding02, LODhaitibig, 1, 1000, 128
+1501, LODhitbuild1a, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1502, LODitsnip, LODhaiti, 1, 900, 128
+1503, LODTI1RD, LODhaiti, 1, 850, 128
+1504, LODticent, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1505, ihaitsnip, ihsnidxc, 1, 144, 128
+1506, LODprintworks, LODhaitibig, 1, 1000, 128
+1507, LODnd04, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1508, LODhoose, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1509, LODharoada6, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1510, LODharoada9, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1511, LODita1, LODhaiti, 1, 1000, 128
+1512, LOD_houses27, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1513, LODer2, LODhaiti, 1, 1000, 0
+1514, LODroadnew, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1515, LODtiskyt, LODhaitibig, 1, 1200, 128
+1516, LODtlehacoast05, LODhaitibig, 1, 1000, 128
+1517, LODcoast1, LODhaitibig, 1, 1000, 128
+1518, LODhaiblockc1, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1519, LODtiroadbuild, LODhaiti, 1, 950, 128
+1520, lodcrushbn, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1521, lh-hitbuild1aa, lhaitiblk6f, 1, 144, 128
+1522, sjmhoose, hai_hoj, 1, 100, 128
+1523, sjmfsthus, hai_hoj, 1, 100, 128
+1524, sjmkhus, hai_hoj, 1, 100, 128
+1525, lithitsjm, hai_hoj, 1, 122, 128
+1526, sjmcrushbn, sjmbncrusher5, 1, 150, 0
+1527, tesad06, telephait, 1, 150, 132
+1528, LODworksramps, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1529, LODtistation, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1530, stationfence, h_haibloce, 1, 100, 132
+1531, LODhitbuild1aa, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1532, LODlhaitibuilding09, LODhaiti, 1, 1000, 128
+1533, LODfsthus, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1534, LODkhus, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1535, LODgstoreext, LODhaiti, 1, 900, 132
+1536, LOD_shop, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1537, LODhitsjm, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1538, LODhit14, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1539, HAITI1RD, sjmh1haitiroad, 1, 200, 1
+1540, lh_crushers09, crusher2, 1, 150, 128
+1541, haicoast2, sjmhahaitiground, 1, 150, 132
+1542, LODcoast2, LODhaitibig, 1, 1000, 128
+1543, lodcrushju, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1544, sjmcrushju, crusher3, 1, 150, 0
+1545, sjmcrushlpo, crusherb, 1, 150, 128
+1546, lh_crushers13, crusherb, 1, 150, 128
+1547, lh_crushers14, sjmjcrusher4, 1, 150, 0
+1548, LODcrushers14, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1549, lodcrushmnf, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1550, sjmcrushmnf, ssjmcrusher5, 1, 150, 0
+1551, sjmcrushtankr, bitcrusher5, 1, 150, 128
+1552, fence01, lh_haiblockc2, 1, 50, 132
+1553, haititag, haititag, 1, 100, 132
+1554, LODtistation01, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1555, haitistation01, h_haibloce, 1, 100, 128
+1556, htnroadnew, sjmh1haitiroad, 1, 199, 1
+1557, lh_crushefuck, crusher1, 1, 150, 128
+1558, haiticar08, carwreck, 1, 50, 128
+1559, haiticar09, carwreck, 1, 150, 128
+1560, haiticar10, carwreck, 1, 50, 128
+1561, haiticar12, carwreck, 1, 50, 128
+1562, sjmbigsig, sjmspray, 1, 100, 128
+1563, sjmbigsig2, sjmspray, 1, 100, 128
+1564, LODharoada8, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1565, haicoastfirst, sjmhbghaitiground, 1, 150, 132
+1566, LODcoastfirst, LODhaitibig, 1, 1000, 128
+1567, sjmcoast04, sjmh1haitiroad, 1, 200, 1
+1568, litlhaitibuilding07, sjmh5haitiroad, 1, 145, 128
+1569, pw_groundplane, lh_PWbuild1grnd, 1, 145, 0
+1570, LODgroundplane, LODhaitibig, 1, 1000, 128
+1571, LODcoast04, LODhaitibig, 1, 1000, 128
+1572, haiwashpaynspray, haiwash, 1, 70, 128
+1573, haiwshpnsdoor, haiwash, 1, 70, 128
+1577, roofbit2, roofbit, 1, 60, 0
+1578, roofbit07, roofbit, 1, 60, 0
+1579, lodwashpaynspray, LODhaitibig, 1, 1000, 128
+1580, biggrass2, haitplnt, 1, 200, 4
+1581, sjmhafinrd, sjmh1haitiroad, 1, 150, 1
+1582, grassbitsjm, lhaitiblk4sj, 1, 199, 0
+1583, LODhafinrd, LODhaiti, 1, 900, 128
+1584, lodlhaitibuilding07, LODhaitibig, 1, 1000, 128
+1585, pw_priint, LH_PWInterior, 1, 60, 32
+1586, pw_press1_03, LH_PWInterior, 1, 30, 32
+1587, pw_presrommshad, LH_PWInterior2, 1, 60, 36
+1588, scrapgate, crusher3, 1, 150, 132
+1589, tesad06ss, telephait, 1, 150, 132
+1590, tesad06sas, telephait, 1, 150, 132
+1591, haiticar13, carwreck, 1, 50, 128
+1592, LODcrushefuck, LODhaiti, 1, 900, 0
+1593, lh_crushers08, lhmachine1m, 1, 100, 128
+1594, LODcrushers08, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 128
+1595, lh_boxgirdbridge, lh_dockstuff1, 1, 144, 132
+1596, lh_dockposts1, lh_dockstuff1, 1, 144, 132
+1597, lh_dockposts2, lh_dockstuff1, 1, 144, 132
+1598, lh_dockposts3, lh_dockstuff1, 1, 144, 132
+1599, lh_pianoshop, sjmhbghaitiground, 1, 150, 132
+1600, LODboxgirdbridge, LODhaiti, 1, 700, 132
+1601, pw_paperroll_02, lh_PWbuild2, 1, 75, 128
+1602, pw_paperroll_03, lh_PWbuild2, 1, 75, 128
+1603, sjmgrass2, generic, 1, 100, 132
+1604, printdooor, lh_PWbuild1, 1, 100, 0
+1574, haiwshpspryneon1, haiwash, 1, 290, 172, 22, 5
+1575, haiwsignday_dy, haiwash, 1, 70, 128, 5, 22
+1576, haiwsignight_nt, haiwash, 1, 70, 128, 22, 5
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/haitiN/haitiN.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/haitiN/haitiN.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14576da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/haitiN/haitiN.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+1605, sjmcoast, sjmroadhaitiN, 1, 299, 1
+1606, sjmsection, sjmroadhaitiN, 1, 299, 1
+1607, sjmcoast08, sjmroadhaitiN, 1, 299, 1
+1608, sjmcoast06, sjmroadhaitiN, 1, 299, 1
+1609, sjmuilding01, lhaitiblkhuty, 1, 199, 0
+1610, lh_phils, philss, 1, 200, 0
+1611, litharoada2, sjmroadhaitiN, 1, 299, 1
+1612, litharoada3, sjmroadhaitiN, 1, 299, 1
+1613, litharoada4, sjmroadhaitiN, 1, 299, 1
+1614, lh_crushers10, lhmachine1mn, 1, 100, 128
+1615, lh_philsext, philss, 1, 70, 128
+1616, lh_misc02, philss, 1, 70, 128
+1617, lh_philsint, philinter, 1, 20, 160
+1618, litlhaitibuilding06, lhaitiblkplat, 1, 250, 128
+1619, lh_crushers11, crusherbn, 1, 100, 128
+1620, lh_taxifirm02, lhcabbyext, 1, 155, 128
+1621, lh_taxifirm01, lhcabby, 1, 120, 160
+1622, lh_haiblockc2, lh_haibljki, 1, 188, 128
+1623, haitgangshop, gangshop, 1, 199, 132
+1624, haitgangshopdoor, gangshop, 1, 199, 128
+1625, haitihut3, lhaithutn, 1, 100, 128
+1626, LODanahouse12, LODhaitin, 1, 800, 128
+1627, haitimall, lhaitiblk1fg, 1, 170, 128
+1628, mall2, lhaitiblk1fg, 1, 176, 128
+1629, billboard, haitisig, 1, 70, 128
+1630, hatsog, lhaiths, 1, 100, 128
+1631, haitihut1, lhaithutn, 1, 100, 128
+1632, haitihut2, lhaithutn, 1, 100, 128
+1633, haitibuilds, haitbuildsea1, 1, 200, 128
+1634, haitiskyg, haitbuildsea2, 1, 180, 128
+1635, haicoasta2, sjmahaitiground, 1, 199, 132
+1636, haitbuildws14, haitbuild41, 1, 200, 128
+1637, haicoast3, sjmahaitiground, 1, 199, 0
+1638, haicoast4, sjmahaitiground, 1, 199, 0
+1639, haicoast5, sjmahaitiground, 1, 199, 0
+1640, haigrnda1, sjmahaitiground, 1, 199, 4
+1641, LODharoada2, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1642, LODhaiblockc2, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1643, LODhaiblockc3, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1644, LODitcut, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1645, LODsection, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1646, LODcoast06, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1647, LODmiland027a, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1648, LODuilding01, LODhaitin, 1, 800, 128
+1649, LODtiskyg, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1650, LODcoast3, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1651, LODld1, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1652, LODcoast4, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1653, LODharoada3, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1654, LODuilding05, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1655, LODitnewbt, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1500, 128
+1656, LODharoada4, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1657, LODlhaitibuilding06, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1658, LODtimall, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1659, LODl2, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1660, havanahouse12, haitiblk1sj, 1, 120, 128
+1661, LODcoast5, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1662, LODitwarhus, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1663, LODcoasta2, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1664, LODtbuildws14, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1665, LODgrnda1, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1666, LODcoast, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1667, LODtibuilds, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1668, LODcoast08, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1669, LODtihut1, LODhaitin, 1, 750, 128
+1670, LODtihut2, LODhaitin, 1, 750, 128
+1671, LODtihut3, LODhaitin, 1, 750, 128
+1672, LODcrushers12, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1673, LODsjmcrush, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1674, LODcrushers10, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1675, ih-sjmcrush, crusherbn, 1, 100, 0
+1676, ih-sjmphil, philss, 1, 70, 128
+1677, sjmcrushgate, philss, 1, 70, 128
+1678, hdrugfactoryint, drugfactint, 1, 50, 160
+1679, LODphils, LODhaitin, 1, 1000, 128
+1680, LODpizzaplace, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1681, LODtaxifirm02, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1682, build1, buildinghan, 1, 100, 128
+1683, buildblown, buildinghan, 1, 100, 128
+1684, LODldblown, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1685, lh_haiblockc3, funhiati, 1, 90, 0
+1686, nhaitiplnt14, haitplntn, 1, 250, 132
+1687, crocneon, lh_haibljki, 1, 100, 132
+1688, hvood01, chairsnstufh, 1, 20, 128
+1689, nhvood, chairsnstufh, 1, 20, 128
+1690, fffinhaiti, fffinhaiti, 1, 90, 128
+1691, LODinhaiti, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1692, sjmmet, lhaiths, 1, 100, 128
+1693, sjmmet2, lh_haibljki, 1, 100, 128
+1694, miamiland027a, lhaiths, 1, 199, 128
+1695, newramp2, newrampn, 1, 100, 128
+1696, haitinwire11, haitinwire, 1, 100, 4
+1697, haitinwire22, haitinwire, 1, 100, 4
+1698, nhaitplatdr, lhaitiblksick, 1, 100, 128
+1699, nhaitplatdrr, lhaitiblksick, 1, 100, 128
+1700, npw_press1_02, lh_PWbuild3, 1, 100, 128
+1701, haitroadb, sjmroadhaitiN, 1, 299, 1
+1702, haitroada, sjmroadhaitiN, 1, 299, 0
+1703, haitroadc, sjmroadhaitiN, 1, 299, 1
+1704, hdrugfactorypol, drugfactint, 1, 50, 160
+1705, lh_crushers12, crusherbn, 1, 100, 0
+1706, LODtroadb, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1707, LODtroada, LODhaitinbig, 1, 1000, 128
+1708, nhaitiplnt15, haitplntn, 1, 200, 132
+1709, lh_pizzaplace, nbtshops, 1, 199, 128
+1710, sjmuilding05, lhaitiblk2, 1, 220, 128
+1711, lhaitnewbt, lhaitiblksick, 1, 100, 0
+1712, lhaitcut, ihaitcutmf, 1, 199, 0
+1713, ihaitwarhus, lhaitiblkplt2, 1, 100, 128
+1714, haitinwire23, haitinwire, 1, 100, 4
+1715, sjmbigsign, sjmsprayn, 1, 100, 128
+1716, hvood, haitcont, 1, 80, 164
+1717, haitaxidr, lhcabbyext, 1, 155, 128
+1718, hvoodext, haitcontext, 1, 80, 132
+1719, sjmbigsign01, sjmsprayn, 1, 100, 128
+1720, hai_roadsigns, lhaiths, 1, 120, 256
+1721, sjmbigsign02, sjmsprayn, 1, 100, 128
+1722, arcadesjm, nbtshops, 1, 199, 132
+1723, arcadesjm01, lhcabby, 1, 120, 160
+1724, nhaiticar13, ncarwreck, 1, 50, 128
+1725, lh_dockpostsN1, lh_dockstuffN1, 1, 164, 132
+1726, lh_dockpostsN2, lh_dockstuffN1, 1, 164, 132
+1727, lh_dockpostsN3, lh_dockstuffN1, 1, 164, 132
+1728, arcadesjm02, nbtshops, 1, 199, 132
+1729, arcadesjm03, lhcabby, 1, 120, 160
+1730, havanahouse12b, haitiblk1sj, 1, 120, 132
+1731, hdrugfactoryintb, drugfactint, 1, 50, 164
+1732, lh_pizzaplaceb, nbtshops, 1, 199, 132
+1716, 1.10522, 1.6739, -0.273678, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 4, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+1716, -3.13928, -0.587738, -0.273678, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 4, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/hotel/hotel.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/hotel/hotel.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce85868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/hotel/hotel.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+4590, hot_room317, hotelroomint, 1, 30, 32
+4591, hot_drawers1_01, hotelroomint, 1, 30, 32
+4592, hot_bar1_01, hotelroomint, 1, 30, 32
+4593, nt_wassily1_02, hotelroomint, 1, 30, 32
+4594, nt_couch_1, hotelroomint, 1, 30, 32
+4595, nt_bed1_01, hotelroomint, 1, 30, 32
+4596, hot_trans1, hot_roomtrans, 1, 30, 36
+4597, hot_mags1, hotelroomint, 1, 30, 32
+4598, mob_door2, hot_roomtrans, 1, 30, 36
+4599, mob_mobroom2, hot_mobint, 1, 30, 32
+4600, mob_door3, hot_mobint, 1, 30, 32
+4601, mob_detailsb, hot_mobint, 1, 30, 32
+4615, ht_veg02_dy, generic, 1, 30, 36
+4620, ht_upstairs, hi_cutint1, 1, 30, 32
+4630, hotshad1, hi_cuthoomintshad, 1, 30, 100
+4631, hotroomfan, hi_cuthoomintshad, 1, 30, 100
+4632, trophy1, hotelroomint2, 1, 30, 32
+4633, pornposters, hotelroomint2, 1, 30, 32
+4634, moneybag, hotelroomint2, 1, 30, 32
+4635, sutibag, hotelroomint2, 1, 30, 32
+4636, mask, hotelroomint2, 1, 30, 32
+4637, coke_voodoo, hotelroomint2, 1, 30, 32
+4638, boomshine, hotelroomint2, 1, 30, 32
+4639, ht_doors, htdoorhtlalp, 1, 55, 4
+4641, htl_gls_lobby, hi_cuthtlalp, 1, 30, 1060
+4602, ht_veg04_nt, generic, 1, 30, 36, 18, 6
+4603, ht_veg02_nt, generic, 1, 30, 36, 18, 6
+4604, ht_veg01_nt, generic, 1, 30, 36, 18, 6
+4605, ht_fans_nt, hi_cutintprops, 1, 30, 32, 18, 6
+4606, ht_kb_couch1_nt, hi_cutcouch, 1, 30, 32, 18, 6
+4607, htl_maintiles_nt, hi_cuthtlalp, 1, 30, 36, 18, 6
+4608, htl_lftdoor1_nt, hi_cuthtl4, 1, 30, 32, 18, 6
+4609, htl_exterior03_nt, htl_ext03, 1, 100, 32, 18, 6
+4610, ht_mainfloor2_nt, hi_cuthtl2, 1, 30, 32, 18, 6
+4611, htl_gls_3_nt, hi_cuthtlalp, 1, 30, 1060, 18, 6
+4612, htl_gls_1_nt, hi_cuthtlalp, 1, 30, 1060, 18, 6
+4613, htl_gls_2_nt, hi_cuthtlalp, 1, 30, 1060, 18, 6
+4614, ht_veg04_dy, generic, 1, 30, 36, 6, 18
+4616, ht_veg01_dy, generic, 1, 30, 36, 6, 18
+4617, ht_fans_dy, hi_cutintprops, 1, 30, 32, 6, 18
+4618, ht_kb_couch1_dy, hi_cutcouch, 1, 30, 32, 6, 18
+4619, ht_mainfloor_dy, hi_cuthtl2, 1, 30, 164, 6, 18
+4621, htl_maintiles_dy, hi_cuthtlalp, 1, 30, 36, 6, 18
+4622, htl_lftdoor1_dy, hi_cuthtl4, 1, 30, 32, 6, 18
+4623, htl_exterior03_dy, htl_ext03, 1, 100, 32, 6, 18
+4624, ht_mainfloor2_dy, hi_cuthtl2, 1, 30, 32, 6, 18
+4625, htl_gls_3_dy, hi_cuthtlalp, 1, 30, 1060, 6, 18
+4626, htl_gls_1_dy, hi_cuthtlalp, 1, 30, 1060, 6, 18
+4627, htl_gls_2_dy, hi_cuthtlalp, 1, 30, 1060, 6, 18
+4628, htl_dco_chair03_dy, hi_cuthotel1, 1, 20, 32, 6, 20
+4629, htl_dco_chair03_nt, hi_cuthotel1, 1, 20, 32, 20, 6
+4640, ht_mainfloor_nt, hi_cuthtl2, 1, 30, 160, 18, 6
+4599, 0.360886, -8.76843, 1.31627, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 1, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4601, 0.28006, 1.3551, 0.852808, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2.5, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4601, 0.197983, 1.39709, 1.05475, 60, 60, 60, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4605, -7.10834, 2.41089, 1.73409, 80, 62, 30, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4605, -8.18163, -1.90137, 1.73409, 80, 62, 30, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4605, -9.56656, -7.7373, 1.73409, 80, 62, 30, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4605, 4.89046, -10.0201, 1.73409, 80, 62, 30, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4605, 6.09804, -5.20911, 1.73409, 80, 62, 30, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4605, 7.06099, -1.20386, 1.73409, 80, 62, 30, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4605, 8.34315, 3.66626, 1.73409, 80, 62, 30, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4605, 9.7282, 9.60742, 1.73409, 80, 62, 30, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4605, 1.62254, 12.0649, 1.73409, 80, 62, 30, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4605, -5.04907, 11.217, 1.73409, 80, 62, 30, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4605, -6.15192, 6.72058, 1.73409, 80, 62, 30, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4605, 1.27704, 4.75195, 2.02389, 30, 48, 80, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4605, 2.98268, 4.43518, 2.02389, 80, 30, 30, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4605, 4.61693, 4.04932, 2.02389, 30, 53, 80, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4605, 6.17986, 3.66394, 2.02389, 38, 80, 30, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4605, -0.218704, 5.1908, 2.02389, 30, 80, 30, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4630, 5.11148, -0.685303, 1.43729, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 14, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/islandsf/islandsf.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/islandsf/islandsf.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94432cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/islandsf/islandsf.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+2600, IslandLODmainland, islandlolodm, 1, 3000, 0
+2601, cdseabed01, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2602, cdseabed02, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2603, cdseabed03, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2604, cdseabed04, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2605, cdseabed05, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2606, cdseabed06, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2607, cdseabed07, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2608, cdseabed08, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2609, cdseabed09, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2610, cdseabed10, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2611, cdseabed11, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2612, cdseabed12, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2613, cdseabed13, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2614, cdseabed14, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2615, cdseabed15, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2616, cdseabed16, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2617, cdseabed17, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2618, cdseabed18, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2619, cdseabed19, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2620, cdseabed20, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2621, cdseabed21, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2622, cdseabed22, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2623, cdseabed23, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2624, cdseabed24, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2625, cdseabed25, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2626, cdseabed26, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2627, cdseabed27, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2628, cdseabed28, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2629, cdseabed29, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2630, cdseabed30, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2631, cdseabed31, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2632, cdseabed32, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2633, cdseabed33, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2634, IslandLODbeach, islandlolodb, 1, 3000, 0
+2635, cdseaan, seabed, 1, 700, 288
+2636, treeshadowgolf06, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2637, treeshadowgolf02, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2638, treeshadowgolf03, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2639, treeshadowgolf01, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2640, treeshadowgolf07, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2641, treeshadowgolf04, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2642, treeshadowgolf05, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2643, treeshadowgolf08, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2644, treeshadnbt01, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2645, treeshadnbt02, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2646, treeshadnbt03, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2647, treeshadnbt04, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2648, treeshadnbt05, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2649, treeshadnbt06, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2650, treeshadnbt07, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2651, treeshadwn05, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2652, treeshadwn01, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2653, treeshadwn02, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2654, treeshadwn03, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2655, treeshadwn04, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2656, treeshadws01, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2657, treeshadws02, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2658, treeshadws03, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2659, treeshadws04, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2660, treeshadws05, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2661, treeshadws06, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2662, treeshadairha01, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2663, treeshadairha02, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2664, treeshadairha04, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2665, treeshadairha03, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2666, treeshadairha06, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2667, treeshadairha08, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2668, treeshadairha05, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2669, treeshadairha07, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2670, seabedshit1, dock_shipsunder, 1, 144, 128
+2671, seabedcars, fuckedcarlh, 1, 50, 128
+2672, seacorpse, corpsedrown, 1, 80, 0
+2673, seabedshit02, dock_shipsunder, 1, 144, 128
+2674, seabedcars04, fuckedcarlh, 1, 50, 128
+2675, seacorpse01, corpsedrown, 1, 80, 0
+2676, treeshadstr03, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2677, treeshadstr01, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2678, treeshadstr02, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2679, treeshaddtn01, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2680, treeshaddtn02, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2681, treeshaddtn03, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2682, treeshaddtn04, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2683, treeshaddtn05, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2684, treeshaddtn06, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2685, treeshaddtn07, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2686, treeshaddtn08, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2687, treeshaddtn09, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2688, treeshaddtn10, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2689, treeshadci01, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2690, treeshadci02, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2691, treeshadci03, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
+2692, treeshadci04, treeshad, 1, 100, 228
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/lawyers/lawyers.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/lawyers/lawyers.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb1c71a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/lawyers/lawyers.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+4780, lw_room_main, hi_cutlaw2, 1, 100, 32
+4781, lw_lights, hi_cutlaw1, 1, 100, 36
+4782, lw_palm1, generic, 1, 100, 36
+4783, lw_floor_opac, hi_cutlaw1, 1, 100, 36
+4784, lw_rug, hi_cutlaw1, 1, 100, 32
+4785, lw_shado, hi_cutlawshad, 1, 100, 36
+4786, lw_officedesk01, hi_cutlaw1, 1, 100, 32
+4787, lawcutmapb, lawcutext, 1, 140, 0
+4788, lawcutmapc, lawcutext, 1, 140, 0
+4789, lawcutmapa, lawcutext, 1, 140, 0
+4790, lw_roombitsb, hi_cutlaw3, 1, 100, 36
+4791, fixedbects06, hi_cutlaw1, 1, 7, 32
+4792, lw_roombitsc, hi_cutlaw3b, 1, 100, 36
+4793, lw_roombitsbb, hi_cutlaw3c, 1, 100, 36
+4780, -2.52195, 2.5576, 2.06855, 208, 200, 178, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4780, 2.09849, -0.547936, 2.06855, 208, 200, 178, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4780, 2.10084, 2.05608, 2.06855, 208, 200, 178, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4790, -2.22643, -3.02541, 1.39208, 208, 200, 178, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 1.5, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/littleha/littleha.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/littleha/littleha.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..586963d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/littleha/littleha.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+1210, miamiland037, littlhab1, 1, 150, 128
+1211, lhroadc4, lh_roads, 1, 149.5, 1
+1212, miamiland039, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+1213, littlehacoast02, lithablk4, 1, 150, 0
+1214, lh_buildingg1, lithablk9, 1, 140, 128
+1215, miamiland170, littlehab2, 1, 100, 128
+1216, miamiland171, lithahouse, 1, 100, 128
+1217, miamiland172, litthabg1, 1, 130, 128
+1218, miamiland173, litthabg1, 1, 130, 128
+1219, miamiland174, littlhablk7, 1, 149.5, 128
+1220, miamiland175, litthablk6, 1, 149.5, 0
+1221, miamiland176, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+1222, miamiland177, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+1223, miamiland178, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+1224, miamiland179, lithablk12, 1, 149.5, 128
+1225, miamiland180, lithablk12, 1, 130, 128
+1226, havanahouse01, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1227, lithavabit01, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1228, havanahouse02, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1229, havanahouse03, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1230, havanahouse04, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1231, lithavabit03, lhgardens, 1, 149.5, 128
+1232, havanahouse06, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1233, lithavabit04, lhgardens, 1, 149.5, 4
+1234, lithavabit05, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1235, lithavabit06, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1236, vegetationb, generic, 1, 149.5, 132
+1237, lithavabit07, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1238, lithavabit08, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1239, havanahouse07, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1240, havbit01, lhgardens, 1, 149.5, 128
+1241, fuckedcars03, lhfuckercars, 1, 50, 128
+1242, fuckedcars01, lhfuckercars, 1, 50, 128
+1243, fuckedcars04, lhfuckercars, 1, 50, 128
+1244, fuckedcars02, lhfuckercars, 1, 50, 128
+1245, car_fucko03, lhfuckercars, 1, 50, 128
+1246, havanahouse09, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1247, lithavabit09, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1248, lithavabit10, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1249, lithavabit11, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1250, havbit02, lhgardens, 1, 149.5, 128
+1251, havbit03, littlehab2, 1, 100, 128
+1252, veged, generic, 1, 149.5, 132
+1253, veged01, generic, 1, 149.5, 132
+1254, veged02, generic, 1, 300, 132
+1255, deli_exterior_front, deliext, 1, 80, 132
+1256, deli_interior, deliint, 1, 30, 128
+1257, drycleaners, drycleaners, 1, 22.5, 128
+1258, vegetationb03, generic, 1, 320, 132
+1259, lh_icedoor, lh_taxi, 1, 50, 164
+1260, lh_icecream02, lh_taxi, 1, 60, 160
+1261, lh_icecream01, lh_taxi, 1, 149.5, 128
+1262, havgangshop, lhgangshop, 1, 80, 132
+1263, littleha_hardware, wa_tool2, 1, 120, 128
+1264, littleha_police, hav_police, 1, 149.5, 128
+1265, glue_straight01, lhglue, 1, 25, 132
+1266, glue_corner01, lhglue, 1, 25, 132
+1267, telewire04, wire, 1, 149.5, 132
+1268, telewire03, wire, 1, 149.5, 132
+1269, telewire02, wire, 1, 149.5, 132
+1270, littlehabroad, lh_roads, 1, 170, 0
+1271, lithavroad3, lh_roads, 1, 149.5, 0
+1272, littlharoadgg2, lh_roads, 1, 149.5, 0
+1273, lhwallbit, hav_health, 1, 149.5, 0
+1274, lhavnew_bush, generic, 1, 149.5, 132
+1275, hospital, hahospital, 1, 160, 128
+1276, lhcoastsky1, habuildblok, 1, 149.5, 128
+1277, havhotel, lhhotelbg, 1, 149.5, 128
+1278, havbuild, lithahotel, 1, 149.5, 128
+1279, lithahousebk2, lithablk22, 1, 120, 128
+1280, cof_intfloor, cofshopint, 1, 80, 160
+1281, cofsho_ext1, coffeshpext, 1, 100, 128
+1282, cof_seat, cofshopintdet, 1, 15, 160
+1283, cof_extwindw, cofshopwind, 1, 50, 164
+1284, cof_shpdetail1, cofshopintdet, 1, 15, 160
+1285, cof_bardetail, cofshopintdet, 1, 15, 160
+1286, cof_xtremedet, cofshopintdet, 1, 12.5, 160
+1287, cof_shad1, cofshad, 1, 10, 164
+1288, cof_shad2, cofshad, 1, 12.5, 228
+1289, cof_shad4, cofshad, 1, 10, 164
+1290, lithawaste1, lithawaste, 1, 149.5, 0
+1291, lithawaste2, lithawaste, 1, 149.5, 0
+1292, glue_straight02, lhglue, 1, 25, 132
+1293, lhbasket, havbasketball, 1, 149.5, 4
+1294, fuckedcars05, lhfuckercars, 1, 50, 128
+1295, fuckedcars06, lhfuckercars, 1, 50, 128
+1296, lhbuild034, lhbuild3, 1, 150, 128
+1297, lhgrnda1, lithawaste, 1, 149.5, 0
+1298, lhroofst01, lhrooft, 1, 100, 132
+1299, lhparkline2, lhparkline, 1, 50, 132
+1300, LODoastsky1, lodhavbig, 1, 2000, 0
+1301, LODpital, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1302, LODmiland175, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1303, LODmiland037, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1304, LODbuildingg1, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1305, LODtlehacoast02, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1306, LODicecream01, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1307, LODtleha_police, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1308, LODhotel, lodhavbig, 1, 2000, 0
+1309, LODuild034, lodhavbig, 1, 2000, 0
+1310, lihawasteb2, lithawaste, 1, 149.5, 0
+1311, LODmiland170, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1312, LODmiland179, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1313, LODmiland180, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1314, LODmiland173, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1315, LODmiland174, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1316, lhavroad1, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+1317, lhavroad2, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+1318, LODvroad1, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1319, LODvroad2, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1320, LODhahousebk2, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1321, LODmiland178, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1322, LODmiland177, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1323, LODmiland176, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1324, LODmiland039, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1325, LODtlharoadgg2, lodhavbig, 1, 2000, 0
+1326, LODhavroad3, lodhavbig, 1, 2000, 0
+1327, lhcoastsky2, habuildblok, 1, 149.5, 128
+1328, LODoastsky2, lodhavbig, 1, 2000, 0
+1329, lhroofst02, lhrooft, 1, 100, 128
+1330, lhroofst03, lhrooft, 1, 100, 128
+1331, lhroofst04, lhrooft, 1, 100, 128
+1332, lhroofst07, lhrooft, 1, 100, 128
+1333, lhroofst08, lhrooft, 1, 100, 128
+1334, lhroofst09, lhrooft, 1, 100, 128
+1335, lhroofst10, lhrooft, 1, 100, 128
+1336, lhroofst11, lhrooft, 1, 100, 128
+1337, lhroofst12, lhrooft, 1, 100, 128
+1338, lhroadc1, lh_roads, 1, 149.5, 1
+1339, lhroadc2, lh_roads, 1, 149.5, 1
+1340, lhroadc3, lh_roads, 1, 149.5, 1
+1341, LODoadc1, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1342, LODoadc3, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1343, LODoadc4, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1344, LODoadc2, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1345, lh_buildingw1, littlhab1, 1, 100, 128
+1346, LODbuildingw1, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1347, lh_buildingg2, lithablk9, 1, 150, 128
+1348, lh_buildingg3, lithablk9, 1, 180, 128
+1349, LODbuildingg2, lodhavbig, 1, 2000, 0
+1350, LODbuildingg3, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1351, lhdirtpass1, lhglue, 1, 25, 164
+1352, lh2glue, lhglue, 1, 25, 132
+1353, grasspatch, grasspatch, 1, 55, 196
+1354, lhglue3, lhglue, 1, 25, 132
+1355, lhdirtpassz, lhglue, 1, 25, 164
+1356, lhddirt, lhglue, 1, 25, 164
+1357, lhgrasspatchg, grasspatch, 1, 55, 196
+1358, havanahouse10, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1359, lithavabit12, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1360, havanahouse11, lithahouse, 1, 70, 128
+1361, lh2glue01, lhglue, 1, 45, 132
+1362, lhdirtpassax1, lhglue, 1, 25, 164
+1363, lhglue01, lhglue, 1, 45, 132
+1364, lhroofst14, lhrooft, 1, 100, 128
+1365, lhroofst16, lhrooft, 1, 100, 128
+1366, BillBd04, littlhab1, 1, 100, 128
+1367, lodhavabit11, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1368, lodanahouse01, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1369, lodhavabit06, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1370, lodmiland171, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1371, lodhavabit05, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1372, lodhavabit01, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1373, lodhavabit12, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1374, lodanahouse09, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1375, lodanahouse11, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1376, lodanahouse10, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1377, lodanahouse02, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1378, lodanahouse07, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1379, lodanahouse03, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1380, lodanahouse04, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1381, lodanahouse06, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1382, lodhavabit09, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1383, lodhavabit10, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1384, lodhavabit07, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1385, lodhavabit08, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1386, lodmiland172, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1387, hav_car_show_out, air_carshow, 1, 149.5, 0
+1388, hav_garagedoor1, lh_garagebits, 1, 50, 128
+1389, hav_car_show_int, hai_carshowint, 1, 75, 160
+1390, hav_car_show_out2, lh_garagebits, 1, 50, 128
+1391, lhbillboard05xx, lhbillbrd, 1, 100, 128
+1392, lh_showdoor1, lh_garagebits, 1, 100, 0
+1393, lh_showdoor03, lh_garagebits, 1, 50, 128
+1394, carshowflags, air_carshow, 1, 100, 132
+1395, hav_garagedoor02, lh_garagebits, 1, 50, 128
+1396, hav_garagedoor03, lh_garagebits, 1, 50, 128
+1397, hav_garagedoor04, lh_garagebits, 1, 50, 128
+1398, lh_carshow_windows, hai_carshowint, 1, 100, 132
+1399, lh_groundstains, lh_garagebits, 1, 100, 132
+1400, LOD_car_show_out, LODhavana, 1, 800, 128
+1401, lha_carfence, air_carshow, 1, 70, 4
+1402, lodawasteb2, lodhavbig, 1, 2000, 0
+1403, lodhawaste1, lodhavbig, 1, 2000, 0
+1404, lodhavabit04, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1405, lodbit03, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1406, lodbuild, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1407, lhroofstuffg, lhrooft, 1, 100, 128
+1408, lhbacknbit, litthablk6, 1, 149.5, 128
+1409, vrates, lh_taxi, 1, 60, 128
+1410, lhsbackbit, lh_taxi, 1, 60, 128
+1411, lhroofst17, lhrooft, 1, 100, 132
+1412, lhroofst18, lhrooft, 1, 100, 132
+1413, lhsteps3, lhrooft, 1, 100, 132
+1414, lodasket, LODhavana, 1, 800, 128
+1415, lodbit02, LODhavana, 1, 800, 128
+1416, lodsho_ext1, LODhavana, 1, 800, 128
+1417, lodtleha_hardware, LODhavana, 1, 800, 128
+1418, lodrnda1, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1419, lodhawaste2, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1420, lodi_exterior_front, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1421, lhcargo, lhalleysect, 1, 65, 0
+1422, lhstairs7, lhrooft, 1, 100, 132
+1423, lhdirt2s, lhglue, 1, 100, 132
+1424, lhblbrd8, lhblbrd8, 1, 100, 0
+1425, lhblbrd2, lhblbrd2, 1, 100, 4
+1426, lhblbrd1, bilbrd1, 1, 100, 4
+1427, lhblbrd3, lhblbrd3, 1, 100, 4
+1428, lhtankdoor, lithablk9, 1, 100, 128
+1429, lhroofwee, lhrooft, 1, 100, 128
+1430, LODtlehabroad, lodhavbig, 1, 2000, 0
+1431, lhjetty, lhjetty, 1, 100, 0
+1432, lharoadab, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+1433, lh_race01, lhrace1, 1, 15, 132
+1434, lh_race02, lhrace2, 1, 15, 132
+1435, lh_race03, lhrace3, 1, 15, 132
+1436, lh_race04, lhrace4, 1, 15, 132
+1437, lh_race05, lhrace5, 1, 15, 132
+1438, lh_race06, lhrace6, 1, 15, 132
+1439, lh_racemap, lh_racemap, 1, 22, 128
+1440, lhbuild1b, littlhablk7, 1, 149.5, 128
+1441, LODuild1b, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1442, LODallbit, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1443, LODroadab, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1444, lh_imp_exp01, lh_imp_exp1, 1, 30, 128
+1445, lh_strikethrough, lh_imp_exp1, 1, 30, 132
+1446, lh_imp_exp02, lh_imp_exp2, 1, 30, 128
+1447, lh_imp_exp03, lh_imp_exp3, 1, 30, 128
+1448, lh_imp_exp04, lh_imp_exp4, 1, 30, 128
+1449, miamiland041, lh_roads, 1, 149.5, 0
+1450, LODmiland041, LODhavanabrg, 1, 1200, 256
+1451, havbackbit, littlehab2, 1, 150, 0
+1452, lodbackbit, LODhavana, 1, 800, 0
+1453, labiggrass, sharedbiggrass, 1, 50, 4
+1454, vegeha1, generic, 1, 320, 132
+1455, labiggrass01, sharedbiggrass, 1, 50, 4
+1456, labiggrass02, sharedbiggrass, 1, 50, 4
+1457, icedoor, lh_taxi, 1, 149.5, 128
+1458, signagelh, lhroadsign, 1, 100, 128
+1459, lhroofst19, lhrooft2, 1, 150, 128
+1460, cofbarbothint, cofintout, 1, 20, 0
+1461, littleha_hardwareb, wa_tool2, 1, 120, 132
+1210, -53.9467, -31.1033, -6.97434, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, -1, 0.000836716, 0, -1, 0.000836716, 0
+1215, 7.00391, 22.2748, -8.37627, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, 0.985286, 0.16995, -0.0181252, 0.985286, 0.16995, -0.0181252
+1219, -22.7476, -66.6341, -5.63463, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, -0.991914, -0.126911, 4.64609e-005, -0.991914, -0.126911, 4.64609e-005
+1220, -22.4473, 11.2503, -11.478, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, -0.989521, -0.13285, -0.0565559, -0.989521, -0.13285, -0.0565559
+1220, -17.6044, -57.9371, -11.6323, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, -0.989826, -0.142283, 0, -0.989826, -0.142283, 0
+1220, -0.614136, -72.255, -11.7103, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, 0.0380243, -0.998781, -0.0314613, 0.0380243, -0.998781, -0.0314613
+1220, -15.4104, -70.2338, -11.7103, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, -0.886971, -0.46145, -0.0185985, -0.886971, -0.46145, -0.0185985
+1220, -20.8479, -37.7491, -11.6323, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, -0.989826, -0.142283, 0, -0.989826, -0.142283, 0
+1224, 12.7196, -36.6637, -4.93255, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, 0.39938, 0.916785, 0.00128354, 0.39938, 0.916785, 0.00128354
+1225, -15.2424, 6.04382, -7.26345, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, -0.152236, 0.98834, -0.00275481, -0.152236, 0.98834, -0.00275481
+1256, -5.98537, 1.0392, 0.82138, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 3, 0.56305, -0.81837, -0.115087, 0.56305, -0.81837, -0.115087
+1260, 6.96265, -0.693848, -3.94489, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, -0.0911168, 0.995696, -0.0169745, -0.0911168, 0.995696, -0.0169745
+1261, -0.88623, -7.56207, 13.4397, 184, 255, 0, 120, 4,
+1273, 24.6791, 27.4506, -1.71451, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, 0.999704, -0.0243269, 5.80489e-005, 0.999704, -0.0243269, 5.80489e-005
+1273, 39.5347, 43.1526, -1.71451, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, 0.999642, -0.0267351, 0.000353567, 0.999642, -0.0267351, 0.000353567
+1273, 38.5565, 23.2599, -1.71451, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, 0.999559, -0.0297012, 0.00032847, 0.999559, -0.0297012, 0.00032847
+1273, 38.2427, 10.2596, -1.71451, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, 0.999642, -0.0267358, 0.000353577, 0.999642, -0.0267358, 0.000353577
+1275, 14.9979, -0.610352, -12.0374, 184, 255, 0, 120, 4,
+1275, 14.9979, 1.29242, -12.0374, 184, 255, 0, 120, 4,
+1275, 14.9979, -2.65277, -12.0374, 184, 255, 0, 120, 4,
+1275, 14.9979, -4.5491, -12.0374, 184, 255, 0, 120, 4,
+1275, 14.9979, -6.70148, -12.0374, 184, 255, 0, 120, 4,
+1275, 14.9979, -8.33026, -12.0374, 184, 255, 0, 120, 4,
+1275, 27.3696, 8.048, -15.9232, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, 0.999361, -0.0357404, 0.000356582, 0.999361, -0.0357404, 0.000356582
+1276, -5.10162, -3.69235, -40.8679, 184, 255, 0, 120, 4,
+1276, -6.01422, 0.389343, -40.8679, 184, 255, 0, 120, 4,
+1276, -5.10162, -6.93903, -40.8679, 184, 255, 0, 120, 4,
+1290, -104.443, 36.7565, -2.18969, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, -0.964457, -0.264239, 3.1352e-006, -0.964457, -0.264239, 3.1352e-006
+1290, -106.376, 43.6428, -2.18969, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, -0.964457, -0.264239, 3.1352e-006, -0.964457, -0.264239, 3.1352e-006
+1290, -102.019, 27.8745, -2.18969, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, -0.99786, -0.0653813, 3.16966e-006, -0.99786, -0.0653813, 3.16966e-006
+1334, 6.00208, -2.42877, 3.18168, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 11, 0, 0, 0
+1334, -0.521851, -1.04211, 3.18168, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 11, 0, 0, 0
+1334, -6.70898, 0.578491, 3.18168, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 11, 0, 0, 0
+1335, 6.34241, 2.6496, 3.18168, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 11, 0, 0, 0
+1335, 0.611694, -1.07281, 3.18168, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 11, 0, 0, 0
+1335, -5.04468, -4.05792, 3.18168, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 11, 0, 0, 0
+1337, 4.55725, 4.57782, 3.18169, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 11, 0, 0, 0
+1337, 0.924683, -1.01581, 3.18169, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 11, 0, 0, 0
+1337, -2.64056, -6.50586, 3.18169, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 11, 0, 0, 0
+1345, 39.8427, -33.4446, -4.43023, 255, 255, 255, 200, 3, 0, 0.719101, -0.694666, 0.0182775, 0.719101, -0.694666, 0.0182775
+1348, -41.0721, 36.1505, -6.61866, 255, 255, 255, 200, 3, 4, -0.984322, -0.170293, -0.0459317, -0.984322, -0.170293, -0.0459317
+1350, 40.2012, 2.34885, -6.46865, 255, 255, 255, 200, 3, 4, 0.996267, 0.0863205, 8.87665e-005, 0.996267, 0.0863205, 8.87665e-005
+1459, -6.59364, -1.0625, 3.18169, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1459, -0.0497472, -1.23387, 3.18169, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+1459, 6.6176, -1.40843, 3.18169, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 11, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/mall/mall.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/mall/mall.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91dbd86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/mall/mall.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+4315, mlmiamiland056, mall_ground, 1, 140, 0
+4316, mlmiamiland058, mall_ground, 1, 140, 0
+4317, mlmiamiland060, mall_ground, 1, 180, 0
+4318, mlnorthmall, malltotal, 1, 180, 160
+4319, newmallcp_03, mallcarpark, 1, 150, 128
+4320, mlmallflag02, mallitems, 1, 140, 128
+4321, mlmallflag12, mallitems, 1, 140, 128
+4322, mlmallflag14, mallitems, 1, 140, 128
+4323, mloven, foodcourt, 1, 150, 160
+4324, mlobjects_n, mall_props, 1, 140, 160
+4325, mlmallbush, mallplants, 1, 299, 132
+4326, mlNpoint02, mallcarpark, 1, 140, 128
+4327, mlNpoint04, mallcarpark, 1, 140, 128
+4328, mlNpoint06, mallcarpark, 1, 140, 128
+4329, mlmallplan02, mallitems, 1, 150, 128
+4330, mlmallplan04, mallitems, 1, 150, 128
+4331, mlmallplan05, mallitems, 1, 150, 128
+4332, mlnorthmallrt, malltotal, 1, 250, 162
+4333, mlnorthmalllft, malltotal, 1, 250, 162
+4334, newmallcp_05, mallcarpark, 1, 80, 128
+4335, newmallcp_02, mallcarpark, 1, 90, 128
+4336, newmallcp_04, mallcarpark, 1, 90, 128
+4337, ml_gap, ml_clothes, 1, 90, 128
+4338, ml_record, ml_tuneless, 1, 100, 160
+4339, ml_borders, ml_books, 1, 100, 160
+4340, ml_jewellers, ml_jewellers, 1, 100, 160
+4341, ml_tarbrush, ml_coffee, 1, 110, 160
+4342, ml_cofcounter1, ml_coffee, 1, 50, 160
+4343, ml_record3, ml_tuneless, 1, 50, 160
+4344, ml_borderswin01, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4345, ml_recordwin01, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4346, ml_coffee_dsk, ml_coffee, 1, 50, 160
+4347, mall_hardware, mall_ammu, 1, 125, 160
+4348, mall_hardwarebits, mall_ammu, 1, 40, 160
+4349, LODorthmallext1, lod_mall, 1, 1000, 0
+4350, LODlloutside, lod_mall, 1, 1000, 0
+4351, LODorthmalllftex, lod_mall, 1, 1000, 0
+4352, LODiamiland056, lod_mall, 1, 1000, 0
+4353, LODiamiland060, lod_mall, 1, 1000, 0
+4354, LODiamiland058, lod_mall, 1, 1000, 0
+4355, LODmallcp_02, lod_mall, 1, 1000, 0
+4356, LODmallcp_03, lod_mall, 1, 1000, 0
+4357, newmallcp_01, mallcarpark, 1, 100, 128
+4358, LODmallcp_04, lod_mall, 1, 1000, 0
+4359, LODmallcp_05, lod_mall, 1, 1000, 0
+4360, LODmallcp_01, lod_mall, 1, 1000, 0
+4361, mall_ammu, mall_ammu, 1, 125, 164
+4362, mall_ammuwin, mall_ammu, 1, 50, 164
+4363, ml_jewelwinframe02, ml_jewellers, 1, 90, 164
+4364, ml_coffwinframe01, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 164
+4365, ml_coffwinframe02, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 164
+4366, nmalloutside, mallext, 1, 140, 128
+4367, nbnorthmallext1, mallext, 1, 140, 128
+4368, mlnorthmalllftex, mallext, 1, 140, 128
+4369, ml_vegbits05, mall_veg, 1, 140, 128
+4370, ml_vegbits01, mall_veg, 1, 140, 128
+4371, ml_vegbits02, mall_veg, 1, 140, 128
+4372, ml_vegbits03, mall_veg, 1, 140, 128
+4373, ml_glasslft, ml_coffee, 1, 140, 164
+4374, ml_water, mall_props, 1, 100, 164
+4375, ml_vegbits04, mall_veg, 1, 140, 128
+4376, ml_tarbrushdamage, ml_coffee, 1, 110, 160
+4377, ml_borderswin02, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4378, ml_bordersdoor, ml_books, 1, 100, 164
+4379, ml_recordwin02, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4380, ml_recordwin03, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4381, ml_recordwin04, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4382, ml_recordwin05, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4383, ml_recordwin06, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4384, ml_gapdoors, ml_clothes, 1, 50, 132
+4385, ml_gapwindows01, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4386, ml_gapwindows02, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4387, ml_gapwindows03, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4388, ml_gapwindows04, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4389, ml_gapwindows05, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4390, ml_gapwindows06, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4391, ml_gapwindows07, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4392, ml_gapwindows08, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4393, ml_gapwindows09, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4394, ml_gapwindows10, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4395, ml_gapwindows11, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4396, ml_gapwindows12, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4397, ml_jewelcounter, ml_jewellers, 1, 100, 160
+4398, ml_water2, mall_props, 1, 140, 164
+4399, mloven02, foodcourt, 1, 150, 160
+4400, mlobjects_n02, mall_props, 1, 140, 160
+4401, mlobjects_n03, mall_props, 1, 140, 160
+4402, mlobjects_n04, mall_props, 1, 140, 160
+4403, mlobjects_s02, mall_props, 1, 140, 160
+4404, ml_jewelwin02, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4405, ml_jewelwin01, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4406, ml_jewelwin03, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4407, ml_coffwin02, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4408, ml_coffwin01, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 1188
+4409, ml_tartable, ml_coffee, 1, 90, 160
+4410, ml_escl, mall_props, 1, 100, 160
+4411, mlrecords, ml_tuneless, 1, 50, 160
+4412, mall_fans, mall_props, 1, 40, 160
+4413, mlngrnd, malltotal, 1, 250, 166
+4414, mlgrndmidtop, malltotal, 1, 180, 164
+4415, mlgrounds, malltotal, 1, 250, 166
+4416, mallint1, malltotal, 1, 250, 162
+4417, mallint2, malltotal, 1, 180, 160
+4418, mallint3, malltotal, 1, 180, 160
+4419, mallint5, malltotal, 1, 180, 160
+4420, mallint7, malltotal, 1, 180, 160
+4421, mallint8, malltotal, 1, 180, 160
+4422, mallint9, malltotal, 1, 260, 162
+4423, ml_planterbed, mall_props, 1, 90, 160
+4424, mlmallroof, mallroof, 1, 220, 160
+4425, LODallroof01, mallroof, 1, 1500, 160
+4426, mlmallroof01, mallroof, 1, 200, 164
+4427, ml_jewelwinframe01, ml_jewellers, 1, 90, 160
+4428, ml_doorstopl, malltotal, 1, 180, 164
+4429, ml_doorstopr, malltotal, 1, 180, 164
+4430, ml_doorscarp, malltotal, 1, 90, 164
+4431, ml_doorsbotr, malltotal, 1, 90, 164
+4432, ml_doorsbotl, malltotal, 1, 90, 164
+4433, ml_doorsmidl, malltotal, 1, 90, 164
+4434, ml_doorsmidr, malltotal, 1, 90, 164
+4435, malllights, malltotal, 1, 180, 164
+4436, mallstrut, malltotal, 1, 100, 160
+4437, MALLUNDER, malltotal, 1, 250, 166
+4438, malltreereflect2, generic, 1, 200, 4
+4439, malltreereflect, generic, 1, 200, 4
+4440, mallbushdense, mallplants, 1, 299, 132
+4441, mallbushs, mallplants, 1, 299, 132
+4442, mallint5up, malltotal, 1, 180, 160
+4443, mlnorthmalltop, malltotal, 1, 180, 160
+4444, mlmiamiland060b, mall_ground, 1, 180, 0
+4445, midmallflorre, malltotal, 1, 250, 166
+4446, midmallfloorw, malltotal, 1, 250, 166
+4447, maidmalltopa, malltotal, 1, 180, 164
+4448, ml_jewelglass, ml_jewellers, 1, 50, 164
+4449, mallint5up_b, malltotal, 1, 180, 164
+4324, -0.9888, -1.8363, 0.534748, 185, 183, 169, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4324, -2.01434, 1.2074, 0.534748, 185, 183, 169, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4324, 1.17624, 1.78674, 0.534748, 185, 183, 169, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4324, 2.24283, -1.22656, 0.534748, 185, 183, 169, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4400, -1.35373, -6.48828, 0.316866, 185, 183, 169, 200, 3, 1, -0.44017, -0.897914, 0, -0.44017, -0.897914, 0
+4400, -5.37076, -4.17297, 0.316866, 185, 183, 169, 200, 3, 1, -0.595221, -0.803562, 0, -0.595221, -0.803562, 0
+4400, 3.46475, -5.33081, 0.316866, 185, 183, 169, 200, 3, 1, 0.516056, -0.856555, 0, 0.516056, -0.856555, 0
+4400, 6.32748, -0.22229, 0.316866, 185, 183, 169, 200, 3, 1, 0.999718, 0.0237581, 0, 0.999718, 0.0237581, 0
+4400, 4.66086, 4.65027, 0.316866, 185, 183, 169, 200, 3, 1, 0.513423, 0.858135, 0, 0.513423, 0.858135, 0
+4400, -3.73602, 5.23157, 0.316866, 185, 183, 169, 200, 3, 1, -0.544421, 0.838812, 0, -0.544421, 0.838812, 0
+4423, 5.38455, -6.91089, 0.0895824, 185, 183, 169, 200, 3, 1, 0.999938, 0.00434397, 0.0102626, 0.999938, 0.00434397, 0.0102626
+4423, 5.41418, 6.72827, -0.175394, 185, 183, 169, 200, 3, 1, 0.999893, 0.00680962, 0.012908, 0.999893, 0.00680962, 0.012908
+4423, -6.51138, 5.37683, -0.320547, 185, 183, 169, 200, 3, 1, -0.0185263, 0.999754, -0.0121637, -0.0185263, 0.999754, -0.0121637
+4423, -6.67175, -5.45349, -0.0974216, 185, 183, 169, 200, 3, 1, -0.00188401, -0.999859, 0.0166771, -0.00188401, -0.999859, 0.0166771
+4435, -0.782501, 0.00415039, -0.170723, 185, 183, 169, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4435, -20.9686, -0.0559082, 0.114655, 185, 183, 169, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4435, -20.8957, -12.0593, 0.114105, 185, 183, 169, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4435, -10.9192, -12.0308, 0.000125885, 185, 183, 169, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4435, -10.8806, -0.0224609, 0.000141144, 185, 183, 169, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4435, -0.782318, -11.9774, -0.17075, 185, 183, 169, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4435, -31.2099, -12.0363, 0.313419, 185, 183, 169, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4435, -31.2369, -0.0582275, 0.313557, 185, 183, 169, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4435, -43.4393, -0.0489502, 0.434418, 185, 183, 169, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4435, -43.521, -12.0249, 0.434853, 185, 183, 169, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4436, -31.9768, -0.163208, -0.121017, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4436, -24.9608, -0.163208, -0.121017, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4436, -17.1251, -0.071167, -0.121094, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4436, -9.50284, -0.163208, -0.121017, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4436, -1.50549, -0.163208, -0.121017, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4436, 6.58398, -0.071167, -0.121094, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4436, 13.9501, -0.163208, -0.121017, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4436, 20.77, -0.163208, -0.121017, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4436, 27.9211, -0.163208, -0.121017, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4436, 35.2978, -0.071167, -0.121094, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/mansion/mansion.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/mansion/mansion.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3829e5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/mansion/mansion.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+2462, mna_table_scrfce, starmansionst, 1, 50, 32
+2463, man_cellar1, man_cellar, 1, 90, 32
+2464, man_cellar2, man_cellar, 1, 90, 32
+2465, man_couch02, starmansionst, 1, 50, 32
+2466, man_chandeliers, starmansionst, 1, 50, 36
+2467, man_hall_floor, man_hall, 1, 200, 32
+2468, man_hall_pillars, man_hall, 1, 200, 32
+2469, man_hall_ref, man_hall, 1, 200, 36
+2470, man_hall_wall1, man_hall, 1, 200, 32
+2471, man_hallway1, man_hall_2, 1, 100, 32
+2472, man_hallway2, man_hall_2, 1, 100, 32
+2473, man_lights_pool, man_props, 1, 60, 32
+2474, man_monitor_base, man_props, 1, 100, 32
+2475, man_pool, man_pool2, 1, 90, 32
+2476, man_pool_shado1, man_pool_shado, 1, 100, 100
+2477, man_pool_water, man_pool1, 1, 100, 36
+2478, man_xchandeliers, starmansionst, 1, 50, 32
+2479, man_scar_curtains, starmansionst, 1, 50, 32
+2480, man_scar_propv, starmansionst, 1, 50, 32
+2481, man_scar_props206, starmansionst, 1, 50, 32
+2482, man_scrface_walls, man_scarface, 1, 100, 32
+2483, man_f_chandelier, starmansionst, 1, 50, 32
+2484, man_scrfce_floor1, man_scarface, 1, 100, 32
+2485, man_tablkb1, starmansionst, 1, 50, 32
+2486, man_scrfce_chstrset, starmansionst, 1, 50, 32
+2487, man_wtrftr_wtr1, man_wtr_ftr, 1, 90, 36
+2488, man_wtrftr_2, man_wtr_ftr, 1, 90, 36
+2489, man_wtrftr_3a, man_wtr_ftr, 1, 170, 132
+2490, many_polys, man_grnds_kb, 1, 100, 0
+2491, man_wtr_fill, manbackside, 1, 60, 0
+2492, mn_treesisl05, generic, 1, 299, 4
+2493, mansbushes, generic, 1, 200, 4
+2494, LOD_grnd5, lod_man_grnds, 1, 1000, 256
+2495, LOD_grnd2, lod_man_grnds, 1, 1000, 256
+2496, LOD_grnd6, lod_man_grnds, 1, 1000, 256
+2497, LOD_grnd4, lod_man_grnds, 1, 1000, 256
+2498, LOD_grnd3, lod_man_grnds, 1, 1000, 256
+2499, man_frntstep, man_grnds_kb, 1, 100, 128
+2500, man_wtrftr_2a, man_wtr_ftr, 1, 170, 132
+2501, man_hedge1, man_veg_ext, 1, 100, 0
+2502, man_grnd5, man_grnds_kb, 1, 100, 0
+2503, man_grnd4, man_grnds_kb, 1, 125, 0
+2504, man_wtrftr_1a, man_wtr_ftr, 1, 100, 36
+2505, man_maze, man_veg_ext, 1, 200, 0
+2506, man_grnd6, man_grnds_kb, 1, 100, 0
+2507, man_grnd3, man_grnds_kb, 1, 160, 0
+2508, lod_backside, lod_man_grnds, 1, 1000, 256
+2509, lod_frntstep, lod_man_grnds, 1, 700, 256
+2510, lod_build02, lod_man_grnds, 1, 1000, 256
+2511, lod_build01, lod_man_grnds, 1, 1000, 256
+2512, lod_build05, lod_man_grnds, 1, 1000, 256
+2513, lod_build03, lod_man_grnds, 1, 1000, 256
+2514, lod_build04, lod_man_grnds, 1, 1000, 256
+2515, man_build04, mansion_new, 1, 100, 0
+2516, man_build01, mansion_new, 1, 110, 0
+2517, man_build02, mansion_new, 1, 100, 0
+2518, man_build03, mansion_new, 1, 100, 128
+2519, man_build05, mansion_new, 1, 100, 0
+2520, man_dooropen, mannewdoors, 1, 100, 0
+2521, man_build04_fnce, mansion_new, 1, 100, 4
+2522, mansbushes2, generic, 1, 200, 4
+2523, man_backside, man_grnds_kb, 1, 90, 128
+2524, man_twr_stairs, man_twr, 1, 100, 32
+2525, man_sdr_seating, hi_cutsdrm_3, 1, 50, 32
+2526, man_sdr_tvstf, hi_cutsdrm_2, 1, 50, 32
+2527, man_sdr_strctur, hi_cutsdrm_1, 1, 50, 32
+2528, man_sdr_paintin, hi_cutsdrm_2, 1, 50, 32
+2529, man_sdr_tables, hi_cutsdrm_2, 1, 50, 36
+2530, man_sdr_lamps, hi_cutsdrm_2, 1, 50, 36
+2531, man_sdr_tabls, hi_cutsdrm_2, 1, 50, 32
+2532, man_sdr_folge, hi_cutsdrm_3, 1, 50, 36
+2533, man_sdr_props, hi_cutsdrm_1, 1, 50, 32
+2534, man_sdr_rug, hi_cutsdrm_3, 1, 50, 32
+2535, man_sidrm_shad, hi_cutrshad, 1, 50, 36
+2536, drive_flowers06, manf, 1, 100, 4
+2537, scar_winglass, man_scarface, 1, 50, 36
+2538, man_backside_int, man_grnds_kb, 1, 200, 132
+2539, man_build_int, mansion_new, 1, 110, 0
+2540, mn_treesis_int, generic, 1, 100, 4
+2541, man_safenew, hi_cutsafe, 1, 40, 32
+2542, man_safenewmny, hi_cutsafe, 1, 40, 36
+2543, man_safenewdr, hi_cutsafe, 1, 40, 32
+2544, IslandLOD1, islandmanext1, 1, 1000, 256
+2545, IslandLOD2, islandmanext1, 1, 1000, 256
+2546, many_polys2, man_grnds_kb, 1, 100, 0
+2547, man_backside2, man_grnds_kb, 1, 90, 128
+2548, man_frntstepGD, man_grnds_kb, 1, 100, 128
+2549, man_doorway2, mansiondoor, 1, 50, 32
+2550, manmrgbuild2, star1b, 1, 130, 128
+2551, mans_merge03, star1b, 1, 130, 4
+2552, manmrgbase1, star1b, 1, 130, 0
+2553, LODmrgbase1, lod_man_grnds, 1, 1000, 256
+2554, LODmrgbuild2, lod_man_grnds, 1, 700, 256
+2555, LODmrgbuild1, lod_man_grnds, 1, 700, 256
+2556, manmrgbuild1, star1b, 1, 100, 128
+2557, LODmrgtrees4, generic, 1, 800, 256
+2558, mans_merge07, star1b, 1, 130, 0
+2559, mans_merge09, manf, 1, 100, 4
+2560, stargatedetail, star1b, 1, 130, 0
+2561, man_grnd2, man_grnds_kb, 1, 150, 0
+2562, mansion_new_doors, mannewdoors, 1, 200, 0
+2563, man_doorclosed, mannewdoors, 1, 200, 0
+2564, gashbags2, mansion_details, 1, 100, 164
+2565, Heli_box, mansion_details, 1, 100, 164
+2566, Gash_bags1, mansion_details, 1, 100, 164
+2567, pizza_box1, mansion_details, 1, 100, 164
+2568, Trophies, mansion_details, 1, 100, 164
+2569, Pizza_mess, mansion_Rubbish, 1, 100, 164
+2570, Shovel, mansion_details, 1, 100, 164
+2571, Flame_tins, mansion_details, 1, 100, 164
+2572, Gun_docs, mansion_details, 1, 100, 132
+2573, man_scrfashado, hi_cutmanshad, 1, 100, 36
+2574, pizza_mess2, mansion_Rubbish, 1, 100, 164
+2575, Man_rubbish03, mansion_Rubbish, 1, 100, 164
+2576, Frame1, mansion_details2, 1, 100, 132
+2577, Poloroids, mansion_details, 1, 100, 164
+2578, Frame1Damaged, mansion_details2, 1, 100, 132
+2579, lod_wtrftr_1a, lod_man_grnds, 1, 1000, 256
+2580, man_twr_stairsB, man_twr, 1, 100, 36
+2581, man_build03_al, mansion_new, 1, 100, 132
+2582, man_build02_al, mansion_new, 1, 100, 4
+2583, man_build01_al, mansion_new, 1, 110, 4
+2584, man_build05_al, mansion_new, 1, 100, 4
+2466, -17.5869, 4.25116, 0.930544, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, -15.7389, 13.3054, 0.930544, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, -4.04083, 13.3054, 0.930544, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, 4.11957, 13.3054, 0.930544, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, 15.7096, 13.3054, 0.930544, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, 17.5109, 5.21191, 0.930544, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, 17.5109, -5.90771, -0.674427, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, 14.43, -13.3158, -0.674427, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, -13.9581, -13.3158, -0.674427, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, -17.2536, -5.97675, -0.674427, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, -17.5869, 0.0986938, -6.40816, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, -17.5869, -5.8775, -6.40816, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, -14.1923, -13.6818, -6.40816, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, -6.17151, -13.6818, -6.40816, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, 13.8165, -13.6818, -6.40816, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, 17.17, 6.22803, -6.40816, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, 9.88477, 13.5186, -6.40816, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, -9.98718, 13.5186, -6.40816, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2466, -17.6024, 10.7242, -6.40816, 76, 68, 35, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2467, -14.3249, -6.13397, 3.57634, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 13, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2467, 12.051, -6.13397, 3.57634, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 13, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2467, -1.69989, 10.3081, 3.57634, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 13, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2467, 32.0059, 10.3081, 3.57634, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 13, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2467, 54.3325, -8.49658, -1.39654, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 13, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2467, -26.4114, 10.155, -1.81288, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2467, -0.16626, -28.29, 4.2312, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2467, -26.4114, -25.1834, -8.91621, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 13, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2467, -45.7284, -5.97827, -8.91621, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 13, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2478, 7.18365, 0.550781, 0.583748, 105, 98, 91, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2478, 7.18365, -4.74359, 0.583748, 105, 98, 91, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2478, 2.35318, -5.99274, 0.583748, 105, 98, 91, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2478, -2.26202, -5.99274, 0.583748, 105, 98, 91, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2478, -7.31812, -4.71881, 0.583748, 105, 98, 91, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2478, -7.31812, 0.536072, 0.583748, 105, 98, 91, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2478, 1.02478, -0.214417, -0.894323, 105, 98, 91, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 1.2, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2478, -0.754517, -0.214417, -0.894323, 105, 98, 91, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 1.2, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/nbeach/nbeach.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/nbeach/nbeach.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed3ef7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/nbeach/nbeach.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+4170, nbmiamiland048, nbeachgen, 1, 149.5, 0
+4171, nbmiamiland049, nbeachgen, 1, 149.5, 0
+4172, nbmiamiland050, nbeachgen, 1, 149.5, 0
+4173, nbmiamiland051, nbeachgen, 1, 149.5, 0
+4174, nbmiamiland052, nbeachgen, 1, 149.5, 0
+4175, nbmiamiland053, nbeachgen, 1, 149.5, 0
+4176, nbmiamiland054, nbeachgen, 1, 149.5, 0
+4177, nbmiamiland055, nbeachgen, 1, 149.5, 0
+4178, nbmiamiland057, nbeachgen, 1, 149.5, 0
+4179, nbmiamiland059, nbeachgen, 1, 149.5, 0
+4180, nbmiamiland061, nbeachgen, 1, 149.5, 0
+4181, nbmiamiland068, nbeachgen, 1, 149.5, 0
+4182, nbsavehotel, nbsavehotel, 1, 149.5, 128
+4183, nbhotel02, nbhotel02, 1, 149.5, 128
+4184, nbhotel01, nbhotel01, 1, 149.5, 128
+4185, nbhotel03, nbhotel03, 1, 149.5, 128
+4186, nbdecoshop02, nbdecoshop02, 1, 149.5, 128
+4187, nbdecoshop01, nbdecoshop01, 1, 169.5, 128
+4188, nbdecoshop03, nbdecoshop03, 1, 149.5, 128
+4189, nbhotel05, nbhotel05, 1, 149.5, 128
+4190, nbhotel06, nbhotel06, 1, 125, 128
+4191, nbhotel04, nbhotel04, 1, 125, 128
+4192, nbhotel07, nbhotel07, 1, 149.5, 128
+4193, nbhotel08, nbhotel08, 1, 149.5, 128
+4194, nb_road15, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+4195, nbmiamiland065, nbeachgen, 1, 149.5, 0
+4196, nbmiamiland063, nbeachgen, 1, 149.5, 0
+4197, hoteltrees01, generic, 1, 50, 132
+4198, hoteltrees02, generic, 1, 50, 132
+4199, hoteltrees03, generic, 1, 50, 132
+4200, nbdecopromnd, nbdecopromnd, 1, 149.5, 0
+4201, nbdecoshplants, nbdecoshop02, 1, 50, 132
+4202, malltrees01, generic, 1, 100, 132
+4203, mallseats01, nbdecopromnd, 1, 100, 128
+4204, LODiamiland048, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 256
+4205, LODiamiland049, nbeach_lod, 1, 1500, 0
+4206, LODiamiland050, nbeach_lod, 1, 1500, 0
+4207, LODiamiland051, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4208, LODiamiland052, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4209, LODiamiland053, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4210, LODiamiland054, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4211, LODiamiland055, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4212, LODiamiland057, nbeach_lod, 1, 1500, 0
+4213, LODiamiland059, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4214, LODiamiland061, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4215, LODiamiland068, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4216, LODroad15, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4217, LODiamiland065, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4218, LODiamiland063, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4219, LODecopromnd, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 128
+4220, LODotel04, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4221, LODotel05, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4222, LODotel01, nbeach_lod, 1, 1500, 0
+4223, LODotel02, nbeach_lod, 1, 1500, 0
+4224, LODotel03, nbeach_lod, 1, 1500, 0
+4225, LODotel06, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4226, LODotel07, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4227, LODotel08, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4228, LODavehotel, nbeach_lod, 1, 1500, 0
+4229, LODecoshop02, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4230, LODecoshop01, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4231, LODecoshop03, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4232, nbdcprmndfnc2, nbdcprmndfnc, 1, 100, 132
+4233, nbdcprmndfnc1, nbdecopromnd, 1, 100, 132
+4234, nbsavhtlglass, nbsavehotel, 1, 100, 132
+4235, nbdcoshp01glss, nbdecoshop01, 1, 100, 132
+4236, 4x4signstop, nbchdrtrack, 1, 250, 0
+4237, 4x4rockstop, nbchdrtrack, 1, 200, 0
+4238, seveneleven, seveneleven, 1, 90, 32
+4239, pharmacy_kb1, pharmacyint, 1, 70, 32
+4240, shopfronts03, shopfronts03, 1, 169.5, 128
+4241, shpfrnts03rail02, shopfronts03, 1, 100, 132
+4242, shpfrnts03rail01, shopfronts03, 1, 100, 132
+4243, LODpfronts03, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4244, nbhotel02glss, nbhotel02, 1, 110, 4
+4245, nb_road01, generic, 1, 189.5, 1
+4246, nb_road02, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+4247, nb_road03, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+4248, nb_road04, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+4249, nb_road05, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+4250, nb_road06, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+4251, nb_road07, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+4252, nb_road08, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+4253, nb_road09, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+4254, nb_road10, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+4255, nb_road11, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+4256, nb_road12, generic, 1, 170, 1
+4257, nb_road13, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+4258, nb_road14, generic, 1, 149.5, 1
+4259, LODroad01, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4260, LODroad02, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4261, LODroad03, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4262, LODroad04, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4263, LODroad05, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4264, LODroad06, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4265, LODroad07, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4266, LODroad08, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4267, LODroad09, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4268, LODroad10, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4269, LODroad11, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4270, LODroad12, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4271, LODroad13, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4272, LODroad14, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4273, nbroadnew1, generic, 1, 149.5, 0
+4274, 4x4racecotop, nbchdrtrack, 1, 240, 0
+4275, nbeachb, shared_beach, 1, 220, 0
+4276, nbeachb1, shared_beach, 1, 220, 0
+4277, 4x4racecotop2, nbchdrtrack, 1, 260, 0
+4278, beachblend01, shared_beach, 1, 300, 132
+4279, beachblend02, shared_beach, 1, 150, 132
+4280, beachblend03, shared_beach, 1, 150, 132
+4281, beachblend04, shared_beach, 1, 150, 132
+4282, LODachb1, nbeach_lod, 1, 1200, 0
+4283, LODachb, nbeach_lod, 1, 1200, 0
+4284, LODracecotop, nbeach_lod, 1, 1200, 0
+4285, LODracecotop2, nbeach_lod, 1, 1200, 0
+4286, nbdecopromnd2, nbdecopromnd, 1, 149.5, 0
+4287, LODoadnew1, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 0
+4291, LODecopromnd2, nbeach_lod, 1, 800, 128
+4292, LODnbbridge1, nbeach_lod, 1, 1530, 256
+4293, ci_nbbridge1, nb_bridge1, 1, 190, 1
+4294, ci_nbbridge1fn3, nb_bridge1, 1, 70, 132
+4295, ci_nbbridge1fn2, nb_bridge1, 1, 70, 132
+4296, nbhtel06shdw, nbhotel06, 1, 100, 4
+4297, nbeachrdsign, nbeachrdsign, 1, 70, 0
+4298, hoteltrees05, generic, 1, 300, 132
+4299, hoteltrees06, generic, 1, 300, 132
+4300, nbchflw01, nbchflw, 1, 250, 4
+4301, nbchflw02, nbchflw, 1, 250, 4
+4303, 4x4finishline, nbchdrtrack, 1, 50, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/nbeachbt/nbeachbt.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/nbeachbt/nbeachbt.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e01aa68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/nbeachbt/nbeachbt.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+3990, nbecland01, nbtecland, 1, 144, 0
+3991, nbecland03, nbtecland, 1, 144, 0
+3992, nbecland05, nbtecland, 1, 144, 0
+3993, nbt_road03, generic, 1, 144, 0
+3994, nbt_road05, generic, 1, 144, 0
+3995, nbecland09, nbtecland, 1, 144, 0
+3996, nbecland11, nbtecland, 1, 164, 0
+3997, nbecland12, nbtecland, 1, 144, 0
+3998, nbt_mansion01, nbt_mansion01, 1, 112, 128
+3999, nbt_mansion02, nbt_mansion02, 1, 112, 128
+4000, nbeachbit02, nbtsmallres, 1, 112, 128
+4001, nbeachbit03, nbtsmallres, 1, 140, 128
+4002, nbtshopfronts01, nbtroofnext, 1, 144, 128
+4003, nbeachbit04, nbtrooftop, 1, 200, 128
+4004, nbeachbit05, nbtsmallres, 1, 112, 128
+4005, nbeachbit06, nbtsmallres, 1, 112, 128
+4006, nbt_hotel04, nbt_hotel04, 1, 180, 128
+4007, nbt_hotel02, nbt_hotel02, 1, 144, 128
+4008, nbt_hotel05, nbt_hotel05, 1, 220, 128
+4009, nbt_hotel01, nbt_hotel01, 1, 112, 128
+4010, nbt_hotel03, nbt_hotel03, 1, 200, 128
+4011, nbt_hotel06, nbt_hotel06, 1, 112, 128
+4012, newbuilding01, newbuilding01, 1, 112, 128
+4013, nbtshopfronts02, nbtshopfronts02, 1, 160, 128
+4014, nbhospgrnd, nbhospital, 1, 144, 128
+4015, LODospgrnd, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4016, nbt_rooftopstart, nbtrooftop, 1, 150, 128
+4017, plank01, nbtrooftop, 1, 80, 128
+4018, plank02, nbtrooftop, 1, 80, 128
+4019, nbt_skip, nbtrooftop, 1, 80, 128
+4020, nbt_pizzaplace, nbt_pizzaplace, 1, 144, 128
+4021, nbt_mansionbase01, nbt_mansionbase01, 1, 140, 0
+4022, mansionfence, mansionfence, 1, 80, 132
+4023, nbt_mansiontrees01, generic, 1, 250, 132
+4024, nbt_mansion03, nbt_mansion03, 1, 112, 128
+4025, nbt_mansionbase02, nbt_mansionbase02, 1, 112, 0
+4026, nbt_mansiontrees02, generic, 1, 250, 132
+4027, nbt_tikiprops01, tikiprops01, 1, 80, 128
+4028, nbt_hoteltrees01, generic, 1, 80, 132
+4029, nbt_hoteltrees02, generic, 1, 80, 132
+4030, nbt_hotel03glass, nbt_hotel03glass, 1, 80, 132
+4031, nbt_hotel07, nbt_hotel07, 1, 112, 128
+4032, nbt_hotel07fence, nbt_hotel07fence, 1, 80, 132
+4033, nubuilding1glass, nubuilding1glass, 1, 80, 132
+4034, nbeach_police, nb_police, 1, 112, 128
+4035, LODach_police, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4036, nbt_hotel06balcony, nbt_hotel06balcony, 1, 80, 132
+4037, nbt_mans04balcony, nbt_mans04balcony, 1, 80, 132
+4038, nbeachbit03rails, nbeachbit03rails, 1, 250, 132
+4039, nbecland12gates, nbecland12gates, 1, 144, 132
+4040, LOD_hotel04, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 128
+4041, LODcland03, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 128
+4042, LODcland05, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4043, LODchbta, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4044, LOD_mansion01, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4045, LOD_mansion02, LODnbeach, 1, 700, 128
+4046, LODachbit02, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4047, LODachbit03, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4048, LODshopfronts01, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4049, LODachbit04, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4050, LODachbit05, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4051, LODachbit06, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4052, LODcland01, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 128
+4053, LOD_hotel02, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 128
+4054, LOD_rooftopstart, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4055, LOD_hotel01, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 128
+4056, LOD_hotel03, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 128
+4057, LOD_hotel06, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1000, 128
+4058, LODbuilding01, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4059, LODshopfronts02, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4060, LOD_pizzaplace, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 132
+4061, LOD_mansionbase01, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4062, LOD_mansion03, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4063, LOD_mansionbase02, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4064, LOD_hotel07, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4065, nbt_mansion04, nbt_mansion04, 1, 112, 128
+4066, LOD_hotel05, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 128
+4067, nbecland12bball, nbecland12bball, 1, 80, 132
+4068, LODroadx, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4069, LODcland09, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 128
+4070, nbt_mansiontrees03, generic, 1, 250, 132
+4071, nbroada1, nbtecland, 1, 144, 0
+4072, LODoada1, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 128
+4073, nbt_mansiontrees04, generic, 1, 250, 132
+4074, nbt_mansiontrees05, generic, 1, 250, 132
+4075, nbt_mnsnwtr02, nbt_mnsnwtr, 1, 100, 132
+4076, nbt_mnsnwtr01, nbt_mnsnwtr, 1, 100, 132
+4077, nbtroadx, nbtecland, 1, 200, 0
+4078, beachbta, nbtecland, 1, 144, 0
+4079, nbt_road04, generic, 1, 144, 0
+4080, nbt_road02, generic, 1, 160, 0
+4081, LOD_road04, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4082, LOD_road02, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4083, LODcland12, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4084, jewler_shop, jwlr, 1, 25, 32
+4085, jewler_opac_stf, jwlr, 1, 100, 100
+4086, nbeachbit04b, nbtrooftop, 1, 144, 128
+4087, LODachbit04b, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4088, nbtshopfronts01b, nbtroofnext, 1, 144, 128
+4089, LODshopfronts01b, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4090, nbtgardoor, nbtroofnext, 1, 144, 128
+4091, nbt_road01, generic, 1, 164, 0
+4092, nbt_road06, generic, 1, 144, 0
+4093, nbt_road07, generic, 1, 144, 0
+4094, nbt_road08, generic, 1, 144, 0
+4095, nbt_road09, generic, 1, 144, 0
+4096, nbt_road10, generic, 1, 144, 0
+4097, nbt_road11, generic, 1, 220, 0
+4098, LOD_road01, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 0
+4099, LODcland11, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 0
+4100, LOD_road11, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 0
+4101, LOD_road10, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 0
+4102, LOD_road09, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 0
+4103, LOD_road06, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 0
+4104, LOD_road08, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 0
+4105, LOD_road07, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 0
+4106, nbchbit04bgrd1, nbtrooftop, 1, 144, 0
+4107, nbchbit04grd2, nbtrooftop, 1, 144, 0
+4108, nbtshpfrts1bgrd, nbtroofnext, 1, 144, 0
+4109, nbtshpfrnts1grd, nbtroofnext, 1, 144, 0
+4110, nbtgardoor02, nbt_hotel06, 1, 144, 128
+4111, nbecland10, shared_beach, 1, 230, 0
+4112, nbeachsand1, shared_beach, 1, 230, 0
+4113, nbeachsand2, shared_beach, 1, 230, 0
+4114, beachbt, shared_beach, 1, 230, 0
+4115, beachbtb, shared_beach, 1, 230, 0
+4116, beachbtb2, shared_beach, 1, 230, 0
+4117, nbeachsand2b, shared_beach, 1, 230, 0
+4118, beachblend05, shared_beach, 1, 299, 132
+4119, beachblend06, shared_beach, 1, 299, 132
+4120, beachblend07, shared_beach, 1, 299, 132
+4121, LODcland10, LODnbeach, 1, 1200, 128
+4122, LODachsand1, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 128
+4123, LODachsand2, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 128
+4124, LODchbt, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 128
+4125, LODchbtb, LODnbeach, 1, 1200, 128
+4126, LODchbtb2, LODnbeach, 1, 1200, 128
+4127, LODachsand2b, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 128
+4128, nbchbtjetty01, nbchbtjetty, 1, 80, 128
+4129, LODhbtjetty01, LODnbeach, 1, 1000, 128
+4130, newpools, nbt_mnsnwtr, 1, 100, 132
+4131, nbchbtjetty02, nbchbtjetty, 1, 100, 128
+4132, LODhbtjetty02, LODnbeach, 1, 1000, 128
+4133, nbtshopfronts02b, nbtshopfronts02, 1, 144, 128
+4134, LODshopfronts02b, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4135, LODhbit04grd2, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4136, LODshpfrnts1grd, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4137, LODhbit04bgrd1, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4138, LODshpfrts1bgrd, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4139, nbtgardoor03, nbt_mansionbase01, 1, 144, 128
+4141, lodcpaynspray, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 790, 128
+4142, nbecpaynspray, nbeachpayns, 1, 80, 128
+4145, nbecpnsdoor, nbeachpayns, 1, 80, 128
+4147, nbeachwater1, nbt_mnsnwtr, 1, 150, 132
+4148, nbec_divingbds, nbecdiving, 1, 200, 128
+4149, nbeachvegy1, generic, 1, 250, 132
+4150, nbeachvegy2, generic, 1, 250, 132
+4151, nbeachbridge, nbeachbridge, 1, 140, 0
+4152, nbecland014, nbtecland, 1, 144, 0
+4153, nbecland013, nbtecland, 1, 144, 0
+4154, nbhospgrnd02, nbhospital, 1, 144, 0
+4155, nbt_hotel0402, nbt_hotel04, 1, 180, 0
+4156, nbt_hotel0702, nbt_hotel07, 1, 112, 0
+4157, nbt_mansion0402, nbt_mansion04, 1, 112, 0
+4158, nbeach_police02, nb_police, 1, 112, 0
+4159, nbt_hotel0602, nbt_hotel06, 1, 112, 0
+4160, newbuilding0102, newbuilding01, 1, 112, 0
+4161, nbt_hotel0302, nbt_hotel03, 1, 200, 0
+4162, nbt_hotel0202, nbt_hotel02, 1, 144, 0
+4163, nbt_hotel0102, nbt_hotel01, 1, 112, 0
+4164, nbecbtwbrdge, nbecbtwbrdge, 1, 220, 128
+4165, lodcbtwbrdge, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 0
+4166, LOD_road05, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 0
+4167, LOD_mansion04, LODnbeach, 1, 750, 128
+4168, LOD_road03, LODnbeachbtbig, 1, 1200, 0
+4169, nbtshopfronts02win, nbtshopfronts02, 1, 160, 132
+4140, nbechneon2, nbeachneon, 1, 290, 132, 22, 5
+4143, nbecpnsneon1, nbeachneon, 1, 290, 132, 22, 5
+4144, nbecnssignday_dy, nbeachpayns, 1, 70, 132, 22, 5
+4146, nbecnssignight_nt, nbeachpayns, 1, 70, 132, 22, 5
+4008, -44.7195, 25.7032, 4.11394, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 1.5, 2, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4008, -40.4745, 32.4362, 4.11394, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 1.5, 2, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4008, -36.5897, 37.6405, 4.11394, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 1.5, 2, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4008, -33.2299, 42.7086, 4.11394, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 1.5, 2, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4008, -30.0565, 47.1787, 4.11394, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 1.5, 2, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4008, -26.0859, 51.8721, 4.11394, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 1.5, 2, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4008, -21.5706, 57.1291, 4.11394, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 1.5, 2, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4020, -1.71645, -1.5495, -4.79971, 255, 255, 255, 150, 3, 3, 0.629742, -0.776805, -4.79064e-007, 0.629742, -0.776805, -4.79064e-007
+4020, 2.07994, 1.47388, -4.79971, 255, 255, 255, 150, 3, 3, 0.629742, -0.776805, -4.79064e-007, 0.629742, -0.776805, -4.79064e-007
+4027, 3.44247, 9.573, 1.77111, 184, 155, 229, 150, 1, 3, 0, 0, -0.005, 0.18
+4027, -9.01889, 3.76434, 1.77111, 184, 155, 229, 150, 1, 3, 0, 0, -0.005, 0.18
+4027, -9.37875, -3.28882, 1.77111, 184, 155, 229, 150, 1, 3, 0, 0, -0.005, 0.18
+4027, -3.08667, -9.72174, 1.77111, 184, 155, 229, 150, 1, 3, 0, 0, -0.005, 0.18
+4027, 1.90387, -9.92719, 1.77111, 184, 155, 229, 150, 1, 3, 0, 0, -0.005, 0.18
+4027, 8.95663, -5.00049, 1.77111, 184, 155, 229, 150, 1, 3, 0, 0, -0.005, 0.18
+4027, 9.99643, 1.12921, 1.77111, 184, 155, 229, 150, 1, 3, 0, 0, -0.005, 0.18
+4027, -2.54971, 9.56848, 1.77111, 184, 155, 229, 150, 1, 3, 0, 0, -0.005, 0.18
+4033, 8.29425, -24.0818, 5.32735, 196, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 1.5, 3, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4033, -10.9271, -8.60007, 5.32735, 196, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 1.5, 3, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4033, -10.9271, -24.0391, 5.32735, 196, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 1.5, 3, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4033, 7.60907, -8.65305, 5.32735, 196, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 1.5, 3, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/nbeachw/nbeachw.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/nbeachw/nbeachw.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..486596c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/nbeachw/nbeachw.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+3800, nbeachroads01, nbeachwgen, 1, 108, 0
+3801, nbeachroads02, nbeachwgen, 1, 108, 0
+3802, nbeachroads03, nbeachwgen, 1, 145, 0
+3803, starbits13, starwaterfrnt01, 1, 108, 4
+3804, starbits22, starbits22, 1, 60, 128
+3805, starbits20, generic, 1, 60, 4
+3806, starbits24, starbits24, 1, 60, 128
+3807, starbits17, starbits17, 1, 60, 128
+3808, starbits06, starbits06, 1, 60, 128
+3809, starbits05, nbeachwgen, 1, 100, 128
+3810, const_woodfence30, buildsite, 1, 120, 128
+3811, buildingground40, buildsite, 1, 108, 128
+3812, buildingground50, buildsite, 1, 108, 128
+3813, starbits45, starvillas01, 1, 42, 128
+3814, starbits46, starvillas01, 1, 42, 128
+3815, nw_nbwroad01, generic, 1, 155, 1
+3816, starwaterfrnt05, starwaterfrnt01, 1, 108, 128
+3817, starwaterfrnt06, starwaterfrnt01, 1, 108, 128
+3818, starwaterfrnt09, starwaterfrnt01, 1, 128, 0
+3819, starwaterfrnt10, starwaterfrnt01, 1, 108, 4
+3820, starwaterfrnt11, starwaterfrnt01, 1, 108, 4
+3821, starwaterfrnt12, starwaterfrnt01, 1, 108, 4
+3822, nbt_htlpoolbase02, nbt_htlpoolbase, 1, 108, 128
+3823, nw_nbwroad04, generic, 1, 108, 1
+3824, starblocks02, sta_pinkblock, 1, 179.4, 128
+3825, starblocks03, sta_pinkblock, 1, 179.4, 128
+3826, nw_nbwroad06, generic, 1, 179.4, 1
+3827, starblocks04, starbuildsite, 1, 108, 128
+3828, nbw_bush01, generic, 1, 200, 4
+3829, starscaffold_pole, starbuildsite, 1, 100, 4
+3830, buildingsite2, buildingsite2, 1, 108, 128
+3831, starbits49, starbits49, 1, 60, 128
+3832, starbits50, starbits50, 1, 60, 128
+3833, starbits51, starbits51, 1, 60, 128
+3834, starbits52, nbeachwgen, 1, 84, 128
+3835, nbeachwjetty01, nbwjetty, 1, 100, 128
+3836, starbits54, starvillas01, 1, 42, 128
+3837, starbits55, starvillas01, 1, 42, 128
+3838, starbits56, starvillas01, 1, 42, 128
+3839, starbits57, starvillas01, 1, 42, 128
+3840, starbits58, starvillas01, 1, 42, 128
+3841, starbits59, starvillas01, 1, 42, 128
+3842, nbthotel08fence02, nbthotel08fence, 1, 42, 132
+3843, nbthotel10, nbthotel08, 1, 64, 128
+3844, nbt_hotel08, nbw_hotel06, 1, 108, 128
+3845, stardepot, stardepot, 1, 120, 0
+3846, nbt_hotel13, nbw_hotel06, 1, 108, 128
+3847, nbt_hotel15, nbw_hotel06, 1, 108, 128
+3848, nbt_apartpool01, nbt_apartpool, 1, 108, 4
+3849, nbt_apartpool02, nbt_apartpool01, 1, 108, 132
+3850, nbt_balcony02, nbw_hotel06balcony, 1, 60, 132
+3851, nbt_balcony03, nbw_hotel06balcony, 1, 60, 132
+3852, nbt_balcony05, nbw_hotel06balcony, 1, 60, 132
+3853, nbt_htlpoolbar01, nbt_htlpoolbar01, 1, 60, 128
+3854, nbt_apartpool03, nbt_apartpool, 1, 60, 132
+3855, nbt_barfence01, nbt_barfence01, 1, 30, 132
+3856, nbt_htlpoolrm01, nbt_htlpoolrm, 1, 60, 128
+3857, nbt_htlpoolrm02, nbt_htlpoolrm, 1, 60, 128
+3858, nbt_htlpoolbase01, htlpoolbase, 1, 108, 128
+3859, LODachroads02, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3860, LODachroads03, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3861, LODrbits13, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3862, LODrbits22, LODnbchw, 1, 800, 0
+3863, LODrbits06, LODnbchw, 1, 800, 0
+3864, LODrbits05, LODnbchw, 1, 800, 0
+3865, LODldingground40, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3866, LODldingground50, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3867, LODnbwroad01, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3868, LODrwaterfrnt05, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3869, LODrwaterfrnt06, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3870, LODrwaterfrnt07, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3871, LODrwaterfrnt08, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3872, LODrwaterfrnt11, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3873, LODrwaterfrnt12, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3874, LOD_htlpoolbase02, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3875, LODnbwroad04, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3876, LODachroads01, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3877, LODnbwroad06, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3878, LODnbwroad05, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3879, LODrblocks04, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3880, LODldingsite2, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 4
+3881, LODrbits49, LODnbchw, 1, 800, 0
+3882, LODrbits50, LODnbchw, 1, 800, 0
+3883, LODrbits51, LODnbchw, 1, 800, 0
+3884, LODrbits52, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 1000, 0
+3885, LODachwjetty01, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 1000, 0
+3886, LOD_htlpoolbase01, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3887, LODrwaterfrnt10, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3888, LODst_woodfence30, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 1000, 0
+3889, LODrbits17, LODnbchw, 1, 800, 0
+3890, LODrbits24, LODnbchw, 1, 800, 0
+3891, LODrdepot, LODnbchw, 1, 700, 0
+3892, LODrbits46, LODnbchw, 1, 700, 0
+3893, LODrbits45, LODnbchw, 1, 700, 0
+3894, LODrblocks02, LODnbchw, 1, 800, 0
+3895, LODrblocks03, LODnbchw, 1, 800, 0
+3896, LOD_hotel13, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 1500, 0
+3897, LOD_htlpoolbar01, LODnbchw, 1, 800, 0
+3898, LODdingsite1, LODnbchw, 1, 700, 0
+3899, LODrbits54, LODnbchw, 1, 700, 0
+3900, LODrbits56, LODnbchw, 1, 700, 0
+3901, LODrbits58, LODnbchw, 1, 700, 0
+3902, LODrbits55, LODnbchw, 1, 700, 0
+3903, LODrbits57, LODnbchw, 1, 700, 0
+3904, LODrbits59, LODnbchw, 1, 700, 0
+3905, LODhotel10, LODnbchw, 1, 700, 0
+3906, LOD_hotel08, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 1500, 0
+3907, LOD_hotel15, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 1500, 0
+3908, bldngst2mesh, buildingsite2, 1, 135, 132
+3909, bldigste1mesh, starbuildsite, 1, 84, 132
+3910, nbroofst11, nbrooft, 1, 60, 0
+3911, nb2glue, nbglue, 1, 21, 4
+3912, nw_nbwroad08, nbwbridge, 1, 185, 1
+3913, nbt_htlpoolbase03, htlpoolbase, 1, 108, 128
+3914, LOD_htlpoolbase03, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3915, LODnbwroad08, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 1000, 0
+3916, LODrwaterfrnt09, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3917, nbt_htlpoolbase04, nbt_htlpoolbase, 1, 108, 128
+3918, LOD_htlpoolrm02, LODnbchw, 1, 700, 0
+3919, LOD_htlpoolrm01, LODnbchw, 1, 700, 0
+3920, starbitbush, generic, 1, 60, 4
+3921, nbeachroads09, nbeachwgen, 1, 130, 0
+3922, LODachroads09, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3923, starwaterfrnt09b, starwaterfrnt01, 1, 108, 4
+3924, LODrwaterfrnt09b, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3925, starsbush2, generic, 1, 200, 4
+3926, LOD_htlpoolbase04, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3927, starbits13b, starwaterfrnt01, 1, 108, 4
+3928, LODrbits13b, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3929, starbits13c, starwaterfrnt01, 1, 108, 4
+3930, LODrbits13c, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3931, nbt_htlpoolbase01b, htlpoolbase, 1, 108, 128
+3932, LOD_htlpoolbase01b, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3933, starwaterfrnt07, starwaterfrnt01, 1, 128, 128
+3934, starwaterfrnt08, starwaterfrnt01, 1, 128, 128
+3935, nw_nbwroad05, generic, 1, 108, 1
+3936, buldingsite1, starbuildsite, 1, 84, 132
+3937, nw_nbwroad07, generic, 1, 145, 1
+3938, nw_nbwroad03, generic, 1, 108, 1
+3939, nw_nbwroad02, generic, 1, 108, 1
+3940, nbw_grssypatch, starwaterfrnt01, 1, 100, 0
+3941, nbw_bridgew, generic, 1, 130, 1
+3942, LODnbwroad07, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3943, LODnbwroad03, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3944, LODnbwroad02, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3945, LOD_bridgew, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3946, LOD_grssypatch, nbw_grssypatch, 1, 600, 0
+3947, nbt_htlpool01, htlpoolbase, 1, 108, 128
+3948, LODngst2mesh, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3949, LODigste1mesh, LODnbchw, 1, 700, 0
+3950, starbl02b, nbw_pinkblock, 1, 145, 128
+3951, LODrbl02b, LODnbchw, 1, 1000, 0
+3952, nbeachwjetty02, nbwjetty, 1, 120, 128
+3953, LODachwjetty02, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 1000, 128
+3954, starwaterfrnt06b, starwaterfrnt01, 1, 108, 128
+3955, LODrwaterfrnt06b, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3956, starwaterfrnt07b, starwaterfrnt01, 1, 108, 128
+3957, LODrwaterfrnt07b, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 2000, 0
+3958, wash_hardwares, nbwtoolshp5, 1, 100, 128
+3959, nbchwbridge, nbwbridge, 1, 120, 1
+3960, LODh_hardwares, LODnbchw, 1, 800, 0
+3961, nbeachbed01, nbw_pinkblock, 1, 65, 132
+3962, nbw_bush02, sta_pinkblock, 1, 100, 132
+3963, LODhwbridge, LODnbeachwbig, 1, 1000, 0
+3964, bldngst2meshdam, buildingsite2, 1, 135, 132
+3967, nbt_htlpiswr01, nbt_htlpoolrm, 1, 100, 4
+3968, nbt_htlpiswr02, nbt_htlpoolrm, 1, 100, 4
+3969, nbw_roadsigns, buildsite, 1, 150, 128
+3970, nbbridgbit2, nbwbridge, 1, 185, 1
+3971, nbchwbridgb, nbwbridge, 1, 120, 1
+3972, nbwbusshy2, generic, 1, 240, 4
+3973, nbeachbed02, nbw_pinkblock, 1, 65, 4
+3974, wash_hardwindow, nbwtoolshp5, 1, 100, 132
+3975, muck_nbeachw, nbeachwgen, 1, 100, 132
+3976, stardepot_FENCE, stardepot, 1, 160, 4
+3965, nbwneon01, nbt_htlpoolbar01, 1, 100, 4, 22, 5
+3966, nbwneon02, nbthotel08, 1, 100, 4, 22, 5
+3858, 27.8228, -7.57376, 0.307362, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 0, 0.998003, -0.0631588, 0, 0.998003, -0.0631588, 0
+3858, 29.7117, -18.1357, -1.31046, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 0, 0.998003, -0.0631588, 0, 0.998003, -0.0631588, 0
+3931, -6.73262, 24.2913, 1.36178, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, -0.0429181, 0.999079, 0, -0.0429181, 0.999079, 0
+3931, 6.99932, 28.0563, 0.129468, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, -0.0429187, 0.999079, 0, -0.0429187, 0.999079, 0
+3931, 23.4455, 28.2732, 0.129468, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, -0.0429194, 0.999079, 0, -0.0429194, 0.999079, 0
+3931, 44.0757, 28.6932, 0.129468, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, -0.0429271, 0.999078, 0, -0.0429271, 0.999078, 0
+3931, 46.8791, 28.7086, 0.129468, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, -0.0429271, 0.999078, 0, -0.0429271, 0.999078, 0
+3931, 70.7424, 29.789, 0.129468, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, -0.0429194, 0.999079, 0, -0.0429194, 0.999079, 0
+3937, 19.1705, -38.3627, 0.458043, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, 0.162334, 0.986736, 0, 0.162334, 0.986736, 0
+3937, 1.8886, -38.1968, 0.984698, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, 0.0266318, 0.999645, 0, 0.0266318, 0.999645, 0
+3950, 0.0265503, -26.7243, 0.242106, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, 0.0609005, -0.998144, 0, 0.0609005, -0.998144, 0
+3950, 4.49588, -21.5992, 0.330629, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, 0.914442, -0.404717, 0, 0.914442, -0.404717, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/oceandn/oceandN.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/oceandn/oceandN.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9497a78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/oceandn/oceandN.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+3546, odNroad05od, generic, 1, 200, 1
+3547, oceanroad05, odnroads, 1, 200, 0
+3549, deco_polgrnda9, ocmiamistrip7, 1, 140, 132
+3550, deco_polgrnda10, ocmiamistrip8, 1, 140, 132
+3552, spad_watr1, spad_water, 1, 100, 196
+3553, spad_watr2, spad_water, 1, 100, 196
+3554, spad_veg1, generic, 1, 100, 196
+3555, shado_chuf, spad_shado, 1, 100, 228
+3556, od_clubback, od_clubback, 1, 150, 0
+3560, LODroad05od, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3562, LODanroad05, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3563, LODo_polgrnda7, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3564, LODo_polgrnda8, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3565, LODo_polgrnda9, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3566, LODo_polgrnda10, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3567, od_wt, od_watertower, 1, 150, 132
+3568, od_wtsign, od_watertower, 1, 100, 132
+3569, od_wtshadow, od_watertower, 1, 100, 132
+3570, od_wtlegs, od_watertower, 1, 150, 132
+3572, oddirtpass1, odnglue, 1, 25, 228
+3573, od2glue, odnglue, 1, 25, 132
+3581, spad_buildnew, spad_buildnew, 1, 100, 128
+3582, sexgarden2, newroof, 1, 34, 128
+3583, od_celldoor3, od_cop_interior, 1, 10, 160
+3584, od_celldoor4, od_cop_interior, 1, 10, 160
+3585, od_bighotsign, od_bighotel, 1, 150, 132
+3586, od_bighotsign01, od_bighotel, 1, 299, 132
+3587, bighotelgrnd, ocnmiamistrip, 1, 180, 0
+3588, LODhotelgrnd, LODodriveN, 1, 800, 128
+3602, deco_buildkb25, oceanstrip10, 1, 100, 128
+3612, odndoorway3, sharedalleyod, 1, 100, 128
+3613, oddoorway, sharedalleyod, 1, 100, 128
+3614, oddoorway2, sharedalleyod, 1, 100, 128
+3615, new_bushtest42, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3616, odnvegbush1, generic, 1, 20, 132
+3617, odndirt4, sharedalleyod, 1, 70, 196
+3618, oceanroad04, odnroads, 1, 200, 0
+3619, LODanroad04, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3620, LODroad03od, LODodriveN, 1, 2000, 128
+3621, odndirt1, sharedalleyod, 1, 70, 196
+3622, odndirt2, sharedalleyod, 1, 70, 196
+3623, odndirt3, sharedalleyod, 1, 70, 196
+3624, odnvegbush2, generic, 1, 60, 132
+3625, lodd_build2, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3626, lodpad_grdn_2, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3627, LODlleyground4, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3628, LODlleyground5, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3629, LODlleyground2, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3643, odnwiret, odnwire, 1, 200, 132
+3659, LODclubback, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3660, miamiodnroadxa, odnroads, 1, 210, 0
+3661, LODd_buildnew, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3662, odrroofst02, odnrooft, 1, 100, 128
+3663, odrroofst07, odnrooft, 1, 80, 132
+3665, LODlleyground, LODodriveN, 1, 1200, 128
+3667, od_tracks01, shared_beach, 1, 150, 196
+3668, od_tracks03, shared_beach, 1, 200, 196
+3669, od_tracks05, shared_beach, 1, 150, 196
+3670, od_tracks06, shared_beach, 1, 120, 196
+3671, deco_copgrnd, ocmiamistrip12, 1, 150, 0
+3672, cop_mainroom, od_cop_interior, 1, 30, 32
+3673, cop_entrance, od_cop_interior, 1, 30, 32
+3674, cop_processing, od_cop_interior, 1, 30, 32
+3675, deco_polbuild, cop_oceandrv, 1, 150, 1
+3676, cop_hallway, od_cop_interior, 1, 30, 32
+3679, cop_blackpoly, od_cop_interior, 1, 30, 0
+3680, cop_cells, od_cop_interior, 1, 20, 32
+3681, LODo_polbuild, LODodriveN, 1, 800, 1
+3682, od_celldoor1, od_cop_interior, 1, 10, 32
+3683, od_celldoor02, od_cop_interior, 1, 10, 32
+3684, od_celldoor03, od_cop_interior, 1, 10, 32
+3685, od_celldoor04, od_cop_interior, 1, 10, 32
+3686, cop_waterref, od_cop_interior, 1, 30, 36
+3687, LODo_copgrnd, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 0
+3688, od_clubdoors, od_clubout, 1, 100, 0
+3689, od_clbdr_close, od_clubout, 1, 30, 4
+3692, ocndbridge, odnroads, 1, 200, 0
+3693, LODdbridge, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3694, od_bighotpool2, od_bighotpool, 1, 170, 0
+3695, od_divingbds, od_bighotpool, 1, 100, 132
+3696, od_divingbdsteps, od_bighotpool, 1, 30, 128
+3697, od_bighotpool, od_bighotpool, 1, 100, 0
+3698, od_bighotcons, od_bighotpool, 1, 50, 132
+3699, ph_build_stairs, intstairod, 1, 60, 160
+3700, od_chariot, od_chariot, 1, 200, 128
+3703, ph_build_dr_closed, intstairod, 1, 60, 0
+3704, ph_build_dr_open, intstairod, 1, 60, 0
+3705, spad_dr_open2, spad_main, 1, 100, 160
+3706, sexpad_grdn_2, spad_main, 1, 100, 0
+3707, spad_dr_closed3, newspadbuild, 1, 100, 128
+3708, spad_dr_open3, newspadbuild, 1, 100, 128
+3709, spad_dr_closed1, spad_main, 1, 100, 160
+3710, spad_dr_open1, spad_main, 1, 100, 160
+3711, spad_build2, newspadbuild, 1, 100, 128
+3712, spad_water, spad_opac, 1, 15, 132
+3713, spad_dr_closed2, spad_main, 1, 100, 160
+3714, miamiland_kb10, od_waterwrx, 1, 150, 0
+3715, miamiland_kb11, shared_beach, 1, 200, 0
+3716, miamiland_kb12, shared_beach, 1, 200, 0
+3717, beach_bush02, shared_beach, 1, 150, 132
+3718, beach_bush04, shared_beach, 1, 150, 132
+3719, miamiland_kb11b, shared_beach, 1, 300, 0
+3720, miamiland_kb13, shared_beach, 1, 300, 0
+3721, miamiland_kb12b, shared_beach, 1, 250, 0
+3722, miamiland_kb10b, shared_beach, 1, 250, 0
+3723, beachblend08, shared_beach, 1, 150, 132
+3724, beachblend09, shared_beach, 1, 150, 132
+3725, beachblend10, shared_beach, 1, 150, 132
+3726, beachblend11, shared_beach, 1, 150, 132
+3727, LODmiland_kb13, LODodriveN, 1, 1200, 128
+3728, LODmiland_kb12, LODodriveN, 1, 1200, 128
+3729, LODmiland_kb11, LODodriveN, 1, 1200, 128
+3730, LODmiland_kb11b, LODodriveN, 1, 1200, 128
+3731, LODmiland_kb12b, LODodriveN, 1, 1200, 128
+3732, LODmiland_kb10b, LODodriveN, 1, 1200, 128
+3733, LODchariot, LODodriveN, 1, 1500, 128
+3735, odNroad02, generic, 1, 200, 1
+3742, cop_dr_closed, copdoorstuff, 1, 100, 128
+3743, cop_dr_open, copdoorstuff, 1, 100, 160
+3744, cop_fake_ext01, cop_fake_ext03, 1, 1000, 128
+3745, cop_fake_ext02, cop_fake_ext04, 1, 1000, 128
+3746, lodbighotpool, LODodriveN, 1, 1000, 128
+3748, LODo_buildkb25, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3749, cop_entrance_fake, copdoorstuff, 1, 50, 32
+3750, cop_hallway_fake, copdoorstuff, 1, 50, 32
+3753, lodmiland_kb10, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3755, cop_fake_ext03, cop_fake_ext02, 1, 300, 128
+3756, cop_pillar_shad, od_cop_interior, 1, 30, 164
+3757, cop_pillar_fake, copdoorstuff, 1, 30, 164
+3758, odrampbit, odnrooft, 1, 80, 132
+3759, deco_polgrnda7, ocmiamistrip5, 1, 100, 128
+3760, deco_polgrnda8, ocmiamistrip6, 1, 140, 132
+3761, odrroofst06, odnrooft, 1, 80, 132
+3762, palettejumpN04, sharedalleyod, 1, 46, 128
+3767, odNroad03od, generic, 1, 200, 1
+3768, od_clbdr_open, od_clubout, 1, 30, 4
+3778, sexypoolcover, spad_main, 1, 30, 128
+3779, odnvegbush2b, Generic, 1, 100, 4
+3780, lodmiodnroadxa, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128
+3786, od_chariotland, od_chariot, 1, 200, 128
+3790, od_clubfnce, od_clubback, 1, 150, 68
+3791, od_clubdoora, od_clubout, 1, 100, 4
+3540, od_buildkb2_dy, odnhotelspr, 1, 100, 128, 5, 21
+3541, od_buildkb23_dy, odnhotelspr, 1, 100, 128, 5, 21
+3542, od_buildkb27_nt, odnhotelspr, 1, 100, 128, 21, 5
+3543, deco_buildkb_dy, odnhotelspr, 1, 100, 128, 5, 21
+3544, deco_buildkb29_dy, odnhotelspr, 1, 100, 128, 5, 21
+3545, odNroad04od_dy, generic, 1, 200, 1, 5, 21
+3548, oceanrd1_dy, odnroads, 1, 200, 0, 5, 21
+3551, od_bighotel_nt, od_bighotel, 1, 150, 128, 21, 5
+3557, LODroad08_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3558, LODanrod2b_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3559, LODanrd1_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3561, LODroad04od_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3571, odneontest, odneontest, 1, 200, 172, 21, 5
+3574, od_buildkb23_nt, odnhotelspr, 1, 100, 128, 21, 5
+3575, od_buildkb27_dy, odnhotelspr, 1, 100, 128, 5, 21
+3576, deco_buildkb_nt, odnhotelspr, 1, 100, 128, 21, 5
+3577, deco_buildkb29_nt, odnhotelspr, 1, 100, 128, 21, 5
+3578, odn_neonht1a, odnhotelblk, 1, 200, 172, 22, 5
+3579, od_neona1, odneontest, 1, 200, 172, 21, 5
+3580, od_buildkb2_nt, odnhotelspr, 1, 100, 128, 21, 5
+3589, lodbighotel_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 1800, 128, 21, 5
+3590, odn_beacon2_dy, odnhotelblk, 1, 100, 128, 5, 21
+3591, odn_beacon2_nt, odnhotelblk, 1, 100, 128, 21, 5
+3592, odn_majesticz_dy, odnhotelblk, 1, 100, 128, 5, 21
+3593, odn_majesticz_nt, odnhotelblk, 1, 100, 128, 21, 5
+3594, odn_tides2_dy, odnhotelblk, 1, 100, 128, 5, 21
+3595, odn_tides2_nt, odnhotelblk, 1, 100, 128, 21, 5
+3596, odn_majestic2x_nt, odnhotelblk, 1, 120, 128, 21, 5
+3597, odn_colony_dy, odnhotelblk, 1, 100, 132, 5, 21
+3598, odnneaon1, neonnd, 1, 100, 172, 20, 5
+3599, odnneaon3, neonnd, 1, 100, 172, 20, 5
+3600, odnneaon2, neonnd, 1, 200, 172, 20, 5
+3601, odnneaon4, neonnd, 1, 100, 172, 20, 5
+3603, odn_majest_nt, odnhotelblk, 1, 100, 128, 21, 5
+3604, odn_majest_dy, odnhotelblk, 1, 100, 128, 5, 21
+3605, odn_hotelhot_dy, odnhotelblk, 1, 100, 128, 5, 21
+3606, odn_hotelhot_nt, odnhotelblk, 1, 100, 128, 21, 5
+3607, odneontest01, odneontest, 1, 200, 172, 21, 5
+3608, odalleyground_dy, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 1, 5, 21
+3609, odalleyground2_nt, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 1, 21, 5
+3610, odalleyground4_dy, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 1, 5, 21
+3611, odalleyground5_nt, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 1, 21, 5
+3630, LODbuildkb2_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3631, LODbuildkb23_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3632, LODbuildkb27_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3633, LODo_buildkb_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3634, LODo_buildkb29_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3635, LOD_majestic2x_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3636, odn_colony_nt, odnhotelblk, 1, 100, 132, 21, 5
+3637, LOD_colony_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3638, LOD_tides2_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3639, LOD_majesticz_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3640, LOD_beacon2_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3641, LOD_hotelhot_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3642, LOD_majest_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3644, oceanrd1_nt, odnroads, 1, 200, 0, 21, 5
+3645, LODanrd1_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3646, LODanrod2b_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3647, lodroad08_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3648, LOD_majest_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3649, LOD_hotelhot_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3650, LOD_majesticz_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3651, LOD_tides2_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3652, LOD_colony_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3653, LOD_majestic2x_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3654, LODo_buildkb29_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3655, LODo_buildkb_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3656, LODbuildkb27_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3657, LODbuildkb23_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3658, LODbuildkb2_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3664, odalleygb_dy, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 1, 5, 21
+3666, LODlleygb_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3677, od_clubout_dy, od_clubout, 1, 150, 0, 5, 21
+3678, LODclubout_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3690, od_clubneon, od_clubout, 1, 100, 44, 21, 6
+3691, od_clubout_nt, od_clubout, 1, 150, 0, 21, 5
+3701, od_char_signs_dy, od_chariot, 1, 150, 164, 5, 20
+3702, od_char_signs_nt, od_chariot, 1, 150, 164, 20, 5
+3734, odNroad01_dy, generic, 1, 200, 1, 5, 21
+3736, odNroad06_nt, generic, 1, 200, 1, 21, 5
+3737, odNroad06_dy, generic, 1, 200, 1, 5, 21
+3738, odnanrod2b_nt, generic, 1, 200, 1, 21, 5
+3739, odnanrod2b_dy, generic, 1, 200, 1, 5, 21
+3740, odNroad08_nt, generic, 1, 200, 1, 21, 5
+3741, odNroad08_dy, generic, 1, 200, 1, 5, 21
+3747, LOD_beacon2_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3751, odalleygb_nt, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 1, 21, 5
+3752, LODlleygb_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 5, 21
+3754, LODclubout_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3763, odn_majestic2x_dy, odnhotelblk, 1, 120, 128, 5, 21
+3764, odalleyground2_dy, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 1, 5, 21
+3765, odalleyground_nt, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 1, 21, 5
+3766, odNroad04od_nt, generic, 1, 200, 1, 21, 5
+3769, odalleyground4_nt, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 1, 21, 5
+3770, odalleyground5_dy, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 1, 5, 21
+3771, od_hotel_windows, od_bighotel, 1, 150, 164, 21, 5
+3772, lodhotel_windows, LODodriveN, 1, 1800, 164, 21, 5
+3773, odNroad01_nt, generic, 1, 200, 1, 21, 5
+3774, od_chariot_lghts01, od_chariot, 1, 200, 164, 24, 5
+3775, od_chariot_lghts02, od_chariot, 1, 200, 164, 23, 5
+3776, lodchariot_lghts01, LODodriveN, 1, 1500, 164, 24, 5
+3777, lodchariot_lghts02, LODodriveN, 1, 1500, 164, 23, 5
+3781, lodroad01_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 129, 21, 5
+3782, lodroad01_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 129, 5, 21
+3783, LODroad04od_nt, LODodriveN, 1, 700, 128, 21, 5
+3784, lodbighotel_dy, LODodriveN, 1, 1800, 128, 5, 21
+3785, od_bighotel_dy, od_bighotel, 1, 150, 128, 5, 21
+3787, odn_hotshad1, odnhotelblk, 1, 100, 132, 5, 21
+3788, odn_hotshad2, odnhotelblk, 1, 100, 132, 5, 21
+3789, odn_hotshad3, odnhotelblk, 1, 100, 132, 5, 21
+3792, od_clubfence_dy, od_clubout, 1, 150, 4, 5, 21
+3793, od_clubfence_nt, od_clubout, 1, 150, 4, 21, 5
+3542, 2.9126, -5.18024, -4.25977, 49, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 700, 22, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3576, 2.18948, -5.78754, 2.67694, 255, 127, 232, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3591, 16.4529, 3.36845, -3.12205, 0, 210, 15, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3593, 13.3083, -3.04387, 0.318256, 0, 210, 15, 200, 3, 3, -0.46156, 0.887109, 0, -0.46156, 0.887109, 0
+3595, 14.9174, 2.08228, -6.47842, 198, 190, 56, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3595, 9.20844, 14.3761, -4.88923, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3595, -1.92914, -12.8658, -4.88923, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3595, 0.679871, -6.45886, -1.77388, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3595, 3.10226, -1.09344, -1.77388, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3595, 5.14487, 4.31097, -1.77388, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3595, 7.60345, 10.4565, -4.88923, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3595, -3.4426, -16.622, -4.88923, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3595, 1.62964, -0.0790405, -8.8718, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 14.6309, -1.49615, 19.1882, 255, 174, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 10.8039, -1.41415, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 9.7804, -29.7144, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 5.39858, -61.22, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 3.10913, -79.3161, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 1.11655, -101.043, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 0.214692, -118.382, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, -4.8246, -143.181, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, -4.0077, -136.573, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, -6.81762, -150.117, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 19.9275, 46.6235, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 27.4106, 85.4875, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 27.719, 95.5245, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 28.7306, 105.174, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 33.0537, 138.515, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 39.3233, 208.877, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 41.2345, 258.327, 1.41357, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 33.518, 288.38, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 20.4424, 333.356, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 16.5229, 353.226, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 16.796, 17.7986, 19.1882, 255, 174, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 32.65, 232.842, 11.501, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 14.5378, 361.814, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3596, 18.5289, 342.32, 1.41357, 254, 255, 194, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3603, 17.9471, -15.6651, 22.5731, 236, 122, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3691, 18.4093, -18.7818, -4.72525, 255, 0, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3691, 11.312, -9.39896, -4.72525, 255, 153, 254, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3691, 26.072, -10.9408, -4.45927, 255, 153, 254, 200, 3, 3, -0.0610706, -0.998133, 0, -0.0610706, -0.998133, 0
+3700, -21.3176, 34.5436, 5.93173, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3700, -23.0437, 27.7265, 5.93173, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3700, -24.3973, 20.9095, 5.93173, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3700, -25.352, 14.0924, 5.93173, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3700, -25.9169, 7.27531, 5.93173, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3700, -26.0992, 0.458242, 5.93173, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3700, -25.9686, -6.35883, 5.93173, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3700, -25.4038, -13.1759, 5.93173, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3700, -23.2202, -26.81, 5.93173, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3700, -21.5632, -33.6271, 5.93173, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3700, -24.5204, -19.993, 5.93173, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3736, -42.3164, -61.88, 4.93711, 0, 221, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3736, -38.5997, -37.7868, 4.93711, 236, 122, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3738, -29.6324, -81.2025, 4.94717, 43, 118, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3738, -12.5626, -42.9174, 4.94717, 110, 14, 14, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3738, 14.564, 18.3014, 4.94717, 255, 174, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3738, 29.2066, 68.2353, 4.94717, 84, 0, 143, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3738, 31.8266, 97.6547, 4.94717, 32, 136, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3738, -21.7766, -48.1905, 0.982722, 32, 136, 0, 200, 3, 3, 0.10817, 0.994132, 0, 0.10817, 0.994132, 0
+3740, -48.8841, -83.8248, 5.85699, 255, 127, 232, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3740, -42.8455, -65.4305, 3.59741, 49, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 700, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3740, -32.632, -47.0567, 3.83, 255, 127, 232, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3740, -24.7685, -27.174, 4.43608, 255, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3740, -17.9429, -9.23236, 4.52554, 0, 255, 126, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3740, 7.10022, 45.3502, 4.94715, 255, 174, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3740, -1.89856, 18.1813, 4.94715, 136, 0, 156, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3740, 30.4465, 87.1535, 4.94715, 136, 0, 156, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3740, -54.4286, -106.561, 2.55376, 179, 22, 22, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3740, -62.1145, -124.584, 2.55376, 51, 63, 228, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3740, 28.9903, 92.1923, 1.53914, 51, 63, 228, 200, 3, 3, -0.645833, -0.763479, 0, -0.645833, -0.763479, 0
+3740, -51.2049, -82.8812, 1.51251, 51, 63, 228, 200, 3, 3, -0.739724, -0.672911, 0, -0.739724, -0.672911, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/oceandrv/oceandrv.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/oceandrv/oceandrv.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a2488b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/oceandrv/oceandrv.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+3085, plants01, Generic, 1, 299, 132
+3086, deco_buildkb09, oceanstrip2, 1, 100, 128
+3087, deco_polgrnda12, ocmiamistrip9, 1, 160, 128
+3088, deco_polgrnda13, ocmiamistrip9, 1, 140, 132
+3089, deco_polgrnda14, ocmiamistrip9, 1, 140, 128
+3090, deco_polgrnda16, ocmiamistrip9X, 1, 140, 128
+3091, deco_polgrnda17, ocmiamistrip16, 1, 140, 128
+3096, od_walkway2, od_lighthouse, 1, 200, 0
+3097, od_walkway3, od_lighthouse, 1, 125, 0
+3098, plants04, Generic, 1, 200, 132
+3099, plants05, Generic, 1, 150, 132
+3100, od_lightext, od_lighthouse, 1, 150, 132
+3102, od_northstar, od_bigshops2, 1, 100, 132
+3106, od_bphq, od_bphq, 1, 100, 128
+3107, od_acne, od_bigshops2, 1, 130, 128
+3108, od_bigshops2, od_bigshops2, 1, 140, 128
+3109, od_bigshops1, od_bigshops2, 1, 110, 128
+3116, LODo_polgrnda12, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128
+3117, LODo_polgrnda13, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128
+3118, LODo_polgrnda14, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128
+3119, LODo_polgrnda16, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128
+3120, LODo_polgrnda17, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128
+3121, LODlightext, LODodrive, 1, 2000, 128
+3122, LODacne, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128
+3123, LODbigshops1, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128
+3124, LODbigshops2, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128
+3125, LODbphq, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128
+3148, od_clevelfence, od_fence, 1, 100, 128
+3150, oddoorwayS1, sharedalleyod, 1, 250, 128
+3151, odrv_bushes, Generic, 1, 200, 132
+3188, od_cornercrap1, sharedalleyod, 1, 50, 132
+3189, od_cornercrap2, sharedalleyod, 1, 50, 132
+3190, od_cornercrap3, sharedalleyod, 1, 50, 132
+3191, od_tracks08, shared_beach, 1, 100, 196
+3192, od_tracks10, shared_beach, 1, 100, 196
+3193, od_tracks12, shared_beach, 1, 100, 196
+3194, od_tracks14, shared_beach, 1, 100, 196
+3196, lodo_buildkb09, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128
+3197, miamiland_kb03, shared_beach, 1, 300, 0
+3198, miamiland_kb04, shared_beach, 1, 200, 0
+3199, beach_bush08s, shared_beach, 1, 200, 4
+3200, beach_bush06s, shared_beach, 1, 200, 4
+3201, miamiland_ws04, shared_beach, 1, 200, 0
+3202, miamiland_ws04b, shared_beach, 1, 300, 0
+3203, miamiland_kb02, shared_beach, 1, 300, 0
+3204, od_lhland, shared_beach, 1, 300, 4
+3205, beachlo1, shared_beach, 1, 300, 0
+3206, miamiland_kb01_dy, shared_beach, 1, 200, 0
+3207, LODmiland_ws04, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128
+3208, LODmiland_kb04, LODodrive, 1, 2000, 128
+3209, LODmiland_kb03, LODodrive, 1, 2000, 128
+3210, LODmiland_ws04b, LODodrive, 1, 2000, 128
+3211, LODlhland, LODodrive, 1, 1000, 128
+3212, LODchlo1, LODodrive, 1, 2000, 128
+3214, lodmiland_kb02, LODodrive, 1, 2000, 128
+3216, miamiland_kb01_nt, shared_beach, 1, 200, 0
+3217, LODoceanrdN1_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 0
+3218, LODoceanrdN1_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 0
+3219, lodwalkway2, LODodrive, 1, 2000, 0
+3220, odlowsand2, shared_beach, 1, 300, 0
+3221, odlowsand1, shared_beach, 1, 300, 0
+3222, odhighsandgrs1, shared_beach, 1, 300, 0
+3223, lodowsand1, LODodrive, 1, 2000, 128
+3224, lodighsandgrs1, LODodrive, 1, 2000, 128
+3225, lodowsand2, LODodrive, 1, 2000, 128
+3227, oddoorwayS02, sharedalleyod, 1, 100, 128
+3228, odrv_bushes01, Generic, 1, 200, 132
+3234, beachblend15, ocmiamistrip, 1, 150, 132
+3235, beachblend12, ocmiamistrip, 1, 150, 132
+3236, beachblend13, ocmiamistrip, 1, 150, 132
+3237, beachblend14, ocmiamistrip, 1, 150, 132
+3238, beachblend16, ocmiamistrip, 1, 150, 132
+3244, plants05b, Generic, 1, 150, 132
+3248, od_lightint, od_lighthousein, 1, 66, 128
+3249, lodnorthstar, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128
+3092, oceanrda06_dy, Generic, 1, 200, 1, 5, 20
+3093, oceanrda05_dy, Generic, 1, 200, 1, 5, 20
+3094, oceanrda04_dy, Generic, 1, 200, 1, 5, 20
+3095, oceanrda03_dy, Generic, 1, 200, 1, 5, 20
+3101, od_lightbeam, LODodrive, 1, 2000, 172, 20, 5
+3103, od_clevelander_dy, od_hotels1, 1, 110, 128, 5, 20
+3104, od_clevelander_nt, od_hotels1, 1, 110, 128, 20, 5
+3105, od_alleys1_01_dy, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 4, 5, 21
+3110, od_majestic2c_dy, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 128, 5, 20
+3111, od_majestic2c_nt, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 128, 20, 5
+3112, LODanrda06_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 5, 20
+3113, LODanrda05_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 5, 20
+3114, LODanrda04_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 5, 20
+3115, LODanrda03_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 5, 20
+3126, od_neons3b_nt, od_neons1, 1, 200, 172, 21, 5
+3127, od_neons2b_nt, od_neons1, 1, 200, 172, 21, 5
+3128, od_casagrande_dy, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 128, 5, 20
+3129, od_casagrande_nt, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 128, 20, 5
+3130, LODcasagrande_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 5, 20
+3131, od_pelican_dy, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 128, 5, 20
+3132, od_pelican_nt, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 128, 20, 5
+3133, od_pelican2_dy, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 128, 5, 20
+3134, od_pelican2_nt, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 128, 20, 5
+3135, LODpelican_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 5, 20
+3136, od_colony_dy, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 128, 5, 20
+3137, od_colony_nt, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 128, 20, 5
+3138, od_colony2_nt, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 128, 20, 5
+3139, od_colony2_dy, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 128, 5, 20
+3140, LODcolony_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 5, 20
+3141, LODcolony2_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 5, 20
+3142, od_tides3_dy, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 128, 5, 20
+3143, od_tides3_nt, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 132, 20, 5
+3144, LODclevelander_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 5, 20
+3145, od_dirtshad1, od_neons1, 1, 100, 132, 5, 20
+3146, od_dirtshad3, od_neons1, 1, 100, 132, 5, 20
+3147, od_dirtshad4, od_neons1, 1, 100, 132, 5, 20
+3149, od_alleys3_01_nt, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 0, 21, 5
+3152, lodalleys1b_01_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 21, 5
+3153, lodalleys2_01_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 5, 21
+3154, od_alleys3b_01_dy, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 4, 5, 21
+3155, oceanrda04_nt, Generic, 1, 200, 1, 20, 5
+3156, oceanrda06_nt, Generic, 1, 200, 1, 20, 5
+3157, ocdneona_nt, od_neons1, 1, 200, 172, 21, 5
+3158, ocdneonb_nt, od_neons1, 1, 200, 172, 21, 5
+3159, od_dirty1, od_neons1, 1, 100, 132, 5, 20
+3160, od_dirty2, od_neons1, 1, 100, 132, 5, 20
+3161, od_dirty4, od_neons1, 1, 100, 132, 5, 20
+3162, od_neonx1, od_neons1, 1, 200, 172, 21, 5
+3163, od_neonn, od_neons1, 1, 200, 172, 21, 5
+3164, LODmajestic2c_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 5, 20
+3165, LODtides3_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 5, 20
+3166, LODpelican2_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 5, 20
+3167, LODanrda06_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 20, 5
+3168, LODanrda05_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 20, 5
+3169, LODanrda04_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 20, 5
+3170, LODanrda03_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 20, 5
+3171, LODclevelander_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 20, 5
+3172, LODcasagrande_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 20, 5
+3173, LODpelican2_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 20, 5
+3174, LODcolony_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 20, 5
+3175, LODtides3_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 20, 5
+3176, LODpelican_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 20, 5
+3177, LODcolony2_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 20, 5
+3178, LODmajestic2c_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 20, 5
+3179, od_alleys2_01_dy, sharedalleyod, 1, 180, 4, 5, 21
+3180, od_newscafe_dy, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 0, 5, 20
+3181, od_newscafe_nt, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 0, 20, 5
+3182, LODnewscafe_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 20, 5
+3183, LODnewscafe_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 5, 20
+3184, od_oceanrdN1_nt, Generic, 1, 200, 1, 20, 5
+3185, od_oceanrdN1_dy, Generic, 1, 200, 1, 5, 20
+3186, oceanrda03_nt, Generic, 1, 200, 1, 20, 5
+3187, oceanrda05_nt, Generic, 1, 200, 1, 20, 5
+3195, od_fpbarsign, od_hotels1, 1, 100, 164, 20, 5
+3213, LODmiland_kb01_nt, LODodrive, 1, 1000, 128, 20, 5
+3215, LODmiland_kb01_dy, LODodrive, 1, 1000, 128, 5, 20
+3226, lodalleys1_01_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 5, 21
+3229, od_alleys1_01_nt, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 4, 21, 5
+3230, od_alleys1b_01_nt, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 4, 21, 5
+3231, od_alleys2_01_nt, sharedalleyod, 1, 180, 4, 21, 5
+3232, od_alleys3b_01_nt, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 4, 21, 5
+3233, od_alleys3_01_dy, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 4, 5, 21
+3239, lodalleys2_01_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 21, 5
+3240, lodalleys3_01_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 0, 21, 5
+3241, lodalleys3b_01_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 4, 21, 5
+3242, lodalleys3_01_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 4, 5, 21
+3243, lodalleys3b_01_dy, LODodrive, 1, 900, 4, 5, 21
+3245, lodalleys1b_01_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 5, 21
+3246, lodalleys1_01_nt, LODodrive, 1, 900, 128, 21, 5
+3247, od_alleys1b_01_dy, sharedalleyod, 1, 150, 5, 5, 21
+3102, -16.3504, -15.0079, 0.590238, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, 0.771844, 0.635812, 0, 0.771844, 0.635812, 0
+3102, -16.827, -13.601, 0.590238, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, -0.973475, 0.228794, 0, -0.973475, 0.228794, 0
+3102, -13.6091, -14.375, 0.590238, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, -0.521634, -0.853169, 0, -0.521634, -0.853169, 0
+3102, -17.1011, -11.0023, 0.590238, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 1, 0.985075, -0.172123, 0, 0.985075, -0.172123, 0
+3102, 14.1826, -6.76746, 1.79933, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, 0.99397, 0.10965, 0, 0.99397, 0.10965, 0
+3102, 8.92903, 92.4141, 1.79933, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, -0.698921, 0.715199, 0, -0.698921, 0.715199, 0
+3102, -14.3321, 14.3402, 1.79933, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, -0.95842, 0.285362, 0, -0.95842, 0.285362, 0
+3102, 65.9194, 335.471, 1.79933, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 4, -0.929644, 0.36846, 0, -0.929644, 0.36846, 0
+3102, -10.8697, -13.7183, 1.19695, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 3, -0.482862, 0.875697, 0, -0.482862, 0.875697, 0
+3104, 24.6233, 21.8299, -4.50003, 246, 19, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3104, 24.7871, -1.37784, -4.50003, 246, 19, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3104, 27.2251, -24.8279, -4.50003, 246, 19, 238, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3104, 13.2392, -2.4603, -1.51012, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3104, 13.253, -0.693262, -1.51012, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3104, 13.2668, 1.07378, -1.51012, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3104, 13.2806, 2.84082, -1.51012, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3129, 12.413, -0.723482, -6.12483, 251, 229, 142, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3134, 9.4322, 0.749675, -4.00063, 246, 126, 19, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3137, 18.9044, 0.944991, -5.97202, 19, 130, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3137, 15.8451, -0.322234, -5.97202, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3137, 18.9044, 0.944991, 5.49993, 65, 225, 231, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3143, 15.6633, -3.69556, -19.3166, 246, 199, 19, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 30, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3155, -5.05856, -46.0665, 1.40186, 246, 199, 19, 200, 3, 1, 0.88489, -0.156349, -0.438776, 0.88489, -0.156349, -0.438776
+3155, -4.26575, -39.1285, 1.68641, 246, 199, 19, 200, 3, 1, 0.924648, -0.167327, -0.342094, 0.924648, -0.167327, -0.342094
+3155, -2.41541, -32.5359, 1.57304, 246, 199, 19, 200, 3, 1, 0.796375, -0.147484, -0.586545, 0.796375, -0.147484, -0.586545
+3155, 8.93073, 5.51794, 2.48271, 229, 132, 18, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3155, 19.1897, 57.5885, 2.48271, 23, 229, 18, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3155, 12.1447, 36.7787, 1.11899, 23, 229, 18, 200, 3, 3, -0.770375, -0.637591, 0, -0.770375, -0.637591, 0
+3156, 3.97693, 41.4218, 5.65326, 155, 119, 21, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 1, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3156, 9.56927, 69.2865, 2.23737, 19, 246, 25, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3156, -0.0433502, 38.72, 1.83991, 19, 246, 25, 200, 3, 3, 0.0321174, 0.999484, 0, 0.0321174, 0.999484, 0
+3181, 9.27614, -5.40027, -8.69031, 19, 246, 25, 200, 3, 1, 0.96552, -0.260328, -9.4788e-007, 0.96552, -0.260328, -9.4788e-007
+3181, 9.37969, -8.64646, -8.75578, 19, 246, 25, 200, 3, 1, 0.779557, 0.626332, -9.28666e-007, 0.779557, 0.626332, -9.28666e-007
+3181, 5.2949, -7.9573, -8.7749, 19, 246, 25, 200, 3, 1, 0.996751, 0.0805435, -3.10324e-007, 0.996751, 0.0805435, -3.10324e-007
+3181, 10.3801, 9.48765, -3.60953, 64, 240, 205, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 15, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3181, 5.81615, -5.0119, -3.60953, 149, 201, 184, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3181, 13.1304, -4.07715, -9.18964, 149, 201, 184, 200, 3, 3, -0.2661, -0.963945, -6.25874e-007, -0.2661, -0.963945, -6.25874e-007
+3186, -28.0352, -73.2734, 2.24832, 227, 18, 229, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3186, -26.0681, -57.1148, 2.24832, 227, 18, 229, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3186, -24.8615, -34.7374, 2.24832, 137, 18, 229, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3186, -20.1747, -5.82233, 2.2323, 18, 53, 229, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3186, -7.23584, 35.8136, 2.2323, 229, 117, 18, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3186, -27.7003, -7.64685, 0.862008, 229, 117, 18, 200, 3, 3, -0.0994932, 0.995038, 0, -0.0994932, 0.995038, 0
+3186, -29.7805, -29.8906, 1.71935, 229, 117, 18, 200, 3, 3, -0.561495, -0.82748, 0, -0.561495, -0.82748, 0
+3187, 15.7724, 35.5728, 2.49728, 19, 137, 246, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
+3187, 17.0117, 52.2809, 2.49728, 246, 19, 19, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 20, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 4
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/stadint/stadint.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/stadint/stadint.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c634b7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/stadint/stadint.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+4455, kickstart, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4456, kickobs1, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4457, plank1, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4458, kickdrums2, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4459, kickdrums1, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4460, kickramp1, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4461, kickbannerside4, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4462, dirtdetail2, kickstart, 1, 299, 36
+4463, kickhay2, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4464, kickhay1, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4465, kickdrums05, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4466, kickdrums07, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4467, kickdrums16, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4468, kickhay3, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4469, kickbannerstart01, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4470, kickfence, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4471, kicktyres, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4472, kicktyres2, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4473, kickdetail2, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4474, kickdetail, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4475, runup, kickstart, 1, 299, 36
+4476, kicktyres03, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4477, kickcar3, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4478, stand, destructo, 1, 299, 36
+4479, stuntman2, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4480, destruct1, destructo, 1, 299, 32
+4481, destruct2, destructo, 1, 299, 32
+4482, standblack01, standext, 1, 299, 32
+4483, destruct03, destructo, 1, 299, 32
+4484, stand01, destructo, 1, 299, 32
+4485, kickbus03, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4486, standblack02, standext, 1, 299, 32
+4487, kickramp02, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4488, kickbus04, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4489, kickbus05, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4490, plankk2, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4491, kickobs02, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4492, runup01, kickstart, 1, 299, 36
+4493, kickcar06, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4494, kickcar17, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4495, kickcar23, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4496, kickcar28, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4497, kickcar36, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4498, looplop2, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4499, loopbig, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4500, carsontrack, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4501, kickramp03, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4502, fireyfire, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4503, fireyfire01, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4504, kickramp04, kickstart, 1, 299, 32
+4505, thebowl01, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4506, thebowl03, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4507, thebowl04, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4508, thebowl05, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4509, thebowl06, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4510, thebowl07, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4511, thebowl08, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4512, thebowl09, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4513, thebolla1, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4514, thebolla2, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4515, thebowl10, stunt, 1, 299, 32
+4516, stuntman03, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4517, thebowl11, stunt, 1, 299, 32
+4518, stand02, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4519, thebolla03, stunt, 1, 299, 32
+4520, thebowl12, stunt, 1, 299, 32
+4521, thebowl13, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4522, thebolla04, stunt, 1, 299, 32
+4523, thebowl14, stunt, 1, 299, 32
+4524, thebowl15, stunt, 1, 299, 32
+4525, thebowl16, stunt, 1, 299, 32
+4526, standblack03, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4527, thebowl17, stunt, 1, 299, 32
+4528, destruct04, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4529, destruct05, stunt, 1, 299, 36
+4481, 0.00012207, -0.0942383, -10.3084, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 80, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4481, -105.531, 75.0513, 1.29013, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 80, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4481, -33.9456, 73.3387, 1.29013, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 80, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4481, -65.9441, 65.8591, -10.3084, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 80, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4481, -215.63, -18.2784, -10.3084, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 33, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 1, 0
+4481, -116.714, 67.1226, -10.3084, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 80, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4481, -204.893, 457.415, 36.0408, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 33, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 1, 0
+4481, -133.308, 455.702, 36.0408, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 33, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 1, 0
+4483, 116.714, -68.0422, -10.3084, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 33, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 1, 0
+4483, 50.7701, -86.0403, -10.3084, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 33, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 1, 0
+4483, 0.000244141, -84.8257, -10.3084, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 33, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 1, 0
+4483, 0.000488281, -0.825439, -10.3084, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 33, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 1, 0
+4483, -98.9159, -86.2264, -10.3084, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 33, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 1, 0
+4483, 10.5199, 46.58, -21.5324, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 80, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4483, 82.3313, 30.4753, -21.5324, 255, 238, 214, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 80, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4483, 126.52, 9.59412, -21.5324, 255, 238, 214, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 80, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4483, 122.784, -28.6754, -21.5324, 255, 238, 214, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 80, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4483, 52.2271, -43.2925, -21.5324, 255, 238, 214, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 80, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4483, 7.51514, -51.6095, -21.5324, 255, 238, 214, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 80, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4483, -18.7097, -61.7233, -21.5324, 255, 238, 214, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 80, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4483, -76.0579, -29.3258, -21.5324, 255, 238, 214, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 80, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4483, -67.5131, 11.8704, -21.5324, 255, 238, 214, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 80, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4483, -8.55847, 2.62781, -21.5324, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 80, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4486, -176.736, -66.955, 5.77222, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 60, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4486, -172.64, 67.322, 11.6182, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 60, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4486, -23.1962, 27.6613, 3.18854, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 60, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4486, -112.256, -78.2885, 19.2764, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 60, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4486, -97.1926, 37.0677, 3.18854, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 60, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4486, 11.9124, 4.99133, 20.6598, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 60, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4486, -13.3962, -67.5287, 7.23099, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 60, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4486, -113.813, -9.52222, 3.18854, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 60, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4486, -54.0016, -27.5719, 3.18854, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 60, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4486, -230.012, 26.068, 6.59854, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 60, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4486, -238.31, -23.436, 7.10861, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 60, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4486, -119.994, 80.0219, 8.40121, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 60, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4486, -23.3748, 72.3573, 5.45404, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 60, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4486, -173.89, 17.2711, 3.18854, 255, 247, 235, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 60, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4502, -1.75439, -0.136719, -1.8063, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4502, -0.0574951, -0.136719, -2.46173, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4502, 0.954346, -0.136719, -2.31192, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4502, -1.10107, -0.136719, -2.31192, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4502, -1.10107, -0.136719, 2.89243, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4502, -2.28162, -0.136719, 2.14322, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4502, 2.23669, -0.136719, 2.14322, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4502, 0.838013, -0.136719, 2.94193, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4502, 1.68396, -0.136719, -1.8063, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4502, 2.16162, -0.136719, -1.06305, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4502, -2.28967, -0.136719, -1.06305, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4502, 1.68652, -0.136719, 2.62628, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4502, -1.72937, -0.136719, 2.62628, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4502, -1.46423, -0.136719, -2.05536, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 4, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4502, -0.697754, -0.136719, 3.04126, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4502, -0.100586, -0.136719, 3.04126, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4502, 0.447021, -0.136719, 3.04126, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4503, -5.83289, -0.216919, 4.05875, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4503, 0.386353, -0.216919, -5.69849, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4503, 2.46399, -0.216919, -5.06366, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4503, 4.15845, -0.216919, -3.91602, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4503, -4.45264, -0.216919, -3.91602, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4503, -4.45264, -0.216919, 5.53439, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4503, -1.63806, -0.216919, -5.34286, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4503, 5.83325, -0.216919, 4.05875, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4503, 3.9447, -0.746826, 6.12503, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4503, -0.0419922, -0.746826, 7.16666, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4503, 2.19775, -0.746826, 6.93237, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4503, -2.50647, -0.746826, 6.93237, 134, 59, 8, 200, 1, 3, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+4516, -10.9424, -0.928894, 10.2996, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 37, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4516, 90.9092, -1.07837, 10.2996, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 37, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4516, 46.8108, -39.9802, 10.2996, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 37, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4516, -13.7637, -40.0538, 10.2996, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 37, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4516, -11.5416, 41.6477, 10.2996, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 37, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4516, -64.7983, -33.9037, 10.2996, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 37, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4516, -96.9088, 1.09723, 10.2996, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 37, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4516, -58.5487, 35.6971, 10.2996, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 37, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+4516, 40.5334, 35.3506, 10.2996, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 37, 0, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/starisl/starisl.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/starisl/starisl.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1993577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/starisl/starisl.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+2364, STGLUE, star4, 1, 100, 132
+2365, Rose_Bush01, star5, 1, 100, 4
+2366, Mansion2_C_fence, star4, 1, 150, 128
+2367, Mansion2_A, stmansion, 1, 120, 128
+2368, Boat_houseA, star3, 1, 150, 132
+2369, Boat_houseA01, star5, 1, 150, 4
+2370, Mansion3_C, star5, 1, 130, 0
+2371, st_garden1, star2, 1, 130, 0
+2372, StarGate, star2, 1, 100, 4
+2373, Stglue01, star2, 1, 100, 4
+2374, stpoolwater, starpool, 1, 100, 4
+2375, Rose_Bush03, star5, 1, 100, 4
+2376, stPOOLw1, transbits2, 1, 150, 4
+2377, mansion1gardens, star4, 1, 200, 0
+2378, starisland_road6, starroad, 1, 150, 0
+2379, starisland_road2, starroad, 1, 200, 0
+2380, starisland_road4, starroad, 1, 150, 0
+2381, starisland_road1, starroad, 1, 200, 0
+2382, boatpole, star5, 1, 150, 128
+2383, starisland_road3, starroad, 1, 170, 0
+2384, mansion3gardens, star3, 1, 170, 0
+2385, Mansion2_B, star3, 1, 100, 128
+2386, mansion3a, star4, 1, 100, 128
+2387, mansion3_B, star5, 1, 130, 128
+2388, mansion1b, star1, 1, 130, 128
+2389, Starhouse, star2, 1, 100, 128
+2390, LODrisland_road3, lod_starsmall, 1, 750, 384
+2391, LODrisland_road1, lod_starsmall, 1, 750, 384
+2392, LODsion3_B, lod_starsmall, 1, 700, 384
+2393, LODrhouse, lod_starsmall, 1, 700, 384
+2394, LODrisland_road2, lod_starsmall, 1, 750, 384
+2395, LODrisland_road4, lod_starsmall, 1, 750, 384
+2396, LODrisland_road6, lod_starsmall, 1, 750, 384
+2397, LODsion1gardens, lod_starbig, 1, 1500, 384
+2398, stObject23, starpool, 1, 100, 4
+2399, stPOOLWATER5, starpool, 1, 100, 4
+2400, Stglue06, star2, 1, 100, 4
+2401, Stglue07, star4, 1, 100, 132
+2402, starladder, star5, 1, 100, 0
+2403, Mansion4gate, star1, 1, 100, 132
+2404, Man4garagedoors, star1, 1, 100, 0
+2405, stPOOLWATER02, starpool, 1, 100, 4
+2406, Starrockpool, star1, 1, 130, 128
+2407, man4ladderpool01, star1, 1, 100, 0
+2408, Mansion1_base, star1, 1, 190, 0
+2409, LODsion1_base, lod_starsmall, 1, 750, 384
+2410, LODsion1b, lod_starsmall, 1, 700, 384
+2411, LODsion1_A, lod_starsmall, 1, 700, 384
+2412, Mansion1_A, star1, 1, 100, 128
+2413, LODsion2_B, lod_starsmall, 1, 700, 384
+2414, LODrtrees3, generic, 1, 1000, 388
+2415, LODrtrees5, generic, 1, 1000, 388
+2416, LODrtrees4, generic, 1, 1000, 388
+2417, LODrtrees2, generic, 1, 1000, 388
+2418, LODrtrees1, generic, 1, 1000, 388
+2419, LODgarden1, lod_starbig, 1, 1500, 384
+2420, gate4, star4, 1, 100, 4
+2421, gate5, star4, 1, 150, 0
+2422, starbbnet02, starf, 1, 200, 132
+2423, Mansion2c, star4, 1, 150, 128
+2424, starbridge2, starbridge, 1, 180, 4
+2425, starmainwall1, mansionwall, 1, 200, 0
+2426, starwallmain2, mansionwall, 1, 200, 0
+2427, starwallmain4, mansionwall, 1, 200, 0
+2428, sb, star5, 1, 130, 128
+2429, starfbed02, starf, 1, 100, 132
+2430, starfbed03, starf, 1, 100, 4
+2431, starfbed04, starf, 1, 100, 132
+2432, starfbed05, starf, 1, 150, 132
+2433, starfbed06, starf, 1, 100, 132
+2434, pollstaeps1, star2, 1, 100, 0
+2435, LODsion3gardens, lod_starbig, 1, 1500, 384
+2436, LODsion2_A, lod_starsmall, 1, 700, 384
+2437, LODrbridge2, lod_starbig, 1, 1500, 384
+2438, LODsion2c, lod_starsmall, 1, 700, 384
+2439, LODsion3a, lod_starsmall, 1, 700, 384
+2440, starbridge2b, starbridge, 1, 180, 0
+2441, starwallmain5, mansionwall, 1, 200, 128
+2442, comgate2, starroad, 1, 150, 132
+2443, comgate2open, StarLD, 1, 150, 132
+2444, comgate1open, StarLD, 1, 150, 132
+2445, comgate1, starroad, 1, 150, 132
+2446, comgate1closed, StarLD, 1, 150, 132
+2447, comgate2closed, StarLD, 1, 150, 128
+2448, LODgate2, lod_starsmall, 1, 700, 384
+2449, LODgate1, lod_starsmall, 1, 700, 384
+2450, comgate03, starroad, 1, 150, 128
+2451, STARBLOCKER1, star5, 1, 130, 132
+2452, STARBLOCKER02, star5, 1, 130, 132
+2453, LODgate03, lod_starsmall, 1, 700, 384
+2454, LODsion3_C, lod_starsmall, 1, 700, 384
+2455, mansion3gardens2, star3, 1, 170, 0
+2456, man1garden_hedge, star4, 1, 200, 128
+2457, Man3_base_hedge, star5, 1, 130, 128
+2458, man3ghedge, star3, 1, 130, 128
+2459, Man1_baseHedge, star1, 1, 190, 128
+2460, LODsion3_base, lod_starbig, 1, 1500, 384
+2461, mansion3_base, star5, 1, 130, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/stripclb/stripclb.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/stripclb/stripclb.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2b0e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/stripclb/stripclb.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+4710, striplights, striplights, 1, 200, 32
+4711, stripinter, wshstripint, 1, 200, 32
+4712, stripinterupside, stripinter, 1, 200, 32
+4713, stripback, stripback, 1, 200, 32
+4714, stripinterfloor, wshstripint, 1, 200, 36
+4715, strpbckdrclsd, stripback, 1, 200, 32
+4711, 0.0127258, 2.80798, 1.9745, 18, 253, 29, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 0
+4711, -3.56, 2.55334, 1.9745, 18, 253, 29, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 4
+4711, -0.96331, 4.40161, 1.9745, 18, 253, 29, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 0
+4711, -4.09428, 9.88611, 1.9745, 255, 18, 18, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4711, 0.728745, 0.997437, 1.9745, 18, 128, 252, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 4
+4711, -2.19627, 0.257202, 1.9745, 255, 18, 18, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 0
+4711, -9.04485, -4.16321, 1.9745, 18, 128, 252, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 4
+4711, -9.75436, -2.99963, 1.9745, 18, 253, 29, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 0
+4711, -12.1123, 1.27258, 1.9745, 255, 18, 18, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 4
+4711, 3.56255, 13.3794, 1.9745, 18, 128, 252, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 0
+4711, 4.32732, 12.0284, 1.9745, 18, 253, 29, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 4
+4711, 6.05945, 9.0415, 1.9745, 18, 128, 252, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 0
+4711, 7.79811, 6.0957, 1.9745, 18, 253, 29, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 4
+4711, 8.5721, 5.0708, 1.9745, 255, 18, 18, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 0
+4711, -0.615974, -2.57935, 1.9745, 18, 128, 252, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 4
+4711, 4.59769, 12.4735, 0.220318, 0, 122, 140, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 2, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4711, 6.46533, 9.23865, 0.220318, 140, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 2, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4711, 8.31489, 6.03503, 0.220318, 0, 122, 140, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 2, 0, 30, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4711, -6.45271, 8.3999, 1.9745, 255, 18, 18, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4711, -5.809, 7.56738, 1.79818, 18, 128, 252, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 0
+4711, -5.35249, 6.76416, 1.79818, 18, 253, 29, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 4
+4711, -4.38992, 4.9729, 1.9745, 255, 18, 18, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 0
+4711, -3.72211, 3.87122, 1.9745, 18, 128, 252, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 0
+4711, -1.84076, 4.96863, 1.9745, 18, 128, 252, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 4
+4711, -2.43717, 6.2074, 1.78431, 255, 18, 18, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 0
+4711, -2.91999, 7.00146, 1.72757, 18, 253, 29, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 1, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 0
+4711, -4.24035, 9.04358, 1.80761, 18, 128, 252, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 4, 0, 0, 4
+4712, 11.1324, -7.97339, 5.93658, 95, 95, 95, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 2
+4712, 11.5621, -8.75208, 5.93658, 95, 95, 95, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 2
+4712, 11.9918, -9.50403, 5.93658, 95, 95, 95, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 2
+4712, 9.12339, -4.56213, 5.93658, 95, 95, 95, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 2
+4712, 8.69367, -3.81018, 5.93658, 95, 95, 95, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 2
+4712, 8.26394, -3.03149, 5.93658, 95, 95, 95, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 2
+4713, 3.92177, -6.81763, 0.808842, 0, 212, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4713, -1.73447, -6.75562, 0.494463, 255, 18, 18, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 4
+4713, -6.60166, 1.67395, 0.494463, 255, 18, 18, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 4
+4713, -3.7846, 6.53039, 0.808842, 0, 212, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 4
+4713, -1.92009, 3.33557, 1.47313, 95, 95, 95, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4713, 1.9841, 6.64429, 1.24519, 255, 18, 18, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 10, 1, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 4
+4713, -1.49036, 2.55688, 1.47313, 95, 95, 95, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 1.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4713, -1.06063, 1.80493, 1.47313, 95, 95, 95, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4713, 1.37808, -2.38501, 1.47313, 95, 95, 95, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 9, 1.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4713, 1.80781, -3.13696, 1.47313, 95, 95, 95, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+4713, 0.948349, -1.60632, 1.47313, 95, 95, 95, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/washintn/washintn.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/washintn/washintn.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd7c9bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/washintn/washintn.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+3290, washbuild005, newashbuild1, 1, 90, 128
+3291, washbuild014, washbuild124, 1, 100, 128
+3292, washbuild025, washnewbuild23, 1, 90, 128
+3293, wshbuildws07, washnewbuild2, 1, 110, 128
+3294, wshbuildws12, washnewbuild23, 1, 90, 128
+3295, wash_hosp02, wash_hosp, 1, 100, 128
+3296, wshbuildws16, washnewbuild5, 1, 100, 128
+3297, wshbuildws20, washbuild44, 1, 90, 128
+3298, washbuild062, washnewbuild3, 1, 60, 128
+3299, washbuild063, washnewbuild3, 1, 80, 128
+3300, washbuild068, washnewbuild21, 1, 100, 128
+3301, washbuild071, northbuild, 1, 90, 128
+3302, washbuild073, northbuild, 1, 110, 128
+3303, washbuild074, northbuild, 1, 110, 128
+3304, washbuild075, washnewbuild2, 1, 90, 128
+3305, wshnrthroad23, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3306, wshnrthroad27, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3307, wshnrthroad25, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3308, wshnrthroad24, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3309, wshnrthroad22, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3310, wshnrthroad18, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3311, wshnrthroad16, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3312, wshnrthroad17, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3313, wshnrthroad19, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3314, wshnrthroad15, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3315, wshnrthroad20, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3316, wshnrthroad21, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3317, wshbuildws26, washlandb, 1, 130, 0
+3318, wsh_roadswsh05, washlandb, 1, 130, 0
+3319, wsh_roadswsh04, washlandb, 1, 100, 0
+3320, wash_hospgrnd, wash_hosp, 1, 130, 0
+3321, wsh_roadswsh01, wash_hosp, 1, 110, 0
+3322, wshbuildws30, washlandb, 1, 110, 0
+3323, washbuild116, washlandb, 1, 70, 0
+3324, wshbuildws31, washlandb, 1, 90, 0
+3325, wshbuildws32, washlandb, 1, 90, 0
+3326, washbuild119, washbuild120, 1, 90, 0
+3327, washbuild120, washbuild120, 1, 110, 0
+3328, washbuild184, washnewbuild3, 1, 80, 128
+3329, wshbuildws38, washbuild120, 1, 90, 128
+3330, washbuild187, washbuild120, 1, 140, 128
+3331, wshbuildws40, washnewbuild5, 1, 120, 0
+3332, wshbuildws43, washmallnew, 1, 120, 128
+3333, washbuild198, washmallpark, 1, 120, 128
+3334, washbuild199, washmallnew, 1, 50, 128
+3335, washbuild200, washmallnew, 1, 60, 0
+3336, washbuild201, generic, 1, 50, 132
+3337, washbuild202, generic, 1, 50, 132
+3338, LODbuildws07, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3339, LODbuildws09, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3340, LODbuildws26, LODbuildws07, 1, 2000, 128
+3341, LODbuildws30, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3342, LODbuildws40, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3343, LODbuildws43, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3344, LOD_roadswsh01, LODbuildws07, 1, 2000, 128
+3345, LODh_hospgrnd, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3346, lodnrthroad15, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3347, LOD_roadswsh04, LODbuildws07, 1, 2000, 128
+3348, LOD_roadswsh05, LODbuildws07, 1, 2000, 128
+3349, lodnrthroad16, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3350, lodnrthroad17, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3351, lodnrthroad18, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3352, lodnrthroad19, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3353, lodnrthroad20, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3354, lodnrthroad21, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3355, lodnrthroad22, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3356, lodnrthroad23, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3357, lodnrthroad24, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3358, lodnrthroad25, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3359, lodnrthroad26, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3360, lodnrthroad27, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3361, wash_pizzaplace, newashbuild1, 1, 90, 132
+3362, wash_hospital, wash_hosp, 1, 90, 132
+3363, wash_hosp03, wash_hosp, 1, 100, 128
+3364, LODh_hosp03, LODbuildws07, 1, 1000, 128
+3365, LODh_hosp02, LODbuildws07, 1, 1000, 128
+3366, LODh_hospital, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3367, carwashpole3, washnewbuild3, 1, 40, 128
+3368, carwashpole2, washnewbuild3, 1, 40, 128
+3369, carwashpole1, washnewbuild3, 1, 40, 128
+3370, washtooceanrd1, washroads, 1, 150, 0
+3371, wash_deco01, washmiamistrip4, 1, 130, 128
+3372, wash_deco02, washmiamistrip3, 1, 130, 128
+3373, wash_deco03, washmiamistrip2, 1, 130, 128
+3374, wash_deco04, washmiamistrip13, 1, 130, 128
+3375, wash_deco05, washmiamistrip11, 1, 130, 128
+3376, basketballcourt04, washbballcrt, 1, 90, 132
+3377, washnewsky1, washsky1, 1, 140, 128
+3378, washskyplant2, generic, 1, 90, 132
+3379, washnewsky3, washsky1, 1, 140, 128
+3380, washskyplant1, generic, 1, 90, 132
+3381, washnewsky2, washsky1, 1, 140, 128
+3382, washbuild003, newashbuild1, 1, 90, 128
+3383, washbuild072, northbuild, 1, 90, 128
+3384, wshbuildws43ins, washmallnew, 1, 70, 128
+3386, LODhnewsky2, LODbuildws07, 1, 2000, 128
+3387, LODbuildws16, LODbuildws07, 1, 1000, 128
+3388, LODhnewsky1, LODbuildws07, 1, 2000, 128
+3389, LODhbuild074, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3390, LODhbuild073, LODbuildws07, 1, 700, 128
+3391, LODhbuild072, LODwsouth08, 1, 350, 128
+3392, LODhbuild071, LODbuildws07, 1, 700, 128
+3393, LODhbuild120, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3394, LODbuildws12, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3395, LODhbuild025, LODwsouth08, 1, 350, 128
+3396, LODhbuild063, LODwsouth08, 1, 350, 128
+3397, LODhbuild062, LODwsouth08, 1, 350, 128
+3398, LODhbuild075, LODwsouth08, 1, 350, 128
+3399, LODh_pizzaplace, LODwsouth08, 1, 350, 128
+3400, LODhbuild003, LODwsouth08, 1, 350, 128
+3401, LODhbuild005, LODwsouth08, 1, 350, 128
+3402, LODhbuild014, LODwsouth08, 1, 350, 128
+3403, LODhbuild068, LODwsouth08, 1, 350, 128
+3404, LODhtooceanrd1, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3405, LODbuildws20, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3406, LODh_deco01, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3407, LODh_deco02, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3408, LODh_deco03, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3409, LODh_deco04, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3410, LODh_deco05, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3411, LODhbuild198, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3412, LODhbuild116, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3413, wash_brdgsup1, bridge, 1, 150, 128
+3414, wshtelgrphcabl02, wshtelgrph, 1, 150, 132
+3415, wshtelgrphcabl03, wshtelgrph, 1, 150, 132
+3416, wshtelgrphcabl04, wshtelgrph, 1, 150, 132
+3417, wshtelgrphcabl05, wshtelgrph, 1, 150, 132
+3418, LODhbuild184, LODwsouth08, 1, 350, 128
+3419, basketballcourt05, washbballcrt, 1, 90, 132
+3420, wshswimupbar, swimupbar, 1, 80, 128
+3421, wshswmupstuf, swimupbar, 1, 50, 132
+3422, wshhotelawn1, washnewbuild5, 1, 90, 128
+3423, wshhotelwater1, wshbuildws40, 1, 120, 132
+3424, wshotelveg1, generic, 1, 70, 132
+3425, washfence1, washfence128, 1, 90, 132
+3426, washfence2, washfence128, 1, 90, 132
+3427, washawninga1, washnewbuild2, 1, 140, 128
+3428, washawning2b, washnewbuild2, 1, 140, 128
+3429, wshbuildws19, washnewbuild1, 1, 140, 128
+3430, LODbuildws19, LODbuildws07, 1, 2000, 128
+3431, wshbuil19wall, washnewbuild1, 1, 110, 128
+3432, woshmallglas1, woshmalglas, 1, 50, 132
+3433, woshmallglas2, woshmalglas, 1, 50, 132
+3434, LODhpshoutdet, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3435, woshmalmarkings, wshmolmrk, 1, 50, 132
+3440, woshmaldirt1, wshbuildirt, 1, 50, 132
+3442, LODhbuild119, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3443, LODh_brdgsup1, LODwashnbrdge, 1, 2000, 384
+3444, LODhbuild187, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3445, wshnrthroad01, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3446, lodnrthroad01, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3447, wshnrthroad02, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3448, lodnrthroad02, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3449, wshnrthroad03, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3450, lodnrthroad03, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3451, wshnrthroad04, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3452, wshnrthroad05, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3453, lodnrthroad05, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3454, lodnrthroad06, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3455, wshnrthroad06, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3456, wshnrthroad07, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3457, lodnrthroad07, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3458, lodnrthroad09, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3459, lodnrthroad08, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3460, wshnrthroad08, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3461, wshnrthroad09, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3462, lodnrthroad10, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3463, wshnrthroad10, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3464, lodnrthroad11, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3465, wshnrthroad11, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3466, wshnrthroad12, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3467, lodnrthroad12, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3468, wshnrthroad13, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3469, lodnrthroad13, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3470, lodnrthroad14, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3471, wshbuildws312, washlandb, 1, 90, 0
+3472, wshbuildws322, washlandb, 1, 90, 0
+3473, lodbuildws31, LODwsouth08, 1, 350, 128
+3474, lodbuildws312, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3475, lodbuildws322, LODwsouth08, 1, 350, 128
+3476, lodbuildws32, LODwsouth08, 1, 350, 128
+3477, wshbuildws09, northbuild, 1, 140, 128
+3479, LODhnewsky3, LODbuildws07, 1, 2000, 128
+3480, wshmalsign1, washlandb, 1, 70, 0
+3481, wshmalsign3, washlandb, 1, 70, 0
+3482, wshmalsign2, washlandb, 1, 70, 0
+3483, wshmalsign4, washlandb, 1, 70, 0
+3484, wshmalsign5, washlandb, 1, 70, 0
+3485, lodmalsign5, LODwsouth08, 1, 200, 128
+3486, lodmalsign1, LODwsouth08, 1, 200, 128
+3487, lodmalsign2, LODwsouth08, 1, 200, 128
+3488, lodmalsign3, LODwsouth08, 1, 200, 128
+3489, lodmalsign4, LODwsouth08, 1, 200, 128
+3490, ggsalonsign1, newashbuild1, 1, 70, 132
+3492, cokpoolwater, washwater, 1, 80, 4
+3493, nrth7veg, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3494, nrth1veg21, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3495, nrth1veg37, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3496, nrth1veg42, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3497, nrth3veg05, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3498, nrth3veg08, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3499, nrth3veg16, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3500, nrth3veg25, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3501, nrth3veg35, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3502, nrth3veg50, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3503, nrth3veg59, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3504, nrth4veg05, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3505, nrth4veg08, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3506, nrth4veg09, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3507, nrth4veg21, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3508, nrth7veg09, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3509, wshnrthroad28, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3510, lodnrthroad28, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3511, wshbuildws264, washlandb, 1, 100, 0
+3512, wshnrthroad26, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3513, wshnrthroad14, generic, 1, 140, 1
+3514, lodnrthroad04, LODwashnbrdge, 1, 700, 384
+3515, lodbuil19wall, LODbuildws07, 1, 790, 128
+3516, lodbuildws264, LODwsouth08, 1, 700, 128
+3517, nrth4veg212, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3518, wsh_roadblock, wshrdblck, 1, 145, 0
+3519, wshbuildws43ins2, washmallnew, 1, 70, 128
+3520, carwashsign1, washnewbuild3, 1, 40, 128
+3521, washpshoutveg, generic, 1, 144, 132
+3522, wshnrthpstr1, washnrthpstr1, 1, 100, 0
+3523, wshnrthpstr02, washnrthpstr1, 1, 100, 0
+3524, wshnrthpstr03, washnrthpstr1, 1, 100, 0
+3525, wshnrthpstr05, washnrthpstr1, 1, 100, 0
+3526, wshnrthpstr07, washnrthpstr1, 1, 100, 0
+3527, washmallwater, washmallnew, 1, 60, 132
+3528, lodbuildws43ins, LODwsouth08, 1, 350, 128
+3529, wshnrthlawdoor, northbuild, 1, 100, 128
+3530, wshmoundlaw1, washlandb, 1, 90, 4
+3531, wshbldws26bit, washlandb, 1, 100, 4
+3532, wtn_roadsigns01, washlandb, 1, 100, 128
+3533, washpshoutdet, washmallnew, 1, 120, 128
+3534, wash_deco042, washmiamistrip13, 1, 130, 0
+3535, wash_deco032, washmiamistrip2, 1, 130, 0
+3536, wash_deco022, washmiamistrip3, 1, 130, 0
+3537, wash_deco012, washmiamistrip4, 1, 130, 0
+3385, wshmallneon, wshneon, 1, 290, 172, 22, 5
+3436, washgasneon, wshneon, 1, 290, 172, 22, 5
+3437, washgasneon01, wshneon, 1, 290, 172, 22, 5
+3438, washgasneon02, wshneon, 1, 290, 172, 22, 5
+3439, washotelneon1, wshneon, 1, 290, 172, 22, 5
+3441, woshmalneon2, wshneon, 1, 290, 172, 22, 5
+3478, washbuild025neon, wshneon, 1, 290, 172, 22, 5
+3491, ggneonsign2, wshneon, 1, 290, 172, 22, 5
+3298, -0.918728, -7.02344, -0.934174, 184, 255, 0, 120, 3, 0, 1, -9.55343e-016, 4.37114e-008, 1, -9.55343e-016, 4.37114e-008
+3299, -4.65798, -4.36926, -0.605874, 163, 163, 163, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 2.5, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3299, 4.58494, -4.36926, -0.605874, 163, 163, 163, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 2.5, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3299, -4.65798, 4.36609, -0.605874, 163, 163, 163, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 2.5, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3299, 4.58494, 4.36609, -0.605873, 163, 163, 163, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 2.5, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3328, 4.56409, -4.37878, -0.605958, 163, 163, 163, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 2.5, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3328, -4.67883, -4.37878, -0.605958, 163, 163, 163, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 2.5, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3328, -4.67883, 4.35657, -0.605958, 163, 163, 163, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 2.5, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3328, 4.56409, 4.35657, -0.605958, 163, 163, 163, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 2.5, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3333, 6.45086, 8.85901, -2.00024, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3333, -6.23981, 9.06406, -4.33202, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3333, -6.23981, 9.06406, 0.449877, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3333, 6.45086, 8.85901, 2.78165, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3333, 6.45086, 8.85901, 8.79839, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3333, -6.23981, 9.06406, 8.79839, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3362, 29.203, 9.56616, -6.802, 255, 238, 170, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 2, 5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3362, 24.9801, 8.46875, -6.78901, 255, 238, 170, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 2, 5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3384, 9.31611, 11.485, -0.31087, 255, 238, 170, 200, 3, 0, -2.19619e-022, -1, -8.74228e-008, -2.19619e-022, -1, -8.74228e-008
+3384, 7.3697, 11.485, -0.31087, 255, 238, 170, 200, 3, 0, -2.19619e-022, -1, -8.74228e-008, -2.19619e-022, -1, -8.74228e-008
+3384, 9.31611, -11.4641, -0.310872, 255, 238, 170, 200, 3, 0, 2.19619e-022, 1, 8.74228e-008, 2.19619e-022, 1, 8.74228e-008
+3384, 7.3697, -11.4641, -0.310872, 255, 238, 170, 200, 3, 0, -2.05765e-007, 1, 8.74228e-008, -2.05765e-007, 1, 8.74228e-008
+3384, 28.5763, 10.1381, 3.75505, 255, 237, 164, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0.5, 1.5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3384, 37.572, 10.1381, 3.75505, 255, 237, 164, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0.5, 1.5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3384, 46.5026, 10.1381, 3.75505, 255, 237, 164, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0.5, 1.5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3384, 19.6501, 10.1381, 3.75505, 255, 237, 164, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0.5, 1.5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3384, 46.5026, -10.14, 3.75504, 255, 237, 164, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0.5, 1.5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3384, 37.572, -10.14, 3.75504, 255, 237, 164, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0.5, 1.5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3384, 28.5763, -10.14, 3.75504, 255, 237, 164, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0.5, 1.5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3384, 19.6501, -10.14, 3.75504, 255, 237, 164, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0.5, 1.5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3427, 3.40793, 0.552612, -1.68834, 255, 237, 164, 200, 3, 4, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0
+3427, -3.35544, 0.552612, -1.68834, 255, 237, 164, 200, 3, 4, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0
+3427, 10.4663, 0.552612, -1.68834, 255, 237, 164, 200, 3, 4, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0
+3427, -10.2023, 0.552612, -1.68834, 255, 237, 164, 200, 3, 4, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0
+3427, 10.6837, 0.345703, -1.68834, 255, 237, 164, 200, 3, 4, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0
+3428, 10.1603, 0.189377, -1.68834, 255, 237, 164, 200, 3, 4, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0
+3428, -10.1847, 0.189377, -1.68834, 255, 237, 164, 200, 3, 4, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0
+3428, 10.3777, -0.0174103, -1.68834, 255, 237, 164, 200, 3, 4, 1, -1.26397e-005, 0, 1, -1.26397e-005, 0
+3428, -9.82483, -0.0175934, -1.68834, 255, 237, 164, 200, 3, 0, -1, 1.26397e-005, 0, -1, 1.26397e-005, 0
+3428, 3.40686, 0.251144, -1.68834, 255, 237, 164, 200, 3, 4, -1.26398e-005, -1, 0, -1.26398e-005, -1, 0
+3428, -3.39502, 0.189377, -1.68834, 255, 237, 164, 200, 3, 4, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0
+3477, 9.38862, 37.0894, -4.56332, 181, 169, 121, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1.5, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3477, 6.64994, 33.1751, -4.56332, 224, 209, 149, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0.8, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3480, 0.0147236, -0.490248, 2.31645, 110, 110, 110, 10, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 5, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3481, -0.13071, -0.642741, 2.5639, 110, 110, 110, 10, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 5, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3482, 0.113013, -0.596294, 2.37234, 110, 110, 110, 10, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 5, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3483, 7.83898e-007, -0.486819, 2.30205, 110, 110, 110, 10, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 5, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3484, 1.20785e-006, -0.594842, 2.12632, 110, 110, 110, 10, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 5, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3518, -4.58395, 0.465454, -1.23505, 255, 246, 173, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 0.6, 0, 40, 6, 0, 0, 3
+3518, -4.37447, -2.69574, -1.26368, 255, 65, 28, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 0.6, 0, 40, 6, 0, 0, 3
+3518, -5.24928, -2.72638, 1.63054, 255, 246, 173, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 0.6, 0, 40, 6, 0, 0, 3
+3518, -5.51526, 0.353455, 1.59554, 255, 65, 28, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 12, 0.6, 0, 40, 6, 0, 0, 3
+3519, -3.04226, 10.1375, 3.75505, 255, 237, 164, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0.5, 1.5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3519, -3.04226, -10.1405, 3.75504, 255, 237, 164, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0.5, 1.5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3519, -11.9684, -10.1405, 3.75504, 255, 237, 164, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0.5, 1.5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3519, -20.9642, -10.1405, 3.75504, 255, 237, 164, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0.5, 1.5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3519, -29.8948, -10.1405, 3.75504, 255, 237, 164, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0.5, 1.5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3519, -29.8948, 10.1375, 3.75505, 255, 237, 164, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0.5, 1.5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3519, -20.9642, 10.1375, 3.75505, 255, 237, 164, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0.5, 1.5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3519, -11.9684, 10.1375, 3.75505, 255, 237, 164, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 5, 0.5, 1.5, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/washints/washints.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/washints/washints.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8fbb26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/washints/washints.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+2795, wshbuildws02, wshsthbuild1, 1, 110, 128
+2796, washbuild013, wshsthbuild1, 1, 100, 128
+2797, washbuild015, washbuild1, 1, 70, 128
+2798, wshbuildws03, washbuild13, 1, 90, 128
+2799, washbuild017, washbuild15, 1, 90, 128
+2800, washbuild018, washbuild43, 1, 90, 128
+2801, wshbuildws04, washnewbuild6, 1, 100, 128
+2802, washbuild020, washbuild43, 1, 90, 128
+2803, washbuild021, washbuild5, 1, 80, 128
+2804, wshbuildws05, washnewbuild6, 1, 90, 128
+2805, wshbuildws06, swashnwbuild5, 1, 140, 128
+2806, wshbuildws08, washbuild6, 1, 90, 128
+2807, washbuild030, washrestone, 1, 90, 128
+2808, wshbuildws10, washnewbuild25, 1, 100, 128
+2809, washbuild033, washbuild5, 1, 90, 128
+2810, washbuild039, washnewbuild24, 1, 95, 128
+2811, washbuild040, washbuild15, 1, 110, 128
+2812, washbuild041, generic, 1, 120, 132
+2813, wshbuildws14, washbuild41, 1, 80, 128
+2814, wshbuildws17, washotel2, 1, 140, 128
+2815, wshbuildws18, washotel2, 1, 140, 128
+2816, washbuild050, washnewbuild6, 1, 70, 128
+2817, wshbuildws21, swashnwbuild5, 1, 90, 128
+2818, washbuild058, washcorn2, 1, 110, 128
+2819, wshbuildws22, wslawyers, 1, 90, 128
+2820, washbuild066, washnewbuild25, 1, 110, 128
+2821, washbuild069, washbuild43, 1, 90, 128
+2822, wshbuildws24, wslawyers, 1, 90, 128
+2823, wshbuildws25, washnewbuild6, 1, 90, 128
+2824, washbuild081, washland, 1, 90, 0
+2825, wshsthroad01, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2826, wshsthroad02, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2827, wshsthroad03, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2828, wshsthroad04, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2829, wshsthroad05, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2830, wshsthroad06, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2831, wshsthroad07, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2832, wshsthroad08, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2833, wshsthroad09, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2834, wshsthroad10, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2835, washbuild111, washland, 1, 110, 0
+2836, washbuild112, washland, 1, 90, 4
+2837, wshbuildws29, washland, 1, 105, 0
+2838, washbuild114, washland, 1, 70, 0
+2839, washbuild121, swashlandb, 1, 95, 4
+2840, wshbuildws33, washland, 1, 90, 0
+2841, wshbuildws36, washmarina, 1, 200, 0
+2842, wshbuildws41, swashlandb, 1, 110, 0
+2843, washbuild191, washland, 1, 130, 4
+2844, washbuild192, washland, 1, 130, 4
+2845, wshbuildws42, washland, 1, 130, 0
+2846, washbuild194, washland, 1, 70, 0
+2847, washbuild195, washland, 1, 70, 0
+2848, washbuild203, washland, 1, 90, 4
+2849, wshbuildws45, washland, 1, 200, 0
+2850, washbuild206, washland, 1, 90, 0
+2851, wsh_roadswsh28, washland, 1, 120, 0
+2852, washbuild043, washnewbuild24, 1, 95, 128
+2853, washbuild210, washnewbuild24, 1, 95, 128
+2854, washbuild213, washmarina, 1, 100, 0
+2855, washbuild214, washmarina, 1, 100, 0
+2856, washbuild215, washmarina, 1, 100, 0
+2857, washbuild216, washmarina, 1, 100, 0
+2858, washbuild217, marinacpark, 1, 90, 0
+2859, LODbuildws02, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2860, LODbuildws03, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2861, LODbuildws04, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2862, LODbuildws05, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2863, LODbuildws06, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 128
+2864, LODbuildws08, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2865, LODbuildws10, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2866, lodhpaynspray, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2867, LODbuildws17, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 128
+2868, LODbuildws18, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 128
+2869, LODbuildws21, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2870, LODbuildws23, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2871, LODbuildws24, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2872, LODbuildws29, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2873, LODbuildws41, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2874, LODbuildws44, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 132
+2875, lodsthroad09, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2876, lodsthroad10, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2877, lodsthroad08, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2878, lodsthroad06, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2879, lodsthroad07, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2880, lodsthroad01, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2881, lodsthroad05, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2882, lodsthroad04, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2883, lodsthroad03, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2884, lodsthroad02, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2885, LODhundermall1, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2886, wslawyersfront, wslawyers, 1, 90, 128
+2887, wshbuildws2326, swashnwbuild5, 1, 90, 128
+2888, wshbuildws23, wshsthbuild1, 1, 130, 128
+2889, svehsebuild1, washotel2, 1, 110, 0
+2890, washbuild231, generic, 1, 50, 4
+2891, washbuild05067, generic, 1, 50, 4
+2892, washbitsnew04, washbuild41, 1, 70, 0
+2893, washbitsnew03, washbuild41, 1, 70, 0
+2894, marina1, washmarina, 1, 200, 0
+2895, marina2, washmarina, 1, 200, 0
+2896, marina3, washmarina, 1, 200, 0
+2897, svegrgedoor, washsfehse, 1, 50, 0
+2899, washawning1, washshops1, 1, 50, 128
+2900, LODina3, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 128
+2901, LODina1, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 128
+2902, LODbuildws36, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 128
+2903, LODina2, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 128
+2904, LODhbuild040, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 128
+2905, LODbuildws14, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 128
+2906, LODhbuild020, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2907, LODhbuild021, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2908, LODhbuild033, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2909, LODhbuild017, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 128
+2910, LODhbuild066, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2911, LODhbuild013, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2912, LODhbuild069, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2913, LODhbuild050, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2914, LODhbuild058, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2915, LODhbuild018, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2916, LODbuildws13, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2917, LODhbuild015, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2918, LODhbuild030, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2919, LODhbuild121, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2920, LODhbuild111, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2921, LODhbuild112, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2922, wash_ammu, wash_ammu, 1, 40, 160
+2923, stiltsville03, stilty, 1, 299, 0
+2924, wshbuildws44, washland, 1, 200, 0
+2925, LODbuildws25, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2926, wshtelgrphcabl06, swshtelgrph, 1, 150, 132
+2927, wshtelgrphcabl01, swshtelgrph, 1, 150, 132
+2928, wshtelgrphcabl07, swshtelgrph, 1, 100, 132
+2929, wshtelgrphcabl08, swshtelgrph, 1, 150, 132
+2930, wshtelgrphcabl09, swshtelgrph, 1, 150, 132
+2931, wshtelgrphcabl10, swshtelgrph, 1, 100, 132
+2932, wshtelgrphcabl11, swshtelgrph, 1, 100, 132
+2933, LODbuildws45, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 132
+2934, LODbuildws35, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 128
+2935, LODbuildws27, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 128
+2936, LODbuildws28, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 128
+2937, lodbuildws22, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2938, lodawyersfront, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+2939, marinaveg1, generic, 1, 90, 4
+2940, wshbuildws2329, washland, 1, 200, 0
+2941, pierentrance1, washmarina, 1, 70, 132
+2942, pierentrance02, washmarina, 1, 70, 132
+2943, marinafence01, washmarina, 1, 70, 4
+2944, marinafence02, washmarina, 1, 70, 4
+2945, marinafence03, washmarina, 1, 70, 4
+2946, marinafence04, washmarina, 1, 70, 4
+2947, marinafence05, washmarina, 1, 70, 4
+2948, wshtelwter1, swashlandb, 1, 90, 132
+2949, washundermall1, wslawyers, 1, 100, 128
+2950, washdirtbuild1, washbuild5, 1, 40, 36
+2951, wshbuildws13, washbuild6, 1, 110, 128
+2954, scarinterior1, scarinterior, 1, 8, 160
+2955, wshcrprtstuf1, wshcrprkstuf, 1, 55, 132
+2956, washcrprkdirt1, wshcrprkdrt, 1, 50, 132
+2958, wshcrprtstuf2, wshcrprkstuf, 1, 60, 132
+2959, wshcarprksign, wshcrprkstuf, 1, 50, 132
+2960, washrafalpha, washnewbuild25, 1, 70, 4
+2961, rafaelsign1, washnewbuild25, 1, 70, 128
+2963, wshchurchwal, washland, 1, 130, 0
+2964, wsgbuildwl97, washland, 1, 100, 0
+2965, lodhbuild192, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2966, lodbuildws42, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2967, lodhbuild195, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2968, lodhbuild203, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2969, wshsthroad11, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2970, wshsthroad12, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2971, wshsthroad13, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2972, lodsthroad11, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2973, lodsthroad12, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2974, lodsthroad13, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2975, wshsthroad14, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2976, lodsthroad14, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2977, wshsthroad15, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2978, lodsthroad15, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2979, wshsthroad16, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2980, lodsthroad16, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2981, wshsthroad17, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2982, wshsthroad18, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2983, lodsthroad17, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2984, lodsthroad18, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2985, wshsthroad19, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2986, wshsthroad20, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2987, lodsthroad19, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2988, lodsthroad20, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2989, wshsthroad21, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2990, lodsthroad21, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2991, lodsthroad22, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2992, wshsthroad22, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2993, lodsthroad23, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2994, wshsthroad23, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2995, lodsthroad24, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2996, wshsthroad24, generic, 1, 140, 1
+2997, lodhbuild114, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2998, lod_roadswsh28, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+2999, wshscarland226, swashlandb, 1, 95, 0
+3000, lodscarland226, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+3001, lodhsebuild1, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+3002, strpclubsigns1, strpclbsgns, 1, 290, 132
+3003, lodrentrance1, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+3004, lodrentrance02, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+3005, lodhbuild214, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+3006, lodhbuild213, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+3007, lodhbuild215, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+3008, lodhbuild216, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+3009, wshundercrprk27, wshcrprkstuf, 1, 90, 68
+3010, washpaynspray, washbuild13, 1, 90, 128
+3013, wshpnsdoor, wshsprayshp, 1, 70, 128
+3015, ticketbooth1, marinacpark, 1, 90, 0
+3016, wshprkbarrier1, marinacpark, 1, 90, 0
+3017, wshprkbarrier2, washcpark2, 1, 30, 128
+3018, ticketbooth2, washcpark2, 1, 30, 128
+3019, pooladder, swashlandb, 1, 150, 0
+3020, divingboard, swashlandb, 1, 150, 0
+3021, scarinterblood1, scarinterior, 1, 20, 36
+3022, poolwaterwshs, washland, 1, 90, 132
+3023, pooladder01, swashlandb, 1, 150, 0
+3024, wshbuildws28, washland, 1, 200, 0
+3025, wshbuildws27, washland, 1, 200, 0
+3026, wshbuildws35, washland, 1, 200, 0
+3027, wshcokland, wshcoklnd, 1, 140, 0
+3028, marinasign2, washmarina, 1, 70, 0
+3029, marinasign1, washmarina, 1, 70, 0
+3030, wshgarage1, wshgarage1, 1, 90, 128
+3031, wshgarage02, wshgarage1, 1, 90, 128
+3032, wshgarage03, wshgarage1, 1, 90, 128
+3033, washbuild0812, washland, 1, 90, 0
+3034, wshbuildws332, washland, 1, 130, 0
+3035, marinaplanter1, washmarina, 1, 90, 0
+3036, marinaplanter2, washmarina, 1, 90, 0
+3037, marinaveg3, generic, 1, 90, 4
+3038, marinaveg2, generic, 1, 90, 4
+3039, washvegy2, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3040, washvegy3, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3041, washvegy237, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3042, washvegy4, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3043, washvegy238, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3044, washvegy239, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3045, washvegy240, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3046, washvegy241, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3047, washvegy242, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3048, washvegy2413, generic, 1, 200, 132
+3049, washdirtbuild02, swashnwbuild5, 1, 40, 164
+3050, wshotelsign35, wshotelsign35, 1, 30, 128
+3051, lodotelsign35, LODwashsth, 1, 200, 132
+3052, lodgarage03, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+3053, scarbuildglas, washbuild7, 1, 80, 132
+3054, washbld195fenc, washland, 1, 70, 4
+3055, LODbuildws2329, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 132
+3056, lodbuildws332, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+3057, lodbuildws33, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+3058, lodhbuild0812, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+3059, lodhbuild081, LODwshsth99, 1, 790, 128
+3060, stiltsville05, stilty, 1, 299, 0
+3061, stripclbdropen, washcorn2, 1, 100, 0
+3062, stripclbdrclsd, washcorn2, 1, 100, 0
+3063, wshammuglas, wash_ammu, 1, 50, 36
+3064, washelipad, washrestone, 1, 90, 132
+3065, lodhbuild043, LODwashsth, 1, 2000, 128
+3066, wshsthpstr02, washsthpstr, 1, 100, 0
+3067, wshsthpstr03, washsthpstr, 1, 100, 0
+3068, wshsthpstr04, washsthpstr, 1, 100, 0
+3069, wshsthpstr05, washsthpstr, 1, 100, 0
+3071, lodbuildws2326, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 132
+3072, washfntinwtr, washland, 1, 90, 132
+3073, wshperdrclsd, washmarina, 1, 70, 132
+3074, lodgarage1, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+3075, lodgarage02, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+3076, stiltsville1, stilty, 1, 299, 0
+3077, lodh_ammu, LODwshsth99, 1, 350, 128
+3078, ticketbooth1a, marinacpark, 1, 90, 4
+2898, wshneon, swshneon, 1, 290, 172, 22, 5
+2952, washdeconeon1, swshneon, 1, 290, 172, 22, 5
+2953, wshbuildneon9, swshneon, 1, 290, 172, 22, 5
+2957, undermallneon, swshneon, 1, 290, 172, 22, 5
+2962, rafelneonsgn, rafneonsign, 1, 100, 172, 22, 5
+3011, wshpspryneon1, swshneon, 1, 290, 172, 22, 5
+3012, wshpnssignday_dy, wshsprayshp, 1, 70, 128, 5, 22
+3014, wshpnssignight_nt, wshsprayshp, 1, 70, 128, 22, 5
+3070, newashneon245, swshneon, 1, 290, 172, 22, 5
+2798, -5.136, 5.63953, -0.378277, 163, 152, 121, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1.5, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2798, -8.21865, -14.5701, -0.378277, 163, 152, 121, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1.5, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2798, 7.63495, -4.8075, -0.378277, 163, 152, 121, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1.5, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2798, 8.58069, 17.4253, -0.378277, 163, 152, 121, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1.5, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2798, 11.6603, 5.63953, -0.378277, 163, 152, 121, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1.5, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2798, 8.57761, -14.5701, -0.378277, 163, 152, 121, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 1.5, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2805, 40.8916, -4.64697, -6.07225, 163, 163, 163, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1.5, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2805, 40.8916, -13.0361, -6.07225, 163, 163, 163, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1.5, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2805, 40.8916, -21.9784, -6.07225, 163, 163, 163, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1.5, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2820, -25.4083, 32.0643, -3.05149, 163, 163, 163, 200, 3, 4, 0.139185, 0.990207, 0.0108009, 0.139185, 0.990207, 0.0108009
+2820, -1.2654, 28.7832, -3.05149, 163, 163, 163, 200, 3, 4, 0.139185, 0.990207, 0.0108009, 0.139185, 0.990207, 0.0108009
+2820, 14.2422, 19.3477, -3.05149, 163, 163, 163, 200, 3, 4, 0.990209, -0.139177, 0.0108009, 0.990209, -0.139177, 0.0108009
+2820, 11.2701, -7.61133, -3.05149, 163, 163, 163, 200, 3, 4, 0.990209, -0.139177, 0.0108009, 0.990209, -0.139177, 0.0108009
+2820, 8.29451, -33.3978, -3.05149, 163, 163, 163, 200, 3, 4, 0.990209, -0.139177, 0.0108009, 0.990209, -0.139177, 0.0108009
+2851, -32.9648, 28.6979, -0.0311985, 163, 163, 163, 200, 3, 1, -0.99238, 0.123008, -0.00714684, -0.99238, 0.123008, -0.00714684
+2851, -34.2839, 19.9346, -0.0311985, 163, 163, 163, 200, 3, 1, -0.99238, 0.123008, -0.00714684, -0.99238, 0.123008, -0.00714684
+2851, -35.3131, 11.3535, -0.0311985, 163, 163, 163, 200, 3, 1, -0.99238, 0.123008, -0.00714684, -0.99238, 0.123008, -0.00714684
+2853, -22.2155, 19.5874, -2.1796, 221, 221, 221, 170, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0.8, 4, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2853, -22.2155, 5.61303, -2.1796, 221, 221, 221, 170, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0.8, 4, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2853, -22.2155, -18.384, -2.1796, 221, 221, 221, 170, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0.8, 4, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2853, 6.70785, -18.384, -2.1796, 221, 221, 221, 170, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0.8, 4, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2853, 6.70785, 5.61303, -2.1796, 221, 221, 221, 170, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0.8, 4, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2853, 6.70785, 19.5874, -2.1796, 221, 221, 221, 170, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0.8, 4, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2853, 15.8776, 22.8093, -4.30909, 221, 221, 221, 170, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0.8, 4, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2853, -22.2155, 5.61303, 4.58039, 221, 221, 221, 170, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0.8, 4, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2853, 6.70785, 19.5874, 4.5804, 221, 221, 221, 170, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0.8, 4, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2853, 6.70785, 5.61303, 4.5804, 221, 221, 221, 170, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0.8, 4, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2853, -22.2155, 19.5874, 4.58039, 221, 221, 221, 170, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0.8, 4, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2853, 6.70785, -18.384, 4.5804, 221, 221, 221, 170, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0.8, 4, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2853, 15.8776, 22.8093, 1.47409, 221, 221, 221, 170, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0.8, 4, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2853, -22.2155, -18.384, 4.58039, 221, 221, 221, 170, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0.8, 4, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2853, 15.8776, 22.8093, 7.22785, 221, 221, 221, 170, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 7, 0.8, 4, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 36.9471, 36.5101, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 37.3824, 55.3939, 0.404043, 0, 255, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 20.9371, 3.29993, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 34.9608, -39.6145, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 35.552, -15.5768, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 35.8743, -1.54723, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 36.3647, 12.3161, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 20.8076, -34.823, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 20.933, 17.2804, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 20.9953, -10.7, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 20.5739, -50.2566, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 21.9275, 55.4473, 0.404043, 0, 255, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.6, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 21.7151, 41.3664, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 6.11929, -41.2276, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 37.2447, 50.2795, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 5.90298, -17.1565, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 6.09599, -3.19817, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, -10.7614, -9.94818, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, -11.0739, 4.12029, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, 6.02543, 10.9557, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2858, -10.9467, 18.0484, 0.530736, 255, 255, 255, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.7, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2887, -4.57764e-005, 0.00012207, 5.37775, 225, 88, 199, 200, 1, 5, 0, 0, 0.005, 0.5
+2949, 0.189002, 15.1761, -0.641125, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2949, 0.136364, 8.18676, -0.641125, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2949, 3.38566, -10.3839, -0.641125, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2949, -3.36698, -10.3866, -0.641125, 255, 255, 255, 150, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 1, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2949, 5.53905, -10.966, -4.21339, 255, 255, 255, 150, 3, 4, 0.99939, 0.0348875, 0.00172781, 0.99939, 0.0348875, 0.00172781
+2949, 6.68776, 8.81229, -4.21339, 255, 255, 255, 150, 3, 4, 0.99939, 0.0348875, 0.00172781, 0.99939, 0.0348875, 0.00172781
+2949, -7.38348, 10.6487, -4.21339, 255, 255, 255, 150, 3, 4, -0.99939, -0.0348875, 0.00172781, -0.99939, -0.0348875, 0.00172781
+2954, -4.30414, 0.279609, -0.251612, 137, 133, 119, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 4, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 10, 0, 0, 0
+2954, -4.30415, 3.60317, -0.251612, 137, 133, 119, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 5, 0, 0.4, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2954, -0.973811, 1.85871, 0.877263, 242, 229, 175, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 5, 0, 0.5, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2954, 3.61141, -0.592907, 1.43483, 216, 235, 242, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 5, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2954, 3.61141, -1.93517, 1.43483, 152, 165, 170, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 4, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+2954, 3.61142, -3.10699, 1.43483, 216, 235, 242, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 3, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+3010, -4.59932, -7.84692, 0.043726, 255, 255, 255, 180, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 0.8, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3010, -4.59932, 0.0531043, 0.043726, 255, 255, 255, 180, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 0.8, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3010, -4.59931, 7.7937, 0.043726, 255, 255, 255, 180, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 18, 0.8, 8, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+3064, -3.23382, -7.81775, 1.30167, 201, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 0.5, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+3064, 3.23457, -7.81897, 1.30167, 201, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 0.5, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+3064, 7.82528, -3.23279, 1.30167, 201, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 0.5, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+3064, -7.82531, 3.23279, 1.30167, 201, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 0.5, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+3064, -3.21367, 7.84485, 1.30167, 201, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 0.5, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+3064, -7.82381, -3.22498, 1.30167, 201, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 0.5, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+3064, 3.22242, 7.83936, 1.30167, 201, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 0.5, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
+3064, 7.82117, 3.25879, 1.30167, 201, 0, 0, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 2, 0.5, 8, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/data/maps/yacht/yacht.ide b/vc_mobile/data/maps/yacht/yacht.ide
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17b115e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/data/maps/yacht/yacht.ide
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+2585, lodmain_body, yacht_lod, 1, 2000, 0
+2586, yt_main_body2, yacht, 1, 70, 0
+2587, yt_gangplnk_tmp, yacht_kb, 1, 200, 0
+2588, yt_doors14, yacht, 1, 20, 0
+2589, big_poly_tings, yachttings, 1, 30, 4
+2590, yt_main_body, yacht, 1, 70, 0
+2591, yacht_chunk_kb, yacht, 1, 70, 0
+2592, yt_tmp_boat, yt_launch, 1, 60, 0
+2593, big_poly_tings_b, yachttings, 1, 30, 4
+2586, 0.825104, -3.57983, 9.65795, 18, 77, 28, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.8, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2586, -0.839783, -3.57983, 9.65795, 77, 18, 18, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 30, 0, 0.8, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2589, 2.6297, -3.00305, 5.5634, 37, 37, 37, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2589, 1.50735, -3.00305, 5.5634, 37, 37, 37, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2589, 0.452667, -3.00305, 5.5634, 37, 37, 37, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2589, -0.534424, -3.00305, 5.5634, 37, 37, 37, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2589, -1.57391, -3.00305, 5.5634, 37, 37, 37, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2589, -2.66577, -3.00305, 5.5634, 37, 37, 37, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2589, -2.66577, -2.03845, 5.5634, 37, 37, 37, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2589, 2.6297, -2.03845, 5.5634, 37, 37, 37, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2589, -2.66577, -0.981812, 5.5634, 37, 37, 37, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2589, 2.6297, -0.981812, 5.5634, 37, 37, 37, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2589, -2.66577, 0.219971, 5.5634, 37, 37, 37, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2589, 2.6297, 0.219971, 5.5634, 37, 37, 37, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2589, -2.66577, 1.24695, 5.5634, 37, 37, 37, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2589, 2.6297, 1.24695, 5.5634, 37, 37, 37, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2589, -2.66577, 2.32581, 5.5634, 37, 37, 37, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
+2589, 2.6297, 2.32581, 5.5634, 37, 37, 37, 200, 0, "coronastar", "shad_exp", 100, 0, 0.3, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0, 0
diff --git a/vc_mobile/extensions.txt b/vc_mobile/extensions.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4c1b73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/extensions.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vc_mobile/keywords.txt b/vc_mobile/keywords.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4435369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/keywords.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+; Android CLEO opcodes
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vc_mobile/opcodes.txt b/vc_mobile/opcodes.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8394f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/opcodes.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,966 @@
+0001: wait 0 ms
+0002: jump @MAIN_5303
+0003: shake_camera 2500
+0004: $412 = 0 // $ = int
+0005: $889 = 304.5 // $ = float
+0006: TIMERA = 0 // @ = int
+0007: 10@ = -403.7998 // @ = float
+0008: $309 += 1 // $ += int
+0009: $1201 += 0.1 // $ += float
+000A: 14@ += 1 // @ += int
+000B: 12@ += 3.0 // @ += float
+000C: $1155 -= 1 // $ -= int
+000D: $1277 -= 1.85 // $ -= float
+000E: 1@ -= 100 // @ -= int
+000F: 9@ -= 3.0 // @ -= float
+0010: $1030 *= 2 // $ *= int
+0011: $1067 *= 100.0 // $ *= float
+0012: 1@ *= 2 // @ *= int
+0014: $1072 /= 1000 // $ /= int
+0015: $1979 /= 100.0 // $ /= float
+0018: $310 > 19 // $ > int
+0019: TIMERA > 500 // @ > int
+001A: 10 > $1050 // int > $
+001B: 2 > 2@ // int > @
+001C: $700 > $1486 // $ > $ int
+001E: $3374 > 1@ // $ > @ int
+001F: TIMERB > $7154 // @ > $ int
+0020: $1069 > 180.0 // $ > float
+0021: 9@ > 100.0 // @ > float
+0022: 100.0 > $404 // float > $
+0023: 0.0 > 9@ // float > @
+0024: $1056 > $1053 // $ > $ float
+0027: 4@ > $7411 // @ > $ float
+0028: $310 >= 23 // $ >= int
+0029: TIMERB >= 30000 // @ >= int
+002A: 0 >= $2703 // int >= $
+002F: TIMERB >= $5213 // @ >= $ int
+0030: $4104 >= 1236.5 // $ >= float
+0032: 1228.7 >= $4104 // float >= $
+0038: $412 == 0 // $ == int
+0039: 0@ == 0 // @ == int
+003A: $1821 == $1726 // $ == $ int
+0042: $1029 == 100.0 // $ == float
+0043: 9@ == 0.0 // @ == float
+004D: jump_if_false @MAIN_4863
+004E: terminate_this_script
+004F: start_new_script @O4X4_1
+0050: gosub @HELP_3067
+0051: return
+0053: $PLAYER_CHAR = create_player 0 at 83.0 -849.8 9.3
+0054: store_player $PLAYER_CHAR position_to $1203 $1204 $1205
+0055: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at 220.3 -1275.5 11.0
+0056: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 -1682.24 -179.9125 -1600.448 -150.8878
+0057: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 -57.7 -1468.8 13.4 -69.1 -1487.2 9.0
+0058: $1030 += $1073 // $ += $ int
+0059: $1069 += $1070 // $ += $ float
+0060: $1161 -= $1164 // $ -= $ int
+0061: $1067 -= $1077 // $ -= $ float
+0067: $5290 -= 0@ // $ -= @ float
+0068: $1051 *= $1035 // $ *= $ int
+0069: $1062 *= $1062 // $ *= $ float
+0070: $4311 /= $4370 // $ /= $ int
+0071: $7417 /= $5292 // $ /= $ float
+0077: 5@ /= $5292 // $ /= @ float
+0078: $3051 += frame_delta_time * 0.017 // float
+007E: $3214 -= frame_delta_time * 0.01 // float
+0084: $1027 = $1028 // $ = $ int
+0085: 2@ = 3@ // @ = @ int
+0086: $1067 = $1076 // $ = $ float
+0087: 10@ = 2@ // @ = @ float
+0088: $5290 = 0@ // $ = @ float
+0089: 9@ = $5292 // @ = $ float
+008A: $1027 = 0@ // $ = @ int
+008B: 0@ = $1027 // @ = $ int
+008C: $1073 = float_to_integer $1076
+008D: $1077 = integer_to_float $1073
+0099: $7325 = random_int_in_ranges_0_to_32767
+009A: $1027 = create_actor_pedtype 4 model 95 at 10@ 11@ 12@
+009B: destroy_actor_instantly $1157
+009C: set_actor $6841 wander_direction -1
+009E: set_actor $2527 path $397 $398 $399 unknown 2.0 1
+009F: set_actor $1213 idle
+00A0: store_actor $1158 position_to $1200 $1201 $1202
+00A1: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at 482.2 -69.9 9.9
+00A3: actor $LANCE_VANCE 0 466.1 325.5 448.1 339.2
+00A4: actor $5228 0 -991.591 261.036 7.775 -983.0 271.96 11.506
+00A5: $1425 = create_car 211 at -1022.3 -868.2 12.0
+00A6: destroy_car $1308
+00A7: car 0@ drive_to 103.1 -832.3 9.317
+00A8: set_car $2825 to_psycho_driver
+00A9: set_car 0@ to_normal_driver
+00AA: store_car $1031 position_to $1054 $1055 $1056
+00AB: put_car 0@ at 132.6 -818.278 9.446
+00AD: set_car $1489 max_speed_to 15.0
+00AE: set_vehicle $1489 traffic_behavior_to 0
+00AF: set_car $2828 driver_behaviour_to 10
+00B0: car $6082 0 -1135.2 73.2 -1130.8 67.9
+00B1: car $327 0 272.9 -1220.6 16.0 212.5 -1280.0 8.0
+00BA: text_styled 'INT_B' 15000 ms 2
+00BB: text_lowpriority 'GEN1_23' time 10000 1
+00BC: text_highpriority 'GOAWAY1' time 5000 1
+00BE: text_clear_all
+00BF: $310 = current_time_hours, $311 = current_time_minutes
+00C0: set_current_time 22 0
+00C1: $4931 = minutes_to_current_time 7 0
+00C3: enter_debugmode
+00C4: exit_debugmode
+00D6: if
+00D7: start_new_script @HJ without_parameters
+00D8: mission_cleanup
+00D9: $3220 = actor 0@ car // add to mission cleanup
+00DA: $2509 = player $PLAYER_CHAR car
+00DB: actor 13@ in_car 14@
+00DC: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_car 14@
+00DD: actor $5563 driving_vehicle_type 166
+00DE: player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_vehicle_type 155
+00DF: actor 2@ in_any_car
+00E0: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_any_car
+00E1: player 0 pressed_button 19
+00E3: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 -1235.1 -1235.7 radius 4.0 4.0
+00E4: player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 69.3 -1455.9 radius 1.0 1.0
+00E5: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $3897 $3898 radius 10.0 15.0
+00E7: player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped 0 461.4445 -495.2143 radius 2.0 2.0
+00E9: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $1027 radius 100.0 100.0
+00EA: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $3918 radius 2.0 2.0
+00EB: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $2827 radius 50.0 50.0
+00EC: actor $2655 0 466.1 42.7 radius 1.0 1.0
+00ED: actor 0@ 0 1.8336 -938.0876 radius 1.0 1.0
+00EE: actor $2911 0 $3065 $3066 radius 3.0 3.0
+00F0: actor $2695 stopped 0 461.4445 -495.2143 radius 2.0 2.0
+00F2: actor $2729 near_actor $2699 radius 100.0 100.0 0
+00F3: actor $5032 near_actor_on_foot $5034 radius 5.0 5.0 0
+00F5: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 -926.8099 -327.8378 13.3894 radius 4.0 4.0 4.0
+00F6: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $757 $758 $759 radius 1.4 1.8 1.5
+00F7: player $PLAYER_CHAR sphere 0 near_point_in_car $793 $794 $795 radius 2.0 2.0 2.0
+00F8: player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped 1 $2713 $2714 $2715 radius 3.0 3.0 1.5
+00F9: player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped 0 $820 $821 $822 radius 1.0 1.0 2.0
+00FA: player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped 0 240.4 -1280.2 10.0 radius 4.0 4.0 3.0
+00FB: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 13@ radius 20.0 20.0 10.0
+00FC: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 0@ on_foot radius 3.0 3.0 2.0
+00FD: player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $7217 in_car radius 10.0 10.0 2.0
+00FE: actor $LANCE_VANCE 0 427.6 -584.7 10.6 radius 1.0 1.0 5.0
+00FF: actor $2695 0 $2720 $2721 $2722 radius 2.0 2.0 2.0
+0100: actor $5228 near_point_in_car -649.6716 -1590.727 40.0 radius 5.0 5.0 5.0 sphere 0
+0101: actor $2695 stopped_near_point $2713 $2714 $2715 radius 3.0 3.0 1.5 sphere 0
+0102: actor $5713 stopped_near_point_on_foot -693.58 1213.18 23.16 radius 1.0 1.0 2.0 sphere 0
+0107: $1193 = create_object 274 at -60.793 -1488.141 12.24
+0108: destroy_object $307
+0109: player $PLAYER_CHAR money += -2000
+010A: player $PLAYER_CHAR money > 1000
+010B: $1675 = player $PLAYER_CHAR money
+010C: change_player_into_rc_buggy $PLAYER_CHAR at 739.924 712.5853 11.1484 262.9725
+010D: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level_to 0
+010E: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR minimum_wanted_level_to 4
+010F: player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level > 0
+0110: clear_player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level
+0111: set_wasted_busted_check_to 0
+0112: wasted_or_busted
+0114: add_ammo_to_actor $6912 weapon 23 ammo 3000
+0118: actor $1157 dead
+0119: car $1031 wrecked
+011A: set_actor $1342 search_threat 1
+011C: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR clear_objective
+0121: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_zone 'BEACH3'
+0122: player $PLAYER_CHAR pressing_horn
+0123: actor 0@ spotted_player $PLAYER_CHAR
+0126: actor $2526 objective_passed
+0129: 2@ = create_actor 4 118 in_car 0@ driverseat
+012A: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR at 91.2 -1460.9 10.0 and_remove_from_car
+0137: car $6080 model == 142
+014B: $389 = init_car_generator 211 -1 -1 force_spawn 1 alarm 0 door_lock 0 min_delay 0 max_delay 10000 at -1022.6 -868.6 12.2 angle 175.0
+014C: set_parked_car_generator $389 cars_to_generate_to 0
+014E: start_timer_at $4078 count_in_direction 1
+014F: stop_timer $1973
+0151: remove_status_text $1974
+0152: set_zone_car_info 'STREET4' 1 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50
+0154: actor 5@ in_zone 'VICE_C'
+0157: camera_on_player $PLAYER_CHAR mode 15 switchstyle 2
+0158: camera_on_vehicle $1093 mode 15 switchstyle 2
+0159: camera_on_ped $2695 mode 15 switchstyle 2
+015A: restore_camera
+015C: set_zone_gang_info 'STREET2' 1 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1000
+015D: set_gamespeed 0.3
+015F: set_camera_position 219.726 -1282.485 12.53 rotation 0.0 0.0 0.0
+0160: point_camera 218.872 -1282.988 12.392 switchstyle 2
+0161: $2863 = create_marker_above_car $2828 color 0 display 1
+0162: $2748 = create_marker_above_actor $2724 color 4 display 2
+0164: disable_marker $526
+0165: set_marker $4809 color_to 2
+0166: set_marker $4483 brightness_to 1
+0167: $3536 = create_marker_at -1219.969 8.543 10.44 color 1 display 3
+0168: set_marker $2748 size 2
+0169: set_fade_color 0 0 0
+016A: fade 0 0 ms
+016B: fading
+016C: restart_if_wasted_at 493.5 703.1 11.1 angle 90.0
+016D: restart_if_busted_at 508.9 506.8 10.3 angle 174.0
+016E: override_next_restart at -1102.4 1331.2 19.0 angle 271.2
+0170: $1279 = player $PLAYER_CHAR z_angle
+0171: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR z_angle_to 100.0
+0172: $2689 = actor 0@ z_angle
+0173: set_actor $1027 z_angle_to 13@
+0174: $1068 = car $1031 z_angle
+0175: set_car $1308 z_angle_to $1408
+0176: $3215 = object $1018 z_angle
+0177: set_object $ARENA_DOOR_1 z_angle_to 90.0
+017A: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR weapon 17 ammo_to 100
+0180: set_on_mission_flag_to $ONMISSION
+0184: actor $1324 health >= 95
+0185: car $3220 health >= 269
+0186: $2540 = create_marker_above_car $327
+0187: 5@ = create_marker_above_actor $2500
+0188: $3740 = create_marker_above_object $3736
+0189: $368 = create_checkpoint_and_sphere_at 240.4 -1280.2 10.0
+018A: $320 = create_checkpoint_at $2514 $2515 $2516
+018B: set_marker $524 display 2
+018C: play_sound 1 at 0.0 0.0 0.0
+018D: 6@ = create_sound 0 at -923.4324 -333.2397 14.3816
+018E: stop_sound 6@
+018F: vehicle $3896 flipped
+0190: add_vehicle $3496 to_flipped_check
+0191: remove_vehicle $3496 from_flipped_check
+0192: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR objective_to_stand_still
+0193: set_actor 5@ objective_to_act_like_ped
+0194: set_actor $3918 objective_to_guard_point 388.3 -473.9 11.34
+01AD: car $1489 sphere 0 near_point $1508 $1518 radius 3.0 3.0
+01AF: car $1308 0 95.3 -1468.3 9.5 radius 1.5 1.5 3.0
+01B0: car $4743 stopped 1 -871.6 -469.5 9.9 radius 7.0 7.0 7.0
+01B1: give_player $PLAYER_CHAR weapon 17 ammo 68 // Load the weapon model before using this
+01B2: give_actor $1027 weapon 23 ammo 9999 // Load the weapon model before using this
+01B4: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR can_move 1
+01B5: force_weather 0
+01B6: set_weather 0
+01B7: release_weather
+01B8: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR armed_weapon_to 17
+01B9: set_actor $2699 armed_weapon_to 0
+01BB: store_object $1018 position_to $752 $753 $754
+01BC: put_object $2179 at 298.0 -313.6 11.0
+01BD: $1164 = current_time_in_ms
+01BE: set_actor $2655 to_look_at_spot 474.7 29.9 11.07
+01C0: $3711 = player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level
+01C1: car 5@ stopped
+01C2: mark_actor_as_no_longer_needed $1027
+01C3: mark_car_as_no_longer_needed $1425
+01C4: mark_object_as_no_longer_needed $3096
+01C5: remove_actor_from_mission_cleanup_list $1027
+01C7: remove_object_from_mission_cleanup_list $ARENA_DOOR_1
+01C8: $2697 = create_actor_pedtype 10 model 90 in_car $2700 passenger_seat 0
+01C9: actor $2728 kill_actor $2695
+01CA: actor $1157 kill_player $PLAYER_CHAR
+01CB: actor $4508 kill_actor $4530
+01CC: actor $1213 kill_player $PLAYER_CHAR
+01CE: actor $2907 avoid_player $PLAYER_CHAR
+01CF: actor $6657 avoid_actor $6585
+01D0: actor 0@ avoid_player $PLAYER_CHAR
+01D1: actor $4773 follow_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+01D2: actor 0@ follow_player $PLAYER_CHAR
+01D3: actor $1493 leave_car $1489
+01D4: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR go_to_car 0@ and_enter_it_as_a_passenger
+01D5: actor 13@ go_to_and_drive_car 14@
+01D8: actor 0@ destroy_object 4@
+01D9: actor $2879 destroy_car $5218
+01DE: tie_actor $2712 to_actor $2711
+01DF: tie_actor $1027 to_player $PLAYER_CHAR
+01E0: clear_leader $2500
+01E1: set_actor $3382 follow_route 0 3
+01E2: add_route_point 0 at $3387 $3388 $3389
+01E3: text_1number_styled 'REWARD' number $1094 time 6000 style 6
+01E4: text_1number_lowpriority 'HJ_IS' $1051 time 2000 1
+01E5: text_1number_highpriority 'G_COST' 100 time 1000 1
+01E7: remove_forbidden_for_cars_cube -291.0 -287.0 0.0 208.0 648.0 35.0
+01E8: create_forbidden_for_cars_cube -291.0 -287.0 0.0 208.0 648.0 35.0
+01E9: $4796 = car $4780 num_passengers
+01EA: $4788 = car $4772 max_passengers
+01EB: set_traffic_density_multiplier_to 0.1
+01EC: make_car $2560 very_heavy 1
+01ED: clear_actor $1027 threat_search
+01F0: set_max_wanted_level_to 4
+01F3: car $1031 airborne
+01F4: car $3220 flipped
+01F5: $PLAYER_ACTOR = create_emulated_actor_from_player $PLAYER_CHAR
+01F6: cancel_override_restart
+01F7: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR ignored_by_cops_state_to 1
+01F9: init_rampage 'PAGE_00' $1823 120000 $1824 $1815 $1816 $1817 $1818 0
+01FA: $1212 = rampage_status
+01FB: $1065 = square_root $1064
+01FC: player $PLAYER_CHAR near_car $2560 radius 30.0 30.0 0
+01FE: player $PLAYER_CHAR near_car_in_car $5216 radius 20.0 20.0 0
+01FF: player $PLAYER_CHAR near_car $2874 radius 8.0 10.0 3.0 unknown 0
+0202: actor $LANCE_VANCE near_car 0@ radius 20.0 20.0 sphere 0
+0203: actor $3569 near_car_on_foot $3587 radius 35.0 35.0 unknown 0
+0205: actor $3712 near_car $3728 radius 7.0 7.0 6.0 unknown 0
+0208: $1406 = random_float 0.0 360.0
+0209: $1671 = random_int_in_ranges 1 15
+020A: set_car $1903 door_status_to 1
+020B: explode_car $2909
+020C: create_explosion 1 at 69.42 -371.249 30.28
+020D: car $1031 flipped
+020E: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR look_at_actor $1673
+020F: actor 13@ look_at_player $PLAYER_CHAR
+0210: player $PLAYER_CHAR look_at_actor $1157
+0211: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR walk_to 204.3 -1288.7
+0213: $413 = create_pickup #BRIBE type 15 at 393.9 -60.2 11.5
+0214: pickup $PRINT_WORKS_ASSET picked_up
+0215: destroy_pickup 1@
+0216: set_car $7141 taxi_available_light_to 1
+0217: text_styled 'USJ_DUN' time 5000 style 5
+0219: $985 = create_garage_type 5 door -914.129 -1263.54 10.706 to -906.3 -1266.9 14.421 depth -907.137 -1246.626
+021B: set_garage $993 to_accept_car $2874
+021C: car_inside_garage $992
+0221: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR apply_brakes_to_car 1
+0222: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR health_to 200
+0223: set_actor $1027 health_to 250
+0224: set_car $327 health_to 2000
+0225: $1674 = player $PLAYER_CHAR health
+0226: $2703 = actor $2699 health
+0227: $3043 = car $2871 health
+0229: set_car $1908 color_to $1899 $1900
+022A: remove_forbidden_for_peds_cube 354.9 -483.1 21.0 406.0 -490.0 0.0
+022B: create_forbidden_for_peds_cube 354.9 -483.1 21.0 406.0 -490.0 10.0
+022C: set_actor $2526 to_look_at_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+022D: set_actor $1157 to_look_at_player $PLAYER_CHAR
+022E: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR to_look_at_actor 13@
+022F: set_actor $1158 stop_looking
+0230: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR stop_looking
+0235: set_gang 2 models_to 4 4
+0236: set_gang 4 car_to 215
+0237: set_gang 2 primary_weapon_to 26 secondary_weapon_to 26
+0239: actor $1340 run_to 65.8 -1444.0
+023C: load_special_actor 21 'SAM'
+023D: special_actor 6 loaded
+0241: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_remote_mode
+0243: set_actor $1027 ped_stats_to 16
+0244: set_cutscene_pos 69.5133 -1444.698 9.5255
+0245: set_actor $2500 walk_style_to 46
+0247: request_model 4
+0248: model 95 available
+0249: release_model 4
+024A: $595 = get_phone_at 36.90385 -1023.3
+024E: disable_phone $595
+024F: create_corona_with_radius 5.5 type 6 lensflares 0 with_color 255 0 0 at $4411 $4412 $4413
+0253: save_current_time
+0254: restore_current_time
+0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
+0291: set_actor $1341 heed_threats 1
+0293: $319 = get_controller_mode
+0294: set_vehicle $5710 sprayable 0
+0296: unload_special_actor 21
+0297: clear_rampage_kills
+0298: $5992 = rampage_kills 83
+029B: $ARENA_DOOR_1 = init_object #DTN_STADDOORA at -1109.615 1330.097 20.372
+029F: player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped
+02A3: enable_widescreen 1
+02A7: $526 = create_icon_marker_and_sphere $721 at $760 $761 $762
+02A8: $678 = create_marker 27 at $1009 $1010 $1011
+02A9: set_actor $2548 immune_to_nonplayer 1
+02AA: set_car $2706 immune_to_nonplayer 1
+02AB: set_actor 2@ immunities BP 1 FP 1 EP 1 CP 1 MP 1
+02AC: set_car 0@ immunities 1 1 1 1 1
+02AD: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_area 64.8222 613.6588 96.7488 550.3496 radius 20.0 sphere 0
+02B3: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_cube 399.0 -474.5 11.0 394.3 -470.8 14.5 radius 2.5 sphere 0
+02B4: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_cube_on_foot 393.174 -470.686 10.0 386.992 -478.052 15.0 radius 8.2 sphere 0
+02B5: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_cube_in_car 393.174 -470.686 10.0 386.992 -478.052 15.0 radius 8.2 sphere 0
+02BF: car $1093 sunk
+02C0: set $3065 $3066 $751 to_ped_path_coords_closest_to $749 $750 $751
+02C1: set $3538 $3539 $3540 to_car_path_coords_closest_to $3541 $3542 $3543
+02C2: car $1489 drive_to_point $1508 $1518 $1528
+02CA: car $5710 bounding_sphere_visible
+02CB: actor 0@ bounding_sphere_visible
+02CE: $400 = ground_z $1257 $1258 50.0
+02CF: 14@ = create_fire_at 347.5 417.4 20.6
+02D0: fire $7249 extinguished
+02D1: destroy_fire $7249
+02D3: boat $3100 drive_to 171.0578 942.3843 6.0
+02D4: car $3100 turn_off_engine
+02D5: player $PLAYER_CHAR shooting_in_area -1208.7 42.5 -1077.4 126.0 0
+02D7: player $PLAYER_CHAR current_weapon == 22
+02DB: set_boat $3100 speed_to 10.0
+02DD: get_random_actor $7143 in_zone 'VICE_C' 1 1 1
+02DE: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_taxi
+02DF: player $PLAYER_CHAR aggressive
+02E0: actor $2695 firing_weapon
+02E1: 1@ = create_cash_pickup 500 at -965.2795 -334.6384 15.0
+02E2: set_actor $1027 weapon_accuracy_to 80
+02E3: $1135 = car $1093 speed
+02E4: load_cutscene_data 'STRIPA'
+02E5: $428 = create_cutscene_object 109
+02E6: set_cutscene_anim $428 'CSPLAY'
+02E7: start_cutscene
+02E8: $CUT_SCENE_TIME = cutscenetime
+02EA: end_cutscene
+02EB: restore_camera_with_jumpcut
+02EC: put_hidden_package_at 479.6 -1718.5 15.6
+02ED: set_total_hidden_packages_to 100
+02F2: actor $5071 model == 1
+02F3: load_object 295 'SVNTRAY'
+02F6: $1276 = sine $1285 // float
+02F7: $1277 = cosine $1285 // float
+02F8: get_vehicle $5216 Z_angle_sine_to $7408
+02F9: get_vehicle $5216 Z_angle_cosine_to $7409
+02FA: garage $991 change_to_type 9
+02FD: text_2numbers_highpriority 'CO_ONE' $1899 $1900 time 500 1
+02FF: text_3numbers_lowpriority 'WHEEL02' $1030 $1075 $1072 time time 3000 1
+0302: text_4numbers_lowpriority 'WHEEL01' $1030 $1073 $1074 $1072 time 3000 1
+0308: text_6numbers_lowpriority 'HJSTATW' $1040 $1039 $1033 $1038 $1037 $1043 time 5000 5
+030C: progress_made += 1
+030D: set_total_mission_points_to 154
+030E: save_jump_distance $1065
+030F: save_jump_height $1053
+0310: save_jump_flips $1037
+0311: save_jump_rotation $1043
+0312: save_jump_type 1
+0313: increment_unique_jumps_found
+0314: set_total_unique_jumps_to 36
+0315: increment_taxi_dropoffs
+0316: save_taxi_earnings_from $7147
+0317: increment_mission_attempts
+0318: set_latest_mission_passed 'LAW_1'
+0319: set_actor $1027 running 1
+031A: remove_all_fires
+031D: actor $1157 hit_by_weapon 47
+031E: vehicle $2871 hit_by_weapon 39
+031F: actor $5325 in_range_of_actor $5323
+0320: actor $2695 in_range_of_player $PLAYER_CHAR
+0321: kill_actor $2699
+0322: kill_player $PLAYER_CHAR
+0323: enable_boat $3100 anchor 1
+0324: set_zone_pedgroup_info 'STREET4' 1 7
+0325: $7246 = create_car 1@ fire
+0326: $7249 = create_actor 4@ fire
+0327: $4639 = create_random_car_with_actors -1 in_area $4724 $4725 $4727 $4728
+0329: garage $988 respray_done
+032A: set_behind_camera_mode_to 0
+032B: $1245 = create_weapon_pickup $1225 3 ammo $1238 at $1276 $1277 $1278
+032C: car $7592 ram $7593
+0330: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR infinite_run_to 1
+0331: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR fast_reload 1
+0332: set_actor 0@ bleeding_to 0
+0335: set_free_paynspray_to 1
+0336: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR visible 0
+0337: set_actor $2698 visibility 0
+033E: text_draw 32.0 302.0 'HOTR_19'
+033F: set_text_draw_letter_width_height 0.8 2.0
+0340: set_text_draw_color 0 0 0 255
+0341: set_text_draw_align_justify 1
+0342: set_text_draw_centered 0
+0343: set_text_linewidth 500.0
+0345: set_text_draw_in_box 0
+0348: set_text_draw_proportional 1
+034D: rotate_object $2206 from_angle 160.0 to_angle 160.0 flag 0
+034E: move_object $2194 to -837.134 -901.672 12.03 speed 0.0 0.0 0.025 collision_check 0
+034F: destroy_actor_with_fade $1341 // The actor fades away like a ghost
+0350: set_actor $1157 maintain_position_when_attacked 1
+0352: set_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR skin_to 'PLAYER'
+0353: refresh_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+035C: place_object $2652 relative_to_car $2602 offset 0.0 0.0 0.0
+035D: make_object $2601 targetable
+035E: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR armour_to 200
+035F: set_actor $3911 armour_to 300
+0360: open_garage $993
+0361: close_garage $994
+0362: put_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR at 136.457 -817.37 9.44 and_remove_from_car
+0363: toggle_model_render_at 231.4 -1277.7 19.0 radius 50.0 object #0.360886 1
+0365: set_actor $7143 objective_hail_taxi
+0366: object 12@ damaged
+0369: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR in_car $3087
+036A: put_actor $1490 in_car $1489
+036D: text_2numbers_styled 'IN_ROW' numbers $7144 $7155 time 5000 style 6
+0372: set_actor $1027 anim 24 wait_state_time 60000000 ms
+0373: set_camera_directly_behind_player
+0376: $1490 = create_random_actor $1502 $1503 30.0
+0377: set_actor 0@ steal_any_car
+037E: sniper_bullet_in_area -30.3157 -896.563 17.36755 -55.192 -880.0 37.84
+0381: throw_object $3736 distance 0.0 0.0 -1.0
+0382: set_object $2225 collision_detection 0
+0383: player $8263 car_horn_activated == true
+0384: text_1string_highpriority 'F_START' 'VICE_C' time 5000 1
+038B: load_requested_models
+038C: object $3903 scatter $2000 $2001 $2002
+0392: object $1193 toggle_in_moving_list 0
+0394: play_music 1
+0395: clear_area 1 at 220.3 -1275.5 11.0 range 1.0
+0396: pause_timer 1
+039C: set_car $4397 watertight 1
+039D: scatter_particles 17 0.2 0 0 0 30000 at -375.4 -595.8 25.75 0.05 0.05 0.05
+039E: set_actor $2500 locked_while_in_vehicle 1
+039F: car $4397 race_to $4403 $4404
+03A1: draw_sphere 475.5 30.3 11.0 radius 3.0
+03A2: set_vehicle $3106 action 4
+03A3: actor $7217 male
+03A4: script_name 'MAIN'
+03A8: save_float_to_debug_file $1970
+03A9: save_newline_to_debug_file
+03AA: play_suspect_last_seen_at $7386 $7387 $751
+03AB: set_car $3220 strong 1
+03AC: clear_route 0
+03AD: set_rubbish 0
+03AE: remove_objects_from_cube -406.8 -552.0 25.0 -437.9 -569.4 10.0
+03AF: set_streaming 0
+03B1: garage $993 door_closed
+03B6: replace_model_at 117.991 -362.461 10.179 radius 80.0 from #BLDNGST2MESH to #BLDNGST2MESHDAM
+03B7: process_cut_scene_only 0
+03B8: clear_weapons_from_player $PLAYER_CHAR
+03BA: clear_cars_from_cube 342.4 1259.1 21.5 302.5 1153.3 26.0
+03BB: set_garage $986 door_type_to_swing_open
+03BC: 6@ = create_sphere 14@ 15@ 12@ 0.75
+03BD: destroy_sphere 6@
+03BF: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR ignored_by_everyone_to 1
+03C0: $2903 = actor $2878 car_no_save
+03C1: $1031 = player $PLAYER_CHAR car_no_save
+03C3: set_timer_with_text_to $1973 type 0 text 'BUSTED'
+03C4: set_status_text_to $2924 1 'DETON'
+03C5: create_random_car_for_carpark 310.2 1234.8 16.2 90.2
+03C7: set_sensitivity_to_crime_to 0.1
+03C8: set_camera_directly_before_player
+03CA: object $5007 exists
+03CB: load_scene 83.0 -849.8 9.3
+03CC: add_stuck_car_check $3496 distance 0.5 time 3000
+03CD: car $3496 remove_from_stuck_car_check
+03CE: car $3496 stuck
+03CF: load_wav 'MOB_52A' as $1481
+03D0: wav 1 loaded
+03D1: play_wav $1481
+03D2: wav 1 ended
+03D3: point $4724 $4725 $4726 get_nearby_vector $4724 $4725 $4726 $4729
+03D4: garage $991 contains_neededcar 1
+03D5: remove_text 'INT3_D'
+03D6: remove_styled_text 'NUMBER'
+03D7: set_wav 1 location $749 $750 $751
+03D8: show_save_screen
+03DA: set_garage $993 camera_follows_player
+03DC: 11@ = create_marker_above_pickup 10@
+03DE: set_pedestrians_density_multiplier_to 0.0
+03DF: all_random_peds $1814
+03E1: $1610 = packages_found
+03E2: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR leave_any_car
+03E4: set_text_draw_align_right 0
+03E5: text_box 'CUNTY'
+03E6: remove_text_box
+03E7: flash_hud 8
+03EA: generate_cars_around_camera 1
+03EB: clear_small_messages_only
+03ED: set_car $4397 not_damaged_when_upside_down 1
+03EE: player $PLAYER_CHAR controllable
+03EF: player $PLAYER_CHAR make_safe
+03F0: enable_text_draw 1
+03F1: pedtype 9 add_threat 1
+03F2: pedtype 9 remove_threat 1
+03F3: get_car $2509 color 3@ 4@
+03F4: set_all_vehicles_apply_damage_rules 1
+03F5: set_vehicle $4807 apply_damage_rules 1
+03F9: make_actors $2548 $2550 converse_in 999999999 ms
+03FD: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR handling_responsiveness $4761
+03FE: set_actor $3376 money 200
+0400: create_coordinate $752 $753 $754 from_object $1018 offset -0.277 -16.662 3.152
+0401: increment_people_saved_in_ambulance
+0402: increment_criminals_stopped
+0403: save_highest_ambulance_level $7188
+0404: increment_fires_extinguished
+0405: enable_phone $595
+0407: create_coordinate $1506 $1507 $1504 from_car $1489 offset 0.0 -20.0 0.0
+0408: set_total_rampages_to 35
+0409: blow_up_rc_buggy
+040C: german_game
+040D: unload_wav $1481
+0411: set_actor $LANCE_VANCE use_pednode_seek 0
+0414: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR single_free_treatment 1
+0417: start_mission 0 // Initial
+0418: set_object $510 draw_last 1
+0419: $1156 = player $PLAYER_CHAR weapon 17 ammo
+041D: set_camera_near_clip 0.1
+041E: set_radio_station 9 -1
+0423: car $4397 improve_handling 1.5
+0424: metric
+0425: $1078 = meters $1076 to_feet // float
+0428: set_car $4627 avoid_level_transitions 1
+042B: clear_peds_from_cube 316.5 207.966 9.23 335.8277 190.5509 11.3988
+042C: set_total_missions_to 88
+042D: $1040 = meters $1040 to_feet // int
+042E: register_lowest_int_stat 1 to $4497
+042F: register_highest_int_stat 0 to $4369
+0431: car $5324 car_passenger_seat_free 0
+0433: set_actor $7323 is_criminal 1
+0434: show_credits
+0435: end_credits
+0437: scatter_particle 23 0.3 at $4572 $4573 $4574 $4575 $4576 $4577
+043C: set_game_sounds_disable_on_fade 0
+043F: play_cutscene_music
+0440: stop_cutscene_music
+0441: $2510 = car $2509 model
+0442: player $PLAYER_CHAR sitting_in_car $2828
+0443: player $PLAYER_CHAR sitting_in_any_car
+0445: are_car_cheats_used
+0446: set_actor $1027 dismemberment_possible 0
+0448: actor $1490 sitting_in_car $1489
+0449: actor $2827 sitting_in_any_car
+044A: player $PLAYER_CHAR on_foot
+044B: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_foot
+044D: load_splash 'INTRO1'
+0450: car $5308 warp_to_player
+0451: load_end_of_game_audio
+0453: object $1193 set_rotation 0.0 8.0 0.0
+0454: useless_store_debug_camera_position_to $1888 $1889 $1890
+0457: player $PLAYER_CHAR aiming_at_actor $1158
+0459: end_script_named 'HOT'
+045A: text_draw_1number 32.0 317.0 'HOTR_26' $1997
+045B: text_draw_2numbers 32.0 232.0 'HOTR_15' $7889 $7890
+045C: fail_current_mission
+045F: set_car 0@ everyone_exit
+0460: set_camera_pointing_time 0.0 1500
+0463: useless_store_debug_camera_target_point_to $1888 $1889 $1890
+0464: put_actor $2889 into_turret_on_car $2872 at_car_offset 0.4242 -0.0679 1.1322 position 3 angle 270.0 with_weapon 27
+0465: remove_actor $2897 from_turret_mode
+0466: set_car $2871 stay_in_fast_lane 0
+0467: set_actor $2548 clear_last_weapon_damage
+0468: set_vehicle $2871 clear_last_weapon_damage
+0469: create_actor $4519 in area -919.5 -329.8 -901.5 -351.45 unknown 0 1 0 0 0
+046B: actor $5221 leave_car $5215 and_flee
+046C: $3668 = car $3587 driver
+046D: $7330 = actor $5297 car_free_seats // members_in_group
+046E: put_player $PLAYER_CHAR in_RC_mode_at $3729 $3730 $3731 angle $3732 RC_model 231
+046F: store_player $PLAYER_CHAR currently_armed_weapon_to 13@
+0470: $3529 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armed_weapon
+0472: actor $8447 within_object_on_foot $8409 rectangle 2.0 2.0 sphere 0
+0477: set_car 5@ action 6 time 200
+047A: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_any_bike
+047E: player $PLAYER_CHAR on_any_bike
+0480: actor $5124 looking_at_death_of_actor_with_pedtype 11
+0481: set_enter_car_range_multiplier 6.0
+0482: set_threat_reaction_range_multiplier 6.0
+0483: set_actor $3097 cease_attack_timer 1500
+0484: $1308 = player $PLAYER_CHAR rc_car
+0489: set_actor 0@ muted 1
+048A: enable_rc_vehicle_detonation 0
+048B: set_car $7308 route_seed $7325
+048C: pickup_at $1276 $1277 $1278 available_or_will_respawn
+048F: actor 0@ remove_weapons
+0490: player $PLAYER_CHAR has_weapon 18
+0493: set_tank $2874 contact_explosion 0
+0494: get_joystick 0 data_to $1184 $1185 $1186 $1187
+0495: vehicle $2793 burning
+0496: vehicle $4397 tire 4 deflated
+049C: $1026 = scripted_path_file 0 width 90.0
+049D: attach_scripted_file $1026 with_object $1018
+049E: set_scripted_file $1026 speed_to 0.0
+049F: set_scripted_file $1026 distance_along_path_to 3250.0
+04A1: release_scripted_file $1026
+04A2: heli $3095 fly_to 314.2827 993.9822 40.0 speed 30
+04A3: $1822 == 290 // == constant
+04A5: get_dead_actor_pickup_coords $2526 store_to $2544 $2545 $2546
+04A6: $920 = create_asset_money_pickup_at 93.3 -1472.14 $876 money $921 rate $921
+04A8: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_any_boat
+04AD: actor $5684 in_water
+04AE: $725 = 4 // = constant
+04B0: $1934 > 292 // $ > constant
+04B2: 130 > $1913 // constant > $
+04B8: get_weapon_data_from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR slot 4 weapon $1173 ammo $1156 model $1174
+04B9: get_closest_straight_road $7374 $7375 10.0 12.0 500.0 $7374 $7375 $7376 $7377 $7378 $7379 $751
+04BA: set_car 0@ speed_instantly 20.0
+04BB: select_interiour 0 // select render area
+04BC: set_cutscene_anim 'LCFAN' to_loop
+04BD: set_car $5041 is_part_of_convoy 1
+04BE: reset_player $PLAYER_CHAR chaos_level
+04BF: $5705 = player $PLAYER_CHAR chaos_level
+04C0: create_police_roadblock_at 556.5 763.3 10.2 538.5 763.3 10.2
+04C1: remove_references_to_roadblocks
+04C2: actor $2695 walk_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+04C4: create_coordinate $1200 $1201 $1202 from_actor $1158 offset 0.0 1.2 0.0
+04C5: actor $4857 photographed
+04C6: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR aim_gun_at_actor $2528
+04C7: toggle_camera_green_scanlines 1
+04C9: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_flying_vehicle
+04CE: $737 = create_icon_marker_without_sphere 16 at $835 $836 $837
+04CF: add 50 to_money_spent_on_fashion_stats
+04D0: force_heli $3225 looking_angle_to 270.0
+04D1: reset_heli $3225 looking_angle
+04D2: set_plane $8893 fly_autopilot_around_point $8871 $8872 $8873 30
+04D3: get_nearest_car_path_coords_from $4418 $4419 $4420 type 2 store_to $4418 $4419 $4420
+04D5: create_corona_at $7915 $7916 $7917 radius 5.5 type 6 flare 0 RGB 150 0 0
+04D6: enable_rc_car_detonation 0
+04D7: lock_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_current_position 1
+04D8: set_actor $5563 drown 0
+04D9: object $3736 set_scripted_collision_check 0
+04DA: has_object $3736 collided
+04DB: exit_rc_mode
+04DD: $1177 = actor $PLAYER_ACTOR armour
+04DF: set_heli $3225 lean_and_thrust_limiter 1
+04E0: car $2706 abandon_path_radius 3
+04E1: open_trunk_of_car_fully $5040
+04E2: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR suspend_heavy_police_reinforcements 1
+04E3: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR mood 2 duration 60000
+04E4: request_collision_at 83.0 -849.8
+04E5: object $1018 near_point -277.999 614.19 radius 25.0 25.0 sphere 0
+04E6: object $3736 near_point $3768 $3769 $3770 radius 5.0 3.5 3.5 flag 1
+04E7: object $3736 in_water
+04EA: object $6315 in_cube -554.2964 -277.5887 0.0 -492.513 -212.6366 20.0 flag 0
+04EB: actor $1158 crouch 0 9999999 ms
+04EC: set_zone_car_class_info 'STREET4' 1 300 0 350 200 0 0 100 50 0 500 500
+04ED: load_animation 'RIOT'
+04EF: release_animation 'RIOT'
+04F1: is_car_waiting_for_world_collision $7308
+04F3: move_actor $LANCE_VANCE from_car_passengerseat_to_driverseat
+04F4: put_actor $3088 into_turret_on_object $1018 at_object_offset -2.5 -1.996 4.179 position 0 shooting_angle 360.0 with_weapon 27
+04F5: set_actor $1027 as_player_friend $PLAYER_CHAR flag 1
+04F7: status_text $1974 1 line 1 'BUSTED'
+04F8: define_police_trigger_type 1 if_player_with_wanted_level_in_rectangle 225.0 -1244.0 227.4 -1248.5 spawn_policeA_at 249.0 -1255.0 headed_towards 246.0 -1250.6 spawn_policeB_at 208.4 -1238.4 headed_towards 209.6 -1243.5
+04F9: set_extra_colors 2 fade 0
+04FA: clear_extra_colors_with_fade 0
+04FC: store_stunt_data $PLAYER_CHAR two_wheels: $1072 $1076 wheelie: $1079 $1083 stoppie: $1086 $1090
+04FE: set_vehicle $2560 deflate_tire 0
+04FF: actor $2897 no_objective
+0500: player $PLAYER_CHAR skin == 'PLAYER6'
+0501: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR drive_by_mode_enabled 1
+0502: set_actor 0@ sprint_to 1.7873 -928.6034
+0503: create_rappel_at -907.307 -336.618 26.0
+0506: vehicle_model 163 set_next_variation -1 1
+0507: set_camera_interference 1
+0508: vehicle $3095 close_all_doors
+0509: $6515 = distance_between_point $6500 $6501 and_point $6509 $6510
+050B: open_trunk_of_car $2560
+050D: actor $2548 leaving_car_to_die
+050E: sort_out_object $3736 collision_with_car $3728
+0512: show_permanent_text_box 'GUN_H1'
+0514: set_actor $2699 can_be_damaged_by_members_of_gang 3 0
+0517: $PRINT_WORKS_ASSET = create_unavailable_asset_pickup 'PRNT_NO' at $853 $854 $855
+0518: $966 = create_available_asset_pickup 'NBMN_L' at $877 $878 $879 price $965
+0519: lock_vehicle $2560 in_current_position 1
+051A: actor $2699 damaged_by_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+0521: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR drowning_in_water
+0522: disable_cutscene_shadows
+0523: glass_been_shattered_near 459.9 1004.1 19.7
+0524: attach_cutscene_object $3298 to_bone $464 24
+0525: attach_cutscene_object $444 to_component $510 'MERCBOD'
+0526: set_actor $2500 stay_in_car_when_jacked 1
+0528: add 100 to_money_spent_on_weapons_stats
+0529: add $939 to_money_spent_on_property_stats
+052B: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR hold_cellphone 1
+052C: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR drunk_visuals 255
+0531: increment_stores_knocked_off_by 1
+0533: increment_assassination_contracts_by 1
+0534: increment_pizzas_delivered_by $8453
+0536: increment_drug_deals_made_by $8287
+053C: set_actor $4773 in_players_group_can_fight 0
+053D: clear_actor $1027 wait_state
+053E: $2875 = get_random_car_with_actors -1 in_area $3061 $3062 $749 $750
+053F: set_car $2560 tires_vulnerable 0
+0540: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR auto_aim 0
+0541: fire_guns_on_vehicle $3093
+0542: add_property 1 to_property_own_stats
+0543: add_to_bloodring_kills_stat $7627
+0544: save_longest_time_in_bloodring $7631
+0545: clear_world
+0546: player $PLAYER_CHAR touching_car $5572
+0548: player $PLAYER_CHAR check_for_ped_model 85 86 radius 10.0 10.0 10.0
+0549: clear_actor $5455 follow_path
+054A: set_actor $1027 can_be_shot_in_a_car 0
+054B: attach_cutscene_object_to_car $428 $366
+054C: use_GXT_table 'INTRO'
+054D: display_message_at_stadium 0
+054E: clear_actor $2699 damage
+0550: keep_object $3823 in_memory 1
+0551: set_kaufman_radio 1
+0552: set_riot_noise $2600
+0556: create_cab -1047.664 -298.188 11.0 266.28 512.591 -74.9 9.573 189.24
+0557: release_cab
+055A: set_secondary_rubbish 1
+055B: $1656 = create_clothes_pickup 12 at -382.6 -585.9 25.3
+055D: make_player $PLAYER_CHAR fireproof 1
+055E: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR max_health += 50
+055F: set_player $PLAYER_CHAR max_armour += 50
+0560: create_random_actor_in_vehicle 1@ in_driverseat_handle_as 5@
+0561: $1493 = create_random_ped_in_vehicle $1489 passengerseat 1
+0562: set_actor $3097 ignore_threats_behind_objects 1
+0563: give_player $PLAYER_CHAR ammo 300
+0564: set_vehicle $3095 helicopter_simulate_crash_landing
+0565: create_temporary_explosion_fire 69.42 -371.249 30.28 type 2
+0566: object $2210 set_interior 12
+0568: set_actor $1027 untargetable 1
+0569: load_uncompressed_animation 'AIRPLAN'
+056A: has_cutscene_been_interrupted
+056B: set_actor $1673 crouch_when_threatened 1
+056C: actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_any_police_vehicle
+056D: actor $2526 defined
+0570: $964 = create_asset_radar_marker_with_icon 25 at $877 $878 $879
+0571: actor $5323 stuck
+0572: set_taxi_boost_jump 1
+0573: set_actor $5939 stop_shoot_dont_seek_entity 1
+0574: freeze_car $4627 position_and_dont_load_collision 1
+0578: save_highest_vigilante_level $7370
+0579: stop_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR
+057A: set_garage $959 max_cars_to 1
+057B: wanted_level_suspended
+057C: set_allow_hurricanes 0
+057D: play_bridge_status_mp3 0
+057E: make_radar_grey 1
+057F: get_player $PLAYER_CHAR store_coach_passengers_dropped_off_to $1501
+0580: $8272 = distribution_mission_status distribution_actor $8271 distribution_car $8263
+0581: enable_radar 0
+0582: register_hotring_best_result 0 $7873
+0583: player $PLAYER_CHAR in_zone 'GANG1'
+0585: in_car_fire_button_pressed
+0586: actor $8271 has_attempted_attractor
+0587: set_load_collision_for_car $5219 flag 0
+0588: set_load_collision_for_actor $5227 flag 0
+058A: create_gun_flash_from -684.222 -1577.189 12.384 to -695.416 -1576.626 12.415
+058B: actor $8271 bought_ice_cream
+058C: $404 = percentage_completed
+058D: set_restart_mission_taxi_start 407.6 725.3 10.5 angle 177.0
+058E: set_restart_mission_taxi_destination 110.6 -824.2 9.6 327.9
+058F: $8271 = random_ice_cream_customer_in_area $8267 $8268 $8269 $8270 flag 1 0 1
+0591: unlock_all_car_doors_in_area 466.1 325.5 448.1 339.2
+0592: set_gang 2 attack_player_with_cops 1
+0593: set_actor 0@ frightened_in_jacked_car 1
+0594: set_car $1489 fade_in 0
+0595: mission_complete
+0598: stir_ground_around_object $451 radius 10.0 density 8
+0599: set_highest_firefighter_mission_level $7280
+059A: australian_game
+059B: disarm_car_bomb $4536
+05A9: get_mission_skip_level $412 // vcmobile opcodes
+05AA: set_is_in_ammunation_button_icon 1 // vcmobile opcodes
+05AB: set_savegame_for_pause 4 // vcmobile opcodes
+05AC: get_mission_replay $1860 // vcmobile opcodes
+8018: not $3226 > 9 // $ > int
+8019: not TIMERA > 1000 // @ > int
+801A: not 1 > $7117 // int > $
+801C: not $7330 > $5367 // $ > $ int
+8038: not $319 == 3 // $ == int
+8039: not 2@ == 0 // @ == int
+803A: not $2931 == $3022 // $ == $ int
+8042: not $400 == 0.0 // $ == float
+8043: not 2@ == 0.0 // @ == float
+8056: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 12@ 13@ 14@ 15@
+8057: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 -1118.978 1326.515 19.076 -1108.978 1335.515 23.076
+80A3: not actor 0@ 0 -1234.15 -1.0 -1367.51 250.33
+80A4: not actor $5455 0 -386.507 -600.089 24.286 -370.542 -583.413 31.667
+80B0: not car $8482 0 -1881.576 -1612.496 -979.9678 -582.2634
+80B1: not car $327 0 272.8 -1341.5 16.0 212.5 -1280.0 8.0
+80C2: not sphere_onscreen 10@ 11@ 12@ 1.0
+80DB: not actor 13@ in_car 14@
+80DC: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_car $1489
+80DE: not player $PLAYER_CHAR driving_vehicle_type 146
+80DF: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_any_car
+80E0: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_any_car
+80E1: not player 1 pressed_button 4
+80E3: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 460.7 27.5 radius 0.5 0.5
+80E4: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $6268 $6269 radius 3.0 3.0
+80E9: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $2527 radius 120.0 120.0
+80EB: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $7217 radius 20.0 20.0
+80EC: not actor $3568 0 $3607 $3608 radius 1.5 1.5
+80ED: not actor $2500 0 97.0 -1471.4 radius 0.4 0.4
+80F2: not actor $5323 near_actor $5325 radius 20.0 20.0 0
+80F5: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 -585.8 -1506.8 5.0 radius 7.0 7.0 4.0
+80F6: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 1 $835 $836 $837 radius 1.0 1.0 2.0
+80F7: not player $PLAYER_CHAR sphere 1 near_point_in_car -1072.6 70.3 10.2 radius 4.0 4.0 4.0
+80F8: not player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped 1 $2511 $2512 $2513 radius 2.5 2.5 3.0
+80FA: not player $PLAYER_CHAR stopped 1 $2514 $2515 $2516 radius 4.0 4.0 4.0
+80FB: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $2500 radius 30.0 30.0 10.0
+80FD: not player $PLAYER_CHAR 0 $7143 in_car radius 7.0 7.0 2.0
+80FE: not actor $2500 1 $2511 $2512 $2513 radius 2.5 2.5 3.0
+80FF: not actor $2526 0 433.7 -575.9 9.7 radius 8.0 8.0 3.0
+8101: not actor $3911 stopped_near_point -829.62 -898.8 10.11 radius 3.0 3.0 6.0 sphere $426
+8104: not actor $3568 near_actor $3569 radius 30.0 30.0 30.0 sphere 0
+810F: not player $PLAYER_CHAR wanted_level > 0
+8112: not wasted_or_busted
+8117: not player $PLAYER_CHAR wasted
+8118: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR dead
+8119: not car $1308 wrecked
+8121: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_zone 'STARI'
+8122: not player $PLAYER_CHAR pressing_horn
+8126: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR objective_passed
+816B: not fading
+8183: not player $PLAYER_CHAR health > 99
+8184: not actor $1213 health >= 90
+8185: not car $2560 health >= 900
+81AD: not car $2871 sphere 0 near_point -838.3314 -1490.493 radius 50.0 50.0
+81AF: not car 0@ 0 132.6 -818.278 9.446 radius 3.0 3.0 4.0
+81B0: not car $5710 stopped $426 -596.63 658.2 10.06 radius 4.0 4.0 4.0
+81C1: not car $5216 stopped
+81F3: not car $1031 airborne
+81F4: not car $4536 flipped
+81FC: not player $PLAYER_CHAR near_car $2828 radius 65.0 65.0 0
+81FE: not player $PLAYER_CHAR near_car_in_car $6312 radius 450.0 700.0 0
+81FF: not player $PLAYER_CHAR near_car $2874 radius 8.0 10.0 3.0 unknown 0
+8203: not actor $3569 near_car_on_foot $3647 radius 35.0 35.0 unknown 0
+820D: not car $1031 flipped
+8214: not pickup 10@ picked_up
+823D: not special_actor 21 loaded
+8241: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_remote_mode
+8248: not model 91 available
+8256: not player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
+82AD: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_area 453.5544 -461.5191 441.1417 -531.2878 radius 33.5 sphere 0
+82B3: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_cube -643.2 -1495.3 12.0 -679.1 -1481.3 18.0 radius -19.5 sphere 0
+82B4: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_cube_on_foot 376.66 -453.85 9.0 328.91 -504.02 20.0 radius 50.0 sphere 0
+82BF: not car $366 sunk
+82CA: not car $4397 bounding_sphere_visible
+82CB: not actor $2699 bounding_sphere_visible
+82CC: not object $3903 bounding_sphere_visible
+82D0: not fire $7245 extinguished
+82D7: not player $PLAYER_CHAR current_weapon == 2
+82D8: not actor 0@ current_weapon == 23
+82DE: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_taxi
+82E9: not cutscene_reached_end
+831D: not actor $6745 hit_by_weapon 47
+831E: not vehicle $6746 hit_by_weapon 47
+831F: not actor $5223 in_range_of_actor $5221
+8320: not actor $1027 in_range_of_player $PLAYER_CHAR
+8339: not anything_in_cube_cornerA 380.0 -491.64 8.0 cornerB 375.62 -493.57 16.0 solid 0 car 1 actor 1 object 0 particle 0
+834D: not rotate_object $2206 from_angle 360.0 to_angle 1.0 flag 0
+834E: not move_object $2179 to 304.0 -313.6 11.0 speed 0.1 0.1 0.0 collision_check 0
+8366: not object $2210 damaged
+838A: not car_in_cube -238.2693 -1361.33 7.0786 4.0 4.0 4.0
+83B0: not garage $994 door_open
+83B1: not garage $994 door_closed
+83CA: not object $6314 exists
+83CE: not car $3896 stuck
+83D0: not wav $1481 loaded
+83D2: not wav $1481 ended
+83D9: not save_done
+83EE: not player $PLAYER_CHAR controllable
+840B: not french_game
+840C: not german_game
+8431: not car $5216 car_passenger_seat_free $5241
+8436: not reached_end_of_credits
+8442: not player $PLAYER_CHAR sitting_in_car $3709
+8443: not player $PLAYER_CHAR sitting_in_any_car
+8448: not actor $LANCE_VANCE sitting_in_car $327
+8449: not actor $4774 sitting_in_any_car
+844A: not player $PLAYER_CHAR on_foot
+844B: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR on_foot
+8471: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR within_object $3903 rectangle 15.0 15.0 sphere 0
+847A: not actor $2500 on_any_bike
+847E: not player $PLAYER_CHAR on_any_bike
+8488: not model $1934 exists
+8490: not player $PLAYER_CHAR has_weapon 26
+8495: not vehicle $6746 burning
+84A3: not $1173 == 0 // == constant
+84A8: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_any_boat
+84AA: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_any_heli
+84AD: not actor 0@ in_water
+84C9: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_flying_vehicle
+84EE: not animation 'RIOT' loaded
+84F0: not is_actor_waiting_for_world_collision 0@
+8500: not player $PLAYER_CHAR skin == 'PLAYER6'
+850D: not actor $6776 leaving_car_to_die
+8510: not actor $2527 path_is_clear $397 $398 $399 radius 4.0
+856A: not has_cutscene_been_interrupted
+856C: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR in_any_police_vehicle
+8583: not player $PLAYER_CHAR in_zone 'GANG1'
+8596: not player $PLAYER_CHAR riding_mission_restart_taxi
+859A: not australian_game
+0DD0: 0@ = get_label_addr @func // android
+0DD1: 0@ = get_func_addr_by_cstr_name 0@ // android
+0DD2: context_call_func 0@ // android
+0DD3: context_set_reg 0 value 1@ // android
+0DD4: 10@ = context_get_reg 0 // android
+0DD6: 0@ = get_game_version // android
+0DD7: 0@ = get_image_base // android
+0DD8: 6@ = read_mem_addr 0x00123456 size 4 add_ib 1 // android
+0DD9: write_mem_addr 0x00123456 value 6@ size 4 add_ib 1 protect 0 // android
+0DDC: set_mutex_var 0 to 1 // android
+0DDD: 0@ = get_mutex_var 0 // android
+0DE0: 10@ = get_touch_point_state 7 mintime 1000 // android
+0DE1: 10@ = get_touch_slide_state from 4 to 6 mintime 300 maxtime 1000 // android
+0DE2: 0@ = get_menu_button_state // read opcode info before using // android
+0DE3: 1@ = get_menu_button_pressed mintime 500 // read opcode info before using // android
diff --git a/vc_mobile/templates.txt b/vc_mobile/templates.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98599ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vc_mobile/templates.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+cleo=CLEO script
+={$CLEO .csa}
+=004E: end_thread
+load=model request and load
+=0247: load_model #|
+=while 8248: not model # available
+= wait 0
+def=Check if player is defined
+= 0256: player $PLAYER_CHAR defined
diff --git a/vcs/constants.txt b/vcs/constants.txt
index d69606f..7c40d6b 100644
--- a/vcs/constants.txt
+++ b/vcs/constants.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file